Results for ' Russian essays'

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  1.  19
    Two Russian thinkers: an essay in Berdyaev and Shestov.James C. S. Wernham - 1968 - Toronto,: University of Toronto Press.
  2.  22
    Russian Neo-Kantianism: Marburg in Russia. Historical-philosophical Essays.Nina Dmitrieva - 2007 - Moscow, Russia: ROSSPEN.
  3. Russian Philosophy before Russian Marxism A Rich and Diverse Heritage: A Review Essay.Howard Parsons - 1994 - Nature, Society, and Thought 7 (4):471-494.
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    Through the Russian Prism: Essays on Literature and Culture.Joseph Frank - 1989 - Princeton University Press.
    Essays probe the culture that spawned the great novels of Dostoevsky and explore the author's influence on world literature.
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    Problems of Idealism: Essays in Russian Social Philosophy.Owen Bennett Jones (ed.) - 2003 - Yale University Press.
    This work was originally published in 1902 & marked a watershed in the Russian Silver age, a vibrant cultural renaissance.
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    Between Religion and Rationality: Essays in Russian Literature and Culture.Marina Ritzarev - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (7):941-942.
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    (2 other versions)Landmarks: A collection of essays on the Russian intelligentsia, 1909.Charles Timberlake - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (2):267-270.
  8. Windows on the Russian past, Essays on Soviet Historiography since Stalin.Samuel H. Baron & Nancy W. Heer - 1984 - Studies in Soviet Thought 28 (3):235-238.
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    Russian Neo-Kantianism: Emergence, Dissemination, and Dissolution.Thomas Nemeth - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Editorial Board: Karl P. Ameriks, Margaret Atherton, Frederick Beiser, Fabien Capeillères, Faustino Fabbianelli, Daniel Garber, Rudolf A. Makkreel, Steven Nadler, Alan Nelson, Christof Rapp, Ursula Renz, Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann, Denis Thouard, Paul Ziche, Günter Zöller The series publishes monographs and essay collections devoted to the history of philosophy as well as studies in the theory of writing the history of philosophy. A special emphasis is placed on the contextualization of philosophical historiography into the areas of the history of science, culture, and (...)
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  10.  24
    Russian and the Making of World Languages during the Cold War.Elena Aronova - 2017 - Isis 108 (3):643-650.
    This essay uses the case of Russian, in its relation to other languages, to look at the ways in which the architects of internationalism in the aftermath of World War II established a new hegemony of world languages, responding to the challenge posed by the rise of Russian as a scientific and political language. What was initially a campaign by the Soviet delegation at UNESCO for one cause—recognition of the status of the Russian language within the organization—was (...)
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    New Russian Work on Russell [review of A.S. Kolesnikov, Filosofija Bertrana Rassela ].Irving H. Anellis - 1992 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 12 (1):105-111.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviews 105 NEW RUSSIAN WORK ON RUSSELL IRVING H. ANELLIS Modern Logic Publishing I Box 1036, Welch Ave. Station Ames, JA 5°010-1036, USA A. S. Kolesnikov. cI»HJIOCOcPHJl BepTPaHa PacceJIa [Filosofija Bertrana Rassela]. Leningrad: Izdatel'srvo Leningradskogo Universiteta, 1991. Pp. 232. 3 rub. 30 kop.. Anatolii Sergeevich Kolesnikov is a relatively new name in Russell studies,.r1.a1though his book shows a deep knowledge of the material available on Russell in (...) and a wide acquaintance with Russell's publications in English and in Russian translation.1 In this work, which translates as The Philosophy ofBertrand Russel~ Kolesnikov traces the evolution of Russell's "world-view", while presenting a traditional Soviet interpretation of Russell's place in "bourgeois" philosophy. This monograph presents for the first time in Russian a thorough analysis of the evolution of Russell's philosophy as the outstanding representation of contemporary bourgeois philosophy, and is the first major study on Russell's philosophy in Russian since the appearance in'1962 ofSoviet philosopher 1. S. Narskii's The Philosophy ofBertrand Russell2 Russell himself is viewed by Kolesnikov as the best representative of the bourgeois humanist, philosopher, and mathematician. The author seeks