Results for ' Husserl, Sartre, Henry Michel, art, exercise, habits, disinterestness, affectivity'

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  1.  20
    The equivocation of artistic exercise: formation of habits and artistic heuristic (about Husserl and Henry).Thomas Sabourin - 2021 - Methodos 21.
    Cet article vise à interroger l’ambivalence de la notion d’exercice dans le champ artistique, et à en assurer l’intelligibilité par une phénoménologie de la formation de l’habitude. On mettra donc d’abord en lumière le lien essentiel liant l’exercice à l’habitude, et à l’équivoque de cette notion. On cherchera ensuite à interroger la genèse de l’habitude comme structure transcendantale de la visée intentionnelle avant d’entreprendre une phénoménologie de l’acquisition du geste habituel à travers une critique des descriptions du geste chez (...). On concevra ainsi l’habitude comme la fixation d’un « horizon de potentialité » qui permet la constitution de l’objet et conditionne de cette manière la perception. Cette phénoménologie vise à mettre en évidence le caractère acquis et contingent des habitudes perceptives, afin de concevoir l’exercice en art comme une pratique de renforcement, de subversion et de génération de telles structures habituelles. On exposera enfin la possibilité de cette pratique en montrant que la formation de nouveaux gestes repose ultimement sur un conditionnement affectif. La possibilité de l’art est ainsi conçue, non pas dans un « désintéressement », mais dans un « intérêt flottant » permettant un renouvellement de la perception dans lequel l’habitude joue un rôle clef. (shrink)
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    The Phenomenology of Life and the Experience of Affectivity in Michel Henry, Indian and Leopold Sédar Senghor’s Thought.Charley Mejame Ejede - 2023 - Dialogue and Universalism 33 (3):97-114.
    Michel Henry is regarded as one of the most important French philosophers of the second half of the 20th century. Yet, he is still not widely cited as Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida and Jean Paul Sartre are. His thought constitutes a philosophy of life, distancing itself not only from the phenomenology of the 20th century, but also from the science and technology inaugurated by Galileo Galilei and Rene Descartes. Furthermore, Leopold Sedar Senghor is an African philosopher whose (...)
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    Adnen Jdey e Rolf Kuhn, Michel Henry et Vaffect de I ’art. Recherches sur l’esthétique de la phénoménologie matérielle.Gaetano Iaia - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica:173-176.
    La complessa, profonda e articolata costruzione filosofica di Michel Henry (1922-2002), sviluppata nell’arco di più di quaranta anni, è interamente dominata dalla passione per la verità e dalla fedeltà alla ricerca. Per comprenderla a fondo è necessaria una solida conoscenza della tradizione filosofica e fenomenologica a lui precedente, che tenga conto non solo del pensiero di Heidegger e Husserl ma anche — tra gli altri — di Cartesio, Kant, Hegel, Merleau-Ponty e Sartre. Sulla base di una at...
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    Vida e Cosmos Em Michel Henry: Uma Comunidade Afetiva.Silvestre Grzibowski - 2025 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 18 (35):61-69.
    The objective of this study is to make a proposition about our relationship with the environment, with the earth and the cosmos. The central argument of this study is based on Michel Henry’s phenomenology of life, which proposes an affective relationship with nature. This argument opposes the scientific technical conception that, according to Husserl, forgot the world of life, of sensibility. Henry takes up Husserl’s arguments, however, he presents others such as co-appropriation and shows that our relationship is (...)
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    Sztuka jako objawienie Życia w perspektywie fenomenologii Michela Henry’ego.Andrzej Krawiec - 2021 - Ruch Filozoficzny 77 (1):57.
    Alongside with ethics and religion, art occupies a prominent place in Michel Henry’s phenomenology of life. His opposition to Husserl and Heidegger, and his analyses of Wassily Kandinsky’s paintings and theoretical works, led Henry to the conclusion that the content of art is the ‘invisible life’. As a consequence, art – itself invisible though at the same time revealing the Life – becomes a means of achieving a non-intentional experience (pathos) of Life in its transcendental affectivity. The (...)
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    Michel Henry Et l'Affect de L'Art: Recherches Sur l'Esthétique de la Phénoménologie Matérielle.Adnen Jdey & Rolf Kühn (eds.) - 2011 - Brill.
