Results for ' maternal surrogates'

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  1.  75
    Missing mother: Migrant mothers, maternal surrogates, and the global economy of care.Jean P. Tan - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 112 (1):113-132.
    A longitudinal perspective on motherhood that spans the experience of gestation, birthing, the care of young children, and the mother’s relation to her grown children makes way for a conception of the mother as essentially plural. It shall be argued in this paper that maternity is necessarily tied to surrogacy, that it is divided into a multiplicity of tasks inevitably parceled out to multiple agents. In this essay, the analysis of maternal surrogacy is focused on the phenomenon of mothering (...)
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    One mum too few: maternal status in host surrogate motherhood arrangements.Stuart Oultram - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (6):470-473.
    In a host surrogate motherhood arrangement, the surrogate agrees to be implanted with, and carry to term, an embryo created from the commissioning couple9s gametes. When the surrogate child is born, it is the surrogate mother who, according to UK law, holds the legal status of mother. By contrast, the commissioning mother possesses no maternal status and she can only attain it once the surrogate agrees to the completion of the arrangement. One consequence of this is that, in the (...)
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    Embodying Surrogate Motherhood: Pregnancy as a Dyadic Body-project.Elly Teman - 2009 - Body and Society 15 (3):47-69.
    This article examines pregnancy as a dyadic body-project within surrogate motherhood arrangements. In gestational surrogacy arrangements, the surrogate mother agrees to have an embryo that has been created using IVF, with the genetic materials of the intended parents or of anonymous donors, surgically implanted in her womb. Based on anthropological fieldwork among Jewish-Israeli surrogates and intended mothers involved in these arrangements, this article focuses upon the interactive identity management practices that the women jointly undertake during the pregnancy. For each (...)
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    Negotiating ‘Surrogate Mothering’ and Women’s Freedom.Zairu Nisha - 2022 - Asian Bioethics Review 14 (3):271-285.
    Surrogacy is one of the desired reproductive technologies for family formation, yet surrogate mothers are subjected to unethical treatments and unbalanced power relations in India. Such treatment obscures women’s free decision-making and can be detrimental to their maternal self. Recently, the Surrogacy Act, 2021, has received the President’s approval to regulate surrogacy practices by limiting them for the altruistic motives which have again provoked the burning debates regarding reproductive technologies, women’s emancipation and procreative labour. The paper thus explores women’s (...)
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    Engaging Beauvoir on Surrogate Motherhood: An Existential Feminist Perspective.Zairu Nisha - 2025 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 42 (1):121-132.
    The paper critically engages with Simone de Beauvoir’s promising claim that reproductive technology is the emancipatory tool for women and the Indian problem of surrogacy. Beauvoir believes in voluntary motherhood in which reproductive technologies play a significant role in empowering women. Although in India, surrogacy is seen as a choice-based job, surrogate mothers are subjected to exploitation, commodification, poor living conditions, and unethical treatment. I argue that Beauvoir’s description of technology and motherhood needs further revision in today’s world where surrogacy (...)
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    Surrogate decision making in crisis.Dominic Wilkinson & Thillagavathie Pillay - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Care of the critically ill newborn includes support for the birth mother/parents with regular updates around the clinical condition of the baby, and involvement in discussions around complex decision-making issues. Discussions around continuation or discontinuation of life-sustaining are challenging even in the most straightforward of cases, but what happens when the birth mother is critically unwell? Such cases can lead to uncertainty around who should assume the parental role for these difficult discussions. In this round table discussion, we explore the (...)
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    Surrogacy and the construction of the maternal-foetal relationship: The feminist dilemma examined.Vanessa E. Munro - 2001 - Res Publica 7 (1):13-37.
    The feminist movement remains fundamentally divided over the issue of surrogacy. Within the confines of this article it is argued that the inadequacy of positions on both sides of the debate rests upon their common tendency to deal with the ethical consequences of surrogacy for isolated agents, without sufficient concern for the broader social implications for all pregnant women in society. In order to clarify the issues involved, feminist theorists must consider the implications of surrogacy in a broader social spectrum. (...)
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  8. Ethical concerns for maternal surrogacy and reproductive tourism.Raywat Deonandan, Samantha Green & Amanda van Beinum - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (12):742-745.
