Results for ' hermeneutics, meaning, interpretation, understanding, reading, explanation, textual analysis, stylistic'

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  1.  8
    Can we read without interpreting? Some thoughts about reading and construing philosophical texts.Alain Lhomme - 2020 - Methodos 20.
    Il apparaît aujourd’hui impossible d’aborder la question de la lecture des textes – particulièrement des textes philosophiques – sans s’expliquer avec l’herméneutique. Encore faut-il déterminer le statut exact de celle-ci : simple méthodologie, discipline technique ou philosophie à part entière? Un examen scrupuleux des apports de l’herméneutique dite critique conduit à poser une question plus radicale encore : peut-on faire l’économie du paradigme herméneutique? En mobilisant les ressources de ce qu’on appelle aujourd’hui analyse textuelle, on est conduit à mettre en (...)
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    In Dialogue with the Mahābhārata by Brian Black. [REVIEW]Krishna Mani Pathak - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (3):1-7.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:In Dialogue with the Mahābhārata by Brian BlackKrishna Mani Pathak (bio)In Dialogue with the Mahābhārata. By Brian Black. New York: Routledge, 2021. Pp. xii + 2158. Paperback £38.99, isbn 978-0-367-43600-1. Brian Black's In Dialogue with the Mahābhārata is a brilliant book that exhibits three distinct features which can certainly help an inquiring mind understand not only the structure and nature of the text of the Mahābhārata but also (...)
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    Re-constructing Babel: Discourse analysis, hermeneutics and the Interpretive Arc.Allan Bell - 2011 - Discourse Studies 13 (5):519-568.
    This article questions the aptness of ‘discourse analysis’ as a label for our field, and prefers the less reductionist concept of ‘Discourse Interpretation’. It does this through drawing on ideas from the field of philosophical hermeneutics – the theory and practice of interpreting texts. It operationalizes and adapts the construct of the Interpretive Arc from the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur in order to address issues that are central to discourse work, including that of how we warrant the validity of our (...)
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    Exploring Ricoeur’s hermeneutic theory of interpretation as a method of analysing research texts.Rene Geanellos - 2000 - Nursing Inquiry 7 (2):112-119.
    Exploring Ricoeur’s hermeneutic theory of interpretation as a method of analysing research texts Increasingly, researchers use hermeneutic philosophy to inform the conduct of interpretive research. Congruence between the philosophical foundations of a study, and the methodological processes through which study findings are actualised, obliges hermeneutic researchers to use (or develop) hermeneutic approaches to research interviewing and textual analysis. Paul Ricoeur’s theory of interpretation provides one approach through which researchers using hermeneutics can achieve congruence between philosophy, methodology and method.Ricoeur’s theory (...)
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    Thucydides: Narrative and Explanation (review).Carolyn Dewald - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (1):138-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Thucydides: Narrative and ExplanationCarolyn DewaldTim Rood. Thucydides: Narrative and Explanation. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. xi + 339 pp. Cloth, £47.Any text has dislocations in its narrative surface. Since the time of Schwartz and Schadewaldt (1929), the text of Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War has been scrutinized for its omissions, ellipses, and apparent contradictions. Scholars have thought that these would contain important clues regarding aspects [End Page 138] (...)
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    Aproximación hermenéutica al cuento “Embargo” de José Saramago.Harold Salinas Arboleda - 2021 - Escritos 29 (63):247-263.
    This article proposed a hermeneutical analysis of the story “Embargo” by José Saramago, part of the book The lives of things, based on Paul Ricœur's proposal for textual understanding. To do this, the two basic hermeneutical movements that, according to the French philosopher, are part of this task, explain and interpret, are taken as a starting point. In this aspect, the explanation is assumed as the exercise of finding the meaning in the story and this aims to find the (...)
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    Biblical Hermeneutic, the Art of Interpretation, and Philosophy of the Self.Alain Thomasset - 2002 - Ethical Perspectives 9 (1):48-55.
    My first objective is to show that biblical hermeneutics inspires the contemporary art of textual interpretation, especially in the way we understand the interaction between the 'world of the text' and the 'world of the reader'. In this sense, the art of interpretation is not only the science of 'explanation' of the meaning of the text but also the 'understanding' of the impact of the text in our lives. With reference to the works of Paul Ricœur and Paul Beauchamp, (...)
