Results for 'Ingrid Vilà-Giménez'

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  1.  17
    Children Use Non-referential Gestures in Narrative Speech to Mark Discourse Elements Which Update Common Ground.Patrick Louis Rohrer, Júlia Florit-Pons, Ingrid Vilà-Giménez & Pilar Prieto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:661339.
    While recent studies have claimed that non-referential gestures (i.e., gestures that do not visually represent any semantic content in speech) are used to mark discourse-new and/or -accessible referents and focused information in adult speech, to our knowledge, no prior investigation has studied the relationship between information structure (IS) and gesture referentiality in children’s narrative speech from a developmental perspective. A longitudinal database consisting of 332 narratives performed by 83 children at two different time points in development was coded for IS (...)
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    Returning Individual Research Results from Digital Phenotyping in Psychiatry.Francis X. Shen, Matthew L. Baum, Nicole Martinez-Martin, Adam S. Miner, Melissa Abraham, Catherine A. Brownstein, Nathan Cortez, Barbara J. Evans, Laura T. Germine, David C. Glahn, Christine Grady, Ingrid A. Holm, Elisa A. Hurley, Sara Kimble, Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, Kimberlyn Leary, Mason Marks, Patrick J. Monette, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, P. Pearl O’Rourke, Scott L. Rauch, Carmel Shachar, Srijan Sen, Ipsit Vahia, Jason L. Vassy, Justin T. Baker, Barbara E. Bierer & Benjamin C. Silverman - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (2):69-90.
    Psychiatry is rapidly adopting digital phenotyping and artificial intelligence/machine learning tools to study mental illness based on tracking participants’ locations, online activity, phone and text message usage, heart rate, sleep, physical activity, and more. Existing ethical frameworks for return of individual research results (IRRs) are inadequate to guide researchers for when, if, and how to return this unprecedented number of potentially sensitive results about each participant’s real-world behavior. To address this gap, we convened an interdisciplinary expert working group, supported by (...)
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    Importance of systematic deliberation and stakeholder presence: a national study of clinical ethics committees.Morten Magelssen, Reidar Pedersen, Ingrid Miljeteig, Håvard Ervik & Reidun Førde - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (2):66-70.
    BackgroundCase consultation performed by clinical ethics committees (CECs) is a complex activity which should be evaluated. Several evaluation studies have reported stakeholder satisfaction in single institutions. The present study was conducted nationwide and compares clinicians’ evaluations on a range of aspects with the CEC’s own evaluation.MethodsProspective questionnaire study involving case consultations at 19 Norwegian CECs for 1 year, where consultations were evaluated by CECs and clinicians who had participated.ResultsEvaluations of 64 case consultations were received. Cases were complex with multiple ethical (...)
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  4.  27
    Moral distress in acute psychiatric nursing: Multifaceted dilemmas and demands.Trine-Lise Jansen, Marit Helene Hem, Lars Johan Dambolt & Ingrid Hanssen - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1315-1326.
    Background In this article, the sources and features of moral distress as experienced by acute psychiatric care nurses are explored. Research design A qualitative design with 16 individual in-depth interviews was chosen. Braun and Clarke’s six analytic phases were used. Ethical considerations Approval was obtained from the Norwegian Social Science Data Services. Participation was confidential and voluntary. Findings Based on findings, a somewhat wider definition of moral distress is introduced where nurses experiencing being morally constrained, facing moral dilemmas or moral (...)
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    Bedside Rationing Under Resource Constraints—A National Survey of Ethiopian Physicians’ Use of Criteria for Priority Setting.Frehiwot Berhane Defaye, Marion Danis, Paul Wakim, Yemane Berhane, Ole Frithjof Norheim & Ingrid Miljeteig - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (2):125-135.
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    Contrasts in older persons’ experiences and significant others’ perceptions of existential loneliness.Helena Larsson, Anna-Karin Edberg, Ingrid Bolmsjö & Margareta Rämgård - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (6):1623-1637.
    Background: As frail older people might have difficulties in expressing themselves, their needs are often interpreted by others, for example, by significant others, whose information health care staff often have to rely on. This, in turn, can put health care staff in ethically difficult situations, where they have to choose between alternative courses of action. One aspect that might be especially difficult to express is that of existential loneliness. We have only sparse knowledge about whether, and in what way, the (...)