    The studies in this book set out to examine the labile resonances of phenomenology and art in Michel Henry, by examining the different figures of movement given to the concept of the aesthetic by the philosopher. They are preceded by one of Michel Henry’s own texts. Les études qui composent ce livre proposent d’interroger les résonances labiles de la phénoménologie et de l’art chez Michel Henry, en examinant les différentes figures du déplacement imprimé par le philosophe au (...)
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    Entretien avec Michel Henry.Virginie Henry Caruana - 2000 - Philosophique 3:69-80.
    Cet entretien réalisé le 30 novembre 1999 à Paris présente l’évolution de la philosophie de Michel Henry, depuis L’essence de la manifestation jusqu’à l’Incarnation. Il s’agit de présenter le projet, la place et la centralité de L’essence de la manifestation dans l’œuvre de M. Henry, puisque c’est dans cet ouvrage qu’il a mis au jour les présuppositions de sa phénoménologie de la vie et de l’intériorité subjective, présuppositions qu’il fera travailler dans tous les ouvrages qui lui succéderont, ceci (...)
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    Michel Henry, lecteur de Husserl.Délia Popa - 2011 - Cahiers Philosophiques 126 (3):82-94.
    De Husserl à Henry, l’essence de la phénoménalité a changé de lieu, quittant le monde de la manifestation dans lequel l’être est à la fois caché et livré par des apparences, pour la pureté d’une auto-affection qui ne saurait s’y révéler comme telle, étant donné que son déploiement est purement immanent. Si la phénoménologie husserlienne ne peut, selon Michel Henry, que contribuer à « étendre le règne de l’apparence », la philosophie henryenne ira jusqu’à remettre en question le (...)
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  9. L'âme entre corps et esprit.Michel Beat - 2010 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 142 (1):37-52.
    L'œuvre de Michel Henry aura été de « recueillir » et développer le côté affectif de la phénoménologie, que Husserl, dans un passage clé de ses « Idées directrices », a délaissé au profit du côté intentionnel de la subjectivité - tout comme trois siècles plus tôt Descartes avait « recueilli » la subjectivité écartée par Galitée. Le texte qui suit compare le concept de soubassement, ou âme, chez Husserl avec celui de chair chez Michel Henry. On verra (...)
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    Phénoménologie matérielle.Michel Henry - 1990 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    En reposant la question fondamentale de la phénoménologie, et de la philosophie — la question de la donation —, en interprétant celle-ci non plus seulement, selon la pensée traditionnelle de l'Occident, comme apparition dans un monde mais comme l'étreinte invisible de la vie en son propre pathos, la phénoménologie matérielle soulève des problèmes nouveaux et paradoxaux. Trois d'entre eux font l'objet des présentes études : 1 / La matière de la conscience, l'Impression, n'est plus un contenu opaque attendant l'éclaircissement de (...)
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    Bergson et la logique.Michel Dalissier - 2021 - Dialogue 60 (3):525-556.
    RésuméJ'analyse la façon dont Bergson caractérise la logique tel un organe de simplification, de dissimulation, d'ordonnance, de limitation, de systématisation, comme habitude de pensée et comme ontologie foncière. Partout, la logique semble la prérogative de l'entendement et inapte à s'appliquer à la durée, voire à la réalité elle-même. Pour sortir d'un tel dualisme, je montre que Bergson conçoit une logique de l'absurde et de l'imagination, avec le rêve, la folie et le comique, laquelle transmute la logique dans le domaine du (...)
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  12.  48
    Christianity: A Phenomenological Approach?Michel Henry - 2018 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 26 (2):91-103.
    Here I investigate the possibility of a phenomenological approach to Christianity, with the understanding that this would not be a matter of proposing an interpretation, but that such an “approach” would be able to lead directly to the heart of Christianity. I will say immediately that a phenomenology that would be able to undertake such a task is not the historical phenomenology that was born with Husserl. Only an ideal phenomenology that would become what is required would be able to (...)
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  13.  58
    Réflexions sur la cinquième Méditation cartésienne de Husserl.Michel Henry - 1989 - In Samuel IJsseling, Husserl-Ausgabe und Husserl-Forschung. Springer. pp. 107-123.
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    Love's Revival: Film Practice and the Art of Dying.Michele Aaron - 2020 - Film-Philosophy 24 (2):83-103.
