Results for ' narrative gestures'

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  1.  9
    ‘Away’ gestures associated with negative expressions in narrative discourse in Syuba (Kagate, Nepal) speakers.Lauren Gawne - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (239):37-59.
    This article examines the formal and functional features of a recurring ‘away’ gesture in Syuba (Tibeto-Burman, Nepal). The formal properties of this gesture include a pronation of the forearms to bring the palms downward while the fingers spread away, and is most often performed with both hands. Functionally, it is found with utterances that signal negation, particularly the absence of something. A growing body of literature links ‘away’ trajectories with negation, or negative evaluation of speech content cross-linguistically. The temporal alignment (...)
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  2. Gestures and the phenomenology of emotion in narrative.Katharine Young - 2000 - Semiotica 131 (1-2):79-112.
    Stories evoke emotions in their hearers. Do they evoke emotions in their tellers as well? Tellers can tell stories from the inside as if they were characters in the world of the tale or they can tell stories from the outside as if they were perceiving the taleworld from elsewhere. From the outside, the teller can represent the emotion a character feels; from the inside, the teller can express the emotion the character feels. In either instance, tellers can be moved (...)
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    Children Use Non-referential Gestures in Narrative Speech to Mark Discourse Elements Which Update Common Ground.Patrick Louis Rohrer, Júlia Florit-Pons, Ingrid Vilà-Giménez & Pilar Prieto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:661339.
    While recent studies have claimed that non-referential gestures (i.e., gestures that do not visually represent any semantic content in speech) are used to mark discourse-new and/or -accessible referents and focused information in adult speech, to our knowledge, no prior investigation has studied the relationship between information structure (IS) and gesture referentiality in children’s narrative speech from a developmental perspective. A longitudinal database consisting of 332 narratives performed by 83 children at two different time points in development was (...)
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    Linguistic, gestural, and cinematographic viewpoint: An analysis of ASL and English narrative.Fey Parrill, Kashmiri Stec, David Quinto-Pozos & Sebastian Rimehaug - 2016 - Cognitive Linguistics 27 (3):345-369.
    Journal Name: Cognitive Linguistics Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Signers and Co‐speech Gesturers Adopt Similar Strategies for Portraying Viewpoint in Narratives.David Quinto-Pozos & Fey Parrill - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (1):12-35.
    Gestural viewpoint research suggests that several dimensions determine which perspective a narrator takes, including properties of the event described. Events can evoke gestures from the point of view of a character , an observer , or both perspectives. CVPT and OVPT gestures have been compared to constructed action and classifiers in signed languages. We ask how CA and CL, as represented in ASL productions, compare to previous results for CVPT and OVPT from English-speaking co-speech gesturers. Ten ASL signers (...)
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  6.  19
    Pantomime (Not Silent Gesture) in Multimodal Communication: Evidence From Children’s Narratives.Paula Marentette, Reyhan Furman, Marcus E. Suvanto & Elena Nicoladis - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Pantomime has long been considered distinct from co-speech gesture. It has therefore been argued that pantomime cannot be part of gesture-speech integration. We examine pantomime as distinct from silent gesture, focusing on non-co-speech gestures that occur in the midst of children’s spoken narratives. We propose that gestures with features of pantomime are an infrequent but meaningful component of a multimodal communicative strategy. We examined spontaneous non-co-speech representational gesture production in the narratives of 30 monolingual English-speaking children between the (...)
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    A Hands‐On Approach to Learning: Gesture Production During Encoding and its Effect on Narrative Recall.Avni Bharadwaj, Nicole Dargue & Naomi Sweller - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (12):e13214.
    Research has shown that gesture production supports learning across a number of tasks. It is unclear, however, whether gesture production during encoding can support narrative recall, who gesture production benefits most, and whether certain types of gestures are more beneficial than others. This study, therefore, investigated the effect of gesture production during the encoding of a narrative on subsequent narrative recall, and whether individuals’ levels of verbal and nonverbal memory moderated this effect. Additionally, this study investigated (...)
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    American slave narratives as autoethnographic paradigm.Paul Richard Blum - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (2):236-245.
