Results for ' natural structure'

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  1.  21
    Towards a more natural structure of Italy? The federalist thought of Carlo Cattaneo, Giuseppe Ferrari, Alberto Mario and Gaetano Salvemini.Rafał Lis - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (4):421-437.
    ABSTRACT The article presents the federalist thought of Carlo Cattaneo, Giuseppe Ferrari and Alberto Mario and Gaetano Salvemini. Referring briefly to the recognised failures of the federal idea in Italy and the corresponding difficulties with its territorial puzzle’ as well, the author proposes to analyse their argumentation through the prism of their attempts to find a proper federal structure for this country. The article shows that despite their eagerness to make Italy perfectly compatible with its ‘natural’ diversity, they (...)
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    SECTION 1. The Nature, Structure, and Contents of the KTT.Yoav Ariel - 1989 - In K'ung-Ts'ung-Tzu: The K'ung Family Masters' Anthology. Princeton University Press. pp. 3-11.
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    Symbolic Languages and Natural Structures a Mathematician’s Account of Empiricism.Hermann G. W. Burchard - 2005 - Foundations of Science 10 (2):153-245.
    The ancient dualism of a sensible and an intelligible world important in Neoplatonic and medieval philosophy, down to Descartes and Kant, would seem to be supplanted today by a scientific view of mind-in-nature. Here, we revive the old dualism in a modified form, and describe mind as a symbolic language, founded in linguistic recursive computation according to the Church-Turing thesis, constituting a world L that serves the human organism as a map of the Universe U. This methodological distinction of L (...)
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  4. Logical Consequence: Its nature, structure, and application.Colin R. Caret & Ole T. Hjortland - 2015 - In Colin R. Caret & Ole T. Hjortland, Foundations of Logical Consequence. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Recent work in philosophical logic has taken interesting and unexpected turns. It has seen not only a proliferation of logical systems, but new applications of a wide range of different formal theories to philosophical questions. As a result, philosophers have been forced to revisit the nature and foundation of core logical concepts, chief amongst which is the concept of logical consequence. This essay sets the contributions of the volume in context and identifies how they advance important debates within the philosophy (...)
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  5. Nominalism, contingency, and natural structure.M. Joshua Mozersky - 2019 - Synthese 198:5281–5296.
    Ian Hacking’s wide-ranging and penetrating analysis of science contains two well-developed lines of thought. The first emphasizes the contingent history of our inquiries into nature, focusing on the various ways in which our concepts and styles of reasoning evolve through time, how their current application is constrained by the conditions under which they arose, and how they might have evolved differently. The second is the mistrust of the idea that the world contains mind-independent natural kinds, preferring nominalism to ‘inherent (...)
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    Tempos in Science and Nature: Structures, Relations, and Complexity.C. Rossi & New York Academy of Sciences - 1999
    This text addresses the problems of complex systems in understanding natural phenomena and the behaviour of systems related to human activity, from a science and humanities perspective. It discusses molecular behaviour and structures, and offers examples of ecological and environmental modelling.
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    Inductive Inference and its Natural Ground.Hilary Kornblith - 1993 - MIT Press.
    Hilary Kornblith presents an account of inductive inference that addresses both its metaphysical and epistemological aspects. He argues that inductive knowledge is possible by virtue of the fit between our innate psychological capacities and the causal structure of the world. Kornblith begins by developing an account of natural kinds that has its origins in John Locke's work on real and nominal essences. In Kornblith's view, a natural kind is a stable cluster of properties that are bound together (...)
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  8. Hidden Art from the Lily Pond. Natural structures and their multiplicity of forms.Ottomar Lang - 2013 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 83:59.
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  9. The Church: Its Nature, Structure and Function.J. W. C. Wand - 1948
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  10.  66
    Ontic Structural Realism, Information, and Natural Necessity: Where Naturalism and Analytic Metaphysics Can Find Common Ground.William Kallfelz - unknown
    J. Ladyman, Ladyman and Ross refine J. Worral's structural realism, by developing an ontic structural realism which they argue is a consistently naturalistic means of characterizing the ontology of fundamental physics. I argue that elements of analytic metaphysics strengthen and refine their project of characterizing fundamental physics via OSR and by extension, their presentation of information-theoretic structural realism. I refine this point by situating M. Lange’s discussion of nomological modality qua natural necessity within Ladyman and Ross’s discussion of ITSR. (...)
