Results for ' appropriation'

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  1.  10
    Kierkegaard and German idealism.I. Productive Appropriation - 2013 - In John Lippitt & George Pattison, The Oxford Handbook of Kierkegaard. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 62.
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  2. Chris Butler.Spatial Abstraction, Legal Violence & the Promise Of Appropriation - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Kant and the Fate of Autonomy: Problems in the Appropriation of the Critical Philosophy.Karl Ameriks - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    It has been argued that Kant's all-consuming efforts to place autonomy at the center of philosophy have had, in the long-run, the unintended effect of leading to the widespread discrediting of philosophy and of undermining the notion of autonomy itself. The result of this 'Copernican revolution' has seemed to many commentators the de-centring, if not the self-destruction, of the autonomous self. In this major reinterpretation of Kant and the post-Kantian response to his critical philosophy, Karl Ameriks argues that such a (...)
  4. Are Clusters Races? A Discussion of the Rhetorical Appropriation of Rosenberg et al.’s “Genetic Structure of Human Populations”.Melissa Wills - 2017 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 9 (12).
    Noah Rosenberg et al.'s 2002 article “Genetic Structure of Human Populations” reported that multivariate genomic analysis of a large cell line panel yielded reproducible groupings (clusters) suggestive of individuals' geographical origins. The paper has been repeatedly cited as evidence that traditional notions of race have a biological basis, a claim its authors do not make. Critics of this misinterpretation have often suggested that it follows from interpreters' personal biases skewing the reception of an objective piece of scientific writing. I contend, (...)
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  5. Rock art aesthetics and cultural appropriation.Thomas Heyd - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 61 (1):37–46.
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    Liberty and Property: Reflections on the Right of Appropriation in the State of Nature.Anthony Fressola - 1981 - American Philosophical Quarterly 18 (4):315 - 322.
  7. Overcoming Hermeneutical Injustice: Cultural Self-Appropriation and the Epistemic Practices of the Oppressed.Justo Serrano Zamora - 2017 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 31 (2):299.
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    The Hidden Art of Understanding: Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty's Appropriation of Kant's Theory of Imagination.Samantha Matherne - 2019 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 17:225-245.
    In this paper I explore the influence of Kant's theory of imagination on a specific aspect of Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty's thought, viz., their theories of understanding. 1 argue that the theories of Verstehen that Heidegger presents in Being and Time and of comprendre that Merleau-Ponty presents in Phenomenology of Perception can be helpfully read as elaborations of Kant's account of imagination.
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  9. On African ethics and the appropriation of Western capitalism : cultural and moral constraints to the evolution of capitalism in post-colonial Africa.Munyaradzi Felix Murove - 2008 - In Ronald Nicolson, Persons in community: African ethics in a global culture. Scottsville, South Africa: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.
  10. Kant and the Fate of Autonomy: Problems in the Appropriation of the Critical Philosophy.Paul Guyer - 2003 - Mind 112 (445):87-94.
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    (1 other version)Hegel, IdealIsm and god: PHIlosoPHy as tHe self-CorreCtIng aPProPrIatIon of tHe norms of lIfe and tHougHt.Paul Redding - 2007 - Cosmos and History 3 (2-3):16-31.
    Can Hegel, a philosopher who claims that philosophy lsquo;has no other object but God and so is essentially rational theologyrsquo;, ever be taken as anything emother than/em a religious philosopher with little to say to any philosophical project that identifies itself as emsecular/em?nbsp; If the valuable substantive insights found in the detail of Hegelrsquo;s philosophy are to be rescued for a secular philosophy, then, it is commonly presupposed, some type of global reinterpretation of the enframing idealistic framework is required. In (...)
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    Chora and Identity: Whitehead's Re-Appropriation of Plato's Receptacle.Eleonora Mingarelli - 2015 - Process Studies 44 (1):83-101.
    The chora is one of the most perplexing as well as neglected concepts in Whitehead's metaphysics. Explicitly drawing on Plato's Receptacle, Whitehead reinterprets the chora as the place, in between physics and metaphysics, where connections among actual entities happen. However, the relation between Whitehead's and Plato's choral remains widely unexplored. This article aims to correct this oversight By comparing the two philosophers, I intend to argue that, differences aside, the two philosophers adopted the chora to answer the common question as (...)
