Results for ' dynamic clamp'

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  1.  36
    Coordination Dynamics: A Foundation for Understanding Social Behavior.Emmanuelle Tognoli, Mengsen Zhang, Armin Fuchs, Christopher Beetle & J. A. Scott Kelso - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:531499.
    Humans’ interactions with each other or with socially competent machines exhibit lawful coordination patterns at multiple levels of description. According to Coordination Dynamics, such laws specify the flow of coordination states produced by functional synergies of elements (e.g., cells, body parts, brain areas, people…) that are temporarily organized as single, coherent units. These coordinative structures or synergies may be mathematically characterized as informationally coupled self-organizing dynamical systems (Coordination Dynamics). In this paper, we start from a simple foundation, an elemental model (...)
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    Proliferating cell nuclear antigen: More than a clamp for DNA polymerases.Zophonías O. Jónsson & Ulrich Hübscher - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (11):967-975.
    DNA metabolic events such as replication, repair and recombination require the concerted action of several enzymes and cofactors. Nature has provided a set of proteins that support DNA polymerases in performing processive, accurate and rapid DNA synthesis. Two of them, the proliferating cell nuclear antigen and its adapter protein replication factor C, cooperate to form a moving platform that was initially thought of only as an anchor point for DNA polymerases δ and ε. It now appears that proliferating cell nuclear (...)
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    Analytical modeling of the hysteresis phenomenon in guinea pig ventricular myocytes.Paco Lorente, Carmen Delgado, Mario Delmar & Jose Jalife - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (2):177-193.
    In the present study, we have demonstrated hysteresis phenomena in the excitability of single, enzymatically dissociated guinea pig ventricular myocytes. Membrane potentials were recorded with patch pipettes in the whole-cell current clamp configuration. Repetitive stimulation with depolarizing current pulses of constant cycle length and duration but varying strength led to predictable excitation (1:l) and non-excitation (1:0) patterns depending on current strength. In addition, transition between patterns depended on the direction of current intensity change and stable hysteresis loops were obtained (...)
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    Population Density and Moment-based Approaches to Modeling Domain Calcium-mediated Inactivation of L-type Calcium Channels.Xiao Wang, Kiah Hardcastle, Seth H. Weinberg & Gregory D. Smith - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (1):11-32.
    We present a population density and moment-based description of the stochastic dynamics of domain $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ -mediated inactivation of L-type $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ channels. Our approach accounts for the effect of heterogeneity of local $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ signals on whole cell $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ currents; however, in contrast with prior work, e.g., Sherman et al. :985–995, 1990), we do not assume that $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ domain formation and collapse are fast compared to channel gating. We demonstrate the population density and moment-based modeling approaches using a 12-state Markov chain model (...)
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  5. Beyond the orthodox QTAIM: motivations, current status, prospects and challenges. [REVIEW]Shant Shahbazian - 2012 - Foundations of Chemistry 15 (3):287-302.
    Recently, the author of this paper and his research team have extended the orthodox quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) to a novel paradigm called the two-component QTAIM (TC-QTAIM). This extended framework enables one to incorporate nuclear dynamics into the AIM analysis as well as performing AIM analysis of the exotic species; positronic and muonic species are a few examples. In present paper, this framework has been reviewed, providing some computational examples with particular emphasis on origins and applications, in (...)
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    Is consent for hip fracture surgery for older people adequate? The case for pre-printed consent forms.Luthfur Rahman, Jonathan Clamp & James Hutchinson - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (3):187-189.
    Ojectives Low energy hip fractures are one of the greatest causes of morbidity and mortality in orthopaedics. This study aims to evaluate written consent forms with respect to basic standards as set out in the Good Practice in Consent Initiative. In particular the stated risks and benefits of each procedure were assessed. Methods 100 consecutive consent forms were reviewed prospectively. The stated procedure, side and complications were recorded. Appropriate signature and legibility was assessed. 13 consultant orthopaedic surgeons were surveyed to (...)
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    Julius CaesarThe Taming of the ShrewMuch Ado about Nothing.Ronald Berman, Timothy Seward, Michael Fynes-Clinton, Perry Mills, Mary Berry & Michael Clamp - 1994 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 28 (2):118.
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  8. A Dynamic Solution to the Problem of Logical Omniscience.Mattias Skipper & Jens Christian Bjerring - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (3):501-521.
