Results for ' amount of work'

981 found
  1.  21
    Learning as a function of the absolute and relative amounts of work.M. E. Thompson - 1944 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 34 (6):506.
  2.  27
    Probabilities of success and amounts of work in a multichoice situation.Marvin H. Detambel - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 51 (1):41.
  3.  27
    "Spontaneous alternation" as a function of time between trials and amount of work.Kay C. Montgomery - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 42 (2):82.
  4.  13
    Vico: a bibliography of works in English from 1884 to 1994.Molly Black Verene - 1994 - Bowling Green, Ohio: Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University.
    The enormous amount of work on Vico published in English during the past 25 years speaks of the contemporary importance of Vico's ideas. This edition updates the first edition, A Bibliography of Vico in English 1884-1984, by extending coverage to 1994. More than 2,300 citations are included. Part I lists books, articles, dissertations and theses, reviews in English of works on Vico in other languages, and entries in reference works. It also documents Vico's appearance in late 20th-century popular (...)
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    The Return of Work in Critical Theory: Self, Society, Politics.Christophe Dejours, Jean-Philippe Deranty, Emmanuel Renault & Nicholas H. Smith - 2018 - New York, USA: Columbia University Press.
    From John Maynard Keynes’s prediction of a fifteen-hour workweek to present-day speculation about automation, we have not stopped forecasting the end of work. Critical theory and political philosophy have turned their attention away from the workplace to focus on other realms of domination and emancipation. But far from coming to an end, work continues to occupy a central place in our lives. This is not only because of the amount of time people spend on the job. Many (...)
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  6.  21
    Spinoza’s Doctrine of the Imitation of Affects and Teaching as the Art of Offering the Right Amount of Resistance.Johan Dahlbeck - unknown
    Proposal Information: In this paper it is argued that although Spinoza, unlike other great philosophers of the Enlightenment era, never actually wrote a philosophy of education as such, he did – in his Ethics – write a philosophy of self-improvement that is deeply educational at heart. When looked at against the background of his overall metaphysical system, the educational account that emerges is one that is highly curious and may even, to some extent at least, come across as counter-intuitive in (...)
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  7. Anyone contemplating to write a narrative history of a national literature, that is, a work which is more than a mere chronicle, catalogue, or collection of articles, loosely connected by their subject, will face several questions. Empirically, such enterprise would seem to presuppose, at least, the existence of a national language and a cultural identity, as well as, almost inevitably, a certain amount of linkage to political and social history. In the case of Russian literature, all of these .. [REVIEW]Victor Terras - 1999 - Sign Systems Studies 27:271-291.
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    A Wittgensteinian approach to discerning the meaning of works of art in the practice of critical and contextual studies in secondary art education.Leslie Cunliffe - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (1):65-78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Wittgensteinian Approach to Discerning the Meaning of Works of Art in the Practice of Critical and Contextual Studies in Secondary Art EducationLeslie Cunliffe (bio)In order to get clear about aesthetic words you have to describe ways of living.Wittgenstein, Lectures and Conversations on Aesthetics, Psychology and Religious Belief1Language is a labyrinth of paths. You approach from one side and know your way about; you approach the same place from (...)
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    Influence of Mentorship and the Working Environment on English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Research Productivity: The Mediation Role of Research Motivation and Self-Efficacy.Yanping Li & Lawrence Jun Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:906932.
    Research productivity is an important criterion for the university to assess teachers. Studies about factors that affect teachers’ research productivity are increasing nowadays. It is generally agreed that academics’ research productivity depends on how much mentorship is provided to them and how the current working environment is mediated by their research motivation and self-efficacy. Despite the increasing amount of the literature along this line, we know little about what kinds of situations that Chinese university English as a foreign language (...)
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  10. Recent Work on the Ethics of Self-Defense.Tyler Doggett - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (4):220-233.
    Over the past 20 years, there has been a huge amount of work on which things you can kill in self‐defense and why. This paper surveys that work.
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    Work, music, and friendship.Patricia White - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (1):30-43.
    Drawing extensively on letters sent to me by him over fifty years, this paper tries to present a vivid picture of Paul Hirst in different aspects of his life. The first section covers the huge amount of work he did at the universities of London and Cambridge—in teaching and writing philosophy of education, high-level administrative university responsibilities, and involvement in national education policy. This is followed by a glimpse into his passion for music, especially opera. Final sections show (...)