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  7.  18
    Study protocol: the Australian genetics and life insurance moratorium—monitoring the effectiveness and response (A-GLIMMER) project.Paul Lacaze, Louise Keogh, Margaret Otlowski, Ingrid Winship, Kristine Barlow-Stewart, Martin Delatycki, Penny Gleeson, Tiffany Boughtwood, Andrea Belcher, Aideen McInerney-Leo & Jane Tiller - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundThe use of genetic test results in risk-rated insurance is a significant concern internationally, with many countries banning or restricting the use of genetic test results in underwriting. In Australia, life insurers’ use of genetic test results is legal and self-regulated by the insurance industry (Financial Services Council (FSC)). In 2018, an Australian Parliamentary Inquiry recommended that insurers’ use of genetic test results in underwriting should be prohibited. In 2019, the FSC introduced an industry self-regulated moratorium on the use of (...)
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  8.  30
    Rethinking Human Embryo Research Policies.Kirstin R. W. Matthews, Ana S. Iltis, Nuria Gallego Marquez, Daniel S. Wagner, Jason Scott Robert, Inmaculada de Melo-Martín, Marieke Bigg, Sarah Franklin, Soren Holm, Ingrid Metzler, Matteo A. Molè, Jochen Taupitz, Giuseppe Testa & Jeremy Sugarman - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (1):47-51.
    It now seems technically feasible to culture human embryos beyond the “fourteen‐day limit,” which has the potential to increase scientific understanding of human development and perhaps improve infertility treatments. The fourteen‐day limit was adopted as a compromise but subsequently has been considered an ethical line. Does it remain relevant in light of technological advances permitting embryo maturation beyond it? Should it be changed and, if so, how and why? What justifications would be necessary to expand the limit, particularly given that (...)
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  9.  12
    Looking at Aesthetic Emotions in Advertising Research Through a Psychophysiological Perspective.Mathieu Lajante, Olivier Droulers, Christian Derbaix & Ingrid Poncin - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:553100.
    Do usual commercials elicit the full spectrum of emotions? For this perspective paper, we posit that they do not. Concepts and measures related to the adaptive functions and well-being areas of emotion research cannot simply be transferred for use in advertising research. When a commercial elicits emotions, the emotions staged in the commercial must not be directly associated with the emotions felt by consumers when exposed to those commercials. This is why “aesthetic” emotions seem more appropriate than “utilitarian” emotions in (...)
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  10.  46
    Traumatic memories of war veterans: Not so special after all☆.Elke Geraerts, Dragica Kozarić-Kovačić, Harald Merckelbach, Tina Peraica, Marko Jelicic & Ingrid Candel - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (1):170-177.
    Several authors have argued that traumatic experiences are processed and remembered in a qualitatively different way from neutral events. To investigate this issue, we interviewed 121 Croatian war veterans diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder about amnesia, intrusions , and the sensory qualities of their most horrific war memories. Additionally, they completed a self-report scale measuring dissociative experiences. In contrast to what one would expect on the basis of theories emphasizing the special status of traumatic memories, amnesia, and high frequency intrusions (...)
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  11.  25
    Experience of oncology residents with death: a qualitative study in Mexico.Asunción Álvarez-del-Río, Edwin Ortega-García, Luis Oñate-Ocaña & Ingrid Vargas-Huicochea - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-13.
    Background Physicians play a fundamental role in the care of patients at the end of life that includes knowing how to accompany patients, alleviate their suffering and inform them about their situation. However, in reality, doctors are part of this society that is reticent to face death and lack the proper education to manage it in their clinical practice. The objective of this study was to explore the residents’ concepts of death and related aspects, their reactions and actions in situations (...)
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    Life purposes: Comparing higher education students in four institutions in the Netherlands and Finland.Caroline Suransky, Inkeri Rissanen, Ingrid Schutte, Doret de Ruyter, Isolde de Groot & Elina Kuusisto - 2023 - Journal of Moral Education 52 (4):489-510.
    ABSTRACT Universities worldwide are beginning to counter the prevailing neo-liberal ideology by paying renewed attention to the moral development of students and fostering their life purposes. This mixed methods study investigates the life purposes of higher education students in four institutions in the Netherlands (nDutch = 663) and Finland (nFinnish = 846). Based on quantitative data, we identified four purpose profiles: purposeful, self-oriented, dreamer, and disengaged. Qualitative data showed that students’ willingness to contribute to a better world was not particularly (...)
