Results for ' counter-phenomenology'

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  1.  10
    John Sallis, The Logos of the Sensible World: Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenological Philosophy, ed. Richard Rojcewicz.Bryan Counter - 2021 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 42 (2):475-478.
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  2. The Wrath of Thrasymachus: A Thought on the Politics of Philosophical Praxis based on a Counter-Phenomenological Reinvestigation of the Thrasymachus-Socrates Debate in Plato’s Republic. Yusuk - 2020 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 52 (3):203-222.
    The phenomenological vision, particularly, Husserl’s idea of critique as an infinite vocational theoria and Patočka’s as an enduring programme, view Platonic logic and Socratic act as the paradigms for a normative justification of the idea of universal science and philosophy. In light of that, the Thrasymachus-Socrates debate is interpreted as a case to testify the critical power of philosophy successfully exercised over sophistic tyrannical non-philosophy. This paper criticizes the phenomenological idealization of the Socratic victory as an ethico-teleologically anticipated success of (...)
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    Countering the "Phenomenology of Whiteness": The Nation of Islam's Phenomenology of Blackness.E. Anthony Muhammad - 2021 - Puncta 4 (1):19-37.
    The Nation of Islam (NOI) has intrigued American society since its inception in 1930. Historically, the religio-nationalist organization has been the object of admiration for its uncanny ability to reform the lives of downtrodden blacks. At the same time, the NOI has garnered condemnation for the controversial, racialized and divisive doctrine that it espouses. This condemnation has led to a dismissal of the NOI’s doctrine as reactionary, bigoted, and fanciful myth-making. In recent decades however, scholars have begun interrogating the doctrine (...)
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    The Phenomenological Counter-intentionality of the Icon.Matías Pizzi - 2023 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 28 (2):261-273.
    The main goal of this paper is to show Nicholas de Cusa’s influence on the notion of Icon (icône) as counter-intentionality in Jean-Luc Marion’s phenomenology of givenness. In order to do this, first, we offer a study of the early conception of Icon in Marion, as it appears in L’Idole et la distance (1977) and Dieu sans l’être (1982), showing the passage from an early conception of the icon to its first phenomenological formulation. As we will see, in (...)
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    Experience of art in counter-intentional and non-intentional phenomenology.Andrzej Krawiec - 2023 - Analiza I Egzystencja 61:89-111.
    The article raises the subject of intentionality of art in the light of transformations that counter-intentional phenomenology and non-intentional phenomenology have undergone. The changes to the way intentionality was understood substantially influenced aesthetic reflection and for that reason the starting point for the article is the analysis of Edmund Husserl’s intentional phenomenology followed by counter-intentional phenomenology of Jean-Luc Marion and non-intentional phenomenology of Michel Henry. Next, we will analyse how the ideas were absorbed (...)
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  6. The Theme - Counter to the Spirit of Our Time and Italian Phenomenology.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1981 - Analecta Husserliana 11:ix.
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    Counter-Experiences: Reading Jean-Luc Marion.Kevin Hart (ed.) - 2007 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Unarguably, Jean-Luc Marion is the leading figure in French phenomenology as well as one of the proponents of the so-called “theological turn” in European philosophy. In this volume, Kevin Hart has assembled a stellar group of philosophers and theologians from the United States, Britain, France, and Australia to examine Marion's work—especially his later work—from a variety of perspectives. The resulting volume is an indispensable resource for scholars working at the intersection of philosophy and theology. “This is a ground-breaking book (...)
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    Phenomenological Skepticism Reconsidered: A Husserlian Answer to Dennett’s Challenge.Jaakko Belt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:533433.
    There is a long-standing tradition of questioning the viability and scientificity of first-person methods. Husserlian reflective methodology, in particular, has been challenged on the basis of its perceived inability to meet the standards of objectivity and reliability, leading to what has been called “phenomenological skepticism” ( Roy, 2007 ). In this article, I reassess this line of objection by outlining Daniel C. Dennett’s empirically driven skepticism and reconstructing his methodological arguments against Husserlian phenomenology. His ensuing phenomenological skepticism is divided (...)
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    Phenomenology, Language and the Social Sciences.Maurice Roche - 1973 - Boston,: Routledge.
    This book looks at two ‘revolutions’ in philosophy – phenomenology and conceptual analysis which have been influential in sociology and psychology. It discusses humanistic psychiatry and sociological approaches to the specific area of mental illness, which counter the ultimately reductionist implications of Freudian psycho-analytic theory. The book, originally published in 1973, concludes by stating the broad underlying themes of the two forms of humanistic philosophy and indicating how they relate to the problems of theory and method in sociology.
