976 found
  1.  21
    Superconducting transition temperatures of chemically vapour-deposited tungsten-rhenium alloys.D. S. Easton, C. C. Koch, D. M. Kroeger & J. W. Cable - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (5):1117-1134.
  2.  14
    Premonitory effects near critical transition temperature in ordering systems – a Monte Carlo simulation.U. D. Kulkarni, A. Arya & S. Hata - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (35):4470-4483.
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    Empirical factors for calculation of the ferroelectric transition temperatures of tungsten bronze type niobates.Franklin F. Y. Wang - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 21 (173):903-906.
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    Enhancement of the hidden order/large moment antiferromagnetic transition temperature in the URu2−xOsxSi2system.N. Kanchanavatee, B. D. White, V. W. Burnett & M. B. Maple - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (32-33):3681-3690.
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    Strain-rate dependence of the brittle-to-ductile transition temperature in tungsten.A. Giannattasio & S. G. Roberts - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (17):2589-2598.
  6.  24
    Exchange interactions, spin waves, and transition temperatures in itinerant magnets.I. Turek, J. Kudrnovský, V. Drchal & P. Bruno - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (12):1713-1752.
  7.  65
    On determining the ductile–brittle transition temperature.R. W. Armstrong - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 9 (102):1063-1067.
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    Relationship between structural and secondary relaxation in glass formers: Ratio between glass transition temperature and activation energy.D. Prevosto, S. Capaccioli, M. Lucchesi, S. Sharifi, K. Kessairi & K. L. Ngai - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (33-35):4063-4069.
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    Temperature dependence of the Raman bandwidths and intensities of a lattice mode near the tricritical and second order phase transitions in NH4Cl.H. Karacali & H. Yurtseven - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (2):189-203.
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    Temperature dependence of micro-yielding and the transition to macro-strain for tungsten.John C. Bilello - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (159):583-598.
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    The temperature dependence of heavy-ion damage in iron: A microstructural transition at elevated temperatures.Z. Yao, M. L. Jenkins, M. Hernández-Mayoral & M. A. Kirk - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (35-36):4623-4634.
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    Temperature dependence of mechanical properties and pressure sensitivity in metallic glasses below glass transition.V. Keryvin, K. Eswar Prasad, Y. Gueguen, J. -C. Sanglebœuf & U. Ramamurty - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (12):1773-1790.
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  13.  15
    The electrical resistivity of transition metals at high temperatures.D. Greig & G. J. Morgan - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 27 (4):929-940.
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    Ductile–brittle transition in micropillar compression of GaAs at room temperature.Fredrik Östlund, Philip R. Howie, Rudy Ghisleni, Sandra Korte, Klaus Leifer, William J. Clegg & Johann Michler - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (7-9):1190-1199.
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  15.  29
    Correlation of temperature and grain size effects in the ductile-brittle transition of molybdenum.E. M. Passmore - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 11 (111):441-450.
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  16.  37
    Glass transition, thermal stability and glass-forming ability of Se90In10−xSbx chalcogenide glasses.P. K. Jain, Deepika & N. S. Saxena - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (7):641-650.
    Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been employed to investigate the glass transition activation energy E g, thermal stability and glass-forming ability (GFA) of Se90In10− x Sb x (x = 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10) chalcogenide glasses. DSC runs were performed at six different heating rates. Well-defined endothermic and exothermic peaks were obtained at glass transition and crystallization temperature. The dependence of glass transition temperature T g on heating rate (α), as well as composition of (...)
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  17.  23
    A study of constitutional equilibrium in niobium zirconium alloys, using the superconducting temperature transition.I. Milne & T. R. Finlayson - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 29 (5):965-981.
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    Observations of glide and decomposition of a dislocations at high temperatures in Ni-Al single crystals deformed along the hard orientation.R. Srinivasan, M. Daw, R. Noebe & M. Mills - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (9):1111-1135.