    Next SectionReproductive medical tourism is by some accounts a multibillion dollar industry globally. The seeking by clients in high income nations of surrogate mothers in low income nations, particularly India, presents a set of largely unexamined ethical challenges. In this paper, eight such challenges are elucidated to spur discussion and eventual policy development towards protecting the rights and health of vulnerable women of the Global South.
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    Hosting the others’ child? Relational work and embodied responsibility in altruistic surrogate motherhood.Kristin Zeiler & Sarah Jane Toledano - 2017 - Feminist Theory 18 (2):159-175.
    Studies on surrogate motherhood have mostly explored paid arrangements through the lens of a contract model, as clinical work or as a maternal identity-building project. Turning to the under-examined case of unpaid, so-called altruistic surrogate motherhood and based on an analysis of interviews with women who had been unpaid surrogate mothers in a full gestational surrogacy with a friend or relative in Canada, the United States or Australia, this article explores altruistic surrogate motherhood as relational work. It argues that (...)
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    So not mothers: responsibility for surrogate orphans.Jennifer A. Parks & Timothy F. Murphy - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (8):551-554.
    The law ordinarily recognises the woman who gives birth as the mother of a child, but in certain jurisdictions, it will recognise the commissioning couple as the legal parents of a child born to a commercial surrogate. Some commissioning parents have, however, effectively abandoned the children they commission, and in such cases, commercial surrogates may find themselves facing unexpected maternal responsibility for children they had fully intended to give up. Any assumption that commercial surrogates ought to assume (...)
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    At the Intersection of Faith, Culture, and Family Dynamics: A Complex Case of Refusal of Treatment for Childhood Cancer.Amy E. Caruso Brown - 2017 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 28 (3):228-235.
    Refusing treatment for potentially curable childhood cancers engenders much discussion and debate. I present a case in which the competent parents of a young Amish child with acute myeloid leukemia deferred authority for decision making to the child’s maternal grandfather, who was vocal in his opposition to treatment. I analyze three related concerns that distinguish this case from other accounts of refused treatment.First, I place deference to grandparents as decision makers in the context of surrogate decision making more generally.Second, (...)
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    This Birth and That: Surrogacy and Stratified Motherhood in India.Amrita Pande - 2014 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 4 (1):50-64.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:This Birth and ThatSurrogacy and Stratified Motherhood in IndiaAmrita PandeIn 2006, i came across a short newspaper article about the emergence of a new industry in India—the industry of paid birth or commercial surrogacy. People from all over the world could now hire Indian women to give birth to babies for them, for a fraction of the cost of surrogacy elsewhere and with no government regulations. After some digging (...)
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    The Place of Proximity.Brooke A. Scelza - 2011 - Human Nature 22 (1-2):108-127.
    The mother–adult daughter relationship has been highlighted in both the social sciences and the public health literature as an important facet of social support networks, particularly as they pertain to maternal and child health. Evolutionary anthropologists also have shown positive associations between support from maternal grandmothers and various outcomes related to reproductive success; however, many of these studies rely on proximity as a surrogate measure of support. Here I present data from the Puerto Rican Maternal and Infant (...)
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  14. The harm argument against surrogacy revisited: two versions not to forget.Marcus Agnafors - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (3):357-363.
    It has been a common claim that surrogacy is morally problematic since it involves harm to the child or the surrogate—the harm argument. Due to a growing body of empirical research, the harm argument has seen a decrease in popularity, as there seems to be little evidence of harmful consequences of surrogacy. In this article, two revised versions of the harm argument are developed. It is argued that the two suggested versions of the harm argument survive the current criticism against (...)
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  15. An examination of exploitation in international gestational surrogacy contracts.Kathryn MacKay - unknown
    This thesis aims to determine whether international gestational surrogacy contracts are exploitative, and whether they should be prohibited. I chose a group of women working as surrogates at Kaival Maternity Home and Surgical Hospital, in Anand, Gujarat, India as a study group. After examining their life circumstances, I argue that these women live in unjust circumstances caused by institutional sexism and poverty. I critically assess arguments launched against surrogacy, organ trade, and prostitution and find that none of these are (...)
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    Gestation as mothering.Timothy F. Murphy & Jennifer Parks - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (9):960-968.