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  10. A Counter‐Reformation.David Sosa - 2022 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104 (1):250-255.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Volume 104, Issue 1, Page 250-255, January 2022.
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    Countering Harmful Speech Online. (In)effective Strategies and the Duty to Counterspeak.Silvia Donzelli - 2021 - Phenomenology and Mind 20:76-87.
    The concept of counterspeech denotes a non-coercive and non-censoring method for reacting to harmful speech, with the aim of impeding or at least diminishing its damaging effects. Remarkable work is being done by researchers and activist groups on elaborating practical strategies of countering hate speech online. Though, research in moral and political philosophy exploring the effectivity of counterspeech and grounding the reasons for engaging in it still remains in its early stages. In the following paragraphs I will address recent contributions (...)
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  12.  13
    Phenomenology as a political position within maternity care.Gill Thomson & Susan Crowther - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (4):e12275.
    In this article, the authors use the context of childbirth to consider the power that is endemic in certain forms of evidence within maternity care research. First, there is consideration of how the current evidence hierarchy and experimental‐based studies are the gold standard to determine and direct women's maternity experiences, although this can be at the detriment of care and irrespective of women's needs. This is followed by a critique of how the predominant means to assess women's experiences via satisfaction (...)
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    Phenomenology of the Visual Arts (Even the Frame).Paul Crowther - 2009 - Stanford University Press.
    Why are the visual arts so important and what is it that makes their forms significant? Countering recent interpretations of meaning that understand visual artworks on the model of literary texts, Crowther formulates a theory of the visual arts based on what their creation achieves both cognitively and aesthetically. He develops a phenomenology that emphasizes how visual art gives unique aesthetic expression to factors that are basic to perception. At the same time, he shows how various artistic media embody (...)
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    Sūzō Kuki and Jean-Paul Sartre: Influence and Counter-Influence in the Early History of Existential Phenomenology, including the Notebook "Monsieur Sartre" and Other Parisian Writings of Sūzō Kuki.Stephen Light - 1991 - Philosophy East and West 41 (4):577-583.
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    Countering the Disadvantage: Stasis as an Emancipatory Minimalist Legacy in Chantal Akerman's Cinema.Charlotte Wynant - 2023 - Film-Philosophy 27 (3):488-506.
    This article examines stasis in Chantal Akerman's cinema by means of a genealogical study into its minimalist origins in order to make visible its political operationality in her work and, by extension, its inherent political potential. Stasis is an aesthetic effect generated through the use of repetition, seriality, and duration in temporal media that proliferated in Minimalism across artforms and was taken up by Akerman during her séjour in New York in the early 1970s. The characteristic endless temporality created by (...)
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  16. The phenomenology of despair.Anthony J. Steinbock - 2007 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 15 (3):435 – 451.
    In this paper, I investigate the experience of hope by focusing on experiences that seem to rival hope, namely, disappointment, desperation, panic, hopelessness, and despair. I explore these issues phenomenologically by examining five kinds of experiences that counter hope (or in some instances, seem to do so): first, by noting the cases in which hope simply is not operative, then by treating the significance of both desperation and pessimism, next by examining the experience of hopelessness, and finally, by treating (...)
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  17.  29
    Student Teachers’ Storytelling: Countering Neoliberalism in Education.Ola Henricsson - 2020 - Phenomenology and Practice 14 (1):24-38.
    Everyday teaching involves emotional and relational irrationalities, and these aspects of pedagogical sensitivity and sense are critical for beginning teachers as they develop their practice. The complex elements of what it means to teach are often impossible to grasp from an instrumental approach to teacher education, which emphasizes subject matter knowledge and practical behavioral know-how. Increased educational standardisation and a new teacher training paradigm in Sweden have resulted in positioning future teachers as responsible only for communicating official school knowledge and (...)
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  18. A Phenomenology of Hesitation: Interrupting racializing habits of seeing.Alia Al-Saji - 2014 - In Emily S. Lee (ed.), Living Alterities: Phenomenology, Embodiment, and Race. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 133-172.
    This paper asks how perception becomes racializing and seeks the means for its critical interruption. My aim is not only to understand the recalcitrant and limitative temporal structure of racializing habits of seeing, but also to uncover the possibilities within perception for a critical awareness and destabilization of this structure. Reading Henri Bergson and Maurice Merleau-Ponty in dialogue with Frantz Fanon, Iris Marion Young and race-critical feminism, I locate in hesitation the phenomenological moment where habits of seeing can be internally (...)
