Results for ' challenge to distinctiveness and coherence of contract'

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  1.  9
    Contract.Peter Benson - 1996 - In Dennis M. Patterson (ed.), A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell. pp. 29–63.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction The Challenge to the Distinctiveness and the Coherence of Contract Four Autonomy‐Based Theories Three Teleological Theories Concluding Remarks References.
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    Unity and Multiplicity in Contract Law: From General Principles to Transaction-Types.Peter Benson - 2019 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 20 (2):537-570.
    Modern contract law is characterized by a certain kind of unity and multiplicity. On the one hand, it establishes fundamental principles that apply to all contracts in general. But at the same time, it specifies further principles and rules for particular kinds of contracts or transaction-types that mark out their distinctive features, incidents and effects. Clearly, a viable theory of contract law should be able to provide a suitable account of both aspects. The central critical contention of The (...)
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  3. Four challenges to the a priori—a posteriori distinction.Albert Casullo - 2015 - Synthese 192 (9):2701-2724.
    During the past decade a new twist in the debate regarding the a priori has unfolded. A number of prominent epistemologists have challenged the coherence or importance of the a priori—a posteriori distinction or, alternatively, of the concept of a priori knowledge. My focus in this paper is on these new challenges to the a priori. My goals are to provide a framework for organizing the challenges, articulate and assess a range of the challenges, and present two challenges of (...)
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    The Coherence and Character of the Humanities: A Reply to Critics.Willem B. Drees - 2021 - Zygon 56 (3):746-757.
    In this issue of Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, Donald Drakeman, Peter Harrison, Douglas Ottati, Michael Ruse, and Lisa Stenmark reflect on Willem B. Drees, What Are the Humanities For? In my response to Harrison, I argue that the humanities do form a coherent domain, shaped by two fundamental orientations—the quest to understand fellow humans and self‐involvement. In response to Ruse, I defend my definition of the humanities as neither too wide nor too narrow. With Ottati, I concur that (...)
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  5. Two Challenges to the Idea of Intellectual Property.Laura R. Biron - 2010 - The Monist 93 (3):382-394.
    Although the expression 'intellectual property' is widely used, it could be argued that the very idea of intellectual property is incoherent. After all, ideas are not like land, houses or clothing; surely they are not the sorts of things that can be owned? I shall examine two arguments - one ontological, one jurisprudential - that put pressure on the coherence of the idea of intellectual property, both leading to the conclusion that intellectual property rights are not genuine property rights, (...)
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    Contracts and Contract Law: Challenging the Distinction Between the 'Real' and 'Paper' Deal.Catherine Mitchell - 2009 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 29 (4):675-704.
    This article examines the claim that there are two different and often incompatible ‘worlds’ within which contractual relationships can be placed—a real world created by the parties and an artificial world created by contract law and formal contract documents. This distinction, often made by sociolegal scholars, is usually accompanied by the suggestion that legal reasoning might be improved by more attention to the real world of contracting at the expense of the artificial world of documents and classical doctrine. (...)
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  7. Granting Automata Human Rights: Challenge to a Basis of Full-Rights Privilege.Lantz Fleming Miller - 2015 - Human Rights Review 16 (4):369-391.
    As engineers propose constructing humanlike automata, the question arises as to whether such machines merit human rights. The issue warrants serious and rigorous examination, although it has not yet cohered into a conversation. To put it into a sure direction, this paper proposes phrasing it in terms of whether humans are morally obligated to extend to maximally humanlike automata full human rights, or those set forth in common international rights documents. This paper’s approach is to consider the ontology of humans (...)
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  8. Bioethics and the Challenge of the Ecological Individual.Jonathan Beever & Nicolae Morar - 2016 - Environmental Philosophy 13 (2):215-238.
    Questions of individuality are traditionally predicated upon recognizing discrete entities whose behavior can be measured and whose value and agency can be meaningfully ascribed. We consider a series of challenges to the metaphysical concept of individuality as the ground of the self. We argue that an ecological conception of individuality renders ascriptions of autonomy to selves highly improbable. We find conceptual resources in the work of environmental philosopher Arne Naess, whose distinction between shallow and deep responses helps us rethink the (...)
