Results for ' mode of production'

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  1.  60
    Civilization, Mode of Production, Ages of History and the Three-Legged Movements.Pedro Geiger - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (1):123-134.
    Since its presumed origin by the big bang, about 14 pasts billion years, the Universe is composed of entities, or objects, that produce movements that produce new objects that produce new movements, in an endless sequence.The human mind is one of these entities, whose movements are capable to produce many objects, materialized or as ideas. Those objects in their turn will interact with the mind and new movements will be produced. This process had composed the history of mankind.The Nature presents (...)
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  2. Modes of Production in World History.James W. Russell - 1991 - Science and Society 55 (4):502-503.
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    Debating Modes of Production and Forms of Exploitation: Introduction to the Symposium on Jairus Banaji’s Theory as History.Liam Campling - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (4):3-10.
    Theory as History, which was awarded the Deutscher Memorial Prize in 2011, collects together several of Jairus Banaji’s essays published over the course of 30 years. This symposium comprises four essays engaging with different aspects of the powerful and provocative contributions in Theory as History, as well as an essay in response by Banaji. The Editorial Introduction sketches elements of Banaji’s work and highlights some of the main arguments advanced in the symposium.
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    The Ancient Mode of Production, the City-State and Politics.Carlos García Mac Gaw - 2019 - Historical Materialism 28 (1):215-249.
    This paper briefly examines the concept of the ancient mode of production as expressed in Karl Marx’s Formations. It looks at how twentieth-century Marxist historiography picks up this concept in its characterisation of the Greco-Roman city-state. It explores the feasibility of the use of the concept in relation to the advancement of knowledge of the city-state, especially through the development of archaeology. It examines how social classes are structured and relations of exploitation are presented. And it analyses the (...)
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    Foucault, Marxism, and History: Mode of Production Versus Mode of Information.Mark Poster - 1984 - Wiley-Blackwell.
  6. Mode of Production and Social Formation: An Auto-Critique of Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production.Barry Hindess & Paul Hirst - 1980 - Science and Society 44 (2):231-234.
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    Physics as a Mode of Production.Aristides Baltas - 1993 - Science in Context 6 (2):569-616.
    The ArgumentStarting from the thesis that a science constructs the knowledge of the part of the world allotted to it, the present paper aims at bringing together all the various aspects of physics under a unified conceptual framework — that provided by the Marxian concept “mode of production.” After an introduction providing the initial plausibility grounds for the undertaking, the concept is analyzed into its conceptual elements in Part I of the paper. The analysis presents the reconstruction initiated (...)
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    Modes of Production of Victorian Novels (review).Jan Pilditch - 1988 - Philosophy and Literature 12 (1):144-145.
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    From the Crisis to the ‘Welfare of the Common’ as a New Mode of Production.Carlo Vercellone - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (7-8):85-99.
    The aim of this article is to show in what sense the institutions of the welfare state are key to the struggles that are developing around the debt crisis and against the austerity policies carried out in its name. The first part is dedicated to isolating some elements which contribute to explaining the nature of the current crisis of capitalism and the strategic issues at stake in the policies of expropriation of welfare institutions. The second part emphasizes how, around the (...)
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    Justice and Mode of Production.B. C. Postow - 1979 - Journal of Critical Analysis 7 (4):125-133.
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    Civilizations and modes of production.Immanuel Wallerstein - 1978 - Theory and Society 5 (1):1-10.
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    Development and Modes of Production in Marxian Economics: A Critical Evaluation.Alan Richards - 2001 - Routledge.
    By exploring the strengths and weaknesses of a Marxist approach to economic development, this book presents a balanced treatment of development issues within the area of 'rational choice Marxism'.
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    Semiotic urban models and modes of production: A sociosemiotic approach.A. -ph Lagopoulos - 1983 - Semiotica 45 (3-4).
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    A Regional Mode-of-Production Analysis of Political Behavior: The Cases of Western and Mediterranean France.William Brustein - 1981 - Politics and Society 10 (4):355-398.
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    Foucault, Marxism, and History: Mode of Production versus Mode of InformationMark Poster.Thomas Barrett - 1989 - Isis 80 (3):498-499.
