Results for ' manifold'

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  1.  46
    Evaluation of a method for studying forgetting: Is data from split-half recognition tests contaminated by test interference?Donald Bamber & Victor Manifold - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (2):126-128.
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    From Puzzle to Progress: How Engaging With Neurodiversity Can Improve Cognitive Science.Marie A. R. Manalili, Amy Pearson, Justin Sulik, Louise Creechan, Mahmoud Elsherif, Inika Murkumbi, Flavio Azevedo, Kathryn L. Bonnen, Judy S. Kim, Konrad Kording, Julie J. Lee, Manifold Obscura, Steven K. Kapp, Jan P. Röer & Talia Morstead - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (2):e13255.
    In cognitive science, there is a tacit norm that phenomena such as cultural variation or synaesthesia are worthy examples of cognitive diversity that contribute to a better understanding of cognition, but that other forms of cognitive diversity (e.g., autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder/ADHD, and dyslexia) are primarily interesting only as examples of deficit, dysfunction, or impairment. This status quo is dehumanizing and holds back much-needed research. In contrast, the neurodiversity paradigm argues that such experiences are not necessarily deficits but rather (...)
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    The manifold role of Phantasie in Husserl’s philosophy.Tanja Todorovic - 2021 - Filozofija I Društvo 32 (2):246-260.
    Husserl?s concept of imagination has been systematically presented in Husserliana XXIII, in which its manifold role has been set out. Through the different texts, the author shows that phantasy should be considered as one of the modifications of pure re-presentation. The article first tries to underline the distinction between Husserl?s deliberation on this phenomenon and the traditional concept of imagination. Second, it shows the fundamental moments of constitu?tional consciousness in order to relate the notion of imagination to perceptual apprehension. (...)
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    Effective theory building and manifold learning.David Peter Wallis Freeborn - 2025 - Synthese 205 (1):1-33.
    Manifold learning and effective model building are generally viewed as fundamentally different types of procedure. After all, in one we build a simplified model of the data, in the other, we construct a simplified model of the another model. Nonetheless, I argue that certain kinds of high-dimensional effective model building, and effective field theory construction in quantum field theory, can be viewed as special cases of manifold learning. I argue that this helps to shed light on all of (...)
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  5. The Manifold of Intuition and the Form-Matter Distinction in Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason".Charles Nussbaum - 1988 - Dissertation, Emory University
    Kant is the last classical practitioner of foundationalist epistemology in the Cartesian tradition, a tradition which saw the major problem of the theory of knowledge as one of providing a metaphysical account of the way in which the subjective contents of the individual mind come to have indubitable objective reference. But he is also the inaugurator of a very different approach to epistemology, one that sees methodology or rules of cognitive procedure as fundamental in determining the objectivity of knowledge. An (...)
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    Propositional manifolds and logical cohomology.J. Kouneiher & A. P. M. Balan - 2000 - Synthese 125 (1-2):147-154.
    In this note, we outline a definition of propositional manifold and logical cohomology. An application is also considered for mathematics: two Boole algebras of mathematical propositions are non equivalent if their two cohomologies are not isomorphic.
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    Manifold Conceptions of the Internal Auditing of Risk Culture in the Financial Sector.Vikash Kumar Sinha & Marika Arena - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (1):81-102.
    This exploratory study investigates the manifold conceptions of the internal auditing of risk culture prevalent among four influential actors of the financial sector—regulators, normalizers, consultants, and implementers. By inductive analysis of 20 interviews and 295 documents, we illustrate a two-step interpretive scheme utilized by the four actors in their IA approaches of risk culture: defining broad goals and designing visibility schemes. The visibility schemes were tied to the demarcation, measurement, as well as the IA data collection techniques of risk (...)
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  8. The 'shared manifold' hypothesis: From mirror neurons to empathy.Vittorio Gallese - 2001 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 8 (5-7):33-50.
