Results for ' existential mind‐independence of moral principles'

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  1.  23
    Mind‐Independence.Matthew H. Kramer - 2009-04-10 - In Marcia Baron & Michael Slote, Moral Realism as a Moral Doctrine. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 23–85.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Two Dichotomies The Existential Mind‐Independence of Moral Principles The Strong Observational Mind‐Independence of Moral Principles Appendix.
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  2. Natural Kinds, Mind-independence, and Unification Principles.Tuomas E. Tahko - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-23.
    There have been many attempts to determine what makes a natural kind real, chief among them is the criterion according to which natural kinds must be mind-independent. But it is difficult to specify this criterion: many supposed natural kinds have an element of mind-dependence. I will argue that the mind-independence criterion is nevertheless a good one, if correctly understood: the mind-independence criterion concerns the unification principles for natural kinds. Unification principles determine how natural kinds unify their properties, and (...)
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  3. China Confronts Kant When University Students Experience the Angst of Freedom.Robert Keith Shaw - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (6).
    An existential interpretation of student angst in Chinese universities raises issues of autonomy and freedom. The governance arrangements in China create a conflict for Chinese students who in their coursework are urged to become critical-minded and open-minded. In this essay, Kant’s moral theory provides access to this phenomenon. His theory of duty–rationality–autonomy–freedom relates the liberty of thought to principled action. Kantian ideals still influence western business and university practice and they become relevant in China as that country modernises. (...)
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    Toward the Obsolescence of the Schizophrenia Hypothesis.Theodore Sarbin - 1990 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 11 (3-4):259-284.
    The disease construction of schizophrenia is no longer tenable. That construction originated during a period of rapid growth of biological science based on mechanistic principles. Crude diagnostis measures failed to differentiate absurd, unwanted conduct due to biological conditions from atypical conduct directed to solving existential or identity problems. The construction was communicated - in the absence of solid evidence - by medical practitioners by means of symbolic, rhetorical, and organizational acts. The patient came to be regarded as an (...)
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    A Necessary Condition for the Truth of Moral and Other Judgments.Stephen Theron - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (2):293-300.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A NECESSARY CONDITION FOR THE TRUTH OF MORAL AND OTHER JUDGMENTS STEPHEN THERON Na,tional University of Lesotho Lesotho, Africa, SIMPSON'S RECENT review of Morals as Founded on Natural Law 1 so misrepresents its main point, one so vital to civilization's continuance, that I feel obliged to try to restate that point. It was of course disconcerting that he misunderstood the main point of the hook (whetlrer he agrees (...)
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    Mind Independence versus Mind Nongroundedness: Two Kinds of Objectivism.Shlomit Wygoda Cohen - 2021 - Ethics 132 (1):180-203.
    In this article I argue that we should distinguish two characterizations of objectivism: Mind Nongroundedness Objectivism and Mind Independence Objectivism. I focus on the debate in metaethics, although the distinction may generally apply to others. According to Mind Nongroundedness Objectivism, moral standards are not grounded in any mind, while according to Mind Independence Objectivism, moral standards hold independently of any mind. Despite its importance, this distinction has so far not been noticed in the literature. I argue that this (...)
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    (1 other version)Mind-Independent Values Don’t Exist, But Moral Truth Does.Maarten Van Doorn - 2017 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 25 (1):5-24.
    The falsity of moral claims is commonly deduced from two tenets: that they presuppose the existence of objective values and that these values don’t exist. Hence, the error theory concludes, moral claims are false. In this paper, I put pressure on the image of human morality that is presupposed in moving from the non-existence of objective values to the falsity of moral claims. I argue that, while, understood in a certain way, the two premises of the error (...)
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  8. Defending Moral Mind-Independence: The Expressivist’s Precarious Turn.Lisa Warenski - 2014 - Philosophia 42 (3):861-69.
    A central feature of ordinary moral thought is that moral judgment is mind-independent in the following sense: judging something to be morally wrong does not thereby make it morally wrong. To deny this would be to accept a form of subjectivism. Neil Sinclair (2008) makes a novel attempt to show how expressivism is simultaneously committed to (1) an understanding of moral judgments as expressions of attitudes and (2) the rejection of subjectivism. In this paper, I discuss Sinclair’s (...)