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  9. Space, Time and Falsifiability Critical Exposition and Reply to "A Panel Discussion of Grünbaum's Philosophy of Science".Adolf Grünbaum - 1970 - Philosophy of Science 37 (4):469 - 588.
    Prompted by the "Panel Discussion of Grünbaum's Philosophy of Science" (Philosophy of Science 36, December, 1969) and other recent literature, this essay ranges over major issues in the philosophy of space, time and space-time as well as over problems in the logic of ascertaining the falsity of a scientific hypothesis. The author's philosophy of geometry has recently been challenged along three main distinct lines as follows: (i) The Panel article by G. J. Massey calls for a more precise and more (...)
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  10. Fitting Things Together: Coherence and the Demands of Structural Rationality.Alex Worsnip - 2021 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Some combinations of attitudes--of beliefs, credences, intentions, preferences, hopes, fears, and so on--do not fit together right: they are incoherent. A natural idea is that there are requirements of "structural rationality" that forbid us from being in these incoherent states. Yet a number of surprisingly difficult challenges arise for this idea. These challenges have recently led many philosophers to attempt to minimize or eliminate structural rationality, arguing that it is just a "shadow" of "substantive rationality"--that is, correctly responding to one's (...)
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  11.  18
    Community: A Trinity of Models by Frank G. Kirkpatrick. [REVIEW]Paul Nelson - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):372-374.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:372 BOOK REVIEWS This understanding, moreover, gives ontological validity to the communication of idioms, which Morris surprisingly sees as accomplishing nothing but" muddying the water" (p. 49). As God, the Son is omniscient, immutable, all-powerful, etc., but in his new mode of existence as man, he is truly ignorant, passible, and limited. Existing as man, the Son experiences all that pertains to historioolly conditioned humanity. In the Incarnation the (...)
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    Chronic illness and the physician-patient relationship: A response to the Hastings center's "ethical challenges of chronic illness".J. Strain James - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (2).
    The following article is a response to the position paper of the Hastings Center, "Ethical Challenges of Chronic Illness", a product of their three year project on Ethics and Chronic Care. The authors of this paper, three prominent bioethicists, Daniel Callahan, Arthur Caplan, and Bruce Jennings, argue that there should be a different ethic for acute and chronic care. In pressing this distinction they provide philosophical grounds for limiting medical care for the elderly and chronically ill. We give a critical (...)
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    The Cat's Grand Strategy: Pieter de la Court (1618–1685) on Holland and the Challenges and Prospects of Free-Riding Behaviour during the General Crisis of the Seventeenth Century.Paul Schuurman - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (3):338-356.
    SummaryIn the present article it is argued that Pieter de la Court's Political Maxims of the State of Holland presented a remarkably consistent grand strategy for Holland in relation to its Dutch allies and the European powers. I present an outline of this strategy, which was built around the accomplishment and defence of commercial goals; I sketch a historical context that takes into account the general historical shift from tribute-taking agrarian societies towards commercial wealth-generating polities, and also the violent contemporary (...)
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    Challenging Standard Distinctions between Science and Technology: The Case of Preparative Chemistry.Joachim Schummer - 1997 - Hyle 3 (1):81 - 94.
    Part I presents a quantitative-empirical outline of chemistry, esp. preparative chemistry, concerning its dominant role in today's science, its dynamics, and its methods and aims. Emphasis is laid on the poietical character of chemistry for which a methodological model is derived. Part II discusses standard distinction between science and technology, from Aristotle (whose theses are reconsidered in the light of modern sciences) to modern philosophy of technology. Against the background of results of Part I, it is argued that all these (...)
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  15.  43
    The Social Contract Model of Corporate Purpose and Responsibility.Nien-hê Hsieh - 2015 - Business Ethics Quarterly 25 (4):433-460.
    ABSTRACT:Of the many developments in business ethics that Thomas Donaldson has helped pioneer, one is the application of social contract theory to address questions about the responsibilities of business actors. InCorporations and Morality, Donaldson develops one of the most sustained and comprehensive accounts that aims to justify the existence of for-profit corporations and to specify and ground their responsibilities. In order to further our understanding about the purpose and responsibilities of productive organizations, and as a contribution to the scholarship (...)
