Lance Gable [11]G. U. Gable [6] Gable [2]Justin Gable [2]
Justin Charles Gable [2]Sam Gable [1]Philip Gable [1]Samuel Gable [1]

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  1. The motivational dimensional model of affect: Implications for breadth of attention, memory, and cognitive categorisation.Philip Gable & Eddie Harmon-Jones - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (2):322-337.
    Over twenty years of research have examined the cognitive consequences of positive affect states, and suggested that positive affect leads to a broadening of cognition (see review by Fredrickson, 2001). However, this research has primarily examined positive affect that is low in approach motivational intensity (e.g., contentment). More recently, we have systematically examined positive affect that varies in approach motivational intensity, and found that positive affect high in approach motivation (e.g., desire) narrows cognition, whereas positive affect low in approach motivation (...)
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  2. Mutuality in Sexual Relationships: a Standard of Ethical Sex?Sharon Lamb, Sam Gable & Doret de Ruyter - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (1):271-284.
    In this paper we challenge the idea that valid consent is the golden standard by which a sexual encounter is deemed ethical. We begin by reviewing the recent public focus on consent as an ethical standard, and then argue for a standard that goes beyond legalistic and contractual foci. This is the standard of mutuality which extends beyond the assurance that all parties engaging in a sexual encounter are informed, autonomous, and otherwise capable of making a valid choice: one must (...)
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  3.  59
    The Proliferation of Human Rights in Global Health Governance.Lance Gable - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (4):534-544.
    As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, threats to global public health continue to proliferate. New and novel risks to health have emerged consistently over the past 30 years. Moreover, our shrinking world now allows health threats to spread more quickly than ever before. Given these realities, efforts to protect and improve global health must be expansive, flexible, and able to take into account the variety of circumstances that may imperil good health. These efforts also must consider the multiple levels and (...)
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  4.  35
    Approach and Avoidance Behavior in Interpersonal Relationships.Shelly L. Gable & Courtney L. Gosnell - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (3):269-274.
    Social relationships are intricately tied to health and well-being and people are motivated to form and maintain interpersonal bonds. While it is clear that social relationships can be highly rewarding, it is equally clear that social relationships or the lack thereof can be the source of much distress. In this article a conceptualization of social motivation that reflects the basic necessity for people to simultaneously manage approaching the incentives and avoiding the threats in social relationships is presented. We then review (...)
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  5.  73
    The Role of State Law in Protecting Human Subjects of Public Health Research and Practice.Scott Burris, Lance Gable, Lesley Stone & Zita Lazzarini - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (4):654-662.
    “Public health practice” consists of activities and Programs managed by public health agencies to promote health and prevent disease, injury, and disability. Some of these activities might be deemed to fit within the broad definition of “research” under federal regulations, known as the Common Rule, designed to protect human research subjects. The Common Rule defines research as “a systeniatic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.” Public health activities that might under some (...)
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  6.  30
    Negative affect varying in motivational intensity influences scope of memory.A. Hunter Threadgill & Philip A. Gable - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (2):332-345.
    ABSTRACTEmotions influence cognitive processes involved in memory. While some research has suggested that cognitive scope is determined by affective valence, recent models of emotion–cognition interactions suggest that motivational intensity, rather than valence, influences these processes. The present research was designed to clarify how negative affects differing in motivational intensity impact memory for centrally or peripherally presented information. Experiments 1 & 2 found that, relative to a neutral condition, high intensity negative affect enhances memory for centrally presented information. Experiment 3 replicated (...)
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  7.  82
    Transcending the Gender Binary under International Law: Advancing Health-Related Human Rights for Trans* Populations.Aoife M. O’Connor, Maximillian Seunik, Blas Radi, Liberty Matthyse, Lance Gable, Hanna E. Huffstetler & Benjamin Mason Meier - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (3):409-424.
    Despite a recent wave in global recognition of the rights of transgender and gender-diverse populations, referred to in this text by the umbrella label of trans*, international law continues to presume a cisgender binary definition of gender — dismissing the lived realities of trans* individuals throughout the world. This gap in international legal recognition and protection has fundamental implications for health, where trans* persons have been and continue to be subjected to widespread discrimination in health care, longstanding neglect of health (...)
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  8.  18
    Global Health Law and the Climate Crisis: An Unfulfilled Opportunity.Lance Gable - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):694-697.
    The emerging global climate crisis threatens human health in unprecedented ways, yet global health concerns have not been sufficiently considered within international climate change efforts. A more collaborative pathway could advance efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change while protecting public health and social justice.
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  9.  27
    God Without Metaphysics: Some Thomistic Reflections on Heidegger’s Onto-Theological Critique and the Future of Natural Theology.Justin Gable - 2021 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 95 (3):527-548.
    The Heideggerian critique of onto-theology has attained a semi-canonical status for continental philosophy of religion. But is the critique itself sound, and does it actually result in a richer philosophical and theological discourse concerning God? In this paper, I argue that Heidegger’s onto-theological critique suffers from serious difficulties. First I examine the critique, summarizing and condensing the critique in its essentials. I use Westphal’s fourfold criteria as a way of giving it some precision, while presenting it in relative independence from (...)
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    In defence of mutuality as an ethical standard in sexual relationships: A Reply to Michael Hand and Michael Reiss.Sharon Lamb & Samuel Gable - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (5):695–706.
    Our 2021 article in Ethical Theory and Moral Practice argued that mutuality, defined as ‘loving attention’ towards a sexual partner, should be a moral standard for ethical sex. We specified that this loving attention should occur in the form of attempting to know what could be knowable about the other person and taking a ‘thick’ view of the other in their particular social and psychological contexts. We contrasted this orientation with the comparatively ‘thin’ view of people from a rights-based ethical (...)
