Results for ' maximization'

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    Cybernetics Everywhere.Maxime Boidy - 2024 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 33 (68).
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    A Computational Turn in Policy Process Studies: Coevolving Network Dynamics of Policy Change.Maxime Stauffer, Isaak Mengesha, Konrad Seifert, Igor Krawczuk, Jens Fischer & Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-17.
    The past three decades of policy process studies have seen the emergence of a clear intellectual lineage with regard to complexity. Implicitly or explicitly, scholars have employed complexity theory to examine the intricate dynamics of collective action in political contexts. However, the methodological counterparts to complexity theory, such as computational methods, are rarely used and, even if they are, they are often detached from established policy process theory. Building on a critical review of the application of complexity theory to policy (...)
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  3. Ideology: Public and Private.Maxime Rodinson - 1977 - Diogenes 25 (97):1-20.
    Men are living in the midst of a world pervaded by ideas.* Ideas, which provide men with help in their will to act and to think according to rules, which offer them guidance in their lives, are mustered into systems which are called ideologies.Ideologies are issued by the inclusive society, by special, functional groups inside the society and, beginning with a given stage in the development of human society, by ideological movements which profess to provide men not only with guidance (...)
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    (1 other version)Reasoning based on consolidated real world experience acquired by a humanoid robot.Petit Maxime, Pointeau Grégoire & Dominey Peter Ford - 2016 - Interaction Studies 17 (2):248-278.
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    L’unité du dernier chapitre du Peri Hermeneias : traduction et commentaire d’Aristote, De l’interprétation, 14.Maxime Vachon - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (2):305-320.
    Maxime Vachon | : L’objectif de cet article est de montrer l’unité du chapitre 14 du Peri Hermeneias, chapitre dans lequel Aristote retourne au fondement de l’échange dialectique, à savoir la doxa. Je montre ainsi que ce chapitre expose progressivement les trois conditions sémantiques que des points de vue doivent respecter pour être contraires : le sujet doit être le même, l’objet doit aussi être le même, mais le mode de prédication doit être contradictoire. | : The aim of this (...)
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    Les apories sur l’existence du temps et du maintenant.Maxime Vachon - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (1):133-149.
    Maxime Vachon | Résumé : Le but de cet article est de mettre en lumière les apories sur l’existence du temps et sur le maintenant telles que présentées dans la première partie du chapitre IV, 10 de la Physique d’Aristote par une traduction et un commentaire de ce texte. Plus précisément, l’auteur tente de dégager les présupposés philosophiques des apories en question, notamment à partir des occurrences du verbe histanai et de ses composés. |: The aim of this article is (...)
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  7. La force du droit.Maxime Chauvet, Gustavo Fernandes Meireles & Emmanuele Nef (eds.) - 2023 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin.
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    Le langage théâtral de Gabriel Marcel [with DISCUSSION].Maxime Chastaing - 1974 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 79 (3):354 - 366.
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    Que font des hommes qui disent faire de la psychologie ?Maxime Chastaing - 1971 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 161:5 - 18.
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    Nechui’s Aesthetic Code: Repetition, Pacing, and Non-Purposeful Narration.Maxim Tarnawsky - 2014 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 1:219.
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    The Concept of Manopavicāra in Vasubandhu’s Exposition of Pratītyasamutpāda in Chapter Three of the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya.Maxim Voroshilov - 2021 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 49 (5):759-777.
    This paper examines the concept of manopavicāra, found within the exposition of dependent arising in chapter three of the Commentary on the Treasury of Abhidharma of Vasubandhu. According to Vasubandhu, the feeling link in the chain of dependent arising consists of body-related feeling and mind-related feeling. Mind-related feeling is divided into eighteen manopavicāras. Manopavicāras are the three modalities of feeling: satisfaction, dissatisfaction, equanimity. They are said to rely on the objects or to direct the mind toward the objects, which, in (...)
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    Manon Garcia, La conversation des sexes. Philosophie du consentement. Paris, Climats, 2021, 309 p.Maxime Tremblay - 2022 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 78 (1):191-194.
