Results for ' simple déjeuner sur l'herbe ‐ more pleasurable than banquets in gilded halls'

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  1.  15
    Epicurus, the Garden, and the Golden Age.Gordon Campbell - 2010-09-24 - In Fritz Allhoff & Dan O'Brien, Gardening ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 220–231.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The School in the Garden Prehistory and the Rise of Cities The Locus Amoenus and the Origins of Agriculture Diogenes of Oinoanda and the Future Epicurean Golden Age Notes.
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  2. How something can be said about telling more than we can know: On choice blindness and introspection.Petter Johansson, Lars Hall, Sverker Sikström, Betty Tärning & Andreas Lind - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (4):673-692.
    The legacy of Nisbett and Wilson’s classic article, Telling More Than We Can Know: Verbal Reports on Mental Processes , is mixed. It is perhaps the most cited article in the recent history of consciousness studies, yet no empirical research program currently exists that continues the work presented in the article. To remedy this, we have introduced an experimental paradigm we call choice blindness [Johansson, P., Hall, L., Sikström, S., & Olsson, A. . Failure to detect mismatches between (...)
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    Social Evasion and Aristocratic Manners in Cicero's De Oratore.Jon Hall - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (1):95-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Social Evasion and Aristocratic Manners in Cicero’s De OratoreJon HallThe importance of Cicero’s De oratore as a source for Roman aristocratic manners has long been recognized. In particular, the participants in the dialogue have often been regarded as providing a model of the sophisticated ideal of humanitas and its associated qualities. 1 The aim of the present paper is likewise to examine Cicero’s portrayal of Roman manners, but from (...)
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    Ethics and the Elderly: The Challenge of Long-Term Care by Sarah M. Moses, and: Loving Later Life: An Ethics of Aging by Frits de Lange.Dolores L. Christie - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):214-216.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Ethics and the Elderly: The Challenge of Long-Term Care by Sarah M. Moses, and: Loving Later Life: An Ethics of Aging by Frits de LangeDolores L. ChristieEthics and the Elderly: The Challenge of Long-Term Care Sarah M. Moses maryknoll, ny: orbis, 2015. 206 pp. $38.00Loving Later Life: An Ethics of Aging Frits de Lange grand rapids, mi: eerdmans, 2015. 169 pp. $19.00Today many women and men live beyond (...)
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    Sur la possibilité d’un doute hyperbolique en phénoménologie : Essai sur l’anti-cartésianisme de Claude Romano.Guillaume St-Laurent - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (2):285-303.
    Guillaume St-Laurent | : Dans ses récentes méditations philosophiques, Claude Romano soutient non seulement que la phénoménologie ne devrait plus être cartésienne, mais qu’elle ne peut plus l’être, car un doute universel serait lui-même foncièrement absurde du point de vue phénoménologique. L’objectif du présent essai est de contester qu’une telle réfutation phénoménologique du cartésianisme soit possible. En ce sens, nous soutiendrons que les arguments anti-sceptiques de Romano s’avèrent insuffisants parce que le doute hyperbolique est une possibilité de pensée qui, bien (...)
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    Book review: On Dialogue: An Essay in Free Thought. [REVIEW]Michael L. Hall - 1997 - Philosophy and Literature 21 (1):181-184.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:On Dialogue: An Essay in Free ThoughtMichael L. HallOn Dialogue: An Essay in Free Thought, by Robert Grudin; ix & 228 pp. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1996, $23.95.In the fifth chapter of his recent book Robert Grudin touched on a question that had been vexing me since I began reading On Dialogue: An Essay in Free Thought. There, amongst his ruminations on the “Social Channels of Free (...)
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    Poteat’s Voice.Ronald L. Hall - 2011 - Tradition and Discovery 38 (2):19-22.
    The focus of these remarks is on the impact that Personal Knowledge and Philosophical Investigations had in shaping Bill Poteat’s philosophical voice. Of the two works, I claim that, for good or ill, it was Personal Knowledge that had the more profound influence on Poteat. Of course, both sources had profound influence. What makes Personal Knowledge more profound is that his use of it, at least in those early years, was more indirect than his direct and (...)