    Dying serves so often within the narratives of Western popular culture, as an exercise in self-improvement both to the individual dying and to those looking on. It enlightens, ennobles and renders exceptional all those affected by it. Though mainstream cinema's “grammar of dying” is mired in similar myths, film has the potential to do dying differently: it can, instead, connect us, ethically, to the vulnerability of others. The aim of this article is to pursue this potential of film. Using the (...)
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    I am the truth: toward a philosophy of Christianity.Michel Henry - 2003 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    A part of the “return to religion” now evident in European philosophy, this book represents the culmination of the career of a leading phenomenological thinker whose earlier works trace a trajectory from Marx through a genealogy of psychoanalysis that interprets Descartes’s “I think, I am” as “I feel myself thinking, I am.” In this book, Henry does not ask whether Christianity is “true” or “false.” Rather, what is in question here is what Christianity considers as truth, what kind of (...)
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  16. Material phenomenology.Michel Henry - 2008 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Translator's preface -- Introduction: The question of phenomenology -- Hyletic phenomenology and material phenomenology -- The phenomenological method -- Pathos-with reflections on Husserl's Fifth cartesian meditation -- For a phenomenology of community.
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    Phénoménologie de la vie.Michel Henry - 2003 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Jean Leclercq & Grégori Jean.
    t. 1. De la phénoménologie -- t. 2. De la subjectivité -- t. 3. de l'art et du politique -- t. 4. Sur léthique et la religion.
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    Généalogie de la psychanalyse: le commencement perdu.Michel Henry - 2011
    "Le concept d'inconscient a fait son apparition dans la culture moderne en même temps que celui de conscience et comme son exacte conséquence : dès que l'essence originelle de la phénoménalité, révélée et occultée à la fois par Descartes dans le cogito, a été réduite à la représentation. Pour autant que Freud emprunte explicitement son concept de conscience à cette tradition philosophique, l'affirmation que le Fond de la Psyché échappe à la phénoménalité ainsi entendue revêt une portée immense : elle (...)
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  19.  19
    Gender Ideology and the “Artistic” Fabrication of Human Sex: Nature as Norm or the Remaking of the Human?Michele M. Schumacher - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (3):363-423.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Gender Ideology and the “Artistic” Fabrication of Human Sex: Nature as Norm or the Remaking of the Human?Michele M. SchumacherUntil quite recently,” the famous English novelist C. S. Lewis remarked in 1959, “it was taken for granted that the business of the artist was to delight and instruct his public”: that is to say, to address simultaneously their passions and their intellects. “There were, of course, different publics.... And (...)
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    Notes sur le phénomène érotique.Michel Henry - 2013 - Revue Internationale Michel Henry 4:27-51.
    Cet article présente des notes préparatoires inédites de Michel Henry sur le phénomène érotique. Ces notes sont essentiellement relatives à la préparation des ouvrages « Philosophie et phénoménologie du corps » et « L’essence de la manifestation », mais également et plus tardivement de son livre « Incarnation ». Maine de Biran est au cœur de ce projet, mais Michel Henry lit et commente également ses contemporains, dont Sartre qui est sans doute celui qui reçoit le plus d’attention (...)
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    The four principles of phenomenology.Michel Henry, Joseph Rivera & George E. Faithful - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 48 (1):1-21.
    This article, published originally in French just after the 1989 release of Jean-Luc Marion’s book Reduction and Givenness, consists of a sustained critical study of the manner in which Marion advances from the basic principles of phenomenology. Henry outlines briefly three principles, “so much appearance, so much being,” “the principle of principles” of Ideas I, “to the things themselves!” before entering into a lengthy dialogue with Marion’s proposal of a fourth principle: “so much reduction, so much givenness.” Henry (...)
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    Phänomenologie der absoluten Subjektivität: eine Untersuchung zur präreflexiven Bewusstseinsstruktur im Ausgang von Edmund Husserl, Jean-Paul Sartre, Michel Henry und Jean-Luc Marion.Ulrich Dopatka - 2019 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, Imprint der Brill-Gruppe.
    Der transzendentalen Subjektivität als sinngebender Instanz liegt in der Husserlschen Phänomenologie ein fundamentaler, der Reflexion nicht zugänglicher Bewusstseinsbereich zugrunde: die absolute Subjektivität.Das basale Defizit der epistemisch ausgerichteten Phänomenologie Husserls ist die Unmöglichkeit einer unmittelbaren Selbstreferenzialität in Bezug auf das eigene Selbst-Bewusstsein. Ausgehend von einem ersten Zugang zur Präreflexivität bei Sartre wird auf Grundlage eines radikalisierten phänomenologischen Designs Michel Henrys und Jean-Luc Marions die Struktur dieser basalen Bewusstseinssphäre systematisch entwickelt.