a critical understanding of the historical and philosophical sources of Russell's ideas and conceptions and of the influence which these exercised and continue to exercise on contemporary Western philosophy and science. The author's aim is to "uncover" the neo-realist empiricist direction of Russell's philosophy as it manifested itself as a condition of his scientific and epistemological thinking. As had been usual for Soviet studies of Western "bourgeois" philosophers and their philosophies, Lenin and his empiriocriticism serves as a foil for the elucidation of Russell's thought and its development. Probably the most famous example of the dialectical attack on anaI Kolesnikov is also the author of The Freethought ofBertrand Russell [Svobodomyslie Bertrana Rassela] (Moscow: Mysl', 1978). 2 The Philosophy ofBertrand Russell: Lectures for Students in the University Philosophy Faculty [Filosofija Bertrana Rassela: lekcija dlja studentovfilosofikih fakul'tov universitetov] (Moscow: 1962). In the first footnote (on p. 60) to his translation of the article on "Bertrand Russell in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia: Translation from Russian", Russel~ nos. 23-4 (1976): 60-2, Charles Haynes wrote that "Narskiy... appears to be a leading Soviet writet on Russell's philosophy." In fact Narskii wrote extensively on philosophy of logic, for which work he is bcst known. 106 Reviews lytic philosophy revolved around the rather rough treatment accorded to A. J. Ayer when he lectured at Moscow State University in 1962. This methodology for criticizing "bourgeois idealism" has declined in recent years as a consequence of perestroika; from as early as 1987 Soviet philosophers have managed to refrain from employing this tactic in their writings (as one may readily see, e.g., from Zinaida Sokuler's recent paper on "Wirrgenstein on the Contradictions in Logic and in the Foundations of Mathematics"3). Kolesnikov's discussion of political-ideological, social and moral issues is limited to the Preface, which also presents a brief sketch of Russell's life, especially his education and the earliest of the philosophical influences at Cambridge, of course Russell's visit in 1920 to Soviet Russia and the writings that derived from that trip, especially his book The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism, and of his travels in China. Here Kolesnikov notes Russell's ties to the Fabian socialists and names in particular the Webbs, H. G. Wells and "other members representative of the bourgeois intelligentsia" (p. 5). Mention is also made here of his activism for nuclear disarmament and against the American war in Indochina, and of the essay "Why I Am Not a Christian". We are told at the very outset (p. 3) that "the name of this philosopher is widely known in our country." The remainder of the book is concerned with Russell's technical philosophy, i.e. with his work in philosophy of mathematics, logic, philosophy of language, metaphysics and epistemology. Kolesnikov divides Russell's philosophical evolution into three stages (p. 22). The "early" period (1894-1910) is the developmental stage, characterized by the influence ofneo-Hegelianism and neo-Kantianism and by the development of the conception of... (shrink)
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    Faith and reason in Russian thought.Teresa Obolevitch & Paweł Rojek (eds.) - 2015 - Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
    In Russian culture, there was neither Scholasticism nor Renaissance, and the problem of faith and reason was formulated, most of all, on the ground of Patristic tradition. This collection of essays explores various dimensions of this alternative Russian account. The book shows the peculiarities of the Orthodox interpretation of faith. It traces the interrelations between Eastern and Western thinkers, and it investigates the heritage of Russian religious philosophy, with a special attention to Pavel Florensky, Sergius Bulgakov, (...)
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    Ironic imperialism: how Russian patriots are reclaiming postmodernism.Boris Noordenbos - 2011 - Studies in East European Thought 63 (2):147-158.
    This essay analyzes the recent appearance in Russian letters of ultra-nationalist fantasies about the restoration of Russia’s imperial or totalitarian status. This new trend has its roots not only in the increasingly patriotic tone of Russian society and politics, but also in the dynamics of the literary field itself. ‘Imperialist writers’ such as Aleksandr Prokhanov and Pavel Krusanov have both revived and reacted against postmodern themes and motifs from earlier decades. Relying on the legacy of sots-art and stiob (...)