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    Spinoza Contra Phenomenology: French Rationalism From Cavaillès to Deleuze.Knox Peden - 2014 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    Spinoza Contra Phenomenology fundamentally recasts the history of postwar French thought, typically presumed to have been driven by a critique of reason indebted to Nietzsche and Heidegger. Although the reception of phenomenology gave rise to many innovative developments in French philosophy, from existentialism to deconstruction, not everyone in France was pleased with this German import. This book recounts how a series of French philosophers used Spinoza to erect a bulwark against the nominally irrationalist tendencies of phenomenology. From (...)
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    The Phenomenology of Superstition or a Phenomenological Superstition?Elena Ibáñez-Guerra - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (3):251-254.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Phenomenology of Superstition or a Phenomenological Superstition?Elena Ibáñez-Guerra (bio)KeywordsBehaviorism, constructionism, intentionality, operant behaviorWhen the editors of Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology asked me to make some brief comments on two articles for the special issue edited by Pérez-Álvarez and Sass, I was delighted to accept, thinking that the task would be a straightforward one, and that I could easily meet the agreed deadline. But nothing could be further (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Between Philosophical Anthropology and Phenomenology: on Paul Ricoeur’s Philosophy of Work.Nicholas H. Smith - 2016 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 2 (278):513-534.
    The paper is a critical analysis of Paul Ricoeur’s philosophy of work as it is formulated in a number of essays from the 1950s and 60s. It begins with a reconstruction of the central theses advanced in ‘Travail et parole’ (1953) and related texts, where Ricoeur sought to outline a philosophical anthropology in which work is given its due. To give work its due, from an anthropological standpoint, is to see it as limited by counter-concept of language, according to (...)
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  22.  19
    A Phenomenological Solution to Gettier’s Problem.Mohsen Hasannezhad - 2024 - Logos and Episteme 15 (1):25-30.
    In “Is Justified True Belief, Knowledge?” Gettier shows us two counter examples of analyzing Knowledge, as “Justified True Belief” or “JTB”. Lots of scholars have reconstructed similar counter examples to JTB but we can see they follow a similar algorithm. Other scholars have tried to re-analyze knowledge by adding a fourth element to JTB and reformulating knowledge in a “JTB+X” formula and some replaced justification with another alternative component (Y) and proposed a “YTB” analysis of knowledge. In this (...)
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    Shūzō Kuki and Jean-Paul Sartre: Influence and Counter-Influence in the Early History of Existential Phenomenology. By Stephen Light. [REVIEW]Theodore Kisiel - 1989 - Modern Schoolman 66 (2):162-164.
  24. Phenomenological contributions to a theory of social cognition.Shaun Gallagher - 2005 - Husserl Studies 21 (2):95-110.
    Hidden away in the remote corners of one of the largest parts of Husserl's Kˆrper, if we can use that word to translate Corpus, there is ein Leib , an animate body of text that reverberates not only with some of Husserl's other little known texts, but also with some of the most recent discoveries in neuroscience. These texts suggest a theory of intersubjectivity, or what psychologists term social cognition. Let me start with a proviso: whether Husserl ever fully settled (...)
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    Touching the wounds of colonial duration: Fanon's anticolonial critical phenomenology.Alia Al-Saji - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (1):2-23.
    I counter a tendency in critical phenomenology to read Frantz Fanon as derivative upon, indeed reducible to, other (European) phenomenologies, eliding the originality and contemporaneity of his method. I propose it is time to read phenomenology through Fanon, instead of centering analysis on his assumed debt to Maurice Merleau‐Ponty's body schema. Fanon reconfigures and ungrounds phenomenology in Peau noire, masques blancs (Black Skin, White Masks). I show how he creates his own method through an anticolonial (...) of touch and affect that breaks with the perceptual spectacle at the center of most phenomenologies before him. I read Fanon's “toucher du doigt”—in contrastive relation to Edmund Husserl's touch‐sensings—to define a phenomenology that dwells with colonial wounding and holds the memory of a “burning” colonial duration. This is to say that Fanon's phenomenology is not mere description; rather, Fanon invents a critical, distinctly temporal, and anticolonial method from the affective territory in which he has had to dwell. This method addresses the conditions of possibility for doing (critical) phenomenology. Fanonian phenomenology makes tangible the (de)structuring violence through which colonialism ontologizes itself, while providing tools to dwell with the wounding and critically mine it—to create possibilities for living otherwise than what colonialism makes of us. (shrink)
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    Excess and Withdrawal: Critical Phenomenology and Speculative Realism.Dustin Zielke - 2018 - PhaenEx 12 (2):103-122.