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    Layers of seeing and seeing through layers: The work of art in the age of digital imagery.Louisa Wood Ruby - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (2):pp. 51-56.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Layers of Seeing and Seeing through Layers: The Work of Art in the Age of Digital ImageryLouisa Wood Ruby (bio)Even the most perfect reproduction of a work of art is lacking in one element: its presence in time and space, its unique existence at the place where it happens to be. This unique existence of the work of art determined the history to which it was (...)
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  13. ”More of a Cause’: Recent Work on Degrees of Causation and Responsibility.Alex Kaiserman - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (7):e12498.
    It is often natural to compare two events by describing one as ‘more of a cause’ of some effect than the other. But what do such comparisons amount to, exactly? This paper aims to provide a guided tour of the recent literature on ‘degrees of causation’. Section 2 looks at what I call ‘dependence measures’, which arise from thinking of causes as difference‐makers. Section 3 looks at what I call ‘production measures’, which arise from thinking of causes as jointly (...)
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  14.  17
    No Spearman’s Law of Diminishing Returns for the working memory and intelligence relationship.Adam Chuderski, Michał Ociepka & Bartłomiej Kroczek - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (1):73-80.
    Spearman’s Law of Diminishing Returns holds that correlation between general /fluid intelligence factor and other cognitive abilities weakens with increasing ability level. Thus, cognitive processing in low ability people is most strongly saturated by g/gf, whereas processing in high ability people depends less on g/gf. Numerous studies demonstrated that low g is more strongly correlated with crystallized intelligence/creativity/processing speed than is high g, however no study tested an analogous effect in the case of working memory. Our aim was to investigate (...)
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  15.  25
    Guide to the Works of John Dewey. [REVIEW]J. B. R. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (1):141-142.
    This guide is intended to be a comprehensive survey of Dewey's work. It consists of ten essays by Dewey scholars surveying an area of Dewey's work. Each essay is followed by a checklist of articles and books. The topics include divisions such as Dewey's Psychology, Philosophy and Philosophic Method, Logic and Theory of Knowledge, Ethics, etc. Contributors include Schneider, Hahn, Kennedy, Rucker, Leys, among others. Despite the enormous amount of work that must have gone into producing (...)
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  16.  48
    The relevance of Computer Supported Cooperative Work for advanced manufacturing.Thomas Schael - 1998 - AI and Society 12 (1-2):38-47.
    Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is faced with issues which are crucial to Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). However, despite the large amount of work on Enterprise Integration and its obvious links to the CSCW field, this domain is almost totally absent in the work of the CSCW community. Therefore, this paper is intended to contribute to the discussion on the relevance of CSCW in manufacturing and to combine new concepts for cooperative work with requirements for (...)
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  17.  19
    The Temporal Emotion Work of Motherhood: Homeschoolers’ Strategies for Managing Time Shortage.Jennifer Lois - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (4):421-446.
    Drawing on fieldwork and in-depth interviews with homeschooling mothers in the Pacific Northwest, the author reveals several ways the temporal experience of motherhood was emotionally problematic. The intensive demands of homeschooling left them stressed and dissatisfied with the amount of time they had to pursue their own interests. Mothers tried to allocate their time differently to manage these feelings, yet their efforts were unsuccessful, which led them to become frustrated and resentful. To resolve these troublesome feelings, mothers resorted to (...)
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  18.  2
    Nietzsche: an anthology of his works.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1964 - New York,: Washington Square Press. Edited by Otto Manthey-Zorn.
    "Nietzsche versus Wagner", sometimes translated "Nietzsche against Wagner", is a critical examination of the composer Richard Wagner, whom Nietzsche praised in his early years and later declared his enemy. Nietzsche was close to the entire Wagner family, even Wagner's wives, but later had a falling out and spent a significant amount of energy attacking him. In this work, Nietzsche distances himself from Wagner's music and ideology, criticizing the composer's embrace of German nationalism and his turn to Christianity. Nietzsche (...)
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  19.  34
    An Integral Model of Collective Action in Organizations and Beyond.Lu Tang - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):249-261.
    While a large amount of work has been done to understand public good and to construct conceptual models explaining the antecedents of collective action, current literature is flawed in that most of them only examine the lower-level public good and attribute people's participation in collective action to external variables. It pays little to the developmental nature of collective action. Utilizing Ken Wilber's theory of integral psychology, this paper proposes a holistic definition of public good, emphasizing its different levels (...)
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  20. The Method of In-between in the Grotesque and the Works of Leif Lage.Henrik Lübker - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):170-181.