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    Two Accounts of the Hermeneutic Fore-structure of Scientific Research.Dimitri Ginev - 2012 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 26 (4):423-445.
    In this article, I examine various aspects of the application of Heidegger's motif of interpretative articulation (the core phenomenological motif of existential analytic) to the constitutional analysis of meaningful objects in scientific research that are contextually ready-to-hand. It is my contention that not only the concepts of the ‘fore-structure of understanding’ and the ‘as-structure of interpretation’, but also the extended concepts of the ‘hermeneutic fore-structure of meaning constitution’ and ‘characteristic hermeneutic situation’ are the keys to understanding the interpretative nature of (...)
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    Is Psychology a Hermeneutic Science?James A. Beshai - 1975 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 5 (2):425-439.
    Psycholinguistic theories of meaning have developed within a univocal, explanatory model of science which is concerned with the use of language rather than its creation. Such a model is insufficient to deal with the complex data of human discourse with its multiple domains in speech, writing, reading, and interpreting. While recognizing the necessity of univocal explanatory procedures in the analysis of meaning the hermeneutic circle of explanation and understanding demands that "interpretation" occupy both a preliminary and a posterior place within (...)
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  10. Flowing Within the Text: A Discussion on He Lin’s Explanation of Zhu Xi’s Method of Intuition.Xianglong Zhang - 2005 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 1 (1):60-65.
    The author examines He Lin's interpretation of Zhu Xi's method of intuition from a phenomenological-hermeneutical perspective and by exposing Zhu's philosophical presuppositions. In contrast with Lu Xiangshan's intuitive method, Zhu Xi's method of reading classics advocates "emptying your heart and flowing with the text" and, in this spirit, explains the celebrated "exhaustive investigation on the principles of things (ge wu qiong li)." "Text," according to Zhu, is therefore not an object in ordinary sense but a "contextual region" or "sensible pattern" (...)
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    Textual Keys to Understand Socrates' Profession of Ignorance in the Apology.Trinidad Silva - 2019 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 21 (2):154-176.
    In the present paper I analyze some relevant textual keys of Plato's Apology to show the many strands underlying Socrates' claims of ignorance. I advocate a position that seeks to reevaluate the use of epistemic lexica by considering other evidence, such as cultural and dramatic context, the use of hypothetical clauses, the comparative and the rhetoric of the pair real/apparent. From this approach, I hope to show that there are good reasons to interpret Socrates' claims of ignorance in the (...)
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    Hermeneutics and inter-cultural dialog: linking theory and practice.Fred Dallmayr - 2009 - Ethics and Global Politics 2 (1).
    Inter-cultural dialog is frequently treated as either unnecessary or else impossible. It is said to be unnecessary, because we all are the same or share the same ‘human nature'; it is claimed to be impossible because cultures seen as language games or forms or life are so different as to be radically incommensurable. The paper steers a course between absolute universalism and particularism by following the path of dialog and interrogation - where dialog does not mean empty chatter but the (...)
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    Hermeneutics as critique: science, politics, race and culture.Lorenzo Charles Simpson - 2021 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    This book aims to develop the tradition of philosophical hermeneutics, the theoretical account of interpretive (as opposed to explanatory) understanding--the account of meanings and contexts rather than causes and predictions--usually restricted to the domain of literary and textual analysis, in new directions by exploiting its potential as an instrument of critique. It refutes commonly held claims that hermeneutic analyses are necessarily relativistic, Eurocentric, or critically impotent and demonstrates how hermeneutic procedures can inform analyses of urgent current and cross-cultural issues (...)
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  14. Clinical interpretation: The hermeneutics of medicine.Drew Leder - 1990 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 11 (1).
    I argue that clinical medicine can best be understood not as a purified science but as a hermeneutical enterprise: that is, as involved with the interpretation of texts. The literary critic reading a novel, the judge asked to apply a law, must arrive at a coherent reading of their respective texts. Similarly, the physician interprets the text of the ill person: clinical signs and symptoms are read to ferret out their meaning, the underlying disease. However, I suggest that the hermeneutics (...)
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    Action as a text: Gadamer's hermeneutics and the social scientific analysis of action.Susan Hekman - 1984 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 14 (3):333–354.
