Results for ' art byzantin'

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  1.  13
    Temporalités patrimoniales et art byzantin au Louvre.Katerina Seraïdari - 2024 - Temporalités 39.
    L’article examine trois types de temporalités patrimoniales. Le premier définit l’unité d’une salle muséale comme espace d’exposition cohérent et interroge la coexistence des objets dans son enceinte, en prenant comme exemple la salle 501 du Louvre. En se focalisant sur les objets-palimpsestes et l’art composite, il laisse ainsi entrevoir le mélange entre art latin et art byzantin, les remplois et les circulations de styles, que cette salle met en avant. Le second type évoque les interactions entre exposition permanente et (...)
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    Η. Stern, L’Art Byzantin.H. Belting - 1968 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 61 (2).
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  3. L'ange à cheval dans l'art Byzantin.M. Garidis - 1972 - Byzantion 42:23-59.
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  4. Réflexions sur l'esthétique de l'art byzantin.P. A. Michelis - 1964 - Filosofia 15 (4):804.
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  5. Les portraits de Grégoire l'Illuminateur dans l'art byzantin.Sirarpie Der Nersessian - 1967 - Byzantion 36:386-395.
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  6. L'image du pouvoir dans l'art byzantin à l'époque de la dynastie macédonienne (867-1056).C. Jolivet-Lévy - 1987 - Byzantion 57:441-70.
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    “BYZANTINE” ART IN Post-Byzantine SOUTH Italy?Linda Safran - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (3):487-504.
    Art historians have long viewed southern Italy, especially the Salento region in Apulia, as a Byzantine artistic province even centuries after Byzantine rule ended there in c. 1070. The Orthodox monastery of Santa Maria di Cerrate, near Lecce, is widely considered to possess some of the region’s “most Byzantine” paintings (twelfth to fourteenth centuries). Yet a close examination of these frescoes reveals significant iconographic and stylistic differences from alleged Byzantine norms. A historiographic synopsis and review of problematic definitions of “Byzantine” (...)
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    Decoding Byzantine ekphraseis on works of art. Constantine Manasses’s description of earth and its audience.Vicky Foskolou - 2018 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 111 (1):71-102.
    The study deals with ekphraseis on works of art and poses the question as to how far these texts can be a reliable source for the study or even the reconstruction of the artefacts they describe. Based on reception theory and readerresponse criticism, in the paper is proposed that as every text, byzantine ekphraseis on artworks presuppose an audience or readership, i. e. the one the author had in mind and on the basis of which he encoded his message. In (...)
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  9. Byzantine Sacred Arts as Therapeutic Way: A Medieval Pharmakon for the Cyberman.Inti Yanes - 2017 - International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society 4 (7):1-16.
    Man is a "homo theologicus." The dominion of the cyberculture is determining the oblivion of the Sacred in a new fashion, creating fictional transcendences that replace traditional reality with cyberconstructions. We aim to show how man is essentially a theologal being and how the Byzantine notion of ϑέωσις (deification) as expressed in sacred arts can be a way of preserving human essence from its alienation in the fictional transcendences of cyberbeing. We approach cyberculture as a process of ontological desubstantiation via (...)
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    Byzantine Incursions on the Borders of Philosophy: Contesting the Boundaries of Nature, Art, and Religion.Bruce V. Foltz - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book represents a series of incursions or philosophical forays between realms of Byzantine and Russian thought and territory long claimed by Western philosophy and theology. Beginning with thoughts inevitably rooted in the West, it seeks to penetrate as deeply as possible into Byzantine and Russian philosophical and spiritual landscapes, and to return with fresh insights. These are also incursions that move back and forth between the visible and the invisible realms, in the traditions of Plato and his successors as (...)
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  11.  42
    Religious Art and Meditative Contemplation in Japanese Calligraphy and Byzantine Iconography.Rodica Frentiu - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (38):110-136.
    Far Eastern calligraphy has always been regarded by the Occident as an “esoteric” issue, laden with a peculiar “mysticism,” which presents spiritual and philosophical aspects too outlandish to truly comprehend. That is probably the reason why calligraphy was amongst the last artistic “disciplines” to gain access to the international world of the arts. This study focuses on Japanese calligraphy as a visual and verbal image, conducting a hermeneutic investigation into the nature and function of this type of image, into the (...)
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    Byzantine art as a religious and didactic art.P. A. Michelis - 1967 - British Journal of Aesthetics 7 (2):150-157.
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    Framing and Conserving Byzantine Art at the Menil Collection: Experiences of Relative Identity.Glenn Peers - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 6 (2):25-44.