    Ni-44 at.% Al and Ni-50 at.% Al single crystals were tested in compression in the hard d 001 ¢ orientation. The dislocation processes and deformation behaviour were studied as a function of temperature, strain and strain rate. A slip transition in NiAl occurs from a d 111 ¢ slip to non- a d 111 ¢ slip at intermediate temperatures. In Ni-50 at.% Al single crystals, only a d 010 ¢ dislocations are observed above the slip transition (...). In contrast, a d 101 ¢ {101} glide has been observed to control deformation beyond the slip transition temperature in Ni-44 at.% Al. a d 101 ¢ dislocations are observed primarily along both d 111 ¢ directions in the glide plane. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy observations show that the core of the a d 101 ¢ dislocations along these directions is decomposed into two a d 010 ¢ dislocations, separated by a distance of approximately 2 nm. The temperature window of stability for these a d 101 ¢ dislocations depends upon the strain rate. At a strain rate of 1.4 2 10 m 4 s m 1 , a d 101 ¢ dislocations are observed between 800 and 1000 K. Complete decomposition of a d 101 ¢ dislocations into a d 010 ¢ dislocations occurs beyond 1000 K, leading to a d 010 ¢ climb as the deformation mode at higher temperatures. At lower strain rates, decomposition of a d 101 ¢ dislocations has been observed to occur along the edge orientation at temperatures below 1000 K. Embedded-atom method calculations and experimental results indicate that a d 101 ¢ dislocations have a large Peierls stress at low temperatures. Based on the present microstructural observations and a survey of the literature with respect to vacancy content and diffusion in NiAl, a model is proposed for a d 101 ¢ {101} glide in Ni-44 at.% Al, and for the observed yield strength versus temperature behaviour of Ni-Al alloys at intermediate and high temperatures. (shrink)
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  19.  25
    Huddling behavior as critical phase transition triggered by low temperatures.Mauricio Canals & Francisco Bozinovic - 2011 - Complexity 17 (1):35-43.
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    Elastic and structural properties of vanadium–lithium–borate glasses.M. A. Sidkey, A. Abd El-Moneim, M. S. Gaafar, N. S. Abd El-Aal, L. Abd El-Latif & I. M. Youssof - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (11):1705-1722.
    The ternary xV2O5–(40 − x)Li2O–60B2O3 glass system, where x = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 mol%, was prepared by normal quenching. Ultrasonic velocities and attenuation were measured at room temperature using a pulse-echo technique. Various parameters, such as elastic moduli, micro-hardness, Poisson's ratio and Debye temperature, were determined from the measured densities and velocities. The composition dependence of these parameters, in addition to the glass-transition temperature, suggested that vanadium ions were incorporated into these glasses as (...)
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  21. On the continuum fallacy: is temperature a continuous function?Aditya Jha, Douglas Campbell, Clemency Montelle & Phillip L. Wilson - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (69):1-29.
    It is often argued that the indispensability of continuum models comes from their empirical adequacy despite their decoupling from the microscopic details of the modelled physical system. There is thus a commonly held misconception that temperature varying across a region of space or time can always be accurately represented as a continuous function. We discuss three inter-related cases of temperature modelling — in phase transitions, thermal boundary resistance and slip flows — and show that the continuum view is (...)
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    A Bayesian Interpretation of First-Order Phase Transitions.Sergio Davis, Joaquín Peralta, Yasmín Navarrete, Diego González & Gonzalo Gutiérrez - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (3):350-359.
    In this work we review the formalism used in describing the thermodynamics of first-order phase transitions from the point of view of maximum entropy inference. We present the concepts of transition temperature, latent heat and entropy difference between phases as emergent from the more fundamental concept of internal energy, after a statistical inference analysis. We explicitly demonstrate this point of view by making inferences on a simple game, resulting in the same formalism as in thermodynamical phase transitions. We (...)
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  23.  40
    The ends of a continuum: genetic and temperature-dependent sex determination in reptiles.Stephen D. Sarre, Arthur Georges & Alex Quinn - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (6):639-645.
    Two prevailing paradigms explain the diversity of sex-determining modes in reptiles. Many researchers, particularly those who study reptiles, consider genetic and environmental sex-determining mechanisms to be fundamentally different, and that one can be demonstrated experimentally to the exclusion of the other. Other researchers, principally those who take a broader taxonomic perspective, argue that no clear boundaries exist between them. Indeed, we argue that genetic and environmental sex determination in reptiles should be seen as a continuum of states represented by species (...)