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    A Randomized Controlled Trial of Concentrated ERP, Self-Help and Waiting List for Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder: The Bergen 4-Day Treatment.Gunvor Launes, Kristen Hagen, Tor Sunde, Lars-Göran Öst, Ingrid Klovning, Inger-Lill Laukvik, Joseph A. Himle, Stian Solem, Sigurd W. Hystad, Bjarne Hansen & Gerd Kvale - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Fosterdiagnostikk mellom medisin og etikk: Implementering av NIPT–testen i et urolig politikkområde.Nora Levold, Marit Svingen & Ingrid Bruholt - 2021 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:5-24.
    Artikkelen undersøker hvordan NIPT ble vedtatt implementert i det norske fosterdiagnostiske systemet gjennom en fagligpolitisk prosess mellom 2012 og 2017. Prosessen innebar at Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten, Helsedirektoratet, Bioteknologirådet og Helse- og Omsorgsdepartementet ga sine vurderinger av testen og sine råd omkring en eventuell innføring. Artikkelen viser at det i denne prosessen foregikk en forsiktig tilnærming eller sammensmelting mellom de tradisjonelt helt ulike måtene å forstå og å ramme inn fosterdiagnostikk på i Norge, dvs. i en ‘autonomi/ behandlingsramme’ og en (...)
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  15.  24
    El papel de los dispositivos móviles en la apropiación de los espacio de ciudad: una aproximación a los procesos de apropiación y uso de los gimnasios al aire libre.Juan Felipe Alvarez Villa & Ingrid Durley Torres Pardo - 2017 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 6 (1):1-8.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal hacer un análisis sobre cuál es el papel que tiene el uso de los dispositivos móviles en la apropiación de los diversos espacios de ciudad, dicho análisis se desarrolla al margen de la investigación sobre el desarrollo de una aplicación para dispositivos móviles que permita el correcto uso de los gimnasios al aire libre en la ciudad de Medellín – Colombia. Esta investigación fue apoyada por los entes nacionales COLCIENCIAS y COLDEPORTES y permitió (...)
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  16.  52
    The Minimax, the Minimin, and the Hurwicz Adjustment Principle.Bernhard F. Arnold, Ingrid Größl & Peter Stahlecker - 2002 - Theory and Decision 52 (3):233-260.
    In this paper the Hurwicz decision rule is applied to an adjustment problem concerning the decision whether a given action should be improved in the light of some knowledge on the states of nature or on other actors' behaviour. In comparison with the minimax and the minimin adjustment principles the general Hurwicz rule reduces to these specific classes whenever the underlying loss function is quadratic and knowledge is given by an ellipsoidal set. In the framework of the adjustment model discussed (...)
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  17.  20
    In search of the changeable: An analysis of visual representations of nursing in Norwegian and Danish professional nursing journals, 1965–2016.Iben Munksgaard Ravn, Kirsten Beedholm, Kirsten Frederiksen, Marit Kvangarsnes, Ingrid Christina Foss & Ingrid Ruud Knutsen - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (3):e12340.
    In this study, we demonstrate how perceptions of nursing are constructed in close connection with the development of the Nordic welfare states. Drawing on Gillian Rose's framework for analysing the social and political implications of visual materials, we analysed selected visual representations of nursing published in Danish and Norwegian professional nursing journals in the period 1965 to 2016. The analyses were conducted in an iterative process in three phases. First, we reviewed all visuals spanning the entire period to obtain an (...)
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  18.  20
    Cultural Diversity, Integration and Harm Protection in Liberal Societies.Francesca Cesarano, Roberta Sala & Ingrid Salvatore - 2023 - Res Publica (4):555-560.
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  19.  35
    Matter and Form: From Natural Science to Political Philosophy.Douglas Al-Maini, Coleen Zoller, Mostafa Younesie, Michael Weinman, Ahmed Abdel Meguid, David Lewis Schaefer, Dwayne Raymond, Paul Ulrich, Leah Bradshaw, Juhana Lemetti, Ingrid Makus, Lee Ward, Leonard R. Sorenson & Steven Robinson (eds.) - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Matter and Form explores the relationship between natural science and political philosophy from the classical to contemporary eras, taking an interdisciplinary approach to the philosophic understanding of the structure and process of the natural world and its impact on the history of political philosophy. It illuminates the importance of philosophic reflection on material nature to moral and political theorizing, mediating between the sciences and humanities and making a contribution to ending the isolation between them.
