Results for ' Environment'

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  1. Where Philosophy Meets Politics the Concept of the Environment.Avner de-Shalit & Ethics &. Society Oxford Centre for the Environment - 1997 - Oxford Centre for the Environment, Ethics & Society.
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  2. Call for a new approach.Committee On Women, Population & The Environment - 2011 - In Sandra Harding, The postcolonial science and technology studies reader. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Plural Values and Environmental Valuation.Wilfred Beckerman, Joanna Pasek & Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment - 1996 - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment.
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    Clothing the Naked Soldier: Virtuous Conduct on the Augmented Reality Battlefield.Strategy Anna Feuer School of Global Policy, Usaanna Feuer is an Assistant Teaching Professor at the School of Global Policy Ca, Focusing on Insurgency San Diegoher Research is in International Security, Defense Technology Counterinsurgency, the Environment War & at the School of Oriental Politics at Oxford - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):264-276.
    The U.S. military is developing augmented reality (AR) capabilities for use on the battlefield as a means of achieving greater situational awareness. The superimposition of digital data—designed to expand surveillance, enhance geospatial understanding, and facilitate target identification—onto a live view of the battlefield has important implications for virtuous conduct in war: Can the soldier exercise practical wisdom while integrated into a system of militarized legibility? Adopting a virtue ethics perspective, I argue that AR disrupts the soldier’s immersion in the scene (...)
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    Animal Liberation, Environmental Ethics, and Domestication.Clare Palmer & Ethics &. Society Oxford Centre for the Environment - 1995 - Environment.
  6. Weaponization of climate and environment crises: Risks, realities, and consequences.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Viet-Phuong La & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - 2024 - Environmental Science and Policy 162:103928.
    The importance of addressing the existential threat to humanity, climate change, has grown remarkedly in recent years while conflicting views and interests in societies exist. Therefore, climate change agendas have been weaponized to varying degrees, ranging from the international level between countries to the domestic level among political parties. In such contexts, climate change agendas are predominantly driven by political or economic ambitions, sometimes unconnected to concerns for environmental sustainability. Consequently, it can result in an environment that fosters antagonism (...)
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    Human Rights matter: a reassertion of the UN charter and UDHR core values in turbulent times.Human Rights: Between Text, Context, Realities Political Economy of Human Rights Rights, Realization Legality, Strong Legitimacy: A. Political Economy Approach to the Struggle for Basic Entitlements to Safe Water, Human Rights Quarterly Sanitation’, The State, Environment Politics of Development & Climate Change - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (3):343-353.
    Drawing its strength from the UN Charter and UDHR, human rights ethics is a beacon of hope and a promise that requires continuous reaffirmation during these turbulent times. These two documents, with their unwavering faith in ‘fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small,’ have shaped our understanding of human rights as global and universal ethics. However, this faith is now being severely (...)
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  8. Lived body and environment.Shaun Gallagher - 1986 - Research in Phenomenology 16 (1):139-170.
    Merleau-Ponty developed a phenomenology of the body that promoted a non-dualistic account of human existence. In this paper I intend to develop Merleau-Ponty's analysis further by questioning his account of the body on the issues of body perception, and the body's relation to its environment. To clarify these issues I draw from both the phenomenological tradition and recent psychological investigations.
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  9. The theory of the organism-environment system: I. Description of the theory.Timo Jarvilehto - 1998 - Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science 33 (4):321-334.
    The theory of the organism-environment system starts with the proposition that in any functional sense organism and environment are inseparable and form only one unitary system. The organism cannot exist without the environment and the environment has descriptive properties only if it is connected to the organism. Although for practical purposes we do separate organism and environment, this common-sense starting point leads in psychological theory to problems which cannot be solved. Therefore, separation of organism and (...)
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    Seeing Is Believing: Managing the Impressions of the Firm’s Commitment to the Natural Environment.Pratima Bansal & Geoffrey Kistruck - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 67 (2):165-180.
    This paper examines stakeholder responses to impression management tactics used by firms that express environmental commitment. We inductively analyzed data from 98 open-ended questionnaires and identified two impression management tactics that led respondents to believe that a firm was credible in its commitment to the natural environment. Approximately, half of the respondents responded to illustrative impression management tactics that provide images of, and/or broad-brush comments about, the firm's commitment to the natural environment. The other half responded to demonstrative (...)
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  11. R. A. Fisher, Lancelot Hogben, and the Origin of Genotype–Environment Interaction.James Tabery - 2008 - Journal of the History of Biology 41 (4):717-761.
