Vesselin Petrov [15]V. V. Petrov [9]V. M. Petrov [6]I︠U︡. A. Petrov [6]
Sergei Mitrofanovich Petrov [5]Petre Petrov [4]Kristian Petrov [4]Alexander A. Petrov [4]

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  1.  29
    The Dynamics of Scaling: A Memory-Based Anchor Model of Category Rating and Absolute Identification.Alexander A. Petrov & John R. Anderson - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (2):383-416.
  2.  42
    The Dynamics of Perceptual Learning: An Incremental Reweighting Model.Alexander A. Petrov, Barbara Anne Dosher & Zhong-Lin Lu - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (4):715-743.
  3.  26
    The relationship between religious beliefs and coping with the stress of COVID-19.Aleksandr Petrov, Andrey Poltarykhin, Natalia Alekhina, Sergey Nikiforov & Sarbinaz Gayazova - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (1).
    Recently, we have faced the outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 in the world, which has attracted the attention of all people. Stress has become a word familiar to all people. The stressors of life are relatively clear and some of them cannot be eliminated by humans. One of the stressors in the life of humans is the COVID-19 pandemic. Doctors believe that the virus is controllable but its prevalence is quicker and deadlier than other viruses. In addition, the virus (...)
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  4.  98
    The Leabra architecture: Specialization without modularity.Alexander A. Petrov, David J. Jilk, Randall C. O'Reilly & Michael L. Anderson - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):286-287.
    The posterior cortex, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex in the Leabra architecture are specialized in terms of various neural parameters, and thus are predilections for learning and processing, but domain-general in terms of cognitive functions such as face recognition. Also, these areas are not encapsulated and violate Fodorian criteria for modularity. Anderson's terminology obscures these important points, but we applaud his overall message.
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  5.  24
    Mixing signs and bones: John Deely’s case for global semiosis.Petre Petrov - 2013 - Sign Systems Studies 41 (4):404-423.
    The article develops a critique of John Deely’s ontological realism, specifically in its relevance for the project of global semiotics. Deely, whose theorizations rely heavily on the pre-modern philosophical systems of Thomas Aquinas and the Latin scholastics, has made the most sustained attempt to give philosophical grounding to Charles Peirce’s famous intuition that “all this universe is perfused with signs, if it is not composed exclusively of signs”. The critique developsalong two main lines. Firstly, I contend that Deely’s account of (...)
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  6. Koncept evolucije muzike u teorijama Herberta Spensera i Čarlsa Darvina.Ana Petrov - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (3):253-273.
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  7.  7
    Ecological Sustainability and Ecological Certification of Organizations: Individual Benefit or Public Commitment of Economic Sector Managers.Simeon Petrov & Tatiana Tomova - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (4s):95-131.
    The text presents the results of a survey among 58 owners or managers of commercial companies that have sustainably implemented an environmental management system through their ISO 14001 certification. The study of management representatives is based on the understanding that business organizations play the role of intermediaries in environmental policy and the potential change of their behavior multiplies the effects of the interventions on the behavior of others - business partners, employees, and consumers. The data can be used to explain (...)
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  8.  21
    The international conference Herman Cohen in the history of Russian philosophy.V. N. Belov, V. B. Petrov & A. V. Lebedeva - 2018 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 22 (4):499-508.
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  9.  6
    Nudge’s Philosophy or Why the Liberal State Needs Wooden Iron.Tatiana Tomova, Elena Kalfova & Simeon Petrov - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (4s):7-22.
    Nudge is a social innovation developed based on the achievements of behavioral science. According to this approach, when citizens make decisions about their behavior, they often react irrationally, based on heuristic factors related to their lives. Thus, collective goals are difficult to achieve, especially in conditions of unpredictability in social development and the prevailing influence of individualistic ideas. The nudge is a possible tool of modern politics that enables the liberal state to achieve collective goals and protect individual freedom simultaneously. (...)
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  10.  46
    The Academic Spin-Offs as an Engine of Economic Transition in Eastern Europe. A Path-Dependent Approach.Ivan Tchalakov, Tihomir Mitev & Venelin Petrov - 2010 - Minerva 48 (2):189-217.