    Ever since the publication of the Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass in 1845, autobiographical testimonies were a mainstay of the abolition movement in the United States. Being or having been held as slaves and all the attendant injury is the very theme of the documents in question, which are testimonies, rather than theoretical works, because the authors maintained the first-person point of view. Since autoethnography aims at overcoming the preset mentality of the researcher in order to gain (...)
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    When Speech Stops, Gesture Stops: Evidence From Developmental and Crosslinguistic Comparisons.Maria Graziano & Marianne Gullberg - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:346724.
    There is plenty of evidence that speech and gesture form a tightly integrated system, as reflected in parallelisms in language production, comprehension, and development ( McNeill, 1992 ; Kendon, 2004 ). Yet, it is a common assumption that speakers use gestures to compensate for their expressive difficulties, a notion found in developmental studies of both first and second language acquisition, and in theoretical proposals concerning the gesture-speech relationship. If gestures are compensatory, they should mainly occur in disfluent stretches (...)
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  10. Speech-gesture mismatches: Evidence for one underlying representation of linguistic and nonlinguistic information.Justine Cassell, David McNeill & Karl-Erik McCullough - 1999 - Pragmatics and Cognition 7 (1):1-34.
    Adults and children spontaneously produce gestures while they speak, and such gestures appear to support and expand on the information communicated by the verbal channel. Little research, however, has been carried out to examine the role played by gesture in the listener's representation of accumulating information. Do listeners attend to the gestures that accompany narrative speech? In what kinds of relationships between gesture and speech do listeners attend to the gestural channel? If listeners do attend to (...)
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  11.  21
    Gestures of Refusal: Utopian Longings in Satyajit Ray’s Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne.Sandeep Banerjee - 2022 - Utopian Studies 33 (2):257-273.
    ABSTRACT This essay examines Satyajit Ray’s children’s film Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne to interrogate the ways it signals the utopian. Contending that its utopian desire manifests through the trope of wish-fulfillment, it illuminates the trope’s centrality in the film’s imagination and articulation of freedom. Moreover, the essay suggests that the film’s utopianism is also anchored in its irrealist aesthetics. Engaging with the film’s figuration of ghosts and its violation of the narrative structure of the real, the essay illuminates how (...)
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  12. Gesture of Absence: Eros of Writing1.Jana Milloy - 2005 - Janus Head 8 (2):545-552.
    Writing arouses certain sensibilities that bring about what goes on inside the body, but also, while writing, it is the process whereby self gains access to the exterior. A moment can be reached in the act of writing when one enters the flow of flesh, or the space between self and other, self and text, that is the reciprocal mirroring of the other that becomes the same, yet is always other, the incomplete self always in the process of becoming. This (...)
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    Visible Cohesion: A Comparison of Reference Tracking in Sign, Speech, and Co‐Speech Gesture.Pamela Perniss & Asli Özyürek - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (1):36-60.
    Establishing and maintaining reference is a crucial part of discourse. In spoken languages, differential linguistic devices mark referents occurring in different referential contexts, that is, introduction, maintenance, and re-introduction contexts. Speakers using gestures as well as users of sign languages have also been shown to mark referents differentially depending on the referential context. This article investigates the modality-specific contribution of the visual modality in marking referential context by providing a direct comparison between sign language and co-speech gesture with speech (...)
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    Using the Hands to Identify Who Does What to Whom: Gesture and Speech Go Hand‐in‐Hand.Wing Chee So, Sotaro Kita & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (1):115-125.
    In order to produce a coherent narrative, speakers must identify the characters in the tale so that listeners can figure out who is doing what to whom. This paper explores whether speakers use gesture, as well as speech, for this purpose. English speakers were shown vignettes of two stories and asked to retell the stories to an experimenter. Their speech and gestures were transcribed and coded for referent identification. A gesture was considered to identify a referent if it (...)
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  15.  15
    The Use of Hand Gestures (Hastas) in Bharatanatyam for Creative Aging.Sloka Iyengar - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-8.
    Bharatanatyam is a traditional Indian dance form that involves the use of facial expressions and body movements to tell stories. A key aspect of Bharatanatyam is the use of hand gestures, also known as hastas, which are used to communicate with specificity and precision. Hastas are symbols, and along with facial expressions and body movements that are contextually relevant, they help to communicate narratives. I am a neuroscientist and have been immersed in Bharatanatyam for 25 years; true to the (...)