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    The Gospel in a New Tune! The Appropriation of Ada María Isasi-Díaz’s ‘historical project’ by Latina Pentecostals in the Formulation of a Theology of Evangelism.Angel Santiago-Vendrell - 2010 - Feminist Theology 19 (1):73-85.
    The article looks at the way in which Latinas in the United States conceived evangelism. It explores the writings of mujerista theologian Ada María Isasi-Díaz in her construction of a praxis oriented model for evangelism based on a strategy of daily-life survival. The concept of interpersonal relationships based on divine transcendence guides the discussion to embrace the arts, especially salsa music as offered to the Afro-Caribbean deities, as a source of sharing good news in a new tune. Thus the article (...)
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    Phenomenology as possibility: The "phenomenological" appropriation of the history of philosophy in the young Heidegger.Franco Volpi - 2000 - Research in Phenomenology 30 (1):120-145.
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    The provocation to look and see: appropriation, recollection and formal indication.Denis McManus - 2013 - In David Egan, Stephen Reynolds & Aaron Wendland, Wittgenstein and Heidegger. New York: Routledge.
    While all of the great philosophers are difficult to read, Heidegger and Wittgenstein seem to be so in striking ways. Their writings are oddly reluctant to yield up to us what we might think of as ‘their philosophical claims’; and both seem to manifest an attitude towards argument unlike that of most contemporary philosophers. This paper will re-consider these features of Heidegger’s and Wittgenstein’s work in the light of some common themes in their understanding of philosophical confusion. Given that understanding, (...)
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    The stricture of structure, or, The appropriation of anthropological theory.Anjan Ghosh - 1988 - Calcutta: Centre for Studies in Social Sciences.
  17. Gundissalinus on the Angelic Creation of the Human Soul: A Peculiar Example of Philosophical Appropriation.Nicola Polloni - 2019 - Oriens 47 (3-4):313–347.
    With his original reflection—deeply influenced by many important Arabic thinkers—Gundissalinus wanted to renovate the Latin debate concerning crucial aspects of the philosophical tradition. Among the innovative doctrines he elaborated, one appears to be particularly problematic, for it touches a very delicate point of Christian theology: the divine creation of the human soul, and thus, the most intimate bond connecting the human being and his Creator. Notwithstanding the relevance of this point, Gundissalinus ascribed the creation of the human soul to the (...)
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  18.  52
    Toward a New World Order: Introduction to Carl Schmitt's "The Land Appropriation of a New World".G. Ulmen - 1996 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1996 (109):3-27.
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    The Concept of Nomos: Introduction to Schmitt's "Appropriation/Distribution/Production".G. L. Ulmen - 1993 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1993 (95):39-51.
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  20. The Quest for a Global Age of Reason. Part II: Cultural Appropriation and Racism in the Name of Enlightenment.Dag Herbjørnsrud - 2021 - Dialogue and Universalism 31 (3):133-155.
    The Age of Enlightenment is more global and complex than the standard Eurocentric Colonial Canon narrative presents. For example, before the advent of unscientific racism and the systematic negligence of the contributions of Others outside of “White Europe,” Raphael centered Ibn Rushd (Averroes) in his Vatican fresco “Causarum Cognitio” (1511); the astronomer Edmund Halley taught himself Arabic to be more enlightened; The Royal Society of London acknowledged the scientific method developed by Ibn Al-Haytham (Alhazen). In addition, if we study the (...)
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    Ontology and the Challenge of Literary Appropriation.Darren Hudson Hick - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 71 (2):155-165.
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    Language Brain Representation in Bilinguals With Different Age of Appropriation and Proficiency of the Second Language: A Meta-Analysis of Functional Imaging Studies.Elisa Cargnelutti, Barbara Tomasino & Franco Fabbro - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Husserl’s Doctrine of “Categorial Intuition” and Heidegger’s Seinsfrage [Husserl's "categorial intuition" and Heidegger's appropriation of it].Panos Theodorou - 2015 - In Husserl and Heidegger on Reduction, Primordiality, and the Categorial. Cham: Springer.
    Even in the relatively recent literature on the issue of the philosophical relation between Husserl and Heidegger, some scholars recognize that despite a large number of very good accounts, the darkness surrounding the matter has not yet been totally lifted. In particular, we still lack a complete account of the exact influence that Husserl’s Phenomenology exerted on Heidegger’s project of a Fundamental Ontology. To use, e.g., Dahlstrom’s wording, until now, the available works on this subject “merely provide points of departure (...)