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  8. Decent conduct toward animals: A traditional approach.Stephen R. L. Clark - 1999 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 18 (3):61-83.
    The Bishop of Questoriana has recently asked for a pontifical document ‘furnishing a doctrinal foundation of love and respect for life existing on the earth’. Mainstream moralists have urged, since the Axial Era, that it is human life that most demands love and respect. We realize and perfect our own humanity by recognizing humanity in every other, of whatever creed or race. Realizing that biological species are not natural kinds, more recent moralists have hoped to found moral decency either (...)
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  9. Poteat’s Voice.Ronald L. Hall - 2008 - Tradition and Discovery 38 (2):19-22.
    The focus of these remarks is on the impact that Personal Knowledge and Philosophical Investigations had in shaping Bill Poteat’s philosophical voice. Of the two works, I claim that, for good or ill, it was Personal Knowledge that had the more profound influence on Poteat. Of course, both sources had profound influence. What makes Personal Knowledge more profound is that his use of it, at least in those early years, was more indirect than his direct and (...)
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  10. Dao de Jing: Making This Life Significant: A Philosophical Translation.Roger T. Ames & David L. Hall - 2003 - New York: Ballantine Books. Edited by Roger T. Ames & David L. Hall.
    Composed more than 2,000 years ago during a turbulent period of Chinese history, the Dao de jing set forth an alternative vision of reality in a world torn apart by violence and betrayal. Daoism, as this subtle but enduring philosophy came to be known, offers a comprehensive view of experience grounded in a full understanding of the wonders hidden in the ordinary. Now in this luminous new translation, based on the recently discovered ancient bamboo scrolls, China scholars Roger (...)
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    « L’oeil ne se voit pas voir » : Sulzer sur la contemplation et le sentiment de soi.Stefanie Buchenau - 2015 - Philosophiques 42 (1):73-88.
    Stefanie Buchenau | : Johann Georg Sulzer participe d’une tradition allemande et wolffienne qui conjugue réflexion épistémologique et esthétique. L’originalité de Sulzer au sein de cette tradition consiste à développer un nouveau modèle de la connaissance comme contemplation. Selon ce modèle spéculatif qui emprunte des éléments à l’esthétique de Du Bos, la distance et l’extériorité du spectateur par rapport à son objet est loin d’être le réquisit d’une bonne vision. Celle-ci dépend tout au contraire de l’appartenance du spectateur au monde (...)
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    Poteat’s Voice.Ronald L. Hall - 2008 - Tradition and Discovery 35 (2):19-22.
    The focus of these remarks is on the impact that Personal Knowledge and Philosophical Investigations had in shaping Bill Poteat’s philosophical voice. Of the two works, I claim that, for good or ill, it was Personal Knowledge that had the more profound influence on Poteat. Of course, both sources had profound influence. What makes Personal Knowledge more profound is that his use of it, at least in those early years, was more indirect than his direct and (...)
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    Poteat’s Voice.Ronald L. Hall - 2008 - Tradition and Discovery 38 (2):19-22.
    The focus of these remarks is on the impact that Personal Knowledge and Philosophical Investigations had in shaping Bill Poteat’s philosophical voice. Of the two works, I claim that, for good or ill, it was Personal Knowledge that had the more profound influence on Poteat. Of course, both sources had profound influence. What makes Personal Knowledge more profound is that his use of it, at least in those early years, was more indirect than his direct and (...)
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    Book Review: Virgil and the Moderns. [REVIEW]Michael L. Hall - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):175-176.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Virgil and the ModernsMichael L. HallVirgil and the Moderns, by Theodore Ziolkowski; xv & 274 pp. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993, $35.00.Theodore Ziolkowski’s Virgil and the Moderns is a wonderful book. Everyone interested in modern literature and the western cultural heritage should read it. Ziolkowski does much more than tell us about Virgil and his influence on modern authors and readers; he traces the Latin poet’s (...)