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  23. Phénoménologie de la vie, t. 1 : De la phénoménologie ; t. 2 : De la subjectivité ; t. 3 : De l'art du politique ; t. 4 : Sur l'éthique et la religion, coll. « Épiméthée ». [REVIEW]Michel Henry & Jean-luc Marion - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 195 (3):403-406.
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    Ulrich Dopatka: Phänomenologie der absoluten Subjektivität. Eine Untersuchung zur präreflexiven Bewusstseinsstruktur im Ausgang von Edmund Husserl, Jean-Paul Sartre, Michel Henry und Jean-Luc Marion.Hans-Dieter Gondek - 2021 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 74 (3):221-235.
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    Introduction to the Thought of Marx.Michel Henry - 1971 - Philosophy Today 15 (3):186-203.
    Jean-Paul Sartre insists that Marxism is the only philosophy that speaks to and out of the condition of contemporary man. Each cultural period has but onephilosophy that is authentic. Today, that philosophy is Marxism. Even if one accepts Sartre's position, it is clear that Marxism today is not one monolithic ideologydeveloped by proclamation. A recent group of articles in Philosophy Today , devoted to the thought of Ernst Bloch, indicated this. The two followingarticles of Michel Henry and Arthur McGovern (...)
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    (1 other version)Art Education and the World of Life: Michel Henry on the Cultural Value of Art.Max Schaefer - 2024 - Horizon: Studies in Phenomenology 13 (2):314-331.
  27. Gilles Deleuze and Michel Henry: Critical contrasts in the deduction of life as transcendental.James Williams - 2008 - Sophia 47 (3):265-279.
    To address the theological turn in phenomenology, this paper sets out critical arguments opposing the theist phenomenology of Michel Henry and Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy of the event. Henry’s phenomenology has been overlooked in recent commentaries compared with, for example, Jean-Luc Marion’s work. It will be shown here that Henry’s philosophy presents a detailed novel turn in phenomenology structured according to critical moves against positions developed from Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty. This demonstration is done through a strong contrast (...)
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  28. Claire Katz & Lara Trout , Emmanuel Levinas. Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers Thomas Bedorf, Andreas Cremonini , Verfehlte Begegnung. Levinas und Sartre als philosophische ZeitgenossenSamuel Moyn, Origins of the Other: Emmanuel Levinas between Revelation and Ethics Pascal Delhom & Alfred Hirsch , Im Angesicht der Anderen. Levinas' Philosophie des PolitischenSharon Todd, Learning from the other: Levinas, psychoanalysis and ethical possibilities in educationMichel Henry, Le bonheur de Spinoza, suivi de: Etude sur le spinozisme de Michel Henry, par Jean-Michel Longneaux Jean-Francois Lavigne, Husserl et la naissance de la phénoménologie . Des Recherches logiques aux Ideen: la genèse de l'idéalisme transcendantal phénoménologique Denis Seron, Objet et signification Dan Zahavi, Sara Heinämaa and Hans Ruin ,Metaphysics, Facticity, Interpretation. Phenomenology in The Nordic Countries Dimitri Ginev,Entre anthropologie et herméneutique Magdalena Marculescu-Cojoc. [REVIEW]Tomáš Tatranský, Sophie Loidolt, Eric Sean Nelson, Lawrence Petch, Rolf Kühn, Yves Mayzaud, Denisa Butnaru, Andreea Parapuf, Jassen Andreev & Adrian Niţţ - 2006 - Studia Phaenomenologica 6:453-487.
    Claire Katz & Lara Trout, Emmanuel Levinas. Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers ; Thomas Bedorf, Andreas Cremonini, Verfehlte Begegnung. Levinas und Sartre als philosophische Zeitgenossen ; Samuel Moyn, Origins of the Other: Emmanuel Levinas between Revelation and Ethics ; Pascal Delhom & Alfred Hirsch, Im Angesicht der Anderen. Levinas’ Philosophie des Politischen ; Sharon Todd, Learning from the other: Levinas, psychoanalysis and ethical possibilities in education ; Michel Henry, Le bonheur de Spinoza, suivi de: Etude sur le spinozisme de (...)
