Results for ' Judicial ethics'

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    Subject Selection for Clinical Trials.American Medical Association Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs - forthcoming - IRB: Ethics & Human Research.
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    Multiplex Genetic Testing.American Medical Association The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    Applied judicial ethics.Pierre Noreau - 2008 - Montréal: Wilson & Lafleur. Edited by Chantal Roberge.
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    Judicial Ethics-a Crisis in the Developing Countries of Asia.Austin Ignatius Pulle - 2007 - Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics 9 (2):10.
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    Strengthening Judicial Ethics in ChinaThe New Principles and Regulation: Correspondent's Report from China.Richard Wu - 2011 - Legal Ethics 14 (1):135-137.
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  6. Judicial ethics at the international criminal tribunals.William Schabas - 2014 - In Vesselin Popovski, International Rule of Law and Professional Ethics. Burlington, VT: Routledge.
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    A Physician’s Role Following a Breach of Electronic Health Information.Daniel Kim, Kristin Schleiter, Bette-Jane Crigger, John W. McMahon, Regina M. Benjamin, Sharon P. Douglas & American Medical Association The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs - 2010 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (1):30-35.
    The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of the American Medical Association examines physicians’ professional ethical responsibility in the event that the security of patients’ electronic records is breached.
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    Arkansas professional and judicial ethics.Howard W. Brill - 1991 - Fayetteville, Ark.: M & M Press.
    Preface to the Seventh Edition Since the first edition of this work in 1986, enormous changes have occurred in professional ethics in Arkansas: the ...
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    Judicial Ethics in England.Stephen Sedley - 2003 - Legal Ethics 6 (1):29-33.
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    Governmental and judicial ethics in the Bible and rabbinic literature.James Eugene Priest - 1980 - New York: KTAV Pub. House.
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  11. Lessons in Legal and Judicial Ethics from Schiavo: The Special Responsibilities of Lawyers and Judges in Cases Involving Persons with Severe Cognitive Disabilities.Robert Destro - 2007 - In Charles A. Erin & Suzanne Ost, The Criminal Justice System and Health Care. Oxford University Press.
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    The Responsible judge: readings in judicial ethics.John Thomas Noonan & Kenneth I. Winston (eds.) - 1993 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    This collection addresses the concept and role of judge, the act of judging and the requirements and potential abuses inherent in the system and process of sitting in judgement. It considers the issues and questions involved in establishing a framework for assessing judicial morality.
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    The Past, Present ... and Future(?) of Judicial Ethics Education in Canada.Richard Devlin, C. Adèle Kent & Susan Lightstone - 2013 - Legal Ethics 16 (1):1-35.
    In this paper the authors present a description and reflective analysis of an underdeveloped aspect of legal ethics education: judicial ethics. Part I provides an introduction to Canada's National Judicial Institute and its early attempts to design and deliver judicial ethics education programmes. Part II then suggests that in the last few years a second generation of judicial ethics education has emerged, generating a more systemic and contextually sophisticated pedagogical agenda. Finally, in (...)
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    Malian rules of judicial ethics: a comparative study.Nicolas Boring - 2014 - [Washington, D.C.]: Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Center.
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    A code of judicial ethics as a signpost and a beacon: on virtuous judgecraft and Dutch climate litigation.Elaine Mak - 2023 - Legal Ethics 26 (1):97-125.
    This paper analyses the role of a code of ethics for judges in connection to a contemporary definition of responsive ‘T-shaped’ judicial professionalism and the professional-ethical questions which can arise in judicial decision-making regarding politically and societally controversial issues. The paper’s case study focuses on climate-change related litigation in Dutch courts. First, a theoretical framework which conceptualises practical and ethical elements of T-shaped judicial professionalism as ‘virtuous judgecraft’, building on the work of Kritzer and Van Domselaar, (...)
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    Legal and judicial ethics.Delfin Flandez Batacan - 1973 - Quezon City [Philippines]: Central Lawbook Pub. Co..
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  17. Local Efforts to Improve Lawyers and Judicial Ethics in China - a Tale of Three Cities: 'Correspondent's Report From' China.Richard Wu - 2010 - Legal Ethics 13 (2):225.
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    Outline of remedial law and legal & judicial ethics.Jose N. Nolledo - 1969 - Manila,: Rex Book Store. Edited by Mercedita Santiago- Nolledo.