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    Descartes' Demon--More Powerful and Just than God?Joshua M. Hall - 2015 - In Benjamin W. McCraw & Robert Arp, Philosophical Approaches to the Devil. New York: Routledge. pp. 106-118.
    The demon is, in the thinker,s words, "supremely powerful and clever", and it is only the combination of these two traits with the demon's incessant deception that empowers Descartes to stage the radical doubt that will terminate in his attempted proofs of God and the material world. The reason the demon is necessary is that the thinker cannot prove that it would be wrong for God to allow us to be deceived occasionally. Thus, Descartes needed, methodologically and rhetorically, something (...) than just an imperfect God or a lack of God altogether; he needed a being with exactly as much power as God but without God's goodness. In short, one should utilize philosophy for the everyday analogue to lucid dreaming. For those unfamiliar with the phenomenon, lucid dreaming involves training oneself, by a simple concentration exercise performed before falling asleep, to be able to become conscious of being in a dream while still in it and without thereby ending it. (shrink)
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    Piero della Francesca: The FlagellationVan Dyck: Charles I on HorsebackTurner: Rain, Steam and SpeedMonet: Le Dejeuner sur l'herbe.Alan C. Birnholz, Marilyn Aronberg Lavin, Roy Strong, John Gage & Joel Isaacson - 1973 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (4):556.
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    Simples variations sur le théme « religion ».Michel Meslin - 2006 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 4 (4):523-546.
    Si loin que l’on puisse mener la description des comportements religieux des humains, l’analyse des comment et leurs attitudes ne répond pas toujours à la question du pourquoi. C’est dans ce double contexte pluraliste que se pose la question du juste sens à donner au concept de religion. Car l’expérience quotidienne des médias, comme de la lecture d’ouvrages philosophiques, apologétiques, théologiques et autres, révèle que des mots comme religion, divin, sacré, sont lestés de sens multiples et souvent contradictoires. Il paraît (...)
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    Specchio, Specchio Delle Mie Brame: Sulla soglia della reversibilità, l’ardore libidico delle immagini.Marta Nijhuis - 2011 - Chiasmi International 13:285-314.
    Miroir, miroir de mes désirsAu seuil de la réversibilité, la libido ardente des imagesEn parcourant les perspectives de Lacan, Merleau-Ponty et Deleuze, je me propose de montrer comment l’image – une image dont le rôle, depuis Platon, a été réduit par la métaphysique occidentale à celui de simple copie – rend possible une pensée nouvelle non dualiste, une pensée ouverte par le désir, c’est-à-dire par ce qui dépasse tout dualisme simpliste et qui trouve dans l’image sa voie privilégiée.L’image du (...)
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    Immediacy and Mediation in Aquinas: “In I Sent.,” Q. 1, A. 5.Douglas C. Hall - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (1):31-55.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IMMEDIACY AND MEDIATION IN AQUINAS: Introduction "IN I SENT.," Q. 1, A. 5 DOUGLAS c. HALI, Louvain Universtiy Belgium ] ] HE PURPOSE of the present essay is to provide an nalysis of the dialectically related notions of " immediacy " and "med:ia1tion" in Question I, Art~cle 5 of Aquinas' Commentary on the Sentences. "Immediacy" here refers to the non-mediated " light of inspiration " which Aquinas proposes as (...)
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    Has Reflective Practice Done More Harm than Good in Teacher Education?Tom Russell - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (1):80-88.
    Pourquoi avons-nous mis l’accent sur la pratique réflexive de façon si abusive dans la formation initiale des enseignants? Sur quoi nous appuyons-nous pour avoir la certitude que de développer la réflexivité permet l’amélioration de la qualité des enseignants que nous préparons? Quelle qu’en soit sa forme, la pratique réflexive, ne doit pas être une fin en soi: elle est un moyen qui permet d’atteindre une finalité qu’est l’enseignement, voire, une finalité de développement des apprentissages des élèves. Dans cet article, nous (...)
