Results for ' legacy institutions'

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  1.  42
    Historical legacies, institutional change, and policy leadership: the case of Alexandre Millerand and the French factory inspectorate. [REVIEW]Frieda Fuchs - 2010 - Theory and Society 39 (1):69-107.
  2. Institutions, interpretive communities, and legacy in decision-making : a case study of patents, morality, and biotechnological inventions.Aisling McMahon - 2022 - In G. T. Laurie, E. S. Dove & Niamh Nic Shuibhne, Law and legacy in medical jurisprudence: essays in honour of Graeme Laurie. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  3.  19
    Legacy of Menger’s Theory of Social Institutions.Arkadiusz Sieroń - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 57 (1):145-160.
    The aim of the article is to examine the legacy of Menger’s theory of social institutions. We argue that Menger’s insights about the origin of social structures inspired later contributions in three main areas: theory of spontaneous order, theory of money, and theory of law.
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    Institutional Imprints and Corporate Misconduct: Unravelling the Interplay of Economic History and Firm Choices on Earnings Manipulation in an Emerging Economy.Manish Popli, Mehul Raithatha & Punit Arora - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    This study investigates the impact of firms’ legacy institutional imprints on its engagement in corporate misconduct. We discover that a closed economic regime’s protectionist policies inscribe imprints in the form of opaque organizational routines and cause incumbent firms to develop competitive limitations. Utilizing the theoretical principles of the organizational imprinting theory, this research attests to the endurance of corruptive routines and argues that the degree of closed economy imprints increases firms’ engagement in income-increasing earnings management in the post-liberalization period. (...)
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    Syria Betrayed: Atrocities, War, and the Failure of International Diplomacy.Usa Karl W. Schweizer New Jersey Institute Of Technology - 2024 - The European Legacy 30 (2):239-241.
    Volume 30, Issue 2, March 2025, Page 239-241.
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    Organizing Workers in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico: The Authoritarian-Corporatist Legacy and Old Institutional Designs in a New Context.Graciela Bensusán - 2016 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 17 (1):131-161.
    In what way do the corporatist and authoritarian legacies that modelled some Latin American labor institutions influence the opportunities for and restrictions on organizing workers in a new context? To what extent did institutional designs, together with other economic and political factors, influence the characteristics that currently distinguish the union organizations in the countries of the region? Taking into consideration the existence of a broader debate about the consequences of globalization and political democratization for unions, the contribution of historical (...)
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    The Changing Face of Higher Education.Marcel Herbst Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich & Switzerland - forthcoming - The European Legacy:1-4.
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    Masterpiece Photographs of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts: The Curatorial Legacy of Carroll T. Hartwell.Christian A. Peterson - 2008 - Minneapolis Institute of Art.
    The Minneapolis Institute of Arts holds the Upper Midwest's most significant permanent collection of fine photographs. Covering the entire history of the medium, from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day. This beautiful book opens with an 1845 salt print by the English inventor William Henry Fox Talbot and closes with a 2002 color portrait by Alec Soth from his series Sleeping by the Mississippi. In between, selected images represent the genres of documentary photography, photojournalism, and street photography. Included are (...)
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    Institutions of Education, Then and Today: The Legacy of German Idealism.Paul Cobben (ed.) - 2010 - Brill.
    This book shows that German Idealism can partipate in the contemporary debate on education: it is not only helpful in raising relevant questions, but can also be transformed into positions which can deal with the pluriformity that characterizes contemporary society.
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    Media Capitalism: Hegemony in the Age of Mass Deception.Usa Karl W. Schweizer New Jersey Institute Of Technology - forthcoming - The European Legacy:1-2.
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    The Legacy of Herman Dooyeweerd: Reflections on Critical Philosophy in the Christian Tradition C. T. McIntire, editor Lanham, New York, and London: University Press of America; Toronto: Institute for Christian Studies, 1985. Pp. xvii, 180. $24.00, $12.00 paper. [REVIEW]Peter A. Schouls - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (2):394-.
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  12.  26
    The Legacy of George Ellery Hale. Evolution of Astronomy and Scientific Institutions in Pictures and Documents. Helen Wright, Joan N. Warnow, Charles Weiner. [REVIEW]Deborah Warner - 1973 - Isis 64 (1):138-139.