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  19. Basic Structure of Judicial Ethics, Exemplified from the Netherlands, A.Leny E. De Groot-Van Leeuwen - 2003 - Legal Ethics 6:34.
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  20. Imposing liabilities on judges for wrong decisions-judicial ethics with chinese characteristics?: Correspondent's report from China.Richard Wu - 2012 - Legal Ethics 15 (2):395.
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    Reasoning in Character: Virtue, Legal Argumentation, and Judicial Ethics.Amalia Amaya - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-20.
    This paper develops a virtue-account of legal reasoning which significantly differs from standard, principle-based, theories. A virtue approach to legal reasoning highlights the relevance of the particulars to sound legal decision-making, brings to light the perceptual and affective dimensions of legal judgment, and vindicates the relevance of description and specification to good legal reasoning. After examining the central features of the theory, the paper proposes a taxonomy of the main character traits that legal decision-makers need to possess to successfully engage (...)
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    China: A Manual to Teach the Art of Declining Bribery Offers-A Local Attempt to Strengthen Judicial Ethics.Richard Wu - 2013 - Legal Ethics 16 (1):230-231.
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    Ethic consultation or judicial control-changes of duties and functions of the ethic committee in biomedical research.Florian Wolk - 2002 - Ethik in der Medizin 14 (4).
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    Ethical considerations in judicial appointments in Nigeria: the role of special judicial bodies.Guobadia Ameze - 2017 - Legal Ethics 20 (1):21-42.
    The power to appoint judges and the formal procedure for judicial appointments in Nigeria have been examined by writers, particularly in the context of separation of powers. Shortcomings in the conduct of some judicial officers and the poor performance of some courts continue to generate questions about the suitability of the current appointments process in the quest for a sound judiciary founded on integrity and competence. The article argues that what is missing is due regard for ethics (...)
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    Judicial Waves, Ethical Shifts: Bankruptcy Courts and Corporate ESG Performance.Zixun Zhou, Xinyu Zhou, Xuezhi Zhang & Wei Chen - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-21.
    Leveraging the staggered introduction of specialized bankruptcy courts across China as an exogenous shock, this study examines the impact of specialized bankruptcy courts on corporate ESG performance. Using listed firms in China from 2015 to 2021, we find that the introduction of specialized bankruptcy courts leads to an increase in corporate ESG performance. Our main results remain robust after considering endogeneity concerns and TWFE bias. The underlying mechanism is that these courts strengthen creditor protection, thereby enhancing access to bank loans (...)
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    How many chief justices? Judicial appointments and ethics in Queensland.Reid Mortensen - 2017 - Legal Ethics 20 (1):64-88.
    Australia has recently experienced what many regard as its greatest judicial crisis. The appointment of Timothy Carmody QC as Chief Justice of Queensland in 2014 emerged from a process that was tainted by the state government’s willingness to break confidences gained in the course of consultation for the appointment. Equally, a strongly negative and heterodox reaction to the appointment by the whole Queensland Supreme Court bench meant that, together, politicians and judges brought on a collapse of the traditional (...) surrounding judicial appointments. Nevertheless, the extreme circumstances of the Carmody affair suggest that, where judges have a legitimate concern that a judicial appointment might put a fundamental constitutional value like judicial independence at risk, a court may be justified in publically expressing concern about the appointment. (shrink)
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    The Ethical, Social and Judicial Significance of the Ekpe Fraternity Shrine Among the Effik.E. E. Offiong - 2007 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 9 (1).
  28. The Ethics of Obeying Judicial Orders in Flawed Societies.Robert C. Hughes - 2020 - Res Publica 26 (4):559-575.
    Many accounts of the moral duty to obey the law either restrict the duty to ideal democracies or leave the duty’s application to non-ideal societies unclear. This article presents and defends a partial account of the moral duty to obey the law in non-ideal societies, focusing on the duty to obey judicial orders. We need public judicial authority to prevent objectionable power relationships that can result from disputes about private agreements. The moral need to prevent power imbalances in (...)
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    An Ethical and Judicial Framework for Mercy Killing on the Battlefield.Jean-François Caron - 2014 - Journal of Military Ethics 13 (3):228-239.