    The paper questions some of the premises in studying academic spin-offs in developed countries, claiming that when taken as characteristics of ‘academic spin-offs per se,’ they are of little help in understanding the phenomenon in the Eastern European countries during the transitional and post-transitional periods after 1989. It argues for the necessity of adopting a path-dependent approach, which takes into consideration the institutional and organisational specificities of local economies and research systems and their evolution, which strongly influence the patterns of (...)
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  11.  28
    The Physical-Emotional Distinction in Tort.Philip Petrov - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 37 (1):231-259.
    Several legal scholars have recently argued that U.S. tort law’s physical-emotional distinction commits tort to the objectionable position of mind-body dualism, but they have not considered the distinction’s role as an aid to judicial cognition and decision-making. Drawing primarily on the law of negligent infliction of emotional distress, this essay argues that tort’s physical-emotional distinction is not a relic of mind-body dualism but a heuristic that judges have used to structure and simplify the difficult but unavoidable task of drawing lines (...)
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  12.  22
    Personal stories as a result of creative activity and a tool for overcoming the fragmentation of everyday life: cultural and philosophical analysis.Nikita Nikolaevich Ravochkin, Ilya Sergeevich Kachay & Mikhail Aleksandrovich Petrov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The object of this research is the fragmented everyday life of social life practices. The subject of the research is personal stories realized in storytelling and considered as the result of the creative activity of the subject and a way to overcome the fragmentation of everyday life of modern culture. The authors consider the fragmentation of everyday life as a factor in the desocialization of the subject and the leveling of unified mechanisms of social interaction. Storytelling is defined as a (...)
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  13. Огляд історіографії політики в срср щодо євангельських церков у 1940-1960-і рр.Stanislav Petrov - 2015 - Схід 1 (133):87-96.
    Стаття є детальним історіографічним оглядом проблеми політики СРСР щодо євангельських церков у 1940-1960-і роки. У ній розглядається та аналізується науковий доробок як вітчизняної історіографії класичного радянського періоду, періоду "перебудови", так і сучасної пострадянської історіографії. Окрема увага в статті приділяється роботам західних дослідників другої половини ХХ - початку ХХІ століття, які вивчали державно-релігійні відносини в СРСР щодо євангельських церков у 1940-1960-і роки. Розглядається також конфесійна історіографія проблеми, яка з'явилась в останні роки існування СРСР та набула свого розквіту у 2000-і роки.
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  14.  9
    Mapping Controversies in Neuroscience: The Plastic Brain and “Anecdotal Data”.Kirill Petrov - 2020 - Sociology of Power 32 (2):183-207.
    The study of controversies is an important methodological tool for understanding key aspects of scientific activity that are invisible from within the science itself. Following Sarah Whatmore, we argue that controversies are a force field within which there is a redistribution of expertise. As an application of the basic principles of ANT, the mapping of controversies lacks the disadvantages of constructivist and epistemological approaches to science. While preserving the validity of scientific facts, it could demonstrate the practice of finding allies (...)
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  15.  19
    Transcendental Turn in Contemporary Philosophy - VIII: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Transcendental Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence.Anna A. Shiyan & Vasilii B. Petrov - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):1033-1041.
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  16.  88
    Auditory Mismatch Negativity Response in Institutionalized Children.Irina Ovchinnikova, Marina A. Zhukova, Anna Luchina, Maxim V. Petrov, Marina J. Vasilyeva & Elena L. Grigorenko - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  17.  7
    Institutional design and moral conflict in health care priority-setting.Philip Petrov - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (3):285-298.
    Priority-setting policy-makers often face moral and political pressure to balance the conflicting motivations of efficiency and rescue/non-abandonment. Using the conflict between these motivations as a case study can enrich the understanding of institutional design in developed democracies. This essay presents a cognitive-psychological account of the conflict between efficiency and rescue/non-abandonment in health care priority-setting. It then describes three sets of institutional arrangements—in Australia, England/Wales, and Germany, respectively—that contend with this conflict in interestingly different ways. The analysis yields at least three (...)
