Results for 'Qinglong Meng'

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  1.  15
    Window Opening Behavior of Residential Buildings during the Transitional Season in China’s Xi’an.Xiaolong Yang, Jiali Liu, Qinglong Meng, Yingan Wei, Yu Lei, Mengdi Wu, Yuxuan Shang, Liang Zhang & Yingchen Lian - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-16.
    Window opening behavior in residential buildings has important theoretical significance and practical value for improving energy conservation, indoor thermal comfort, and indoor air quality. Climate and cultural differences may lead to different window opening behavior by residents. Currently, research on residential window opening behavior in northwest China has focused on indoor air quality, and few probabilistic models of residential window behaviors have been established. Therefore, in this study, we focused on an analysis of factors influencing window opening behavior and the (...)
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  2. Meng Yunpu xian sheng ji.Meng Huali - 2020 - In Shixi You, Jianfeng Zou, Xu Li & Konghui Mu, Bei fang Wang men ji. Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she.
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  3. Sheng tai ru xue: Meng Peiyuan "sheng tai zhe xue" lun ji = Shengtai ruxue.Peiyuan Meng - 2023 - Chengdu: Sichuan ren min chu ban she. Edited by Yushun Huang.
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  4. Meng Peiyuan jiang Kongzi.Peiyuan Meng - 2005 - Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
  5.  14
    Study on the Compromise Effect Under the Influence of Normative Reference Group.Qinglong Du & Kunyang Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The compromise effect is an important context effect, but its research is still insufficient under the influence of social factors and purchase tasks. This study explores the change of compromise effect in different group norm scenarios by constructing three different group norm reference points. Three conclusions were drawn. First, the compromise effect always exists under the influence of different groups’ normative reference points if there is a compromise effect in a product set. Second, the effect value of the compromise effect (...)
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    The density of the meet-inaccessible r. e. degrees.Zhang Qinglong - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (2):585-596.
    In this paper it is shown that the meet-inaccessible degrees are dense in R. The construction uses an 0''-priority argument. As a consequence, the meet-inaccessible degrees and the meet-accessible degrees give a partition of R into two sets, either of which is a nontrivial dense subset of R and generates R - {0} under joins (thus an automorphism base of R).
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    Influence of dispersoids on microstructure evolution and work hardening of aluminium alloys during tension and cold rolling.Qinglong Zhao, Bjørn Holmedal & Yanjun Li - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (22):2995-3011.
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    Modelling work hardening of aluminium alloys containing dispersoids.Qinglong Zhao & Bjørn Holmedal - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (23):3142-3153.
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    Meng Xiancheng quan ji.Xiancheng Meng - 2022 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai ren min chu ban she. Edited by Chengxian Du.
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  10. Responsibility, Free Will, and the Concept of Basic Desert.Leonhard Menges - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (2):615-636.
    Many philosophers characterize a particularly important sense of free will and responsibility by referring to basically deserved blame. But what is basically deserved blame? The aim of this paper is to identify the appraisal entailed by basic desert claims. It presents three desiderata for an account of desert appraisals and it argues that important recent theories fail to meet them. Then, the paper presents and defends a promising alternative. The basic idea is that claims about basically deserved blame entail that (...)
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  11. Three Control Views on Privacy.Leonhard Menges - 2022 - Social Theory and Practice 48 (4):691-711.
    This paper discusses the idea that the concept of privacy should be understood in terms of control. Three different attempts to spell out this idea will be critically discussed. The conclusion will be that the Source Control View on privacy is the most promising version of the idea that privacy is to be understood in terms of control.
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  12. Di 3 Juan.Meng Qingren Bian - 1990 - In Wenying Wang, Zhu ming Makesi zhu yi zhe xue jia ping zhuan. Jinan: Shandong sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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    Jia Chang Li Duan Shuo Kongzi de da Zhi Hui.Meng Sun - 2012 - Beijing: Hai Chao Chu Ban She. Edited by Zhuangzi.
  14.  43
    Multiplicity Results to a Conformable Fractional Differential Equations Involving Integral Boundary Condition.Shuman Meng & Yujun Cui - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-8.
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    From voids to sophistication: Institutional environment and mnc csr crisis in emerging markets.Meng Zhao, Justin Tan & Seung Ho Park - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (4):655-674.