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    Cancer care in Romania: challenges and pitfalls of children's and adolescents' multifaceted involvement.Domnita O. Badarau, Eva De Clercq, Tenzin Wangmo, Monica Dragomir, Ingrid Miron, Thomas Kühne & Bernice S. Elger - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (12):757-761.
    Communication about diagnosis and medical treatment for children suffering from life-threatening illnesses is complex. It is a primary step in involving underage patients and families in care and lays the foundation for obtaining parental permission and patient assent for treatment. In practice child participation in care is often difficult to obtain due to patients' different and sometimes fluctuating preferences, but also parents' protective strategies. Physicians may be susceptible to parental wishes to limit information and feel uncomfortable discussing issues related to (...)
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  21. MA poses : a new material feminist art practice.Nané Jordan Barbara Bickel, Ingrid Rose Medwyn McConachy & Cindy Lou Griffith - 2019 - In Boyd White, Anita Sinner & Pauline Sameshima, Ma: materiality in teaching and learning. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
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    Psychotherapy in Psychosis: Experiences of Fully Recovered Service Users.Jone Bjornestad, Marius Veseth, Larry Davidson, Inge Joa, Jan Olav Johannessen, Tor Ketil Larsen, Ingrid Melle & Wenche ten Velden Hegelstad - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Morfologie van de Belgische politieke partijen- Morphologie des partis politiques belges 1970-1985.Wilfried Dewachter, Mieke Verminck, Marc Maes, Erwin Das & Ingrid Vanhoren - 1988 - Res Publica 30 (4):481-698.
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    Rethinking Human Embryo Research Policies.Kirstin R. W. Matthews, Ana S. Iltis, Nuria Gallego Marquez, Daniel S. Wagner, Jason Scott Robert, Inmaculada Melo-Martín, Marieke Bigg, Sarah Franklin, Soren Holm, Ingrid Metzler, Matteo A. Molè, Jochen Taupitz, Giuseppe Testa & Jeremy Sugarman - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (1):47-51.
    It now seems technically feasible to culture human embryos beyond the “fourteen‐day limit,” which has the potential to increase scientific understanding of human development and perhaps improve infertility treatments. The fourteen‐day limit was adopted as a compromise but subsequently has been considered an ethical line. Does it remain relevant in light of technological advances permitting embryo maturation beyond it? Should it be changed and, if so, how and why? What justifications would be necessary to expand the limit, particularly given that (...)
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    “Make it possible for more people to work at home!” representations of employee motivation and job satisfaction in Danish and Norwegian newspapers during the COVID-19 pandemic.Katrine Sonnenschein, Øivind Hagen, Ingrid Steen Rostad & Ragnhild Wiik - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees with task-based jobs were forced to work from home, while others were furloughed or laid off. The current study aims to investigate how Norwegian and Danish newspapers represent employee motivation and job satisfaction of remote workers in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study used a thematic analysis of five newspapers from Norway and Denmark with different daily distributions and political orientations. The findings suggest that the newspapers in the two countries represented the topic (...)
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  26.  19
    Emotional Intelligence, Empathy, Self-Esteem, and Life Satisfaction in Spanish Adolescents: Regression vs. QCA Models.Marian Guasp Coll, Diego Navarro-Mateu, María Del Carmen Giménez-Espert & Vicente Javier Prado-Gascó - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Commercial Divers’ Subjective Evaluation of Saturation.Jean Pierre Imbert, Costantino Balestra, Fatima Zohra Kiboub, Øyvind Loennechen & Ingrid Eftedal - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Postgraduate Forum on Genetics and Society: Report on the Ninth Colloquium.Andrew Barlett, Jamie Lewis & Ingrid Holme - 2005 - Genomics, Society and Policy 1 (3):1-5.
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    (1 other version)“I Stand Alone.” An Ethnodrama About the (dis)Connections Between a Client and Professionals in a Residential Care Home.Vivianne Baur, Tineke Abma & Ingrid Baart - 2012 - Health Care Analysis (3):1-20.