  13.  26
    Tainted Legacies and the Journal of Religious Ethics.Karen V. Guth - 2024 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (4):673-689.
    This essay reflects on the role academic journals like the JRE can play in facilitating and addressing tainted legacies. As an institution in religious ethics, the journal not only determines whose work is important, but it also replicates such judgments, passing certain sets of issues, concerns, and methods down from the past to the present, shaping future work. Journals highlight the systemic, structural elements of legacies that we often neglect in heated debate over how to respond to them. Consequently, they (...)
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  14.  29
    For Whom the Advantage Tolls: Institutional Racism and the Prospective Legacies of SFFA v. Harvard.J. E. Elliott - 2023 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2023 (204):145-154.
    ExcerptFew U.S. Supreme Court decisions in living memory have combined a widespread expectation in verdict with a broad aggrievement of impact as dynamically as SFFA v. Harvard. Anyone remotely concerned with the fortunes of higher education in North America would have had good reason to believe, on or before June 29, 2023, that the “special consideration” of race in university admissions had reached its best-buy date. The key predictive decisions twenty years earlier—Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger—tolled the clock. (...)
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  15.  90
    The legacies of history? Colonization and immigrant integration in Britain and France.Erik Bleich - 2005 - Theory and Society 34 (2):171-195.
    This article scrutinizes the widely held belief that British and French colonial models have influenced each country’s immigrant integration structures. It assesses the core assumptions underlying the argument: that British colonial and integration policies have relied on indirect rule of groups defined by race or ethnicity; and that corresponding French policies have emphasized direct rule and have been highly assimilationist. It demonstrates that the two countries are not as different as often portrayed. It also pinpoints the specific paths through which (...)
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  16.  19
    Mykyta Mandryka’s Scientific Legacy in the Field of International Law: Ukrainian Institute of Sociology in Prague in the 1920s.Lyubov Sukhoterina & Volodymyr Zharkykh - 2023 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 11 (2):111-121.
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  17.  49
    Certitudes et hésitations des institutions scolaires françaises entre instruction, socialisation et qualification. Un point de vue historique sur la longue durée.André Robert - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (2):105-113.
    Claiming the legacy of revolutionary of 1789, the Republicans organise at the end of nineteenth century the French school in its modern form and developpe a philosophy that is “fondationnaire” placing educational institution as foundation of the nation. The idea of the emancipation of the people by rational instruction without neglecting the moral and civic education is well located in the heart of the French school project and aims abstract rational subjects, despite their unique characteristics and affiliations. The phrase (...)
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  18.  14
    The Framing of Diversity Statements in European Universities: The Role of Imprinting and Institutional Legacy.Nicole Philippczyck, Jan Grundmann & Simon Oertel - 2024 - Minerva 62 (1):69-92.
    We analyze the role of institutional founding conditions and institutional legacy for universities’ self-representation in terms of diversity. Based on 374 universities located in the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, and Poland, we can differentiate between a more idealistic understanding (logic of inclusion and equality) and a more market-oriented understanding (market logic) of diversity. Our findings show that the founding phase has no significant effect on the likelihood of a university focusing on a market-oriented understanding of diversity—however, we (...)
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  19.  17
    A Circumpolar Reappraisal: The Legacy of Gutorm Gjessing (1906-1979) : Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Trondheim, Norway, 10-12th October 2008, Arranged by the Institute of Archaeology and Religious Studies, and the SAK Department of the Museum of Natural History and Archaeology of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).Christer Westerdahl - 2010 - BAR International Series.
    Proceedings of an International Conference held in Trondheim, Norway, 10th-12th October 2008, arranged by the Institute of Archaeology and Religious Studies, and the SAK department of the Museum of Natural History and Archaeology of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) A volume dedicated to the achievements of Norwegian archaeologist Gutorm Gjessing (1906-1979).
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  20.  15
    Manipulating Structure in Institutional Complexity Scenarios: The Case of Strategic Planning in Nonprofits.Ziva Sharp - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (8):1924-1956.
