Results for ' Resignation in literature'

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  1.  15
    Making the difficult career transition: Writing the next chapter during the great resignation or in the future.Paul J. Coppola & Aprille F. Young - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    During the midst of the Great Resignation, over 4.5 million people have changed jobs. While a job change does not register as one of the top three drivers of stress, career transition-related stress does present itself as one of the top 25 causes. This stress can be reduced through social support models, career transition planning, and personal brand strategy frameworks. These adaptive change models become part of a continuous learning and growth process. This literature review aims to contribute (...)
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    La virtu sans aucune résignation.Guillaume Carron - 2014 - Chiasmi International 16:41-54.
    In light of the political facts of his time and his own experience, Merleau-Ponty tries, in the preface to Signs, to detect a general structure of history and culture. Concerned with establishing a concrete philosophy, the French philosopher never detached his political reflection from the particularity of circumstances. This article proposes to take up both the spirit and method of Merleau-Ponty. With regard to the spirit, this is a matter of seeing whether the analyses in the preface to Signs still (...)
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    Hope and Utopia against Resignation and Despair?Barbara Smitmans-Vajda - 2016 - Dialogue and Universalism 26 (2):223-229.
    My essay is based on the lecture I presented at the Conference “The German-Speaking Intellectual and Cultural Emigration to the United States and United Kingdom. 1933–1945”. I decided to publish it in honour of my friend Marek Siemek, because I think this theme is very actual, especially in light of the current crisis in Europe connected with the problems of fugitives and refugees. Ernst Bloch and Stefan Zweig, both Jews, reacted in opposite ways to their forced fate of being on (...)
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    "Dare to Be Happy!": A Study of Goethe's Ethics.Julie D. Prandi - 1993 - Upa.
    This book explores Goethe's ethics of happiness and the role of resignation within them. Prandi has carefully separated autobiographical material from literary expository of these themes in order to clarify the misunderstanding that has resulted from relying on Goethe's fictional works to document his personal ethical convictions. The book aims in part at working out in detail the usefulness of Spinoza's Ethics in evaluating ethical views expressed in poetry and fiction; and in part at correcting erroneous and confused ideas (...)
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    Capability and language in the novels of tarjei vesaas.Catherine Wilson - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (1):21-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.1 (2003) 21-39 [Access article in PDF] Capability and Language in the Novels of Tarjei Vesaas Catherine Wilson I THOUGH RELATIVELY UNKNOWN to English-speaking readers, Tarjei Vesaas (1897-1970) is recognized as one of the great Scandinavian novelists and literary innovators of the last century. His oeuvre is substantial, extending to thirty-four volumes published between 1923 and 1966, many of them translated into English and European (...)
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    Determinism, Fatalism, and Free Will in Hawthorne.James S. Mullican - 1979 - Philosophy and Literature 3 (1):91-106.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:James S. Mullican DETERMINISM, FATALISM, AND FREE WILL IN HAWTHORNE A recurrent theme in Nathaniel Hawthorne's writing is the relationship between fatalism and free will. His tales, romances, and notebooks contain explicit and implied references to man's freedom of choice and his consequent responsibility for his acts, as well as to "fatalities" that impel men to various courses of action. Much of the ambiguity in Hawthorne's fiction rests on (...)
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    MacchiariniGate: The Fall from Grace of Stem Cell Healer, Paolo Macchiarini, and Clues and Concerns from the Early Literature that Cast Ethical Doubts.Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva - 2018 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 9 (1):1-12.
    After a long and successful career in tracheal surgery and lung cancer, Paolo Macchiarini became very famous in 2008 with the transplantation of a trachea from a cadaver that then apparently used the patient’s own stem cells to supposedly regenerate new trachea, i.e., tissue-engineered tracheae. Among the nine patients that received this revolutionary treatment, using biological or artificial tracheae, under Macchiarini’s supervision, six have reportedly died. Although several critics had expressed concerns with the procedures, allegations of misconduct against Macchiarini first (...)
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    Journeys end in lovers’ meeting.Achim Geisenhanslüke - 2024 - Psyche 78 (9-10):904-935.
    Der Beitrag widmet sich der Bedeutung der Objektwahl in der Literatur. Ausgehend von antiken Bestimmungen der Funktion des Eros bei Hesiod und Platon wendet sich der Aufsatz Freuds Begriff der »Objektwahl« zu, um auf dieser Grundlage drei literarische Texte unterschiedlicher Epochen in den Blick zu nehmen. Shakespeares Komödie »A midsummer night’s dream« liest der Autor als Ausdruck einer verunsichernden Erfahrung von Kontingenz, die das Thema der Liebe zugleich in eine Spannung von Tragödie und Komödie verortet. Goethes Gedicht »Willkommen und Abschied« (...)