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  21. The Battle of the Endeavors: Dynamics of the Mind and Deliberation in New Essays on Human Understanding, book II, xx-xxi.Markku Roinila - 2016 - In Wenchao Li, “Für unser Glück oder das Glück anderer”. Vorträge des X. Internationalen Leibniz-Kongresses, Hannover, 18. – 23. Juli 2016. Hildesheim: G. Olms. pp. Band V, 73-87.
    In New Essays on Human Understanding, book II, chapter xxi Leibniz presents an interesting picture of the human mind as not only populated by perceptions, volitions and appetitions, but also by endeavours. The endeavours in question can be divided to entelechy and effort; Leibniz calls entelechy as primitive active forces and efforts as derivative forces. The entelechy, understood as primitive active force is to be equated with a substantial form, as Leibniz says: “When an entelechy – i.e. a primary or (...)
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    Sur l'interprétation de la loi logistique de croissance: Une re-lecture de la relation entre autocatalyse et croissance on the interpretation of the logistic law of growth: A new reading of the relationships between autocatalysis and growth.Roger Buis - 1997 - Acta Biotheoretica 45 (3-4):251-266.
    The logistic function now constitutes the most widely used model for there presentation of growth kinetics of the continuous monotonous type in biological systems (populations, organisms, organs, ...). This ubiquity led to consider logistics from a phenomenological rather than mechanistic viewpoint. Whence the question : can logistics be given an interpretation, a signification which confers the rank of an "explicative" model to it? This Note presents some critical comments on the relationships between logistics and three types of biological systems (...)
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    Reflexions sur l'intelligence.Thomas De Koninck - 1988 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 4:55-67.
    Jacques Maritain's concern for the intellect and everything it implies is evident everywhere in his work from the very outset It would be presumptuous and in any case impossible to sketch in one short talk even an outline of such a fundamental theme of his thought or indeed of philosophy. Still, it has become probably more vital today than ever before to awake to what intellect means. This brief paper attempts merely to indicate a few questions worth pursuing (...)
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    T. S. Eliot on Reading: Pleasure, Games, and Wisdom.Richard Shusterman - 1987 - Philosophy and Literature 11 (1):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Richard Shusterman T. S. ELIOT ON READING: PLEASURE, GAMES, AND WISDOM Eliot frequently speaks of poetry as essentially a game or amusement whose first and foremost function is to give pleasure. "The poet," says Eliot, "would like to be something of a popular entertainer... would like to convey die pleasures ofpoetry.... As things are, and as fundamentally they must always be, poetry is not a career but a mug's (...)
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  25. On what we know about chance.Frank Arntzenius & Ned Hall - 2003 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 54 (2):171-179.
    The ‘Principal Principle’ states, roughly, that one's subjective probability for a proposition should conform to one's beliefs about that proposition's objective chance of coming true. David Lewis has argued (i) that this principle provides the defining role for chance; (ii) that it conflicts with his reductionist thesis of Humean supervenience, and so must be replaced by an amended version that avoids the conflict; hence (iii) that nothing perfectly deserves the name ‘chance’, although something can come close enough by playing the (...)
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  26. Welfare, Happiness, and Pleasure.L. W. Sumner - 1992 - Utilitas 4 (2):199-223.
    Time and philosophical fashion have not been kind to hedonism. After flourishing for three centuries or so in its native empiricist habitat, it has latterly all but disappeared from the scene. Does it now merit even passing attention, for other than nostalgic purposes? Like endangered species, discredited ideas do sometimes manage to make a comeback. Is hedonism due for a revival of this sort? Perhaps it is overly optimistic to think that it could ever flourish again in its original (...)
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    A clearing in the forest: law, life, and mind.Steven L. Winter - 2001 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Cognitive science is transforming our understanding of the mind. New discoveries are changing how we comprehend not just language, but thought itself. Yet, surprisingly little of the new learning has penetrated discussions and analysis of the most important social institution affecting our lives-the law. Drawing on work in philosophy, psychology, anthropology, linguistics, and literary theory, Steven L. Winter has created nothing less than a tour de force of interdisciplinary analysis. A Clearing in the Forest rests on the simple (...)