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    Triple Path to the Exponential Metric.Maxim Makukov & Eduard Mychelkin - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (11):1346-1355.
    The exponential Papapetrou metric induced by scalar field conforms to observational data not worse than the vacuum Schwarzschild solution. Here, we analyze the origin of this metric as a peculiar space-time within a wide class of scalar and antiscalar solutions of the Einstein equations parameterized by scalar charge. Generalizing the three families of static solutions obtained by Fisher, Janis et al. :878., 1968), and Xanthopoulos and Zannias :2564, 1989), we prove that all three reduce to the same exponential metric (...)
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    Législation de l’homme intérieur et extérieur chez Maître Eckhart.Maxime Mauriège - 2014 - In Guy Guldentops & Andreas Speer, Das Gesetz - the Law - la Loi. De Gruyter. pp. 609-627.
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    Entre recherche académique et expertise scientifique : des mondes de chercheurs.Laura Maxim & Gérard Arnold - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 64 (3):, [ p.].
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    “None’s Reflex”: Enactivism and Observational Philosophy on Consciousness and Observation.Maxim D. Miroshnichenko - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (4):46-63.
    The paper is dedicated to the reconstruction of Alexander Piatigorsky’s observational philosophy within the context of the confrontation between two versions of the transcendental project of man-in-the-world. The first project accentuates the invariant functional organization of cognitive systems by abstracting from bodily, affective and phenomenological realization of this organization. On the contrary, the second project emphasizes the phenomenological perspective of the experience of givenness, always already dependent on whose experience this is and how the cognitive system living this experience is (...)
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    Debating over heterogeneous descriptions.Maxime Morge & Jean-Christophe Routier - 2007 - Applied ontology 2 (3-4):333-349.
    A fundamental interoperability problem is caused by the semantic heterogeneity of agents'ontologies in open multi-agent systems. In this paper, we propose a formal framework for agents debating over heterogeneous terminologies. For this purpose, we propose an argumentation-based representation framework to manage conflicting descriptions. Moreover, we propose a model for the reasoning of agents where they justify the description to which they commit and take into account the description of their interlocutors. Finally, we provide a dialectical system allowing agents to participate (...)
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    Observations of a Medieval Quantitative Historian?Maxim Romanov - 2017 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 94 (2):462-495.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 94 Heft: 2 Seiten: 462-495.
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    Les «quinquis» d'Eloy de la Iglesia: mal désincarné, mâles fantasmés.Maxime Breysse - 1998 - Salmanticensis 192.
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    Hechler’s theorem for the null ideal.Maxim R. Burke & Masaru Kada - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (5):703-722.
    We prove the following theorem: For a partially ordered set Q such that every countable subset of Q has a strict upper bound, there is a forcing notion satisfying the countable chain condition such that, in the forcing extension, there is a basis of the null ideal of the real line which is order-isomorphic to Q with respect to set-inclusion. This is a variation of Hechler’s classical result in the theory of forcing. The corresponding theorem for the meager ideal was (...)
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    Logique et méthodologie des sciences en U.R.S.S.Maxim Mikulak - 1974 - Isis 65 (1):129-130.
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    Comparison of the Approaches of Fleck, Foucault and Laura on the Influence of Medical Knowledge on the Development of Modern Science.Maxim Monin, Elena Shadrina & Elena Ledeneva - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:1):230-249.
    Makale, tıbbi bilginin ve onun tarihsel evriminin bilimsel teorinin gelişimini nasıl etkilediği konusunu gündeme getirmektedir. Metodolojik programların yürütülen analizi, bilişsel problemler ile bu problemlerin ortaya çıktıkları ve ele alındıkları tarihsel ve sosyal bağlam arasında yakın bir ilişki olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu bağlantının tıbbi konularla ilgili çalışmalarda en belirgin olması gerçeği, 20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında bilim teorisini bilimsel araştırmanın tarihsel ve kültürel bağlamını ek olarak giderek daha fazla dikkate almaya yönlendiren şeyin tıbbi nitelikteki araştırmalar olduğunu göstermektedir.
