Results for ' self-focus'

975 found
  1.  46
    Self-Focused Emotions and Ethical Decision-Making: Comparing the Effects of Regulated and Unregulated Guilt, Shame, and Embarrassment.Cory Higgs, Tristan McIntosh, Shane Connelly & Michael Mumford - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):27-63.
    Research has examined various cognitive processes underlying ethical decision-making, and has recently begun to focus on the differential effects of specific emotions. The present study examines three self-focused moral emotions and their influence on ethical decision-making: guilt, shame, and embarrassment. Given the potential of these discrete emotions to exert positive or negative effects in decision-making contexts, we also examined their effects on ethical decisions after a cognitive reappraisal emotion regulation intervention. Participants in the study were presented with an (...)
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  2.  19
    Self-focus and estimation of heart rate following physical exertion.Rod Gillis & Charles S. Carver - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (2):118-120.
  3.  38
    Concreteness of thinking and self-focus.Keisuke Takano & Yoshihiko Tanno - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):419-425.
    The present study used the experience sampling method to detect fluctuations in thinking, such as self-focus or concreteness in daily life, and to examine their relationship with depressive symptoms and concurrent negative affect. Thirty-one undergraduates recorded their negative affect, ruminative self-focus, and concreteness of thinking eight times a day for 1 week. Multilevel modeling showed that individuals with increasing levels of depression showed lower levels of concreteness in their daily thinking. Further analysis revealed a significant positive (...)
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    Within-person variations in self-focused attention and negative affect in depression and anxiety: A diary study.Nilly Mor, Leah D. Doane, Emma K. Adam, Susan Mineka, Richard E. Zinbarg, James W. Griffith, Michelle G. Craske, Allison Waters & Maria Nazarian - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (1):48-62.
    This study examined within-person co-occurrence of self-focus, negative affect, and stress in a community sample of adolescents with or without emotional disorders. As part of a larger study, 278 adolescents were interviewed about emotional disorders. Later, they completed diary measures over three days, six times a day, reporting their current thoughts, affect, and levels of stress. Negative affect was independently related to both concurrent stress and self-focus. Importantly, the association between negative affect and self-focus (...)
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    Being watched: The effect of social self-focus on interoceptive and exteroceptive somatosensory perception.Caroline Durlik, Flavia Cardini & Manos Tsakiris - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 25:42-50.
    We become aware of our bodies interoceptively, by processing signals arising from within the body, and exteroceptively, by processing signals arising on or outside the body. Recent research highlights the importance of the interaction of exteroceptive and interoceptive signals in modulating bodily self-consciousness. The current study investigated the effect of social self-focus, manipulated via a video camera that was facing the participants and that was either switched on or off, on interoceptive sensitivity and on tactile perception ). (...)
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  6.  32
    Negative affect and ruminative self-focus during everyday goal pursuit.Nicholas J. Moberly & Edward R. Watkins - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (4):729-739.
  7. The role of self-focused attention in the development, maintenance, and exacerbation of depression.Tom Pyszczynski & Jeff Greenberg - 1986 - In Krysia Yardley & Terry Honess (eds.), Self and Identity: Psychosocial Perspectives. Wiley.
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    Vengeance is self-focused: Comparing vengeful to anger-driven responses.Maartje Elshout, Rob M. A. Nelissen & Ilja van Beest - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (7):1239-1255.
  9. Zhu Xi on Self-Focused vs. Other-Focused Empathy.Justin Tiwald - 2020 - In Kai-Chiu Ng & Yong Huang (eds.), Dao Companion to Zhu Xi’s Philosophy. Springer. pp. 963-980.
    This chapter is about issues in ethics and moral psychology that have been little explored by contemporary philosophers, ones that concern the advantages and disadvantages of two different kinds of empathy. Roughly, first type is what is sometimes called “other-focused” empathy, in which one reconstructs the thoughts and feelings that someone else has or would have. The second type, “self-focused” empathy, is the sort of emotional attitude someone adopts when she imagines how she would think or feel were she (...)
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  10.  21
    Selffocus in social anxiety: Situational determinants of self and other schema activation.Rick Ingram, Walter Scott, Christian Holle & Denise Chavira - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (6):809-826.
