Results for ' Tarot, and the guiding, relational, caring spirit, tapping a wavelength'

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  1.  19
    Jung and Tarot: A Theory‐practice Nexus in Education and Counselling.Inna Semetsky - 2012 - In Jung and Educational Theory. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 111–119.
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    History and developments of pastoral care in Africa: A survey and proposition for effective contextual pastoral caregiving.Vhumani Magezi - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):14.
    The practice of pastoral care (cura animarum) over the ages has been informed and influenced by the need to develop creative ways (interventions) to respond to people’s contextual challenges. These approaches have been well documented. However, the history, developments and emerging pastoral care practices in Africa have not been documented. This article, by way of a survey, considers the pastoral care approaches that emerged in Africa from the period when Christianity was introduced to the continent. It addresses three interlinked questions. (...)
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    Art and Morality: Essays in the Spirit of Santayana, by Morris Grossman.Martin A. Coleman (ed.) - 2014 - Fordham University Press.
    The guiding theme of these essays by aesthetician, musician, and Santayana scholar Morris Grossman is the importance of preserving the tension between what can be unified and what is disorganized, random, and miscellaneous. Grossman described this as the tension between art and morality: Art arrests a sense of change and yields moments of unguarded enjoyment and peace; but soon, shifting circumstances compel evaluation, decision, and action. According to Grossman, the best art preserves the tension between the aesthetic consummation of experience (...)
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    Patel, Raj and Stephen Moore: A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things: A Guide to Capitalism, Nature, and the Future of the Planet: University of California Press, Oakland, California, 2017, 24.95$ soft-cover edition.Joseph Eichenlaub - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (4):669-672.
    This work reviews and relates relevant information from the book. A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things: A Guide to Capitalism, Nature, and the Future of the Planet. In this book the authors trace how seven essential ‘things” were made cheap by capitalism, pushing the closer to environmental catastrophe. The seven ‘things’ investigated by Patel and Moore are nature, money, work, care, food, energy and lives. The authors examine the history of each ‘cheap’ thing and way capitalism has (...)
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    Relational approaches in bioethics: A guide to their differences.Mercer Gary - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (8):733-740.
    Contemporary critical approaches to bioethics increasingly present themselves as “relational,” though the meaning of relationality and its implications for bioethics seem to be many and varying. I argue that this confusion is due to a multiplicity of relational approaches originating from distinct theoretical lineages. In this article, I identify four key differences among commonly referenced relational approaches: the scope and nature of relationships considered, the extent of the determining influence on individual selfhood, and the integrity of individual selfhood. Importantly, these (...)
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    The Oxford Practice Skills Course: Ethics, Law, and Communication Skills in Health Care Education.Tony Hope, R. A. Hope, Kenneth William Musgrave Fulford & Anne Yates - 1996 - Oxford University Press on Demand.
    Ethics, communication skills, and the law ('practice skills') are important in all aspects of modern health care. Doctors and nurses must be sensitive to the ethical aspects of their work and understand the legal framework within which clinical decisions are made. Well developed skills of communication, with patients, their relatives and other members of the clinical team, are a key feature of good clinical practice Until recently, the important of practice skills has been relatively neglected in health care education. This (...)
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  7.  12
    To Bear Man's Greatness: On the Moral-Theological Message of a Recent Document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Samaritanus Bonus.Andrzej Kucinski - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):753-771.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:To Bear Man's Greatness:On the Moral-Theological Message of a Recent Document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Samaritanus Bonus1Andrzej KucinskiBackground and ObjectiveWhen, in 1582, Camillus de Lellis, the later-canonized founder of the Order of Camillians, the "servants of the sick," had the inspiration to found a society of men who would serve the sick for religious motives,2 the revolutionary nature of such a decision was clear. (...)
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    Telepsychiatry and the meaning of in-person contact: a preliminary ethical appraisal.Aimee van Wynsberghe & Chris Gastmans - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (4):469-476.
    Pioneering researchers claim that telepsychiatry presents the possibility of improving both the quality and quantity of patient care for populations in general as well as for those in rural and remote locations. The prevalence of, and literature on telepsychiatry has increased dramatically in the last decade, covering all aspects of research endeavors. However, little can be found on the topic of ethics in telepsychiatry. Using various clinical scenarios we may provide insight into the moral challenge in telepsychiatry—the lack of in-person (...)