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    Forming Humanity: Redeeming the German Bildung Tradition.Jennifer A. Herdt - 2019 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Introduction -- From paideia to humanism -- Pietism and the problem of human craft (Menschen-Kunst) -- The harmonious harp-playing of humanity: J. G. Herder -- Ethical formation and the invention of the religion of art -- The rise of the Bildungsroman and the commodification of literature -- Authorship and its resignation in Goethe's Wilhelm Meister -- "The Bildung of self-consciousness itself towards science": Hegel.
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  10. Epistemic Doom In The Deepfake Era.Nadisha-Marie Aliman - manuscript
    This epistemic project examines an understudied existential risk emerging in the deepfake era: the fortunately up to this time (but not indefinitely so) reversible peril of humanity’s epistemic self-sabotage through an overestimation of algorithms linked to quantitative aspects and a paired underestimation of the own epistemic potential whose manifestations are in principle expressible via scientifically analyzable but currently often neglected qualitative facets. This scenario is metaphorically referred to as "π-Doom scenario". Instead of carefully crafting opaque hypotheses and formulating probabilistic predictions (...)
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  11. Homer's Human Animal: Ritual Combat in the Iliad.Jonathan Gottschall - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (2):278-294.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.2 (2001) 278-294 [Access article in PDF] Homer's Human Animal: Ritual Combat in the Iliad Jonathan Gottschall I Freud called Darwin's revelation of man's animality a blow to human narcissism on par with Copernicus's finding that Earth is not the center of the solar system. While Darwin hinted at our bestiality in the Origin of Species, in later publications he conveyed the disturbing and fantastic (...)
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  12. Camus's The Plague: Philosophical Perspectives.Peg Brand Weiser (ed.) - 2023 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    _La Peste_, originally published in 1947 by the Nobel Prize-winning writer Albert Camus, chronicles the progression of deadly bubonic plague as it spreads through the quarantined Algerian city of Oran. While most discussions of fictional examples within aesthetics are either historical or hypothetical, Camus offers an example of "pestilence fiction." Camus chose fiction to convey facts--about plagues in the past, his own bout with tuberculosis at age seventeen, living under quarantine away from home for several years, and forced separation from (...)
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    „[…] warum schläft denn nimmer nur mir in der Brust ein Stachel?” Ernst Wiecherts Prosawerk der 30er Jahre.Anna Gajdis - 2015 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 11.
    Ernst Wiechert’s prose written in the 1930s is best symbolized by Friedrich Hölderlin’s poem "Abendphantasie", in which the persona describes his loneliness and resignation, describing them as a thorn in his chest. The question of the identification of these feelings with the East Prussian writer is a major problem raised in the article. Wiechert certainly belongs to the group of writers associated with the so called Inner Emigration, and the studies by Herbert Wiesner, Ralf Schnell, Reinhold Grimm and Friedrich (...)
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    The Victorians and the Visual Imagination.Kate Flint & Reader in Victorian and Modern English Literature and Fellow Kate Flint - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    Richly illustrated study drawing on art, literature and science to explore Victorian attitudes towards sight.
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  15. What is a Compendium? Parataxis, Hypotaxis, and the Question of the Book.Maxwell Stephen Kennel - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):44-49.
    Writing, the exigency of writing: no longer the writing that has always (through a necessity in no way avoidable) been in the service of the speech or thought that is called idealist (that is to say, moralizing), but rather the writing that through its own slowly liberated force (the aleatory force of absence) seems to devote itself solely to itself as something that remains without identity, and little by little brings forth possibilities that are entirely other: an anonymous, distracted, deferred, (...)
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    Thinking in literature: on the fascination and power of aesthetic ideas.Günter Blamberger - 2021 - Paderborn: Brill / Wilhelm Fink. Edited by Joel Golb.
    M'illumino/d'immenso - I'm lit/with immensity is Geoffrey Brock's translation of Giuseppe Ungaretti's poem Mattina. In the poem's minimalism, Ungaretti points to the maximal: the richness of poetry's expressive possibilities and the power of thinking in literature. This book addresses the fascination of readers to transcend the boundaries of their own in fiction, and literature's capacity, according to Kant, even to evoke, with the help of the development of aesthetic ideas, representations that exceed what is empirically and conceptually graspable (...)