  11.  33
    Picture yourself: Self-focus and the endowment effect in preschool children.Bruce Hood, Sandra Weltzien, Lauren Marsh & Patricia Kanngiesser - 2016 - Cognition 152 (C):70-77.
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    Ritual, Body and Self : Focusing on Self-Cultivation in Xunzi. 양순자 - 2019 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 86:177-200.
    근대 이후 다양한 철학적 흐름에서 자아에 대한 객관주의적 입장은 비판을 계속 받아왔다. 최근에는 객관주의적 자아 대신 새로운 대안으로 떠오르는 개념이 ‘변화적 자아’ 또는 ‘과정적 자아(self-in-process)’이다. 우리의 자아는 고정된 본질을 가진 실체가 아니라 역사적 우연성들 의 영향을 받으며 진화하는 자아이다. 스스로의 행위에 의해 변형되며, 따라서 경험을 통해 드러 나고 경험에 의해 변형되는 자아이다. 변화적 자아에서는 의식 대신에 ‘몸’이 중심축이다. 몸이 라는 것은 단순히 뇌와 신체를 가리키는 것은 아니며, 그것은 생리학적 심리학적 현상일 뿐만 아니라, 사유, 느낌, 욕구의 역동적 복합성이다. 이 글은 (...)
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  13.  24
    The influence of affect on self-focused attention: Conceptual and methodological issues.T. Palfai - 1992 - Consciousness and Cognition 1 (3):306-339.
    A number of investigators have suggested that affective states influence the focus of attention. One recent proposal is that negative moods increase self-focus. This review considers the evidence that bears on this hypothesis. Conceptual issues pertaining to the construct of self-focus are discussed first. Next, the various parameters that influence attentional focus are presented in order to provide a way of organizing the mood/selffocus literature. Studies that have used state measures of mood and (...)-focus are considered in this context. Methodological limitations of existing studies are discussed and directions for future work provided. (shrink)
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  14. History of Exposure to Self-Focusing Stimuli As a Developmental Antecedent of Self-Consciousness.Alain Morin - 1997 - Psychological Reports 80:1252-1254.
    Szmimary.—The present report investigated the question of how individual differences in self-consciousness devdop. Rimé and LeBon proposed that high self-consciousness follows a history of frequent exposure to selffocusing stimuli, i.e., mirrors, audiences, audio and video devices, and cameras. To explore this hypothesis private and public self-consciousness and past exposure to self-focusing stimuli were assessed in 438 subjects. Analysis indicated that history of frequent exposure to self-focusing stimuli is significantly but weakly related to high private (...)-consciousness in men and to high public self-consciousness in women. This supports previous observations suggesting that the routes to the development of selfconsciousness seem to differ for the two sexes. (shrink)
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  15.  35
    Further Exploration of the Relationship Between Medical Education and Moral Development.Donnie J. Self, DeWitt C. Baldwin & Fredric D. Wolinsky - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (3):444.
    In the wake of a pilot study that indicated that the experience of medical education appears to Inhibit moral development In medical students, increased attention needs to be given to the structure of medical education and the Influence it has on medical students. Interest in ethics and moral reasoning has become widespread in many aspects of professional and public life. Society has exhibited great interest in the ethical issues confronting physicians today. Considerable effort has been undertaken to train medical students, (...)
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  16.  30
    Nonlinear wave mechanics and particulate self-focusing.Dan Censor - 1980 - Foundations of Physics 10 (7-8):555-566.
    A previous model for treating electromagnetic nonlinear wave systems is examined in the context of wave mechanics. It is shown that nonlinear wave mechanics implies harmonic generation of new quasiparticle wave functions, which are absent in linear systems. The phenomenon is interpreted in terms of pair (and higher order ensembles) coherence of the interacting particles. The implications are far-reaching, and the present approach might contribute toward a common basis for diverse physical phenomena involving nonlinearity. An intimate relationship connecting coherence, nonlocal (...)
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  17.  47
    Teaching medical humanities through film discussions.Donnie J. Self & DeWitt C. Baldwin - 1990 - Journal of Medical Humanities 11 (1):23-37.