    Emergent structural approaches to institutional complexity tend to inhibit the role of agency in addressing logic multiplicity scenarios. Prior studies of logic multiplicity have documented a diverse set of outcomes, ranging from domination through hybridization, and characterized by various levels of conflict. A new stream of research has emerged that seeks to explain this heterogeneity through the structural components of complexity. These studies tend to minimize the role of agency in institutional complexity scenarios, positing that outcome diversity, and the organization’s (...)
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  21.  24
    Montesquieu and His Legacy.Rebecca Kingston (ed.) - 2009 - State University of New York Press.
    " "Montesquieu and His Legacy supplements the conventional focus on the institutional teachings of Montesquieu with attention to the theme of morals and manners ...
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  22. Overcoming the Legacy of Mistrust: African Americans’ Mistrust of Medical Profession.Marvin J. H. Lee, Kruthika Reddy, Junad Chowdhury, Nishant Kumar, Peter A. Clark, Papa Ndao, Stacey J. Suh & Sarah Song - 2018 - Journal of Healthcare Ethics and Administration 4 (1):16-40.
    Recent studies show that racism still exists in the American medical profession, the fact of which legitimizes the historically long-legacy of mistrust towards medical profession and health authorities among African Americans. Thus, it was suspected that the participation of black patients in end-of-life care has always been significantly low stemmed primarily from their mistrust of the medical profession. On the other hand, much research finds that there are other reasons than the mistrust which makes African Americans feel reluctant to (...)
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  23.  14
    Institutional Transfer and Varieties of Capitalism in Transnational Societies.Carlos H. Waisman - 2011 - ProtoSociology 27:151-166.
    This paper discusses the varieties of capitalism in transitional societies in Latin America and Central / Eastern Europe. The intended purpose of these transitions from semi-closed import-substituting economies in the first case and state socialist ones in the second was to institutionalize open-market economies. Twenty or thirty years later, there is a variety of types of capitalism in these countries, which I classify into three: open-market, neo-mercantilist, and anemic. The question for sociology is whether these quite different variants represent temporary (...)
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  24.  31
    Announcing the Professor Cooley archive at Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland: a celebration of the legacy of Mike Cooley.Larry Stapleton, Brenda O’Neill, Kieran Cronin & Matthew Kendrick - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (2):377-379.
  25.  18
    Rousseau's Legacy: Emergence and Eclipse of the Writer in France.Dennis Porter - 1995 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Dennis Porter argues in Rousseau's Legacy that this cultural idea of the writer - as distinct from the more traditional "man of letters" - first emerged in France in the decades preceding the French revolution, and has continued to exercise a nominative power over intellectual life well into our own day. In Porter's paradigm, Jean-Jacques Rousseau serves as a seminal figure who combined radical critique of existing institutions with a new form of confessional writing and a suspicion of (...)
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  26.  12
    Encountering Derrida: legacies and futures of deconstruction.Simon Morgan Wortham & Allison Weiner (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Continuum.
    Encountering Derrida explores the points of engagement between Jacques Derrida and a host of other European thinkers, past and present, in order to counter recent claims that the era of deconstruction is finally drawing to a close. The book rereads Derrida in order to renew deconstruction's various conceptions of language, poetry, philosophy, institutions, difference and the future. This impressive collection of essays from the world's leading Derrida scholars re-evaluates Derrida's legacy and looks forward to the possible futures of (...)
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  27.  9
    The ethics of tainted legacies: human flourishing after traumatic pasts.Karen V. Guth - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    What do we do when a beloved comedian known as "America's Dad" is convicted of sexual assault? Or when we discover that the man who wrote "all men are created equal" also enslaved hundreds of people? Or when priests are exposed as pedophiles? From the popular to the political to the profound, each day brings new revelations that respected people, traditions, and institutions are not what we thought they were. Despite the shock that these disclosures produce, this state of (...)
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  28.  35
    Condorcet’s Legacy Among the Philosophes and the Value of His Feminism for Today’s Man.Jeff Nall - 2008 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 16 (1):51-70.