    My initial scope will be limited: starting from a neurobiological standpoint, I will analyse how actions are possibly represented and understood. The main aim of my arguments will be to show that, far from being exclusively dependent upon mentalistic/linguistic abilities, the capacity for understanding others as intentional agents is deeply grounded in the relational nature of action. Action is relational, and the relation holds both between the agent and the object target of the action , as between the agent of (...)
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  9.  49
    Generalised Manifolds as Basic Objects of General Relativity.Joanna Luc - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (6):621-643.
    In this paper non-Hausdorff manifolds as potential basic objects of General Relativity are investigated. One can distinguish four stages of identifying an appropriate mathematical structure to describe physical systems: kinematic, dynamical, physical reasonability, and empirical. The thesis of this paper is that in the context of General Relativity, non-Hausdorff manifolds pass the first two stages, as they enable one to define the basic notions of differential geometry needed to pose the problem of the evolution-distribution of matter and are not in (...)
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  10.  17
    The Manifold in Perception. Theories of Art from Kant to Hildebrand (review).Jean G. Harrell - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (4):537-538.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 537 tion of his three dialogues, and of course there are several references to Hume's intern= parable Dialogues. The bibliographic essay is useful with respect to general works and period pieces but unfortunately does little to help those who are seeking further help in understanding an individual writer. Professor France's work is an invaluable guide nevertheless for those who realize that authors, even philosophers, do not write (...)
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  11. The Manifolds of Desire and Love in Marion’s The Erotic Phenomenon.Jason Alvis & Jason W. Alvis - 2016 - In Marion and Derrida on the Gift and Desire: Debating the Generosity of Things. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Manifold sub-theories of "the two factors.".C. Spearman - 1920 - Psychological Review 27 (3):159-172.
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    Manifold unity: the ancient world's perception of the divine pattern of harmony and compassion.Vera Christina Chute Collum - 1940 - Boston: C.E. Tuttle Co..
    Classic publishing of Eastern philosophy, religion, and poetry. This is a facsimile edition of the work originally published in London by John Murray in 1940.
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  14.  20
    Differentiable manifolds with singularities.R. Reynolds - 1972 - In D. Farnsworth, Methods of local and global differential geometry in general relativity. New York,: Springer Verlag. pp. 165--170.
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  15. The Incredible Shrinking Manifold.John L. Bell - unknown
    Traditionally, there have been two methods of deriving the theorems of geometry: the analytic and the synthetic. While the analytical method is based on the introduction of numerical coordinates, and so on the theory of real numbers, the idea behind the synthetic approach is to furnish the subject of geometry with a purely geometric foundation in which the theorems are then deduced by purely logical means from an initial body of postulates. The most familiar examples of the synthetic geometry are (...)
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    A Generalized Manifold Topology for Branching Space-Times.Thomas Müller - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (5):1089-1100.
    The logical theory of branching space-times, which provides a relativistic framework for studying objective indeterminism, remains mostly disconnected from discussions of space-time theories in philosophy of physics. Earman has criticized the branching approach and suggested “pruning some branches from branching space-time.” This article identifies the different—order-theoretic versus topological—perspective of both discussions as a reason for certain misunderstandings and tries to remove them. Most important, we give a novel, topological criterion of modal consistency that usefully generalizes an earlier criterion, and we (...)
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  17.  15
    Manifolds allowing RET arithmetic.Leon Harkleroad - 1983 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 24 (4):482-484.
  18. The manifold paradoxes of orientalism.Alexander Lyon Macfie - 2006 - In The philosophy of history: talks given at the Institute of Historical Research, London, 2000-2006. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  19.  44
    The Manifold Uses of the Epic Past: The Embassy Scene in Herodotus 7.153-63.Jonas Grethlein - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (4):485-509.
    In the Syracusan embassy scene (Hdt. 7.153–63), both the Spartan and the Athenian envoys invoke the epic past to buttress their claims to the chief command; against this, Gelon pits the youthful vigour of his recent superpower, calling his army the "spring of Greece." However, intertextual links undermine the claims of all three and evoke the later fights for hegemony. This analysis sheds light on the way Herodotus uses the widespread juxtaposition of the Trojan and Persian Wars and helps to (...)