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  16.  50
    Chronic Illness and the Physician-Patient Relationship: A Response to the Hastings Center's "Ethical Challenges of Chronic Illness".D. A. Moros, R. Rhodes, B. Baumrin & J. J. Strain - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (2):161-181.
    The following article is a response to the position paper of the Hastings Center, “Ethical Challenges of Chronic Illness”, a product of their three year project on Ethics and Chronic Care. The authors of this paper, three prominent bioethicists, Daniel Callahan, Arthur Caplan, and Bruce Jennings, argue that there should be a different ethic for acute and chronic care. In pressing this distinction they provide philosophical grounds for limiting medical care for the elderly and chronically ill. We give a critical (...)
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  17. Knowledge and the Poison Oracle: Relativism and the Epistemology of Cross-Cultural Disagreement.Thomas Bennigson - 1993 - Dissertation, Cornell University
    The contemporary consensus in analytic philosophy concerning cultural relativism is: it is impossible to formulate relativism coherently, diversity does not provide good reason for accepting relativist conclusions anyway, and if relativism is false, or incoherent, then cross-cultural disagreement, however intractable, raises no important epistemological challenge. I challenge every aspect of this consensus in the light of contemporary theories of reference and knowledge, focussing on various traditional cultures' supernatural explanations of illness. ;I defend the coherence of relativism against (...)
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  18.  43
    Is Private (Contract-Based) Practice an Answer to the Problems of Psychiatry?Pat Bracken & Philip Thomas - 2010 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17 (3):241-245.
    We are very grateful to both Matthew Ratcliffe and Thomas Szasz for taking the time to read and respond to our paper. Ratcliffe is broadly sympathetic to our efforts and provides a very convincing argument against mind–body dualisms by drawing on work from the phenomenological tradition. His comments extend rather than challenge our central thesis. Szasz, however, is dismissive of our position. As a result, most of our response is directed to his commentary. Ratcliffe uses the work of van (...)
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  19. Freedom, Coherence, and the Self.Laura Waddell Ekstrom - 1993 - Dissertation, The University of Arizona
    A plausible theory of human freedom must give some account of both alternate possibilities and self-determination. Debate over the correct interpretation of the first feature gives rise to the metaphysical problem of whether or not freedom is compatible with the thesis of determinism, according to which, given the actual past and the actual laws of nature, there is at any time only one physically possible future. It is my view that persons act freely only if the thesis of determinism is (...)
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  20. Using semantic deference to test an extension of indexical externalism beyond natural-kind terms.Philippe De Brabanter & Bruno Leclercq - unknown
    We offer a new outlook on the vexed question of the reference of natural-kind terms. Since Kripke and Putnam, there is a widespread assumption that natural-kind terms function just like proper names: they designate their referents directly and they are rigid designators: their reference is unchanged even in worlds in which the referent lacks some or all the properties associated with it in the actual world, and which are useful to us in identifying that referent. There have, however, been heated (...)
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    To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides: The Origins of Philosophy (review).Scott Austin - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (4):481-482.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides: The Origins of PhilosophyScott AustinArnold Hermann. To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides: The Origins of Philosophy. Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing, 2004. Pp. xxx + 374. Cloth, $32.00.Mr. Arnold Hermann could presumably have used his connection with Parmenides Press to publish anything he wanted. Instead, he has put out a sober, bibliographically well aware, thesis about the origin, nature, and motivations (...)
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  22.  35
    Structured Finance and the Social Contract: How Tranching Challenges Contractualist Approaches to Financial Risk.Tobey Scharding - 2019 - Business Ethics Quarterly 29 (1):1-24.
    ABSTRACT:Many ethicists argue that contract theory offers the most promising strategy for regulating risks. I challenge the adequacy of the contractualist approach for evaluating the complicated, novel risks associated with some structured financial products, particularly focusing on risks to third parties. Structured financial products like collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) divide a pool of financial assets into risk “tranches” organized from least to most risky. Investors purchase various tranches based on their individual risk-and-return preferences. Whereas contract theory holds (...)