    Conservation and exhibition of historical works of art run many risks of misrepresentation of the life and meanings of objects. This paper explores the identities of some particularly compelling examples of Byzantine art restored under special circumstances at the Menil Collection in Houston, Texas. This examination of the restoration of frescos and icons, and their particular display histories, reveals the contingencies of our encounters with and explanations of historical art.
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    Michael Psellos on literature and art: a Byzantine perspective on aesthetics.Michael Psellus - 2017 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Charles Barber.
    Michael Psellos has long been known as a key figure in the history of Byzantine literary and intellectual culture, but his theoretical and critical reflections on literature and art are little known outside of a small circle of specialists. Most famous for his Chronographia, a history of eleventh-century Byzantine emperors and their reigns, Psellos also excelled in describing as well as prescribing practices and rules for literary discourse and visual culture. The ambition of Michael Psellos on Literature and Art is (...)
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    Byzantine Art - Gervase Mathew: Byzantine Aesthetics. Pp. xiv+187; 25 plates. London: Murray, 1963. Cloth, 35 s. net.Steven Runciman - 1964 - The Classical Review 14 (02):205-206.
  16. Some jewish legends in byzantine art.Carl-Otto Nordström - 1955 - Byzantion 25 (27):1957.
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  17.  25
    An Aesthetic Approach to Byzantine Art. [REVIEW]A. R. - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (2):362-362.
    A well illustrated study of Byzantine art, which analyses the elements of architecture and painting in terms of the aesthetic categories, "sublime" and "beautiful." The final section of the book argues that though these two categories are distinct, they are also interdependent because their source is the same, viz., "the aesthetic joy which includes every potential aesthetic emotion".--A. R.
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  18.  31
    Neo-platonic philosophy and byzantine art.P. A. Michelis - 1952 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 11 (1):21-45.
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    Aisthetike Theorese tes Byzantines Technes (Aesthetic Examination of Byzantine Art)Aisthetike.Constantine Cavarnos, P. A. Micheles & E. P. Papanoutsos - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (4):274.
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  20.  21
    Icon as index: Middle Byzantine art and architecture.Deborah Bershad - 1983 - Semiotica 43 (3-4).
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    (1 other version)Early Christian and byzantine art in America.William M. Milliken - 1947 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 5 (4):267-268.
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    Cormack Byzantine Art. Second edition. Pp. x + 253, b/w & colour ills. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018 . Paper, £19.99, US$29.95. ISBN: 978-0-19-877879-0. [REVIEW]Cecily Hennessy - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (1):336-336.
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  23.  31
    An Aesthetic Approach to Byzantine Art.P. A. MICHELIS - 1955 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 14 (4):506-507.
  24. A slavish art? Language and grammar in late Byzantine education and society.R. Webb - unknown
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  25. Chronique archéologique.Kunst aus Byzanz & Arte di Bisanzio - 1959 - Byzantion: Revue Internationale des Etudes Byzantines 29:303.
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  26. On Byzantine Painting.Wladimir Weidlé & Elaine P. Halperin - 1958 - Diogenes 6 (24):82-93.
    Except for scholarly works dealing with well-defined problems, writings on Byzantine art rarely fail to arouse in the reader some disquiet, some perplexity, regarding the aggregate of this art—its distinctive characteristics and essential values. The following remarks, confined to painting, are designed solely to clarify the foregoing statement, to indicate why it is justifiable, and to retrace, if possible, the genesis of such a state of affairs.
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    Chr. Walter, Art and Ritual of the Byzantine Church.G. Galavaris - 1984 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 77 (2).
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    The Patron's “I”: Art, Selfhood, and the Later Byzantine Dedicatory Epigram.Ivan Drpić - 2014 - Speculum 89 (4):895-935.
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    Elephant bone or elephant tusk? A simple method of distinguishing between the two in Byzantine art.Marina G. Papademetriou - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (1):139-142.
    ABSTRACT Modern elephant tusk is compared with Byzantine plaques as regards the surface microstructure by means of macrophotography. We are thus able to illustrate the differences between elephant bone and elephant tusk, whereas many exhibitions and publications wrongly refer to ivory as elephant bone. It is not uncommon in Greek and German literature to confuse elephant bone with elephant tusk. Bone is porous and white, whereas ivory is yellowish and compact with characteristic dentine structural lines. The structural lines of dentine (...)
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    On earth as it is in heaven? Reinterpreting the Heavenly Liturgy in Byzantine art.Vasileios Marinis - 2021 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 114 (1):255-268.
    Compositions representing the Heavenly Liturgy - the liturgy that is presided over by Christ in heaven, of which the earthly liturgy is a reflection - first appear around the beginning of the fourteenth century in the decoration of Byzantine domes. Most scholars argue that such scenes depict an ancient concept, almost as old as liturgical exegesis itself. I contend that this view is based on a flawed reading of liturgical commentaries, of the biblical texts from which the commentaries draw inspiration, (...)