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  20. Manifolds, coordinations, imagination, objectivity.Rick Grush - manuscript
    Each of us distinguishes between himself and states of himself on the one hand, and what is not himself or a state of himself on the other. What are the conditions of our making this distinction, and how are they fulfilled? In what way do we make it, and why do we make it in the way we do?
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  21. The manifold and the one.Agnes Arber - 1957 - Wheaton, Ill.,: Theosophical Pub. House.
  22.  51
    Interpreting Non-Hausdorff (Generalized) Manifolds in General Relativity.Joanna Luc & Tomasz Placek - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (1):21-42.
    The article investigates the relations between Hausdorff and non-Hausdorff manifolds as objects of general relativity. We show that every non-Hausdorff manifold can be seen as a result of gluing together some Hausdorff manifolds. In the light of this result, we investigate a modal interpretation of a non-Hausdorff differential manifold, according to which it represents a bundle of alternative space-times, all of which are compatible with a given initial data set.
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  23. The manifold & the one.Agnes Arber - 1957 - London,: J. Murray.
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    The Manifold in Perception: Theories of Art from Kant to Hildebrand.Francis X. J. Coleman - 1974 - Philosophical Review 83 (4):536.
  25.  42
    Manifold Adaptive Kernelized Low-Rank Representation for Semisupervised Image Classification.Yong Peng, Wanzeng Kong, Feiwei Qin & Feiping Nie - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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  26.  48
    Coordinate formalism on Hilbert manifolds.Alexey Kryukov - unknown
    Infinite-dimensional manifolds modelled on arbitrary Hilbert spaces of functions are considered. It is shown that changes in model rather than changes of charts within the same model make coordinate formalisms on finite and infinite-dimensional manifolds deeply similar. In this context the infinite-dimensional counterparts of simple notions such as basis, dual basis, orthogonal basis, etc. are shown to be closely related to the choice of a model. It is also shown that in this formalism a single tensor equation on an infinite-dimensional (...)
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  27. Quantum Mechanics on Hilbert Manifolds: The Principle of Functional Relativity. [REVIEW]Alexey A. Kryukov - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (2):175-226.
    Quantum mechanics is formulated as a geometric theory on a Hilbert manifold. Images of charts on the manifold are allowed to belong to arbitrary Hilbert spaces of functions including spaces of generalized functions. Tensor equations in this setting, also called functional tensor equations, describe families of functional equations on various Hilbert spaces of functions. The principle of functional relativity is introduced which states that quantum theory (QT) is indeed a functional tensor theory, i.e., it can be described by (...)
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  28. The Manifold Turns of Truth. A biographical-theoretical interview with Manlio Iofrida.Aldo G. Gargani - 2010 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 2 (4):289-345.
    In the following interview with Manlio Iofrida, Aldo Giorgio Gargani retraces the fundamental moments and key phases of his intellectual development: his early childhood and adolescence in Genoa, strongly marked by the influence of his artist father and of the social context of the immediate post-war situation; his studies at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, and subsequently at the University of Oxford, which resulted to his first book on Wittgenstein; the achievement during the 1960s of a distinctive philosophical position (...)
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  29. Manifold meanings of Bacon, Francis concept of idols.R. Brandt - 1976 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 83 (1):42-70.
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    The manifold in perception: theories of art from Kant to Hildebrand.Michael Podro - 1972 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
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    The Manifold Meanings of ‘Life World’ in Husserl’s Crisis.John Scanlon - 1992 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 66 (2):229-239.
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    Manifold, Intuition, and Synthesis in Kant and Husserl.Burt C. Hopkins - 2013 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 16 (1):264-307.
    The problem of ‘collective unity’ in the transcendental philosophies of Kant and Husserl is investigated on the basis of number’s exemplary ‘collective unity’. To this end, the investigation reconstructs the historical context of the conceptuality of the mathematics that informs Kant’s and Husserl’s accounts of manifold, intuition, and synthesis. On the basis of this reconstruction, the argument is advanced that the unity of number – not the unity of the ‘concept’ of number – is presupposed by each transcendental philosopher (...)