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  23. Climate Scepticism, Epistemic Dissonance, and the Ethics of Uncertainty.Axel Gelfert - 2013 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 3 (1):167-208.
    When it comes to the public debate about the challenge of global climate change, moral questions are inextricably intertwined with epistemological ones. This manifests itself in at least two distinct ways. First, for a fixed set of epistemic standards, it may be irresponsible to delay policy-making until everyone agrees that such standards have been met. This has been extensively discussed in the literature on the precautionary principle. Second, key actors in the public debate may – for strategic reasons, or (...)
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  24.  26
    Challenges to effective and autonomous genetic testing and counseling for ethno-cultural minorities: a qualitative study.Nehama Cohen-Kfir, Miriam Ethel Bentwich, Andrew Kent, Nomy Dickman, Mary Tanus, Basem Higazi, Limor Kalfon, Mary Rudolf & Tzipora C. Falik-Zaccai - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-16.
    BackgroundThe Arab population in Israel is a minority ethnic group with its own distinct cultural subgroups. Minority populations are known to underutilize genetic tests and counseling services, thereby undermining the effectiveness of these services among such populations. However, the general and culture-specific reasons for this underutilization are not well defined. Moreover, Arab populations and their key cultural-religious subsets (Muslims, Christians, and Druze) do not reside exclusively in Israel, but are rather found as a minority group in many European and North (...)
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  25.  25
    Enjoyment as Enriched Experience: A Theory of Affect and Its Relation to Consciousness.Nathaniel F. Barrett - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book has two main tasks: (1) to call attention to the special challenges presented by our experience of affect—all varieties of pleasure and pain—and (2) to show how these challenges can be overcome by an “enrichment approach” that understands affect as the enrichment or deterioration of conscious activity as a whole. This “enrichment approach” draws from Alfred North Whitehead as well as the pragmatists John Dewey and William James, all of whom thought of affect as a fundamental aspect of (...)
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  26.  20
    Contract Law in a Just Society.Yitzhak Benbaji - 2019 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 20 (2):411-432.
    This Article challenges Hanoch Dagan and Michael Heller’s choice theory of contract, according to which contract law is autonomy-enhancing. I make three points: first, the choice theory of contract cannot clarify the critical normative distinction between enforceable formal contracts and unenforceable informal promises. Second, I develop the roads/contract-types analogy: instead of promoting individuals’ autonomy and enhancing their choice among different projects, most contract types are justified by the preexisting preferences of citizens. Finally, I outline a (...)
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    Democratic silence: two forms of domination in the social contract tradition.Toby Rollo - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (3):316-329.
    The social contract tradition has been critiqued for harboring ‘domination contracts’ that exclude women, people of color, people with disabilities, and others from political life. In this article, I build on these critical analyses to argue that the liberal ideal of the reasoning and speaking citizen entails the anti-democratic disqualification of ‘silent’ citizens such as young children and many peoples with intellectual disabilities. The liberal veneration of voice and the corollary vilification of silence represent the internal logic of all (...)
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  28. Selected Contemporary Challenges of Ageing Policy.Andrzej Klimczuk & Łukasz Tomczyk (eds.) - 2017 - Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny W Krakowie.
    This volume-"Selected Contemporary Challenges of Aging Policy"-is the most international of all published monographs from the series "Czech-Polish-Slovak Studies in Andragogy and Social Gerontology." Among the scholars trying to grasp the nuances and trends of social policy, there are diverse perspectives, resulting not only from the extensive knowledge of the authors on the systematic approach to the issue of supporting older people but also from the grounds of the represented social gerontology schools. In the texts of Volume VII interesting are (...)
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  29. Diversity, Stability, and Social Contract Theory.Michael Moehler - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 176 (12):3285-3301.
    The topic of moral diversity is not only prevalent in contemporary moral and political philosophy, it is also practically relevant. Moral diversity, however, poses a significant challenge for moral theory building. John Thrasher, in his discussion of public reason theory, which includes social contract theory, argues that if one seriously considers the goal of moral constructivism and considerations of representation and stability, then moral diversity poses an insurmountable problem for most public reason theories. I agree with Thrasher that (...)