    As a follow-up to Stephen Deakin's analysis on the ethics of mercy killing on the battlefield in this journal, this article proposes a moral justification for this type of action, as well as a judicial framework that could clarify what qualifies as such morally permissible action. Based upon contemporary cases, it argues that the current military codes of conduct are incoherent when it comes to the punishment of soldiers who commit mercy killings, and that the military codes of (...)
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    The Judicial Conference Experiment: Social Experiments and Prior Ethical Review.John A. Robertson - 1981 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 3 (4):1.
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    No Place for Ethics: Judicial Review, Legal Positivism, and the Supreme Court of the United States.T. Patrick Hill - 2021 - Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
    In No Place for Ethics, Hill argues the Supreme Court has an overriding obligation to ground its judicial review responsibilities not only in the Constitution but also in ethics, understood as the Constitution's ultimate justification. The text discusses a response to the question basic to all human beings: how should I behave?
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    The Ethical Code for Medical and Biological Engineers Should Preclude Their Role in Judicial Executions.Herbert Voigt & David M. Ehrmann - 2010 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 1 (1):43-52.
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    Judging without railings: an ethic of responsible judicial decision-making for future generations.Laura Davies & Laura Henderson - 2023 - Legal Ethics 26 (1):25-45.
    Climate litigation presents specific challenges to judicial decision-making, related to uncertainties caused by the border-crossing nature of the applicable legal frameworks and the complexity of the climate system. Judiciaries around the world often turn to process-based review when dealing with such uncertainties. In process-based review, judges focus on ensuring that decision-making procedures are fair and inclusive of all relevant interests, instead of on substantive policy choices. However, in the case of climate litigation, it appears that where judges wish to (...)
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    Judicial Conduct and Accountability.T. David Marshall - 1995 - Scarborough, Ont. : Carswell.
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    Beyond Judicial Solitude: Listening in the Politics of Criminal Sentencing.Jeffrey Kennedy - 2024 - Criminal Justice Ethics 43 (3):225-258.
    Criminal sentencing has grown into an increasingly interactive process featuring a multiplicity of potential actors—prosecution, defence, the individual convicted of the crime, probation officers and case workers, victims or their families, the police, community representatives, community workers, and even academics. The philosophical foundations of sentencing scholarship, however, regularly assume a model of judicial solitude in which sentencing judges are separate and apart from other actors. This article suggests the need to take sentencing’s interactivity and its politics seriously and draws (...)
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    Restrictions on judicial election campaign speech: Silencing criticism of liberal activism.Lino A. Graglia - 2004 - Social Philosophy and Policy 21 (2):148-176.
    Constitutional law in the United States is, for most practical purposes, the product of ‘judicial review’, the power of judges to disallow policy choices made by other officials or institutions of government, ostensibly because those choices are prohibited by the Constitution. This extraordinary and unprecedented power, America's dubious contribution to the science of government, has made American judges the most powerful in the world, not only legislators but super-legislators, legislators with virtually the last word. Because lawmaking power divorced from (...)
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    Judicial Recusal, Spouses and Health Care Reforms: Correspondent's Report from the USA.John Steele - 2011 - Legal Ethics 14 (1):138-139.
    The normally staid topics of judicial ethics and the standards for judicial recusal have become the focus of political debates, editorials and letter writing campaigns. Most of the recent focus falls on conservative justices of the US Supreme Court and in particular on their anticipated participation in what is expected to be an important ruling on the constitutionality of the heath care reforms championed by President Obama and the Democratic Party. But the issue is not simply about (...)
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    Two Recent Developments in Judicial and Lawyers' Ethics: Correspondent's Report from China.Richard Wu - 2010 - Legal Ethics 13 (1):101-103.
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    Modern legal theory and judicial impartiality.Ofer Raban - 2003 - Portland, Or.: GlassHouse Press.
    This new book argues that at the core of legal philosophy’s principal debates there is essentially one issue judicial impartiality. Keeping this issue to the forefront,Raban’s approach sheds much light on many difficult and seemingly perplexing jurisprudential debates. Modern Legal Theory and Judicial Impartiality.
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    Courts, litigants and the digital age: law, ethics and practice.Karen Eltis - 2012 - Toronto: Irwin Law.
    Courts, Litigants, and the Digital Age examines the ramifications of technology for courts, judges, and the administration of justice. It sets out the issues raised by technology, and, particularly, the Internet, so that conventional paradigms can be updated in the judicial context. In particular, the book dwells on issues such as proper judicial use of Internet sources, judicial ethics and social networking, electronic court records and anonymization techniques, control of the courtroom and jurors' use of new (...)