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  33.  17
    The Equilibrium Manifold: Postmodern Developments in the Theory of General Economic Equilibrium.Yves Balasko - 2009 - MIT Press.
    In The Equilibrium Manifold, noted economic scholar and major contributor to the theory of general equilibrium Yves Balasko argues that, contrary to what many textbooks want readers to believe, the study of the general equilibrium model did not end with the existence and welfare theorems of the 1950s. These developments, which characterize the modern phase of the theory of general equilibrium, led to what Balasko calls the postmodern phase, marked by the reintroduction of differentiability assumptions and the application of (...)
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  34.  62
    Manifold and category.Alexandre Koyre - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 9 (1):1-20.
  35.  9
    On the Manifold Senses of Mimesis.John Sallis - 2015 - In Niall Keane & Chris Lawn, A Companion to Hermeneutics. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 289–298.
    Mimesis is configured in many ways. Its manifold senses require the doubling of sense, such that it designates both what is commonly displayed to the senses and what intrinsically cannot be so displayed. As Gadamer insists in his criticism of Hegel, the work of art is no mere bearer of meaning that can subsist apart from it and that could be transferred to some other vehicle. This is, then, the first of the four moments that constitute Gadamer's deconstruction of (...)
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  36. Why manifold substantivalism is probably not a consequence of classical mechanics.Nick Huggett - 1999 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 13 (1):17 – 34.
    This paper develops and defends three related forms of relationism about spacetime against attacks by contemporary substantivalists. It clarifies Newton's globes argument to show that it does not bear on relations that fail to determine geodesic motions, since the inertial effects on which Newton relies are not simply correlated with affine structure, but must be understood in dynamical terms. It develops remarks by Sklar and van Fraassen into relational versions of Newtonian mechanics, and argues that Earman does not show them (...)
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  37. The Manifold Challenges to Understanding Human Success.Hugh Desmond & Grant Ramsey - 2023 - In Hugh Desmond & Grant Ramsey, Human Success: Evolutionary Origins and Ethical Implications. New York, US: OUP Usa.
    Claims that our species is an “evolutionary success” typically do not feature prominently in academic articles. However, they do seem to be a recurring trope in science popularization. Why do we seem to be attracted to viewing human evolution through the lense of “success”? In this chapter we discuss how evolutionary success has both causal-descriptive and ethical-normative components, and how its ethical status is ambiguous, with possible hints of anthropocentrism. We also place the concept of “success” in a wider context (...)
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  38.  39
    The Divine Manifold by Roland Faber.Austin J. Roberts - 2017 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 38 (1):86-89.
    Over the last fifteen years, the largely American tradition of process theology has moved in new directions as it has been lured into sustained engagements with French poststructuralism. Roland Faber’s The Divine Manifold is perhaps the most impressive example of this new shape that process thought is taking on in the twenty-first century. For those who would dismiss Whitehead’s philosophy as outdated or irrelevant to our present context, Faber’s Manifold offers a startlingly novel interpretation of the great metaphysician (...)
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  39. Compact complex manifolds with the DOP and other properties.Anand Pillay & Thomas Scanlon - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (2):737-743.
    We point out that a certain complex compact manifold constructed by Lieberman has the dimensional order property, and has U-rank different from Morley rank. We also give a sufficient condition for a Kahler manifold to be totally degenerate (that is, to be an indiscernible set, in its canonical language) and point out that there are K3 surfaces which satisfy these conditions.
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  40. To Marvel at the Manifold Connections: Philosophy, Biology, and Laudato Si’.Louis Caruana - 2021 - Gregorianum 102 (3):617-631.
    One of the aims of the encyclical "Laudato Si’" is to help us “marvel at the manifold connections existing among creatures”, to show how we are also involved, and to motivate us thereby to care for our common home. Are there new dimensions of beauty available to us today because of recent advances in biology? In this paper I seek to answer this question by first recalling the basic criteria for beauty, as expressed by Aristotle and Aquinas, and then (...)