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  30. The new production of knowledge: the dynamics of science and research in contemporary societies.Michael Gibbons (ed.) - 1994 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications.
    As we approach the end of the twentieth century, the ways in which knowledge--scientific, social, and cultural--is produced are undergoing fundamental changes. In The New Production of Knowledge, a distinguished group of authors analyze these changes as marking the transition from established institutions, disciplines, practices, and policies to a new mode of knowledge production. Identifying such elements as reflexivity, transdisciplinarity, and heterogeneity within this new mode, the authors consider their impact and interplay with the role of knowledge in social relations. (...)
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  31.  2
    Formalizing decisional and operational roles in legal contracts via term-modal logic.Stef Frijters & Matteo Pascucci - 2025 - In Daniele Porello, Cosimo Vinci & Matteo Zavatteri (eds.), Proceedings of OVERLAY 2024. CEUR. pp. 57-63.
    Translations of legal contracts into formal specifications that can be used for assisted reasoning are currently gaining considerable attention in AI and law. Yet, the conceptual intricacy of some of the normative notions involved in legal contracts continues to provide significant challenges to formalization; in accordance with this, there is a need for developing general logic frameworks which allow for an appropriate analysis of the fundamental components of a contractual situation. In the present work, we focus on the representation of (...)
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  32. The twilight of the Liberal Social Contract? On the Reception of Rawlsian Political Liberalism.Enzo Rossi - 2019 - In Kelly Becker & Iain D. Thomson (eds.), The Cambridge History of Philosophy, 1945–2015. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This chapter discusses the Rawlsian project of public reason, or public justification-based 'political' liberalism, and its reception. After a brief philosophical rather than philological reconstruction of the project, the chapter revolves around a distinction between idealist and realist responses to it. Focusing on political liberalism’s critical reception illuminates an overarching question: was Rawls’s revival of a contractualist approach to liberal legitimacy a fruitful move for liberalism and/or the social contract tradition? The last section contains a largely negative answer to (...)
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  33.  49
    Pannenberg's Fundamental Challenges to Theology and Science.Philip Hefner - 2001 - Zygon 36 (4):801-808.
    This paper is a response to Wolfhart Pannenberg's “God as Spirit—and Natural Science” (2001). I argue that the distinctiveness and significance of Pannenberg's approach to the conversation between theology and science lies in his method of relating biblical‐theological concepts specifically and directly to scientific knowledge and theories. The example at issue in this paper is his correlation of the biblical‐theological term spirit to the scientific term field. This approach is both distinctive and the most difficult of challenges. However, it (...)
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  34.  46
    The Theory and Practice of Self-Ownership.Robert S. Taylor - 2002 - Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
    Myriad contemporary public-policy issues--including physician-assisted suicide, medical marijuana, abortion, surrogate motherhood, gay rights, conscription, and markets in human organs--raise the following important question: what rights should individuals have over their own bodies? The concept of self-ownership offers one way to answer this question. Just as ownership of an external object involves having rights, liberties, powers, immunities, etc., with respect to it, so self-ownership involves having these incidents of ownership with respect to one's own body and labor power. Much of the (...)
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  35. Bioshock and the art of rapture.Grant Tavinor - 2009 - Philosophy and Literature 33 (1):pp. 91-106.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Bioshock and the Art of RaptureGrant TavinorI am Andrew Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? "No!" says the man in Washington, "It belongs to the poor." "No!" says the man in the Vatican, "It belongs to God." "No!" says the man in Moscow, "It belongs to everyone." I rejected these answers; instead, I chose (...)
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  36.  32
    Feminisms and Challenges to Institutionalized Philosophy of Religion.Nathan Eric Dickman - 2018 - Religions 9 (4):113.
    For my invited contribution to this special issue of Religions on “Feminisms and the Study of ‘Religions,’” I focus on philosophy of religion and contestations over its relevance to the academic field of Religious Studies. I amplify some feminist philosophers’ voices—especially Pamela Sue Anderson—in corroboration with recent calls from Religious Studies scholars to diversify philosophy of religions in the direction of locating it properly within the current state of Religious Studies. I want to do this by thinking through two proposals (...)