    “Artworks are not being but a process of becoming” —Theodor W. Adorno, Aesthetic Theory In the everyday use of the concept, saying that something is grotesque rarely implies anything other than saying that something is a bit outside of the normal structure of language or meaning – that something is a peculiarity. But in its historical use the concept has often had more far reaching connotations. In different phases of history the grotesque has manifested its forms as a means of (...)
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  21. What determines biological fitness? The problem of the reference environment.Marshall Abrams - 2009 - Synthese 166 (1):21-40.
    Organisms' environments are thought to play a fundamental role in determining their fitness and hence in natural selection. Existing intuitive conceptions of environment are sufficient for biological practice. I argue, however, that attempts to produce a general characterization of fitness and natural selection are incomplete without the help of general conceptions of what conditions are included in the environment. Thus there is a "problem of the reference environment"—more particularly, problems of specifying principles which pick out those environmental conditions which determine (...)
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  22.  11
    The Works of Man.Edward Craig - 1987 - In The Mind of God and the Works of Man. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Chapter 5 aims to understand the contemporary philosophical climate in terms of a dominant philosophy, and argues that it is found in the ‘Agency Theory’, or ‘Practice Ideal’: the thesis that we are the creators of our own environment and values, that the realities which we meet with are the works of man. Craig argues that from about 1780, ‘activity’, ‘practice’ and similar concepts began to come to the fore, and provided new solutions of metaphysical and epistemological problems. The idea (...)
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  23.  24
    The Conception of Man in the Works of John Amos Comenius.Jan Čížek - 2016 - Frankfurt nad Mohanem, Německo: Peter Lang.
    This book maps the entire development of Comenius’s considerations on man, from his earliest writings to his philosophical masterwork. Although this book primarily offers an analysis and description of the conception of man in Comenius’s work, it may also serve the reader as a more general introduction to his philosophical conception. The author shows that, in spite of the fact that Comenius has received no small amount of academic attention, funded studies or monographs in English language remain in (...)
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  24.  37
    Technology and Technique: The Role of Skill in the Practice of Scientific Observation.Mark Thomas Young - 2016 - Perspectives on Science 24 (4):396-415.
    Despite the vast amount of work produced by philosophers, historians and sociologists on the nature of scientific activity, “observation itself is rarely the focus of attention and almost never the subject of historical inquiry in its own right”. This general lack of interest in the nature of scientific observation was perhaps most clearly reflected in the Vienna Circle’s attempt to establish an analysis of science beginning at the level of protocol sentences. To do so, of course, they had (...)
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  25. Verbal working memory and sentence comprehension.David Caplan & Gloria S. Waters - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1):77-94.
    This target article discusses the verbal working memory system used in sentence comprehension. We review the concept of working memory as a short-duration system in which small amounts of information are simultaneously stored and manipulated in the service of accomplishing a task. We summarize the argument that syntactic processing in sentence comprehension requires such a storage and computational system. We then ask whether the working memory system used in syntactic processing is the same as that used in verbally mediated tasks (...)
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  26.  78
    Food assistance through “surplus” food: Insights from an ethnographic study of food bank work.Valerie Tarasuk & Joan M. Eakin - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (2):177-186.
    Abstract.In Canada, food assistance is provided through a widespread network of extra-governmental, community-based, charitable programs, popularly termed “food banks”. Most of the food they distribute has been donated by food producers, processors, and retailers or collected through appeals to the public. Some industry donations are of market quality, but many donations are “surplus” food that cannot be retailed. Drawing on insights from an ethnographic study of food bank work in southern Ontario, we examined how the structure and function of (...)
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  27.  44
    “Other minds than ours”: a controversial discussion on the limits and possibilities of comparative psychology in the light of C. Lloyd Morgan’s work.Martin Böhnert & Christopher Hilbert - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (3):44.
    C. Lloyd Morgan is mostly known for Morgan’s canon, still a popular and frequently quoted principle in comparative psychology and ethology. There has been a fair amount of debate on the canon’s interpretation, function, and value regarding the research on animal minds, usually referring to it as an isolated principle. In this paper we rather shed light on Morgan’s overall scientific program and his vision for comparative psychology. We argue that within his program Morgan identified crucial conceptual, ontological, and (...)
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    Visual Working Memory Resources Are Best Characterized as Dynamic, Quantifiable Mnemonic Traces.Bella Z. Veksler, Rachel Boyd, Christopher W. Myers, Glenn Gunzelmann, Hansjörg Neth & Wayne D. Gray - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (1):83-101.
