Jacques Amar [3]André Amar [2]Patrick Amar [2]Paul Amar [2]
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  1.  91
    (1 other version)“You never fail to surprise me”: the hallmark of the Other: Experimental study and simulations of perceptual crossing.Charles Lenay, John Stewart, Marieke Rohde & Amal Ali Amar - 2011 - Interaction Studiesinteraction Studies Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems 12 (3):373-396.
    Classically, the question of recognizing another subject is posed unilaterally, in terms of the observed behaviour of the other entity. Here, we propose an alternative, based on the emergent patterns of activity resulting from the interaction of both partners. We employ a minimalist device which forces the subjects to externalize their perceptual activity as trajectories which can be observed and recorded; the results show that subjects do identify the situation of perceptual crossing with their partner. The interpretation of the results (...)
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  2.  17
    Poética y política en la filosofía de al-Fārābī.Kamal Cumsille Marzouka & Mauricio Amar - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (3):161-168.
    El presente artículo se centra en explorar una cuestión fundamental del pensamiento de al-Fārābī, específicamente su comprensión de la potencia de la poesía y su papel político y social en el contexto del mundo árabe clásico. La lectura de este filósofo implica una reinterpretación innovadora de la Poética y la Retórica de Aristóteles, destacando el carácter productivo de la imaginación en términos de evocación de imágenes y creación de semejanzas. Se explora, asimismo, la influencia de la filosofía de al-Fārābī en (...)
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  3. Inverting Agamben: Gendered popular sovereignty and the ‘Natasha Wars’ of Cairo.Paul Amar - 2014 - Contemporary Political Theory 13 (3):263-286.
    Giorgio Agamben’s concepts of ‘the sovereign’, ‘state of exception’ and ‘bare life’ have been used by political theorists, particularly since the declaration of the Global War on Terror and during the more recent age of wars of humanitarian intervention, to conceptualize the sovereignty exercised by security states. These state processes have been mirrored by absolutization within some branches of political theory, conflating Foucauldian concepts of biopolitical sovereignty and circulatory governmentality with notions of absolutist rule, and narrowing optics for interpreting popular (...)
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  4. À propos de l'indexation discursive.Autour des Travaux de Muriel Amar & Jean-Pierre Cotten Et Marie-Madeleine Varet Textes RéUnis Et PréSentés Par BenoîT Hufschmitt - 1998 - In Jean Pierre Cotten (ed.), Documentation et philosophie: À propos de l'indexation discursive. Paris: Presses Univ. Franche-Comté.
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  5. Hyperstructures, genome analysis and I-cells.Patrick Amar, Pascal Ballet, Georgia Barlovatz-Meimon, Arndt Benecke, Gilles Bernot, Yves Bouligand, Paul Bourguine, Franck Delaplace, Jean-Marc Delosme, Maurice Demarty, Itzhak Fishov, Jean Fourmentin-Guilbert, Joe Fralick, Jean-Louis Giavitto, Bernard Gleyse, Christophe Godin, Roberto Incitti, François Képès, Catherine Lange, Lois Le Sceller, Corinne Loutellier, Olivier Michel, Franck Molina, Chantal Monnier, René Natowicz, Vic Norris, Nicole Orange, Helene Pollard, Derek Raine, Camille Ripoll, Josette Rouviere-Yaniv, Milton Saier, Paul Soler, Pierre Tambourin, Michel Thellier, Philippe Tracqui, Dave Ussery, Jean-Claude Vincent, Jean-Pierre Vannier, Philippa Wiggins & Abdallah Zemirline - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (4):357-373.
    New concepts may prove necessary to profit from the avalanche of sequence data on the genome, transcriptome, proteome and interactome and to relate this information to cell physiology. Here, we focus on the concept of large activity-based structures, or hyperstructures, in which a variety of types of molecules are brought together to perform a function. We review the evidence for the existence of hyperstructures responsible for the initiation of DNA replication, the sequestration of newly replicated origins of replication, cell division (...)