    This essay examines the origin of genotype-environment interaction, or G×E. "Origin" and not "the origin" because the thesis is that there were actually two distinct concepts of G×E at this beginning: a biometric concept, or \[G \times E_B\], and a developmental concept, or \[G \times E_D \]. R. A. Fisher, one of the founders of population genetics and the creator of the statistical analysis of variance, introduced the biometric concept as he attempted to resolve one of the main problems (...)
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    Science Advice in an Environment of Trust: Trusted, but Not Trustworthy?Torbjørn Gundersen & Cathrine Holst - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (5):629-640.
    This paper examines the conditions of trustworthy science advice mechanisms, in which scientists have a mandated role to inform public policymaking. Based on the literature on epistemic trust and public trust in science, we argue that possession of relevant expertise, justified moral and political considerations, as well as proper institutional design are conditions for trustworthy science advice. In order to assess these conditions further, we explore the case of temporary advisory committees in Norway. These committees exemplify a de facto trusted (...)
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    Social Entrepreneurship in South Africa: Exploring the Influence of Environment.Diane Holt & David Littlewood - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (3):525-561.
    The influence of environment on social entrepreneurship requires more concerted examination. This article contributes to emerging discussions in this area through consideration of social entrepreneurship in South Africa. Drawing upon qualitative case study research with six social enterprises, and examined through a framework of new institutional theories and writing on new venture creation, this research explores the significance of environment for the process of social entrepreneurship, for social enterprises, and for social entrepreneurs. Our findings provide insights on institutional (...)
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    The fitness of the environment.Lawrence Joseph Henderson - 1913 - Gloucester, Mass.,: P. Smith.
  15. (1 other version)Aesthetics and the Environment.Allen Carlson - 2001 - Mind 110 (438):448-452.
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    Exposure to an urban environment alters the local bias of a remote culture.Serge Caparos, Lubna Ahmed, Andrew J. Bremner, Jan W. de Fockert, Karina J. Linnell & Jules Davidoff - 2012 - Cognition 122 (1):80-85.
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    Conceptualizing the Environment in Natural Sciences: Guest Editorial.Gaëlle Pontarotti, Antoine C. Dussault & Francesca Merlin - 2020 - Biological Theory 17 (1):1-3.
    The concept of biological inheritance has recently been extended so as to integrate, among other elements, parts of organisms’ environments. The literature refers to the trans-generational reconstruction of these parts in terms of environmental or ecological inheritance. This article’s main objective is to clarify the different meanings of "environmental inheritance," to underline so far unnoticed theoretical difficulties associated to this polysemous notion and to consequently argue that inheritance, even when extended, should be theoretically distinguished from trans-generational environmental stability. After disentangling (...)
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    The Rise of the “Environment”: Lamarckian Environmentalism Between Life Sciences and Social Philosophy.Ferhat Taylan - 2020 - Biological Theory 17 (1):1-16.
    It is common to designate Lamarck and Lamarckism as the main historical references for conceptualizing the relationship between organisms and the environment. The Lamarckian principle of the inheritance of acquired characters is often considered to be the central aspect of the “environmentalism” developed in this lineage, up to recent debates concerning the possible Lamarckian origins of epigenetics. Rather than focusing only on heredity, this article will explore the materialist aspect of the Lamarckian conception of the environment, seeking to (...)
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    Political representation, the environment, and Edmund Burke: A re-reading of the Western canon through the lens of multispecies justice.Serrin Rutledge-Prior & Edmund Handby - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    A major puzzle in contemporary political theory is how to extend notions of justice to the environment. With environmental entities unable to communicate in ways that are traditionally recognised within the political sphere, their interests have largely been recognised instrumentally: only important as they contribute to human interests. In response to the multispecies justice project's call to reimagine our concepts of justice to include other-than-human beings and entities, we offer a novel reading of Edmund Burke's account of political representation (...)
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  20. Introduction: exploring gender, environment and climate change.Irene Dankelman - 2010 - In Gender and Climate Change: An Introduction. Earthscan. pp. 1--20.
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    Parental Participation in the Environment: Scale Validation Across Parental Role, Income, and Region.Fanli Jia, Angela Sorgente & Hui Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:788306.
    Parental participation has gained significant attention in environmental psychology, which has revealed a need for an instrument that can measure parental participation with children regarding environmental issues. The present study met this need by validating the parental participation in the environment (PPE) scale. This process began with 45 Chinese parents participating in an individual interview and group discussions, which helped generate a list of eighteen parent-child environmental activities. The activities were then modified and validated in the current study with (...)
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  22. Disentangling Human Nature: Environment, Evolution and Our Existential Predicament.Luis Gregorio Abad Espinoza - 2024 - Nature Anthropology 2 (3):10014.