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  24.  16
    Pedestrians’ psychological preferences for urban street lighting with different color temperatures.Xinyi Hao, Xin Zhang, Jiangtao Du, Meichen Wang & Yalan Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    White LEDs, which have been widely used in the urban street lighting, are increasingly applied to replace traditional HPS lamps with a lower CCT. Generally, studies on the CCT of street lighting focus on providing safe functional lighting for vehicle drivers. However, it is still unknown how the street light color can affect pedestrians’ perception and preferences with respect to lighting levels and ambient temperature.In this study, a wide range of CCTs was measured for urban street lighting in Beijing, (...)
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  25.  21
    The paramagnetic-to-ferromagnetic transition in B2-structured Fe-Al single crystals: experiments and calculations.D. Wu, P. Munroe & I. Baker - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (3):295-313.
    It is well established that single crystals of B2-structured Fe-Al change from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic upon plastic deformation. This strain-induced ferromagnetism arises mostly from Fe atoms which have three or more like nearest neighbours in antiphase-boundary tubes. Such Fe atoms carry magnetic moments according to their local environment. In this study, the saturation magnetizations, M S , of cold-rolled Fe-34 at.% Al, Fe-40 at.% Al and Fe-43 at.% Al single crystals were measured in a vibrating-sample magnetometer from 77 K to (...)
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  26.  50
    A Mathematician Doing Physics: Mark Kac’s Work on the Modeling of Phase Transitions.Martin Niss - 2018 - Perspectives on Science 26 (2):185-212.
    After World War II, quite a few mathematicians, including Mark Kac, John von Neumann, and Nobert Wiener, worked on the physical problem of phase transitions, i.e. changes in the state of matter caused by gradual changes of physical parameters such as the condensation of a gas to a liquid and the loss of magnetization of a ferromagnet above a certain temperature. The significance of these mathematicians was not so much that they brought mathematical rigor to the theoretical description of (...)
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  27.  23
    The Ehrenfest Classification of Phase Transitions: Introduction and Evolution.Gregg Jaeger - 1998 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 53 (1):51-81.
    The first classification of general types of transition between phases of matter, introduced by Paul Ehrenfest in 1933, lies at a crossroads in the thermodynamical study of critical phenomena. It arose following the discovery in 1932 of a suprising new phase transition in liquid helium, the “lambda transition,” when W. H. Keesom and coworkers in Leiden, Holland observed a λhaped “jump” discontinuity in the curve giving the temperature dependence of the specific heat of helium at a (...)
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  28.  15
    Window Opening Behavior of Residential Buildings during the Transitional Season in China’s Xi’an.Xiaolong Yang, Jiali Liu, Qinglong Meng, Yingan Wei, Yu Lei, Mengdi Wu, Yuxuan Shang, Liang Zhang & Yingchen Lian - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-16.
    Window opening behavior in residential buildings has important theoretical significance and practical value for improving energy conservation, indoor thermal comfort, and indoor air quality. Climate and cultural differences may lead to different window opening behavior by residents. Currently, research on residential window opening behavior in northwest China has focused on indoor air quality, and few probabilistic models of residential window behaviors have been established. Therefore, in this study, we focused on an analysis of factors influencing window opening behavior and the (...)
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  29.  28
    Thermodynamics and magnetism in U 1-x Th x Be 13-y B y.R. H. Heffner, W. P. Beyermann, M. F. Hundley, J. D. Thompson, J. L. Smith, Z. Fisk, K. Bedell, P. Birrer, C. Baines, F. N. Gygax, B. Hitti, E. Lippelt, H. R. Ott, A. Schenck & D. E. MacLaughlin - unknown
    We report specific heat and μSR measurements on Th and/or B substituted UBe13. The specific heat data show that either Th or B substitution reduces the Kondo temperature TK and increases the entropy at the superconducting transition by almost 20%, indicating an enhanced density of states. However, whereas μSR shows clear evidence for magnetic correlations for Th substitutions, no magnetism is observed for B substitutions. The enhanced specific heat jump in the B-substituted material is associated with a change (...)