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  9. The Ethics of Care: Personal, Political, Global.Virginia Held - 2006 - New York: Oup Usa. Edited by David Copp.
    Virginia Held assesses the ethics of care as a promising alternative to the familiar moral theories that serve so inadequately to guide our lives. The ethics of care is only a few decades old, yet it is by now a distinct moral theory or normative approach to the problems we face. It is relevant to global and political matters as well as to the personal relations that can most clearly exemplify care. This book clarifies just what the ethics of care (...)
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    Telepsychiatry and the meaning of in-person contact: a preliminary ethical appraisal.Aimee Wynsberghe & Chris Gastmans - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (4):469-476.
    Pioneering researchers claim that telepsychiatry presents the possibility of improving both the quality and quantity of patient care for populations in general as well as for those in rural and remote locations. The prevalence of, and literature on telepsychiatry has increased dramatically in the last decade, covering all aspects of research endeavors. However, little can be found on the topic of ethics in telepsychiatry. Using various clinical scenarios we may provide insight into the moral challenge in telepsychiatry—the lack of in-person (...)
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  11.  33
    Teaching & Learning Guide for: Full Disclosure of the ‘Raw Data’ of Research on Humans: Citizens’ Rights, Product Manufacturers’ Obligations and the Quality of the Scientific Database.Dennis J. Mazur - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (2):152-157.
    This guide accompanies the following article(s): ‘Full Disclosure of the “Raw Data” of Research on Humans: Citizens’ Rights, Product Manufacturer’s Obligations and the Quality of the Scientific Database.’Philosophy Compass 6/2 (2011): 90–99. doi: 10.1111/j.1747‐9991.2010.00376.x Author’s Introduction Securing consent (and informed consent) from patients and research study participants is a key concern in patient care and research on humans. Yet, the legal doctrines of consent and informed consent differ in their applications. In patient care, the judicial doctrines of consent and informed (...)
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    Care and Education in Early Childhood: A Student's Guide to Theory and Practice.Audrey Curtis & Maureen O'Hagan - 2003 - Routledge.
    The authors draw on their extensive early years experience to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the key issues in the field of early childhood care and education. In this fully updated and revised new edition, rewritten to include the new Early Years Foundation Stage, students will find that this text now meets the needs of students on Foundation degrees, Early Childhood Degrees and the new Early Years Professional qualification. Topics covered in this essential textbook include: an overview of (...)
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    I. A. Richards and the Philosophy of Practical Criticism.Hugh Bredin - 1986 - Philosophy and Literature 10 (1):26-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hugh Bredin I. A. RICHARDS AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF PRACTICAL CRITICISM IN much of the English-speaking world, an essential component of literary studies is the exercise known as "practical criticism." The name, and to some extent the practice, originated in a book by I. A. Richards, Practical Criticism, 1 in which he described an experiment conducted by him at Cambridge and elsewhere. In the experiment, undergraduate students of English (...)
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    The Christian Intellect and the Mystery of Being; Reflections of a Maritain Thomist. [REVIEW]D. C. J. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (3):548-549.
    A clear restatement of the essentials of the Maritain approach to Christian Wisdom, the work is concerned with the nature and hierarchy of the kinds of knowledge. This hierarchizing is accomplished from that standpoint of the philosophizing Christian in which the scientific is subordinated to the philosophic and especially the metaphysical, and in which the human is subordinate to the theological and especially mystical. In such a world view the ultimate value term is the contemplative, and the possibility and actuality (...)
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    ‘You’re Alive!’: On the ‘Livingness’ of Spirited Educational Research.Julian Stern - 2022 - International Journal for Transformative Research 9 (1):1-5.
    This paper explore ideas of ‘livingness’ in education and in research, through ideas of spirituality, conversation, care and curiosity. Research ‘on’ education is distinguished from educational research, with the latter having a transformative intention, and this can overcome some of the dualisms that have become embedded in education policy and practice. Research that is surprising has this in common with dialogue, in Buber’s terms, and with transformative education. And the care for the object of study that researchers may exhibit is (...)