    Following a brief consideration of two contrasting purposes for teaching the medical humanities, a description is given of a film discussion elective course. In contrast to the usual teaching of medical ethics which is primarily a cognitive activity emphasizing the development of a code of principles such as justice, autonomy, and beneficence, the film discussion elective was primarily an affective activity emphasizing the development of an ethical ideal of caring, relatedness, and sensitivity to others. The pass/fail elective, offered for one (...)
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  18.  50
    Can positive affect induce self-focused attention? Methodological and measurement issues.Paul J. Silvia & Andrea E. Abele - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (6):845-853.
  19.  25
    What a ‘Boo’ Can Do: Adam Goodes, Discrimination, and Norm (R)evolution.Louise Richardson-Self - 2021 - Australasian Philosophical Review 5 (2):203-210.
    ABSTRACT In this commentary I evaluate what McGowan’s project would conclude with respect to the treatment of professional Australian Football League player Adam Goodes, who was incessantly ‘booed’ by crowds for the final two years of his career. Analysing Goodes’ case in light of McGowan’s argument leads me to two observations. First, McGowan’s norm-enactment approach is incredibly useful because it explains how words like ‘boo’ (with unstable meaning) can constitute actionable discrimination. Second, however, I wonder if a narrow focus (...)
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  20.  41
    Minimizing motor mimicry by myself: Self-focus enhances online action-control mechanisms during motor contagion.Stephanie Spengler, Marcel Brass, Simone Kühn & Simone Schütz-Bosbach - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):98-106.
    Ideomotor theory of human action control proposes that activation of a motor representation can occur either through internally-intended or externally-perceived actions. Critically, sometimes these alternatives of eliciting a motor response may be conflicting, for example, when intending one action and perceiving another, necessitating the recruitment of enhanced action-control to avoid motor mimicry. Based on previous neuroimaging evidence, suggesting that reduced mimicry is associated with self-related processing, we aimed to experimentally enhance these action-control mechanisms during motor contagion by inducing (...)-focus. In two within-subjects experiments, participants had to enforce their action intention against an external motor contagion tendency under heightened and normal self-focus. During high self-focus participants showed reduced motor mimicry, induced either by mirror self-observation or self-referential judgments. This indicates that a self-focus provoking situation can enhance online action-control mechanisms, needed to resist unintentional motor contagion tendencies and thereby enables a modulation of automatic mirroring responses. (shrink)
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  21.  31
    The Effect of Enumeration of Self-Relevant Words on Self-Focused Attention and Repetitive Negative Thoughts.Seiji Muranaka & Jun Sasaki - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  22.  36
    Emotional dimensions as determinants of self-focused attention.Georgia Panayiotou, Rashelle Brown & Scott R. Vrana - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (5):982-998.
  23.  1
    The Moment of the Sublime in Marc Richir’s Phenomenology.Focuses Primarily on the Methodological Problem of Motivation He Also has A. Cross-Disciplinary Interest & A. Monograph on Eugen Fink’S. Phenomenology of Dreaming Is Working on the Phenomenology of Dreaming He is the Author of Formen der Versunkenheit - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):171-185.
    In the final years of his life, the Belgian phenomenologist Marc Richir started to question if philosophical writing would become pointless when artists, great poets for example, have already achieved so well what philosophers have always aspired to achieve. There is no doubt that Richir considers himself in alliance with artists, since he basically believes that “phenomenology is trying to say the same thing as poets or musicians, or even possibly painters, but with philosophical language”. He seems thereby to imply (...)
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    How Self-Construals Affect Responses to Anthropomorphic Brands, With a Focus on the Three-Factor Relationship Between the Brand, the Gift-Giver and the Recipient.Chien-Huang Lin & Yidan Huang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:410646.
    The universal mantra, “The customer is our king,” has led to considerable focus on the servant-anthropomorphized brand. However, does your “king” want to be served as a “king”? This research aims to examine how anthropomorphic brand role, self-construals and consumer responses to brands interact. In this study, four sequential experiments show that consumers with an interdependent self-construal are likely to respond more favorably toward anthropomorphic brands playing superior ‘master’ roles than toward those playing subordinate ‘servant’ roles. Here (...)