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  30. Feasibility and Justice in Decarbonizing Transitions.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer - 2021 - In Corey Katz & Sarah Kenehan, Principles of Justice and Real-World. pp. 191-210.
    Climate change is expected to lead to rising sea levels, higher frequency of natural hazards, extended phases of drought, and many other negative impacts. To minimize these threats, the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21) in Paris agreed that the global mean temperature must be kept “well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels” (United Nations 2015). For this target to be feasible, most climate models assume not only heavy cuts in emissions but also negative emissions via the large-scale (...)
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  31.  21
    Superconductivity below 20 K in heavily electron-doped surface layer of FeSe bulk crystal.J. J. Seo, B. Y. Kim, B. S. Kim, J. K. Jeong, J. M. Ok, Jun Sung Kim, J. D. Denlinger, S. -K. Mo, C. Kim & Y. K. Kim - unknown
    A superconducting transition temperature as high as 100 K was recently discovered in one monolayer FeSe grown on SrTiO3. The discovery ignited efforts to identify the mechanism for the markedly enhanced Tc from its bulk value of 8 K. There are two main views about the origin of the Tc enhancement: interfacial effects and/or excess electrons with strong electron correlation. Here, we report the observation of superconductivity below 20 K in surface electron-doped bulk FeSe. The doped surface layer (...)
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  32.  42
    Effect of germanium addition on the physical properties of Se–Te glassy semiconductors. Mainika, Pankaj Sharma & Nagesh Thakur - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (33):3027-3036.
    The effect of germanium addition on the physical properties, i.e. density, molar volume, compactness, number of lone-pair electrons, average coordination number, heat of atomization, mean bond energy, cohesive energy and glass-transition temperature, of (Se80Te20)100− x Ge x (x = 0, 2, 4, 6) bulk glassy alloys was investigated. The density of the glassy alloys is found to decrease with increasing Ge content. The molar volume and compactness of the structure of the glass were determined from the measured density. (...)
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  33.  19
    Microstructure and mechanical properties of a partially crystallized La-based bulk metallic glass.J. Basu, N. Nagendra, Y. Li & U. Ramamurty - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (15):1747-1760.
    The evolution of microstructure upon partial crystallization and its influence on the mechanical properties such as hardness, elastic modulus and viscosity in a La 55 Al 25 Cu 10 Ni 5 Co 5 bulk metallic glass alloy are studied. Specimens with various volume fractions of crystalline phases were obtained by annealing the as-cast amorphous alloy above its glass transition temperature and were characterized by transmission electron microscopy. Microscopic examination of the heat-treated samples shows short-range-ordered domains prior to nanocrystallization (...)
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  34.  40
    Bose–Einstein Condensation of Nonideal Cooper Pairs in the Hartree–Fock–Popov Theory.Ze Cheng - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (8):915-942.
    The Hartree–Fock–Popov theory of interacting Bose particles is generalized to the Cooper-pair system with a screened Coulomb repulsive interaction in high-temperature superconductors. At zero temperature, it is found that the condensate density \\) of Cooper pairs is of the order \\simeq 10^{18}\) cm\, consistently with the fact that a small fraction of the total p holes participate in pairing. We find that the phonon velocity c at zero temperature is of the order \\simeq 10\) km s\. The (...)
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  35.  28
    Statistical Properties of Strongly Correlated Quantum Liquids.M. L. Ristig & K. A. Gernoth - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (9-10):1253-1262.
    Modern microscopic theory is employed to construct a powerful analytical algorithm that permits a clear description of characteristic features of strongly correlated quantum fluids in thermodynamic equilibrium. Using recently developed formal results we uncover an intricate relationship between strongly correlated systems and free quantum gases of appropriately defined constituents. The latter entities are precisely defined renormalized bosons or fermions. They carry all the information contained in the statistical correlations of the strongly interacting many-particle system by virtue of their effective masses. (...)