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    The Spirit of Settler Colonialism and the City Streets: A Response to Mishuana Goeman.Erin C. Tarver - 2024 - The Pluralist 19 (1):71-74.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Spirit of Settler Colonialism and the City Streets:A Response to Mishuana GoemanErin C. Tarveri want thank dr. goeman for her excellent paper and for introducing us to these extraordinary artists. Their work is beautiful and important, and I am grateful for the opportunity to witness it and think about it and to consider in particular in its relation to its setting in Los Angeles.In what follows, I want (...)
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  17.  83
    Wittgenstein and Care Ethics as a Plea for Realism.Sandra Laugier - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (4):86.
    This paper aims to bring together the appeal to the ordinary in the ethics of care and the ‘destruction’ or philosophical subversion which Wittgenstein references in his Philosophical Investigations: Where does our investigation get its importance from, since it seems to destroy everything interesting, all that is great and important? What we are destroying is nothing but houses of cards. The paper pursues a connection between the ethics of care and ordinary language philosophy as represented by Wittgenstein, Austin and Cavell, (...)
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  18.  20
    Authenticity and the argument from testability: a bottom-up approach.Jasper Debrabander - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (4):583-589.
    Jesper Ahlin Marceta published an article in this journal in which he formulated his “argument from testability”, stating that it is impossible, at least practically, to operationalize procedural authenticity. That is, using procedural accounts of authenticity, one cannot reliably differentiate between authentic and inauthentic desires. There are roughly two ways to respond to the argument from testability: top-down and bottom-up. Several authors have endeavored the top-down approach by trying to show that some conceptions of authenticity might be operationalizable after all. (...)
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  19.  26
    The impact of caring for dying patients in intensive care units on a physician’s personhood: a systematic scoping review.Joshua Tze Yin Kuek, Lisa Xin Ling Ngiam, Nur Haidah Ahmad Kamal, Jeng Long Chia, Natalie Pei Xin Chan, Ahmad Bin Hanifah Marican Abdurrahman, Chong Yao Ho, Lorraine Hui En Tan, Jun Leng Goh, Michelle Shi Qing Khoo, Yun Ting Ong, Min Chiam, Annelissa Mien Chew Chin, Stephen Mason & Lalit Kumar Radha Krishna - 2020 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 15 (1):1-16.
    Background Supporting physicians in Intensive Care Units s as they face dying patients at unprecedented levels due to the COVID-19 pandemic is critical. Amidst a dearth of such data and guided by evidence that nurses in ICUs experience personal, professional and existential issues in similar conditions, a systematic scoping review is proposed to evaluate prevailing accounts of physicians facing dying patients in ICUs through the lens of Personhood. Such data would enhance understanding and guide the provision of better support for (...)
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  20.  19
    On the relation between decision quality and autonomy in times of patient-centered care: a case study.Debrabander Jasper - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (4):629-639.
    It is commonplace that care should be patient-centered. Nevertheless, no universally agreed-upon definition of patient-centered care exists. By consequence, the relation between patient-centered care as such and ethical principles cannot be investigated. However, some research has been performed on the relation between specific models of patient-centered care and ethical principles such as respect for autonomy and beneficence. In this article, I offer a detailed case study on the relationship between specific measures of patient-centered care and the ethical principle of respect (...)
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  21.  56
    Exploring the relevance of social justice within a relational nursing ethic.Martin Woods - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (1):56-65.
    Abstract In the last few decades, a growing number of commentators have questioned the appropriateness of the 'justice view' of ethics as a suitable approach in health care ethics, and most certainly in nursing. Essentially, in their ethical deliberations, it is argued that nurses do not readily adopt the high degree of impartiality and objectivity that is associated with a justice view; instead their moral practices are more accurately reflected through the use of alternative approaches such as relational or care-based (...)
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    Emergent Monism and the Classical Doctrine of the Soul.Joseph A. S. J. Bracken - 2004 - Zygon 39 (1):161-174.
    Traditional Christian belief in the existence of human life after death within a transformed material universe should be capable of rational justification if one chooses carefully the philosophical scheme underlying those claims. One should not have to appeal simply to the power of a loving God to justify one's beliefs. A revision of Whitehead's metaphysical scheme is proposed that allows one to render these classical Christian beliefs at least plausible to a broad range of contemporary thinkers as a consequence of (...)