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    The concept of vulnerability in aged care: a systematic review of argument-based ethics literature.Chris Gastmans, Roberta Sala & Virginia Sanchini - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-20.
    BackgroundVulnerability is a key concept in traditional and contemporary bioethics. In the philosophical literature, vulnerability is understood not only to be an ontological condition of humanity, but also to be a consequence of contingent factors. Within bioethics debates, vulnerable populations are defined in relation to compromised capacity to consent, increased susceptibility to harm, and/or exploitation. Although vulnerability has historically been associated with older adults, to date, no comprehensive or systematic work exists on the meaning of their vulnerability. To fill (...)
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    Philosophy in literature: Shakespeare, Voltaire, Tolstoy & Proust.Morris Weitz - 1963 - Detroit,: Wayne State University Press.
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    Surprise in literature.Sarah Wood - 1996 - Angelaki 1 (1):58 – 68.
    (1996). Surprise in literature. Angelaki: Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 58-68.
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    We should reject passive resignation in favor of requiring the assent of younger children for participation in nonbeneficial research.Robert M. Nelson & William W. Reynolds - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (4):11 – 13.
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    Philosophie in Literatur.Christiane Schildknecht & Dieter Teichert (eds.) - 1996 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Kierkegaard on Faith and Love (review).Daniel Whistler - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (2):302-303.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kierkegaard on Faith and LoveDaniel WhistlerSharon Krishek. Kierkegaard on Faith and Love. Modern European Philosophy. Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Pp. xiii + 201. Cloth, $90.00.Contemporary scholarship on Kierkegaard is frequently confronted by two problems. First, there is the question of Kierkegaard’s worldliness: does Kierkegaard have anything substantial to say about politics, society, and the ethical dilemmas of intersubjective existence? Second, there remains the perennial problem of (...)
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    Nietzsche’s Kind of Philosophy: Finding His Way.Rex Welshon - 2024 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 55 (2):232-237.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Nietzsche’s Kind of Philosophy: Finding His Way by Richard SchachtRex WelshonRichard Schacht, Nietzsche’s Kind of Philosophy: Finding His Way Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2023. xvii + 375 pp. ISBN: 978-0-226-82283-3 (cloth); 978-0-226-82286-0 (e-book). Cloth, $49.00; e-book, $48.99.Over the course of his distinguished career, Richard Schacht has written on alienation, value theory, and philosophical anthropology; he has analyzed the work of Hegel and coauthored a set of reflections (...)
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    Immortality Revisited.Konstantin Kolenda - 1980 - Philosophy and Literature 4 (2):167-179.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Konstantin Kolenda IMMORTALITY REVISITED In his essay, "Poets and Thinkers: Their Kindred Roles in the Philosophy of Martin Heidegger," J. Glenn Gray points out that Heidegger "does not treat imaginative literature and other works of art qua literature and art but as aspects of philosophy or meditative thought." To Heidegger's question, "How long are we going to prevent ourselves from experiencing the actual as actual?", Gray is (...)
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    Ethics programs in business and management literature: Bibliometric analysis of performance, content, and trends.Daniela Viviane Abratzky, Anna Remišová & Anna Lašáková - 2022 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 12 (1-2):92-107.
    Research regarding ethics programs represents an important segment of business ethics literature. In the last thirty years, scientific discourse on ethics programs has flourished. Numerous studies examined their functions, composition, application in organizational practice, and impact on employee ethical behavior and many other organizational variables. However, so far there has been no study that would comprehensively map this particular field. Given that, this paper aims to examine discourse on ethics programs in its complexity within business and management literature. (...)
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    Lucretius as theorist of political life.John Colman - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Introduction : designing and turbulent Epicureans -- The proem to Book I : philosophy and the city -- The discovery of nature and the problem of the infinite and eternal -- Philosophic resignation : living beyond hope and fear -- O' mortal, o' fool, o' criminal, o' Memmius -- Gods of the philosophers and gods of the city -- Conclusion : the modern reversal.
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    Philosophy in Literature.Juliam Lenhart Ross - 1949 - [Syracuse]: Syracuse Univ. Press in cooperation with Allegheny College.
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    The Owl and Its Editor.Errol E. Harris - 1977 - The Owl of Minerva 9 (1):1-2.
    The resignation from the editorship of the Owl by Frederick Weiss is news that will be received with much regret by all members of the Hegel Society and with dismay by quite a few. Under Rick’s direction the Owl has become something more than a simple news letter. Rather, I think we may claim that it is a distinguished and much valued organ of Hegelian studies in America and elsewhere, even despite its modest dimensions. From this source we have (...)