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  25.  23
    Commentary: Cross-Cultural Comparison of Self-Construal and Well-Being between Japan and South Korea: The Role of Self-Focused and Other-Focused Relational Selves.Rowena L. T. Kong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The “mirror” and the “mask”: Self-focused attention, evaluation anxiety, and the recognition of psychological implications.Stephen J. Dollinger, Leilani Greening & Karen Lloyd - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (3):167-170.
  27.  69
    Self-reflection and the temporal focus of the wandering mind.Jonathan Smallwood, Jonathan W. Schooler, David J. Turk, Sheila J. Cunningham, Phebe Burns & C. Neil Macrae - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1120-1126.
    Current accounts suggest that self-referential thought serves a pivotal function in the human ability to simulate the future during mind-wandering. Using experience sampling, this hypothesis was tested in two studies that explored the extent to which self-reflection impacts both retrospection and prospection during mind-wandering. Study 1 demonstrated that a brief period of self-reflection yielded a prospective bias during mind-wandering such that participants’ engaged more frequently in spontaneous future than past thought. In Study 2, individual differences in the (...)
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  28. Focused attention, open monitoring and automatic self-transcending: Categories to organize meditations from Vedic, Buddhist and Chinese traditions.Fred Travis & Jonathan Shear - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):1110--1118.
    This paper proposes a third meditation-category—automatic self-transcending— to extend the dichotomy of focused attention and open monitoring proposed by Lutz. Automaticself-transcending includes techniques designed to transcend their own activity. This contrasts with focused attention, which keeps attention focused on an object; and open monitoring, which keeps attention involved in the monitoring process. Each category was assigned EEG bands, based on reported brain patterns during mental tasks, and meditations were categorized based on their reported EEG. Focused attention, characterized by beta/gamma (...)
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  29.  20
    Cross-Cultural Comparison of Self-Construal and Well-Being between Japan and South Korea: The Role of Self-Focused and Other-Focused Relational Selves.Joonha Park, Vinai Norasakkunkit & Yoshi Kashima - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Looking at me, appreciating you: Self-focused attention distinguishes between gratitude and indebtedness.Maureen A. Mathews & Jeffrey D. Green - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (4):710-718.
  31.  9
    Self- vs. Other-Focused Altruism: Studies on Endocentric and Exocentric Prosocial Orientations.Anna Szuster - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin.
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  32.  45
    Flexible effects of positive mood on self-focused attention.Andrea Abele, Paul Silvia & Ingrid Zöller-Utz - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (4):623-631.
  33.  62
    Me, myself, and I: self-referent word use as an indicator of self-focused attention in relation to depression and anxiety.Timo Brockmeyer, Johannes Zimmermann, Dominika Kulessa, Martin Hautzinger, Hinrich Bents, Hans-Christoph Friederich, Wolfgang Herzog & Matthias Backenstrass - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Chuang-tzu s Philosophy of Sword and Practice Theory of Impersonal Self - Focusing on Elements of Chuang-tzu s Philosophy Reflected in Kung Fu Master -. 이종성 - 2019 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 88:141-168.
    이 글은 장자가 주목한 칼의 철학과 이상적 인간상이란 주제를 논의의 축으로 삼아 현대 중국의 최고작가로 평가받는 진융(金庸, 1924-2018)의 작품 소설 영웅문 의 일부를영화화한 (倚天屠龍記, Kung Fu Master, 1993)의 철학적 의의를 구명해본것이다. 이 글에서는 형식상 축약될 수밖에 없는 영화의 한계를 감안하여 원작소설의 내용을 필요에 따라 원용하여 보완해가면서 논의를 전개하였다. 그 결과 영화의 중심소재이기도 한 의천검과 도룡도라는 칼에 담겨진 철학적 의의가 장자철학과 밀접하게 연계되어 있음을 확인하였다. 특히 장자는 살상무기로써 전쟁의 도구가 되는 칼의 존재에 대해 주목한바 있는데, 는 이와 같은 장자의 철학정신을 잘 (...)