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    Embodied Experience: Representing Risk in Speech and Gesture.Beverly Sauer - 1999 - Discourse Studies 1 (3):321-354.
    This article investigates the ways in which individuals assume two distinct viewpoints in both speech and gesture - both simultaneously and sequentially - when they represent the uncertain knowledge that characterizes risk. In the mimetic viewpoint, individuals represent events as characters in their own narrative or mimic the character viewpoint of an Other. In the analytic viewpoint, individuals move outside of embodied experience to analyze events from a distance. As part of a larger study investigating viewpoint in discourses of (...)
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    Linguistic and cognitive representation of time and viewpoint in narrative discourse.Kobie van Krieken, José Sanders & Eve Sweetser - 2019 - Cognitive Linguistics 30 (2):243-251.
    In this introduction to the special issue on time and viewpoint in narrative discourse, we highlight the central contributions of the issue concerning the relation between the linguistic construal and cognitive representation of time and viewpoint. We explain how linguistic and gestural cues guide the representation of narrative time progression and argue that this representation involves various cognitive operations regulating the alignment between the viewpoints of narrator, addressee, and narrative characters. These operations are steered by a variety (...)
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  18.  22
    Tracking the distribution of individual semantic features in gesture across spoken discourse: New perspectives in multi-modal interaction.Doron Cohen, Geoffrey Beattie & Heather Shovelton - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (185):147-188.
    Speakers frequently produce elaborate hand movements during talk that have been shown to serve a communicative function. Nevertheless, two-thirds of the semantic content of these hand movements is encoded linguistically elsewhere in the discourse . The present experiment demonstrated that while 62.9% of semantic information in gesture was elsewhere, most gestures retained at least one semantic feature that was never represented linguistically. Semantic features were more explicit when they occurred in gesture than when represented linguistically. Even in cases where (...)
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  19.  59
    Misguided Narratives and the Perils of Populism.Kazi Huda - 2025 - New Age.
    In this column for New Age, I discuss the following a) the rhetoric of sacrifice from 1971, once inspiring, now distracts from pressing national issues; b) Emotional responses and symbolic gestures, like redrawing maps, harm diplomatic credibility and regional alliances; c) Leadership's overuse of sacrifice rhetoric undermines governance and deflects attention from issues like unemployment, corruption, and climate change; d) Ideological rhetoric burdens the younger generation, sidelining critical engagement and practical solutions; e) Bangladesh must prioritize reforms in job creation, (...)
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  20. Understanding others through primary interaction and narrative practice.Shaun Gallagher & Daniel D. Hutto - 2008 - In J. Zlatev, T. Racine, C. Sinha & E. Itkonen (eds.), The Shared Mind: Perspectives on Intersubjectivity. John Benjamins. pp. 17–38.
    We argue that theory-of-mind (ToM) approaches, such as “theory theory” and “simulation theory”, are both problematic and not needed. They account for neither our primary and pervasive way of engaging with others nor the true basis of our folk psychological understanding, even when narrowly construed. Developmental evidence shows that young infants are capable of grasping the purposeful intentions of others through the perception of bodily movements, gestures, facial expressions etc. Trevarthen’s notion of primary intersubjectivity can provide a theoretical framework (...)
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  21.  26
    An exploration of the other side of semantic communication: How the spontaneous movements of the human hand add crucial meaning to narrative.Geoffrey Beattie & Heather Shovelton - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (184):33-51.
    Past research has suggested that those spontaneous movements of the human hand made during talk convey significant semantic information over and above the speech, at least when the unit of speech analyzed is the individual clause. However, no previous research has tested whether this information is represented linguistically elsewhere in the narrative . The first study, reported here, uses an experimental procedure to identify which specific imagistic gestures add semantic information to the speech. The second study analyzes whether (...)
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  22.  13
    Translating from monosemiotic to polysemiotic narratives.Karoliina Louhema, Jordan Zlatev, Maria Graziano & Joost van de Weijer - 2019 - Sign Systems Studies 47 (3-4):480-525.