    Client participation in elderly care organizations requires shifting traditional power relations and establishing communicative action that involves the lifeworlds of clients and professionals alike. This article describes a particular form of client participation in which one client was part of a team of professionals in a residential care home. Their joint remit was to plan the implementation of a new personal care file for residents. We describe the interactions within this team through an ethnodrama, based on participant observations and the (...)
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  30.  18
    Un derecho desconocido y un deber exigido: El compromiso con los médicos en Colombia.María Nelsy Bautista Otero, Gabriel David Pinilla Monsalve & Ingrid Catherine Ortega Hernández - 2015 - Ratio Juris 10 (21):27-48.
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  31.  15
    Graph structure analysis of speech production among second language learners of Spanish and Chinese.Mona Roxana Botezatu, Janaina Weissheimer, Marina Ribeiro, Taomei Guo, Ingrid Finger & Natalia Bezerra Mota - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Language experience shapes the gradual maturation of speech production in both native and second languages. Structural aspects like the connectedness of spontaneous narratives reveal this maturation progress in L1 acquisition and, as it does not rely on semantics, it could also reveal structural pattern changes during L2 acquisition. The current study tested whether L2 lexical retrieval associated with vocabulary knowledge could impact the global connectedness of narratives during the initial stages of L2 acquisition. Specifically, the study evaluated the relationship between (...)
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  32.  22
    El Gesto Quínico Por Una Filosofía de la Insolencia.Johan Steven Hurtado Alvarado, Ingrid Liceth Vargas peña & Oscar Espinel Bernal - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-23.
    The philosophy devoted to the sacred knowledge of Athena has suffered an undeniable castration in modernity, because, following Sloterdijk, it has been related to the cynic, subjugation to appearance. For this reason, German literature differentiates between Kynismus and Zynismus. The kynysmós with "k" refers to the wise dogs of the agora and the Zynismus to the toothless Papillon. Under the keys of modernity, philosophy is camouflaged in moderation, good saying and salon etiquette, thereby abandoning the stridency, sarcasm and challenge that (...)
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  33.  32
    Global Crisis: Local reality?: An international analysis of ‘crisis’ in the early years.E. Jayne White & Ingrid Pramling-Samuelsson - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (9):1036-1051.
    In a recent keynote speech Paul Standish noted ‘there is agreement in judgments. But how the response to those judgments is realised is always cultural’. Making judgments about what constitutes ‘crisis’ for children is not necessarily agreed universally, though clearly there are some commonalities across many countries, as evident in United Nations on the Convention of the Rights of the Child agreements. This article examines the local rhetoric and reality of ‘crisis’ for children in countries across the world. What constitutes (...)
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  34.  30
    Identifying Sustainability Issues for Soymeal and Beef Production Chains.Farahnaz Pashaei Kamali, Miranda P. M. Meuwissen, Imke J. M. De Boer, Hanna Stolz, Ingrid Jahrl, Salvador V. Garibay, Ray Jacobsen, Toon Driesen & Alfons G. J. M. Oude Lansink - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (6):949-965.
    The expansion of livestock production throughout the world has led to increased demand for high protein animal feed. This expansion has created economic benefits for livestock farmers and other actors in the chain, but also resulted in environmental and social side effects. This study aims to identify a set of sustainability issues that cover the environmental, economic and social dimensions of soymeal and beef production chains. The method applied combines the results of multiple studies, including a literature review and stakeholder (...)
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    Predicting Long-Term Cognitive Outcome Following Breast Cancer with Pre-Treatment Resting State fMRI and Random Forest Machine Learning.Shelli R. Kesler, Arvind Rao, Douglas W. Blayney, Ingrid A. Oakley-Girvan, Meghan Karuturi & Oxana Palesh - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  36.  22
    Determinants of Cognitive Development in the Early Life of Children in Bhaktapur, Nepal.Suman Ranjitkar, Mari Hysing, Ingrid Kvestad, Merina Shrestha, Manjeswori Ulak, Jaya S. Shilpakar, Roshan Sintakala, Ram K. Chandyo, Laxman Shrestha & Tor A. Strand - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A Criminal Law for Semicitizens.Ivó Coca-Vila & Cristián Irarrázaval - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (1):56-72.
    Journal of Applied Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  38. A importância de tratamento de águas residuais através da biorremediação: Uma análise principiológica.Ingrid Zanella Andrade Campos - 2014 - Revista Fides 5 (2).
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  39. Oposición fiscal y reivindicaciones políticas: La revuelta de Peñíscola de 1715.Enrique Giménez López - 1988 - Contrastes 3:91-104.