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    The Call of the Spirit: Process Spirituality in a Relational World.Leslie King - forthcoming - Process Studies 53 (1):136-137.
    This book has a wonderful introduction and afterword by Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki. From beginning to end, this tri-authored work offers an integrated treatment of process theology, pneumology, and ecclesiology for the benefit of local Christian congregations.Among the three voices at work in this book, John Cobb provides an important primer on Whitehead's views of possibilities, experience, and relationships. Opening each of the book's three parts, Cobb both lays the groundwork and provides a strong framing for pneumology on the basis of (...)
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    Etty Hillesum and the Flow of Presence: A Voegelinian Analysis.Meins G. S. Coetsier - 2008 - University of Missouri.
    Although she died cruelly at Auschwitz at the age of twenty-nine, Etty Hillesum left a lasting legacy of mystical thought in her letters and diaries. Hillesum was a complex and powerful witness to the openness of the human spirit to the call of God, even under the most harrowing circumstances. Her life was as much shaped by Hitler’s regime as was that of philosopher Eric Voegelin, and as Meins Coetsier reveals, her thought lends itself to interpretation from a uniquely Voegelinian (...)
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    A bioethical framework to guide the decision-making process in the care of seriously ill patients.Daniel Neves Forte, Fernando Kawai & Cláudio Cohen - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-8.
    Background One of the biggest challenges of practicing medicine in the age of informational technology is how to conciliate the overwhelming amount of medical-scientific information with the multiple patients’ values of modern pluralistic societies. To organize and optimize the the Decision-Making Process of seriously ill patient care, we present a framework to be used by Healthcare Providers. The objective is to align Bioethics, Evidence-based Practice and Person-centered Care. Main body The framework divides the DMP into four steps, each with a (...)
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    Nature as Guide: Wittgenstein and the Renewal of Moral Theology by David Goodill, O.P (review).Cajetan Cuddy & P. O. - 2024 - The Thomist 88 (4):703-707.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Nature as Guide: Wittgenstein and the Renewal of Moral Theology by David Goodill, O.PCajetan Cuddy and O.P.Nature as Guide: Wittgenstein and the Renewal of Moral Theology. By David Goodill, O.P. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2022. Pp. xiii-319. $75.00. (hardcover). ISBN: 978-0-8132-3445-8.Nature as Guide is an intriguing reevaluation of the philosophical legacy of Ludwig Wittgenstein in the light of Thomistic moral theology after the Second (...)
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    Interpretation as a Cognitive Discipline.Jack W. Meiland - 1978 - Philosophy and Literature 2 (1):23-45.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Jack W. Meiland INTERPRETATION AS A COGNITIVE DISCIPLINE Interpretation is the fundamental method of the humanities. The humanist is concerned first to understand what a text, a speech, a work of art, means; and interpretation has this understanding as its goal. All of the other activities and aims of the humanist depend on interpretation. One cannot properly appreciate a work of art until one grasps what it means. Nor (...)
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    Navigating parental requests: considering the relational potential standard in paediatric end-of-life care in the paediatric intensive care unit.Jenny Kingsley, Jonna Clark, Mithya Lewis-Newby, Denise Marie Dudzinski & Douglas Diekema - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Families and clinicians approaching a child’s death in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) frequently encounter questions surrounding medical decision-making at the end of life (EOL), including defining what is in the child’s best interest, finding an optimal balance of benefit over harm, and sometimes addressing potential futility and moral distress. The best interest standard (BIS) is often marshalled by clinicians to help navigate these dilemmas and focuses on a clinician’s primary ethical duty to the paediatric patient. This approach does (...)
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    Taking agricultural ethics to the forefront: A practical guide to the organizational and philosophical issues. [REVIEW]Jeffrey A. Lockwood - 1988 - Agriculture and Human Values 5 (4):96-101.
    If the field of agricultural ethics is to realize its potential and if the agricultural and philosophical communities are to address the impending changes in world food production, there is a need for education in public, governmental, and academic arenas. The development of a symposium on agriculural ethics is an effective method for “raising awareness” of the imminent need for a consolidation of philosophical and agricultural expertise. Based on experience, a series of organizational guidelines and their associated philosophical issues are (...)