  16. The asiatic mode of production.M. Vitkin - 1981 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 8 (1):46-66.
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  17.  64
    Theory as history: essays on modes of production and exploitation.Jairus Banaji - 2010 - Boston: Brill.
    The twelve essays in this book demonstrate the importance of bringing history back into historical materialism.
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  18. Productive Forces and the Economic Logic of the Feudal Mode of Production.Chris Wickham - 2008 - Historical Materialism 16 (2):3-22.
    This article returns to the debate about the relative importance of the productive forces and the relations of production in the feudal mode of production. It argues, using western medieval evidence, that this relation is an empirical one and varies between modes, maybe also inside modes; and that, in the specific case of feudalism, not only were the relations of production the driving force, but developments in the productive forces actually depended upon them.
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    The Asiatic Mode of Production: Sources, Development and Critique in the Writings of Karl Marx.G. L. Ulmen - 1979 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1979 (42):193-205.
  20. (1 other version)Foucault, Marxism and History. Mode of Production vs Mode of Information.Mark Poster - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 48 (3):531-531.
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  21.  18
    The Metaphysical Transformation Originated from Theory of Mode of Production: Transcend the Traditional Metaphysics by Marx's Theory of Commodity Fetishism.Xia Lin - 2008 - Modern Philosophy 1:008.
    Marx's concept of production is not only in the sense of understanding of historical materialism, but should be placed in the entire history of Western philosophy to dialysis. The theory of commodity fetishism by the specific analysis, we believe that the duality of Marx's labor theory of sublimation of Kant's thing-in theory, the relations of production areas to expose the history of Western philosophy is the pursuit of the illusion of certainty of abstract identity, revealing the dialectic essence (...)
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  22. Discourse fever: post marxist modes of production.Tony Skillen - 1978 - Radical Philosophy 20:3-8.
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  23. Foucault, marxism and history: Mode of production versus mode of information. [REVIEW]John J. Stuhr - 1987 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (1):148.
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  24. Marx the uncanny? Ghosts and their relation to the mode of production.John Fletcher - 1996 - Radical Philosophy 75:31-37.
  25. On the meaning of the economic base+ relations of production, forces of production and modes of production.Cf Yang - 1981 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 12 (3):55-72.
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  26. From Modernization to Modes of Production: A Critique of the Sociologies of Development and Underdevelopment.John G. Taylor, Seymour Martin Lipset, Wilbert E. Moore, Robert Nisbet, Bob Goudzwaard & Jonathan Gershuny - 1982 - Ethics 93 (1):114-128.
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    Production as Participation (A Case Study of Heba – An ‘Alternative’ Mode of Production in the UK Fashion Industry).Juliet Ash - 2002 - Feminist Review 71 (1):90-93.
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    The structure of world history: From modes of production to modes of exchange.Charles Barbour - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (2):290-292.
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  29. Putting Identity to Work: Post-Fordist Modes of Production and Protest.Alison Kooistra - 2006 - Nexus 19 (1):7.
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    The key to the Orient? A note on ‘The Asiatic mode of production’.Hans Hestvang Jørgensen - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (3):327-333.
  31.  16
    How did the East and Western styles of production come about? - Focused on Marx's Theory of Asiatic mode of production-.Hae-Rim Yang - 2018 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 90:379-407.
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    The Fall and Rise of the Asiatic Mode of Production.Larry Stillman & Stephen P. Dunn - 1984 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 104 (4):767.
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  33. Between rocks and hard places: the interstitial mode of production in exilic cinema.Hamid Naficy - 1999 - In Home, exile, homeland: film, media, and the politics of place. New York: Routledge. pp. 125--147.
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    In defence of the Asiatic mode of production.Li Jun - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (3):335-352.
  35.  35
    Dynamiques des modes de production et des ordres sociaux.Gérard Duménil & Dominique Lévy - 2012 - Actuel Marx 52 (2):130-148.
    Marx’s conceptualization of history emphasizes the succession of modes of production. However the dynamics of productive forces and relations of production are continuous. Central to this analysis is the “socialization of production” and the rise of the managerial class. These trends require the adjustment of institutions, notably those in which the ownership of the means of production is expressed, an adjustment that is often implemented under the pressure of structural crises. The article illustrates these dynamics in (...)