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    Using Bandura's Self-Efficacy Theory to Explain Individual Differences in the Appraisal of Problem-Focused Coping Potential.Olga Poluektova, Arvid Kappas & Craig A. Smith - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (4):302-312.
    Appraisal theory assumes that the individual variability of emotional reactions to the same situation is due to individual differences in appraisal. However, the question of how interindividual differences in appraisal come about has been rarely formally addressed. We focus on one of the central dimensions of appraisal—problem-focused coping potential—and attempt to explain individual differences in appraisals along this dimension using self-efficacy theory. We integrate outcome expectancies, self-efficacy expectations, and problem-focused coping potential into a single framework and outline (...)
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  36. Transparency and reflection: a study of self-knowledge and the nature of mind.Matthew Boyle - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book argues that we misunderstand the importance of the topic of self-knowledge if we conceive of it merely as a puzzle about how we can know a special range of facts. Instead, we should regard it as an inducement to reflect on the nature of the relevant facts themselves, and of the kind of mind of which they hold. In this sense, the interest of the topic of self-knowledge is metaphysical rather than merely epistemological: its primary importance (...)
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    Emotion-focused training for emotion coaching – an intervention to reduce self-criticism.Martin Kanovský & Júlia Halamová - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (1):20-31.
    Emotion-Focused Training for Emotion Coaching is based on Emotion-focused Therapy findings and was developed to help participants deepen their emotional skills. The goal was to examine the efficacy of a 12-week EFT-EC group program the level of emotion intelligence, self-compassion and self-criticism in a student population. A quasi-experiment with no control group was conducted with pre- and post-measurements using The Self-compassion scale, the Forms of Self-Criticising/attacking & Self-Reassuring Scale, and the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – (...)
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  38.  20
    Basic Psychological Needs, Physical Self-Concept, and Physical Activity Among Adolescents: Autonomy in Focus.Raúl Fraguela-Vale, Lara Varela-Garrote, Miriam Carretero-García & Eva María Peralbo-Rubio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:522076.
    The contribution of this research lies in its dual approach to the question of physical activity (PA) among adolescents, combining objective measurement of PA by teenagers and a comparison of psychological satisfaction through physical activities involving differing degrees of autonomy (i.e., organized or unstructured). Using the conceptual framework of Self-Determination Theory, the analysis also examines the relationship between levels of PA among adolescents and physical self-concept and satisfaction of basic psychological needs during exercise. The study surveyed 129 first-year (...)
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    The Effects of CEO Awards on Corporate Social Responsibility Focus.Juelin Yin, Jiangyan Li & Jun Ma - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (4):897-916.
    Integrating stakeholder agency theory with the instrumental corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature, this study explores how award-winning CEOs consider personal interests and balance competing stakeholder demands when they decide between external and internal CSR, or CSR focus. Using a difference-in-differences research design, we find that after winning a prestigious media award, CEOs engage in more external CSR, which is more visible to the public, and less internal CSR, which is less likely to attract public attention. We find that such (...)
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  40. Relationship-focused group therapy to improve neuropsychological self-regulation in couples and individuals.Gloria Batkin Kahn & Darryl Feldman - 2012 - In Irene N. H. Harwood, Walter Stone & Malcolm Pines (eds.), Self experiences in group, revisited: affective attachments, intersubjective regulations, and human understanding. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Self-compassion influences PTSD symptoms in the process of change in trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapies: a study of within-person processes.Asle Hoffart, Tuva Øktedalen & Tomas F. Langkaas - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  42. Maintaining a focus on the social goals underlying self-conscious emotions.Mark W. Baldwin & Jodene R. Baccus - 2004 - Psychological Inquiry 15 (2):139-144.
  43.  17
    Does self-selected music effect attentional focus, affective response, perceived exertion and running performance time in parkrun?Briony Kent, Christian Swann & Christopher Stevens - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  44. Improvisation and the self-organization of multiple musical bodies.Ashley E. Walton, Michael J. Richardson, Peter Langland-Hassan & Anthony Chemero - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:1-9.