    This paper takes up the problem of correlationism from a phenomenological perspective. Speculative realists, such as Quentin Meillassoux and Graham Harman, seek to establish new forms of Continental realism largely because, in their view, phenomenology cannot adequately account for the real. To counter these claims, I will use what I call a “critical phenomenological approach”, which critically delimits the real from the intentional relation, and thus makes possible a phenomenological theory of the real. This approach to realism establishes (...)
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    Phenomenology as Apologetics.Szczepan Urbaniak - 2022 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 27 (2):193-210.
    In this article, we analyse the relation of philosophy and theology in the work of Jean‑Luc Marion in order to be able to see not only how the phenomenology of givenness can serve as a “new apologetics” for theology, but also how Marion’s phenomenology itself, in its historical development and in its core principle and method, is influenced and changed by theological phenomena. We present three ways of describing the relation, tension, mutual influence and separation of philosophy and (...)
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  28. Does Scheler‘s Critique on Kant‘s Understanding of A priori signify a »Ptolemiac Counter-revolution«?Wei Zhang - unknown - Phainomena 72.
    The concept of a priori plays an important role in Kant’s entiree philosophy. However, Husserl often claimed that a genuine concept of a priori in the phenomenological sense was absent in Kant. Scheler criticized this concept of Kant just as Husserl did. All of Scheler’s ethical critiques of Kant, who is the major opponent to Scheler, are based on his critiques of Kant’s concept of a priori because, for Scheler, it is the largest absurdity of Kant’s theory that a priori (...)
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  29. The quantum counter-revolution: Internal conflicts in scientific change.Hasok Chang - 1995 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 26 (2):121-136.
    Many of the experiments that produced the empirical basis of quantum mechanics relied on classical assumptions that contradicted quantum mechanics. Historically this did not cause practical problems, as classical mechanics was used mostly when it did not happen to diverge too much from quantum mechanics in the quantitative sense. That fortunate circumstances, however, did not alleviate the conceptual problems involved in understanding the classical experimental reasoning in quantum-mechanical terms. In general, this type of difficulty can be expected when a coherent (...)
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  30. Phenomenology of the Plastic Image: How is a Philosophical Parable Possible in Sculpture?Ivan Apollonov - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (2):490-509.
    The article examines the question posed in the title, which implies the consideration of sculpture as a method of sense making by plastic means, revealing the truth of being in spatial form. The study of the phenomenological perspective of this method is built upon I. Kant’s conception of art as a free play of genius, based on reason. The apparent contradiction between the spontaneity of the subjective assumption of an image, which implies the impossibility of its being deduced, and its (...)
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  31. On the absence of phenomenology.Daniel C. Dennett - 1979 - In Donald F. Gustafson & Bangs L. Tapscott (eds.), Body, Mind, and Method: Essays in Honor of Virgil C. Aldrich. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 93--113.
    We are all, I take it, unshakably sure that we are each in a special position to report, or to know, or to witness or experience a set of something-or-others we may call, as neutrally as possible, elements of our own conscious experience. In short, we all believe in the doctrine of privileged access, however much we disagree or are uncertain about what we mean by privilege and access. Yet trying to make sense of this well-entrenched and highly intuitive doctrine (...)
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    After Derrida before Husserl : the spacing between phenomenology and deconstruction.Louis N. Sandowsky - unknown
    This Ph.D. thesis is, in large part, a deepening of my M. A. dissertation, entitled: "Différance Beyond Phenomenological Reduction (Epoché)?" - an edited version of which was published in The Warwick Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 1989. The M. A. dissertation explores the development of the various phases of the movement of epoché in Edmund Husserl's phenomenology and its relevance for Jacques Derrida's project of deconstruction. The analyses not only attend to the need for an effective propaedeutic (...)
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    ‘Hegel’s Phenomenological Method and Analysis of Consciousness’.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2009 - In The Blackwell Guide to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1--36.
    This chapter argues that Hegel is a major (albeit unrecognized) epistemologist: Hegel’s Introduction provides the key to his phenomenological method by showing that the Pyrrhonian Dilemma of the Criterion refutes traditional coherentist and foundationalist theories of justification. Hegel then solves this Dilemma by analyzing the possibility of constructive self- and mutual criticism. ‘Sense Certainty’ provides a sound internal critique of ‘knowledge by acquaintance’, thus undermining a key tenet of Concept Empiricism, a view Hegel further undermines by showing that a series (...)
