Results for 'P. Munroe'

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  1. Shared network resources and shared task properties.P. Munro - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum.
  2. Repositioning Feminism and Education: Perspectives on Educating for Social Change.J. Jipson, P. Munro, S. Victor, K. Froude Jones & G. Freed-Rowland - 1997 - British Journal of Educational Studies 45:214-215.
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    The paramagnetic-to-ferromagnetic transition in B2-structured Fe-Al single crystals: experiments and calculations.D. Wu, P. Munroe & I. Baker - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (3):295-313.
    It is well established that single crystals of B2-structured Fe-Al change from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic upon plastic deformation. This strain-induced ferromagnetism arises mostly from Fe atoms which have three or more like nearest neighbours in antiphase-boundary tubes. Such Fe atoms carry magnetic moments according to their local environment. In this study, the saturation magnetizations, M S , of cold-rolled Fe-34 at.% Al, Fe-40 at.% Al and Fe-43 at.% Al single crystals were measured in a vibrating-sample magnetometer from 77 K to (...)
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    The structure and mechanical properties of Fe2AlMn single crystals.M. Wittmann †, I. Baker ‡ & P. R. Munroe § - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (29):3169-3194.
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    The influence of the surface on the phosphorescent state of benzene in doped rare-gas solids.S. S. Hasnain, P. Brint, T. D. S. Hamilton & I. H. Munro - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 36 (3):629-641.
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    Spinal Cord Excitability and Sprint Performance Are Enhanced by Sensory Stimulation During Cycling.Gregory E. P. Pearcey, Steven A. Noble, Bridget Munro & E. Paul Zehr - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Evidentialism and Occurrent Belief: You Aren’t Justified in Believing Everything Your Evidence Clearly Supports.Wade Munroe - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (7):3059-3078.
    Evidentialism as an account of epistemic justification is the position that a doxastic attitude, D, towards a proposition, p, is justified for an intentional agent, S, at a time, t, iff having D towards p fits S’s evidence at t, where the fittingness of an attitude on one’s evidence is typically analyzed in terms of evidential support for the propositional contents of the attitude. Evidentialism is a popular and well-defended account of justification. In this paper, I raise a problem for (...)
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  8. Misleading Higher-Order Evidence and Rationality: We Can't Always Rationally Believe What We Have Evidence to Believe.Wade Munroe - forthcoming - Episteme:1-27.
    Evidentialism as an account of theoretical rationality is a popular and well-defended position. However, recently, it's been argued that misleading higher-order evidence (HOE) – that is, evidence about one's evidence or about one's cognitive functioning – poses a problem for evidentialism. Roughly, the problem is that, in certain cases of misleading HOE, it appears evidentialism entails that it is rational to adopt a belief in an akratic conjunction – a proposition of the form “p, but my evidence doesn't support p” (...)
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    On Strabo XII. 3, 38: P. 560.J. Arthur R. Munro - 1900 - The Classical Review 14 (09):442-443.
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    Munro's Translations into Greek and Latin Verse. [REVIEW]P. P. J. - 1907 - The Classical Review 21 (1):27-28.
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    (1 other version)Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Phillip L. Smith, Lawrence D. Klein, Kristin Egelhof, Neela Trivedi, Mary P. Hoy, Harold J. Frantz, J. Theodore Klein, Phillip H. Steedman, William E. Roweton, Mary Jeanne Munroe, Larry Janes, Beverly Lindsay, Ellen Hay Schiller, Paul Albert Emoungu, F. Michael Perko, Susan Frissell, Stephen K. Miller, Samuel M. Vinocur, Fred D. Gilbert Jr, Elizabeth Sherman Swing & Gerald A. Postiglione - 1981 - Educational Studies 12 (4):483-514.
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  12. Criticisms and Elucidations of Catullus. By H. A. J. Munro. Second edition, 1905. [By J. D. Duff.] London: George Bell and Sons. Cambridge : Deighton, Bell & Co. Pp. xii + 250. 7s. 6d. net. [REVIEW]P. P. J. - 1906 - The Classical Review 20 (02):130-.
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    Evolution in The Arts, and other Theories of Culture History. By Thomas Munro. 562 pp. text, including a Bibliography and Index. (Published by The Cleveland Museum of Art. Distributed by Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1963. Price £3 10s.). [REVIEW]J. P. Hodin - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (153):253-.