    This paper argues that Gadamer's hermeneutics offers a methodological perspective for social and political theory that overcomes the impasse created by the dichotomy between the positivist and humanist approaches to social action. Both the positivists’attempt to replace the actors’subjective concepts with the objective concepts of the social scientist and the humanists’attempt to describe meaningful action strictly in the social actors’terms have been called into question in contemporary discussions. Gadamer's approach, which is based on the hermeneutical method of textual interpretation, (...)
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  16. Wittgenstein on Reading: A Stylistic, Structural, and Methodological Study of Investigations ##156-178.Britt-Marie Christina Schiller - 1985 - Dissertation, Washington University
    The main objective of this study is to eliminate the obstacles that the stylistic, structural, and methodological aspects of the text place in the way of reading and understanding Ludwig Wittgenstein's later work. The characteristic features of these elements are developed and discussed in the context of a close reading of the short section on reading in the Philosophical Investigations. Wittgenstein's aim in this section is the negative one of completely undermining explanatory accounts of the meaning of reading in (...)
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    Complex texts: Analysing, understanding, explaining and interpreting meanings.Ruth Wodak - 2011 - Discourse Studies 13 (5):623-633.
    This article discusses different theoretical and methodological approaches in the humanities and social sciences which strive to analyse and understand, interpret and explain texts and discourses in systematic, qualitative ways. After reviewing some of the salient theories in the social sciences, I argue that critical discourse studies require a ‘trichotomy’ consisting of explanation, interpretation and critique. Other approaches such as Ricoeur’s ‘hermeneutic arc’ seem to neglect important structural and material dimensions of context as well as critical self-reflection. Moreover, I argue (...)
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    Edward Said on Contrapuntal Reading.George M. Wilson - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (2):265-273.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:George M. Wilson EDWARD SAID ON CONTRAPUNTAL READING Edward Said's rich and powerful new book, Culture and Imperialism,1 offers, as one strand of its multifaceted discussion, methodological reflections on the reading and interpretation of works of narrative fiction. More specifically, Said delineates and defends what he calls a "contrapuntal" reading (or analysis) ofthe texts in question. I am sympathetic to much ofwhat Said aims to accomplish in tiiis endeavor, (...)
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    Wilhelm Dilthey, Selected Works, Volume IV: Hermeneutics and the Study of History (review).Charles R. Bambach - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (4):641-642.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Wilhelm Dilthey, Selected Works, Volume IV: Hermeneutics and the Study of History ed. by Rudolf A. Makkreel, Frithjof RodiCharles BambachRudolf A. Makkreel and Frithjof Rodi, editors. Wilhelm Dilthey, Selected Works, Volume IV: Hermeneutics and the Study of History. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996. Pp. xii + 409. Cloth, $59.50.Contemporary hermeneutics has been dominated by the work of Heidegger and Gadamer. Their phenomenological approach to the human world has (...)
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  20.  30
    Understanding and Explanation: A Transcendental-Pragmatic Perspective.Georgia Warnke (ed.) - 1984 - MIT Press.
    The explanation versus understanding debate was important to the philosophy of the social sciences from the time of Dilthey and Weber through the work of Popper and Hempel. In recent years, with the development of interpretive approaches in hermeneutics, phenomenology, and language analysis, the problematic has become absolutely central. The broad literature to which it has given rise, while still split along "analytic" versus "continental" lines, shows increasing signs of a reunification in philosophy. G. H. von Wright's important book, Explanation (...)
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  21. Validity in Interpretation.George Dickie - 1967 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (4):550-552.
    By demonstrating the uniformity and universality of the principles of valid interpretation of verbal texts of any sort, this closely reasoned examination provides a theoretical foundation for a discipline that is fundamental to virtually all humanistic studies. It defines the grounds on which textual interpretation can claim to establish objective knowledge, defends that claim against such skeptical attitudes as historicism and psychologism, and shows that many confusions can be avoided if the distinctions between meaning and significance, interpretation and criticism (...)
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  22. Text and Meaning-Wittgenstein's Views on Interpretation.Sonia Sedivy, Maolin Zhao & Johanna Liu - 2010 - Philosophy and Culture 37 (3):39-63.