    Key Enlightenment minds are often juxtaposed with their iconic foes, religious conservatives. When discussing the subject of women’s rights, however, this comparison creates a false impression that Enlightenment male thinkers held ideas very much opposed to a dogmatic institution such as the Catholic Church. Ironically, and damaging to their legacy of prejudice-free rationalism, nearly all of the philosophes, many of whom were “freethinking” atheists, viewed woman’s intellectual nature and societal purpose through a prejudice-tainted glass, not unlike the most conservative (...)
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  29.  21
    (1 other version)Greta Jones and Robert A. Peel , Herbert Spencer: The intellectual legacy. London: The Galton institute, 2004. Pp. XV+154. Isbn 0-9504066-8-6. £5.00 . Abigail Lustig, Robert J. Richards and Michael Ruse , Darwinian heresies. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2004. Pp. VII+200. Isbn 0-521-81516-9. £40.00. [REVIEW]Chris Renwick - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Science 39 (4):617-619.
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    The Legacies of Totalitarianism : A Theoretical Framework.Aviezer Tucker - 2015 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The first political theory of post-Communism examines its implications for understanding liberty, rights, transitional justice, property rights, privatization, rule of law, centrally planned public institutions, and the legacies of totalitarian thought in language and discourse. The transition to post-totalitarianism was the spontaneous adjustment of the rights of the late-totalitarian elite to its interest. Post-totalitarian governments faced severe scarcity in the supply of justice. Rough justice punished the perpetrators and compensated their victims. Historical theories of property rights became radical, and (...)
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  31.  25
    Commemorating Galton's intellectual legacy. Twelve Galton Lectures: A Centenary Selection with Commentaries. (2007). Edited by S. Jones and M. Keynes. London: The Galton Institute. 336 pp. ISBN 978 0 9546570 1 7. [REVIEW]A. W. F. Edwards - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (9):919-919.
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  32.  44
    Legacies of the Death Penalty: Sacrifice, Survival, and the Possibility of Justice.Sarah Kathryn Marshall - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Memphis
    Whereas traditional abolitionist arguments call for putting an end to capital punishment, French-Algerian philosopher Jacques Derrida emphasizes its survival, writing that “even when it will have been abolished, the death penalty will survive.” My dissertation interprets this perplexing claim by attending to the specificity of Derrida’s discourse on survival or survivance, contending that the death penalty serves an irreducible role in the constitution of the (individual or collective) subject, such that, even in the event of its abolition, some form of (...)
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  33.  79
    The legacy of the Hwang case: Research misconduct in biosciences.Péter Kakuk - 2009 - Science and Engineering Ethics 15 (4):545-562.
    This paper focuses on the infamous case of Hwang Woo Suk, the South-Korean national hero and once celebrated pioneer of stem cell research. After briefly discussing the evolution of his publication and research scandal in Science, I will attempt to outline the main reactions that emerged within scientific and bioethical discourses on the problem of research misconduct in contemporary biosciences. What were the ethical lapses in his research? What kind of research misconduct has been identified? How this kind of misconduct (...)
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  34.  6
    The Legacy of Scholasticism in Economic Thought: Antecedents of Choice and Power.Odd Langholm - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book studies the development of ideas on freedom, coercion and power in the history of economic thought. It focuses on the exchange of goods and services and on terms of exchange and examines the nature of choice, that is, the state of the will of economic actors making exchange decisions. In a social context, anyone's range of choice is restricted by the choices made by others. The first to raise the question of the will in this economic context were (...)
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  35.  21
    Moral Injury, Feminist and Womanist Ethics, and Tainted Legacies.Karen V. Guth - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):167-186.
    The prevalence of tainted legacies within Christian ethics, across the academy, and in contemporary public debate raises difficult questions about handling legacies implicated in traumatic pasts. This essay uses the concept of moral injury to illuminate the moral complexities of tainted religious legacies and employs feminist and womanist ethics to provide strategies for moral repair in the wake of these and other such legacies. It first argues that, despite significant limitations, moral injury provides purchase on the experience of encountering tainted (...)
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  36.  43
    Thinking in dark times: Assessing the transdisciplinary legacies of Zygmunt Bauman.Griselda Pollock & Mark Davis - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 156 (1):3-9.