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    Independence of mind.Timothy Macklem - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The fundamental freedoms of speech, conscience, privacy, and religion are now an essential part of the fabric of contemporary society, set down in our most basic laws and regularly invoked in our political and cultural debates. These freedoms play a vital role in securing the spaces and opportunities within which people are able to pursue their own lives in their own ways. Independence of Mind takes this accepted thought a step further, by exploring the ways in which the fundamental freedoms (...)
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    In defence of moral imperialism: four equal and universal prima facie principles.A. Dawson - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (4):200-204.
    Raanan Gillon is a noted defender of the four principles approach to healthcare ethics. His general position has always been that these principles are to be considered to be both universal and prima facie in nature. In recent work, however, he has made two claims that seem to present difficulties for this view. His first claim is that one of these four principles, respect for autonomy, has a special position in relation to the others: he holds that (...)
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  11. Some remarks on the independence of morality from religion.Kai Nielsen - 1961 - Mind 70 (278):175-186.
    The author's thesis is that moral agency and determination of the good are independent of any divine will. he also proposes that morality cannot be based on religion, although a religious belief can be dependent on our own sense of good and bad, but only to the extent that moral understanding must be logically prior to any religious assent. (staff).
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  12. Two Accounts of Moral Objectivity: from Attitude-Independence to Standpoint-Invariance.Jeroen Hopster - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (4):763-780.
    How should we understand the notion of moral objectivity? Metaethical positions that vindicate morality’s objective appearance are often associated with moral realism. On a realist construal, moral objectivity is understood in terms of mind-, stance-, or attitude-independence. But realism is not the only game in town for moral objectivists. On an antirealist construal, morality’s objective features are understood in virtue of our attitudes. In this paper I aim to develop this antirealist construal of moral objectivity (...)
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    Moral rights without balancing.Ariel Zylberman - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 179 (2):549-569.
    How should we think about apparent conflicts of moral rights? I defend a non-balancing and holistic specification model: non-balancing because moral rights have absolute deontic stringency regardless of any balance of independent values; holistic because the content of moral rights is limited only by that of other moral rights. Holistic Specification, as I call the model, offers a principled, non-consequentialist explanation of exceptions to moral rights. Moreover, Holistic Specification explains why moral rights matter to (...)
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    The Jewish World of Yurii Shevelov (Based on Memoirs and Essays).Tetiana Shestopalova & Nataliya Torkut - 2024 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 11:179-203.
    The article deals with the intellectual biography of Yuri Shevelov (1908–2002); in particular, it covers and analyzes the contacts of this Ukrainian Slavic scholar and writer with representatives of the Jewish nation in the Kharkiv period of his life. In his memoirs and essays, he repeatedly uses the expression “Ukrainian Jews”, forming an author’s unique and axiologically marked concept of “his Jews” (spiritually close Jews or “svoji jevreji” in Ukrainian in these texts). Yu. Shevelov found his “spiritually close Jews” in (...)
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  15. rethinking machine ethics in the era of ubiquitous technology.Jeffrey White (ed.) - 2015 - Hershey, PA, USA: IGI.
    Table of Contents Foreword .................................................................................................... ......................................... xiv Preface .................................................................................................... .............................................. xv Acknowledgment .................................................................................................... .......................... xxiii Section 1 On the Cusp: Critical Appraisals of a Growing Dependency on Intelligent Machines Chapter 1 Algorithms versus Hive Minds and the Fate of Democracy ................................................................... 1 Rick Searle, IEET, USA Chapter 2 We Can Make Anything: Should We? .................................................................................................. 15 Chris Bateman, University of Bolton, UK Chapter 3 Grounding Machine Ethics within the Natural System ........................................................................ 30 Jared Gassen, JMG Advising, USA Nak Young Seong, Independent Scholar, South (...)
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  16. By Which We May Be Judged: Moral Epistemology, Mind-Independent Truth Conditions And Sources Of Normativity.Maarten Van Doorn - 2022 - Dissertation, Central European University
    Many hope that our values, purged of messy human contingency, could aspire to correspond with mind-independent, rationally obligatory, and eternal ethical facts. But if the arguments of this thesis are on the right track, we should reject the search for non-natural and mind-independent moral truths.