    This paper discusses Wittgenstein understood the language of the dimensions of the human form of life point of view, we oppose the idea and the text is the interpretation of the relationship between the nature of the argument. Move to reposition Wittgenstein language, means the direct meaning of the moment, rather than explain, and not because of our shortage of facts and work to a standstill. The main thrust of this significance and the fact that a direct interaction between the (...)
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    Distanciation in Ricoeur's theory of interpretation: narrations in a study of life experiences of living with chronic illness and home mechanical ventilation.Pia Sander Dreyer & Birthe D. Pedersen - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (1):64-73.
    Within the caring science paradigm, variations of a method of interpretation inspired by the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur's theory of interpretation are used. This method consists of several levels of interpretation: a naïve reading, a structural analysis, and a critical analysis and discussion. Within this paradigm, the aim of this article is to present and discuss a means of creating distance in the interpretation and the text structure by using narration in a poetic language linked to the meaning of the (...)
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  24.  38
    Book Review: Eighteenth-Century Hermeneutics: Philosophy of Interpretation in England from Locke to Burke. [REVIEW]Paul J. Korshin - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):365-367.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Eighteenth-Century Hermeneutics: Philosophy of Interpretation in England from Locke to BurkePaul J. KorshinEighteenth-Century Hermeneutics: Philosophy of Interpretation in England from Locke to Burke, by Joel Weinsheimer; xiii & 275 pp. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993, $30.00.Hermeneutics has until the present study had little application to eighteenth-century England. The omission is curious for, although there were few advances in biblical scholarship during the Restoration and eighteenth century, modern (...)
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    Validity in Interpretation.Eric Donald Hirsch - 1967 - Yale University Press.
    By demonstrating the uniformity and universality of the principles of valid interpretation of verbal texts of any sort, this closely reasoned examination provides a theoretical foundation for a discipline that is fundamental to virtually all humanistic studies. It defines the grounds on which textual interpretation can claim to establish objective knowledge, defends that claim against such skeptical attitudes as historicism and psychologism, and shows that many confusions can be avoided if the distinctions between meaning and significance, interpretation and criticism (...)
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    Interpretation in Legal Theory.Andrei Marmor (ed.) - 1990 - Hart Publishing.
    Chapter 1: An Introduction: The ‘Semantic Sting’ Argument Describes Dworkin’s theory as concerning the conditions of legal validity. “A legal system is a system of norms. Validity is a logical property of norms in a way akin to that in which truth is a logical property of propositions. A statement about the law is true if and only if the norm it purports to describe is a valid legal norm…It follows that there must be certain conditions which render certain norms, (...)
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  27.  28
    Reading What is Not There: Ethnomethodological Analysis of the Membership Category, Action, and Reason in Novels and Short Stories.Ken Kawamura & Ryo Okazawa - 2023 - Human Studies 46 (1):117-135.
    This paper investigates how the reader of prose fiction fills in the blanks regarding a fictional character’s membership category, action, and reason for the action. Aligning with an ethnomethodological approach to texts and appropriating membership categorization analysis (MCA), we analyze how the readers of J. D. Salinger, an author whose works are well known for their ambiguity and ambivalence, would grasp the unwritten identities of characters and the meanings of their actions. Our analysis specifies two types of methods deployed for (...)
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    Interpretation: The Poetry of Meaning. [REVIEW]H. W. E. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (2):384-385.
    This volume is a collection of papers from the Third Consultation on Hermeneutics at Drew University. The goal of this conference was, in Hopper's words, to "question what kind of language, or thinking, is appropriate to a fundamental ontology, to a language that does not commit objectification, or reification, upon its subject matter in the very mode of its utterance." The first essay in the volume was not read at the conference, but is reprinted from a 1961 Harper's magazine, namely, (...)
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    Reading as a Philosophical Practice by Robert Piercey (review).Iris Vidmar Jovanović - 2023 - Philosophy and Literature 47 (2):468-471.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Reading as a Philosophical Practice by Robert PierceyIris Vidmar JovanovićReading as a Philosophical Practice, by Robert Piercey, 130 pp. London: Anthem Press, 2021.Robert Piercey's Reading as a Philosophical Practice is dedicated to exploring the passion of reading, and to explaining ways in which common readers, as Virginia Woolf calls them, rather than professionals, engage with reading. Piercey's answer to this question, which is also the central claim of (...)