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  18.  21
    Socialist gerontology? Or gerontology during socialism? The Bulgarian case.Daniela Koleva & Ignat Petrov - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (3-4):178-201.
    This article focuses on the emergence and development of gerontology in communist Bulgaria, looking at the interplay of various circumstances: scientific and political, national and international. We ask if an apparently ideologically neutral field of knowledge such as gerontology may have had some intrinsic qualities imbued by the regimes of knowledge production under a communist regime. More specifically, we ask to what extent and in which ways the production of such specialized, putatively universal knowledge could be ideologically driven and/or politically (...)
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  19.  25
    : A New History of Modern Computing.Victor Petrov - 2023 - Isis 114 (1):219-220.
  20.  12
    The Philosophy of creativity: conceptual approaches of V.S. Solovyov and N.A. Berdyaev.Ilya Sergeevich Kachay, Nikita Nikolaevich Ravochkin & Mikhail Aleksandrovich Petrov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The object of this paper is creativity as a cultural philosophical and historical-philosophical phenomenon. The subject of the research is the substantiation of the essence of creativity by Russian religious philosophy on the example of the doctrine of V.S. Solovyov and N.A. Berdyaev. The aim of this research is to identify and articulate the key semantic constructs of creativity from the positions of the above-mentioned thinkers. The article also explores ideas about the nature of creativity and the specific features of (...)
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  21.  15
    Humanitarian expertise in the modern world: state and prospects.N. N. Ravochkin & M. A. Petrov - 2023 - Liberal Arts in Russia 12 (4):203-211.
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  22. Construction, reconstruction, deconstruction: The fall of the Soviet Union from the point of view of conceptual history.Kristian Petrov - 2008 - Studies in East European Thought 60 (3):179-205.
    The fall of the Soviet Union is analysed in conceptual terms, drawing on Reinhart Koselleck’s Begriffsgeschichte. The author seeks to interpret the instrumental role of the concepts perestrojka, glasnost´, reform, revolution, socialist pluralism, and acceleration in the Soviet collapse. The semantics and pragmatics are related to a wider intellectual and political context, and the conceptual perspective is used to help explain the progress of events. The author argues that the common notion of the reform policy concepts as clichés is not (...)
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  23.  11
    Ėmpiricheskai︠a︡ ėstetika--informat︠s︡ionnyĭ podkhod: materialy mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo simpoziuma = Empirical aesthetics--informational approach: proceedi[n]gs of the interanational symposium.M. N. Afasizhev & V. M. Petrov (eds.) - 1997 - Taganrog: Taganrogskiĭ gos. radiotekhn. universitet.
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  24.  47
    Is the Luttinger Liquid a New State of Matter?V. V. Afonin & V. Y. Petrov - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (2):190-204.
    We are demonstrating that the Luttinger model with short range interaction can be treated as a type of Fermi liquid. In line with the main dogma of Landau’s theory one can define a fermion excitation renormalized by interaction and show that in terms of these fermions any excited state of the system is described by free particles. The fermions are a mixture of renormalized right and left electrons. The electric charge and chirality of the Landau quasi-particle is discussed.
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  25.  8
    Ėstetika: informat︠s︡ionnyĭ podkhod = Aesthetics: information approach.I. M. Andreeva, I︠U︡. S. Zubov & V. M. Petrov (eds.) - 1997 - Moskva: "Smysl".
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  26.  28
    Traditional learning theories, process philosophy, and AI.Katie Anderson & Vesselin Petrov (eds.) - 2019 - [Brussels]: Les Éditions Chromatika.
    Artificial intelligence research connected with learning theory ("deep learning," “machine learning,” analysis of the quality of learning, etc.) has existed for many years; however, there have been few investigations in that area conducted from a robust philosophical methodological basis.
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  27.  23
    Electrical contact resistance and dynamic contact stiffness for a cluster of microcontacts: cross-property connection in the low-frequency range.I. I. Argatov & Y. V. Petrov - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (14):1764-1776.
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  28.  22
    Threshold fracture energy in solid particle erosion.I. Argatov, G. Mishuris & Yu Petrov - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (19):2485-2496.