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  24.  85
    Enslaving the Image: The Origins of the Tort of Appropriation of Identity Reconsidered.Jonathan Kahn - 1996 - Legal Theory 2 (4):301-324.
    There is no escaping the fact that law shapes identity. Laws tells us who we are and where we stand in society. While sometimes benign, such classification can also be a devastatingly powerful instrument of ostracism and subjugation. Legally enforced racial segregation sent a cold and harsh message about what the dominant society thought it meant to be black. The recent backlash against affirmative action resurrects degrading stereotypes and sends old messages wrapped in new code words about racial identity. “English-only” (...)
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    Philosophiae portus and arx philosophiae: The Augustinian appropriation and overcoming of the Greco-Roman philosophical tradition in relation to happiness.Mario Longo - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (3):143-158.
    L'immagine del "grembo materno della natura" da cui la ragione umana si deve emancipare per guadagnare la libertà è usata da Kant in uno scritto polemico contro Herder, Mutmasslicher Anfang der Menschengeschichte , che può essere considerato una risposta al libro decimo delle Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit, uscito nel 1785. Seguendo il racconto biblico, anche Kant pone la prima coppia umana in un "giardino", un luogo sicuro e ben fornito di alimenti; ma il vero inizio della storia (...)
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    « Niketas Siniossoglou, Plato And Theodoret: The Christian Appropriation Of Platonic Philosophy And The Hellenic Intellectual Resistance . ».Joshua Lollar - 2009 - Plato Journal 9.
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    (1 other version)Démarches et corrections pour une appropriation des textes littéraires dans leur matérialité phonique et écrite par les apprenants de FLE dès le niveau A1 du CECRL.Julie Abry Veldeman-Abry - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Depuis l’Approche Communicative et aujourd’hui avec la méthode actionnelle, la littérature a été réhabilitée. Elle fait partie des supports de cours mais reste néanmoins réservée aux niveaux plus avancés du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues. Nous montrerons à travers plusieurs exemples qu’au contraire l’apprenant de FLE doit être sensibilisé dès le niveau débutant à la musicalité de la langue française par des textes où les auteurs se sont attachés à en travailler tout particulièrement le rythme, l’intonation, la (...)
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    Activism via Inaction (Wu Wei): Oscar Wilde's Interpretation and Appropriation of Chuang Tzu.Qi Chen - 2021 - Philosophy and Literature 45 (1):103-120.
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    Humility and humanity: Machiavelli's rejection and appropriation of a Christian Ideal.Ashleen Menchaca-Bagnulo - 2018 - European Journal of Political Theory 17 (2):131-151.
    Though Machiavelli is famous for advising the mere ‘appearance’ of certain Christian and classical virtues (P XVIII), Machiavellian virtù inherits the legacy (though neither the content nor the telos) of the Christian virtue of humility, a virtue that is not present in pagan Roman accounts of heroism. I am not contending that Machiavelli is a Christian nor that he is continuing a Christian principle. Rather, I am asserting in this article that Machiavelli secularises the distinctly Christian virtue of humility, particularly (...)
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  30. Women's sexuality and men's appropriation of desire.Caroline Ramazanoglu & Janet Holland - 1993 - In Up against Foucault: explorations of some tensions between Foucault and feminism. New York: Routledge. pp. 238--64.
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  31. From Altruistic Donation to Conditional Societal Organ Appropriation After Death.Caroline Guibet Lafaye & Henri Kreis - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (2):355-368.
    Since we have learned that human organs can be used to treat severe health problems, only donation has been considered for organ procurement. Among the other possibilities that can be used after a person’s death, purchase or systematic removal have been a priori rejected. However, we will show that the appeal to individual altruism have resulted in some of the aporias of the present situation. Subsequently, we will consider how systematic organ removal from deceased persons can be made acceptable in (...)
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  32. The woman of reason: On the re-appropriation of rationality and the enjoyment of philosophy.P. Garavaso - 2016 - In Maria Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo, Meta-Philosophical Reflection on Feminist Philosophies of Science. Cham: Imprint: Springer. pp. 185–202.