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    Paul Ricœur’s Hermeneutics Towards Reflexive Philosophy.João Amaral Ribeiro - 2000 - Phainomenon 1 (1):99-115.
    Essential philosophical question according to Paul Ricœur: the ontological and epistemological possibility of the understanding of the self. Philosophy as reflection, ethics and herrneneutics; reflection taken as a task of position, interpretation and appropriation of the self; ethics as the effort of emancipation is required; hermeneutics as ontic-existential investigation which deals with the situation of sharing belonging (pre-understanding) and the critical distanciation which come with or judge rival or opposing interpretations; understanding of the self as a consequence an a unfinished (...)
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    Kierkegaard on Anxiety and Despair: An Analysis of "the Concept of Anxiety" and "the Sickness Unto Death".Gregory R. Beabout - 1988 - Dissertation, Marquette University
    The concepts of anxiety and despair together are central to Kierkegaard's conception of the self. He discusses these concepts principally in two works, The Concept of Anxiety and The Sickness Unto Death. Anxiety and despair each have a complex structure and are closely interrelated to one another. This thematic interconnection between anxiety and despair is doubled and made more difficult by the textual relationship between the two works and the fact that they have different pseudonymous "authors." Further, both these (...)
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  32.  19
    Social Science as Reading and Performance: A Cultural-Sociological Understanding of Epistemology.Jeffrey Alexander & Isaac Reed - 2009 - European Journal of Social Theory 12 (1):21-41.
    In the age of the `return to the empirical' in which the theoretical disputes of an earlier era seem to have fallen silent, we seek to excavate the intellectual conditions for reviving theoretical debate, for it is upon this recovery that deeper understanding of the nature and purpose of empirical social science depends. We argue against the all too frequent turn to ontology, whereby critical realists have sought an epistemological guarantor of sociological validity. We seek, to the contrary, to crystallize (...)
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  33.  24
    Interpretative Phronesis (Practical Wisdom) Analysis: A Hermeneutic Narrative of Research Participant Caring.Tony Wilson - 2022 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):115-134.
    Aristotle’s distinction between phronesis (practical wisdom) and episteme (theory) has been centrally influential in the development of hermeneutics. Heidegger, initiating hermeneutic phenomenology, foregrounded practical understanding as foundational (or ‘ready-to-hand’): scientific theory was but secondary (‘presented-at-hand’). Gadamer subsequently emphasised understanding as primarily practical, as an applicative achievement, within broad assumptions, ‘horizons of understanding’, a metaphor signalling explicitly/implicitly represented surroundings. How should Aristotle’s idea of practical wisdom in human affairs articulated in phenomenology’s hermeneutic thought - principally Gadamer’s scholarship - inform researcher analyses? (...)
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    Kant’s sentence of the moral law as a “fact of reason”: hermeneutical and historiographical perspectives.Vitalii Terletsky - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:7-21.
    Kant's well-known statement from the “Critique of Practical Reason” (§ 7) that the consciousness of the basic law of pure practical reason (or the customary/moral law) can be called a fact of reason (V, 31.24) has not yet become the subject of adequate attention of domestic researchers. In the “Critique of Practical Reason”, Kant justify his famous categorical imperative by appealing to the “fact of reason” (§ 7). A closer reading of this passage reveals that it refers to a “fundamental (...)
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  35. Bang Bang - A Response to Vincent W.J. Van Gerven Oei.Jeremy Fernando - 2011 - Continent 1 (3):224-228.
    On 22 July, 2011, we were confronted with the horror of the actions of Anders Behring Breivik. The instant reaction, as we have seen with similar incidents in the past—such as the Oklahoma City bombings—was to attempt to explain the incident. Whether the reasons given were true or not were irrelevant: the fact that there was a reason was better than if there were none. We should not dismiss those that continue to cling on to the initial claims of a (...)
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  36. Brian Boyd responds:.Brian Boyd - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (1):196-199.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Brian Boyd responds:In responding to my critical discussion, Lisa Zunshine restates the argument of Why We Read Fiction at some length but replies to none of my specific criticisms. These criticisms are all based on the evidence of the texts that she offers as case studies, especially Mrs Dalloway and Lolita. Although I—and the textual evidence—contradict her claims, she provides no answers to the criticisms.Let me respond to (...)