    The traditional possible-worlds model of belief describes agents as ‘logically omniscient’ in the sense that they believe all logical consequences of what they believe, including all logical truths. This is widely considered a problem if we want to reason about the epistemic lives of non-ideal agents who—much like ordinary human beings—are logically competent, but not logically omniscient. A popular strategy for avoiding logical omniscience centers around the use of impossible worlds: worlds that, in one way or another, violate the laws (...)
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    What Comes First in Dynamic Semantics: A Critical Review of Linguistic Theories of Presupposition and a Dynamic Alternative.David Beaver - 2001 - Center for the Study of Language and Information Publications.
    Russell and Strawson sparked a well known debate on the subject of Linguistic Presupposition inspiring many linguists and philosophers to follow suit, including Frege, whose work initiated the modern study in this area. Beaver begins with the most comprehensive overview and critical discussion of this burgeoning field published to date. He then goes on to motivate and develop his own account based on a Dynamic Semantics. This account is a recent line of theoretical work in which the Tarskian emphasis (...)
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  10. General Dynamic Triviality Theorems.Jeffrey Sanford Russell & John Hawthorne - 2016 - Philosophical Review 125 (3):307-339.
    Famous results by David Lewis show that plausible-sounding constraints on the probabilities of conditionals or evaluative claims lead to unacceptable results, by standard probabilistic reasoning. Existing presentations of these results rely on stronger assumptions than they really need. When we strip these arguments down to a minimal core, we can see both how certain replies miss the mark, and also how to devise parallel arguments for other domains, including epistemic “might,” probability claims, claims about comparative value, and so on. A (...)
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  11. Content in a Dynamic Context.Una Stojnić - 2017 - Noûs 53 (2):394-432.
    The standing tradition in theorizing about meaning, since at least Frege, identifies meaning with propositions, which are, or determine, the truth-conditions of a sentence in a context. But a recent trend has advocated a departure from this tradition: in particular, it has been argued that modal claims do not express standard propositional contents. This non-propositionalism has received different implementations in expressivist semantics and certain kinds of dynamic semantics. They maintain that the key aspect of interpretation of modal claims is (...)
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    The dynamic theory of achievement motivation: From episodic to dynamic thinking.Julius Kuhl & Virginia Blankenship - 1979 - Psychological Review 86 (2):141-151.
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  13. Dynamic predicate logic.Jeroen Groenendijk & Martin Stokhof - 1991 - Linguistics and Philosophy 14 (1):39-100.
    This paper is devoted to the formulation and investigation of a dynamic semantic interpretation of the language of first-order predicate logic. The resulting system, which will be referred to as ‘dynamic predicate logic’, is intended as a first step towards a compositional, non-representational theory of discourse semantics. In the last decade, various theories of discourse semantics have emerged within the paradigm of model-theoretic semantics. A common feature of these theories is a tendency to do away with the principle (...)
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    5D Nonlinear Dynamic Evolutionary System in Real Estate Market.Jingyuan Zhang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-15.
    In this paper, we propose a new predator-prey nonlinear dynamic evolutionary model of real estate enterprises considering the large, medium, and small real estate enterprises for three different prey teams. A 5D predator-prey nonlinear dynamic evolutionary system in the real estate market is established, where the large, medium, and small real estate enterprises correspond to three differential equations, provincial and local officials, and the central government correspond to the other two differential equations. Nonlinear dynamic analysis on a (...)
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    Diachronic Holism and Dynamic Normativity.Yujian Zheng - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 48:75-80.
    My objective here is to motivate certain distinctive forms of dynamic normativity at some level deeper than that of our ordinary usage of ‘norm’ or ‘rule’ in the prescriptive sense of ‘ought’-forms of normativity not only bound by evolution but ultimately, via the same dynamic process, giving rise to our prescriptive-normative practices. As a theoretical backdrop for this motivation, I give a review of the familiar frog case in the studies of representational content from a new perspective: i.e., (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Dynamic Epistemic Logic.Hans van Ditmarsch, Wiebe van Der Hoek & Barteld Kooi - 2008 - Studia Logica 89 (3):441-445.
  17.  12
    Dynamic Psychology.Robert Sessions Woodworth - 1919 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 16 (3):77-82.
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  18. The dynamic architecture of emotion: Evidence for the component process model.Klaus R. Scherer - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (7):1307-1351.