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  11.  50
    Spinoza's revolutions in natural law.Andre Santos Campos - 2012 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The book forms a balanced structure in which the three conceptual pillars of Spinoza's natural law theory (individuality, natural laws, and power) are first analyzed from the viewpoint of his ontology and then from the viewpoint of his ...
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  12. Structuring Mind. The Nature of Attention and How it Shapes Consciousness.Sebastian Watzl - 2017 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    What is attention? How does attention shape consciousness? In an approach that engages with foundational topics in the philosophy of mind, the theory of action, psychology, and the neurosciences this book provides a unified and comprehensive answer to both questions. Sebastian Watzl shows that attention is a central structural feature of the mind. The first half of the book provides an account of the nature of attention. Attention is prioritizing, it consists in regulating priority structures. Attention is not another element (...)
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  13.  15
    The nature of concepts: evolution, structure, and representation.Philip R. Loockvane (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    The Nature of Concepts examines a central issue for all the main disciplines in cognitive science: how the human mind creates and passes on to other human minds a concept. An excellent cross-disciplinary collection with contributors including Steven Pinker, Andy Clarke and Henry Plotkin.
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  14. Structural realism and the nature of structure.Jonas R. Becker Arenhart & Otávio Bueno - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 5 (1):111-139.
    Ontic Structural Realism is a version of realism about science according to which by positing the existence of structures, understood as basic components of reality, one can resolve central difficulties faced by standard versions of scientific realism. Structures are invoked to respond to two important challenges: one posed by the pessimist meta-induction and the other by the underdetermination of metaphysics by physics, which arises in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. We argue that difficulties in the proper understanding of what a structure (...)
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  15.  23
    Polysemantic structure and semantic closedness of natural languages.Bogdan Djankov - 1984 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 13 (3):188-194.
    The problem of semantic closedness of natural, or colloquial, languages presupposes the investigation of the entire class of their essential semantic properties rather than that of individual instances. To be more concrete, the properties involved are those of universality, antinomisity, and the lack of strict distinction between language and metalanguage. There are reasons to believe that those properties in their totality constitute what underlies the structural unity and functional completeness of natural languages as exceptionally complex informational-communicative systems.
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    Pandemic Racism: Lessons on the Nature, Structures, and Trajectories of Racism During COVID-19.A. Elias & J. Ben - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (4):617-623.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the most acute global crises in recent history, which profoundly impacted the world across many dimensions. During this period, racism manifested in ways specifically related to the pandemic, including xenophobic sentiments, racial attacks, discriminatory policies, and disparate outcomes across racial/ethnic groups. This paper examines some of the pressing questions about pandemic racism and inequity. We review what research has revealed about the nature and manifestations of racism, the entrenchment of structural racism, and trajectories (...)
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    (1 other version)Structures of natural reasoning within functional dialogues.Corinne Grusenmeyer & Alain Trognon - 1996 - Pragmatics and Cognition 4 (2):305-346.
    The aim of this paper is to describe and characterize some structural features of natural reasoning by analyzing a number of conversations held by operators during shift changeovers. During this work phase the operators have to cooperate in order to carry out the same process. This need to cooperate leads to dialogues and joint elaboration of information, especially when involving the reporting of a malfunction. Three dialogues observed at this work phase on two study sites are analyzed. These analyses (...)
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  18. The Structure of Experience, the Nature of the Visual, and Type 2 Blindsight‌.Fiona Macpherson - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 32:104 - 128.
    Unlike those with type 1 blindsight, people who have type 2 blindsight have some sort of consciousness of the stimuli in their blind field. What is the nature of that consciousness? Is it visual experience? I address these questions by considering whether we can establish the existence of any structural—necessary—features of visual experience. I argue that it is very difficult to establish the existence of any such features. In particular, I investigate whether it is possible to visually, or more generally (...)