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    (1 other version)Theo-Phenomenology of Love in Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae’s Thought.Nicolae Turcan - 2019 - Diakrisis 2:69-83.
    In reading Father Dumitru Stăniloae, it is obvious that love and divine-human communion have a prominent role in his theology. This text aims to approach this topic from a phenomenological point of view: it analyzes the implicit reductions working in Stăniloae’s texts, the presence of the intentionality, the role of the ego and its limits, as well as the problem of the reciprocity of love. We will try to argue not only that there are phenomenological influences in Stăniloae’s understanding of (...)
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  35. Access, phenomenology and sorites.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2018 - Ratio 31 (3):285-293.
    The non-transitivity of the relation looks the same as has been used to argue that the relation has the same phenomenal character as is non-transitive—a result that jeopardizes certain theories of consciousness. In this paper, I argue against this conclusion while granting the premise by dissociating lookings and phenomenology; an idea that some might find counter-intuitive. However, such an intuition is left unsupported once phenomenology and cognitive access are distinguished from each other; a distinction that is conceptually (...)
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    Phenomenology and Contemporary Clinical Practice: Introduction to Special Issue.Larry Davidson - 2004 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 35 (2):149-162.
    This special issue reconsiders the contributions that phenomenology can make to the development and practice of a clinicat science of psychology. In it, we suggest that earlier attempts to apply phenomenological principles were influenced heavily by psychoanalysis, with few, if any, alternative versions of a "depth" psychology available on which to draw in reframing the nature of psychopathology and its treatment. We suggest that this lingering presence of psychoanalysis runs counter to the founding principles of phenomenological method and (...)
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    TOWARDS A PHENOMENOLOGY OF SAGESSE: uncovering the unique philosophical problematic of pierre hadot.Matthew Sharpe - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (2):125-138.
    This paper starts from the contention that Pierre Hadot’s unusually divided reception reflects the different dimensions of Hadot’s own scholarly profile. Hadot’s largely favourable reception amongst historians of ideas responds to the philological dimension of his work, but misses the implicit normativity involved in his recovery of the sense of ancient philosophy as a way of life. Analytic critics have registered but contested this normativity in ways that arguably also misrepresent his work. This paper contends that both receptions of Hadot (...)
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  38. Bubbles and skulls: The phenomenological structure of self-consciousness in dutch still-life painting.Wayne M. Martin - 2005 - In M. Wrathal & Hubert L. Dreyfus (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism. Blackwell.
    In this paper I investigate the representation of self-consciousness in the still life tradition in the Netherlands around the time of Descartes’ residence there. I treat the paintings of this tradition as both a phenomenological resource and as a phenomenological undertaking in their own right. I begin with an introductory overview of the still life tradition, with particular attention to semiotic structures characteristic of the vanitas still life. I then focus my analysis on the representation of self-consciousness in this tradition, (...)
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    Pure and Other Phenomenologically Oriented Psychology.Thomas Nenon - 2023 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 54 (1):28-36.
    This paper inquires into the necessity and limits of what Edmund Husserl calls a “pure” phenomenological psychology. It argues that there may be merit to this notion as a kind of philosophical psychology, the notion of purity in clinical psychology would unnecessarily limit the kinds of factors that the psychologist must take into account in understanding and treating most of the psychological conditions the therapist faces. The paper suggests that phenomenological psychology nonetheless has value in providing a counter-balance to (...)
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  40. From the “metaphysics of the individual” to the critique of society: on the practical significance of Michel Henry’s phenomenology of life. [REVIEW]Michael Staudigl - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (3):339-361.
    This essay explores the practical significance of Michel Henry’s “material phenomenology.” Commencing with an exposition of his most basic philosophical intuition, i.e., his insight that transcendental affectivity is the primordial mode of revelation of our selfhood, the essay then brings to light how this intuition also establishes our relation to both the world and others. Animated by a radical form of the phenomenological reduction, Henry’s material phenomenology brackets the exterior world in a bid to reach the concrete interior (...)
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    Voice No Voice Counter Voice..Tone Saevi - 2018 - Phenomenology and Practice 12 (1):1-3.
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    Bringing disgust in through the backdoor in healthy food promotion: a phenomenological perspective.Bas de Boer & Mailin Lemke - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (4):731-743.