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    Limits of legality: the ethics of lawless judging.Jeffrey Brand-Ballard (ed.) - 2010 - New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press.
    Introduction -- Practical reasons and judicial use of force -- Deviating from legal standards -- The legal duties of judges -- The normative classification of legal results -- Reasons to deviate -- Adherence rules -- Obeying adherence rules -- The judicial oath -- Legal duty and political obligation -- Systemic effects -- Agent-relative principles -- Optimal adherence rules -- Guidance rules -- Treating like cases alike -- Implementation -- Theoretical implications -- Conclusion.
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    Report by the American Medical Association’s Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs on Physicians’ Exercise of Conscience.Valarie Blake, Stephen L. Brotherton, Patrick W. McCormick & B. J. Crigger - 2016 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 27 (3):219-226.
    As practicing clinicians, physicians are expected to uphold the ethical norms of their profession, including fidelity to patients and respect for patients’ self-determination. At the same time, as individuals, physicians are moral agents in their own right and, like their patients, are informed by and committed to diverse cultural, religious, and philosophical traditions and beliefs. In some circumstances, the expectation that physicians will put patients’ needs and preferences first may be in tension with the need to sustain the sense of (...)
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    Special issue: the ethics of judicial appointments.Reid Mortensen & Richard Devlin - 2017 - Legal Ethics 20 (1):1-3.
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  44. Judicial Practical Reason: Judges in Morally Imperfect Legal Orders.Anthony R. Reeves - 2011 - Law and Philosophy 30 (3):319-352.
    I here address the question of how judges should decide questions before a court in morally imperfect legal systems. I characterize how moral considerations ought inform judicial reasoning given that the law may demand what it has no right to. Much of the large body of work on legal interpretation, with its focus on legal semantics and epistemology, does not adequately countenance the limited legitimacy of actual legal institutions to serve as a foundation for an ethics of adjudication. (...)
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    Judicial Discretion and the Problem of Dirty Hands.Daniel Tigard - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (1):177-192.
    H.L.A. Hart’s lost and found essay ‘Discretion’ has provided new insight into the issue of how legal systems can cope with indeterminacy in the law. The so-called ‘open texture’ of law calls for the exercise of judicial discretion, which, I argue, renders judges susceptible to the problem of dirty hands. To show this, I frame the problem as being open to an array of appropriate emotional responses, namely, various senses of guilt. With these responses in mind, I revise an (...)
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    The Achilles heel of the Canadian judiciary: the ethics of judicial appointments in Canada.Richard Devlin & Adam Dodek - 2017 - Legal Ethics 20 (1):43-63.
    Although the Canadian legal system has many virtues, it has at least one major weakness – its judicial appointments and promotion systems. The paper begins by identifying six key values that need to be considered in order to assess the legitimacy of a judicial appointments process – independence, impartiality, representativeness, transparency, accountability and efficiency. In the following sections, through the use of three case studies of appointments to the Supreme Court of Canada, the superior courts of Nova Scotia (...)
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    Placebo Use in Clinical Practice: Report of the American Medical Association Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs.Nathan A. Bostick, Robert Sade, Mark A. Levine & D. M. Stewart - 2008 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 19 (1):58-61.
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    Report of the AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs: Professionalism in the Use of Social Media.Rebecca Shore, Julia Halsey, Kavita Shah, Bette-Jane Crigger & Sharon P. Douglas - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 22 (2):165-172.
    Although many physicians have been using the internet for both clinical and social purposes for years, recently concerns have been raised regarding blurred boundaries of the profession as a whole. In both the news media and medical literature, physicians have noted there are unanswered questions in these areas, and that professional self-regulation is needed. This report discusses the ethical implications of physicians’ nonclinical use of the internet, including the use of social networking sites, blogs, and other means to post content (...)
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    "Report of the American Medical Association Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs: Withholding Information from Patients: Rethinking the Propriety of" Therapeutic Privilege".Nathan A. Bostick, Robert Sade, John W. McMahon & Regina Benjamin - 2006 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 17 (4):302-306.
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    The Primacy of Autonomy, Honesty, and Disclosure—Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs' Placebo Opinions.Kavita R. Shah & Susan Dorr Goold - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (12):15-17.
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