Results for ' matrixial theory'

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  1.  17
    Openness in Distance: Introductory Remarks on Academic Teaching Informed by Bracha L. Ettinger’s Matrixial Theory.Anna Kisiel - 2022 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (5):497-509.
    This article aims at introducing the matrixial theory of Bracha L. Ettinger to the field of academic teaching. As it intends to prove, feminist pedagogy would benefit from a matrix-informed approach to teaching, especially in the times of social distancing imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since of all student groups it is the university students who have been most directly affected by precarity and employment instability, they seem to be in an urgent need of openness, compassion, and understanding; (...)
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    Matrixial Refrains.Lone Bertelsen - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (1):121-147.
    This article discusses the relations between the artistic, theoretical and psychoanalytic work of Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger. It is particularly concerned with the claims her work makes on behalf of the feminine. After considering her conceptualization of feminine subjectivity and a feminine symbolic space, an extensive discussion of her art is given. Drawing on the work of Deleuze and Guattari, her art’s creative encounter with this feminine symbolic space is viewed in terms of a matrixial refrain. This refrain is seen (...)
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    Matrixial Trans-subjectivity.Bracha L. Ettinger - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):218-222.
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    Weaving a Woman Artist with-in the Matrixial Encounter-Event.Bracha L. Ettinger - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (1):69-94.
    Criticizing Lacan and Levinas, and starting from Freud and Lacan’s denial of the womb and from the Genius-Male-Hero (as theorized by Rank), who is self-creating and holds the power of creation and thus depends on the elimination of the birth-giving begetting mother, I continue my research to formulate a feminine difference that is neither dependency/disguise (Riviere, Butler) nor revolt and struggle in the phallic texture (Kristeva). Unlike other ideas concerning the difference of the feminine, the originary difference that I call (...)
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    Book review: Bracha L. Ettinger, The Matrixial Borderspace. Foreword by Judith Butler, Introduction by Griselda Pollock, edited and with an Afterword by Brian Massumi. Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press, 2006. 245 pp. (incl. index). ISBN 0816635870, $25. [REVIEW]Andrew Shail - 2007 - Feminist Theory 8 (3):354-356.
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    Thinking the Feminine.Griselda Pollock - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (1):5-65.
    Bracha Ettinger (formerly known as Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger) is an Israeli-born Paris-based artist, analyst and feminist theorist who has produced over the last decade a major theoretical intervention through a tripartite practice. This article offers an expository introduction and overview of core aspects of her theoretical contribution while relating it to major trends in feminist and general cultural theory of subjectivity, hysteria, memory, trauma and the aesthetic. Organized in several parts, each section addresses the developing vocabulary, terminology and significance (...)
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  7. Exploring the Craft of Exilic Thinking/becoming.Nicole des Bouvrie - 2021 - Open Philosophy 4 (1):124-135.
    Being-at-home in a particular, determined, world is dangerous for thinking. For thinking to be thinking/becoming, one should not get too comfortable. For thinking is to not arrive back home, in the same place one begins. But how to escape the world that has created who you are, gave you purpose and a past? How to make sure the future is not a repetition of the Same? How to break away from something that you need? In this article, my aim is (...)
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    Subjectivity as Encounter: Feminine Ethics in the Work of Bracha Lichtenberg‐Ettinger and Anne Enright.Mariëlle Smith - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (3):633-645.
    The fragility of the subject is a recurring issue in the work of Anne Enright, one of Ireland's most remarkable and innovative writers. It is this specific interest, together with her attempt to make women into subjects, that inevitably links her work to Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger's theory of the matrixial borderspace, a feminine sphere that coexists with the Lacanian symbolic order and that, even before our entrance into this linguistic system, informs our subjectivity. By turning to a point in (...)
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  9. 14 Howard H. Kendler.General Sr Theory - 1968 - In T. Dixon & Deryck Horton (eds.), Verbal Behavior and General Behavior Theory. Prentice-Hall.
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  10. European academy of legal theory.Académie Européenne, Europese Akademie, du Droit de Théorie & Voor Rechstheorie - 1999 - Ratio Juris 12 (1):122-130.
  11. Roger J. Sullivan.Classical Moral Theories - 2001 - In William Sweet (ed.), The bases of ethics. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press. pp. 23.
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  12. Wolfgang Vogt, Moses Mendelssohns Beschreibung der Wirklichkeit menschlichen Erkennens.(Epistemata. Würzburger wissenschaftliche Schriften. Reihe Philosophie 394) Königs-hausen & Neumann 2005. 250 S., E 34, 80. [REVIEW]Theorie Moses Mendelssohns - 1983 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 57 (S 64):166.
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  13. Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell.A. Zee - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    Since it was first published, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell has quickly established itself as the most accessible and comprehensive introduction to this profound and deeply fascinating area of theoretical physics. Now in this fully revised and expanded edition, A. Zee covers the latest advances while providing a solid conceptual foundation for students to build on, making this the most up-to-date and modern textbook on quantum field theory available. -/- This expanded edition features several additional chapters, as (...)