  29.  5
    Vzaimodeĭstvie cheloveka i kulʹtury: teoretiko-informat︠s︡ionnyĭ podkhod: materialy mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo simpoziuma = Interaction Between Man and Culture: Information Standpoint.G. M. Balim, V. M. Petrov & V. P. Ryzhov (eds.) - 1998 - Taganrog: Taganrogskiĭ gos. radiotekhn. universitet.
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  30.  18
    Aesthetics and innovation.Leonid Dorfman, Colin Martindale & Vladimir Petrov (eds.) - 2007 - Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    In this book we attempted to gather together a set of chapters that describe new ways of approaching questions about aesthetics and innovation. Rather than going over old ground, the chapters describe attempts to break out in new directions. The book begins with a description of von Ehrenfels development of a Gestalt theory of aesthetics so evocative of the Vienna of 1900 that readers will wish that they had been there to experience the intellectual excitement and ends with a survey (...)
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  31. Filosofskie problemy teorii ti︠a︡gotenii︠a︡ Ėĭnshteĭna.P. S. Dyshlevyĭ, Petrov, Aleskeĭ Zinovʹevich & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1965
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  32.  8
    Kosmos i dusha: uchenii︠a︡ o vselennoĭ i cheloveke v antichnosti i v srednie veka: (issledovanii︠a︡ i perevody).P. P. Gaĭdenko & V. V. Petrov (eds.) - 2005 - Moskva: Progress-Tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡.
  33.  16
    Innovative technologies for the reproduction of the socio-cultural potential of young people through the prism of a project-oriented approach in a music college.Olga Vladimirovna Galass, Denis Sergeevich Petrov & Tatiana Sergeevna Putintseva - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):233-239.
    The purpose of the study is to study and analyze innovative technologies for the reproduction of the socio-cultural potential of students in a music college. The scientific novelty of the research consists in identifying and substantiating the interrelations in the process of social reproduction, which provides innovative educational and educational activities in a music college. As a result, the authors have developed a technology of social audit of the process of reproduction of the socio-cultural potential of youth in a music (...)
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  34.  9
    Iskusstvoznanie i teorii︠a︡ informat︠s︡ii.G. A. Golit︠s︡yn, V. M. Petrov & A. V. Kharuto (eds.) - 2009 - Moskva: Krasand, URSS.
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  35.  9
    Ontologies: philosophical and technological problems: proceedings of SOLON - Sofia Lectures of Ontology, October 2007.Mincho Hadjiski & Veselin Petrov (eds.) - 2008 - Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House.
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  36. Metodicheskoe posobie po filosofii.L. I. Ivashevskiĭ & Lev Aleksandrovich Petrov (eds.) - 1968
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  37.  30
    On the Teaching of Philosophy in the USSR.S. T. Kaltakhchian & Iu P. Petrov - 1964 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 3 (3):58-64.
    Much attention is given to education in philosophy in the USSR, in which the study of dialectical and historical materialism occupies a special place. The practical achievements involved in the transformation of society, together with the advance of the natural and social sciences, have demonstrated most clearly the great strength of dialectical materialism as the scientific world view of the working people and as the philosophical foundation of their practical activity. It is therefore no accident that philosophy has an immense (...)
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  38.  11
    Critique of cosmopolitan reason: timing and spacing the concept of world citizenship.Rebecka Lettevall, Kristian Petrov & Tamara Carauș (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This book's critical approach addresses the anachronism, essentialism and ethnocentrism that underlie contemporary theoretical and methodological uses of the term «cosmopolitanism». It explores the concept of cosmopolitan reason from the viewpoints of comparative literature, psychoanalysis, phenomenology, postcolonialism and moral philosophy.
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  39. Chapter Six Quantitative Estimations of Creativity: Social Determination and Free Will.Lidia A. Mazhul & Vladimir M. Petrov - 2007 - In Leonid Dorfman, Colin Martindale & Vladimir Petrov, Aesthetics and innovation. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 83.
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  40. Metodologicheskie problemy issledovanii︠a︡ marksistskoĭ filosofii za rubezhom.A. G. Myslivchenko, I. I. Petrov & M. M. Fedorova (eds.) - 1984 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii AN SSSR.