    Human communication can be either monosemiotic or polysemiotic, depending on whether it combines ensembles of representations from one or more semiotic systems such as language, gesture and depiction. Each semiotic system has its unique storytelling potentials, which makes intersemiotic translation from one system to another challenging. We investigated the influence of the source semiotic system, realised in speech and a sequence of pictures, respectively, on the way the same story was retold using speech and co-speech gestures. The story was (...)
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  23.  50
    Potentialities of human rights: Agamben and the narrative of fated necessity.Ayten Gündoğdu - 2012 - Contemporary Political Theory 11 (1):2-22.
    Giorgio Agamben presents us with one of the most powerful and controversial criticisms of human rights. He contests conventional understandings of human rights as normative setbacks on sovereign power, and shows instead how these rights reinforce sovereignty by producing bare lives that are irredeemably exposed to violence. This essay aims to understand the distinctive aspects of Agamben's critique and assess his concluding call for a politics beyond human rights. It suggests that this call is necessitated by a counternarrative of Western (...)
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  24.  17
    The enlightened narrative in the age of liberal reform: William Robertson’s View of the Progress of Society in Hungary.László Kontler - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (7):745-761.
    ABSTRACTThis article examines a translation of the Scottish historian William Robertson’s probably most famous text in the journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in the 1830s, as a case study on continuity between the Enlightenment and the era of liberal reform in Central Europe. It underlines the benefits of the comparative study of Scotland in Robertson’s time and Hungary in the Reform Age as partners in composite polities at the opposite ends of Europe, where patriotic projects of overcoming limitations (...)
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  25.  48
    Potentialities of human rights: Agamben and the narrative of fated necessity.Ayten G.|[Uuml]|Ndo|[Gbreve]|du - 2012 - Contemporary Political Theory 11 (1):2.
    Giorgio Agamben presents us with one of the most powerful and controversial criticisms of human rights. He contests conventional understandings of human rights as normative setbacks on sovereign power, and shows instead how these rights reinforce sovereignty by producing bare lives that are irredeemably exposed to violence. This essay aims to understand the distinctive aspects of Agamben's critique and assess his concluding call for a politics beyond human rights. It suggests that this call is necessitated by a counternarrative of Western (...)
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  26.  71
    Point of view in British Sign Language and spoken English narrative discourse: the example of “The Tortoise and the Hare”.Helen Earis & Kearsy Cormier - 2013 - Language and Cognition 5 (4):313-343.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Language and Cognition - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language and Cognitive Science Jahrgang: 5 Heft: 4 Seiten: 313-343.
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  27. Self-knowledge and the limitations of narrative.Jeanette Bicknell - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (2):406-416.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Self-Knowledge and the Limitations of NarrativeJeanette BicknellIn this passage from his Confessions, St. Augustine recounts some youthful shenanigans: "In a garden nearby to our vineyard there was a pear tree.... Late one night—to which hour, according to our pestilential custom, we had kept up our street games, a group of very bad youngsters set out to shake down and rob this tree. We took great loads of fruit from (...)
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    Children’s literature and tenderness: Pedagogical reflections on the gestures of care, the well-being of relationships and affection in picture books.Marcella Terrusi - 2024 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 28 (70):71-83.
    The contribution offers some pedagogical reflections dedicated to the theme of tenderness in education through the exploration of a repertoire of excellent picture books published in the field of children’s publishing. The poetic investigation of the suggestions from the bibliographic corpus highlights ethical, aesthetic and pedagogical aspects of bodily imagery and experiences, linked to the sensitive, ethical and emotional dimension of education. The reflection interweaves perspectives from the pedagogy of the body with the interdisciplinary study of children’s literature and proposes (...)
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    Humanitarian fictions: Africa, altruism, and the narrative imagination.Megan Cole Paustian - 2024 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Humanitarianism has a narrative problem. Far too often, aid to Africa is envisioned through a tale of Western heroes saving African sufferers. While labeling white savior narratives has become a familiar gesture, it doesn't tell us much about the story as story. Humanitarian Fictions aims to understand the workings of humanitarian literature, as they engage with and critique narratives of Africa. Overlapping with but distinct from human rights, humanitarianism centers on a relationship of assistance, focusing less on rights than (...)