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  19. Levels of Ontology and Natural Language: the Case of the Ontology of Parts and Wholes.Friederike Moltmann - 2021 - In James Miller, The Language of Ontology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    It is common in contemporary metaphysics to distinguish two levels of ontology: the ontology of ordinary objects and the ontology of fundamental reality. This papers argues that natural language reflects not only the ontology of ordinary objects, but also a language-driven ontology, which is involved in the mass-count distinction and part-structure-sensitive semantic selection, as well as perhaps the light ontology of pleonastic entities. The paper recasts my older theory of situated part structures without situations, making use of a (...)
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  20.  41
    Ontic Structural Realism and Natural Necessity.William Kallfelz - unknown
    J. Ladyman, Ladyman and Ross refine J. Worral's structural realism, by developing an ontic structural realism which they argue is a consistently naturalistic means of characterizing the ontology of fundamental physics. I argue that particular elements of M. Lange and M. Eklund strengthen and refine their project of characterizing fundamental physics via OSR and by extension, their presentation of information-theoretic structural realism. I demonstrate this point by situating M. Lange’s discussion of nomological modality and natural necessity within Ladyman and (...)
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  21. The trials of life: Natural selection and random drift.Denis M. Walsh, Andre Ariew & Tim Lewens - 2002 - Philosophy of Science 69 (3):452-473.
    We distinguish dynamical and statistical interpretations of evolutionary theory. We argue that only the statistical interpretation preserves the presumed relation between natural selection and drift. On these grounds we claim that the dynamical conception of evolutionary theory as a theory of forces is mistaken. Selection and drift are not forces. Nor do selection and drift explanations appeal to the (sub-population-level) causes of population level change. Instead they explain by appeal to the statistical structure of populations. We briefly discuss (...)
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  22.  18
    Una aproximación a la teoría leibniziana de la acción intencional desde su noción de máquina natural y su monadología.Roberto Casales García - 2017 - Dianoia 62 (78):99-117.
    Resumen: El presente trabajo pretende analizar algunos de los postulados principales de la ontología vitalista de Leibniz, en especial su noción de máquina natural y su propuesta monadológica, con la finalidad de demostrar la viabilidad en su pensamiento de una teoría de la acción. Se divide en tres partes: la primera examina la estructura compleja de las máquinas naturales, a partir de la cual se puede observar una composición dual de la acción; a partir de esto, la segunda parte (...)
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  23.  17
    Professional and ethical qualities of a natural science specialist.Lyudmila Ivanovna Kochanova - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):273-278.
    The article analyzes the professional and ethical qualities of a natural science specialist, which must be formed in institutions of secondary vocational education during the training period for successful further professional activity. In the analysis of scientific and methodical literature identified the main groups of professional and ethical qualities that should be possessed by a future specialist science profile, graduate with a degree in pastry chef. The structure of professional and ethical attitudes of a pastry chef is studied, (...)
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  24. The nature and structure of content.Jeffrey C. King - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Belief in propositions has had a long and distinguished history in analytic philosophy. Three of the founding fathers of analytic philosophy, Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, and G. E. Moore, believed in propositions. Many philosophers since then have shared this belief; and the belief is widely, though certainly not universally, accepted among philosophers today. Among contemporary philosophers who believe in propositions, many, and perhaps even most, take them to be structured entities with individuals, properties, and relations as constituents. For example, the (...)
  25.  12
    Natural Reasons: Personality and Polity.S. L. Hurley - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    This provocative study revives a classical idea about rationality by developing analogies between the structure of personality and the structure of society in the context of contemporary work in the philosophy of mind, ehtics, decision theory, and social choice theory.
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  26. The structure of communicative acts.Sarah E. Murray & William B. Starr - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (2):425-474.
    Utterances of natural language sentences can be used to communicate not just contents, but also forces. This paper examines this topic from a cross-linguistic perspective on sentential mood. Recent work in this area focuses on conversational dynamics: the three sentence types can be associated with distinctive kinds of conversational effects called sentential forces, modeled as three kinds of updates to the discourse context. This paper has two main goals. First, it provides two arguments, on empirical and methodological grounds, for (...)