    Some commentators maintain that gestational surrogates are not ‘mothers’ in a way capable of grounding a claim to motherhood. These commentators find that the practices that constitute motherhood do not extend to gestational surrogates. We argue that gestational surrogates should be construed as mothers of the children they bear, even if they fully intend to surrender those children at birth to the care of others. These women stand in a certain relationship to the expected children: they live (...)
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    Ethical considerations in the treatment of chronic psychosis in a periviable pregnancy.Michelle T. Nguyen, Eric Rafla-Yuan, Emily Boyd, Laurence B. Mccullough, Frank A. Chervenak & Emily C. Dossett - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (1):113-119.
    Background: Treatment of psychotic disorders in pregnancy is often ethically and clinically challenging, especially when psychotic symptoms impair decision-making capacity. There are several competing ethical obligations to consider: the ethical obligation to maternal autonomy, the maternal and fetal beneficence-based obligations to treat peripartum psychosis, and the fetal beneficence-based obligation to minimize teratogenic exposure. Objective: This article outlines an ethical framework for clinical decision-making for the management of chronic psychosis in pregnancy, with an emphasis on special considerations in the (...)
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    Who is the mother? Negotiating identity in an Irish surrogacy case.Karin Christiansen - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (3):317-327.
    An Irish surrogacy case from 2013 illustrates how negotiations of the mother’s identity in a given national and legal context are drawing on novel scientific perspectives, at a time when the use of new biotechnological possibilities is becoming more widespread and commonplace. The Roman dictum, ‘Mater Semper Certa Est’ is contested by the finding of this Irish court, in which the judge made a declaration of parentage stating that the genetic parents of twins born using a surrogate were the parents. (...)
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    Artificial reproduction? Tabita Rezaire’s Sugar Walls Teardom and AI “liveness”.Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (1):1-9.
    Much more than their machinic reality, current iterations of AI rely on imagined divisions of human and non-human properties and skills that have genealogical ties to colonization. For this reason, research efforts have recently been made to historicize these imaginaries, connecting them to colonial ideals that delegate black and brown colonized people into the realm of the non-human. Atanasoski and Vora (Surrogate humanity. Race, robots and the politics of technological futures, Duke, Durham and London, 2019) have called this a “surrogate (...)
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    Rosamond Rhodes & Ian Holzman.Surrogate Decision Making - 2004 - In David C. Thomasma & David N. Weisstub, The Variables of Moral Capacity. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 173.
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  21. [The Kingdom of Peace. An introduction to Christian ethics].Pierre-Yves Materne - 2009 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 40 (1):101-105.
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    Progress, Chronolatry and Perennial Philosophy.Frederick Matern - 2020 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 36:57-67.
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    Book Review: Pierre-Yves Materne, La condition de disciple: Ethique et politique chez J.B. Metz et S. Hauerwas. [REVIEW]Pierre-Yves Materne & H. StJ Broadbent - 2015 - Studies in Christian Ethics 28 (2):236-240.
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    Integral Education in a Sensate Age—Reflections on Maritain, Sorokin and the Technological Society.Frederick Matern - 2019 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 35:61-73.
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    S.L. Frank and the.Frederick Matern - 2015 - Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 11:31-41.
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    Bibelhermeneutik und dogmatische Theologie nach Kant.Harald Matern, Alexander Heit & Enno Edzard Popkes (eds.) - 2016 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Kant's contribution to modern Protestant theology is as unmistakable as it is controversial. The authors of this volume are investigating a new perspective on the work of theology and the effects of Kant's philosophy of religion concentrated on biblical hermeneutics and dogmatic theology.
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    Der Herstellungsbegriff in der Synthetischen Biologie.Joachim Boldt, Harald Matern, Oliver Müller, Tobias Eichinger & Jens Ried - 2012 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 17 (1):89-116.
    In den Publikationen der Synthetischen Biologie und in Darstellungen dieser neuen Biotechnologie finden sich häufig Begriffe des Herstellens, Konstruierens, Erschaffens und Kreierens. Im folgenden Beitrag wird dieses Begriffsfeld auf der Basis von technikphilosophischen und kunsttheoretischen Ansätzen systematisiert. Es wird erstens untersucht, inwiefern sich die verschiedenen Forschungsrichtungen in der Synthetischen Biologie mit diesem Begriffsinstrumentarium angemessen beschreiben lassen; zweitens wird analysiert, welche ethischen Fragestellungen mit den unterschiedlichen Begriffen des Herstellens und Erschaffens im Fall der Synthetischen Biologie verbunden sind.