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    Lay Observers, Telegraph Lines, and Kansas Weather: The Field Network as a Mode of Knowledge Production.Jeremy Vetter - 2011 - Science in Context 24 (2):259-280.
    ArgumentThis paper examines the field network – linking together lay observers in geographically distributed locations with a central figure who aggregated their locally produced observations into more general, regional knowledge – as a historically emergent mode of knowledge production. After discussing the significance of weather knowledge as a vital domain in which field networks have operated, it describes and analyzes how a more robust and systematized weather observing field network became established and maintained on the ground in the (...)
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  37.  32
    Michel Foucault and the Subversion of the Intellect, and: Michel Foucault: The Freedom of Philosophy, and: Foucault, Marxism and History: Mode of Production versus Mode of Information (review).John J. Stuhr - 1987 - Philosophy and Literature 11 (1):148-162.
  38.  17
    Foucism, Marxory & Histault: A Critical Appraisal of Poster's Foucault, Marxism and History: Mode of Production versus Mode of Information.Martin O'Brien - 1986 - Theory, Culture and Society 3 (2):115-123.
    The application of a `Foucaultism' to contemporary critical analysis is by no means an easy task and Poster's book contains many valuable insights into the functioning of Foucault's work — particularly as it relates to modern Marxisms — within critical theory. Yet there remain a number of important themes which Poster appears merely to gloss over (eg, the precise nature of `historicity', the relation between the dialectic and reason, etc) providing no solution to the dilemmas thrown up by grounded theory (...)
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    Marx, Justice, and the Dialectic Method, PHILIP J. KAIN Allen Wood has argued that for Marx the concept of justice belonging to any society grows out of that society's mode of production in such a way that each social epoch can be judged by its own standards alone, and, in Wood's view, capitalism is perfectly just, for Marx. Others, like ZI Hu.Berkeley an Abstraction & Daniel E. Flage - 1986 - New Scholasticism 60 (4).
  40.  48
    On Softheadedness on the Future:From Modernization to Modes of Production: A Critique of the Sociologies of Development and Underdevelopment. John G. Taylor; The Third Century: America as a Post-Industrial Society. Seymour Martin Lipset; World Modernization: The Limits of Convergence. Wilbert E. Moore; History of the Idea of Progress. Robert Nisbet; Capitalism and Progress: A Diagnosis of Western Society. Bob Goudzwaard; After Industrial Society? The Emerging Self-Service Economy. Jonathan Gershuny; Facing the Future: Mastering the Probable and Managing the Unpredictable. OECD Interfutures; Prophecy and Progress: The Sociology of Industrial and Post-Industrial Society. Krishan Kumar. [REVIEW]Arthur L. Stinchcombe - 1982 - Ethics 93 (1):114-.
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    Modes of reception for fictional films.Michael Scharkow & Monika Suckfüll - 2009 - Communications 34 (4):361-384.
    In this paper, involvement in fictional films is defined as a multidimensional construct consisting of qualitatively differing, interdependent modes of reception. Based on theoretical considerations that we developed further through successive questionnaire studies, we construct a four-factor-model with the latent factors Identity Work, In-Emotion, Imagination, and Production. We subsequently develop and validate a measurement instrument, the Modes of Reception Inventory, which assesses dominant modes of reception for fictional films. The psychometric properties and the construct validity of this scale are (...)
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    The mode of reproduction in transition:: A marxist-feminist analysis of the effects of reproductive technologies.Martha E. Gimenez - 1991 - Gender and Society 5 (3):334-350.
    There is an abundant and growing feminist literature examining the implications of reproductive technologies that separate genetic, physiological, and social motherhood. The literature explains the development of these technologies in terms of the motivations of men, stressing the victimization of women by the medical and legal institutions and the commodification of these technologies. This article examines these technologies from a Marxist-Feminist perspective, locating their sources in the overall development of the forces of production; that is, in structural changes irreducible (...)