    Understanding everyday behavior relies heavily upon understanding our ability to improvise, how we are able to continuously anticipate and adapt in order to coordinate with our environment and others. Here we consider the ability of musicians to improvise, where they must spontaneously coordinate their actions with co-performers in order to produce novel musical expressions. Investigations of this behavior have traditionally focused on describing the organization of cognitive structures. The focus, here, however, is on the ability of the time-evolving patterns (...)
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  45. Thought-focused attention and obsessive-compulsive symptoms: An evaluation of cognitive self-consciousness in a nonclinical Sample.Robyn J. Cohen & John E. Calamari - 2004 - Cognitive Therapy and Research 28 (4):457-471.
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    Focusing on an object or reflexive self-awareness? Mindfulness, phenomenology and the Pāli sutta s.Bhikkhu Akiñcano - forthcoming - Asian Philosophy:1-18.
    The concept of mindfulness within the contemporary mindfulness movement was the subject of a recent phenomenological critique. The present article confronts that critique in order to develop a phenomenologically viable interpretation of mindfulness that corresponds with how the word sati is used in the Pāli suttas. By clarifying the distinction between intentional objects and intentional acts, it can be shown that mindfulness was not originally conceived of as an exercise in focusing on a meditation object, but as reflexive self-awareness. (...)
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  47. Digital hyperconnectivity and the self.Rogers Brubaker - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (5):771-801.
    Digital hyperconnectivity is a defining fact of our time. In addition to recasting social interaction, culture, economics, and politics, it has profoundly transformed the self. It has created new ways of being and constructing a self, but also new ways of being constructed as a self from the outside, new ways of being configured, represented, and governed as a self by sociotechnical systems. Rather than analyze theories of the self, I focus on practices of (...)
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  48. Engineering Social Justice into Traffic Control for Self-Driving Vehicles?Milos N. Mladenovic & Tristram McPherson - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (4):1131-1149.
    The convergence of computing, sensing, and communication technology will soon permit large-scale deployment of self-driving vehicles. This will in turn permit a radical transformation of traffic control technology. This paper makes a case for the importance of addressing questions of social justice in this transformation, and sketches a preliminary framework for doing so. We explain how new forms of traffic control technology have potential implications for several dimensions of social justice, including safety, sustainability, privacy, efficiency, and equal access. Our (...)
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    Unlocking the past: efficacy of guided self-compassion and benefit-focused online interventions for managing negative personal memories.Rosaria Maria Zangri, Ivan Blanco, Teodoro Pascual & Carmelo Vázquez - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (7):971-985.
    Positive reappraisal strategies have been found to reduce negative affect following the recall of negative personal events. This study examined the restorative effect of two mood-repair instructions (self-compassion vs benefit-focused reappraisal) and a control condition with no instructions following a negative Mood Induction Procedure by using the guided recall of a negative autobiographical event. A total of 112 university students participated in the online study (81% women, Mage: 21.0 years). Immediately following the negative memory recall, participants were randomised to (...)
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  50. When the Window Cracks: Transparency and the Fractured Self in Depersonalisation.Anna Ciaunica, Jane Charlton & Harry Farmer - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (1):1-19.
    There has recently been a resurgence of philosophical and scientific interest in the foundations of self-consciousness, with particular focus on its altered, anomalous forms. This paper looks at the altered forms of self-awareness in Depersonalization Disorder (DPD), a condition in which people feel detached from their self, their body and the world (Derealisation). Building upon the phenomenological distinction between reflective and pre-reflective self-consciousness, we argue that DPD may alter thetransparencyof basic embodied forms of pre-reflective (...)-consciousness, as well as the capacity to flexibly modulate and switch between the reflective and pre-reflective facets of self-awareness. Empirical evidence will be invoked in support of the idea that impaired processing of bodily signals is characteristic of the condition. We provide first-hand subjective reports describing the experience of self-detachment or fracture between an observing and an observed self. This split is compared with similar self-detachment phenomena reported in certain Buddhist-derived meditative practices. We suggest that these alterations and changes may reveal the underlying and tacit transparency that characterises the embodied and basic pre-reflective forms of self-consciousness, in the same way that a crack in a transparent glass may indicate the presence of an unnoticed window. (shrink)
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