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    Descartes, Husserl and Henry - Michel Henry’s Interpretation of the Cartesian cogito and Material Phenomenology -. 조태구 - 2019 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 80:1-32.
    앙리는 1984년 발표된 논문, 「코기토와 현상학의 이념」에서 처음으로 자신의 독창적인 데카르트에 대한 해석을 제시한다. 그리고 바로 이 논문에서 우리는 앙리가 ‘질료 현상학’이라는 용어를 처음으로 사용하는 것을 볼 수 있다. 비록 앙리가 ‘질료 현상학’이라는 이름을 자신의 철학이 아닌 데카르트의 철학에 부여하고는 있지만, 우리는 이 말, ‘질료 현상학 phenomenologie materielle’이라는 용어가 정확히 후설의 ‘질료(質料) 현상학 phenomenologie hyletique’을 겨냥하고 있다는 사실과 그것이 의미하는 바가 무엇인지 어렵지 않게 추측해 볼 수 있다. 즉 후설의 현상학과 그 길을 달리하는 진정한 의미의 앙리 현상학이 시작되는 곳은 바로 (...)
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    Souffrance et ipséité selon Michel Henry.Jean-François Lavigne - 2011 - Cahiers Philosophiques 126 (3):66-81.
    C’est dans l’approche phénoménologique de la subjectivité que la question de l’identité du moi se pose avec la plus pure radicalité. Le problème s’inaugure chez Husserl : la réduction mène à l’analyse de la constitution qui rend possible l’ego transcendantal. Mais rendre compte de son identité en termes d’auto-constitution aboutit à l’aporie. L’incompatibilité entre trans-temporalité de l’ego et synthèse intentionnelle semble dépassée par Michel Henry, qui substitue l’affectivité originaire de l’auto-affection pure à la spontanéité de la « synthèse passive (...)
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    Phenomenology and Embodiment: Husserl and the Constitution of Subjectivity.Joona Taipale - 2014 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    At the dawn of the modern era, philosophers reinterpreted their subject as the study of consciousness, pushing the body to the margins of philosophy. With the arrival of Husserlian thought in the late nineteenth century, the body was once again understood to be part of the transcendental field. And yet, despite the enormous influence of Husserl’s phenomenology, the role of "embodiment" in the broader philosophical landscape remains largely unresolved. In his ambitious debut book, _Phenomenology and Embodiment,_ Joona Taipale tackles the (...)
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    L'immanence à la limite: recherches sur la phénoménologie de Michel Henry.Sébastien Laoureux - 2005 - Paris: Cerf.
    Michel Henry a fondé une partie de son oeuvre philosophique sur la phénoménologie matérielle. L'ouvrage tente d'en analyser la singularité, parmi les oeuvres d'autres phénoménologistes tels que Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Ricoeur et Derrida. Cette analyse renvoie à une interrogation de la phénoménologie matérielle elle-même et ouvre d'autres voies de réflexion.
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    Sartre on Theater.Jean-Paul Sartre, Michel Contat, Michel Rybalka & Frank Jellinek - 1977 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 36 (1):112-113.
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    ,Vitalismus‘ und reine Potenzialität bei Michel Henry.Rolf Kühn - 2019 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2019 (1):53-70.
    The recent interpretation of Michel Henry’s thought as a ‘phenomenological vitalism’ raises fundamental questions regarding the reception of his phenomenology. The issue raised, however, is not primarily about radical phenomenology being inspired (or not) by more or less vitalistic philosophies like those of Maine de Biran, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and even Freud, rather it concerns the ‘how’ of purely immanent appearing in affect and force understood as immediate corporeality. Does the latter, being original affectivity, require temporality in order to (...)
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  35. Self-Awareness in Transcendence.Michael R. Kelly - 2004 - Dissertation, Fordham University
    This dissertation examines the problem of self-awareness with respect to the phenomenological tradition. The problem of self-awareness concerns whether or not the self, the condition of the possibility for experience, can itself be experienced. Unlike Kant, phenomenology must answer this question in the affirmative, but it cannot hold that the self knows itself via an intentional act in the way that it knows other objects in the world. A solution to the problem requires the articulation of an alternative account of (...)