    In 2018, the Bauman Institute and the Centre for Cultural Analysis, Theory & History (CentreCATH), both based at the University of Leeds (UK), initiated a transdisciplinary programme to assess the legacies of Zygmunt Bauman (1925–2017), whose prolific writings we felt to be profoundly relevant to the multiple challenges of the 21st century. In this special issue of Thesis Eleven, we are marking just over three years since the death of Zygmunt Bauman by bringing together some of the contributions to that (...)
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  37.  11
    Hegel, Institutions and Economics: Performing the Social.Carsten Herrmann-Pillath & Ivan Boldyrev (eds.) - 2014 - Routledge.
    Hegel’s philosophy has witnessed periods of revival and oblivion, at times considered to be an unrivalled and all-embracing system of thought, but often renounced with no less ardour. This book renews the dialogue with Hegel by looking at his legacy as a source of insight and judgement that helps us rethink contemporary economics. This book focuses on a concept of institution which is equally important for Hegel's political philosophy and for economic theory to date. The key contributions of this (...)
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  38.  7
    The Christian legacy: taming brutish human nature in Western civilization.Edgar L. Eckfeldt - 2011 - St. Paul, MN: Life Wisdom Books.
    Analyzes the history of Western civilization and develops a scientific and historical argument that shows the exceptional power of Christianity in the evolution of Western social consciousness. It argues that the spiritual power of Christianity has had an extraordinary effect on transforming civilization and the development of humanitarian social institutions that even atheists take for granted"--Provided by publisher.
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  39.  33
    Commentary: Legacy of the Commission on Research Integrity.Barbara K. Redman - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (2):555-563.
    20 years ago, the Report of the Commission on Research Integrity was submitted to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and to House and Senate Committees. As directed in enabling legislation, the Commission had provided recommendations on a new definition of research misconduct, oversight of scientific practices, and development of a regulation to protect whistleblowers. Reflecting the ethos of the time, the Commission recommended that institutions receiving Public Health Service research funding should provide oversight of (...)
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  40.  73
    The legacy of Wittgenstein: pragmatism or deconstruction.Ludwig Nagl & Chantal Mouffe (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Peter Lang.
    What is striking in the current reception of Wittgenstein is just how wide-ranging his influence has become among those who are trying to elaborate an alternative to the rationalistic framework dominant today. Pragmatists and deconstructionists are at the forefront of such a movement, of course, and it comes as no surprise that several of them have turned to Wittgenstein and have opened up new perspectives on his work. This joint interest has created a very welcome bridge between post-analytic and continental (...)
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  41.  37
    The Costs of Institutional Racism and its Ethical Implications for Healthcare.Amanuel Elias & Yin Paradies - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (1):45-58.
    This paper discusses the ethical implications of racism and some of the various costs associated with racism occurring at the institutional level. We argue that, in many ways, the laws, social structures, and institutions in Western society have operated to perpetuate the continuation of historical legacies of racial inequities with or without the intention of individuals and groups in society. By merely maintaining existing structures, laws, and social norms, society can impose social, economic, and health costs on racial minorities (...)
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  42.  23
    The Legacy of the Studiengruppe Für Systemforschung.Reinhard Coenen - 2006 - Minerva 44 (2):143-148.
    The Studiengruppe für Systemforschung was dissolved in 1974. Several members of the group moved to the Research Centre Karlsruhe. There, despite their new institutional surroundings, they remained faithful to the Studiengruppe’s conceptual foundations, and developed a new Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis. This has since become the leading technology assessment group in Germany.
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    Hegel's legacy.Rocío Zambrana - 2012 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 50 (2):273-284.
    Answering the challenge of G. W. F. Hegel's idealism and its perceived logocentrism has arguably been a defining feature of nineteenth- and twentieth-century continental philosophy. Today, in the midst of a Hegel renaissance, Hegel's legacy within continental philosophy is far more ambivalent. In this essay, I cut across debates about the status of Hegel's idealism in order to offer a reflection on the legacy of Hegel by reconstructing a Hegelian notion of legacy. I develop this notion in (...)
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    Reforming Witherspoon's Legacy at Princeton: John Witherspoon, Samuel Stanhope Smith and James McCosh on Didactic Enlightenment, 1768–1888.Charles Bradford Bow - 2013 - History of European Ideas 39 (5):650-669.