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    The Imagination in Hume’s Philosophy: The Canvas of the Mind by Timothy M. Costelloe (review).Saul Traiger - 2023 - Hume Studies 48 (1):173-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Imagination in Hume’s Philosophy: The Canvas of the Mind by Timothy M. CostelloeSaul TraigerTimothy M. Costelloe. The Imagination in Hume’s Philosophy: The Canvas of the Mind. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018. Pp. xv + 312. Hardback. ISBN: 9781474436397. $107.00.If anything about Hume’s philosophy can be characterized as widely accepted, it is that the imagination is front and center in Hume’s account of the mind. The aim of (...)
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  18.  28
    Human nature and the feasibility of inclusivist moral progress.Andrés Segovia-Cuéllar - 2022 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München
    The study of social, ethical, and political issues from a naturalistic perspective has been pervasive in social sciences and the humanities in the last decades. This articulation of empirical research with philosophical and normative reflection is increasingly getting attention in academic circles and the public spheres, given the prevalence of urgent needs and challenges that society is facing on a global scale. The contemporary world is full of challenges or what some philosophers have called ‘existential risks’ to humanity. Nuclear (...)
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  19. Meinong's Theory of Non-Existent Objects.Andrew Kenneth Jorgensen - 2002 - Dissertation, Temple University
    The argument is an investigation of the philosophy of Austrian philosopher Alexius Meinong. There are three chapters. The first chapter argues that there are non-existent objects. It is argued that negative existential statements have a simple subject-predicate logical form. The conclusion follows from this premise, together with realist assumptions about truth and predication. Positive and negative existential statements have subject-predicate logical form, I argue, because; that is the grammatical form they appear to have, and the alternative analysis of (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Moral principle explanations of supervenience.Harjit Bhogal - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (9):2199-2218.
    Explaining the supervenience of the moral on the natural is, perhaps, the central metaphysical challenge for the non-naturalist. However, Scanlon (2014) and Fogal and Risberg (2020) have developed a strategy which purports to explain supervenience rather simply. Fogal and Risberg call it the 'Divide and Conquer' strategy. The key idea is to postulate explanatory moral principles linking the natural and the moral. The moral principles are metaphysically necessary, so trivially supervene on the natural. All (...)
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  21.  24
    The Declaration of Independence: Inalienable Rights, the Creator, and the Political Order.Christopher Kaczor - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (1):249-274.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Declaration of Independence:Inalienable Rights, the Creator, and the Political OrderChristopher KaczorPierre Manent puts his finger on numerous problems that arise from an emphasis on human rights that is detached from any consideration of human nature, the Creator, or the traditions that inform human practice. In his book Natural Law and Human Rights: Towards a Recovery of Practical Wisdom, Manent writes: "Let us dwell a moment on the proposition (...)
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  22. Moral mind-independence.Nick Zangwill - 1994 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 72 (2):205-219.
  23.  6
    Co-existential justice and individual freedom: the primary concern and the normative foundation of global ethics.People’S. Republic of Chinaan-Qing Deng Shanghai, Writes on Both Classical German Philosophy A. Professor of Philosophy, A. General History of Western Moral Philosophy History of Ethicsamong His Recent Books Are & A. General History of Western Moral Philosophy - forthcoming - Journal of Global Ethics:1-9.
    In the discussion of global ethics, philosophical ethics risks losing its distinct theoretical horizons. This predicament arises primarily from philosophy's failure to anchor its own object and to provide a rational basis for global justice from within its current confined theoretical paradigm. Against this background, this paper will first prioritize global co-existence as the primary concern of global ethics, then propose ontological co-existence justice as its foundational principle, and finally argue that the normative validity of co-existence justice is predicated on (...)
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    Identity, Character, and Morality: Essays in Moral Psychology,.Owen J. Flanagan & Amélie Rorty (eds.) - 1989 - MIT Press.
    Many philosophers believe that normative ethics is in principle independent of psychology. By contrast, the authors of these essays explore the interconnections between psychology and moral theory. They investigate the psychological constraints on realizable ethical ideals and articulate the psychological assumptions behind traditional ethics. They also examine the ways in which the basic architecture of the mind, core emotions, patterns of individual development, social psychology, and the limits on human capacities for rational deliberation affect morality.