    Visual working memory is a construct hypothesized to store a small amount of accurate perceptual information that can be brought to bear on a task. Much research concerns the construct's capacity and the precision of the information stored. Two prominent theories of VWM representation have emerged: slot-based and continuous-resource mechanisms. Prior modeling work suggests that a continuous resource that varies over trials with variable capacity and a potential to make localization errors best accounts for the empirical data. Questions (...)
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  29.  12
    Going to Work ‘High’: Negotiating Boundaries while Doing Ethnography of Drugs.Prasenjeet Tribhuvan - 2020 - Social Epistemology 34 (1):55-63.
    This paper is based on my experience of conducting ethnographic fieldwork in the Indian Himalayas to study the illegal hashish trade in the region. The work required me to spend time with cannabis cultivators, dealers, drug tourists and law enforcement officials. My informants would regularly engage in the consumption of narcotic substances. A significant part of building close and durable relationships with informants was getting intoxicated with them. Dealer and cultivator groups were generally tightly knit, and an outsider was (...)
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    Organizational Action Style Focused on the Performance of the Quintana Roo Employee Based on the Work Behavior Clinic.Blanca Verónica Moreno García - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:536-549.
    This work is a report of the research on clinical work performance developed from October 2022 to August 2023, in three Quintana Roo organizations, one of private initiative, another of a parastatal nature and the third was a public institution. It is based on the problem that represents the low level of results, despite the strategies of administrative enrichment implemented, where a good amount of financial resources are invested, and that according to managers it is largely the (...)
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  31.  18
    Is working memory working against suggestion susceptibility? Results from extended version of DRM paradigm.Patrycja Maciaszek - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (1):62-72.
    The paper investigates relationship between working memory efficiency, defined as the result of its’ processing & storage capacity and the tendency to create assosiative memory distortions ; yield under the influence of external, suggesting factors. Both issues were examined using extended version of Deese-Roediger-McDermott procedure, modified in order to meet the study demands. Suggestion was contained in an ostentatious feedback information the participants received during the DRM procedure. Working memory was measured by standardized tasks. Study included 3 conditions, differing in (...)
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  32.  9
    Percentage-based Author Contribution Index: a universal measure of author contribution to scientific articles.Jason M. Schmidt, Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte, Marie-Caroline Lefort, Takayoshi Ikeda & Stéphane Boyer - 2017 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 2 (1).
    BackgroundDeciphering the amount of work provided by different co-authors of a scientific paper has been a recurrent problem in science. Despite the myriad of metrics available, the scientific community still largely relies on the position in the list of authors to evaluate contributions, a metric that attributes subjective and unfounded credit to co-authors. We propose an easy to apply, universally comparable and fair metric to measure and report co-authors contribution in the scientific literature. MethodsThe proposed Author Contribution Index (...)
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  33.  54
    Preface to the Publication of "P. A. Florenskii's Review of His Work".A. I. Abramov - 1989 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 28 (3):31-39.
    In recent years attention to the philosophical and literary production of P. A. Florenskii has become commonplace. The thinker's intellectual legacy is very great. In September 1919, Florenskii wrote a prospectus for a collection of his own writings, which would have amounted to nineteen volumes. The collection was not published, for a number of reasons; nonetheless, many of the philosopher's works did come out during his lifetime. Florenskii's writing, published in small editions and scattered among various journals, are still quite (...)
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  34.  26
    Foundations of Human Sociality - Economic Experiments and Ethnographic: Evidence From Fifteen Small-Scale Societies.Joseph Henrich, Robert Boyd, Samuel Bowles, Colin Camerer, Ernst Fehr & Herbert Gintis (eds.) - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    What motives underlie the ways humans interact socially? Are these the same for all societies? Are these part of our nature, or influenced by our environments?Over the last decade, research in experimental economics has emphatically falsified the textbook representation of Homo economicus. Literally hundreds of experiments suggest that people care not only about their own material payoffs, but also about such things as fairness, equity and reciprocity. However, this research left fundamental questions unanswered: Are such social preferences stable components of (...)
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  35. Sociological interpretations of data on the aggregate capital of regional population (work experience abroad, relation to labour migration, factors of life success).Vladimir Menshikov, Eduards Vanags & Olga Volkova - 2014 - Filosofija. Sociologija 24 (4).
    In the present article, the authors continue their sociological interpretations of theempiric data obtained in the research project “Aggregate Capital, Its Structure andRelation to Labour Migration” (2012). The following hypothesis has been proved: ahigher predisposition for the labour migration is more typical for economically activeregion’s inhabitants with fairly high amounts of some indicators of the aggregatecapital, especially physical capital, but with a comparatively lower amount of culturalcapital, which could transform into human capital and further into economic capital inLatgale or (...)