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  27. Natural reasons: personality and polity.Susan L. Hurley - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Hurley here revives a classical idea about rationality in a modern framework, by developing analogies between the structure of personality and the structure of society in the context of contemporary work in philosophy of mind, ethics, decision theory and social choice theory. The book examines the rationality of decisions and actions, and illustrates the continuity of philosophy of mind on the one hand, and ethics and jurisprudence on the other. A major thesis of the book is that arguments (...)
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  28. Classifying the Patterns of Natural Arguments.Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas Walton - 2015 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 48 (1):26-53.
    The representation and classification of the structure of natural arguments has been one of the most important aspects of Aristotelian and medieval dialectical and rhetorical theories. This traditional approach is represented nowadays in models of argumentation schemes. The purpose of this article is to show how arguments are characterized by a complex combination of two levels of abstraction, namely, semantic relations and types of reasoning, and to provide an effective and comprehensive classification system for this matrix of semantic (...)
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  29.  19
    Gradability in Natural Language: Logical and Grammatical Foundations.Heather Burnett - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book presents a new theory of the relationship between vagueness, context-sensitivity, gradability, and scale structure in natural language. Heather Burnett argues that it is possible to distinguish between particular subclasses of adjectival predicatesDLrelative adjectives like tall, total adjectives like dry, partial adjectives like wet, and non-scalar adjectives like hexagonalDLon the basis of how their criteria of application vary depending on the context; how they display the characteristic properties of vague language; and what the properties of their associated (...)
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  30. ‘The Basic Context and Structure of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right’.Kenneth R. Westphal - 1993 - In Frederick C. Beiser, The Cambridge Companion to Hegel. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hegel’s Philosophy of Right responds to two dichotomies. One is between the freedom of rational thought in its practical application and the givenness of natural impulses and desires. Against Kant Hegel argues that pure reason alone cannot determine the content of any maxim or principle of action. Thus Hegel must find a way in which the content of natural needs and impulses – the only source of content for maxims of action – can be transfigured into contents of (...)
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  31. Aristotle on Natural Slavery: An Analysis Using the Marxist Concept of Ideology.Zeyad El Nabolsy - 2019 - Science and Society 83 (2):244-267.
    Aristotle’s account of natural slavery as presented in his Politics is often treated by historians of philosophy as an account that can be analyzed purely internally in terms of its argumentative structure without referring to social factors. Against this view, Aristotle’s account of natural slavery is seen to be ideological according to at least one variant of the Marxist concept of ideology, and cannot be understood without reference to Aristotle’s socioeconomic context. The ideological nature of Aristotle’s account (...)
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  32.  42
    Structural Rules in Natural Deduction with Alternatives.Greg Restall - 2023 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 52 (2):109-143.
    Natural deduction with alternatives extends Gentzen–Prawitz-style natural deduction with a single structural addition: negatively signed assumptions, called alternatives. It is a mildly bilateralist, single-conclusion natural deduction proof system in which the connective rules are unmodi_ed from the usual Prawitz introduction and elimination rules — the extension is purely structural. This framework is general: it can be used for (1) classical logic, (2) relevant logic without distribution, (3) affine logic, and (4) linear logic, keeping the connective rules fixed, (...)
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  33. The nature and structure of emotions.Randall R. Dipert - 1998
    Philosophers have almost always said something about emotions and passions whenever they have discussed human mental life. Many have asserted that it is some emotions or, more broadly, passions, that are to be primarily valued and sought. These valued passionate states of mind might include emotions, moods, desires, belief-like feelings of conviction and commitment, and romantic or erotic love, which are typically scarcely distinguished. Not only are these states of mind lumped together, but the reasons why they are valued may (...)
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    Nature and structure of consent ―freedom as self-determination―. 김휘원 - 2017 - Korean Journal of Legal Philosophy 20 (3):63-100.