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  11.  40
    Learning from the Flint Water Crisis: Restoring and Improving Public Health Practice, Accountability, and Trust.Colleen Healy Boufides, Lance Gable & Peter D. Jacobson - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (S2):23-26.
    The Flint water crisis demonstrates the importance of adequate legal preparedness in dealing with complicated legal arrangements and multiple statutory responsibilities. It also demonstrates the need for alternative accountability measures when public officials fail to protect the public's health and explores mechanisms for restoring community trust in governmental public health.
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    CALPHAD based kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of clustering in binary Al-Cu alloy.Frédéric De Geuser, Brian M. Gable & Barry C. Muddle - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (2):315-336.
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    Legislating and Litigating Health Care Rights around the World.Colleen M. Flood, Lance Gable & Lawrence O. Gostin - 2005 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 33 (4):636-640.
  14. Encyclopedia for Church Group Leaders.Lee J. Gable - 1959
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  15. Encyclopaedia for Church Group Leaders.Lee F. Gable - 1959
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  16. Gründung der Internationalen Schelling-Gesellschaft.G. U. Gable - 1988 - Kant Studien 79 (1):132.
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  17.  62
    Global Public Health Legal Responses to H1N1.Lance Gable, Brooke Courtney, Robert Gatter & Eleanor D. Kinney - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (s1):46-50.
    Pandemics challenge the law and often highlight its strengths or expose its limits. The novel strain of influenza A virus that emerged in the spring of 2009 and rapidly spread around the globe was no exception. The H1N1 pandemic prompted the first significant application of a number of international legal and policy mechanisms that have been developed in the last decade to respond to this kind of event. Furthermore, it presented a considerable test for public health systems at all levels, (...)
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  18. Indian Dissertations on Kant 1957-1982.G. U. Gable - 1988 - Kant Studien 79 (1):128.
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  19.  24
    Thomas Aquinas:. Basic Philosophical Writing.Justin Charles Gable - 2019 - Teaching Philosophy 42 (3):311-313.
  20.  64
    The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Public Health, and the Elusive Target of Human Rights.Lance Gable - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (3):340-354.
    The passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in March 2010 represents a significant turning point in the evolution of health care law and policy in the United States. By establishing a legal infrastructure that seeks to achieve universal health insurance coverage in the United States, the ACA targets some of the major impediments to accessing needed health care for millions of Americans and by extension attempts to strengthen the health system to support key determinants of health. Yet, (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Vortragsveranstaltungen 1986 der Kant-Gesellschaft e. V. Bonn in Erlangen.G. U. Gable - 1988 - Kant Studien 79 (1):131.
  22.  70
    Encountering Artificial Intelligence: Ethical and Anthropological Reflections.Matthew J. Gaudet, Paul Scherz, Noreen Herzfeld, Jordan Joseph Wales, Nathan Colaner, Jeremiah Coogan, Mariele Courtois, Brian Cutter, David E. DeCosse, Justin Charles Gable, Brian Green, James Kintz, Cory Andrew Labrecque, Catherine Moon, Anselm Ramelow, John P. Slattery, Ana Margarita Vega, Luis G. Vera, Andrea Vicini & Warren von Eschenbach - 2023 - Eugene, OR: Pickwick Press.
    What does it mean to consider the world of AI through a Christian lens? Rapid developments in AI continue to reshape society, raising new ethical questions and challenging our understanding of the human person. Encountering Artificial Intelligence draws on Pope Francis’ discussion of a culture of encounter and broader themes in Catholic social thought in order to examine how current AI applications affect human relationships in various social spheres and offers concrete recommendations for better implementation. The document also explores questions (...)
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  23.  16
    Direct Service between Athens and Jerusalem: On the Purpose and Organizing Principles of the Dominican Colloquia in Berkeley.Bryan Kromholtz & Justin Gable - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (2):403-407.
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  24. The Man in the Arena: Speeches and Essays.Theodore Roosevelt & John A. Gable - 1987 - Theodore Roosevelt Association.
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  25.  25
    Emergency Preparedness and Response for Disabled Individuals: Implications of Recent Litigation.Lainie Rutkow, Holly A. Taylor & Lance Gable - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (S1):91-94.
    In an emergency, challenges faced by disabled individuals may be exacerbated by ineffective communication, power outages, transportation shortcomings, and inhospitable shelters. During Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Gulf Coast shelters did not routinely provide closed captioning or sign language interpreters; for individuals with auditory disabilities, understanding instructions issued in these shelters was extremely difficult. Individuals with mobility-related disabilities experienced challenges evacuating from their homes due to public transportation that could not accommodate wheelchairs. After the hurricanes, difficulties arose in identifying wheelchair-accessible trailers (...)
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    Protecting the Mental Health of First Responders: Legal and Ethical Considerations.Lainie Rutkow, Lance Gable & Jonathan M. Links - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (s1):56-59.
    The public safety, human services, health, and relief workers who comprise the first wave of a response to natural or man-made disasters play a critical role in emergency preparedness. These first responders provide care and services in the immediate aftermath of emergencies and may remain in affected communities for weeks or months. They often work long hours under stressful conditions, witnessing the human harms, physical destruction, and psychological devastation that can accompany disasters.
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    Finding the Threads of Human Rights in the Global Health Tapestry: A Review of Human Rights in Global Health: Rights-Based Governance for a Globalizing World. [REVIEW]Lance Gable - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (3):809-810.
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    Stories of Our Century by Catholic Authors. Edited by John Gilland Brunini and Francis X. Connolly. [REVIEW] Gable - 1949 - Renascence 2 (2):156-158.