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  14. Reality and Man an Essay in the Metaphysics of Human Nature / by S. L. Frank ; Translated From the Russian by Natalie Duddington ; with a Preface by A. M. Allchin.S. L. Frank - 1965 - Faber & Faber.
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    Russian Thought and Russian Thinkers.Michael N. Forster - 2021 - In Marina F. Bykova, Michael N. Forster & Lina Steiner (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought. Springer Verlag. pp. 777-787.
    The Afterword reevaluates Isaiah Berlin’s highly influential collection of essays, Russian Thinkers, and suggests that some of Berlin’s views are either somewhat dated or tendentious. It sketches out a new vision of the Russian intellectual tradition as perceived from the twenty-first-century Anglophone perspective.
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    Hegel’s Impact on Russian Constitutional and Social Development.Alexander S. Fesenko - 1998 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 5 (1):1-10.
    This essay argues that the thinker whose teaching played a key role in the formation of the Russian political and legal paradigm was not Marx but Hegel. It analyzes the impact of the Hegelian philosophy on the development of the Russian constitutional tradition, and examines its political implications.
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  17. (1 other version)Modernity and its critique in 20th century Russian orthodox thought.Kristina Stöckl - 2006 - Studies in East European Thought 58 (4):243 - 269.
    Orthodox Christianity has often been understood as not pertaining to Modernity due to its different historical and theological trajectory. This essay disputes such a view with regard to 20th century Orthodox thought, which it examines from the point of view of a sociology of Modernity in order to identify where Orthodox thinkers of the Russian Diaspora and in Russia today position themselves in relation to modern society and philosophy. Two essentially modern positions within Orthodoxy are singled out: an institutional (...)
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    Religious Elements in the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict.Wilhelm Dancă - 2021 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 37:63-72.
    The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has not only a political, economic, and military component, but also a religious one. These components co-exist and support each other, both in Ukraine and in Russia. Why? In this essay I try to give an answer by analysing the religious elements of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict from a historical and a phenomenological perspective. In doing this I hope to shed light on a situation that worsens day by day.
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    Economics and Culture. The Russian Mentality and Market Reforms.Vyacheslav S. Stepin - 2015 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 53 (2):181-190.
    The essay examines the conditions that gave rise to undesirable trends in Russian economic transformation leading to creation of a market that the author refers to as a “wild” market opposing it to the form of market economy inherent in the West. Discussing specific archetypes of Russian mass consciousness and Russian system of fundamental values, the author emphasizes the importance of balancing the specific steps of contemporary economic reforms in the country against unique features of Russian (...)
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  20.  11
    Why Russian Philosophy Is So Important and So Dangerous.Mikhail Epstein - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (3):405-409.
    The academic community in the West tends to be suspicious of Russian philosophy, often relegating it to another category, such as “ideology” or “social thought.” But what is philosophy? There is no simple universal definition, and many thinkers consider it impossible to formulate one. The most credible attempt is nominalistic: philosophy is the practice in which Plato and Aristotle were involved. As Alfred North Whitehead wrote, “The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of (...)
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    Review of: Olga Zhukova, An essay on Russian culture: philosophy of history, literature and art. Moscow: “Soglasie” Publisher house, 2019. 588 pages. Hardcover: ISBN 978-5-907038-50-9, € 17. [REVIEW]Alexei Alexeevich Kara-Murza - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 72 (3-4):407-411.
    This book review discusses the new research of the Russian philosopher and cultural study scholar Olga A. Zhukova. What is special about the Russian intellectual movement Russian Europeanism? Zhukova reconstructs the ideas of Russian Europeanism, and she evaluates the approaches of Russian thinkers to national cultural history. The author manages to introduce the reader to current discussions about the specifics of the Russian cultural and philosophical “project” and to propose new approaches for the interpretation (...)
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    Russian philosophy and the question of its exceptional nature. [REVIEW]Marina F. Bykova - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (4):781-786.