  14. Interpreting the Mengzi. [REVIEW]P. J. Ivanhoe - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (2):249 - 263.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Interpreting the MengziPhilip J. IvanhoeMencius: Contexts and Interpretations. Edited by Alan K. L. Chan. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2002. Pp. vii + 328. Hardcover $51.00.Mencius: Contexts and Interpretations, edited by Alan K. L. Chan, is an important collection of essays from a scholarly conference held at the National University of Singapore in 1999. It begins with a concise yet incisive introduction to Mengzi, his work, and the various (...)
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  15. Imagining as a Skillful Mental Action.Seth Goldwasser - 2024 - Synthese 204 (38):1-33.
    I provide a novel, non-reductive, action-first skill-based account of active imagining. I call it the Skillful Action Account of Imagining (the skillful action account for short). According to this account, to actively imagine something is to form a representation of that thing, where the agent’s forming that representation and selecting its content together constitute a means to the completion of some imaginative project. Completing imaginative projects stands to the active formation of the relevant representations as an end. The account thus (...)
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    Sophie, Greta, Cuiyuan, and Feminist Desire.Yuhui Bao & Ian Dennis - 2023 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 30 (1):131-147.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sophie, Greta, Cuiyuan, and Feminist DesireStories by Ding Ling, Alice Munro, and Eileen ChangYuhui Bao (bio) and Ian Dennis (bio)Desire has a history and, for a literary criticism inflected by mimetic theory, novelistic prose fiction offers a privileged view of its unfolding. We study novelistic fiction, as opposed to various romance genres, to grasp that history, for what its authors have been able to see, understand, and dramatize—this is (...)
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    Necessary Propositions and the Square of Opposition.Mark Roberts - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (3):427-433.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NECESSARY PROPOSITIONS AND THE SQUARE OF OPPOSITION MARK ROBERTS University of Rhode Island Kingston, Rhode Island IT IS COMMONPLACE to define contradictory, contrary, and subcontrary propositions in the following way: contradictory propositions cannot both be true and cannot both be false; contrary propositions cannot both be true but can both be false; and subcontrary propositions can both be true but cannot both be false. In his Introduction to Logic (...)
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    Evolution and (aristotelian) virtue ethics.John Mizzoni - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (2):199-206.
    It is well known that virtue ethics has become very popular among moral theorists. Even Aristotelian virtue ethics continues to have defenders. Bernard Williams (1983; 1995, p. xy), though, has claimed that this “neo-Aristotelian enterprise” might “require us tofeign amnesia about natural selection.” This paper looks at some recent work on virtueethics as seen from an evolutionary perspective (Michael Ruse, 1991; William Casebeer, 2003; Donald J. Munro, 2005; John Lemos, 2008; Jonathan Haidt & Craig Joseph, 2008) and explores whether Williams’ (...)
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    Hemispheric laterality and dissociative tendencies: Differences in emotional processing in a dichotic listening task.P. Enriquez & E. Bernabeu - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):267-275.
    The present work investigates whether the hemispheric processing of both verbal and emotional stimuli, studied by means of a dichotic listening task, differs between normal high and low dissociators as assessed by the Dissociative Experiences Scale . Development, reliability and validity of a dissociation scale. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 174, 727–735). Two groups of subjects , participated in the experiment. The task consisted in identifying both verbal and emotional stimulus-targets, respectively, on successive sessions. Reaction time and response accuracy (...)
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  20.  29
    Pastoralism and Personality: An Andean Replication.Charlene Bolton, Ralph Bolton, Lorraine Gross, Amy Koel, Carol Michelson, Robert L. Munroe & Ruth H. Munroe - 1976 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 4 (4):463-481.
  21. Die combinatorish-aesthetische Function und die Formeln der symbolischen Logik.P. J. Helwig - 1899 - Philosophical Review 8:319.
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    Pour une épistémologie psychanalytique Sur trois mots de Sigmund Freud.P. Hermann - 1991 - Dialectica 45 (4):301-315.
    RésuméLa psychanalyse se pose comme savoir quant à certains aspects de l'esprit humain et comme instrument pour y apporter des changements. II y a relativement peu de travaux consacrés à la structure de ce savoir ou aux modalités ?action de cet instrument. Ce travail se propose ?examiner brièvement ce qui dans l'oeuvre du pionnier de la psychanalyse – Sigmund Freud –, ou à partir ?elle, permet ?entrevoir les réponses qui pourraient être apportées à de telles questions.
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    Socially Structured Games.P. Herings, Gerard Laan & Dolf Talman - 2007 - Theory and Decision 62 (1):1-29.
    We generalize the concept of a cooperative non-transferable utility game by introducing a socially structured game. In a socially structured game every coalition of players can organize themselves according to one or more internal organizations to generate payoffs. Each admissible internal organization on a coalition yields a set of payoffs attainable by the members of this coalition. The strengths of the players within an internal organization depend on the structure of the internal organization and are represented by an exogenously given (...)