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    'Well, I've Not Done Any Work Today. I Don't Know Why I Came to School'. Perceptions of Play in the Reception Class.Iris Keating, Hilary Fabian, Pam Jordan, Di Mavers & Joy Roberts - 2000 - Educational Studies 26 (4):437-454.
    The place of play in the education of young children has been the focus of much interest in the past. But the findings from this research project demonstrate that there remains a significant amount of confusion about the role that play has in young children's education. In particular we found that there is a clear distinction between the rhetoric and reality of play in the reception class. Further, there was evidence of real anguish for some early years workers who (...)
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  37. Pattern Cladistics and the ‘Realism–Antirealism Debate’ in the Philosophy of Biology.Francisco Vergara-Silva - 2009 - Acta Biotheoretica 57 (1-2):269-294.
    Despite the amount of work that has been produced on the subject over the years, the ‘transformation of cladistics’ is still a misunderstood episode in the history of comparative biology. Here, I analyze two outstanding, highly contrasting historiographic accounts on the matter, under the perspective of an influential dichotomy in the philosophy of science: the opposition between Scientific Realism and Empiricism. Placing special emphasis on the notion of ‘causal grounding’ of morphological characters in modern developmental biology’s theories, I (...)
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  38. Overview of Contemporary Meta-Ethics and Normative Ethical Theory.Christian Miller - 2011 - In Continuum Companion to Ethics. Continuum.
    The study of morality continues to flourish in contemporary philosophy. As the chapters of this Companion illustrate, new and exciting work is being done on a wide range of topics from the objectivity of morality to the relationship between morality and religious, biological, and feminist concerns. Along with this vast amount of work has come a proliferation of technical terminology and competing positions. The goal of this chapter is to provide an overview of the terrain in contemporary (...)
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  39. On the Subject of Autobiography: Finding a Self in the Works of Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre, and Derrida.John Whitmire - 2005 - Dissertation, Villanova University
    This dissertation interrogates the notions of selfhood, agency, and subjectivity in the autobiographical works of Jean-Paul Sartre, Friedrich Nietzsche, Søren (Soren) Kierkegaard, and Jacques Derrida, all of which are significantly under-researched in the philosophical literature. I show, in each case, that the autobiographical works have a significant philosophical core that deserves drawing out, particularly with relevance to the knot of problems surrounding the quaestio mihi factus sum—the question, enigma, or mystery that I am. I situate each work within the (...)
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    Quality of Life, Health and Happiness.Lennart Nordenfelt - unknown
    The basic work for this book was carried out during the spring of 1989 in Edinburgh, where I had been granted a research position at The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities. I should like to express here my indebtedness to the Institute for the opportunity thus afforded me. I should also like to say how very grateful I am for the stimulating conversations I had there with Professor Timothy Sprigge and Dr. Elizabeth Telfer. Dr. Telfers’s own treatise (...)
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    The logic of imaginary scenarios.Joan Casas-Roma, Antonia Huertas & M. Elena Rodríguez - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (3):363-388.
    Imagining is something we use everyday in our lives and in a wide variety of ways. In spite of the amount of works devoted to its study from both psychology and philosophy, there are only a few formal systems capable of modelling it; besides, almost all of those systems are static, in the sense that their models are initially predefined, and they fail to capture the dynamic process behind the creation of new imaginary scenarios. In this work, we (...)
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  42. Puzzling powers: the problem of fit.Neil Williams - 2010 - In Anna Marmodoro (ed.), The Metaphysics of Powers: Their Grounding and Their Manifestations. New York: Routledge. pp. 84--105.
    – The conjunction of three plausible theses about the nature of causal powers—that they are intrinsic, that their effects are produced mutually, and that the manifestations they are for are essential to them—leads to a problem concerning the ability of causal powers to work together to produce manifestations. I call this problem the problem of fit. Fortunately for proponents of a power-based metaphysic, the problem of fit is not insurmountable. Fit can be engineered if powers are properties whose natures (...)
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    Logical Reasoning, Spatial Processing, and Verbal Working Memory: Longitudinal Predictors of Physics Achievement at Age 12–13 Years. [REVIEW]Ulf Träff, Linda Olsson, Kenny Skagerlund, Mikael Skagenholt & Rickard Östergren - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:458416.