    The reorganization of taxation within the territory under the Crown of Aragon, which was undertaken alfter the War of Succession, was performed at a period of economic difficulties and coincided with radical political change. It was therefore not unopposed. The study of the Peñiscola Revolt in 1715 is important for three main reasons: the opposition to taxation which fuelled it; the demands for a retum to the municipal organization of the period of the "fuero"; and the fact that it arose (...)
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    One Person's Efforts.Ingrid Newkirk - 1985 - Between the Species 1 (4):12.
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    Nota Editorial.Francisca María Pou Giménez - 2018 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 48.
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    Presentación de D. José Arturo Domínguez Asensio.Ramón Valdivia Giménez - 2020 - Isidorianum 24 (47-48):9-12.
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  43. " La Place d'autri": dificultades y paradojas.Josep Olesti Vila - 2010 - In Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez & Sergio Rodero Cilleros, Leibniz en la filosofía y la ciencia modernas. Granada: Comares.
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    Motherhood, mothering and care among Mongolian herder women.María E. Fernández-Giménez, Tugsbuyan Bayarbat, Chantsallkham Jamsranjav & Tungalag Ulambayar - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-19.
    As interest in women’s roles in agriculture increases, research on women livestock-keepers remains limited. Advances in feminist scholarship highlight farming women’s dual roles in agricultural production and biological and socio-cultural reproduction, including women’s uncompensated labor in child-bearing, child-rearing and home-making. To expand knowledge about women pastoralists’ lived experiences, we conducted life-history interviews with 25 herder women in two regions of Mongolia, following-up with participatory workshops in each region. As mothering and carework emerged as key themes, we drew on feminist care (...)
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    Governing Collaborative Value Creation in the Context of Grand Challenges: A Case Study of a Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in the Textile Industry.Ingrid Wakkee, Jakomijn van Wijk & Lori DiVito - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (5):1092-1131.
    The aim of this study is to understand how governance mechanisms in cross-sector collaborations (CSCs) for sustainability affect value creation and capture and subsequently the survival of this organizational form. Drawing on a longitudinal, participatory, single-case study of collaborative action in the textile industry, we identify three governance mechanisms—safeguarding, bundling and connecting—that coevolve with the rising and waning of collaborative tensions and the shifting levels of action in the CSC we studied. These mechanisms aided value creation and helped facilitate private (...)
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    Towards a theory of pastoralist and rancher identity: insights for understanding livestock systems in transformation.María E. Fernández-Giménez & Hailey Wilmer - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-18.
    This article outlines a middle-range theory of pastoralist/rancher identity, offering a framework for analyzing the meanings, symbols, and practices associated with four interrelated dimensions of pastoralist identity: identification with livestock, place, family and community, and occupation. Poetic analysis of interviews from pastoral systems in transition in Mongolia’s Khangai and Gobi regions, the Spanish Pyrenees, and Colorado, USA shows how theorizing pastoralist identity, animated by place-based knowledge and emotion, may support deeper understanding of livestock-keepers’ social conflicts and responses to change. Even (...)
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  47. What's material about materialist feminism? A Marxist feminist critique.Martha E. Giménez - 2000 - Radical Philosophy 101:18-28.
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    Priority-setting dilemmas, moral distress and support experienced by nurses and physicians in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway.Ingrid Miljeteig, Ingeborg Forthun, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Inger Elise Engelund, Elisabeth Schanche, Margrethe Schaufel & Kristine Husøy Onarheim - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):66-81.
    Background: The global COVID-19 pandemic has imposed challenges on healthcare systems and professionals worldwide and introduced a ´maelstrom´ of ethical dilemmas. How ethically demanding situations are handled affects employees’ moral stress and job satisfaction. Aim: Describe priority-setting dilemmas, moral distress and support experienced by nurses and physicians across medical specialties in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Western Norway. Research design: A cross-sectional hospital-based survey was conducted from 23 April to 11 May 2020. Ethical considerations: Ethical approval granted (...)
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    (1 other version)En los márgenes de la institución. Reflexiones sobre las maneras diversas de ser y dejar de ser católico.Verónica Giménez Béliveau - 2013 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 3 (2).
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  50. La educación transformadora de la realidad social.Mercedes Blanchard Giménez - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (972):14-15.
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