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    Nikolai Berdyaev versus the Eurasianists on Interfaith Dialogue and Ecumenism.Frederick Matern - 2014 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 30:109-120.
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    A Sacralized Cosmopolitanism? Alexander S. Panarin’s Russian Orthodox Political Economy as a Response to Globalization.Frederick Matern - 2012 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 28:57-79.
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    Creative Experience on the Stage: Stanislavski, Erlebnis, and Scholasticism.Frederick Matern - 2013 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 29:26-39.
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    Nostalgia or Criticism? A New Middle Ages in Maritain, Berdyaev, and Sorokin.Frederick Matern - 2018 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 34:115-122.
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    “Things and Ghosts” or a Common Task: Approaches to Concern Over the Far-Distant Future.Frederick Matern - 2021 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 37:24-33.
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    N. O. Lossky’s Use of the Concept of Intuition.Frederick Matern - 2015 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 31:23-33.
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    Call for Papers.Maternal Bodies - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (3):246-246.
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    Eschatologie und Ethik bei Paul Tillich.Harald Matern - 2015 - International Yearbook for Tillich Research 10 (1).
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    On Forms and Causes.Frederick Matern - 2016 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 32:37-50.
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    Sorokin, Maritain and Integral Sociology.Frederick Matern - 2017 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 33:116-129.
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    La réception de la théologie politique de J.B. Metz.Pierre-Yves Materne - 2007 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 63 (2):275-290.
    Cet article a pour objectif de montrer l’importance de la réception de la théologie politique de J.B. Metz auprès de certains théologiens soucieux de la dimension politique de la foi chrétienne. L’étude présente les réactions immédiates au projet théologique de Metz pour ensuite se focaliser sur des théologiens contemporains. Premièrement, on trouve J. Milbank, qui apprécie la pensée de Metz en la confrontant à son programme de Radical Orthodoxy. Deuxièmement, on rencontre H.-J. Gagey et J.-L. Souletie, qui évaluent la force (...)
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    The response of lentil cultivars to sowing date and plant density in the southern Mallee of Victoria.Jason Brand, R. Armstrong, M. Materne & G. Antonoff - 2003 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 283 (2.35):260.
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  40. Mother, Id rather do it myself: Some effects and non-effects of maternal speech style.E. Newport, Henry Gleitman & L. Gleitman - 1977 - In Catherine E. Snow & Charles A. Ferguson, Talking to Children: Language Input and Acquisition. Cambridge University Press. pp. 109--149.
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    Surrogates, Chaos, and the Inadequacy of Autonomy.Helen Stanton Chapple - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (6):46-47.
    In Speaking for the Dying: Life‐and‐Death Decisions in Intensive Care, Susan Shapiro attempts to penetrate and organize the chaotic communications between physicians and family members who are making medical decisions for people who have lost the capacity to make their own medical decisions. The work is based on observations undertaken by Shapiro and a coresearcher of one thousand encounters between physicians and the family members of two hundred patients too sick to participate. Their ethnographic work, which is both traditional and (...)
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  42. Maternal Knowledge and Care Ethics in Navigating the Stances on Abortion Taken by Young Catholic Mothers in Poland.Joanna Krotofil, Dorota Wójciak & Dagmara Mętel - 2025 - Journal of Religious Ethics 52 (4):547-570.
    In this paper, we explore young Polish Catholic mothers' moral reasoning on abortion. We draw on the concept of maternal knowledge and theoretical insights developed within the ethics of care to shed light on the complexities and contradictions experienced by Catholic mothers in the context of reproductive choices. The narratives we gathered through in-depth interviews illustrate how mothers evoke embodied, experience-based maternal knowledge to challenge hegemonic frameworks associated with legal, medical, and religious authoritative knowledges. We show how mothers (...)