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  30. From Immanent Transcendence to Cross-Bordering in Arts-Metaphor, Narrative and Existence.Vincent Shen & Chia-Hsun Chuang - 2006 - Philosophy and Culture 33 (10):21-36.
    People's desire not to limit the meaning of Hancang driving force, continuous development and self-transcendence, which is people from within and beyond the root driving force. The so-called "inner beyond" is not a process of idealism, which began with the desire, from the bottom of the body, and go up on the layer by layer through the heart of the development process裡and mental flexibility, and would therefore have to enhance and transform. We regard the body as I desire the presence (...)
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    The Contemporary Postfeminist Dystopia: Disruptions and Hopeful Gestures in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games.Andrea Ruthven - 2017 - Feminist Review 116 (1):47-62.
    Through an analysis of Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games trilogy (2008, 2009, 2010), this text will consider the ways in which contemporary postfeminism can be read as a dystopic narrative. The protagonist of the novel (and the rest of the trilogy) is Katniss Everdeen, a young woman who through an ethics of care, disruption of the heteronormative script, and a critical posthuman embodiment offers an alternative to the dystopic present offered by postfeminism. In Katniss’ dystopian world, Collins constructs a (...)
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  32. “A Matter of Affect, Passion, and Heart” 1 : Our Taste for New Narratives of the History of Philosophy.Penelope Deutscher - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (4):1-17.
    This article compares translation and commentary practices surrounding the texts associated with French feminism with those of contemporary French women philosophers more generally. Many of the latter, discussing the history of philosophy, ask questions such as “How do texts play against the means they supply themselves?” and “How are philosophical forces, and the institutions of commentary, countered, destabilized, deregulated?” Deutscher asks what institutional means are available to understand this work as innovative philosophy, and to what extent these projects can usefully (...)
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    Charles Taylor, Phronesis, and Medicine: Ethics and Interpretation in Illness Narrative.D. S. Schultz & L. V. Flasher - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (4):394-409.
    This paper provides a brief overview and critique of the dominant objectivist understanding and use of illness narrative in Enlightenment (scientific) medicine and ethics, as well as several revisionist accounts, which reflect the evolution of this approach. In light of certain limitations and difficulties endemic in the objectivist understanding of illness narrative, an alternative phronesis approach to medical ethics influenced by Charles Taylor’s account of the interpretive nature of human agency and language is examined. To this end, the (...)
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  34.  59
    History and the Traumatic Narrative of Desire and Enjoyment in Althusser.Geraldine Friedman - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 7 (18):27-42.
    Among Marxists and Communists, Louis Althusser has long had a reputation for theoreticism and scientism, the factors most often cited to explain the eclipse of his work since the 1960’s. According to the standard account, the distinguishing characteristic and major flaw of his work is that it brings everything back to knowledge. In this essay, I interrogate this understanding of Althusser by reconsidering two cornerstones of Althusserian theory that seem most to exemplify his extreme privileging of epistemology: the symptom and (...)
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  35.  12
    Gamification in Rehabilitation: The Role of Subjective Experience in a Multisensory Learning Context – A Narrative Review.Luigi Murena, Manuela Deodato & Giulia Sgubin - 2023 - Gestalt Theory 45 (1-2):121-137.
    Game-based approaches are emerging in many fields, such as education, social sciences, marketing and government. Most studies debate its role in consolidating learning, guided by both internal and external rewards. These approaches are also being applied in rehabilitation, where patients must undergo a re-learning process of motor gestures after an injury to a body structure. In physiotherapy, much importance is given to analytical-functional movement aspects, but less to the recovery of the complete experience, including motivation, perception, and emotional experience (...)
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    Zunshine, Lisa. Strange Concepts and the Stories they Make Possible: Cognition, Culture, Narrative. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. Pp. 232. [REVIEW]M. Hayward & F. L. Aldama - 2012 - Substance 41 (3):180-182.