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  33.  14
    La philosophie cannibale: la théorie du mensonge, de la mutilation, ou l'appropriation totalitaire chez Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault, Lyotard.Lucien-Samir Oulahbib - 2006 - Paris: Table ronde.
    Cet essai dénonce comme fascisantes certaines tendances de la pensée des philosophes déconstructivistes. Selon l'auteur, ils ont fait l'apologie d'un nouveau nihilisme qui a eu pour résultat des phénomènes paradoxaux tels que la sympathie envers l'islamisme radical, le détournement des arts ou la naturalisation de la crise des institutions.
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  34. (1 other version)Kierkegaard descends to the Underworld: some remarks on the Kierkegaardian appropriation of an argument by F. A. Trendelenburg.Gabriel Ferreira - 2014 - Cognitio 14 (2):235-246.
    Em 1845, ainda durante o período de redação da obra que seria o Pós-Escrito Conclusivo Não-Científico às Migalhas Filosóficas – trabalhado sob o título provisório de Problemas Lógicos –, Kierkegaard esboça em seus Papirer (IV A 145) um curioso esquete que se passaria nos Infernos – ou Submundo – envolvendo um diálogo entre Sócrates e Hegel. Neste diálogo acerca do famigerado problema do início da filosofia hegeliana, Kierkegaard descreve Hegel fazendo a leitura da página 198 do segundo volume das Logische (...)
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    F. Nietzsche in the Alt-Right: A distorted appropriation.Antonio Gómez Villar - 2024 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 29 (1).
    In this article we examine the way in which the American Alt-Right movement has made Friedrich Nietzsche its most influential philosopher. The authors ascribed to the Alt-Right evidence a strong liking for the German philosopher's ideas, which resonate forcefully in many their principal policies: specifically, the characterisation of our contemporaneity as “decadent”, the comparison between “superior men” and the project to construct a “white ethnostate”, and the advocacy of Christianity, as opposed to Christianism, as an identity structure for defining white (...)
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  36. The Quest for the Self: Feminism's Appropriation of Romanticism.Pauline Johnson - 1995 - Thesis Eleven 41 (1):76-93.
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    Appropriation as a perspective and topic in the study of religion and spirituality.Linda Annunen & Terhi Utriainen - 2023 - Approaching Religion 13 (3):1-6.
    Cultural appropriation is a timely topic that has been taking up a lot of space in public discussions. The concept is often applied in heated debates aimed at calling out’ different actors and actions as appropriation, or on the other hand to defend against such accusations. This thematic issue seeks to look at the topic from a broader and more nuanced perspective, asking what different expressions of appropriation appear in the field of and in relation to religion (...)
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    Du sophiste au plaideur: l’appropriation platonicienne de la rhétorique dans le Gorgias.Nicolas Le Merrer - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 64 (1):5-37.
    Centré sur le Gorgias de Platon, cet article vise à montrer que la critique platonicienne de la rhétorique ne s’élabore pas sur la base d’une hostilité de principe à l’égard du rhéteur, mais se développe au contraire à partir du discours rhétorique lui-même. Nous analysons d’abord les difficultés de l’analogie posant la rhétorique comme un simulacre de la justice : cette analogie révèle en fait la façon dont Gorgias cherche à manifester la singularité et la valeur de son enseignement. Nous (...)
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    “In that Time …” in a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Epic Myth‐Understandings and Myth‐Appropriation in Star Wars.John Thompson - 2015 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker, The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 261–273.
    The enduring popularity of Star Wars has much to do with its mythic dimensions. However, there are problems with Joseph Campbell's work on myth and George Lucas's use of Campbell's ideas in Star Wars. Both Campbell and Lucas promote a simplistic view that encourages fans to avoid some darker, more unsettling ideas in Star Wars, which may obscure myth's true power. Campbell remains one of the most famous mythologists, but he was by no means the first. Campbell's influence on Star (...)
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    ‘Smallholding for Whom?’: The effect of human capital appropriation on smallholder palm farmers.Gabriel B. Snashall & Helen M. Poulos - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (4):1599-1619.
    Wage inequality and land and labor insecurity are critical barriers to sustainable palm oil production among those employed in Indonesia’s small-farm sector. Palm oil contract farming, a pre-harvest agreement between palm oil farmers and transnational processors and traders, facilitates smallholder participation in global agro-commodities markets, improves smallholder livelihoods, and promotes local economic development in rural communities. But negative externalities in contract farming can emerge depending on whether corporate guarantors of contract-farm assets manage farmer assets equitably. This study explores how contract (...)