    Emotion is conceptualised as an emergent, dynamic process based on an individual's subjective appraisal of significant events. It is argued that theoretical models of emotion need to propose an architecture that reflects the essential nature and functions of emotion as a psychobiological and cultural adaptation mechanism. One proposal for such a model and its underlying dynamic architecture, the component process model, is briefly sketched and compared with some of its major competitors. Recent empirical evidence in support of the (...)
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    The dynamic and recursive interplay of embodiment and narrative identity.Roy Dings - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (2):186-210.
  20.  41
    Dynamic Epistemic Logics of Diffusion and Prediction in Social Networks.Alexandru Baltag, Zoé Christoff, Rasmus K. Rendsvig & Sonja Smets - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (3):489-531.
    We take a logical approach to threshold models, used to study the diffusion of opinions, new technologies, infections, or behaviors in social networks. Threshold models consist of a network graph of agents connected by a social relationship and a threshold value which regulates the diffusion process. Agents adopt a new behavior/product/opinion when the proportion of their neighbors who have already adopted it meets the threshold. Under this diffusion policy, threshold models develop dynamically towards a guaranteed fixed point. We construct a (...)
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    Dynamic interpretation and Hoare deduction.Jan Van Eijck & Fer-Jan De Vries - 1992 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 1 (1):1-44.
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    Dynamic Displays Enhance the Ability to Discriminate Genuine and Posed Facial Expressions of Emotion.Shushi Namba, Russell S. Kabir, Makoto Miyatani & Takashi Nakao - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  23. Dynamic permissivism.Abelard Podgorski - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (7):1923-1939.
    There has been considerable philosophical debate in recent years over a thesis called epistemic permissivism. According to the permissivist, it is possible for two agents to have the exact same total body of evidence and yet differ in their belief attitudes towards some proposition, without either being irrational. However, I argue, not enough attention has been paid to the distinction between different ways in which permissivism might be true. In this paper, I present a taxonomy of forms of epistemic permissivism (...)
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    Dynamic expressions of confidence within an evidence accumulation framework.Kobe Desender, Tobias H. Donner & Tom Verguts - 2021 - Cognition 207:104522.
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    Dynamic Effects of Self-Relevance and Task on the Neural Processing of Emotional Words in Context.Eric C. Fields & Gina R. Kuperberg - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  26. Dynamic Montague grammar.Martin Stokhof - 1990 - In L. Kalman (ed.), Proceedings of the Second Symposion on Logic and Language, Budapest, Eotvos Lorand University Press, 1990, pp. 3-48. Budapest: Eotvos Lorand University Press. pp. 3-48.
    In Groenendijk & Stokhof [1989] a system of dynamic predicate logic (DPL) was developed, as a compositional alternative for classical discourse representation theory (DRT ). DPL shares with DRT the restriction of being a first-order system. In the present paper, we are mainly concerned with overcoming this limitation. We shall define a dynamic semantics for a typed language with λ-abstraction which is compatible with the semantics DPL specifies for the language of first-order predicate logic. We shall propose to (...)
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  27. Extending Dynamic Doxastic Logic: Accommodating Iterated Beliefs And Ramsey Conditionals Within DDL.Sten Lindström & Wiodek Rabinowicz - 1997 - In Jan Odelstad, Lars Lindahl, Paul Needham & Rysiek Sliwi Nski (eds.), For Good Measure.
    In this paper we distinguish between various kinds of doxastic theories. One distinction is between informal and formal doxastic theories. AGM-type theories of belief change are of the former kind, while Hintikka’s logic of knowledge and belief is of the latter. Then we distinguish between static theories that study the unchanging beliefs of a certain agent and dynamic theories that investigate not only the constraints that can reasonably be imposed on the doxastic states of a rational agent but also (...)
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    BoltzCONS: Dynamic symbol structures in a connectionist network.David S. Touretzky - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 46 (1-2):5-46.
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    Dynamic Analysis and Robust Control of a Chaotic System with Hidden Attractor.Huaigu Tian, Zhen Wang, Peijun Zhang, Mingshu Chen & Yang Wang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    In this paper, a 3D jerk chaotic system with hidden attractor was explored, and the dissipativity, equilibrium, and stability of this system were investigated. The attractor types, Lyapunov exponents, and Poincare section of the system under different parameters were analyzed. Additionally, a circuit was carried out, and a good similarity between the circuit experimental results and the theoretical analysis testifies the feasibility and practicality of the original system. Furthermore, a robust feedback controller was designed based on the finite-time stability theory, (...)