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    Kemp Smith, Hume and the Parallelism Between Reason and Morality.Houghton Dalrymple - 1986 - Hume Studies 12 (1):77-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:77 KEMP SMITH, HUME AND THE PARALLELISM BETWEEN REASON AND MORALITY In a letter to a physician written in 1734 Hume expressed a dissatisfaction with the current state of philosophy and criticism, a dissatisfaction which he said had led him to strike out on his own and "seek out some new Medium, by which Truth might be establisht." He then went on to claim success: "After much Study, & (...)
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  26. Why Quasi-Realism cannot Accommodate Moral Mind-Independence.Yifan Sun - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (3):1663-1676.
    Quasi-realists have proposed an “internal” reading of the mind-independence claim embedded in our moral discourse, according to which the claim to mind-independence itself is a moral claim. I argue against such a quasi-realist “internal” reading. My objection is that quasi-realists cannot plausibly explain why the majority of us, either implicitly or explicitly, take moral mind-independence to be a metaethical notion. Quasi-realists either must attribute a quite obvious mistake to most metaethical theorists without explaining why they cannot recognize (...)
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  27. The primacy of right. On the triad of liberty, equality and virtue in wollstonecraft's political thought.Lena Halldenius - 2007 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (1):75 – 99.
    I argue along the following lines: For Wollstonecraft, liberty is independence in two different spheres, one presupposing the other. On the one hand, liberty is independence in relation to others, in the sense of not being vulnerable to their whim or arbitrary will. Call this social, or political, liberty. For liberty understood in this way, infringements do not require individual instances of interfering. Liberty is lost in unequal relationships, through dependence on the goodwill of a master. In addition, liberty is (...)
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  28.  13
    Transindividual Concurrence.Matthew H. Kramer - 2009-04-10 - In Marcia Baron & Michael Slote, Moral Realism as a Moral Doctrine. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 173–213.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Distinctness of Types of Objectivity Morality and Disagreement Concluding Remarks.
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  29. How Gene–Culture Coevolution Can—but Probably Did Not—Track Mind-Independent Moral Truth.Nathan Cofnas - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (2):414-434.
    I argue that our general disposition to make moral judgments and our core moral intuitions are likely the product of social selection—a kind of gene–culture coevolution driven by the enforcement of collectively agreed-upon rules. Social selection could potentially track mind-independent moral truth by a process that I term realist social selection: our ancestors could have acquired moral knowledge via reason and enforced rules based on that knowledge, thereby creating selection pressures that drove the evolution of our (...)
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  30. Principles and Practice of Morality; or, Ethical Principles Discussed and Applied.Ezekiel Gilman Robinson & Joseph Rickaby - 1889 - Mind 14 (54):271-275.
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  31. (1 other version)The Principles of Morals.John Matthias Wilson & Thomas Fowler - 1887 - Mind 12 (48):589-596.
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  32. Heraclitean Critique of Kantian and Enlightenment Ethics Through the Fijian ethos.Erman Kaplama - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (1):143-165.
    Kant makes a much-unexpected confession in a much-unexpected place. In the Criticism of the third paralogism of transcendental psychology of the first Critique Kant accepts the irrefutability of the Heraclitean notion of universal becoming or the transitory nature of all things, admitting the impossibility of positing a totally persistent and self-conscious subject. The major Heraclitean doctrine of panta rhei makes it impossible to conduct philosophical inquiry by assuming a self-conscious subject or “I,” which would potentially be in constant motion like (...)
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    Sources of moral obligation to non-muslims in the fiqh al-aqalliyyat (jurisprudence of muslim minorities) discourse.Andrew F. March - unknown
    This article surveys four approaches to moral obligation to non-Muslims found in Islamic legal thought. The first three approaches I refer to in this article as the "revelatory-deontological," the "contractualist-constructivist" and the "consequentialist-utilitarian." The main argument of this article is that present in many of the contemporary works on the "jurisprudence of Muslim minorities" (fiqh al-aqalliyyat) is an attempt to provide an Islamic foundation for a relatively thick and rich relationship of moral obligation and solidarity with non-Muslims. This (...)
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    Moral Principles and Modal Categories.Sharon Anderson-Gold - 1985 - Philosophical Topics 13 (3):7-18.
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    Conversations on Mind, Matter, and Mathematics.M. B. DeBevoise (ed.) - 1998 - Princeton University Press.