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    Hans-Georg Gadamer.J. R. Hustwit - 2017 - In Philip Goodchild & Hollis Phelps, Religion and European Philosophy: Key Thinkers from Kant to Zizek. Taylor & Francis. pp. 278-293.
    Originally, hermeneutics was applied only to particularly unclear portions of legal, religious, and classical texts. However, since the 18th century, hermeneutics has gradually broadened in scope. By the latter half of the 20th century, hermeneutic philosophers had claimed all human understanding as their domain—the activity of the mind was pervasively interpretive. This universalisation is largely due to the influence of Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900-2002), whose development of philosophical hermeneutics established interpretation as a fundamental category in studies of knowledge, perception, and (...) analysis. The implications for religion are inescapable. If all human understanding is interpreting, this includes the reading of scriptures, the anthropological study of religious communities, inter-religious dialogue, and religious experience itself. (shrink)
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  38. Sacred Texts and Linguistic Complexity: A Philosophical Inquiry Into Readability and Meaning in Mandarin Chinese.Xia Zhou & Hongwu Qin - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (2):192-209.
    The readability of a text is not merely a linguistic concern but also a philosophical and theological inquiry into the nature of meaning, interpretation, and accessibility of sacred and philosophical discourse. This study examines the factors influencing Mandarin Chinese readability from a corpus linguistic perspective, integrating a philosophical reflection on how syntactic complexity affects textual comprehension, particularly in religious and spiritual writings. Given the intricate relationship between readability and cognitive processing difficulty, this research explores how syntactic structures shape the (...)
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    Montaigne Among the Moderns: Receptions of the" Essais"(review).Patrick Gerard Henry - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):140-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Montaigne Among the Moderns: Receptions of the “Essais”Patrick HenryMontaigne Among the Moderns: Receptions of the “Essais,” by Dudley M. Marchi; xiii & 334 pp. Providence, Rhode Island: Berghahn Books, 1994, $49.95.This ambitious project is not a study of the Essais per se, but rather an analysis of their receptions from the seventeenth century to the present. Written by a comparativist with access to German, French, and English literature (...)
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    A Plutarchan Hypomnema on Self–Love.L. Van der Stockt - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (4):575-599.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Plutarchan Hypomnema on Self–LoveLuc Van der StocktHypomnemata and QuellenforschungPlutarch's "hypomnemata statement" in the introduction to De Tranquillitate Animi has elicited much industrious activity from the scholarly world, and rightly so. The sentence (464F) invites one naturally to apply the method of classical hermeneutics (as understood by Babilas 1961, 30, 51–52), consisting in the confrontation of an author's oeuvre (its inventio, dispositio, and elocutio) with all the elements of (...)
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    The New Mizrahi Narrative in Israel.Arie Kizel - 2014 - Resling.
    The trend to centralization of the Mizrahi narrative has become an integral part of the nationalistic, ethnic, religious, and ideological-political dimensions of the emerging, complex Israeli identity. This trend includes several forms of opposition: strong opposition to "melting pot" policies and their ideological leaders; opposition to the view that ethnicity is a dimension of the tension and schisms that threaten Israeli society; and, direct repulsion of attempts to silence and to dismiss Mizrahim and so marginalize them hegemonically. The Mizrahi Democratic (...)
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    A Plutarchan hypomnema on self-love.Luc Van der Stockt - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (4):575-599.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Plutarchan Hypomnema on Self–LoveLuc Van der StocktHypomnemata and QuellenforschungPlutarch's "hypomnemata statement" in the introduction to De Tranquillitate Animi has elicited much industrious activity from the scholarly world, and rightly so. The sentence (464F) invites one naturally to apply the method of classical hermeneutics (as understood by Babilas 1961, 30, 51–52), consisting in the confrontation of an author's oeuvre (its inventio, dispositio, and elocutio) with all the elements of (...)
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  43. Beyond Meaning and Understanding.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2001 - Phainomena 37.