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  31.  18
    Glimpses into Byzantium: Its Philosophy and Arts.Elena Ene Drăghici-Vasilescu - 2021 - Oxford: Independent Publishing Network for Vasilescu, Oxford.
    Glimpses into Byzantium. Its Philosophy and Arts -/- This volume contains peer-reviewed articles published by the author either in hard-copy or in electronic format between 2019 and 2021. These focus on various aspects of Byzantine and Medieval culture. -/- It is not possible to upload an entire book here, but there are copies of it in libraries and it can also be bought from Amazon.
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    Greek Mythology in Byzantine Art. [REVIEW]D. Talbot Rice - 1953 - The Classical Review 3 (1):63-63.
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    Un art apophatique.Maria Zoubouli - 2017 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 18 (2):183-197.
    L’oxymore d’« art apophatique » nous sert ici pour envisager la spécificité de l’icône au-delà des mystifications dont elle fait souvent l’objet. L’art byzantin pourrait être entendu « en négations » par rapport à ce qui fut instauré comme principe esthétique à l’Occident depuis le temps de la Renaissance. En essayant de l’illustrer à travers cette juxtaposition, on constate toutefois que l’attitude « apophatique » loge au cœur de l’esthétique byzantine, conditionnant la vie des formes, ainsi que son socle (...)
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    Byzantine influence on Nubian painting: the loroi and the gender of the Archangels.Magdalena Łaptaś - 2021 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 114 (1):239-254.
    The conversion of the Nubian Kingdoms, by the missions sent from Constantinople in the sixth century, was followed by Byzantine influence on Nubian art. One of the most obvious examples of this process was representing archangels dressed in loroi. This paper aims to present the evolution of loroi in Nubian art. In Byzantium, they were ceremonial stoles worn on special occasions by the emperors or the highest dignitaries. The archangels were also clad in loroi, acting as high officials at the (...)
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    Christopher Walter, The warrior saints in Byzantine art and tradition.Elisabeth Piltz - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (2):638-640.
    Der Pilot und Priester, Assumptionist und Byzantinist Christopher Walter hat einen neuen unschätzbaren Beitrag zur byzantinischen Geschichte geliefert. Als Schüler von André Grabar und Kollege von Vitalien Laurent verwaltet er die reiche Wissenschaftstradition der Assumptionisten und Bollandisten. Sein grosses Wissen über Theologie, Kirchengeschichte, Patristik und Kunstwissenschaft vermittelt er in einer angenehmen fliessenden Sprache. In dieser Arbeit webt er einen kunstfertigen Gobelin und verbindet die christliche Frühgeschichte mit dem vom antiken Heroenkult übertragenen Märtyrerkult in einem tiefgreifenden Versuch, die Historizität der Kriegerheiligen (...)
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    P. HETHERINGTON, The Greek Islands. Guide to the Byzantine and Medieval Buildings and their Art.Michael Altripp - 2003 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (1):141-142.
    Dem umfassenden Führer zu den mittelalterlichen Denkmälern der griechischen Inseln wird zunächst eine Karte sowie eine kurze historische Einführung vorangestellt. Es schließt sich der Hauptteil an, der die einzelnen Inseln in alphabetischer Reihenfolge abhandelt. Dabei wird für jede Insel eine kleine schematische Karte beigefügt. Ein Glossar, eine Liste der byzantinischen Dynastien, der lateinischen und byzantinischen Kaiser in Konstantinopel, der Dogen und Grafen sowie Herren der veschiedenen Inseln runden zusammen mit einigen ausgewählten Literaturhinweisen den Führer ab. Dieser läßt sich über einen (...)
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    Byzantine Matters by Averil Cameron (review).Panagiotis Roilos - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (4):719-722.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Byzantine Matters by Averil CameronPanagiotis RoilosAveril Cameron. Byzantine Matters. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2014. xviii + 164 pp. 3 black-and-white maps. Cloth, $22.95.From C. P. Cavafy to W. B. Yeats, Ezra Pound, and more recently, Julia Kristeva, literary authors and intellectuals have eloquently (and as a rule more effectually than academics) shown that Byzantine matters are of noteworthy relevance to broader, i.e., not only scholarly, domains of (...)
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    Eric McGeer/John Nesbitt/Nicolas Oikonomide, Catalogue of Byzantine Seals at Dumbarton Oaks and in the Fogg Museum of Art, IV: The East.Werner Seibt - 2003 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (2):748-752.