    In Strange Concepts and The Stories they Make Possible: Cognition, Culture, Narrative, Lisa Zunshine widens her scope from an erstwhile singular focus on Theory of Mind (inferring interior states from exterior expression and gesture) in fiction, turning her sights toward a branch of psychology aimed at the study of the early cognitive development of humans. Here she explores our distinctive mental capacity to ascribe a function to objects (a chair is to sit, etc.) and an essence to living creatures (...)
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    La ‘faille’ chez Paul Ricœur. De l’identité symbolique et narrative, à l’identité gestuelle et langagière.Guilhem Causse - 2019 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 9 (2):74-89.
    Dans L’Homme faillible, Ricœur découvre, au cœur de l’homme, une faille. À cause d’elle, l’homme est fragile: il est fragile médiation de lui-même et du monde, médiation à faire et à refaire, au risque permanent de se défaire. C’est ainsi que l’homme fragile est aussi faillible. Dans Soi-même comme un autre, Ricœur revient sur cette faille qui passe au cœur de soi, entre l’idem et l’ipse, livrant accès à l’alter. Cette image, la faille, guide Ricœur dans chacun de ces deux (...)
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    The Human Nature of Music.Stephen Malloch & Colwyn Trevarthen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Music is at the centre of what it means to be human – it is the sounds of human bodies and minds moving in creative, story-making ways. We argue that music comes from the way in which knowing bodies (Merleau-Ponty) prospectively explore the environment using habitual 'patterns of action' which we have identified as our innate ‘communicative musicality’. To support our argument, we present short case studies of infant interactions using micro analyses of video and audio recordings to show the (...)
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    Transcendental Frustration: A Critical Re-Evaluation of the Hegelian Legacy for Philosophy of Religion.W. Ezekiel Goggin - 2019 - Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 3 (18):383-399.
    For philosophers who would think “with” religion, rather than simply to theorize “about” it, the question of the relationship between religious imagination and philosophical rationality is a matter of constitutive importance. The way we answer this question would have far reaching implications for how we understand the work we do as philosophers who take religion seriously, and how we situate ourselves within broader academic contexts. Indeed, the answer to such a question –insofar as we can give any sort of definitive (...)
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  40. Multispecies Knots of Ethical Time.Deborah Bird Rose - 2012 - Environmental Philosophy 9 (1):127-140.
    Death narratives, nurturance, and transitive crossings within species and between species open pathways into entanglements of life of earth. This paper engages with time in both sequential and synchronous modes, investigating interfaces where time, species, and nourishment become densely knotted up in ethics of gift, motion, death, life, and desire. The further aim is to consider the dynamic ripples generated by anthropogenic mass death in multispecies knots of ethical time, and to gesture toward a practice of writing as witness.
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    A theory of virtual agency for Western art music.Robert S. Hatten - 2018 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
    Introduction -- Prelude: from gesture to virtual agency -- Foundations for a theory of agency -- Virtual environmental forces and gestural energies: actants as agential -- Virtual embodiment: from actants to virtual human agents -- Virtual identity and actorial continuity -- Interlude I: from embodiment to subjectivity -- Staging virtual subjectivity -- Virtual subjectivity and aesthetically warranted emotions -- Staging virtual narrative agency -- Performing agency -- An integrative agential interpretation of Chopin's Ballade in F minor, op. 52 -- (...)
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  42. Technology as prospective ontology.Arie Rip - 2009 - Synthese 168 (3):405 - 422.
    Starting from common-sense notions of ‘furniture of the world’ a process ontology is developed in which prospective is an integral part. Technology as configurations that work (precariously) embodies expectations which structure further development. Examples (a cloned puppy, hotel keys, DC airplanes, stem cells, and overpasses on Long Island) are used to develop the notion of material narratives that are “written”, not just by engineers and designers/producers, but also by users: “reading” implies some further “writing”. In contrast to prevailing notions of (...)
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  43. El uso expresivo de las palabras: daño sexual, narración y transformación.Josep E. Corbi & Carmen Martínez-Sáez - 2021 - Quaderns de Filosofia 7:11-41.
    Marta Suria writes *Ella soy yo* as part of her response to the irruption of the memories of the sexual aggressions she had suffered since childhood. She is convinced that the way she narrates her experience will transform and liberate her. How is it at all possible that a certain kind of narrative may transform and li- berate us? In this paper, we will first describe the conception of the relationship between language and experience that lies behind this perplexity (...)