    This essay addresses one of the most concerning features of Russian thought: its claim to exceptionality. The author contends that the notion of Russian distinctiveness and exceptionality has reverberated consistently throughout Russian intellectual discussions. In contemporary Russia, these debates have heightened, often taking on a distinctly political character. The essay highlights the perilous consequences of believing in the exclusivity and superiority of one national tradition over others. Not only does this belief lead to national isolationism, negatively impacting (...)
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  23.  67
    Outlines of the Philosophy of Technology 2: Russian Peculiarities of Technical Thinking.Pavel Krupkin - manuscript
    This essay explores the distinct characteristics of Russian technical thinking within the framework of Yuk Hui’s concept of cosmotechnics. Hui’s proposal emphasizes “good technology,” which aligns with local cosmological perspectives and moral practices, as an essential component of the technosphere’s decolonization. The analysis contrasts Russian approaches to technical creativity with those of the West and China, highlighting the synthesis of collective and individual efforts through archetypal imagery such as the campfire and the reverence for “bookish wisdom.” Central to (...)
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  24.  27
    The Impossibility of Conservatism? Insights from Russian History.Vanessa Rampton - 2016 - The Monist 99 (4):372-386.
    This essay argues that both the normative worth and practicality of conservatism depend on how much there is to enjoy and value in actual historical circumstances. I use examples from Russian history in the Tsarist period to show that if they live in times of great hardship, or under arbitrary political rule, political actors and thinkers with conservative sympathies (such as respect for tradition, and predilection for slow, gradual improvements) will face painful moral dilemmas, and perhaps even be justified (...)
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    Rosa Luxemburg, “The Russian Revolution”.Katerina Clark - 2018 - Studies in East European Thought 70 (2-3):153-165.
    The essay concerns the highly controversial pamphlet of Rosa Luxemburg The Russian Revolution, in which Luxemburg criticizes Lenin’s post-revolutionary policies, in particular his dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, an elected body. The essay reviews the history of the text’s publication and the intense debate, which continues to this day, over whether or not Luxemburg changed her mind on its central critique. At stake in the argument is not only Luxemburg’s evaluation of Lenin’s actions but also the correct weighting to (...)
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    (1 other version)Northrop on Russian communism.Fred A. Seddon - 1986 - Studies in East European Thought 32 (2):133-154.
    The purpose of this study is to examine F. S. C. Northrop's approach to Russian Communism via his analysis of (1) the fundamental types of all possible concepts and (2) how an exposition of the basic concepts of Russian Communism enable us to understand not only the past performances of the Soviet Union but also to predict what they are likely to do in the future. This goal is accomplished by an examination of three essays that Northrop (...)
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    Impromptu reflections on The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought, edited by Marina F. Bykova, Michael N. Forster, Lina Steiner.Caryl Emerson - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (4):747-759.
    Russian thought has long been a hybrid of native and imported forms—or more accurately, native values were first conceptualized and systematized according to Western European categories. This essay considers select entries in the Handbook (primarily those discussing Hegel, Solovyov, Tolstoy, and twentieth-century prose writers) not from the perspective of “pure” or abstract philosophy, arguably a Western achievement, but in the context of three traditional Russian virtues: tselostnost’ [wholeness], lichnost’ [personhood], and organichnost’ [organicity]. Each of these virtues, or values, (...)
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    Joseph T. Fuhrmann, Edward C. Bock, and Leon I. Twarog, "Essays on Russian Intellectual History". [REVIEW]James M. Edie - 1973 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (4):563.
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    Inquiry in to the Russian Ecological Eschatology Ideology.Liang Kun - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 45:511-525.
    Compared with the related western studies, Russian ecological philosophy has paid more attention to Eschatology and represented a unique path of thinking, that is, an intense rational conception and a religious consciousness. In the era of globalization, Russian ecological Eschatology, as an active response of Russian ideology to the world ecosystem crisis, contains a strong eschatological emotion and a spirit of salvation. It mainly deals with the sin and punishment between the nature and human being as well (...)
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    Retrieving the Martyrs in Order to Rethink the Political Order: The Russian Orthodox Case.John P. Burgess - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):177-201.