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  6.  11
    Insurgent African Intimacies in Pandemic Times: Deimperial Queer Logics of China's New Global Family in Wolf Warrior 2.Paul Amar - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (2):419-448.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 47, no. 2. © 2021 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 419 Paul Amar Insurgent African Intimacies in Pandemic Times: Deimperial Queer Logics of China’s New Global Family inWolf Warrior 2 This essay offers a new paradigm of “deimperial queer analysis” that reveals the tension between the People’s Republic of China’s extractive expansionism in Africa and its claim to solidarity with Africans against white supremacy and Northern imperialism. China (...)
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  7.  11
    Introduction à l'oeuvre du rabbin Hirsch.Jacques Amar - 2014 - Nice: Les éditions Ovadia.
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  8.  1
    L'Europe a fait le monde.André Amar - 1966 - Paris,: Éditions Planète.
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  9. L'Europe a fait le monde.André Amar - 1966 - Paris,: Éditions Planète.
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  10.  56
    Les guerres intimes de Lee Miller.Marianne Amar - 2004 - Clio 20.
    La photographie des deux gardiens du camp de Buchenwald, signée Lee Miller, tranche dans l’iconographie traditionnelle des camps de concentration. Photographie de combat, qui s’intéresse à l’ennemi, elle refuse la neutralité de la photographie documentaire et le style compassionnel qui privilégie les victimes depuis les années 1930. Mais cette photographie doit aussi se regarder comme un miroir. À travers la violence, la domination de l’ennemi et le voyeurisme qui sont au coeur de son dispositif, l’image dessine le portrait d’une femme (...)
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  11. Le Patrimoine, Transmettre, Soumettre Ou Démettre? Ce Que le Droit Peut Apporter À la Compréhension de la Psychanalyse.Jacques Amar - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:145-152.
    The purpose of this article is to show that the emergence and development of psychoanalysis cannot be dissociated from the legal framework within which this discipline is embedded. It shows how the links between heritage, person and identity are at the heart of the problems facing our contemporary societies.
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    L’Individu, Un Sujet de Droit Ou Un Animal Symbolique? Malaise Dans le Droit.Jacques Amar - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:187-198.
    The individual, a subject of law or a symbolic animal? Discomfort in the law. How can it be explained that the text concerning the prohibition of religious signs in the public sphere in France can be justified in the name of human rights in France and condemned in the name of human rights at the United Nations? The present article attempts to explain this situation on the basis of the notion of dispute expounded by J. F. Lyotard; it tries to (...)
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  13.  43
    Migrantes au musée. Questions posées à l’histoire.Marianne Amar - 2020 - Clio 51:241-255.
    Pour compléter ce numéro et afin de souligner son actualité, nous avons souhaité échanger avec Marianne Amar, historienne, responsable du département de la recherche au Musée National de l’Histoire de l’Immigration (Palais de la Porte-Dorée, Paris). L’entretien s’est tenu le 26 juin 2019 et a duré une heure trente. Comme convenu en juin, Marianne Amar a complété ses propos quelques mois plus tard pour présenter les projets actuels du musée sur le thème « femmes et genre en migration ». Linda...
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  14. Presidential Privilege against Prosecution, The.Akhil Reed Amar & Brian C. Kalt - 1997 - Nexus 2:11.
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  15. Ética de la imaginación. Averroísmo, uso y orden de las cosas.Mauricio Amar - 2018 - Santiago: Editorial Malamadre.
  16.  21
    Computing with Synthetic Protocells.Alexis Courbet, Franck Molina & Patrick Amar - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 63 (3):309-323.
    In this article we present a new kind of computing device that uses biochemical reactions networks as building blocks to implement logic gates. The architecture of a computing machine relies on these generic and composable building blocks, computation units, that can be used in multiple instances to perform complex boolean functions. Standard logical operations are implemented by biochemical networks, encapsulated and insulated within synthetic vesicles called protocells. These protocells are capable of exchanging energy and information with each other through transmembrane (...)
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  17. Elastic growth in thin geometries.J. Dervaux & M. Ben Amar - 2009 - In Maryvonne Gérin & Marie-Christine Maurel (eds.), Origins of Life: Self-Organization and/or Biological Evolution? EDP Sciences. pp. 79--94.
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