    Why do multinational corporations frequently encounter corporate social responsibility crises in leading emerging markets in the new century? Existing research about institutional impacts on MNC CSR has developed a void-based account about how the flawed institutional system allows misdeeds to happen. But the fact that such misdeeds have turned into increasing CSR crises in the new century along with institutional change is rarely taken into account. This paper combines studies of institutional voids, institutional entrepreneurship, and stakeholder theory to develop a (...)
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    Han Tang si xiang shi gao.Meng Ji - 2010 - Taibei Shi: Xiu wei zi xun ke ji gu fen you xian gong si. Edited by Han Cheng.
    漢朝是一個偉大的王朝,奠定了兩千年帝制的基礎,學問、思想發育全面。與之相較,唐朝給人們的錯覺更多。實際上,我們應該檢討,太宗朝與整個唐朝,這是兩個概念。我們不能因為太宗朝的光輝,而就以為整個唐朝如何優 良。事實是,唐王朝二百年的內亂,已使它躋身於中國歷史中最壞的王朝之列,這就是殘酷的現實。本書講述自漢迄唐的思想學說,而以儒家、經學為重心為您剖析。【秀威資訊科技股份有限公司製作】.
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    Moralische Vorwürfe.Leonhard Menges - 2017 - Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
    Vorwürfe sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil unseres moralischen Alltags und spielen zentrale Rollen in grundlegenden philosophischen Diskussionen. In dieser Studie wird nach der Natur, der Angemessenheit und dem Wert moralischer Vorwürfe gefragt und es wird untersucht, wer in der richtigen Position ist, Vorwürfe zu machen. Abschließend wird das Verhältnis von Vorwürfen und Verantwortung in den Blick genommen.
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    The Pragmatic Maxim and Four Classical Pragmatists.Liang Meng - 2017 - Philosophy Study 7 (9).
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  19. Zi ran bian zheng fa jiang hua.Xianjun Meng - 1982 - Lanzhou: Gansu sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing. Edited by Xiaowei Zeng.
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  20. How Far Does the European Union Reach? Foreign Land Acquisitions and the Boundaries of Political Communities.Torsten Menge - 2019 - Land 8 (3).
    The recent global surge in large-scale foreign land acquisitions marks a radical transformation of the global economic and political landscape. Since land that attracts capital often becomes the site of expulsions and displacement, it also leads to new forms of migration. In this paper, I explore this connection from the perspective of a political philosopher. I argue that changes in global land governance unsettle the congruence of political community and bounded territory that we often take for granted. As a case (...)
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    The Mediating Effect of Ethical Climate on the Relationship Between Paternalistic Leadership and Team Identification: A Team-Level Analysis in the Chinese Context.Meng-Yu Cheng & Lei Wang - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (3):639-654.
    The aim of this paper is to explore the role of ethical climate on the relationship between the paternalistic leadership and team identification at the team level. In contrast to the prior studies which tended to focus on ethical climate as a whole dimension, this paper further classified the domain of construct into the categories of egoism, benevolence, and principle using a sample from 143 teams in Mainland China and Taiwan. Hierarchical regression results showed that the average paternalistic leadership had (...)
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  22.  54
    H∞ Optimal Performance Design of an Unstable Plant under Bode Integral Constraint.Fanwei Meng, Aiping Pang, Xuefei Dong, Chang Han & Xiaopeng Sha - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
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  23. A Defense of Privacy as Control.Leonhard Menges - 2020 - The Journal of Ethics 25 (3):385-402.
    Even though the idea that privacy is some kind of control is often presented as the standard view on privacy, there are powerful objections against it. The aim of this paper is to defend the control account of privacy against some particularly pressing challenges by proposing a new way to understand the relevant kind of control. The main thesis is that privacy should be analyzed in terms of source control, a notion that is adopted from discussions about moral responsibility.
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    Cost‐effectiveness analysis for Pap smear screening and human papillomavirus DNA testing and vaccination.Meng-Kan Chen, Hui-Fang Hung, Stephen Duffy, Amy Ming-Fang Yen & Hsiu-Hsi Chen - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (6):1050-1058.
  25.  12
    Mengzi: tian xing min xin.Meng Wang - 2021 - Guiyang Shi: Guizhou ren min chu ban she.
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    How Collaborating with NGOs Makes Green Innovations More Desirable.Yan Meng & Fiona Schweitzer - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (2):363-400.