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    Captive maternals and democracy as Hegelian Sittlichkeit: the case of the undocumented, incarcerated, and racialized in the United States and India.Nitin Luthra - 2023 - Journal for Cultural Research 27 (4):340-354.
    This paper attempts to theorise the labour and corporeal carcerability of the non-citizen non-subjects in contemporary democracies of the United States and India. I reappropriate Joy James’ framework of ‘Captive Maternals’ to understand the relationality between the undocumented, racialised, or incarcerated with the neo-liberal states that they inhabit and serve but where they do not belong. James describes Captive Maternals as those bodies subject to consumption by the democratic order in the tradition of slavery. I expand upon her framework to (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Maternal thinking: towards a politics of peace.Sara Ruddick - 1989 - London: The Women's Press.
    The most popular uniting theme in feminist peace literature grounds women's peace work in mothering. I argue if maternal arguments do not address the variety of relationships different races and classes of mothers have to institutional violence and/or the military, then the resulting peace politics can only draw incomplete conclusions about the relationships between maternal work/thinking and peace. To illustrate this I compare two models of mothering: Sara Ruddick's decription of "maternal practice" and Patricia Hill Collins's account (...)
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    Surrogates and Extra-Familial Interests.Ralph Baergen & William Woodhouse - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 24 (4):332-337.
    A case is presented in which the therapeutic interests of the patient conflict with the safety of a community, and in which the surrogate decision maker has very limited knowledge of or concern for the patient’s preferences. The substituted judgment and best interest (or rational patient) standards for surrogate decision making are problematic in this case. It is argued that the interests of even those outside the family ought to be taken seriously when making decisions about such cases, and it (...)
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    Surrogate-based optimization of learning strategies for additively regularized topic models.Maria Khodorchenko, Nikolay Butakov, Timur Sokhin & Sergey Teryoshkin - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (2):287-299.
    Topic modelling is a popular unsupervised method for text processing that provides interpretable document representation. One of the most high-level approaches is additively regularized topic models (ARTM). This method features better quality than other methods due to its flexibility and advanced regularization abilities. However, it is challenging to find an optimal learning strategy to create high-quality topics because a user needs to select the regularizers with their values and determine the order of application. Moreover, it may require many real runs (...)
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  47. Surrogate Motherhood As A Life-saving Measure In Jewish Law.W. Silverman & E. Clark - 1999 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 9 (4):101-104.
    Conservative ethical systems, particularly organized religions, are frequently at odds with the means, if not the goals of the new reproductive technologies. Among the most problematic measures adopted in recent years to allow childless women to raise genetically related offspring is surrogate motherhood. Traditional Jewish law, or Halakha, notwithstanding this reluctance, is, nevertheless, more likely than many others to find reasons to justify the practice, given its well-known stance viz procreation and its leniency regarding the new reproductive technologies. In the (...)
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  48. Fictional Surrogates.Ioan-Radu Motoarca - 2014 - Philosophia 42 (4):1033-1053.
    It is usually taken for granted, in discussions about fiction, that real things or events can occur as referents of fictional names . In this paper, I take issue with this view, and provide several arguments to the effect that it is better to take the names in fiction to refer to fictional surrogates of real objects. Doing so allows us to solve a series of problems that arise on the reference-continuity view. I also show that the arguments philosophers (...)
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    Surrogates.Paul Weiss - 2002 - Indiana University Press.
    Surrogates introduces an important new philosophic topic: the pervasive ways that things stand for one another in nature and human experience. Going beyond semiotic theory, Paul Weiss interprets surrogacy in terms of metaphysical, epistemological, ethical, and religious dimensions of life, integrating the concept into a systematic way of regarding reality. Just as philosophy brings a systematic set of questions to the issue of surrogate reality, Weiss’s investigation of the topic raises new questions for philosophy itself, manifesting his great concern (...)
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  50. Understanding with Toy Surrogate Models in Machine Learning.Andrés Páez - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (4):45.
    In the natural and social sciences, it is common to use toy models—extremely simple and highly idealized representations—to understand complex phenomena. Some of the simple surrogate models used to understand opaque machine learning (ML) models, such as rule lists and sparse decision trees, bear some resemblance to scientific toy models. They allow non-experts to understand how an opaque ML model works globally via a much simpler model that highlights the most relevant features of the input space and their effect on (...)
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