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  36.  10
    Spin Glasses: Criticality and Energy Landscapes.Marco Baity Jesi - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This thesis addresses the surprising features of zero-temperature statics and dynamics of several spin glass models, including correlations between soft spins that arise spontaneously during avalanches, and the discovery of localized states that involve the presence of two-level systems. It also presents the only detailed historiographical research on the spin glass theory. Despite the extreme simplicity of their definition, spin glasses display a wide variety of non-trivial behaviors that are not yet fully understood. In this thesis the author sheds (...)
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  37.  31
    Transport and dielectric properties of V 2 O 5 -MnO-TeO 2 glasses.Manisha Pal, K. Sega, B. Chaudhuri & H. Sakata - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (11):1379-1391.
    The frequency and temperature dependences of the ac conductivity and dielectric constant of the V 2 O 5 -MnO-TeO 2 system, containing two transition-metal ions, have been measured. The dc conductivity † dc measured in the high-temperature range decreases with addition of the oxide MnO. This is considered to be due to the formation of bonds such as V--O--Mn and Mn--O--Mn in the glass. The conductivity arises mainly from polaron hopping between V 4+ and V 5+ ions. (...)
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  38. How Much of One-Way Computation Is Just Thermodynamics?Janet Anders, Michal Hajdušek, Damian Markham & Vlatko Vedral - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (6):506-522.
    In this paper we argue that one-way quantum computation can be seen as a form of phase transition with the available information about the solution of the computation being the order parameter. We draw a number of striking analogies between standard thermodynamical quantities such as energy, temperature, work, and corresponding computational quantities such as the amount of entanglement, time, potential capacity for computation, respectively. Aside from being intuitively pleasing, this picture allows us to make novel conjectures, such as (...)
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  39.  16
    Effects of visual landscape on subjective environmental evaluations in the open spaces of a severe cold city.Jianru Chen, Yumeng Jin & Hong Jin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The environmental quality and subjective environmental evaluations in urban open spaces are essential. In this study, the effects of building, green, and water landscapes, which are typical visual landscapes, on the subjective environmental evaluations in different seasons were analyzed by conducting questionnaire surveys and field measurements in a severely cold city. It was found that the visual landscapes significantly affected subjective environmental evaluations in winter and summer, but there were no effects in the transitional season. In summer, compared with the (...)
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  40.  11
    Physics, mathematics, and all that quantum jazz.Shu Tanaka, Masamitsu Bando & Utkan Gungordu (eds.) - 2014 - New Jersey: World Scientific.
    My life as a quantum physicist / M. Nakahara -- A review on operator quantum error correction - Dedicated to Professor Mikio Nakahara on the occasion of his 60th birthday / C.-K. Li, Y.-T. Poon and N.-S. Sze -- Implementing measurement operators in linear optical and solid-state qubits / Y. Ota, S. Ashhab and F. Nori -- Fast and accurate simulation of quantum computing by multi-precision MPS: Recent development / A. Saitoh -- Entanglement properties of a quantum lattice-gas model on (...)
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  41. Remarks on Black Hole Instabilities and Closed String Tachyons.J. L. F. Barbón & E. Rabinovici - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (1):145-165.
    Physical arguments stemming from the theory of black-hole thermodynamics are used to put constraints on the dynamics of closed-string tachyon condensation in Scherk–Schwarz compactifications. A geometrical interpretation of the tachyon condensation involves an effective capping of a noncontractible cycle, thus removing the very topology that supports the tachyons. A semiclassical regime is identified in which the matching between the tachyon condensation and the black-hole instability flow is possible. We formulate a generalized correspondence principle and illustrate it in several different circumstances: (...)
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  42.  71
    An Effective Field Theory Model to Describe Nuclear Matter in Heavy-Ion Collisions.M. M. Islam & H. Weigel - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (4):577-597.
    Relativistic mean field theory with mesons σ, ω, π and ρ mediating interactions and nucleons as basic fermions has been very successful in describing nuclear matter and finite nuclei. However, in heavy-ion collisions, where the c. m. energy of two colliding nucleons will be in the hundreds of GeV region, nucleons are not expected to behave as point-like particles. Analyses of elastic pp and ¯pp scattering data in the relevant c. m. energy range show that the nucleon is a composite (...)
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  43. Contextual emergence from physics to cognitive neuroscience.Harald Atmanspacher - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (1-2):18-36.
