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  1.  31
    Ontologism in Semyon Frank.Teresa Obolevitch - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 73 (2):155-168.
    Semyon Frank opposed the Neo-Kantian School and admitted the real existence of the objects of cognition. He treated ontologism as essential to the entire movement of Russian religious philosophy. For Frank, one can only know about something thanks to the absolute, which exists prior to the knowing subject. Ontologism, affirming the priority of being over cognition, has a great significance not only for metaphysics and epistemology, but also for the philosophy of religion. In particular, Frank taught that the most privileged (...)
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    Georges Florovsky: Letter to Davis McCaughey.Georges Florovsky & Teresa Obolevitch - 2025 - Studies in East European Thought 77 (1):225-229.
    The letter from Georges Florovsky to Davis McCaughey is a reflection after reading the Report The Era of Atomic Power: Report of a Commission (1946). Florovsky gives his own arguments against the development of research concerning nuclear weapons and their use. These include: treating an attempt at a technical transformation of the world as a human claim to put oneself in God’s place, i.e., to be a God-man. Another group of indictments against the use of the atomic bomb concerned ethical (...)
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    Georges Florovsky on nuclear restraint and responsibility: introduction to Florovsky’s letter.Teresa Obolevitch - 2025 - Studies in East European Thought 77 (1):217-224.
    This article presents the context of Georges Florovsky’s letter to Davis McCaughey. The creation of the atomic bomb and the philosophical and theological challenges it caused are also presented. The content of the Report The Era of Atomic Power: of a Commission, which was initiated by the British Council of Churches, and McCaughey’s participation in its writing, are presented as well. Finally, Florovsky’s attitude towards science and technical progress, and the relevance of Florovsky’s letter are also shown.
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    Faith and Science in Russian Religious Thought.Teresa Obolevitch - 2019 - Oxford University Press.
    The book brings forth a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between science and faith in Russian religious thought.
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    Ontologizm, czyli Siemiona Franka polemika z pokantowskim epistemologizmem.Teresa Obolevitch - 2007 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 55 (2):67-79.
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    Philosophy of Religion through Two Lenses: Charles Hartshorne Reads Semen Frank.Teresa Obolevitch - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (2):109-127.
    The article contains a comparative analysis of the thought of Russian émigré philosopher Semen Frank and one of the most prominent representatives of process philosophy and theology Charles Hartshorne. Among the points of convergence, their integral vision of reality was pointed out. Frank’s and Hartshorne’s approaches to the question of cognition of God were considered, with special attention paid to their interpretation of the ontological proof. Hartshorne was familiar with Russian thought and even wrote reviews on Zenkovsky and Lossky’s classic (...)
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    Neopatristics for the twenty-first century: neglected and new perspectives.Teresa Obolevitch - 2025 - Studies in East European Thought 77 (1):1-11.
    This article is an editorial introduction to a special issue of Studies in East European Thought devoted to neopatristics. The circumstances of the creation of the neopatristic synthesis announced by Georges Florovsky during the First Orthodox Congress in Athens are considered. The main philosophical and theological aspects that are currently discussed in the context of patristic renewal are also addressed. In particular, it is shown that the sophiology of Sergius Bulgakov also fits into the patristic paradigm. Finally, the topics of (...)
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  8. Faith as the locus philosophicus of Russian thought.Teresa Obolevitch - 2015 - In Teresa Obolevitch & Paweł Rojek, Faith and reason in Russian thought. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
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    Galileo in the Russian orthodox context: History, philosophy, theology, and science.Teresa Obolevitch - 2015 - Zygon 50 (4):788-808.
    The trial of Galileo remains a representative example of the alleged incompatibility between science and religion as well as a suggestive case study of the relationship between them from the Western historical and methodological perspective. However, the Eastern Christian view has not been explored to a significant extent. In this article, the author considers relevant aspects of the reception of the teaching of Copernicus and Galileo in Russian culture, especially in the works of scientists. Whereas in prerevolutionary Russia Galileo was (...)