    Do numbers and the other objects of mathematics enjoy a timeless existence independent of human minds, or are they the products of cerebral invention? Do we discover them, as Plato supposed and many others have believed since, or do we construct them? Does mathematics constitute a universal language that in principle would permit human beings to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations elsewhere in the universe, or is it merely an earthly language that owes its accidental existence to the peculiar evolution of (...)
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    (1 other version)Realm of Reason.Christopher Peacocke - 2003 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    The Realm of Reason develops a new, general theory of what it is for a thinker to be entitled to form a given belief. The theory locates entitlement in the nexus of relations between truth, content, and understanding. Peacocke formulates three principles of rationalism that articulate this conception. The principles imply that all entitlement has a component that is justificationally independent of experience. The resulting position is thus a form of rationalism, generalized to all kinds of content.To show (...)
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    Study on Dasan Jeong Yak - Yong’s philosophical Humanism - Centered on the creative Reconstruction of Mind - Body Theory and Morality Principle -. 박재갑, 전철 & 고재석 - 2016 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 46 (46):193-223.
    본 연구는 문명의 전환기의 중심에서 인간과 세상을 새롭게 인식하고 재구성했던 다산의 사유구조를 밝혀, 다산 사상이 지니는 철학적 인간이해의 고유한 지평을 제공하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위해 사료적 측면에서 다산과 서학의 연속성과 불연속성을 조명하였고, 사상적 측면에서 다산과 서학의 上帝와 天主 개념, 靈明과 靈魂 개념을 분석하였다. 다산은 젊은 시절 보유론적 漢譯西學書를 접하고, 당시 사회통치의 이념이었던 노론계열의 성리학 폐단을 극복하고, 조선사회의 재건 방향을 주도할 새로운 유학의 희망을 찾았다. 상제는 만물을 초월하면서 만물을 창조하고 주재하는 존재라 하더라도, 지금 바로 여기의 순선한 도덕 감정에서 현현되고, 마음과 (...)
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  38. Our Reliability is in Principle Explainable.Dan Baras - 2017 - Episteme 14 (2):197-211.
    Non-skeptical robust realists about normativity, mathematics, or any other domain of non- causal truths are committed to a correlation between their beliefs and non- causal, mind-independent facts. Hartry Field and others have argued that if realists cannot explain this striking correlation, that is a strong reason to reject their theory. Some consider this argument, known as the Benacerraf–Field argument, as the strongest challenge to robust realism about mathematics, normativity, and even logic. In this article I offer two closely related accounts (...)
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    Why Moral Principles?Joe Mintoff - 2016 - Mind 125 (500):1133-1159.
    Jonathan Dancy challenges moral generalists to come up with a picture of moral thought and judgment which requires a provision of principles that cover the ground. The aim of this paper is to provide a response to Dancy's challenge. I argue that reasonable moral thought requires us to explain ourselves when we have reason to doubt our moral judgment about some particular case, that any such explanation commits us to a general moral principle over (...)
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  40. خودآیینی کانت و نسبت آن با خودآیینی شخصی، اخلاقی و سیاسیReassessing Kant's Autonomy in Relation to Individual, Moral, and Political Autonomy.زهرا خزاعی - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 19 (72):47-67.
    Kant realizes the principle of autonomy of the will as the sublime principle of morality. To him, if the principles we will are constituted by a being which poses universal laws, our "will or want" also acts autonomously and independently. Accordingly, moral laws are not only posed by humankind herself but she obliges herself to act according to the laws she herself has posed. Therefore, Kant takes autonomy into meticulous consideration in the realm of action and agency. With (...)
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  41. Aesthetic Properties, Mind-Independence, and Companions in Guilt.Daan Evers - 2019 - In Christopher Cowie & Rach Cosker-Rowland, Companions in Guilt: Arguments in Metaethics. Routledge.
    I first show how one might argue for a mind-independent conception of beauty and artistic merit. I then discuss whether this makes aesthetic judgements suitable to undermine skeptical worries about the existence of mind-independent moral value and categorical reasons.
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    Expected value, to a point: Moral decision‐making under background uncertainty.Christian Tarsney - forthcoming - Noûs.