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    The Aesthetic Experience of Kandinsky's Abstract Art: A Polemic with Henry's Phenomenological Analysis.Anna Ziółkowska-Juś - 2017 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 54 (2):212-237.
    The French phenomenologist Michel Henry sees a similarity between the primordial experience of what he calls ‘Life’ and the aesthetic experience occasioned by Wassily Kandinsky’s abstract art. The triple aim of this essay is to explain and assess how Henry interprets Kandinsky’s abstract art and theory; what the consequences of his interpretation mean for the theory of the experience of abstract art; and what doubts and questions emerge from Henry’s interpretations of Kandinsky’s theory and practice. Despite its (...)
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    Disclosing Worldhood or Expressing Life? Heidegger and Henry on the Origin of the Work of Art.Steven DeLay - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 4 (2):155-171.
    What and how is the work of art? This paper considers Heidegger’s venerable question by way of a related one: what exactly is the essence of the painting? En route to critiquing the Heideggerian conception of the work of art as that which discloses a world, I present Michel Henry’s competing aesthetic theory. According to Henry, the artwork’s task is not to disclose the exteriority of the world, but rather to express the interiority of life’s pathos—what he calls (...)
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    Michel Henry et la conscience de la vie affective.Jean-Michel Longneaux - 2011 - Cahiers Philosophiques 126 (3):49-65.
    Comment comprendre que nous puissions avoir conscience de notre vie affective? Si l’on prend au sérieux les analyses de Michel Henry, cette expérience commune devrait être impossible. Si c’est la vie et l’expérience qui doivent nous servir de guides, alors il faut intégrer les acquis incontournables de la phénoménologie matérielle et la dépasser.
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  39. Somaesthetics and Racism: Toward an Embodied Pedagogy of Difference.David A. Granger - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (3):69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Somaesthetics and Racism:Toward an Embodied Pedagogy of DifferenceDavid A. Granger (bio)IntroductionThe philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein once remarked that "The human body is the best picture of the human soul."1 There is a basic truth in this assertion that we recognize (I want to say) intuitively: the notion that human beings are parts both mental and physical, that these facets are ultimately interdependent, and that they are in some measure correlated (...)
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  40. Le problème du temps chez Michel Henry: L'origine de l'espacement.Francesco Paolo De Sanctis - 2009 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 5:1-25.
    Le problème du temps chez Michel Henry n’a pas encore fait l’objet d’une étude séparée. Le rejet abrupt de cette question chez l’auteur n’a certainement pas favorisé l’intérêt des critiques pour ce sujet. Dans un premier temps, en 1963 dans L’Essence de la manifestation , Michel Henry considère le problème du temps (à travers le filtre du Kantbuch de Heidegger) comme étant le « même » que celui de la récepti­vité, soit en le renvoyant à l’auto-affection. Celle-ci étant (...)
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    Phenomenology of Affectivity: form, color and image in Kandinsky’s abstract painting.Myriam Díaz Erbetta - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 51:9-23.
    Resumen: El presente artículo analiza el problema de la afectividad en la concepción de la Fenomenología de la vida del filósofo francés Michel Henry, quien la concibe como fundamento de la subjetividad y esencia de la manifestación. Henry realiza un análisis de la obra del pintor Vasily Kandinsky, y muestra cómo la pintura abstracta, no figurativa, logra expresar en los colores y formas aquello invisible que es la esencia de la pintura y que coincide a su vez con (...)
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    Phenomenology and its Futures.Rafael Winkler & Catherine Botha - 2013 - South African Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):291-294.
    Born in 1900–1901 with the publication of Edmund Husserl’s Logical Investigations, phenomenology, as a critical method of reflection on consciousness and its cognitive achievements against its naturalisation in the natural sciences, has undergone many changes and developments. Critiques of both its methods and tasks have emerged, plus it has served as an inspiration for numerous thinkers, including Max Scheler, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Gabriel Marcel, Simone de Beauvoir, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jean-Luc Nancy, Michel Henry, Emmanuel Levinas, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Paul Ricoeur (...)
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    Meaning making in long‐term care: what do certified nursing assistants think?Michelle Gray, Barbara Shadden, Jean Henry, Ro Di Brezzo, Alishia Ferguson & Inza Fort - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (3):244-252.