    Die alphabetische Reihung der Autorennamen erweckt ein irreführendes Bild der einzelnen Kontributionen, zumal da ja auch kein Vorwort erscheint. Die wissenschaftliche Leitung und Letztverantwortung für den Band lag weiterhin bei N. Oikonomides, der nicht nur das Manuskript abschloss, sondern auch noch die Stellungnahmen der Begutachter auswerten konnte, Fahnen aber leider nicht mehr erleben durfte. Den größten Zeitaufwand investierte sicherlich J. Nesbitt, der ja für dieses Projekt in Dumbarton Oaks angestellt ist. E. McGeer dagegen ist zwar ein sigillographischer Hoffnungsträger in Amerika, (...)
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    Eric McGeer/John Nesbitt/Nicolas Oikonomides (†), Catalogue of Byzantine seals at Dumbarton Oaks and in the Fogg Museum of Art, V.Werner Seibt - 2008 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100 (1):231-236.
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    J. Nesbitt/N. Oikonomides, Catalogue of Byzantine Seals at Dumbarton Oaks And in the Fogg Museum of Art. I.W. Seibt - 1992 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 84-85 (1-2):548-550.
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    Aspects of Iconography in Byzantine Cappadocia.E. Ene D.-Vasilescu - 2021 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 1 (4):34-39.
    The main novelty my article brings concerns a particular iconographic motif: that known as the ‘trial by the water of reproach’. In the few cases where this is rendered, usually only Mary is presented as undergoing this test, but in Cappadocian art Joseph is also subjected to it. Additionally, to this visual topic, another one that is rarely depicted will be introduced and commented upon: that known as ‘Christ’s first bath’. I will provide a particular example: the fresco which constitutes (...)
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  42.  14
    Angeliki Katsioti, Life scenes and the iconographical cycle of St John the Baptist in Byzantine art.Kalliopi-Phaidra Kalafatis - 2000 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 93 (2).
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    Fine arts and tradition: four essays by the renowned Greek icon painter, writer, and philosopher Photios Kontoglou (1895-1965).Phōtēs Kontoglou - 2004 - Belmont, Mass.: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies. Edited by Constantine Cavarnos.
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    The earlier wall paintings of the south apse in the church of Hagios Panteleemon at Lakkomersina, Naxos. A neglected example of Early Byzantine art from the Aegean.Theodora Konstantellou - 2023 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 116 (1):105-126.
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    The Master of Mary of BurgundyThe Study of Architectural HistoryAvalanche, No. 1 (Fall, 1970)Rome: The Center of PowerSculpture, Drawings and PrintsEarly Christian and Byzantine ArtTradition and Creativity in Tribal Art.Louise Leahy, J. J. G. Alexander, Bruce Allsopp, Ranuccio B. Bandinelli, Leonard Baskin, John Beckwith & Daniel P. Biebuyck - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (4):564.
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    Studies in Byzantine Sigillography 10.Jean-Claude Cheynet & Claudia Sode (eds.) - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    For several years now, sigillography as an independent subarea in the field of Byzantine studies has received increasing attention from both Byzantine studies and related disciplines, as it is the only area still able to provide academia with large amounts of material not previously analysed. The articles of Studies in Byzantine Sigillography deal with all aspects of Byzantine sigillography: presentation of new finds, discussion of new methods, questions of the political and ecclesiastical administration of Byzantium, prosopography, historical geography, and art-historical (...)
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    La catégorie de l’éthicoesthétique dans l’étude de la philosophie byzantine.George Arabatzis - 2020 - Peitho 11 (1):171-184.
    The category of the Ethico-Aesthetics, introduced by Søren Kierkegaard, was applied to the study of Byzantine Philosophy by the Greek philoso­pher and theologian Nikolaos Matsoukas. Matsoukas vehe­mently rejected the identification of Byzantine philosophy with a strict Christian moralism. Rather, he viewed it as an ethos which did not lead the ascetics to display Manichean contempt for the body. It was thus a kind of ‘mild asceticism’. This ethical acceptance of the body turns against Neoplatonic speculation and cultivates the habitus that (...)
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  48.  10
    Marco Aimone, The Wyvern Collection. Byzantine and Sasanian Silver, Enamels and Works of Art. With contributions by Erica Cruickshank Dodd, Rika Gyselen, Peter Northoven, and Jack Ogden. London / New York: Thames & Hudson, 2020. [REVIEW]Adrien Palladino - 2021 - Convivium 8 (2):186-188.
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    H. MAGUIRE, Nectar and Illusion. Nature in Byzantine Art and Literature. Oxford–New York, Oxford University Press, 2012. [REVIEW]Kristoffel Demoen - 2013 - Byzantion 83:440-443.
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    Rico Franses, Donor Portraits in Byzantine Art: The Vicissitudes of Contact between Human and Divine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. Pp. xiii, 243; many black-and-white figures. $105. ISBN: 978-1-1084-1859-1. [REVIEW]Rossitza Schroeder - 2021 - Speculum 96 (2):502-504.
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