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  14. Ruiping Fan.Moral Theories vsMoral Perspectives: - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao (ed.), Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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  15. What does decision theory have to do with wanting?Milo Phillips-Brown - 2021 - Mind 130 (518):413-437.
    Decision theory and folk psychology both purport to represent the same phenomena: our belief-like and desire- and preference-like states. They also purport to do the same work with these representations: explain and predict our actions. But they do so with different sets of concepts. There's much at stake in whether one of these two sets of concepts can be accounted for with the other. Without such an account, we'd have two competing representations and systems of prediction and explanation, a (...)
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  16. Glaubens.Theorie Des Zu Spinozas - 1988 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 4:227.
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    Confirmation theory, order, and periodicity.Peter Achinstein - 1963 - Philosophy of Science 30 (1):17-35.
    This paper examines problems of order and periodicity which arise when the attempt is made to define a confirmation function for a language containing elementary number theory as applied to a universe in which the individuals are considered to be arranged in some fixed order. Certain plausible conditions of adequacy are stated for such a confirmation function. By the construction of certain types of predicates, it is proved, however, that these conditions of adequacy are violated by any confirmation function (...)
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  18. (1 other version)A Theory of Sentience.Austen Clark - 2000 - Philosophy 77 (299):135-138.
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  19. FS3 a# 0&b# 0-* ab# 0. FS4 a# 0-» a~ 1 existe et a~ l# 0.Remarques Sur la Théorie Intuitionniste - 1968 - In Jean-Louis Destouches & Evert Willem Beth (eds.), Logic and foundations of science. Dordrecht,: D. Reidel.
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  20. Tournament decision theory.Abelard Podgorski - 2020 - Noûs 56 (1):176-203.
    The dispute in philosophical decision theory between causalists and evidentialists remains unsettled. Many are attracted to the causal view’s endorsement of a species of dominance reasoning, and to the intuitive verdicts it gets on a range of cases with the structure of the infamous Newcomb’s Problem. But it also faces a rising wave of purported counterexamples and theoretical challenges. In this paper I will describe a novel decision theory which saves what is appealing about the causal view while (...)
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  21. Das komische Pathos.Kierkegaards Theorie der Komik - 1999 - Kierkegaardiana 20:111.
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    Virtue Theory for Moral Enhancement.Joao Fabiano - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (2-3):89-102.
    Our present moral traits are unable to provide the level of large-scale co-operation necessary to deal with risks such as nuclear proliferation, drastic climate change and pandemics. In order to survive in an environment with powerful and easily available technologies, some authors claim that we need to improve our moral traits with moral enhancement. But this is prone to produce paradoxical effects, be self-reinforcing and harm personal identity. The risks of moral enhancement require the use of a safety framework; such (...)
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  23. A Theory of Property.Stephen R. Munzer - 1991 - Mind 100 (2):300-302.
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  24. A. Heyting.Remarques Sur la Théorie Intuitionniste - 1968 - In Jean-Louis Destouches & Evert Willem Beth (eds.), Logic and foundations of science. Dordrecht,: D. Reidel.
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    Anthropological Training and the Quest for Immortality.John L. Wengle Theory - 1984 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 12 (3):223-244.
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    The Theory of Good and Evil: A Treatise on Moral Philosophy.Hastings Rashdall - 2019 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  27. A Theory of Time and Space.Alfred A. Robb - 1915 - Mind 24 (96):555-561.
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  28. Economic Theory in Retrospect.M. Blaug - 1964 - Science and Society 28 (1):112-115.
  29.  44
    An Intersectional Feminist Theory of Moral Responsibility.Michelle Ciurria - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    This book develops an intersectional feminist approach to moral responsibility. It accomplisheses four main goals. First, it outlines a concise list of the main principles of intersectional feminism. Second, it uses these principles to critique prevailing philosophical theories of moral responsibility. Third, it offers an account of moral responsibility that is compatible with the ethos of intersectional feminism. And fourth, it uses intersectional feminist principles to critique culturally normative responsibility practices. -/- This is the first book to provide an explicitly (...)
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  30. In Anthropology, the Image Can Never Have the Last Say the Ninth Annual Gdat Debate, Held in the University of Manchester on 6th December 1997.Bill Watson, Peter Wade & Group for Debates in Anthropological Theory - 1998
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  31. Theory of Colours.V. O. N. GOETHE J. W. - 1970
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  32.  16
    Kant and the Theory and Practice of International Right.Georg Cavallar - 1999 - University of Wales Press.
    This innovative study focuses on the Kantian theory of international relations, a subject which has frequently been either ignored or misunderstood. Kant was criticized by contemporaries who asserted that his political ideas were idealistic and impractical. He countered this accusation by evolving a political philosophy which formed a link between the theoretical doctrine of pure law and the actualities of the real world. The author argues that Kant’s theory of international relations can be read as an attempt to (...)