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    Care relationships and the autonomy of people with physical disabilities.Mauren Alexandra Sampaio & Dirce Bellezi Guilhem - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (5):525-534.
    As a form of functional diversity, spinal cord injury expressed by tetraplegia is one of the most serious events that can impact people, affecting their family and socioeconomic life. The type of care relationship established in these cases will be essential for preserving autonomy. The objective of this study was to understand how care relationships influence the autonomy of people with tetraplegia and the dynamics that trigger practices of autonomy violation, maintenance and promotion. This research is inspired by problematization as (...)
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  31.  44
    Why We Don’t Need “Unmet Needs”! On the Concepts of Unmet Need and Severity in Health-Care Priority Setting.Lars Sandman & Bjorn Hofmann - 2019 - Health Care Analysis 27 (1):26-44.
    In health care priority setting different criteria are used to reflect the relevant values that should guide decision-making. During recent years there has been a development of value frameworks implying the use of multiple criteria, a development that has not been accompanied by a structured conceptual and normative analysis of how different criteria relate to each other and to underlying normative considerations. Examples of such criteria are unmet need and severity. In this article these crucial criteria are conceptually clarified and (...)
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  32. Truth and Ideology in Classical China: Mohists vs Zhuangists.Mercedes Valmisa - 2023 - In Practices of Truth in Philosophy. Historical and Comparative Perspectives. Edited by Pietro Gori and Lorenzo Serini. Routledge. pp. 61-83.
    Mercedes Valmisa turns our attention to the relations between truth and practice in classical Chinese philosophy. In this tradition, truth is conceived of, in a pragmatic-like spirit, as a series of embodied beliefs and perspectives that lead to fitting dispositions, emotions, and actions (regardless of whether they accurately describe the world, or whether there are other competing beliefs and perspectives that equally accurately or inaccurately describe the world). This means that we should care about truth because of its normative power (...)
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  33.  50
    Relational Care Ethics from a Comparative Perspective: The Ethics of Care and Confucian Ethics.Yoshimi Wada - 2014 - Ethics and Social Welfare 8 (4):350-363.
    The ethics of care and Confucian care ethics are both characterised by relations-based moral reasoning and decision-making. Acknowledging this similarity, this article compares and contrasts these two ethics, highlighting Western and Eastern moral concerns. One of the main differences between the two ethical theories is their different focus on vulnerability and inequality as factors in achieving equality in the ethics of care; another is the reciprocity, rather than equality, dimension in Confucian ethics. Both theories enshrine the view that the characteristics (...)
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    Constructing Care-Based Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparison of Fortune 500 Companies in China and the United States. [REVIEW]Chuqing Dong, Qiongyao Huang, Shijun Ni, Bohan Zhang & Cang Chen - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 192 (4):775-802.
    The COVID-19 pandemic catalyzes new opportunities for CSR development, and companies in both China and the US, the two largest economies severely impacted by the pandemic, are seeking innovative ways to engage with publics on social media through CSR communication. This study draws on the care ethics theory to examine different manifestations of care values in corporations’ CSR messages and their relationships with publics’ behavioral and emotional engagement on social media. A quantitative content analysis of Weibo and Twitter posts from (...)
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    Pandemics and the precautionary principle: an analysis taking the Swedish Corona Commission’s report as a point of departure.Anders Nordgren - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (2):163-173.
    In the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sweden’s response stood out as an exception. For example, Sweden did not introduce any lockdowns, while many other countries did. In this paper I take the Swedish Corona Commission’s critique of the initial Swedish response as a point of departure for a general analysis of precaution in relation to pandemics. The Commission points out that in contrast to many other countries Sweden did not follow ‘the precautionary principle’. Based on this critique, the (...)
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  36. Sorrow as a Reflection of Chopin's Onto-Historical World in the Structure of His Melodies. Analysis and Performance Guide.Michael Friedman - 2000 - Dissertation, New York University
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the musical means of expressing sorrow in Chopin's melodic practice. In spite of all the studies of Chopin's music that have been done up to now, there is an area that has not been yet seriously investigated. Much of the previous research has dealt with Chopin's life, his connection with the Polish national spirit through his use of Polish national genres, and his emotional involvement with the Polish nation's fate. Yet, there. is (...)