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    The relationship between the One and the Multiple in mystic philosophy is a profound and central theme that explores the nature of existence, the cosmos, and the divine. This theme is present in various mystical traditions, including those of the East and West, and it addresses the paradoxical coexistence of the unity and multiplicity of all things. -/- In mystic philosophy, the **One** often represents the ultimate reality, the source from which all things emanate and to which all things return. (...)
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    Some Challenges to the Evolutionary Status of Semiosis.Claudio Julio Rodríguez Higuera - 2019 - Biosemiotics 12 (3):405-421.
    The prevalent idea that semiosis is evolutionary is a driving point for biosemiotic research, starting from the Peircean premises of continuity and including a large number of views on how signs evolve. In this paper I wish to add a small pinch of skepticism to an otherwise productive point of view. Briefly, the question to be asked is: Is there any proper and fair connection between the logical abstraction of signs, genetic expressions interpreted as signs and the animal usage of (...)
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  39. Challenges to the Rational Observation of Nature in the Phenomenology of Spirit.Daniel O. Dahlstrom - 2006 - The Owl of Minerva 38 (1-2):35-56.
    This paper concerns Hegel’s much-neglected discussion of the rational observation of nature in the first part of the chapter on reason in the Phenomenology of Spirit. The paper focuses, in particular, on the themes of nature’s inexhaustibilit y, animal life’s holistic character, and the earth’s individual distinctiveness insofar as Hegel appeals to them to challenge a certain kind of self-understanding of what it means to observe nature rationally. In addition to examining the significance and trenchancy of this (...), the paper inquires whether these same themes have implications for Hegel’s own philosophical understanding of reason as spirit. (shrink)
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    Challenges in Paediatric Xenotransplantation: Ethical Components Requiring Distinct Attention in Children and Obligations to Patients and Society.Anthony Merlocco & Daniel J. Hurst - forthcoming - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry:1-14.
    The transplantation of non-human organs into humans, or xenotransplantation (XTx), has recently garnered new attention and is being developed to help address the problem of organ scarcity in transplantation. Ethical issues surrounding XTx have been studied since initial interest arose decades ago and have experienced renewed discussion in the literature. However, the distinct and relevant differences when applied to children has largely been overlooked with few groups attending to the concerns that XTx in children raises. In this paper, we explore (...)
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    A challenge to the kripke/putnam distinction between epistemic and metaphysical necessity.Brian MacPherson - 1997 - Southwest Philosophy Review 13 (2):113--128.
    I argue that the account of the epistemic modalities developed by Kripke and Putnam is incomplete since it does not make use of the possible worlds machinery that is indispensable to their analysis of the metaphysical modalities. It would have been simpler and more elegant if they had used the concept of 'possible world' to explain both modalities. Instead, they provide an explication of the epistemic modalities in terms of the vague concepts of conceivability and revisability. I show that logical (...)
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    Reliance arguments, democratic law, and inequity.Seana Valentine Shiffrin - 2023 - Jurisprudence 14 (3):317-347.
    The reversal of Roe v. Wade raises the prospect that other due process guarantees upon which individuals have organised their lives, including the constitutional rights to same-sex intimacy and marriage, will be overturned. These potential upheavals in the hard-won legal infrastructure of basic social status call for a careful look at reliance arguments for sustaining constitutional precedent. When does reliance on a judicial decision provide reason for a court to sustain a precedent in the face of substantial doubts or convictions (...)
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    More than Consent: Kant on the Function of the Social Contract.Larry Krasnoff - 2018 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (13):45-62.
    What is the point of appealing to a social contract? An intuitively plausible answer is that the metaphor functions as a justification for the obligation to obey the law. If I have made a contract to establish a political authority, then I am bound to obey the commands of that authority. In a contract, my agreement creates an obligation to perform. Then only remaining question is what reasons I have to make the agreement in the first place. (...)
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    Principles of linguistic composition below and beyond the clause: elements of a semantic combinatorial system.Peer F. Bundgaard - 2006 - Pragmatics and Cognition 14 (3):501-526.