    The concept of contextual emergence has been proposed as a non-reductive, yet well- defined relation between different levels of description of physical and other systems. It is illustrated for the transition from statistical mechanics to thermodynamical properties such as temperature. Stability conditions are shown to be crucial for a rigorous implementation of contingent contexts that are required to understand temperature as an emergent property. Are such stability conditions meaningful for contextual emergence beyond physics as well? An affirmative (...)
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  44. On the physical basis of cosmic time.Svend E. Rugh & Henrik Zinkernagel - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 40 (1):1-19.
    In this manuscript we initiate a systematic examination of the physical basis for the time concept in cosmology. We discuss and defend the idea that the physical basis of the time concept is necessarily related to physical processes which could conceivably take place among the material constituents available in the universe. As a consequence we motivate the idea that one cannot, in a well-defined manner, speak about time ‘before’ such physical processes were possible, and in particular, the idea that one (...)
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  45.  41
    Reduction of thermodynamics.Sang Wook Yi - unknown
    This paper aims: (1) to show that Lawrence Sklar`s recent attempt to reduce thermodynamics(TD) to statistical mechanics(SM) is fallacious in several respects; and (2) to suggest a broader conclusion that a more useful way of understanding the relationship between TD and SM is as collaboration and competition among alternative methodologies rather than reduction of one theory to another. To argue for (1), I discuss two cases (the distinction of intensive/extensive variables in TD and the existence of phase transitions) where TD (...)
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  46. Stability Conditions in Contextual Emergence.Harald Atmanspacher & Robert C. Bishop - 2007 - Chaos and Complexity Letters 2:139-150.
    The concept of contextual emergence is proposed as a non-reductive, yet welldefined relation between different levels of description of physical and other systems. It is illustrated for the transition from statistical mechanics to thermodynamical properties such as temperature. Stability conditions are crucial for a rigorous implementation of contingent contexts that are required to understand temperature as an emergent property. It is proposed that such stability conditions are meaningful for contextual emergence beyond physics as well.
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  47.  47
    Against the budget view in climate ethics.Lukas Tank - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (7):1075-1088.
    The extent of our duties to mitigate climate change is commonly conceptualized in terms of temperature goals like the 1.5°C and the 2°C target and corresponding emissions budgets. While I do acknowledge the political advantages of any framework that is relatively easy to understand, I argue that this particular framework does not capture the true extent of our mitigation duties. Instead I argue for a more differentiated approach that is based on the well-known distinction between subsistence and luxury emissions. (...)
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  48.  43
    Can Quantum Gravity be Exposed in the Laboratory?Jacob D. Bekenstein - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (5):452-462.
    I propose an experiment that may be performed, with present low temperature and cryogenic technology, to reveal Wheeler’s quantum foam. It involves coupling an optical photon’s momentum to the center of mass motion of a macroscopic transparent block with parameters such that the latter is displaced in space by approximately a Planck length. I argue that such displacement is sensitive to quantum foam and will react back on the photon’s probability of transiting the block. This might allow determination of (...)
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  49. The birth of time.J. Géhéniau & I. Prigogine - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (5):437-443.
    The formulation of the second law of thermodynamics in the frame of general relativity is reconsidered in the case of an istotropic homogeneous universe. We show that there appears then a direct link between the cosmological state of the universe, as expressed in terms of conformal coordinates, and quantities such as energy density, pressure, and entropy associated with the description of nature. In the early universe there appears a kind of phase transition due to transfer of gravitational energy to (...)
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  50. Expanding the use of empiricism in nursing: can we bridge the gap between knowledge and clinical practice?Karen K. Giuliano - 2003 - Nursing Philosophy 4 (1):44-52.
    The philosophy of Aristotle and its impact on the process of empirical scientific inquiry has been substantial. The influence of the clarity and orderliness of his thinking, when applied to the acquisition of knowledge in nursing, can not be overstated. Traditional empirical approaches have and will continue to have an important influence on the development of nursing knowledge through nursing research. However, as nursing is primarily a practice discipline, the transition from empirical and syllogistic reasoning is problematic. Other types (...)
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