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  37. In the Spirit of Kant: Political Judgment in Arendt and Lyotard.Karin A. Fry - 2002 - Dissertation, The University of Memphis
    My dissertation is an exploration of two theories of political judgment that are inspired by Kant's Critique of Judgment. Both Hannah Arendt and Jean Francois Lyotard appropriate different versions of Kantian reflective judgment as a model for making political decisions because it allows for differences in thought and action, and does not reduce politics to a fabrication guided by a universal conception. This dissertation examines the viability of both theories of judgment, and assesses the relation between political judgment, politics, and (...)
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    The Routledge Guide Book to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.Robert Stern - 2013 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Robert Stern.
    The _Phenomenology of Spirit_ is arguably Hegel’s most influential and important work, and is considered to be essential in understanding Hegel’s philosophical system and his contribution to western philosophy. The_ Routledge Guidebook to Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit_ introduces the major themes in Hegel’s great book and aids the reader in understanding this key work, examining: The context of Hegel’s thought and the background to his writing Each separate part of the text in relation to its goals, meaning and significance The (...)
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    The social relations of prayer in healthcare: Adding to nursing's equity‐oriented professional practice and disciplinary knowledge.Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham & Sonya Sharma - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (2):e12608.
    Although spiritual practices such as prayer are engaged by many to support well‐being and coping, little research has addressed nurses and prayer, whether for themselves or facilitating patients' use of prayer. We conducted a qualitative study to explore how prayer (as a proxy for spirituality and religion) is manifest—whether embraced, tolerated, or resisted—in healthcare, and how institutional and social contexts shape how prayer is understood and enacted. This paper analyzes interviews with 21 nurses in Vancouver and London as a subset (...)
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    Catholic Social Thought and the Economy of Communion as a Business Model.José Luis Fernández Fernández & Cristina Díaz de la Cruz - 2019 - In Ora Setter & László Zsolnai, Caring Management in the New Economy: Socially Responsible Behaviour Through Spirituality. Springer Verlag. pp. 115-137.
    The paper investigates how Catholic Social Teaching can contribute to the creation of fairer and more humane business models. It gives an outline of the main historical moments in the development of Catholic Social Teaching with regard to the economy and business management. Then it analyses the proposal of the Economy of Communion as a potential framework for companies that wish to implement Catholic Social Teaching in their activities. The EoC model suggests that company profits should be distributed in three (...)
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    A shifting collective identity: A critical discourse analysis of the child care advocacy association of canada's public messaging in 2005 and 2008.Rachel Langford & Brooke Richardson - 2015 - Critical Discourse Studies 12 (1):78-96.
    Faring poorly by international standards, out-of-home childcare in Canada is often described as ‘in crisis’. This study addresses how national childcare movement actors, who are overwhelmingly women, have discursively constructed their collective identity during two contrasting political climates. Data comprise publically available media releases produced in 2005 and 2008 by the Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada, a national grassroots childcare social movement organization. Guided by Fairclough's overarching framework for critical discourse analysis and Koller's approach to analysing collective identity through (...)
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    Resisting Foucauldian Ethics: Associative Politics and the Limits of the Care of the Self.Ella Myers - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (2):125-146.
    This paper examines one strand of the ‘turn to ethics’ in recent political theory by engaging with Michel Foucault's late work on ‘the care of the self.’ For contemporary thinkers interested in how democratic politics might be guided, informed, or vivified by particular ethical orientations, Foucault's inquiry into ancient ethics has proved intriguing. Might concentrated ‘work on the self’ contribute to efforts to resist and remake present-day power relations? This paper endeavors to raise doubts about the Foucauldian inspired view, which (...)
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    Moral Compass in the Care of Patients Who Choose Aid in Dying.David A. Bennahum - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (2):327-329.
    How can an individual’s Moral Compass address the question of whether or not to help a patient to shorten and end his or her life? Moral Compass has been defined as that set of values and experiences that guides each individual’s decisions and conduct in relation to others and to society. Can a robot be programmed to have a moral compass? If we were only considering rules of conduct, then perhaps yes, that would be possible. We could establish a series (...)