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    Is yi more basic than Ren in the teachings of confucius?L. U. O. Shirong - 2011 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38 (3):427-443.
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    Buddhist Resources for Womanist Reflection.Melanie L. Harris - 2014 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 34:107-114.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist Resources for Womanist ReflectionMelanie L. HarrisA Buddhist understanding of unconditional love in dialogue with Christian social ethics addresses the utter disappointment in humanity when racism is exposed. This focus offers us yet another way into the dialogue of engaged Buddhism and Christian liberation theologies, and directly points to Buddhism as a resource for thinking about and healing from racism and other forms of oppression. My presentation today is (...)
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    Little Eternities: Henry James's Horatian Sense of Time.Kathleen Riley - 2019 - Arion 27 (1):21-41.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Little Eternities: Henry James’s Horatian Sense of Time KATHLEEN RILEY Summer’s lease hath all too short a date. —Shakespeare, Sonnet 18 On a visit to Bodiam Castle in Sussex in 1908, Henry James remarked to Edith Wharton: “Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.”1 The potency of those two words derives from their immediate evocation of an arrested (...)
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    Opinions of private medical practitioners in Bloemfontein, South Africa, regarding euthanasia of terminally ill patients.L. Brits, L. Human, L. Pieterse, P. Sonnekus & G. Joubert - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (3):180-182.
    The aim of this study was to determine the opinions of private medical practitioners in Bloemfontein, South Africa, regarding euthanasia of terminally ill patients. This descriptive study was performed amongst a simple random sample of 100 of 230 private medical practitioners in Bloemfontein. Information was obtained through anonymous self-administered questionnaires. Written informed consent was obtained. 68 of the doctors selected completed the questionnaire. Only three refused participation because they were opposed to euthanasia. Respondents were mainly male (74.2%), married (91.9%) (...)
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    More Than a Feeling: Kant’s Tripartite Account of Pleasure.Uri Eran - 2023 - Kant Studien 114 (2):271-294.
    Traditionally, pleasure has been understood in three different ways: as a simple feeling or phenomenological quality, as a behavioral disposition, and as an evaluation. While versions of these accounts – and combinations of two of them – have been attributed to Kant, I argue that Kant successfully combines all three. Pleasure, on this view, is an evaluation of an object’s agreement with a particular subject’s ability or intention to act. Because it refers to a particular subject, it has a (...)
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    Vaginas yield far more pleasure than pain.Stuart Brody - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):442-443.
    berkley's pathogen model of sex differences in pain is inconsistent with women outliving men by several years. The vagina is far more resistant to pathogens than is the rectum. Vaginal stimulation produces intense analgesia in rats and humans. Possible evolutionary and cardiovascular factors are also noted.
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    Introduction.John F. Donahue - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (3):325-326.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.3 (2003) 325-327 [Access article in PDF] Introduction John F. Donahue The present special issue of the American Journal of Philology takes as its focus dining in the Roman world. It grew out of the APA/AIA Joint Panel on that subject, which was part of the annual meeting held in Philadelphia in 2002. The topic is both timely and engaging. Indeed, owing largely to its (...)
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    Der ganzheitsbegriff in der systematik.Heinrich Frieling - 1940 - Acta Biotheoretica 5 (3):117-138.
    Kleinschmidt's definition of the “Weltformenkreis” as the smallest systematical unit of affinity removes any danger of obliterating the type and at the same time opens a way for judging the superior taxonomic groups on principle differently from the subspecies of a “Formenkreis”.It is demonstrated that the characters of geographical subspecies are characters of apparent shaping, those of the species however are characters of construction and qualitative and autonomic ones. It is the type differentiating in quality that justifies the definition of (...)
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    Frege's Way Out.James L. Hudson - 1975 - Philosophy Research Archives 1:135-140.