    This essay argues that in retrieving the new martyrs and confessors, the approximately two thousand people who suffered directly for their faith under Soviet communist oppression, the Russian Orthodox Church has made publicly available symbols and narratives that bear democratizing potential. The Church's "Icon of the New Martyrs and Confessors" can be interpreted as calling for broad representation of all parts of society in Church and political life, and freedom of the Church to represent its concerns to society without (...)
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    Digital’nye derevenščiki/digital villagers: Russian online projects from the countryside.Henrike Schmidt - 2011 - Studies in East European Thought 63 (2):95-109.
    The rapid growth of the Russian Internet offers great advantages, especially for geographical and cultural peripheries. Nevertheless, the locational inequality in Internet usage within the country has not yet been bridged. Meanwhile, some Russian villagers living in the countryside have started to ‘blog back’ to the metropolitan centres. How is the Russian village represented in these accounts by digital’nye derevenščiki ? What power relations are characteristic of villagers and townspeople, as they meet in online forums and blogs? (...)
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    Dmytro Ivanovich Chyzhevśkyi – Ukrainian-Russian Scholar, Professor In Germany.Brigitte Flickinger - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (2):101-126.
    This is an intellectual-biographical research essay on D. I. Chyzhevśkyi (1894-1977), the internationally renowned Ukraine scholar, expert on the history of philosophy, on Russian and Ukrainian philology and Slavic-German intercultural relations. He studied at Saint Petersburg University 1911-1913 and at Kyiv University 1916-1919 where he graduated with distinction. His would have been a promising academic career, however, in 1921, for political reasons Chyzhevśkyi felt compelled to leave Ukraine. He went to Germany, studied with E. Husserl in Freiburg/Breisgau, met M. (...)
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  33.  26
    The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought.Marina F. Bykova, Michael N. Forster & Lina Steiner (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume is a comprehensive Handbook of Russian thought that provides an in-depth survey of major figures, currents, and developments in Russian intellectual history, spanning the period from the late eighteenth century to the late twentieth century. Written by a group of distinguished scholars as well as some younger ones from Russia, Europe, the United States, and Canada, this Handbook reconstructs a vibrant picture of the intellectual and cultural life in Russia and the Soviet Union during the most (...)
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    Profession of Revulsion: Subjective Science and the Mobilization of Emotions in Late Nineteenth-Century Russian Public Medicine.Maria Pirogovskaya - 2024 - Isis 115 (1):105-125.
    This essay explores the rhetoric used by Russian zemstvo physicians, scholars of medicine, and sanitary inspectors to share their expertise with regard to health problems in the last three decades of the nineteenth century. Borrowing the conceptual framework of emotional practices introduced by Monique Scheer, it interprets an appeal to revulsion and sensorial evidence, employed as “templates of language and gesture,” that medical practitioners produced both to mobilize the emotions of their audience and to support their own professional stature. (...)
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    A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Pandemic: The 1977 "Russian Flu".Donald S. Burke & Amy Schleunes - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (3):386-405.
    Surprisingly, the 1977 "Russian flu" H1N1 pandemic influenza virus was genetically indistinguishable from strains that had circulated decades earlier but had gone extinct in 1957. This essay puts forward the most plausible chronology to explain the reemergence of the 1977 H1N1 pandemic virus: (1) in January–February 1976, a self-limited small outbreak of a swine H1N1 influenza virus occurred among Army personnel at Fort Dix, New Jersey; (2) in March 1976, the US launched a nationwide H1N1 swine influenza vaccine program; (...)
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    Transcendental Ground of Intrinsic Worth in Russian Literature.Algis Mickunas - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 7:477.
    The essay is a phenomenological study of Russian literature as a point of critique of two lifeworlds: the traditional Russian Feudalism with its “decadent” aristocracy, and the modern Western Enlightenment with its values, specifically the “subjective” construction of val-uations of all environment and human activities. Russian writers, from Turgenev all the way to Gogol found themselves between those two worlds and sought an answer which of them answers the existential question of human self-worth as an “eidetic” criterion (...)