    이 글의 목적은 동의의 개념을 본질과 구조의 측면에서 해명함으로서 동의 개념의 해석을 위한 기초를 마련함에 있다. 이를 위하여 두 가지 역사적 맥락 속에서 발전해 동의의 이론을 검토해 보았다. 그 하나는 피지배자의 동의에 의한 지배의 정당화이론이고, 다른 하나는 사람들 사이의 관계 형성의 기초로서의 동의 이론이다. 여기에서 동의에 있어서 두 가지 해명의 필요성에 직면하게 된다. 하나는 동의의 본질로서 자기결정의 위상과 그 외의 가치들의 관계를 정립하는 것이고, 다른 하나는 동의의 기능과 요소들, 그리고 그 관계를 분석하는 것이다. 이러한 양자 간의 관계를 적절히 조합할 수 (...)
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    Category structure affects the developmental trajectory of children's inductive inferences for both natural kinds and artefacts.Julia R. Badger & Laura R. Shapiro - 2015 - Thinking and Reasoning 21 (2):206-229.
    Inductive reasoning is fundamental to human cognition, yet it remains unclear how we develop this ability and what might influence our inductive choices. We created novel categories in which crucial factors such as domain and category structure were manipulated orthogonally. We trained 403 4–9-year-old children to categorise well-matched natural kind and artefact stimuli with either featural or relational category structure, followed by induction tasks. This wide age range allowed for the first full exploration of the developmental trajectory (...)
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  36. The Structure of Theories in the Natural Sciences.Thomas Seebohm & Thomas M. Seebohm - 2015 - In Thomas Seebohm & Thomas M. Seebohm, History as a Science and the System of the Sciences: Phenomenological Investigations. Cham: Imprint: Springer.
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  37. On the origin of fine structure constant and its derived expression in the BSM- Supergravitation Unified Theory.Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev - unknown
    The fine structure constant appears in several fields of physics and its value is experimentally obtained with a high accuracy. Its physical origin however is unsolved long-standing problem. Richard Feynman expressed the idea that it could be similar to the natural irrational numbers, pi, and e. Amongst the proposed theoretical expressions with values closer to the experimental one is the formula of I. Gorelik which is based on rotating dipole with two empirically suggested coefficients, while the physical origin (...)
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  38. Logical Form: Its Structure and Derivation.Robert May - 1985 - MIT Press.
    Chapter. 1. Logical. Form. as. a. Level. of. Linguistic. Representation. What is the relation of a sentence's syntactic form to its logical form? This issue has been of central concern in modern inquiry into the semantic properties of natural ...
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  39. Natural language processing using a propositional semantic network with structured variables.Syed S. Ali & Stuart C. Shapiro - 1993 - Minds and Machines 3 (4):421-451.
    We describe a knowledge representation and inference formalism, based on an intensional propositional semantic network, in which variables are structures terms consisting of quantifier, type, and other information. This has three important consequences for natural language processing. First, this leads to an extended, more natural formalism whose use and representations are consistent with the use of variables in natural language in two ways: the structure of representations mirrors the structure of the language and allows re-use (...)
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    The Natural Emergence of (Bio)Semiosic Phenomena.J. H. van Hateren - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (3):403-419.
    Biological organisms appear to have agency, goals, and meaningful behaviour. One possibility is that this is mere appearance, where such properties are not real, but only ‘as if’ consequences of the physiological structure of organisms. Another possibility is that these properties are real, as emerging from the organism's structure and from how the organism interacts with its environment. Here I will discuss a recent theory showing that the latter position is most likely correct, and argue that the theory (...)
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  41. Hegel's Essentialism. Natural Kinds and the Metaphysics of Explanation in Hegel's Theory of ‘the Concept’.Franz Knappik - 2016 - European Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):760-787.
    Several recent interpretations see Hegel's theory of the Concept as a form of conceptual realism, according to which finite reality is articulated by objectively existing concepts. More precisely, this theory has been interpreted as a version of natural kind essentialism, and it has been proposed that its function is to account for the possibility of genuine explanations. This suggests a promising way to reconstruct the argument that Hegel's theory of objective concepts is based on—an argument that shows that the (...)