    The present investigation challenges the traditional distinction between cohesion and coherence; i.e., the distinction between the syntactical rules governing the composition of lexical units within the scope of the clause and the semantic-pragmatic rules guiding the composition of text units beyond the scope of the clause. To this end it exposes two major principles of semantic combination that are active through all levels of linguistic composition: viz. frame-schematic structure and narrative structure. These principles are considered as being components of (...)
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    Darwin and Catholicism: The Past and Present Dynamics of a Cultural Encounter.Louis Caruana (ed.) - 2009 - London: T&T Clark.
    This coherent collection of original papers marks the 150 year anniversary since the publication of Charles Darwin's Origin of Species (1859). Although the area of evolution-related publications is vast, the area of interaction between Darwinian ideas and specifically Catholic doctrine has received limited attention. This interaction is quite distinct from the one between Darwinism and the Christian tradition in general. Interest in Darwin from the Catholic viewpoint has recently been rekindled. Endorsement: “As this volume shows, any notion of intractable conflict (...)
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    Clinical challenges to the concept of ectogestation.Phillip S. Wozniak - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (2):115-120.
    Since the publication of the successful animal trials of the Biobag, a prototypical extrauterine support for extremely premature neonates, numerous ethicists have debated the potential implications of such a device. Some have argued that the Biobag represents a natural evolution of traditional newborn intensive care, while others believe that the Biobag would create a new class of being for the patients housed within. Kingma and Finn argued inBioethicsfor making a categorical distinction between fetuses, newborns and ‘gestatelings’ in a Biobag on (...)
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  47. Leibniz and the Necessity of the Best Possible World.Martin Pickup - 2014 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92 (3):507-523.
    Leibniz has long faced a challenge about the coherence of the distinction between necessary and contingent truths in his philosophy. In this paper, I propose and examine a new way to save genuine contingency within a Leibnizian framework. I conclude that it succeeds in formally solving the problem, but at unbearable cost. I present Leibniz’s challenge by considering God’s choice of the best possible world (Sect. 2). God necessarily exists and necessarily chooses to actualise the best possible (...)
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  48. Are discourse communities incommensurable in a fragmented psychology? The possibility of disciplinary coherence.Brent D. Slife - 2000 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 21 (3):261-272.
    The question of incommensurability is an overlooked issue that has profound consequences for our ability to understand relationships and utilize common standards for comparison, contrast, and evaluation in psychology. Are the differences among discourse communities so deep that there is no common "commensurate" &emdash; no common measuring stick for making comparisons among communities? If so, then the community of communities, the discipline of psychology, has no way to compare competing knowledge claims, and no way to effect disciplinary unity and (...). Kuhn's distinction between incommensurability and incompatibility is described, along with its challenge to Enlightenment rationality and scientific method for brokering the relativity among discourse communities. Popper's misconception that this challenge implies an "anything goes" nihilism is also discussed, specifically his misconception that incompatibility and incommensurability mean incomparability. On the contrary, the article shows how recognizing the incommensurable is often the key to comparison, and thus disciplinary coherence and unity. (shrink)
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    Care, power, information: for the love of bluescollarship in the age of digital culture, bioeconomy, and (post-)Trumpism.Alexander I. Stingl - 2020 - London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    A critique and provincialization of Western social science and Global Northern academia by the author of The Digital Coloniality of Power, exposing shared colonial and extractive rationalities and histories of research, higher education, digitalization and bioeconomy while proposing in the idea of BluesCollarship a sketch for an alternative culture of worlding and commoning knowledge work and for making care matter in research and higher education. In a discourse analysis and provincialization of research and higher education, a tradition of elitarian White (...)
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    Whose Social Contract?Paul R. DeHart - 2021 - Catholic Social Science Review 26:3-21.
    Many scholars view political contractarianism as a distinctly modern account of the foundations of political order. Ideas such as popular sovereignty, the right of revolution, the necessity of the consent of the governed for rightful political authority, natural equality, and a pre-civil state of nature embody the modern rupture with classical political philosophy and traditional Christian theology. At the headwaters of this modern revolution stands Thomas Hobbes. Since the American founders subscribed to the social contract theory, they are often (...)
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