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    “Time and Narrative” of Paul Ricoeur and the Russian Humanitarian Tradition.Maxim Monin - 2018 - Philosophical Anthropology 4 (1):55-80.
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    Marxist Sociology and Marxist Ideology.Maxime Rodinson - 1968 - Diogenes 16 (64):57-90.
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    The Life of Muhammad and the Sociological Problem of the Beginnings of Islam.Maxime Rodinson & James H. Labadie - 1957 - Diogenes 5 (20):28-51.
    Much has been written on the life of Muhammad, prophet of Islam. (“Mohammed” and the French “Mahomet” are the result of a long-standing and now traditional deformation.) Aside from his picturesque and romantic character, sure to excite the interest of Occidentals drawn to active, impassioned lives of genius, the importance of the Moslem achievement which he initiated has given rise to important works, the solid and honorable production of historians and specialists of Islam.We see, then, that many pages have been (...)
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    Oscillatory beta/alpha band modulations: A potential biomarker of functional language and motor recovery in chronic stroke?Maxim Ulanov & Yury Shtyrov - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:940845.
    Stroke remains one of the leading causes of various disabilities, including debilitating motor and language impairments. Though various treatments exist, post-stroke impairments frequently become chronic, dramatically reducing daily life quality, and requiring specific rehabilitation. A critical goal of chronic stroke rehabilitation is to induce, usually through behavioral training, experience-dependent plasticity processes in order to promote functional recovery. However, the efficiency of such interventions is typically modest, and very little is known regarding the neural dynamics underpinning recovery processes and possible biomarkers (...)
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    Fabrice Hadjadj, À moi la gloire. Paris, Éditions Salvator, 2019, 158 p.Maxime Scrive - 2021 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 77 (3):481-482.
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    Thomas P. Osborne, L’eau. Bruyères-le-Ch'tel, Nouvelle Cité (coll. « Ce que dit la Bible sur… », 42), 2021, 120 p.Maxime Scrive - 2022 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 78 (2):350-351.
  29. Essai sur l'avènement de la raison expérimentale suivi de réflexions sur la philosophie naturelle de la liberté.Maxime Glansdorff - 1948 - Bruxelles,: Éditions du Temple.
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  30. Les déterminants de la théorie générale de la valeur et ses applications en esthétique.Maxime Glansdorff - 1966 - [Bruxelles]: Éditions de l'Institut de sociologíe (de l') Université libre de Bruxelles.
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    Index 2005-2010 (volumes 32-37).Maxime Julien - 2010 - Philosophiques 37 (2):575.
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    Probabilistic planning with clear preferences on missing information.Maxim Likhachev & Anthony Stentz - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (5-6):696-721.
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    Légitimer le fondement médical de la psychiatrie : Wakefield face au défi szaszien.Maxime Giguère - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):37-59.
    Maxime F. Giguère Cet article propose une nouvelle stratégie pour écarter la conclusion sceptique, mise de l’avant par Thomas Szasz, selon laquelle la psychiatrie est illégitime. La conclusion sceptique repose sur une démarcation radicale entre troubles mentaux et somatiques. Afin de minimiser cette démarcation, Jerome Wakefield emploie une analyse conceptuelle stipulant que les troubles mentaux et somatiques sont tous les deux des dysfonctions préjudiciables. De récentes critiques ont toutefois montré que son analyse bute sur la difficulté pratique de distinguer les (...)
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  34. Henri germond: Le pasteur dans la cité I Maxime chasta1ng: Une digression philosophique de saint Augustin: La communauté Des esprits voyageurs 11 étuDes critiques. [REVIEW]Maxime Chasta1ng - 1953 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 3.
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    Comment remotiver un cliché historiographique? Poésie du xviiie siècle et baroque des anthologies.Maxime Cartron - 2021 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 40:213-224.