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    Philosophy in literature: metaphysical darkness and ethical light.Konstantin Kolenda - 1982 - Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble.
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    Philosophy in literature.Charles Edward Gauss - 1949 - [Syracuse]: Syracuse Univ. Press in cooperation with Allegheny College.
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    The Quarrel between Poetry and Philosophy in the Early Dialogues of St. Augustine.Michael P. Foley - 2015 - Philosophy and Literature 39 (1):15-31.
    After he was delivered from the necessity of making provision for the flesh in its concupiscence and after tendering his resignation as a professor of rhetoric, St. Augustine was, in the autumn of 386 a.d., eager to explore his newfound Christian faith and prepare for his reception into the Catholic Church. His conversion, momentous though it was, did not so much entail a repudiation of all that he had learned and studied as it did a transformation of what had (...)
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  32. Stevens after Davidson on metaphor.Clive Stroud-Drinkwater - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (2):346-353.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.2 (2002) 346-353 [Access article in PDF] Stevens after Davidson on Metaphor Clive Stroud-Drinkwater IN "NOTES TOWARD A SUPREME FICTION" 1 Wallace Stevens suggests that the absolute as we imagine that an angel would experience it constitutes the supreme fiction. We conceive the experience of the angel only in a fantasy, but it is our fantasy, and therefore the experience of the angel and its (...)
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    Realismustheorien in Literatur, Malerei, Musik und Politik.Reinhold Grimm & Jost Hermand (eds.) - 1975 - Mainz: Kohlhammer.
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    Post-capitalist subjectivity in literature and anti-psychiatry: reconceptualizing the self beyond capitalism.Hans Arthur Skott-Myhre - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Through the examination of anti-psychiatric theory and literary texts, this timely and thought-provoking volume explores the possibilities of liberating our habitual patterns of perception and consciousness beyond the confines of a capitalist era. In Post-Capitalist Subjectivity in Literature and Anti-Psychiatry, Skott-Myhre asks the question, how might we be different if we didn't live in a capitalist society? By drawing on Marxist and post-Marxist theory, and conducting nuanced analysis of the professional writings of anti-psychiatrists including Basaglia and Laing, and the (...)
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  35. Studies in Literature and History.Alfred Comyn Lyall & John O. Miller - 1915 - John Murray.
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  36. Philosophy in Literature Metaphysical Darkness and Ethical Light /Konstantin Kolenda. --. --.Konstantin Kolenda - 1982 - Barnes & Noble, Books, 1982.
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    The Poetry of Life in Literature.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 2000 - Springer Verlag.
    Poetry of life in literature and through literature, and the vast territory in between - as vast as human life itself - where they interact and influence each other, is the nerve of human existence. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are profoundly dissatisfied with the stark reality of life's swift progress onward, and the enigmatic and irretrievable meaning of the past. And so we dramatise our existence, probing deeply for a lyrical and heartfelt yet (...)
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    Vestige of the Third Force: Willem Bilderdijk, Poet, Anti-Skeptic, Millenarian.Joris van Eijnatten - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (2):313-333.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.2 (2001) 313-333 [Access article in PDF] Vestige of the Third Force: Willem Bilderdijk, Poet, Anti-Skeptic, Millenarian Joris van Eijnatten One of the unfortunate consequences of Babel is that only the Dutch read Dutch poetry. 1 Although English-speaking historians may have heard of the seventeenth-century poet Joost van den Vondel, who generally qualifies as the greatest literary artist of the Netherlands, virtually no (...)
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    Selbstreferenz in Literatur und Wissenschaft: Kronauer, Grünbein, Maturana, Luhmann.Florian Lippert - 2013 - München: Wilhelm Fink.
    Relationalität und Selbstdiskursivierung in den lebens -- und Sozialwissenschaften -- Selbstreflexion und Relationalität in der literatur.
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    The Erotic Bird: Phenomenology in Literature.Maurice Natanson - 2021 - Princeton University Press.
    How does literature illuminate the way we live? Maurice Natanson, a prominent champion of phenomenology, draws upon this method's unique power to show how fiction can highlight aspects of experience that are normally left unexamined. By exploring the structure of the everyday world, Natanson reveals the "uncanny" that lies at the core of the ordinary. Phenomenology--which involves the questioning of that which we usually take for granted--is for Natanson the essence of philosophy. Drawing upon his philosophical predecessors Edmund Husserl, (...)