    We have grown used to leading the hermeneutics to its philosophical honorary status up various steps. It begins relatively innocently with the skill of interpretation and explanation: it goes on with philosophical hermeneutics which prepares the general epistemological and theoretical framework for methodical understanding, and it ends with the hermeneutic philosophy, in which both philosophizing and pre-philosophical life are decisively defined as understanding and mutual understanding. This hermeneutic philosophy need not restrict itself to the hermeneutics of texts, but can extend (...)
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    Philosophizing Sociology.Matthew Ward - 2006 - Journal of Human Values 12 (2):195-201.
    Currently, much of sociology lacks an accurate understanding of what it means to be human. Hence, as a discipline, it often finds itself erroneously searching for probabilistic social laws based on inadequate philosophical anthropologies derived from the natural sciences. This article proffers a solution by re-acknowledging an overlooked axis of ‘human nature’. By conceiving of human beings as fundamentally moral, believing creatures, I argue that more adequate explanations of social life require a hermeneutical, historical and moralistic reading. Employing this alternative (...)
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    Acerca del platonismo y de Platón mismo.Pablo Rodríguez - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico:271-278.
    The article criticises Reale's esoteric interpretation of Plato from a hermeneutical point of view. Reale speaks of doctrines, written and unwritten, where we only have two traditions: direct and indirect. Plato's own works build a corpus and a collection of testimonies from different authors cannot be considered as interpretatively superior. To be written down is essential to interpretation and the text cannot be fixed on a concrete reading, because textuality means openness to new understandings. In this way, the attempt to (...)
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  46. Meaning vs. Power: Are Thick Description and Power Analysis intrinsically at odds? Response to Interpretation, Explanation, and Clifford Geertz.Jason A. Springs - 2012 - Religion Compass 6 (12):534-542.
    This essay clarifies and defends the methodological multidimensionality and improvisational character of Clifford Geertz’s account of interpretation and explanation. In contrast to accounts of power analysis offered by Michel Foucault and Talal Asad, I argue that Geertz’s work can simultaneously attend to meaning, power, identity, and experience in understanding and assessing religious practices and cultural formations.
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    Plato's Phaedo: An Interpretation.Kenneth Dorter - 1982 - University of Toronto Press, C1982.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: -/- [99] JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 23:1 JANUARY 198 5 Book Reviews Kenneth Dorter. Plato's 'Phaedo': An Interpretation. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1982. Pp. xi + 233. $28.50. Kenneth Dorter of the University of Guelph has given us a useful and unusual study of the Phaedo, which will attract the interest of a variety of Plato's readers. He provides the careful studies of the dialogue's (...)
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  48. Acerca del platonismo y de Platón mismo.Pablo Rodriguez-Grandjean - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico 33 (66):271-278.
    The article criticises Reale's esoteric interpretation of Plato from a hermeneutical point of view. Reale speaks of doctrines, written and unwritten, where we only have two traditions: direct and indirect. Plato's own works build a corpus and a collection of testimonies from different authors cannot be considered as interpretatively superior. To be written down is essential to interpretation and the text cannot be fixed on a concrete reading, because textuality means openness to new understandings. In this way, the attempt to (...)
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    The Archaeology of the Soul: Platonic Readings in Ancient Poetry and Philosophy.Ronna Burger & Michael Davis (eds.) - 2012 - St. Augustine's Press.
    The Archaeology of the Soul is a testimony to the extraordinary scope of Seth Benardete's thought. Some essays concern particular authors or texts; others range more broadly and are thematic. Some deal explicitly with philosophy; others deal with epic, lyric, and tragic poetry. Some of these authors are Greek, some Roman, and still others are contemporaries writing about antiquity. All of these essays, however, are informed by an underlying vision, which is a reflection of Benardete's life-long engagement with one thinker (...)
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    Unraveling Braid: Puzzle Games and Storytelling in the Imperative Mood.Luke Arnott - 2012 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 32 (6):433-440.
    “Unraveling Braid” analyzes how unconventional, non-linear narrative fiction can help explain the ways in which video games signify. Specifically, this essay looks at the links between the semiotic features of Jonathan Blow’s 2008 puzzle-platform video game Braid and similar elements in Georges Perec’s 1978 novel Life A User’s Manual, as well as in other puzzle-themed literary precursors. Blow’s game design concepts “dynamical meaning” and “game play rhetoric” are explained in relation to a number of Braid levels; along side this analysis (...)
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