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    The dynamic process of ambiguous emotion perception.Maital Neta, Michael M. Berkebile & Jonathan B. Freeman - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-8.
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  31. Dynamic mechanistic explanation: computational modeling of circadian rhythms as an exemplar for cognitive science.William Bechtel & Adele Abrahamsen - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 41 (3):321-333.
    Two widely accepted assumptions within cognitive science are that (1) the goal is to understand the mechanisms responsible for cognitive performances and (2) computational modeling is a major tool for understanding these mechanisms. The particular approaches to computational modeling adopted in cognitive science, moreover, have significantly affected the way in which cognitive mechanisms are understood. Unable to employ some of the more common methods for conducting research on mechanisms, cognitive scientists’ guiding ideas about mechanism have developed in conjunction with their (...)
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    Introduction: A Dynamic View of Evolution.Brett Calcottt & Kim Sterelny - 2011 - In Brett Calcott & Kim Sterelny (eds.), The Major Transitions in Evolution Revisited. MIT Press. pp. 1--14.
    This book reviews some of life’s history. It suggests that one crucial feature of John Maynard Smith and Eörs Szathmáry’s The Major Transitions in Evolution is that it has a dynamic approach. In The Major Transitions in Evolution, Maynard Smith and Szathmáry bought a much more dynamic model to debates about the history of life. This book also shows that in the decade and more that has followed, the legacy of Maynard Smith and Szathmáry has been developed in (...)
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  33. Dynamic Expressivism about Deontic Modality.William B. Starr - 2016 - In Nate Charlow & Matthew Chrisman (eds.), Deontic Modality. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 355-394.
  34. The dynamic interactions among beliefs, role metaphors, and teaching practices: A case study of teacher change.Carol Briscoe - 1991 - Science Education 75 (2):185-199.
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  35. The dynamic representation of scenes.Ronald A. Rensink - 2000 - Visual Cognition 7 (1/2/3):17-42.
    One of the more powerful impressions created by vision is that of a coherent, richly-detailed world where everything is present simultaneously. Indeed, this impression is so compelling that we tend to ascribe these properties not only to the external world, but to our internal representations as well. But results from several recent experiments argue against this latter ascription. For example, changes in images of real-world scenes often go unnoticed when made during a saccade, flicker, blink, or movie cut. This "change (...)
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    Towards a Dynamic Systems Approach to moral development and moral education: a response to the JME Special Issue, September 2008.Minkang Kim & Derek Sankey - 2009 - Journal of Moral Education 38 (3):283-298.
    Is 'development' a concept that properly belongs to mind and morality and, if it does, what account can we give of moral development now that Piagetian and Kohlbergian models are increasingly being abandoned in developmental psychology? In addressing this central issue, it is hoped that the paper will contribute to the quest for a new integrated model of moral functioning, called for in the September 2008 Special Issue of the Journal of Moral Education (37[3]). Our paper argues that the notion (...)
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    Dynamic attending and responses to time.Mari Riess Jones & Marilyn Boltz - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (3):459-491.
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  38. A Dynamic Collapse Concept for Climate Change.Daniel Steel, Giulia Belotti, Ross Mittiga & Kian Mintz-Woo - 2024 - Environmental Values 33 (6):606-625.
    Despite growing interest in risks of societal collapse due to anthropogenic climate change, there exists no consensus about how collapse should be understood. In this article, we critically examine existing definitions and argue that none adequately address the challenges for conceptualizing collapse that climate change presents. We therefore propose an alternative conception, which regards collapse as a reduction of collective capacity resulting in a pervasive and difficult-to-reverse loss of basic functionality. Our conception is dynamic in that it focuses on (...)
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    The Dynamic Theory of Time and Time Travel to the Past.Ned Markosian - 2020 - Disputatio 12 (57):137-165.
    I argue that time travel to the past is impossible, given a certain metaphysical theory, namely, The Dynamic Theory of Time. I first spell out my particular way of capturing the difference between The Dynamic Theory of Time and its rival, The Static Theory of Time. Next I offer four different arguments for the conclusion that The Dynamic Theory is inconsistent with the possibility of time travel to the past. Then I argue that, even if I am (...)