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  41.  16
    The Manifold in Perception: Theories of Art from Kant to Hildebrand.M. R. Haight - 1973 - Philosophical Quarterly 23 (93):380-381.
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    Network stabilization on unstable manifolds: Computing with middle layer transients.Arnold J. Mandell & Karen A. Selz - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):822-823.
    Studies have failed to yield definitive evidence for the existence and/or role of well-defined chaotic attractors in real brain systems. Tsuda's transients stabilized on unstable manifolds of unstable fixed points using mechanisms similar to Ott's algorithmic “control of chaos” are demonstrable. Grebogi's order in preserving “strange nonchaotic” attractor with fractal dimension but Lyapounov is suggested for neural network tasks dependent on sequence.
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  43.  7
    The Manifold Strategies of Seventeenth-Century Translators: the Case of Du Verdus as Translator of Thomas Hobbes.Luc Borot - unknown
    In the mid seventeenth century, European scholars on the frontline of philosophical discussions corresponded and exchanged their works in manuscript or in print, as they had always done, but a strong trend towards publishing their work in the vernaculars and towards translating each other’s works between vernaculars was building up. The French mathematician Guillaume du Verdus had become friends with the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes, and ambitioned to translated the latter’s English Leviathan into French. In spite of all his endeavours (...)
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  44. M. Podro, The manifold in Perception. Theories of Art from Kant to Hildebrand.K. Oedingen - 1974 - Kant Studien 65 (1):92.
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    On the manifold senses of horizonedness. The theories of E. Husserl and A. Gurwitsch.Roberto J. Walton - 2003 - Husserl Studies 19 (1):1-24.
    The article deals with the lines along which manifold senses of horizonedness emerge and their reference to potentiality as a starting-point. The first section examines Gurwitsch's analyses of field-potentialities and margin-potentialities in the light of distinctions drawn by Husserl in terms of latency and patency. It is contended that Husserl's concept of latency encompasses both modes of potentiality. The second section shows how the world- horizon functions as a background- horizon and alternation- horizon conceived of as the two fundamental (...)
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  46. Number and manifolds.Peter Simons - 1982 - In Barry Smith, Parts and Moments. Studies in Logic and Formal Ontology. Philosophia Verlag. pp. 160--98.
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  47. The Manifold in Perception: Theories of Art from Kant to Hildebrand.Michael Podro - 1974 - Mind 83 (331):458-459.
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    Corrigendum to “Manifold Adaptive Kernelized Low-Rank Representation for Semisupervised Image Classification”.Yong Peng, Wanzeng Kong, Feiwei Qin & Feiping Nie - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-1.
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  49.  12
    Coordinate formalism on Hilbert manifolds: String bases of eigenvectors.Alexey Kryukov - unknown
    Coordinate formalism on Hilbert manifolds developed in \cite{Kryukov}, \cite{Kryukov1} is further analyzed. The main subject here is a comparison of the ordinary and the string bases of eigenvectors of a linear operator as introduced in \cite{Kryukov}. It is shown that the string basis of eigenvectors is a natural generalization of its classical counterpart. It is also shown that the developed formalism forces us to consider any Hermitian operator with continuous spectrum as a restriction to a space of square integrable functions (...)
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  50.  32
    Unrecognizability of manifolds.A. V. Chernavsky & V. P. Leksine - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 141 (3):325-335.
    We present a modernized proof, with a modification by M.A. Shtan’ko, of the Markov theorem on the unsolvability of the homeomorphy problem for manifolds. We then discuss a proof of the S.P. Novikov theorem on the unrecognizability of spheres for n≥5, from which we obtain a corollary about unrecognizability of all manifolds of dimension at least five. An analogous argument then proves the unrecognizability of stabilizations of all four-dimensional manifolds. We also give a brief overview of known results concerning algorithmic (...)
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