    To date, few studies have focused on mapping the mechanisms underlying children’s skills in science. This study investigated to what extent logical reasoning, spatial processing, and working memory, tapped at age 9-10-years, are predictive of physics skills at age 12-13-years. The study used a sample of 81 children (37 girls). Measures of mathematics and reading were also included in the study. Multiple regression analysis showed that spatial processing, and verbal working memory accounted for a similar amount of unique variance (...)
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    The collected works of Alonzo Church.Alonzo Church - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Edited by Tyler Burge & Herbert B. Enderton.
    Writings, including articles, letters, and unpublished work, by one of the twentieth century's most influential figures in mathematical logic and philosophy. Alonzo Church's long and distinguished career in mathematics and philosophy can be traced through his influential and wide-ranging writings. Church published his first article as an undergraduate at Princeton in 1924 and his last shortly before his death in 1995. This volume collects all of his published articles, many of his reviews, his monograph The Calculi of Lambda-Conversion, the (...)
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  45. Beyond the comparator model: A multi-factorial two-step account of agency.Matthis Synofzik, Gottfried Vosgerau & Albert Newen - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):219-239.
    There is an increasing amount of empirical work investigating the sense of agency, i.e. the registration that we are the initiators of our own actions. Many studies try to relate the sense of agency to an internal feed-forward mechanism, called the ‘‘comparator model’’. In this paper, we draw a sharp distinction between a non-conceptual level of feeling of agency and a conceptual level of judgement of agency. By analyzing recent empirical studies, we show that the comparator model is (...)
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  46. A Bioeconomic Approach to Marriage and the Sexual Division of Labor.Michael Gurven, Jeffrey Winking, Hillard Kaplan, Christopher von Rueden & Lisa McAllister - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (2):151-183.
    Children may be viewed as public goods whereby both parents receive equal genetic benefits yet one parent often invests more heavily than the other. We introduce a microeconomic framework for understanding household investment decisions to address questions concerning conflicts of interest over types and amount of work effort among married men and women. Although gains and costs of marriage may not be spread equally among marriage partners, marriage is still a favorable, efficient outcome under a wide range of (...)
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    The rat race and working time regulation.Malte Jauch - 2020 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (3):293-314.
    To what extent, if at all, should a just society adopt public policies that regulate and limit the amount of time people work? Attempts to answer this question face a dilemma: Either, we can adopt a laissez-faire view, according to which governments must refrain from imposing working time policies on the labour market. But this view generates a situation in which many citizens experience deep regret about the balance between work and leisure in their lives. Or, we (...)
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  48. Reichenbach on the relative a priori and the context of discovery/justification distinction.Samet Bagce - 2011 - Synthese 181 (1):79 - 93.
    Hans Reichenbach introduced two seemingly separate sets of distinctions in his epistemology at different times. One is between the axioms of coordination and the axioms of connections. The other distinction is between the context of discovery and the context of justification. The status and nature of each of these distinctions have been subject-matter of an ongoing debate among philosophers of science. Thus, there is a significant amount of works considering both distinctions separately. However, the relevance of Reichenbach's two distinctions (...)
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    Which Privacy Policy Works, Privacy Assurance or Personalization Declaration? An Investigation of Privacy Policies and Privacy Concerns.Fue Zeng, Qing Ye, Zhilin Yang, Jing Li & Yiping Amy Song - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (4):781-798.
    This study focuses on two specific privacy policies, namely privacy assurance and personalization declaration. Specifically, we investigate how these distinct privacy policies affect customers’ privacy concerns and subsequent purchase responses. We have developed a conceptual model that addresses the independent effects of privacy assurance and personalization declaration, as well as the mechanism of these effects. Our model is grounded in motivation theory and supported by a field experiment and a controlled experiment. Our study demonstrates that privacy assurance that claims security (...)
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    The Design of GDPR-Abiding Drones Through Flight Operation Maps: A Win–Win Approach to Data Protection, Aerospace Engineering, and Risk Management.Eleonora Bassi, Nicoletta Bloise, Jacopo Dirutigliano, Gian Piero Fici, Ugo Pagallo, Stefano Primatesta & Fulvia Quagliotti - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (4):579-601.
    Risk management is a well-known method to face technological challenges through a win–win combination of protective and proactive approaches, fostering the collaboration of operators, researchers, regulators, and industries for the exploitation of new markets. In the field of autonomous and unmanned aerial systems, or UAS, a considerable amount of work has been devoted to risk analysis, the generation of ground risk maps, and ground risk assessment by estimating the fatality rate. The paper aims to expand this approach with (...)
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