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    Henry David Thoreau and the Moral Agency of Knowing (review).Gary Borjesson - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (2):361-363.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.2 (2001) 361-363 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Henry David Thoreau and the Moral Agency of Knowing Henry David Thoreau and the Moral Agency of Knowing, by Alfred I. Tauber; xi & 317 pp. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001, $40.00. Among the marvelous qualities of Thoreau's writing is its vivid concreteness and immediacy. As befits one who spent his life seeing for himself, Thoreau (...)
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    Regenerative agriculture and a more-than-human ethic of care: a relational approach to understanding transformation.Madison Seymour & Sean Connelly - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (1):231-244.
    A growing body of literature argues that achieving radical change in the agri-food system requires a radical renegotiation of our relationship with the environment alongside a change in our thinking and approach to transformational food politics. This paper argues that relational approaches such as a more-than-human ethic of care (MTH EoC) can offer a different and constructive perspective to analyse agri-food system transformation because it emphasises social structures and relationships as the basis of environmental change. A MTH EoC has not (...)
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    The anatomy of electronic patient record ethics: a framework to guide design, development, implementation, and use.Tim Jacquemard, Colin P. Doherty & Mary B. Fitzsimons - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundThis manuscript presents a framework to guide the identification and assessment of ethical opportunities and challenges associated with electronic patient records (EPR). The framework is intended to support designers, software engineers, health service managers, and end-users to realise a responsible, robust and reliable EPR-enabled healthcare system that delivers safe, quality assured, value conscious care.MethodsDevelopment of the EPR applied ethics framework was preceded by a scoping review which mapped the literature related to the ethics of EPR technology. The underlying assumption behind (...)
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  47. The Religion of the Tempasuk Dusuns of North Borneo; The Na-khi Naga Cult and Related Ceremonies, Parts I and II; Le Concile de Lhasa. [REVIEW]A. W. Macdonald - 1954 - Diogenes 2 (6):111-115.
    With the practically complete cessation of ethnological inquiries conducted in the field tinder the sponsorship of the French School of the Far East, monographs on South East Asia have become, since the end of the 1939-45 war, somewhat rare. Hence it is a pleasure to welcome the work of Mr. Evans on the religious life of the Dusuns of North Borneo. With its shortcomings and its merits, this book shows what can still be accomplished by the researcher who works alone, (...)
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    The Relationship of Breathing and COVID-19 Anxiety When Using Smart Watches for Guided Respiration Practice: A Cross-Sectional Study.Yu-Feng Wu, Mei-Yen Chen, Jian-Hong Ye, Jon-Chao Hong, Jhen-Ni Ye & Yu-Tai Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    COVID-19 mortality rates are increasing worldwide, which has led to many highly restrictive precautionary measures and a strong sense of anxiety about the outbreak for many people around the world. There is thus an increasing concern about COVID-19 anxiety, resulting in recommending approaches for effective self-care. From a positive psychology perspective, it is also important for people to have positive affect when dealing with this pandemic. According to previous literature, respiration is considered to be an effective way to enhance people’s (...)
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    Russell and Moore: The Analytical Heritage (review). [REVIEW]A. R. Louch - 1973 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (1):130-132.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:130 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY To establish the chronology of the posthumous fragments of 1875-1879 in IV, 4 was of no crucial significance and presented few difficulties. The fragments of 18871888 in VIII, 2 are another matter. When Nietzsche's sister Elizabeth first published them she simply disregarded chronology in favor of a topical arrangement. Karl Schlechta proceeded more methodically. But in eliminating everything he felt Nietzsche had not intended to (...)
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  50. From the Feminist Ethic of Care to Tender Attunement: Olga Tokarczuk’s Tenderness as a New Ethical and Aesthetic Imperative.Natalia Anna Michna - 2023 - Arts 12 (3):1-15.
    In her Nobel speech in 2019, Olga Tokarczuk presented the category of tenderness as a new way of narrating the contemporary world. This article is a proposal for the analysis and interpretation of tenderness in ethical and aesthetic terms. (1) From an ethical perspective, tenderness is interpreted as an extension and complement of feminist relational ethics, i.e., the ethics of care. In the proposed approach, tenderness is a broader and more universal quality than care in the feminist understanding. This article (...)
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