    Today, eighteenth-century poetry is undervalued by readers and scholars alike, still the victim of a persistent bias among French literary historians who consider this period as rationalist and antipoetic, an era of unfortunate verse that was fortunately ushered out by Romanticism. By reading a corpus of anthologies of seventeenth-century French poetry published in the twentieth century, this article investigates a particular modality of this invalidation: how the aesthetic merits of the Baroque are elaborated against highly critical readings of eighteenth-century poetry. (...)
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    Honors and theater: Spinoza’s pedagogical experience and his relation to F. Van den Enden.Maxime Rovere - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (9):809-818.
    Franciscus Van den Enden is commonly considered as the man who taught Latin to B. de Spinoza. It is unknown if he actually taught him something else, but we do know he used a pedagogy of his own and made the young philosopher aware of the importance of pedagogical issues. The present article helps to document their relationship from a historical and theoretical perspective, by clarifying Van den Enden’s ideas on a most debated subject: the use of honorary titles to (...)
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  37. David Hume. Œuvres philosophiques choisies.Maxime David & L. Lévy-Bruhl - 1912 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 20 (3):6-7.
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    Les autres comme soi-même: le faux problème de la connaissance d'autrui.Maxime Chastaing - 2016 - Paris: Classiques Garnier. Edited by Jacques Chastaing & Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos.
    On trouvera dans cet ouvrage les principaux jalons du parcours philosophique étonnant de Maxime Chastaing (1913-1997) qui culmine dans une psycholinguistique, et même une psychophonétique, une étude des interactions sociales, enfin une théorisation du pacte romanesque liant l'écrivain à ses lecteurs.
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    Democratic speech in divided times: An introduction.Maxime Lepoutre - 2023 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 22 (3):290-293.
    This is the introduction to the symposium on Maxime Lepoutre, Democratic Speech in Divided Times (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021). The symposium contains articles by Paul Billingham, Rachel Fraser, and Michael Hannon, and a response by the author.
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    Course d'Apobate.Maxime Collignon - 1883 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 7 (1):458-462.
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    Emplacement et ruines de la ville de Kaunos.Maxime Collignon - 1877 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 1 (1):338-346.
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    Fragment d'une applique de miroir trouvé à Mantinée.Maxime Collignon - 1884 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 8 (1):396-399.
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    Inscription de Cléones.Maxime Collignon - 1880 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 4 (1):46-47.
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    Inscriptions de Tégée en l'honneur de personnages romains.Maxime Collignon - 1879 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 3 (1):271-274.
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    Note sur une grotte décorée de bas-reliefs près de Korykos.Maxime Collignon - 1880 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 4 (1):133-138.
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    Out of the Ivory Tower: The Patenting Activity of Canadian University Professors Before the 1980s.Maxime Colleret & Yves Gingras - 2022 - Minerva 60 (2):281-300.
    This study analyses the patenting activities of university science and engineering professors in Canada between 1920 and 1975. Unlike most studies on commercial activities in academia, which typically focus on the post-1980 period and on university practices, we focus on the pre-1980 period and on the individual decisions of professors to patent their inventions. Based on quantitative patent data, we show that patenting, and thus professors’ interest in the possible commercial value of their scientific discoveries made in university laboratories, was (...)
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    Rapport sur un voyage archéologique en Asie Mineure.Maxime Collignon & L. Duchesne - 1877 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 1 (1):361-376.
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    Têtes en marbre trouvées à Amorgos.Maxime Collignon - 1889 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 13 (1):40-47.
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    Tête virile en marbre d'ancien style attique.Maxime Collignon - 1892 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 16 (1):447-452.
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    Aristotle in Prussian Gymnasiums: Why the Texts of the Ancient Philosopher Became Popular for Teaching Logic.Maxim Demin - 2019 - History and Philosophy of Logic 40 (4):374-388.
    During the nineteenth century, German philosophy developed from a type of general knowledge to an academic discipline at the university. Changes across disciplines to the philosophy of science and psychological surveys created new challenges for the place and purpose of philosophy in the educational system. The content of logic courses for secondary schools (Gymnasiums) was centred on the dissociation of nature and the scale of logic. In this paper, I will examine a number of projects for teaching philosophy at the (...)
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