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    Aleksey Khomyakov’s unknown essay on the Austrian Slavs (1845) and his poetry: the interplay of historiosophical ideas and poetic prophetism.Andrey P. Dmitriyev - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 72 (3-4):205-215.
    The paper introduces a conceptually important, but previously unknown essay by the Russian poet, theologian and philosopher Aleksey Khomyakov. This essay, “The Slavic and Orthodox Christian Population of Austria,” was discovered in two versions: an original, previously unpublished manuscript and a later anonymous 1845 text. The author reveals an aesthetic function that certain structural elements perform in Khomyakov’s essay, encouraging the interaction between historiosophical ideas and literary creativity. The essay is emphatically philosophical in its style, as its very composition (...)
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    Essay on the Phenomenon of Indifference.Liubava Moreva - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (2):37-53.
    The human race is defined in relation to the search for the meaning of life, but it is human beings’ search itself that constructs this meaning. As against the definition of the individual as a product of society (20th-century determinism) an integral being is sought in the intuition of Russian spirituality. Ethics is the foundation stone of everything: thought brings together within itself moral, artistic and ontological principles that help one to understand life at the level of personal participation. (...)
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    (1 other version)On Some Specific Traits of Russian Culture.Vittorio Hösle - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 8 (1):61-78.
    "The essay discusses the question in which sense there are continuities between the pre-Soviet, the Soviet, and the post-Soviet phase of Russian culture. It discovers in the rejection of the bourgeois value system an important constant factor. Even if originally rooted in the specific orthodox Christian sensibility, it helped prepare the Soviet revolution and survived even after 1991. From the Song of Igor’s Campaign to Tolstoy’s dramas, Eisenstein’s films and his film theory, and Maxim Kantor’s iconic interpretations of the (...)
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    Missing Links. Indigenous Life and Evolutionary Thought in the History of Russian Ethnography.Bruce Grant - 2020 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 43 (1):119-140.
    The history of Russian social anthropology has long been best known for the work of three, late nineteenth‐century “exile ethnographers,” each sent to the Russian Far East for their anti‐tsarist activities as students. All three men—Vladimir Bogoraz, Vladimir Iokhel'son, and Lev Shternberg—produced voluminous and celebrated works on Russian far eastern indigenous life, but it was the young Shternberg who had perhaps the most profound effect on setting the agenda for the canonic evolutionist line soon to take hold (...)
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    Translating Textbooks: Russian, German, and the Language of Chemistry.Michael Gordin - 2012 - Isis 103 (1):88-98.
    Using the cases of three Russian chemistry textbooks from the 1860s—authored by Freidrich Beilstein, A. M. Butlerov, and D. I. Mendeleev—this essay analyzes their contemporary translation into German and the implications of their divergent histories for scholars' understanding of the processes of credit accrual and the choices of languages of science.
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    The paradoxical anchoring of Kojève’s philosophizing in the tradition of Russian religious philosophy.Annett Jubara - 2024 - Studies in East European Thought 76 (1):9-24.
    The subject of this paper is Alexandre Kojève’s relationship to Russian Religious Philosophy, which is characterized by a paradoxical contrast between Kojève’s openly critical judgment of it, on the one hand, and the hidden, implicit influence of this philosophical tradition on his own atheistic philosophizing on the other. The hidden influence of Russian Religious Philosophy, Kojève’s engagement with the philosophical ideas of Vladimir Solovyov and Fyodor Dostoevsky, will be shown by two case studies. The first case is about (...)
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    The Cost of Atrocity: Strategic Implications of Russian Battlefield Misconduct in Ukraine.Neil Renic - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (1):6-16.
    Since commencing its illegal invasion in 2022, the Russian military and authorities have committed numerous war crimes against the people of Ukraine. These include the mutilation and execution of combatants; the torture, kidnapping, forced expulsion, rape, and massacre of civilians; and indiscriminate attacks on densely populated areas. In this essay, I evaluate the strategic implications of this misconduct, focusing exclusively on Western responses. I argue that war crimes can and often do negatively impact the strategic goals of the perpetrator, (...)