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  41. The essay as self-knowledge: Montaigne's philosophical appropriation of history and poetry.Ann Hartle - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture: Essays in Honor of Donald Phillip Verene.
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    " A Balance of Authority": Ponca Women's Cultural Autonomy through the Appropriation of the Ethnographic Interview.Brian Joseph Gilley - 2010 - Intertexts 14 (2):113-122.
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  43. Roberto Polito, The Sceptical Road: Aenesidemus' Appropriation of Heraclitus, Brill, Leiden, 2004.Anna Tigani - 2005 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:293-300.
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  44. Locke's Theory of Original Appropriation and the Right of Settlement in Iroquois Territory.John Douglas Bishop - 1997 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):311-337.
    James Tully and others have argued recently that the theory of property Locke defends in the Second Treatise was designed to justify European settlement on the lands of North American Natives. If this view becomes generally accepted, and Tuck suggests it will be, doubts may arise about the impartiality of Lockean property theories. Locke, as is well established and documented again by Tully, had huge vested interests in the European settlement of North America and possibly in the enslavement of Native (...)
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    Is it the Disappearance of Philosophical Reason? - Materialist Appropriation of Hegel’s Encyclopedia from Marx’s German Ideology -. 김경수 - 2022 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 109:51-75.
    마르크스에게서 철학의 위치는 애매모호해 많은 논쟁을 낳아 왔다. 마르크스는 청년 시절부터 헤겔을 적극 수용하면서도 강력히 비판해 왔다. 그는 포이어바하의 헤겔비판을 수용하여 헤겔의 절대적 반성개념을 비판하고, 이로부터 헤겔의 철학체계가 지닌 현실에 대한 사변적 기술의 난점을 지적한다. 그는 헤겔에 대립해 현실에 대한 비사변적 기술을 시도한다. 이 현실을 포착하는 과학은 비판적으로 수용된 포이어바흐의 철학과 프랑스 유물론, 사회주의, 그리고 영국 공산주의, 그리고 정치경제학 등의 당대의 진보적 학문들의 결합이었다. 이것이 인간과학과 자연과학의 통합으로서의 역사과학이었다. 이런 그의 학문적 기획은 현대적 관점에서 보면 인문사회과학과 자연과학/공학의 융복합연구 프로그램이었다. 그의 (...)
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  46. ch. 3. Structure and method in Aquinas's appropriation of aristotelian ethical theory.Michael Pakaluk - 2013 - In Tobias Hoffmann, Jörn Müller & Matthias Perkams, Aquinas and the Nicomachean Ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Knowledge-Production, Digitalization and the Appropriation of Surplus-Knowledge.Siyaves Azeri - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
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    Global Spencerism: The Communication and Appropriation of a British Evolutionist.Piers J. Hale - 2018 - Annals of Science 75 (2):156-159.
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    Comprehending Sociality: Hegel Beyond his Appropriation in Contemporary Philosophy of Recognition.Christian Krijnen - 2017 - Hegel Bulletin 38 (2):266-292.
    Contemporary philosophy of recognition represents probably the most prominent direction that presently claims to introduce an updated version of classical German idealism into ongoing debates, including the debate on the nature of sociality. In particular, studies of Axel Honneth offer triggering contributions in Frankfurt School fashion while at the same time rejuvenating Hegel’s philosophy in terms of a philosophy of recognition. According to Honneth, this attempt at a rejuvenation also involves substantial modification of Hegelian doctrines. It is shown that Honneth (...)
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    The role of Nikolai Berdyaev in the early writings of Hans Urs von Balthasar: A contribution to the question of Balthasar’s appropriation of sources.C. Michael Shea & Jonathan S. King - 2013 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 20 (2):226-257.
    This contribution examines the relatively unresearched doctoral thesis of Hans Urs von Balthasar as a Germanist, particularly in relation to the role that the reading of the Russian religious philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev played in the development of Balthasar's earliest theological thought. The authors argue that Berdyaev provided the young Germanist with a markedly eschatological point of departure for his nascent theological reflections. Although Balthasar had to renounce certain aspects of Berdyaev's thought, this eschatological orientation received from Berdyaev nevertheless remained recognizable (...)
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