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    Andrzej Walicki w oczach myślicieli rosyjskich: o. Gieorgij Fłorowski i inni.Teresa Obolevitch - 2021 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:113-125.
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    Peter Chaadaev: between the love of fatherland and the love of truth.Artur Mrówczyński-Van Allen, Teresa Obolevitch & Paweł Rojek (eds.) - 2018 - Eugene, Oregon,: Pickwick Publications.
    Peter Chaadaev (1794-1856) is rightfully considered to be one of the forerunners of modern Russian philosophy. There is a famous scene from his life that may help us to understand both his own thought as well as the whole subsequent tradition of Russian religious philosophy. When Chaadaev finished his studies of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, he crossed out the title on the cover and wrote beneath it Apologete adamitischer Vernunft (An Apology for Adamic Reason). Russian religious philosophy was supposed (...)
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    Beyond modernity: Russian religious philosophy and post-secularism.Teresa Obolevitch (ed.) - 2016 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    Post-secularism is the fundamental evidence of the end of modernity. Modernity, as sleeping reason in Francisco Goya's painting, realizes that, although it thought that it was awake, it was producing monsters. We try to analyze post-secular philosophy from the point of view of Russian religious thought. We believe that such philosophers as Vladimir Soloviev, Pavel Florensky, Sergey Bulgakov, Nikolai Berdyaev, Georges Florovsky, and Semen Frank may be helpful for understanding and overcoming post-secular order. Their unique views on the relations between (...)
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    Evgenii Trubetskoi: icon and philosophy.Teresa Obolevitch & Randall Allen Poole (eds.) - 2021 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    Prince Evgenii Trubetskoi, one of Russia’s great philosophers, exemplified what was best in the Russian religious-philosophical tradition. His lifelong pursuit was “integral knowledge.” This ideal affirmed that faith was integral to reason and that inner experience, and not just external sensory experience, offered truthful testimony to the nature of reality—precisely contrary to the reductive positivism and scientism of Trubetskoi’s day and ours. Following Vladimir Soloviev he developed the concept of Bogochelovechestvo —the free human realization of the divine principle in ourselves (...)
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  14. Faith and knowledge in the thought of Georges Florovsky.Teresa Obolevitch - 2015 - In Teresa Obolevitch & Paweł Rojek, Faith and reason in Russian thought. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
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    Faith and reason in Russian thought.Teresa Obolevitch & Paweł Rojek (eds.) - 2015 - Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
    In Russian culture, there was neither Scholasticism nor Renaissance, and the problem of faith and reason was formulated, most of all, on the ground of Patristic tradition. This collection of essays explores various dimensions of this alternative Russian account. The book shows the peculiarities of the Orthodox interpretation of faith. It traces the interrelations between Eastern and Western thinkers, and it investigates the heritage of Russian religious philosophy, with a special attention to Pavel Florensky, Sergius Bulgakov, and Georges Florovsky. *** (...)
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  16.  35
    Fizyka i metafizyka w ujęciu Mikołaja Łosskiego.Teresa Obolevitch - 2006 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 38.
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    Mirra Lot-Borodina: istorik, literator, filosof, bogoslov.Teresa Obolevitch - 2020 - Sankt-Peterburg: Nestor-Istorii︠a︡.
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  18. Nauka, filozofia i teologia w Rosji nowożytnej.Teresa Obolevitch - 2007 - Filozofia Nauki 4.
    Between the Orthodox Russian Church and modern science were not any serious conflicts. For examples, in XVII century students of Academy of Kiev-Mohyla studied heliocentric system of Copernic and doctrine of Galileo. In 1724 According to the project of Leibniz Tsar Peter I founded Russian Academy of Science in St-Petersburg. There worked D. Bernoulli and L. Euler. The Russian philosophical though presents an attempt of accord of science and theology.
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    Negative theology and science in the thought of Semyon Frank.Teresa Obolevitch - 2010 - Studies in East European Thought 62 (1):93-99.