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    Structure and Method in Aristotle's Meteorologica: A More Disorderly Nature.Malcolm Wilson - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    In the first full-length study in any modern language dedicated to the Meteorologica, Malcolm Wilson presents a groundbreaking interpretation of Aristotle's natural philosophy. Divided into two parts, the book first addresses general philosophical and scientific issues by placing the treatise in a diachronic frame comprising Aristotle's predecessors and in a synchronic frame comprising his other physical works. It argues that Aristotle thought of meteorological phenomena as intermediary or 'dualizing' between the cosmos as a whole and the manifold world of (...)
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  43. Natural predicates and topological structures of conceptual spaces.Thomas Mormann - 1993 - Synthese 95 (2):219 - 240.
    In the framework of set theory we cannot distinguish between natural and non-natural predicates. To avoid this shortcoming one can use mathematical structures as conceptual spaces such that natural predicates are characterized as structurally nice subsets. In this paper topological and related structures are used for this purpose. We shall discuss several examples taken from conceptual spaces of quantum mechanics (orthoframes), and the geometric logic of refutative and affirmable assertions. In particular we deal with the problem of (...)
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  44. Mental acts as natural kinds.Joëlle Proust - 2013 - In Andy Clark, Julian Kiverstein & Tillmann Vierkant, Decomposing the Will. , US: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 262-282.
    This chapter examines whether, and in what sense, one can speak of agentive mental events. An adequate characterization of mental acts should respond to three main worries. First, mental acts cannot have pre-specified goal contents. For example, one cannot prespecify the content of a judgment or of a deliberation. Second, mental acts seem to depend crucially on receptive attitudes. Third, it does not seem that intentions play any role in mental actions. Given these three constraints, mental and bodily actions appear (...)
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  45. (1 other version)The Nature and Structure of Scientific Theories.C. Moulines - 2010 - Metatheoria 1 (1):16-29.
    In philosophy of science two questions become central in the discussion of the nature of empirical science: 1) What is a theory, i.e. how is it built up, how does it work? And: 2) How does a theory relate to its corresponding experiential basis? To deal with these two questions modern philosophy of science has devised various ‘models’ on the nature and working of scientific theories. Some aspects of these models are widely held within the community of philosophers of science, (...)
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    On the Structure of Proofs.Lars Hallnäs - 2024 - In Thomas Piecha & Kai F. Wehmeier, Peter Schroeder-Heister on Proof-Theoretic Semantics. Springer. pp. 375-389.
    The initial premise of this paper is that the structure of a proof is inherent in the definition of the proof. Side conditions to deal with the discharging of assumptions means that this does not hold for systems of natural deduction, where proofs are given by monotone inductive definitions. We discuss the idea of using higher order definitions and the notion of a functional closure as a foundation to avoid these problems. In order to focus on structural issues (...)
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    Structure, Myth, and Parody: Bernard Malamud's Treatment of the Diamond in the Natural.Arvindra Sant - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (3-4):476-483.
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  48. Logical Form and Syntactic Structure.Andrea Iacona - 2018 - In Logical Form: Between Logic and Natural Language. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    Science, culture, and politics in U.S. natural resources management.Arthur F. McEvoy - 1992 - Journal of the History of Biology 25 (3):469-486.
    What I have tried to do here is to provide a historical example of the interdependence between nature and culture that is one of the themes of this conference. To sum up: Scientific descriptions of the world emerge out of a complex interaction between nature, economic production, and the legal system. “Science” consists of a struggle among scientists, and between scientists and citizens, over what counts as “reality.” Lawmaking, in turn, consists of a struggle between people who want to allocate (...)
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  50. Is structural spacetime realism relationism in disguise? The supererogatory nature of the substantivalism/relationism debate.Mauro Dorato - unknown
    The paper defends two claims; Viewed from the perspective of the substantivalism/relationism debate, structural spacetime realism is a form of relationism; However, if we managed to reinforce Rynasiewicz’s point that the general theory of relativity makes the substantivalism/relationism dispute “outdated”, the re-elaboration of Stein ’s 1967 version of structural spacetime realism to be proposed here proves to be a good, antimetaphysical solution to the problem of the ontological status of spacetime.
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