    Obesity has been pointed out as one of the main current health risks leading to calls for a so-called “war on obesity”. As we show in this paper, activities that attempt to counter obesity by persuading people to adjust a specific behavior often employ a pedagogy of regret and disgust. Nowadays, however, public healthcare campaigns that aim to tackle obesity have often replaced or augmented the explicit negative depictions of obesity and/or excessive food intake with the positive promotion of (...)
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    Old and new copernican counter-revolution.Bianka Boros - 2019 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 8 (1):87-102.
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    Shuzo Kuki and Jean-Paul Sartre: Influence and Counter-Influence in the Early History of Existential Phenomonology.Stephen Light - 1987 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    For two and a half months in 1928, the Japanese philosopher Shûzô Kuki had weekly talks with a young French student of philosophy—Jean-Paul Sartre. In 1928, Kuki had just come to Paris after having studied with Heidegger and Husserl. Freshly ac­quainted with the new phenomenology, Kuki in­troduced Sartre to this emerging movement in philosophy. In a well-researched introductory essay, Stephen Light details the eight years Kuki spent in Europe in the 1920s, a period during which Kuki came to know (...)
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    Gernot Böhme’s Sketch for a Weather Phenomenology.Sune Frølund - 2018 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 51 (1):142-161.
    The paper explores Gernot Böhme’s attempt to transform the concept of atmosphere into an aesthetical concept of the natural environment and follows his effort to outline a phenomenology of the weather based on this aesthetics. Böhme’s original project, prompted by a growing environmental concern, was to develop new forms of knowledge of nature to counter what he considered detrimental consequences of a one-sided rationalistic-scientific view of nature. Inspired by Hermann Schmitz’s phenomenology of the body and emotional atmospheres, (...)
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    Animal Welfare, the Earth, and Embodiment: Transforming the Task of Hermeneutic Phenomenology.Frank Schlalow - 2017 - Studia Phaenomenologica 17:83-100.
    The attempt to appropriate Heidegger’s thinking in order to found environmental ethics continues to pose challenges both for understanding the premise of an ethic, and, conversely, for unfolding the importance of his thought in the effort to displace the anthropocentric focus of modern philosophy. These challenges must be taken up on a methodological as well as a thematic level, in order to show how a claim of being can implicate a reciprocal guidance pertaining to our treatment of the earth, nature, (...)
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  47. A new defence of doxasticism about delusions: The cognitive phenomenological defence.Peter Clutton - 2018 - Mind and Language 33 (2):198-217.
    Clinicians and cognitive scientists typically conceive of delusions as doxastic—they view delusions as beliefs. But some philosophers have countered with anti-doxastic objections: delusions cannot be beliefs because they fail the necessary conditions of belief. A common response involves meeting these objections on their own terms by accepting necessary conditions on belief but trying to blunt their force. I take a different approach by invoking a cognitive-phenomenal view of belief and jettisoning the rational/behavioural conditions. On this view, the anti-doxastic claims can (...)
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    Altering identities. Possibilities of understanding identity in phenomenological pedagogy.Patricia Breil - 2019 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 9 (2):225-235.
    In one way or another, the other plays an important role in educational settings. Over the last few decades, the recourse to philosophical phenomenology has proved to be helpful for the discussion of this topic. Coming from this thematic direction, this article focuses on the other in its constitutive function for the construction of identity. Both within the phenomenologist Bernhard Waldenfels’ theory of responsivity as well as in the pedagogue Wilfried Lippitz’ theory of alterity, the other is a structural (...)
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  49. Perceiving Multiple Locations in Time: A Phenomenological Defence of Tenseless Theory.Sean Enda Power - 2015 - Topoi 34 (1):249-255.
    It is a common claim that one concept of time, tenseless theory, is in greater conflict with how the world seems to us than the competing theories of tense theory and presentism. This paper offers at least one counter-example to that claim. Here, it is argued that tenseless theory fares better than its competitors in capturing the phenomenology in particular cases of perception. These cases are where the visual phenomenology is of events occurring together which must be (...)
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  50. Emotions outside the box—the new phenomenology of feeling and corporeality.Hermann Schmitz, Rudolf Müllan & Jan Slaby - 2011 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 10 (2):241-259.
    The following text is the first ever translation into English of a writing by German phenomenologist Hermann Schmitz (*1928). In it, Schmitz outlines and defends a non-mentalistic view of emotions as phenomena in interpersonal space in conjunction with a theory of the felt body’s constitutive involvement in human experience. In the first part of the text, Schmitz gives an overview covering some central pieces of his theory as developed, for the most part, in his massive System of Philosophy, published in (...)
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