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  41.  24
    Soviet Dissertations in Philosophy, 1966-1967.M. F. Ovsiannikov & Iu A. Petrov - 1968 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 7 (3):52-60.
    In the academic year just past, the Expert Commission on Philosophical Disciplines of the Higher Certification Committee [VAK] processed 441 cases pertaining to the award of degrees and ranks. Of these, positive decisions were handed down in 333 cases, and negative decisions in 9 cases, while final decisions have not yet been taken on 99. Of the total number, 418 cases were examined, 114 of these for the degree of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences and 304 for Candidate in Philosophical Sciences, (...)
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  42. Євангельські церкви в зовнішньополітичному векторі релігійної політики срср в 1941-1948 рр.Stanislav Petrov - 2014 - Схід 1 (127):160-165.
    У статті проведено аналіз впливу зовнішньополітичного аспекту на процес генезису "нової релігійної політики" Й. Сталіна, її інституціоналізації та причин, що призвели до охолодження в державно-церковних відносинах наприкінці 40-х років ХХ століття. Показані роль та місце, яке займали євангельські церкви в цьому процесі.
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  43. Місіонерська та культурно-просвітницька діяльність релігійних організацій на донеччині в сучасний період.Oleksii Petrov - 2014 - Схід 6 (132):83-90.
    У статті розглянуті методи проведення місіонерської та культурно-просвітницької діяльності релігійних організацій на Донеччині в умовах сучасних реалій розвитку суспільства. Наведено приклади місіонерських та культурних заходів у Донецькій області.
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  44.  13
    Art evolution in the light of brain asymmetry: A trial of empirical investigation.Vladimir M. Petrov - 1995 - In Eero Tarasti, Musical signification: essays in the semiotic theory and analysis of music. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 121--267.
  45.  13
    Місце і функції ідей-модусів та абстрактних ідей у філософії мови Дж. Локка.Yevhen Petrov - 2015 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:81-90.
    Стаття присвячена розгляду мовної проблематики філософії Дж. Локка. Одним із гасел філософії мови Дж. Локка є те, що потрібно наполегливо боротися за зрозумілість мови, плутаність якої – часте джерело теоретичного безладу. Філософія мови Дж. Локка нерозривно пов’язана з його теорією ідей. Згідно з нею, тлумачення мови потребує відповіді на питання, що таке абстрактні ідеї. Досліджуються місце і функції ідей-модусів, які розглядаються як одне з джерел походження слів і мовних знаків. На думку Локка, кожна модифікація певної речі повинна мати своїм першоджерелом (...)
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  46. Azbuka logichnogo myshlenii︠a︡.I︠U︡. A. Petrov - 1991 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta.
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  47. Antropologicheskiĭ obraz filosofii.I︠U︡. V. Petrov - 1997 - Tomsk: Izd-vo Nauchno-tekhn. lit-ry.
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  48.  8
    Aspects of Whitehead's Philosophy of Organism.Vesselin Petrov - 2019 - [Mazy, Belgium]: Les éditions Chromatika.
    Alfred North Whitehead's (1861-1947) 'Philosophy of Organism' offers an important, indeed fundamental, metaphysical doctrine. It is the product of a long adventure of ideas and has many complementary aspects. The present book does not claim to achieve a complete description of all the aspects of the late Whitehead's worldview. Its aim is rather to stress some specific features of his teachings, such as his views concerning rationality, dynamic holism, things and objects, events, anticipation, creativity, nature, organism, and life. This book (...)
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  49.  5
    Bruno Latur.Ana Petrov - 2015 - Beograd: Fakultet za medije i komunikacije.
    Biografija. Ili: modusi postojanija Bruna Latura -- Lociranje Laturovog diskursa -- Nakon modernosti, postmodernosti, postpostmodernosti-nismo nikada ni bili moderni? -- Reakcije: Laturov diskurs kao provokacija.
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  50.  5
    Ballada poveshennogo: opravdanie metafiziki, ili vozvrashchenie filosofii.I︠U︡. V. Petrov - 2008 - Tomsk: Izdatelʹstvo nauchno-tekhnicheskoĭ literatury.
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