    This research investigates how two different types of nongovernmental organization (NGO)–business collaboration for green innovation impact consumers’ purchase intentions. The authors carried out three studies, whose findings show that consumers prefer collaborations in which NGOs are integrated into the product development process (NGO co-development) over those that involve corporate giving to NGOs (sales-contingent donations). They show that green credibility works as a mediator, which explains why these two types of collaboration influence consumers’ purchase intentions differently. They also identify aspirational talk (...)
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  27.  47
    The Uncanny Effect of Telling Genealogies.Torsten Menge - 2017 - Southwest Philosophy Review 33 (1):63-73.
    What is the normative import of telling a genealogy of our present reason-giving practices? In this paper, I will focus on Michel Foucault’s materialist genealogies in Discipline and Punish and The History of Sexuality, Vol. 1, which attend to the social and material settings in which we act and give and ask for reasons. A number of influential critics have interpreted them as a critical evaluation of our reason-giving practices. But understood in this way, Foucault’s genealogical project faces significant philosophical (...)
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    Toward an Understanding of Parental Views and Actions on Social Media Influencers Targeted at Adolescents: The Roles of Parents’ Social Media Use and Empowerment.Meng-Hsien Lin, Akshaya Vijayalakshmi & Russell Laczniak - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Fa xue yan jiu de ge ju liu bian =.Meng Hou (ed.) - 2017 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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    Arts-based research methods for educational researchers.Meng Tian - 2023 - New York: Routledge.
    Arts-Based Research Methods for Educational Researchers is a book for early-career and established scholars who aim to use the arts to spark new ideas and empower participants in educational research. It will allow readers to conduct arts-based research and phenomenography research in their own projects. The book starts with a brief history of the arts in research, going on to provide an in-depth understanding of the philosophical foundations of arts-based research - different research designs, material preparation, ethical considerations, data collection, (...)
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  31. Grounding Responsibility in Appropriate Blame.Leonhard Menges - 2017 - American Philosophical Quarterly 54 (1):15-24.
    When confronted with the question of why it is appropriate to morally blame a person for some bad action, it may seem plausible to reply that she is morally responsible for it. Some authors, inspired by Peter Strawson's "Freedom and Resentment," argue, however, that thinking this way is backwards. They believe that a person is morally responsible for some bad action because it would be appropriate to blame her for it. The aims of this paper are to present this account, (...)
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  32. Blame it on Disappointment: A Problem for Skepticism about Angry Blame.Leonhard Menges - 2020 - Public Affairs Quarterly 34 (2):169-184.
    Blame skeptics argue that we have strong reason to revise our blame practices because humans do not fulfill all the conditions for it being appropriate to blame them. This paper presents a new challenge for this view. Many have objected that blame plays valuable roles such that we have strong reason to hold on to our blame practices. Skeptics typically reply that non-blaming responses to objectionable conduct, like forms of disappointment, can serve the positive functions of blame. The new challenge (...)
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  33. Blaming.Leonhard Menges - 2023 - In Maximilian Kiener, The Routledge Handbook of Responsibility. Routledge.
    In the last two decades, blame has become a core topic in ethics, philosophical moral psychology and, more recently, epistemology. This chapter aims at clarifying the complex state of the debate and at making a suggestion for how we should proceed from here. The core idea is that accounts of blame are often motivated by very different background goals. One standard goal is to provide a unifying account of our everyday blame practices. The chapter argues that there is reason to (...)
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    The Effect of Organization-Based Self-Esteem and Deindividuation in Protecting Personal Information Privacy.Meng-Hsiang Hsu & Feng-Yang Kuo - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 42 (4):305 - 320.
    In this research we apply the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to study decisions related to information privacy protection. A TPB-based model was proposed to investigate whether organization-based self-esteem and perceived deindividuation can be employed to measure the strength of the perceived behavioral control construct. In addition, we examined if the addition of a causal path linking subjective norms to attitudes and another causal path linking organization-based self-esteem to subjective norms enhanced our research model's predicting power. Our study shows that (...)
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    A further analysis of Zhu Xi’s theory of mind.Peiyuan Meng - 2010 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 5 (3):377-395.
    Mind was the oneness of form and function. The change from an old theory to a new one about zhong 中 (the mean) and he 和 (harmony) was a shift from the idea of the separate form of nature and function of mind to one about both form and function of mind. Form was both the form of the spirit of the mind and of the substantiality of nature (not the same as substantial realities in substantialism); it was the integration (...)