    Semën Frank (1877–1950) considered the Universe as the “all-unity.” According to him, everything is a part of the all-unity, which has a divine character. God is present in the world, but his nature is incomprehensible. In this article I analyze two consequences of Frank’s panentheistic view of the relation between science and theology. Firstly, the limits of scientific knowledge allow recognition of the mystery of the world and the transcendence of God. Secondly, Frank claimed that nature is a “trace” of (...)
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  20.  59
    O recepcji teorii ewolucji w filozofii rosyjskiej (W. Sołowjow, M Łosski).Teresa Obolevitch - 2003 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 33.
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    Religion and culture in Russian thought: philosophical, theological and literary perspectives.Teresa Obolevitch & Paweł Rojek (eds.) - 2014 - Kraków: The Pontifical Uniwersity of Paul II in Kraków.
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  22. Synteza neopatrystyczna a nauka.Teresa Obolevitch - 2012 - Filozofia Nauki 20 (4).
    The article presents Fr. Georgy Florovsky’s conception of a neo-patristic synthesis (developed by other orthodox theologians) and discusses some polemical aspects of this project. The neo-patristic synthesis is an approach to development of the patristic thought in the contemporary world and application it to the different branches of knowledge, including science. According to Florovsky science has an imperfect character, because to know the empirical world is possible only from the theological point of view. This position is shared by Alexei Nesteruk (...)
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    Some notes on The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought.Teresa Obolevitch - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (4):767-769.
    These are my comments on The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought at the ASEEES convention (Chicago, November 2022).
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    The Eastern Christian Tradition in Modern Russian Thought and Beyond.Teresa Obolevitch - 2022 - Boston: BRILL.
    In _The Eastern Christian Tradition in Modern Russian Thought and Beyond_, Teresa Obolevitch elucidates the main philosophical and theological ideas of the Eastern Christian tradition of neo-patristic synthesis and considers them in comparative philosophical context.
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  25. The issue of knowledge and faith in the Russian academic milieu from the 19th to the 21st century.Teresa Obolevitch - 2013 - In Michał Heller, Bartosz Brożek & Łukasz Kurek, Between philosophy and science. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
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    W. Sołowjowa głos w obronie metafizyki [z lektury klasyków].Teresa Obolevitch - 2002 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 30.
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    Związek metafizyki i epistemologii w myśli W. S. Sołowjowa.Teresa Obolevitch - 2006 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 54 (1):107-123.
    In the article the assumptions are analyzed of V. S. Soloviov\\\'s (1853- 1900) metaphysics presented in his Criticism ofPrinciples. When forming a metaphysics Soloviov considers and subjects to criticism two theories: Hegel\\\'s extreme (in the Russian philosopher\\\'s term - \\\"abstract\\\") idealism, and the positivists\\\' radical empiricism. Soloviov perceives resolution of the difficulties seen in these theories in the conception of the so-called all-unity. According to this conception every being has its ontic foundation in the Absolute, which makes possible an inner (...)
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  28.  18
    Review of: Robert F. Slesinski, Liebestod: The Philosophy of Lev Karsavin, Fairfax, VA, Eastern Christian Publications, 2023, 180 pages, Paperback: ISBN 978-1-940219-68-4, $ 25.00. [REVIEW]Teresa Obolevitch - 2025 - Studies in East European Thought 77 (1):239-241.
  29.  29
    Hilarion Alfeyev, The Holy Mystery of the Church Introduction to the History and Problems in the Debates on the Onomatodoxyby Teresa Obolevitch. [REVIEW]Teresa Obolevitch - 2008 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 13 (2):385-387.
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    Review of: Robert F. Slesinski, The Philosophy of Semyon Frank: Human Meaning in the Godhead. Fairfax, VA: Eastern Christian Publications, 2020. 266 pages. Paperback: ISBN 978-1-940219-50-9, $ 25.00. [REVIEW]Teresa Obolevitch - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (1):137-139.
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