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  33. The theory of types.Alasdair Urquhart - 2003 - In Nicholas Griffin (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Bertrand Russell. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 286--309.
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    Classification Theory: Proceedings of the U.S.-Israel Workshop on Model Theory in Mathematical Logic Held in Chicago, Dec. 15-19, 1985.J. T. Baldwin & U. Workshop on Model Theory in Mathematical Logic - 1987 - Springer.
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    Cognition: Theory, measurement, implications.Maretha Prinsloo & Paul Barrett - unknown
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    Emergence and the Final Theory, or: How to Make Scientific Progress Sustainable.Martin Carrier - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 28 (1):7.
    Convergent scientific realism entails that science will sooner or later arrive at the final theory of the fundamental constituents of matter. At that stage, all fundamental truths about nature will be discovered so that the search for basic principle seems bound to come to a halt. I explore options for a non-convergent scientific realism that allows for sustained progress in basic research. I defend the views that the coherence of non-convergent realism requires an emergence claim and that this claim (...)
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  37. Social Theory and Social Structure: Toward the Codification of Theory and Research.Robert K. Merton - 1951 - Science and Society 15 (4):366-369.
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    The theory of the universal wave function.Hugh Everett Iii - 1973 - In B. DeWitt & N. Graham (eds.), The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. Princeton UP. pp. 3.
  39. A Theory of Reasons for Action.[author unknown] - 1973 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 163:494-494.
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  40. String Theory under Scrutiny.Roman Frigg & N. Cartwright - unknown
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  41. Aesthetic theory. Definitions of art.Stephen Davies - 2000 - In Berys Nigel Gaut & Dominic Lopes (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics. New York: Routledge.
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  42. Towards a 'Machiavellian' theory of emotional appraisal.Paul E. Griffiths - 2004 - In Dylan Evans & Pierre Cruse (eds.), Emotion, Evolution, and Rationality. Oxford University Press.
    The aim of appraisal theory in the psychology of emotion is to identify the features of the emotion-eliciting situation that lead to the production of one emotion rather than another2. A model of emotional appraisal takes the form of a set of dimensions against which potentially emotion-eliciting situations are assessed. The dimensions of the emotion hyperspace might include, for example, whether the eliciting situation fulfills or frustrates the subject’s goals or whether an actor in the eliciting situation has violated (...)
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    The Stoic Theory of Oikeiosis: Moral Development and Social Interaction in Early Stoic Philosophy.Troels Engberg-Pedersen - 1990 - Aarhus University Press.
    This second volume in the series "Studies in Hellenistic Civilization", published for the Danish Research Council for the Humanities, offers a comprehensive analysis of the Stoic theory of Oikeiosis.
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    Theory of Language Syntax: Categorial Approach.Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska - 1991 - Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This book presents a formal and philosophical analysis of language syntax. It refers to some ideas of E.Husserl and G. Frege, to S. Leśniewski's theory of syntactic categories and K. Ajdukiewicz's conception of formal grammar, also to Ch.S. Pierces's distinction between tokens (concrete linguistic entities) and types (ideal linguistic entities) and to A.A. Markov's theory of algorithms. The central aim of the book is - in the spirit of these ideas - to provide both strict yet comprehensive lectures (...)
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  45. Decision theory with prospect interference and entanglement.V. I. Yukalov & D. Sornette - 2011 - Theory and Decision 70 (3):283-328.
    We present a novel variant of decision making based on the mathematical theory of separable Hilbert spaces. This mathematical structure captures the effect of superposition of composite prospects, including many incorporated intentions, which allows us to describe a variety of interesting fallacies and anomalies that have been reported to particularize the decision making of real human beings. The theory characterizes entangled decision making, non-commutativity of subsequent decisions, and intention interference. We demonstrate how the violation of the Savage’s sure-thing (...)
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  46. Representation Theory and the Analysis of Structure.P. Suppes - 1988 - Philosophia Naturalis 25 (3/4):254.
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    Reasonable Disagreement: A Theory of Political Morality.Christopher McMahon - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book examines the ways in which reasonable people can disagree about the requirements of political morality. Christopher McMahon argues that there will be a 'zone of reasonable disagreement' surrounding most questions of political morality. Moral notions of right and wrong evolve over time as new zones of reasonable disagreement emerge out of old ones; thus political morality is both different in different societies with varying histories, and different now from what it was in the past. McMahon explores this feature (...)
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    Det er i nåtid vi snakker om kommunisering.Théorie Communiste - 2014 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 31 (3-4):245-261.
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  49. Political Theory and Ecological Values.Tim Hayward - 2001 - Environmental Values 10 (1):135-136.
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  50. Hierocles: theory and argument in the second century AD.Brad Inwood - 1984 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 2:151-84.
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