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  24. Byzantine cloisonné enamel: Production, survival and loss (*).P. Hetherington - 2006 - Byzantion 76:185-220.
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  25. Choix de discours, etc. La religion basée sur la morale.P. Hoffmann - 1891 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 32:305-306.
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    The difficulty of multiple choice test item alternatives.P. Horst - 1932 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 15 (4):469.
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    Magie, medecine et possession en EthiopieMaxime Rodinson.P. Huard - 1968 - Isis 59 (3):338-339.
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    Saint Francis Xavier.P. S. Hurley - 1953 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 28 (3):464-466.
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  29. Warning: Ani al extremists are dangerous to your health.P. Michael Iain & James V. Paikai - 2009 - In Kendrick Frazier, Science Under Siege: Defending Science, Exposing Pseudoscience. Prometheus. pp. 198.
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  30. Bioethics, wisdom and expertise.P. Johnstone - 2001 - In Carl Elliott, Slow Cures and Bad Philosophers: Essays on Wittgenstein, Medicine, and Bioethics. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
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  31. L'église dans l'óeuvre et la vie de Pierre le Venerable.Torrell J.-P. - 1977 - Revue Thomiste 77 (4):558-591.
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  32. Imagination et imaginaire chez Aristote.P. Kalaïtzidis - 1991 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 9 (1):3-58.
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    Pastoraat vir die ouetehuise.P. J. Theo Koekemoer - 1976 - HTS Theological Studies 32 (3/4).
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  34. The speech of facts and logic.P. Kolar - 1994 - Filosoficky Casopis 42 (6):1000-1012.
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  35. Filosofskie idei V. I. Lenina i logika.P. V. Kopnin - 1969 - Moskva,: "Nauka,".
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    Śūraṃgamasamādhisūtra, The Concentration of Heroic Progress: An Early Mahāyāna Buddhist ScriptureSuramgamasamadhisutra, The Concentration of Heroic Progress: An Early Mahayana Buddhist Scripture.P. W. K., Étienne Lamotte, Sara Boin-Webb & Etienne Lamotte - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (1):171.
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  37. W.-E. HEISTERMANN. - Erkenntnis und Sein.P. Kucharski - 1955 - Archives de Philosophie 19:147.
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  38. Les perceptions et représentations de l'espace: Un lieu théologique disputé des temps médiévaux.P. Lecrivain - 1999 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 87 (4):519-549.
    Selon un lieu commun, la géographie médiévale se réduirait à une vaste parenthèse ouverte entre la fin du siècle d'or de l'Empire romain et la renaissance des grandes découvertes du XV° siècle. Mais quelle réalité s'agit-il de représenter ? Car toute représentation est tributaire, non seulement de conceptions particulières, mais aussi de moyens techniques qui ont présidé à son élaboration. Dans cet article, le lien entre la réalité et ses images, qui organise habituellement l'histoire de la cartographie, sera relâché au (...)
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    19. Zur superlativbildung im lateinischen.P. Lungen - 1872 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 31 (1-4):564-565.
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    Time-errors in judgments of visual extents.P. V. Marchetti - 1942 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 30 (3):257.
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    A people s history of Christianity, Vol 5: reformation Christianity.P. Matheson - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (1):672-673.
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  42. Conceptual truths.P. Materna - 2001 - Filosoficky Casopis 49 (3):425-440.
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    Causes, Correlations and Mind-Brain Identity.P. M. McGoldrick - 1984 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 30:230-233.
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    An examination of the treatment of stimulus patterning in Professor Hull's Principles of Behavior.P. E. Meehl - 1945 - Psychological Review 52 (6):324-332.
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    Vibrational spectra of disordered chains and the structure of amorphous Se and Te.P. E. Meek - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 34 (5):767-774.
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    Rectification and rectification reversal of the surface critical current in type II superconductors in the mixed state.P. H. Melville & A. Das Gupta - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 29 (2):275-284.
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  47. (1 other version)Ein Brief Kants an Georg Samuel Albert Mellin.P. Menzer - 1929 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 34:265.
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  48. S. Rubin, Die Erkenntnistheorie Maimons u. s. w.P. Menzer - 1898 - Kant Studien 2:356.
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  49. Cornelius Castoriadis, On Plato's Statesman.P. Murphy - 2003 - Thesis Eleven 74:126-132.
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  50. Readings Phl 243s.P. Murphy - 1998 - Custom Publishing Services, University of Toronto.
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