    SummaryThe College of New Jersey (which later became Princeton University) provides an example of how Scottish philosophy influenced American higher education in an institutional context during the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This article compares the administrations of John Witherspoon (served from 1768 to 1794), Samuel Stanhope Smith (served from 1795 to 1812) and James McCosh (served from 1868 to 1888) at Princeton and examines their use of Scottish philosophy in restructuring the curriculum and reforming its institutional purpose. While presiding (...)
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    Christian Raffensperger, Conflict, Bargaining, and Kinship Networks in Medieval Eastern Europe. (Byzantium: A European Empire and Its Legacy 2.) Lanham, Boulder, New York, and London: Lexington Books, 2018. Pp. xiv, 221; 15 black-and-white figures, 1 map, and 14 tables. $95. ISBN: 978-1-4985-6852-4. Christian Raffensperger, Ties of Kinship: Genealogy and Dynastic Marriage in Kyivan Rus’. (Harvard Series in Ukrainian Studies.) Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press for the Ukrainian Research Institute, 2016. Pp. x, 407; many genealogical charts. $49.95. ISBN: 978-1-9326-5013-6. [REVIEW]Aleksandr Musin - 2021 - Speculum 96 (2):550-553.
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    Ambiguous Legacy: The Social Construction of the Kuhnian Revolution and Its Consequences for the Sociology of Science.Zaheer Baber - 2000 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 20 (2):139-155.
    In this article, the impact of Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions on the sociology of science is evaluated. The main argument is that a questionable construction of Kuhn’s work heralded the constructivist revolution that ultimately contributed to the division between sociology of science and sociology of scientific knowledge. A reorientation of sociology of science that combines institutional and constructivist perspectives is advocated.
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    Kevorkian’s Legacy.Michael Gordon - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (2):143-148.
    This history of the modern introduction of assisted suicide in North America follow a tortuous course, with complete rejection of the idea, to implementation in many of its jurisdictions. North America was not a leader in this approach to end-of-life care, with the Netherlands and Belgium playing that role. Tracing the path from a felonious and ethically anathematic place in North American society it was resurrected into a legally and ethically acceptable practice over a period of two decades. The historical (...)
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  48. The Neglected Legacy and Harms of Epistemic Colonising: Linguicism, Epistemic Exploitation, and Ontic Burnout Gerry Dunne.Gerry Dunne - forthcoming - Philosophy and Theory of Higher.
    This paper sets out to accomplish two goals. First, drawing on the Irish perspective, it reconceptualises one of the enduring legacy-based harms of epistemic colonisation, in this case, ‘linguicism’, in terms of ‘hermeneutical injustice’. Second, it argues that otherwise well-meaning attempts to combat epistemic colonisation through the inclusion of marginalised testimony can, in certain circumstances, lead to cases of ‘epistemic exploitation’, which, in turn, can result in ‘ontic burnout’. Both linguicism and epistemic exploitation, this paper theorizes, have the potential (...)
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    Imperfect Garden: The Legacy of Humanism (review).Sandra Rudnick Luft - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (2):425-428.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Imperfect Garden: The Legacy of HumanismSandra Rudnick LuftImperfect Garden: The Legacy of Humanism, by Tzvetan Todorov; 254 pp. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002, $45.00.Tzvetan Todorov begins Imperfect Garden with an arresting premise: that the greatest achievement of the modern age—the moderns' assertion of the freedom of the human will, unlimited by allegiances to God, nature, or reason—was the fruit of a pact with the devil. Though (...)
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    The Political Legacy of the German Classical Philosophy.Luigi Filieri, Armando Manchisi & Sabina Tortorella (eds.) - 2021 - EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste.
    The political legacy of classical German philosophy can contribute in a crucial way to the most recent developments of contemporary political thought, thereby also making sense of the contradictions underlying the social practices and institutional values of our societies. What justifies this perspective is, in the first place, the complexity of contemporaneity, which holds within itself a doubleness that can be understood in the light of the conceptual tools of classical German philosophy. On the one hand, contemporary societies seem (...)
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