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    Fa lü kong quan lun: quan li yun xing de fa lü kong zhi.Xiangfeng Meng - 2009 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo fang zheng chu ban she.
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  37. Guang yi lun li xue: cun zai lun.Xiantang Meng - 1988 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Tianjin fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Qin Han zheng zhi si xiang shi.Xiangcai Meng - 2018 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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  39. Zhongguo zhe xue zhu ti si wei.Peiyuan Meng - 1993 - Beijing: jing xiao Xin hua shu dian.
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    De min xin de tian xia: Wang Meng shuo "Mengzi".Meng Wang - 2016 - Hangzhou: Zhejiang ren min chu ban she.
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  41. Kʻo hsüeh yü jen sheng kuan chih lun chan. Wang, Meng-Tsou & [From Old Catalog] - 1973
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  42.  19
    Elastic–plastic deformation of PbO3–% PbTiO3single crystals during nanoindentation.Meng Fei Wong & Kaiyang Zeng - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (13):1685-1700.
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  43. The emotion account of blame.Leonhard Menges - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (1):257-273.
    For a long time the dominant view on the nature of blame was that to blame someone is to have an emotion toward her, such as anger, resentment or indignation in the case of blaming someone else and guilt in the case of self-blame. Even though this view is still widely held, it has recently come under heavy attack. The aim of this paper is to elaborate the idea that to blame is to have an emotion and to defend the (...)
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  44. Did the NSA and GCHQ Diminish Our Privacy? What the Control Account Should Say.Leonhard Menges - 2020 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 7 (1):29-48.
    A standard account of privacy says that it is essentially a kind of control over personal information. Many privacy scholars have argued against this claim by relying on so-called threatened loss cases. In these cases, personal information about an agent is easily available to another person, but not accessed. Critics contend that control accounts have the implausible implication that the privacy of the relevant agent is diminished in threatened loss cases. Recently, threatened loss cases have become important because Edward Snowden’s (...)
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    Fang Yizhi zhuan.Meng Bai - 2020 - Hefei Shi: Anhui da xue chu ban she.
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  46. One-divides-into-two reveals struggle, two-combine-into-one reveals unity+ debates on the unity of opposites in materialist dialectic in china after the cultural-revolution.Xj Meng - 1980 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 12 (1):22-36.
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    2 Vorwerfbarkeit und Falschheit.Leonhard Menges - 2017 - In Moralische Vorwürfe. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 51-86.
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  48. The Point of Blaming AI Systems.Hannah Altehenger & Leonhard Menges - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 27 (2).
    As Christian List (2021) has recently argued, the increasing arrival of powerful AI systems that operate autonomously in high-stakes contexts creates a need for “future-proofing” our regulatory frameworks, i.e., for reassessing them in the face of these developments. One core part of our regulatory frameworks that dominates our everyday moral interactions is blame. Therefore, “future-proofing” our extant regulatory frameworks in the face of the increasing arrival of powerful AI systems requires, among others things, that we ask whether it makes sense (...)
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    Challenging or Threatening? The Double-Edged Sword Effect of Intelligent Technology Awareness on Accountants’ Unethical Decision-Making.Meng Bai, He Zhang, Junrui Zhang, Yuhui Jiang & Junmin Xu - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-17.
    Intelligent technology introduces both opportunities and challenges in the realm of employee ethics. While intelligent technology is widely believed to combat employee unethical behavior by enhancing transparency and reducing discretionary decisions, it may also inadvertently promote unethical conduct by triggering awareness of job substitution (i.e., intelligent technology awareness [ITA]). This study investigates how ITA affects accountants’ unethical decision-making (i.e., UDM). Drawing on the cognitive appraisal theory of stress and self-regulation theory, we theorize a double-edged sword impact of ITA on UDM. (...)
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  50. Responsibility and appropriate blame: The no difference view.Leonhard Menges - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):393-409.
    How do the fact that an agent is morally responsible for a certain morally objectionable action and the fact that she is an appropriate target of blame for it relate to each other? Many authors inspired by Peter Strawson say that they necessarily co‐occur. Standard answers to the question of why they co‐occur say that the occurrence of one of the facts explains that the other obtains. This article presents a third option: that they are one and the same fact. (...)
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