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    Adorno’s dynamic theory of ideology.Bernardo Ferro - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Adorno’s conception of ideology was denounced by Habermas as incompatible with a viable form of social critique. By conflating ideology and the ‘identity principle’ inherent to modern Western reason, he argues, Adorno offered an overly negative characterisation of modernity and failed to recognise its rational potential. This paper questions this line of criticism by revisiting Adorno’s position. While he does sometimes associate ideology with identity-thinking, this association does not exhaust his views on the subject. For Adorno, ideology is just as (...)
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  41. Enactive-Dynamic Social Cognition and Active Inference.Inês Hipólito & Thomas van Es - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This aim of this paper is two-fold: it critically analyses and rejects accounts blending active inference as theory of mind and enactivism; and it advances an enactivist-dynamic understanding of social cognition that is compatible with active inference. While some social cognition theories seemingly take an enactive perspective on social cognition, they explain it as the attribution of mental states to other people, by assuming representational structures, in line with the classic Theory of Mind. Holding both enactivism and ToM, we (...)
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  42. Dynamic Discourse Referents for Tense and Modals.Matthew Stone & Daniel Hardt - 1999 - In Harry Bunt & Reinhard Muskens (eds.), Computing Meaning. Kluwer. pp. 302-321.
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    A Dynamic, Stochastic, Computational Model of Preference Reversal Phenomena.Joseph G. Johnson & Jerome R. Busemeyer - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (4):841-861.
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    Shortcuts and dynamic marking in the tableau method for adaptive logics.Diderik Batens & Joke Meheus - 2001 - Studia Logica 69 (2):221-248.
    Adaptive logics typically pertain to reasoning procedures for which there is no positive test. In [7], we presented a tableau method for two inconsistency-adaptive logics. In the present paper, we describe these methods and present several ways to increase their efficiency. This culminates in a dynamic marking procedure that indicates which branches have to be extended first, and thus guides one towards a decision — the conclusion follows or does not follow — in a very economical way.
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  45. Fairness, ambiguity and dynamic consistency.H. Orri Stefánsson & Richard Bradley - forthcoming - Theory and Decision:1-21.
    Considerations of dynamic inconsistency have figured prominently in debates over the rationality of preferences that violate the separability conditions characteristic of expected utility theory. These debates have mostly focused on risk- and ambiguity averse preferences, but analogous considerations apply to preferences for fairness. We revisit these debates in the context of a specific hypothesis regarding the violations of separability by such preferences, namely that they are potentially both explained and rationalised by attitudes to the chances of goods that motivate (...)
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  46. Dynamic absolutism and qualitative change.Bahadır Eker - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (1):281-291.
    According to Fine’s famous take on the infamous McTaggartian paradox, realism about tensed facts is incompatible with the joint acceptence of three very general and seemingly plausible theses about reality. However, Correia and Rosenkranz have recently objected that Fine’s argument depends on a crucial assumption about the nature of tensed facts; once that assumption is given up, they claim, realists can endorse the theses in question without further ado. They also argue that their novel version of tense realism, called (...) absolutism, is to be preferred over its rivals. I argue in this paper that dynamic absolutism does not constitute a genuine alternative for realists about tense. (shrink)
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    Dynamic d-symmetry Bose condensate of a planar-large-bipolaron liquid in cuprate superconductors.Emin David - 2017 - Philosophical Magazine 97 (31):2931-2945.
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    Dynamic size constancy.Leonard Brosgole, Daniel G. McNichol, John Doyle & Ann Neylon - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (1):12-14.
  49. (1 other version)Ordinal Conditional Functions. A Dynamic Theory of Epistemic States.Wolfgang Spohn - 1988 - In W. L. Harper & B. Skyrms (eds.), Causation in Decision, Belief Change, and Statistics, vol. II. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    It is natural and important to have a formal representation of plain belief, according to which propositions are held true, or held false, or neither. (In the paper this is called a deterministic representation of epistemic states). And it is of great philosophical importance to have a dynamic account of plain belief. AGM belief revision theory seems to provide such an account, but it founders at the problem of iterated belief revision, since it can generally account only for one (...)
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    Fitness: static or dynamic?Peter Takacs & Pierrick Bourrat - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (4):1-20.
    The most consistent definition of fitness makes it a static property of organisms. However, this is not how fitness is used in many evolutionary models. In those models, fitness is permitted to vary with an organism’s circumstances. According to this second conception, fitness is dynamic. There is consequently tension between these two conceptions of fitness. One recently proposed solution suggests resorting to conditional properties. We argue, however, that this solution is unsatisfactory. Using a very simple model, we show that (...)
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