    Expected value maximization gives plausible guidance for moral decision‐making under uncertainty in many situations. But it has unappetizing implications in ‘Pascalian’ situations involving tiny probabilities of extreme outcomes. This paper shows, first, that under realistic levels of ‘background uncertainty’ about sources of value independent of one's present choice, a widely accepted and apparently innocuous principle—stochastic dominance—requires that prospects be ranked by the expected value of their consequences in most ordinary choice situations. But second, this implication does not hold when (...)
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  43. Mad Speculation and Absolute Inhumanism: Lovecraft, Ligotti, and the Weirding of Philosophy.Ben Woodard - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):3-13.
    continent. 1.1 : 3-13. / 0/ – Introduction I want to propose, as a trajectory into the philosophically weird, an absurd theoretical claim and pursue it, or perhaps more accurately, construct it as I point to it, collecting the ground work behind me like the Perpetual Train from China Mieville's Iron Council which puts down track as it moves reclaiming it along the way. The strange trajectory is the following: Kant's critical philosophy and much of continental philosophy which has followed, (...)
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    The Moral Horizons of a Person in a Positive Existential Philosophy N. Abbagnano.G. I. Savonova - 2019 - Philosophical Horizons 41:8-18.
    The study reveals the feature of determining the limitations of human existence, which affects moral and ethical beliefs and views. It is noted that the philosopher N. Abbagnano saw the need to adjust the philosophy of existentialism, reducing pessimistic tones that could interfere with the development of existential thinking. The aim of the article was to determine the moral capabilities of man in the situations of measuring existence in the positive context of philosophy N. Abbagnano. Accordingly, the (...)
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    An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision.Margaret Atherton - 2018 - In Berkeley. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 13–32.
    George Berkeley's first published work, An Essay towards a New Theory of Vision was prepared simultaneously with his second, A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. In the New Theory, Berkeley argues that visual objects are in the mind, mind‐dependent ideas, but he appears to leave tactile objects outside the mind in mind‐independent space. The position the New Theory refutes is not the one that Berkeley identifies as causing problems for the Principles. But he still sees the (...)
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    The Dogmatic Slumber of Hume Scholarship.Nicholas Capaldi - 1992 - Hume Studies 18 (2):117-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Dogmatic Slumber ofHume Scholarship Nicholas Capaldi State of the Art If one were to enumerate the issues that have received the most attention in Hume scholarship during the last half century, the list would undoubtedly feature the so-called principle ofinduction, causal necessity, the self, the relationship offact and value, scepticism, and the argument from design. If one were to ask what is the popular consensus on Hume's position (...)
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  47. Fitting Attitudes, Wrong Kinds of Reasons, and Mind-Independent Goodness.Heath White - 2009 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 6 (3):339-364.
    The 'fitting-attitudes analysis' aims to analyze evaluative concepts in terms of attitudes, but suffers from the 'wrong kind of reasons' problem. This article critiques some suggested solutions to the WKR problem and offers one of its own, which appeals to the aims of attitudes. However, goodness is not a concept that can be successfully analyzed according to the method suggested here. Reasons are given why goodness should be thought of, instead, as a mind-independent property.
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  48.  35
    The principles of morals.John Matthias Wilson & Thomas Fowler - 1887 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press. Edited by John Matthias Wilson.
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  49. Existential Cognition: Computational Minds in the World.Ronald Albert McClamrock - 1995 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    While the notion of the mind as information-processor--a kind of computational system--is widely accepted, many scientists and philosophers have assumed that this account of cognition shows that the mind's operations are characterizable independent of their relationship to the external world. Existential Cognition challenges the internalist view of mind, arguing that intelligence, thought, and action cannot be understood in isolation, but only in interaction with the outside world. Arguing that the mind is essentially embedded in the external world, Ron McClamrock (...)
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    Alain.Ольга Мачульская - 2021 - Philosophical Anthropology 7 (1):134-142.
    Alain (Emile Auguste Chartier) is a French philosopher and essayist, a representative of the existential personalist tendency in the philosophy of the twentieth century. Investigated the foundations of thinking from the standpoint of the reflective tradition. Developed a theory of judgment, considering the ability to judge as a special function of consciousness, allowing you to streamline knowledge about reality and make sense of the world. According to Alain, the main task of philosophy is not so much to know reality, (...)
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