    I show that Frege's statement (In the Epilogue to his Grundgesetze der Arithmetic v. II) of a way to avoid Russell's paradox is defective, in that he presents two different methods as if they were one. One of these "ways out" is notably more plausible than the other, and is almost surely what Frege really intended. The well-known arguments of Lesniewski, Geach, and Quine that Frege's revision of his system is inadequate to avoid paradox are not affected by (...)
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    Preference of Chinese general public and healthcare providers for a good death.H. Haishan, L. Hongjuan, Z. Tieying & P. Xuemei - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (2):217-227.
    Objectives: The aim of this study is to find and compare the current situation between common people and healthcare providers’ preferences for a good death in the context of Chinese culture. Methods: A cross-sectional anonymous questionnaire survey covering 190 ordinary Chinese people and 323 healthcare providers was conducted. An inventory of the good death was translated and the subjects were surveyed about their attitude toward it. Ethical considerations: Permission to conduct the study was granted by department chiefs, nurse managers and (...)
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    The Causality of Prayer and the Execution of Predestination in Thomas Aquinas.Stephen L. Brock - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (1):15-46.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Causality of Prayer and the Execution of Predestination in Thomas AquinasStephen L. BrockIntroduction: The Question of the Reasonableness of Petitionary PrayerIn a lucid and witty essay published in 1945, C. S. Lewis addressed a common objection to the practice of petitionary prayer.1 This practice is not confined to Christianity, of course, but at least in relation to the Christian conception of the deity, it can seem to make (...)
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  39. The Implicit Soul of Charlie Kaufman's Adaptation.David L. Smith - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):424-435.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Implicit Soul of Charlie Kaufman's AdaptationDavid L. SmithI don't know what else there is to write about other than being human, or, more specifically, being this human. I have no alternative. Everything is about that, right? Unless it's about flowers.—Charlie Kaufman 1There are some things that cannot be observed directly, even in principle: a single quark, the present moment, ones own eye. What Richard Rodriquez calls (...)
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    The Fountain of Life (Fons Vitae) (review).Joseph L. Blau - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (2):248-249.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:248 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY be taken from a philosophical point of view. Since it is not certain whether the author of the Prolegomena was or was not a Christian (p. xlix), "god" should not be capitalized, and the translation of T&~ia 5~l~ttovo'f~l~taTa as "God's creation" at IV. 15. 6 is actually misleading. Moreover, for no apparent reason, 0~oX07tz6gis translated as "metaphysical" in the first four chapters, but as "theological" (...)
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    La datation du début de la troisième guerre sacrée. Retour sur l’interprétation des comptes de Delphes.François-Dominique Deltenre - 2010 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 134 (1):97-116.
    The dating of the beginning of the Third Sacred War. The interpretation of the Delphic accounts revisited. The chronology proposed by CID II for the Third Sacred War is not as assured as may appear at first sight. One must keep in mind that the reconstructions proposed there constitute no more than one possibility among others. The numbering of the pylées provides an excellent example : J. Bousquet connects it to the levying of the phocidian fine in the (...)
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    Buddhists and Christians: Praying for Peace in the World.Michael L. Fitzgerald - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):147-148.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 147-148 [Access article in PDF] Buddhists and Christians: Praying for Peace in the World Archbishop Michael L. Fitzgerald Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue Dear Buddhist Friends:As the new president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, the office of His Holiness the Pope for relations with people of different religious traditions, I wish to greet you and send this congratulatory message on the occasion of (...)
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  43. Rainer Ganahl's S/L.Františka + Tim Gilman - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):15-20.
    The greatest intensity of “live” life is captured from as close as possible in order to be borne as far as possible away. Jacques Derrida. Echographies of Television . Rainer Ganahl has made a study of studying. As part of his extensive autobiographical art practice, he documents and presents many of the ambitious educational activities he undertakes. For example, he has been videotaping hundreds of hours of solitary study that show him struggling to learn Chinese, Arabic and a host of (...)