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    Freedom to Believe: Essays and Letters.Slava I. Yastremski & Michael M. Naydan (eds.) - 2010 - Bucknell University Press.
    Freedom to Believe is a powerful collection of philosophical and religious essays by a modern poet of distinction. It introduces a highly original and controversial thinker to the Western reader. Olga Sedakova's central philosophical thought lies in the notion of existential freedom in its association with the liberating power of the arts, especially poetry. These convictions place her firmly in the Russian and European classical cultural traditions, which, in turn, have deep roots in Christianity. Devoutly Orthodox yet fiercely (...)
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    Capitalism, Socialism, and Serfdom: Essays by Evsey D. Domar.Evsey D. Domar - 1989 - Cambridge University Press.
    The collection consists of four parts: Part I presents three non-technical essays on economic development and economic systems. Four out of five essays in Part II deal with the theory and measurement of the so-called Index of Total Factor Productivity for several countries. The fifth essay is on the theory of index numbers. The first essay of Part III compares the American and Soviet patterns of economic development and finds that the path followed by each country might have (...)
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    Democracy and the Quest for Justice: Russian and American Perspectives.William C. Gay & Tatiana Alekseeva (eds.) - 2004 - Rodopi.
    This book examines the changes and challenges to democracy particularly in contemporary Russia. In the first section, Russian and American philosophers scrutinize the virtues and vices facing a country changing to a democratic government. The book, secondly, explores the challenges facing a democratic Russia. Lastly, the book considers carefully issues of social justice arising from the relationship between democracy and the current economic climate of globalization. The series Contemporary Russian Philosophy explores a variety of perspectives in and on (...)
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    Liberty, Equality, and the Market: Essays by B.N. Chicherin.Gary M. Hamburg (ed.) - 1998 - Yale University Press.
    This volume brings the remarkable writings of Russian liberal thinker Boris Nikolaevich Chicherin to English-language readers for the first time. The collection includes key essays in which Chicherin addresses the central political and social problems that confronted Russia from 1855 to the opening years of the twentieth century. Chicherin’s ideological alternatives to the Bolshevik plan for revolutionary transformation of Russia not only provide valuable historical insights, but also are highly relevant to current political discussion of liberalism in Russia (...)
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  48.  72
    The rise of Russian neo-kantianism: Vvedenskij's early 'critical philosophy'. [REVIEW]Thomas Nemeth - 1998 - Studies in East European Thought 50 (2):119-151.
    This essay is a study of Vvedenskij's works starting from his 1888 dissertation up to the turn of the century. I attempt to show that although his explicit aim was to update Kant's philosophy of science in light of developments in physics in the 19th century, Vvedenskij departed considerably from Kant's position with respect to both first philosophy and reflection on the achievements of the natural sciences. Vvedenskij's increasing concern with practical philosophy in the 1890s led him to correct a (...)
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    Hermeneutics and its Problems: With Selected Essays in Phenomenology.Gustav Shpet - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag. Edited by Thomas Nemeth.
    This book details a history of the methodology of textual interpretation from Ancient Greece to the 20th century. It presents a complete English translation of Hermeneutics and Its Problems, written by Russian philosopher Gustav Gustavovich Shpet, along with insightful commentary. Written in 1918, Shpet's text remained unpublished in its original Russian until the collapse of the Soviet Union. This engaging translation will be of value to anyone interested in early phenomenology, Russian intellectual history, as well as the (...)
  50.  16
    ‘Strike out, right and left!’: a conceptual-historical analysis of 1860s Russian nihilism and its notion of negation.Kristian Petrov - 2019 - Studies in East European Thought 71 (2):73-97.
    The aim of this essay is to synthesize as well as to analyze the conceptual evolution of 1860s Russian nihilism in general and its notion of negation in particular. The fictitious characters that traditionally have been informing the popular notion of “Russian nihilism” mainly refer to an antinihilistic genre. By analyzing nihilism also on the basis of primary sources, the antinihilistic notion of nihilism is nuanced, enabling a more comprehensive analysis of the movement’s different aspects. In some instances, (...)
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