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  43.  7
    Le managérialisme est un mode de production.Gérard Duménil & Dominique Lévy - 2020 - Actuel Marx 68 (2):125-137.
    Dans cet entretien consacré à leur livre Managerial Capitalism : Ownership, management and the coming new mode of production (Pluto Press, 2018), G. Duménil et D. Lévy reviennent sur les implications de leur analyse du capitalisme managérial pour l’étude du capitalisme historique, de ses structures de classes fondamentales, et de ses alliances de pouvoirs variables. La thèse du marxisme traditionnel identifiant les managers à une fraction de classe capitaliste s’en trouve critiquée, de même que les présupposés véhiculés par (...)
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    Les différents types de famille au sein des modes de production.Wally Seccombe - 2005 - Actuel Marx 37 (1):27-42.
    Marxists expand the mode of production concept to make room for family forms, situating them in the daily and generational production of labour power. Family forms are active elements in the constitution and development of modes of production, above all because they are central to the production of people and their capacities for work, compliance and resistance. Our focus is on the turnover phase of the cycle when offspring reach adulthood, marry, join or form households, (...)
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    Unusual modes of reproduction in social insects: Shedding light on the evolutionary paradox of sex.Tom Wenseleers & Annette Van Oystaeyen - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (12):927-937.
    The study of alternative genetic systems and mixed modes of reproduction, whereby sexual and asexual reproduction is combined within the same lifecycle, is of fundamental importance as they may shed light on classical evolutionary issues, such as the paradox of sex. Recently, several such cases were discovered in social insects. A closer examination of these systems has revealed many amazing facts, including the mixed use of asexual and sexual reproduction for the production of new queens and workers, males that (...)
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    Fandom as a mode of second production: active audienceship of the rising shadow.Saara L. Taalas & Irma Hirsjärvi - 2013 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 7 (3/4):245.
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    Seed Bags and Storytelling: Modes of Living and Writing after the End in Wanuri Kahiu's Pumzi.Kirk Bryan Sides - 2019 - Critical Philosophy of Race 7 (1):107-123.
    This article argues that the 2010 short film Pumzi is an exploration of post-crisis, ecological rehabilitation that asks for a rethinking of narratives modes for representing climate change. Employing seeds and sowing as ecological tropes, Pumzi explores how we create and carry narrative in relation to a rapidly changing earth. Both the multi-scalar geographical expanses as well as the deep geological timelines of Anthropocene discourse mean that placing the human in relation to its post-crisis environment requires more collective notions of (...)
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    The Affective Modes of Right-Wing Populism: Trump Pedagogy and Lessons for Democratic Education.Michalinos Zembylas - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (2):151-166.
    This paper argues that it is important for educators in democratic education to understand how the rise of right-wing populism in Europe, the United States and around the world can never be viewed apart from the affective investments of populist leaders and their supporters to essentialist ideological visions of nationalism, racism, sexism and xenophobia. Democratic education can provide the space for educators and students to think critically and productively about people’s affects, in order to identify the implications of different affective (...)
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  49.  69
    Alternative modes of governance: organic as civic engagement. [REVIEW]E. Melanie DuPuis & Sean Gillon - 2009 - Agriculture and Human Values 26 (1-2):43-56.
    A major strategy in the creation of sustainable economies is the establishment of alternative market institutions, such as fair trade and local market systems. However, the dynamics of these alternative markets are poorly understood. What are the rules of behavior by which these markets function? How do these markets maintain their separate identity as “alternative”: apart from the conventional (“free”) market system? Building on Lyson’s notion of civic agriculture, we argue that alternative markets maintain themselves through civic engagement. However, we (...)
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  50.  64
    Knowledge-intensive business services in the new mode of knowledge production.Christiane Hipp - 1999 - AI and Society 13 (1-2):88-106.
    The new mode of knowledge production is seen as a distinct form of economic organisation used for exchanging and creating knowledge. The emphasis is laid on the role of business services in innovative networks as carriers of knowledge and intermediates between science (knowledge creator) and their customers (knowledge user). The empirical analysis shows that knowledge-intensive business services are able to make existing knowledge useful for, their customers, improving the customer's performance and productivity and contributing to technological and structural (...)
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