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    Methods for Practising Ethics in Research and Innovation: A Literature Review, Critical Analysis and Recommendations.Wessel Reijers, David Wright, Philip Brey, Karsten Weber, Rowena Rodrigues, Declan O’Sullivan & Bert Gordijn - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (5):1437-1481.
    This paper provides a systematic literature review, analysis and discussion of methods that are proposed to practise ethics in research and innovation. Ethical considerations concerning the impacts of R&I are increasingly important, due to the quickening pace of technological innovation and the ubiquitous use of the outcomes of R&I processes in society. For this reason, several methods for practising ethics have been developed in different fields of R&I. The paper first of all presents a systematic search of academic sources (...)
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    Affliction And Resignation in George Herbert: Reflections on Human Agency In A Global Pandemic.Ben Myers - 2022 - New Blackfriars 103 (1103):113-127.
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  43. Between radicalism and resignation: democratic theory in Habermas's Between Facts and Norms.William E. Scheuerman - 1999 - In Peter Dews (ed.), Habermas. Malden, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 153--77.
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  44. Moral Growth in Children’s Literature: A Primer with Examples.Iii Joe Frank Jones - 1994 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 1 (4):10-19.
    This essay applies a plausible model for moral growth to examples of secular and religious children’s literature. The point is that moral maturation, given this model, requires imaginary worlds on both secular and religious presuppositions. Trying to guide a child’s reading toward either religious or secular books rather than toward good literature is shown therefore to miss the mark of good parenting.
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    Refugees in Literature, Film, Art, and Media: Perspectives on the Past and Present.Lida Amiri - 2019 - Journal for Cultural Research 23 (2):120-123.
    Volume 23, Issue 2, June 2019, Page 120-123.
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    Speaking the Despicable: Blasphemy in Literature.Andreea Tereza Nitisor - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (16):69-79.
    This article examines the controversial issue of blasphemy in literature from the viewpoint of reception inside and outside the academia. The thesis of the article is that blasphemy in literature, though inherently related to religion and language, has a plurality of connotations and interpretations (dissidence, intertextuality, critique of colonialism, discursive strategy, alterity/Otherness, ethnicity, subversive text). Consequently, blasphemy in literature is an incentive for fruitful discussions regarding tolerance, freedom of expression, and the re-situation of the (post)modern self in (...)
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  47. Heroism In Literature.Ibrahim Taha - 2002 - American Journal of Semiotics 18 (1-4):107-126.
    The semiotic model that disregards the normative context represented by the protagonist examines how we can distinguish the three conceptions of heroism, namely hero, semi-hero, and anti-hero. What are the methodological criteria whereby we can follow the protagonist in the text from beginning to end? To answer them, this article tries to present a model made up of five stages/criteria which constitute a semiotic model by means of which the connection to heroism can be determined. These are: (1) motivation, (2) (...)
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    Participant recall and understandings of information on biobanking and future genomic research: experiences from a multi-disease community-based health screening and biobank platform in rural South Africa.Janet Seeley, Emily B. Wong, Mark J. Siedner, Olivier Koole, Dickman Gareta, Resign Gunda, Dumsani Gumede, Nothando Ngwenya & Manono Luthuli - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundLimited research has been conducted on explanations and understandings of biobanking for future genomic research in African contexts with low literacy and limited healthcare access. We report on the findings of a sub-study on participant understanding embedded in a multi-disease community health screening and biobank platform study known as ‘Vukuzazi’ in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.MethodsSemi-structured interviews were conducted with research participants who had been invited to take part in the Vukuzazi study, including both participants and non-participants, and research staff that (...)
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  49. The Status of Literature in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.Robert B. Pippin - 2011 - In Richard T. Gray, Nicholas Halmi, Gary Handwerk, Michael A. Rosenthal & Klaus Vieweg (eds.), Inventions of the Imagination: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Imaginary since Romanticism. University of Washington Press.
    Hegel, in a chapter called “Absolute Knowing,” end his most exciting and original work, the Jena Phenomenology of Spirit, with a quotation, or rather a significant misquotation, of a poet? The poet is Schiller and the poem is his 1782 “Freundschaft” (Friendship). This immediately turns into two questions: Why are the last words not Hegel’s own, and why are they rather a poet’s? I will turn to the details in a moment but, as noted, such an inquiry may not be (...)
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  50. Imitations in literature and life : Apocrypha and martyrdom.J. K. Elliott - 2009 - In Dwight Jeffrey Bingham (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought. Routledge.
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