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    Anger and uptake.Shiloh Whitney - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (5):1255-1279.
    One of the narratives of anger as a pandemic emotion is not diagnostic, but celebratory: anger at racial injustice made a social and political breakthrough during the pandemic. What this breakthrough narrative celebrates is that people who had previously been moved only to alarmed scrutiny of the anger itself and the project of quelling it began instead, not merely to approve of this anger, but to to be oriented and instructed by it, permitting the anti-racist anger of others to (...)
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    Negative Utopianism and Catastrophe in Margaret Atwood's MaddAddam Trilogy.Casey Jergenson - 2019 - Utopian Studies 30 (3):486-504.
    Dystopian and postapocalyptic narratives are often vectors for utopian hope in decidedly anti-utopian historical moments. The twenty-first century has, arguably, been such a moment. The association of utopianism with some of the most devastating political projects of the twentieth century, the plurality of existential threats looming over the globalized world, and the hegemony of global capitalism converge to form a cultural milieu inundated with grim visions of the future. These visions, however, have a stubborn tendency to gesture toward their negation: (...)
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    (1 other version)Philosophy and literature: Yesterday, today and tomorrow.Martin Warner - 2009 - Ratio 22 (4):486-507.
    Plato's rhetorical gesture invoking a 'quarrel' between philosophy and poetry points to a deep problem in our conception of rational discourse, often obscured or displaced in the history of philosophy's relations with imaginative literature, especially with respect to analytic philosophy in the first half of the twentieth century. Recent developments have helped focus attention on the overlap between philosophy and literature, which the contemporary retreat from philosophy's 'narrative turn' does little to undermine. Further work in the philosophy of language, (...)
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  47. Linguistic Bodies: The Continuity Between Life and Language.Ezequiel A. Di Paolo, Elena Clare Cuffari & Hanne De Jaegher - 2018 - Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press. Edited by Elena Clare Cuffari & Hanne De Jaegher.
    A novel theoretical framework for an embodied, non-representational approach to language that extends and deepens enactive theory, bridging the gap between sensorimotor skills and language. -/- Linguistic Bodies offers a fully embodied and fully social treatment of human language without positing mental representations. The authors present the first coherent, overarching theory that connects dynamical explanations of action and perception with language. Arguing from the assumption of a deep continuity between life and mind, they show that this continuity extends to language. (...)
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    Co‐occurrence of Ostensive Communication and Generalizable Knowledge in Forager Storytelling.Michelle Scalise Sugiyama - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (1):279-300.
    Teaching is hypothesized to be a species-typical behavior in humans that contributed to the emergence of cumulative culture. Several within-culture studies indicate that foragers depend heavily on social learning to acquire practical skills and knowledge, but it is unknown whether teaching is universal across forager populations. Teaching can be defined ethologically as the modification of behavior by an expert in the presence of a novice, such that the expert incurs a cost and the novice acquires skills/knowledge more efficiently or that (...)
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    Uso de recursos multimodales en tareas de recontado de niños con Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje.Alejandra Figueroa-Leighton, Nina Crespo Allende & Jeannette Sepúlveda - 2018 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 28 (2):412-428.
    The importance of the gesture and the glance in oral communication face-to-face are undeniable, however, the communication skills of children with Specific Language Impairment has been measured, primarily preferring a description of its language orally or has been considered the verbal and non-verbal in an isolated manner. Given this, the objective of this study was to describe and interpret the use of the word, gesture and glances in narrative discourse in children SLI from a multimodal perspective, that allows to (...)
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    (1 other version)Post-modern thinking and African Philosophy.E. Etieyibo - 2014 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 3 (1):67-82.
    I want to do a couple of things in this essay. First, I want to articulate the central direction that postmodern thinking or philosophy takes. Second, I want to present a brief sketch of African philosophy, focusing mostly on some aspects of African ethics. Third, I want to gesture towards the view that while postmodern thinking seems to suggest that African philosophy is a legitimate narrative or “language game” it could be argued that given its central ideas and doctrines (...)
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