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    Evaluating behavior change factors over time for a simple vs. complex health behavior.L. Alison Phillips & Kimberly R. More - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundResearchers are working to identify dynamic factors involved in the shift from behavioral initiation to maintenance—factors which may depend on behavioral complexity. We test hypotheses regarding changes in factors involved in behavioral initiation and maintenance and their relationships to behavioral frequency over time, for a simple vs. complex behavior.MethodsData are secondary analyses from a larger RCT, in which young adult women, new to both behaviors, were randomly assigned to take daily calcium or to go for a daily, brisk walk, (...)
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  45.  21
    The Condorcet Jury Theorem and Judicial Decisionmaking: A Reply to Saul Levmore.Maxwell L. Stearns - 2002 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 3 (1).
    In Ruling Majorities and Reasoning Pluralities, Professor Saul Levmore explores the “division of labor” between the various thresholds of agreement required for collective action—supermajority, simple majority, or plurality rule. His particular emphasis is on the choice between the last two options. To improve our understanding of this choice in various settings, Professor Levmore considers the relationship between two well-known contributions to the study of group decisionmaking, namely, the Condorcet Jury Theorem and the Condorcet Criterion, which have not generally been (...)
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    The introduction of the precautionary principle in danish environmental policy: The case of plant growth retardants. [REVIEW]Søren Løkke & Per Christensen - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21 (3):229-247.
    In this paper, we investigate the Precautionary Principle (PP) in action. Precaution is a fairly new concept in environmental policy. It emerged back in the 1960s but did not consolidate until the 1980s, as it formed part of the major changes taking place in environmental policies at that time. The PP is examined in three contexts. Firstly, we look at the meaning of the concept and how it is disseminated through the media and public discourses to the political arenas of (...)
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    Minds, memes, and multiples.Stephen R. L. Clark - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (1):21-28.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Minds, Memes, and MultiplesStephen R. L. Clark (bio)AbstractMultiple Personality Disorder is sometimes interpreted as evidence for a radically pluralistic theory of the human mind, judged to be at odds with an older, monistic theory. Older philosophy, on the contrary, suggests that the mind is both plural (in its sub-systems or personalities) and unitary (in that there is only one light over all those lesser parts). Talk of gods and (...)
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    The great ethics of Aristotle.Peter L. P. Simpson - 2014 - New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers. Edited by Peter Simpson.
    In this follow up to The Eudemian Ethics of Aristotle, Peter L. P. Simpson centers his attention on the basics of Aristotelian moral doctrine as found in the Great Ethics: the definition of happiness, the nature and kind of the virtues, pleasure, and friendship. This work's authenticity is disputed, but Simpson argues that all the evidence favors it. Unlike the Nicomachean and Eudemian Ethics, Aristotle wrote the Great Ethics for a popular audience. It gives us insight less into Aristotle the (...)
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    Matrilateral biases in the investment of aunts and uncles.Steven J. C. Gaulin, Donald H. McBurney & Stephanie L. Brakeman-Wartell - 1997 - Human Nature 8 (2):139-151.
    In a study of the kin investment of aunts and uncles we show that the laterality effect expected as a result of paternity uncertainty is statistically reliable but somewhat smaller than the sex effect. Matrilateral aunts invest significantly more than patrilateral aunts, and the same is true for uncles. Regardless of laterality, however, aunts invest significantly more than uncles. Multivariate controls show that the matrilateral bias is fully independent of any age or distance confounds that (...)
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  50. “The Limbo of Ethical Simulacra”: A Reply to Ron Greene.Dana L. Cloud, Steve Macek & James Arnt Aune - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (1):72-84.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 39.1 (2006) 72-84 [Access article in PDF] "The Limbo of Ethical Simulacra": A Reply to Ron Greene Dana L. Cloud Department of Communication Studies University of Texas, Austin Steve Macek Department of Speech Communication North Central College James Arnt Aune Department of Communication Texas A&M University In two recent articles, "Another Materialist Rhetoric," and "Rhetoric and Capitalism" (1998, 2004), Ronald Walter Greene pays considerable attention to (...)
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