    Certified nursing assistants (CNAs) provide up to 80% of the direct care to older adults in long‐term care facilities.CNAs are perceived as being at the bottom of the hierarchy among healthcare professionals often negatively affecting their job satisfaction. However, manyCNAs persevere in providing quality care and even reporting high levels of job satisfaction. The aim of the present investigation was to identify primary themes that may helpCNAs make meaning of their chosen career; thus potentially partially explaining increases in job satisfaction (...)
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    Repertorio Bibliográfico sobre Edmund Husserl.Jorge Arce, María Balarín, Gonzalo Cobo, Juan Ccoyllo, Mariana Chu, Henry Galecio, Gonzalo Gamio, Ricardo Gibu, José Carlos Gutiérrez, Víctor Madrid, César Mendoza, Aurelio Miní, Michelle Nicholson, Richard Orozco, Martín Oyata, Rocío Reátegui, Glenny Sotomayor, Camilo Thorne, Gabriela Trujillo, Ricardo Ugaz, Ygor Valderrama & Rosemary Rizo-Patrón - 1997 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 3:61-109.
    Este repertorio registra información de Husserl en la Internet, una breve historia sobre los Nachlaß, el índice de la Husserliana, un listado de las publicaciones de y sobre Husserl disponibles en la Biblioteca Central de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, y los artículos sobre Husserl que se encuentran en la Hemeroteca. El listado abarca las publicaciones existentes hasta el año 1997.
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    L’équivoque de l’image chez Henri Maldiney.Erik Lind - 2023 - Studia Phaenomenologica 23:221-243.
    Henri Maldiney’s aesthetics can be seen as an attempt to push traditional phenomenological descriptions of the image, such as can be found in the works of Husserl and Sartre, to their theoretical limits. In this paper, I examine how Maldiney’s phenomenological approach to visual works of art leads him to disclose a non-intentional dimension of the image which is that of “form.” At this level, the image is not primarily a structure or modification of consciousness, but a mode of presence (...)
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  46. The Disinterested Spectator: Geiger’s and Husserl’s Place in the Debate on the Splitting of the Ego.Michele Averchi - 2015 - Studia Phaenomenologica 15:227-246.
    Moritz Geiger developed an original phenomenological account of the splitting of the Ego in two papers, written in 1911 and 1913. Husserl read the 1911 paper as he was working on preliminary manuscripts to Ideas I. The first part of Husserl’s comments focused precisely on the splitting of the Ego. In this paper I will answer three questions: What is the historical-philosophical context of Geiger’s and Husserl’s discussion on the splitting of the ego? What are the phenomenological features of the (...)
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    Affective Scaffolds, Expressive Arts, and Cognition.Michelle Maiese - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  48. Dante Humaniste. [REVIEW]Paul-Henri Michel - 1954 - Diogenes 2 (8):120-123.
    In the vocabulary of the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance the term ‘humanist’ literature refers only to profane, as opposed to sacred, writings. However, the greatness of the ancient authors appeared such that a certain confusion was created between profane and classical writings. Thus the idea arose of what was much later called humanism, and the feeling of a mission ‘to revive dead things’ (in the words of Machiavelli) gained ground. Today we like to give a wider meaning to (...)
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    Contemporary French Phenomenology: Levinas to Henry.Steven DeLay - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    This book is an introduction to French phenomenology in the post-1945 period. While many of phenomenology's greatest thinkers--Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre and Merleau-Ponty--wrote before this period, Steven DeLay introduces and assesses the creative and important turn phenomenology took after these figures. He presents a clear and rigorous introduction to the work of relatively unfamiliar and underexplored philosophers, including Jean-Louis Chrétien, Michel Henry, Jean-Yves Lacoste, Jean-Luc Marion and others. After an introduction setting out the crucial Husserlian and Heideggerian background to French (...)
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    Experience of art in counter-intentional and non-intentional phenomenology.Andrzej Krawiec - 2023 - Analiza I Egzystencja 61:89-111.
    The article raises the subject of intentionality of art in the light of transformations that counter-intentional phenomenology and non-intentional phenomenology have undergone. The changes to the way intentionality was understood substantially influenced aesthetic reflection and for that reason the starting point for the article is the analysis of Edmund Husserl’s intentional phenomenology followed by counter-intentional phenomenology of Jean-Luc Marion and non-intentional phenomenology of Michel Henry. Next, we will analyse how the ideas were absorbed by the developing phenomenological reflection on (...)
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