    Throughout our entire evolutionary history, the physical environment has played a significant role in shaping humans’ subsistence adaptations. As early humans began to colonise novel biomes and construct ecological niches, their behavioural flexibility appeared as an unquestionable fact. During the Late Pleistocene-Holocene transition, the shift from foraging to farming radically altered ecosystem services, resulting in increased exposure to zoonotic pathogens and the emergence of structural inequalities that pervade our current human condition in the Anthropocene epoch. The article seeks to (...)
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  23. The Application of the Principles of the Creative Environment in the Technical Colleges in Palestine.Suliman A. El Talla, Samy S. Abu-Naser, Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Youssef M. Abu Amuna - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 2 (1):211-229.
    The study aimed to identify the creative environment of the technical colleges operating in Gaza Strip. The analytical descriptive method was used through a questionnaire which was randomly distributed to 289 employees of the technical colleges in Gaza Strip with a total number of (1168) employees and a response rate equal to (79.2%) of the sample study. The results confirmed the existence of a high degree of approval for the dimensions of the creative environment with a relative weight (...)
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  24. A shallow route to environmentally friendly happiness: Why evidence that we are shallow materialists need not be bad news for the environment(alist).Chrisoula Andreou - 2010 - Ethics, Place and Environment 13 (1):1 – 10.
    It is natural to assume that we would not be willing to compromise the environment if the conveniences and luxuries thereby gained did not have a substantial positive impact on our happiness. But there is room for skepticism and, in particular, for the thesis that we are compromising the environment to no avail in that our conveniences and luxuries are not having a significant impact on our happiness, making the costs incurred for them a waste. One way of (...)
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    Ecology-Driven Real Options: An Investment Framework for Incorporating Uncertainties in the Context of the Natural Environment.Timo Busch & Volker H. Hoffmann - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (2):295-310.
    The role of uncertainty within an organization’s environment features prominently in the business ethics and management literature, but how corporate investment decisions should proceed in the face of uncertainties relating to the natural environment is less discussed. From the perspective of ecological economics, the salience of ecology-induced issues challenges management to address new types of uncertainties. These pertain to constraints within the natural environment as well as to institutional action aimed at conserving the natural environment. We (...)
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    A Framework to Integrate Ethical, Legal, and Societal Aspects (ELSA) in the Development and Deployment of Human Performance Enhancement (HPE) Technologies and Applications in Military Contexts.Human Behaviour Marc Steen Koen Hogenelst Heleen Huijgen A. Tno, The Hague Collaboration, Human Performance The Netherlandsb Tno, The Netherlandsc Tno Soesterberg, Aerospace Warfare Surface, The NetherlAndsmarc Steen Works As A. Senior Research ScientIst At Tno The Hague, Value-Sensitive Design Human-Centred Design, Virtue Ethics HIs Mission is To Promote The Design Applied Ethics Of Technology, Flourish Koen Hogenelst Works As A. Senior Research Scientist at Tno ApplicAtion Of Technologies In Ways That Help To Create A. Just Society In Which People Can Live Well Together, His Research COncentrates on Measuring A. Background In Neuroscience, Cognitive Performance Improving Mental Health, Military Domains HIs Goal is To Align Experimental Research In Both The Civil, Field-Based Research Applied, Practical Use To Pave The Way For Implementation, Consultant At Tno Impact Heleen Huijgen Is A. Legal Scientist & StrAtegic Environment Her MIssion is To Create Legal Safeguards Fo Technologies - 2025 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):219-244.
    In order to maximize human performance, defence forces continue to explore, develop, and apply human performance enhancement (HPE) methods, ranging from pharmaceuticals to (bio)technological enhancement. This raises ethical, legal, and societal concerns and requires organizing a careful reflection and deliberation process, with relevant stakeholders. We discuss a range of ethical, legal, and societal aspects (ELSA), which people involved in the development and deployment of HPE can use for such reflection and deliberation. A realistic military scenario with proposed HPE application can (...)
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    Time, Technology and Environment: An Essay on the Philosophy of Nature.Marco Altamirano - 2016 - Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.
    One of the legacies of modern philosophy is to have separated or bifurcated the human from nature. Marco Altamirano offers a critique of the modern concept of nature in order to chart a new trajectory for the philosophy of nature. -/- By examining the history of the concept of nature, Altamirano shows how a spatial and epistemological concept of nature emerged in Descartes, where a subject confronts an object in space and subsequently wonders about her mode of access to that (...)
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    On organism: Environment buffers and their ecological significance.José-Leonel Torres & Lynn Trainor - 2008 - Biology and Philosophy 23 (3):403-416.
    We consider, from a physical perspective, the case where the interface between an organism and its environment becomes large enough that it acts as a buffer regulating their matter and energy exchanges. We illustrate the physiological and evolutionary role of buffers through the example of lungfish estivation. Then we ponder the relevance of buffers of this kind to the quest for a general definition of concepts like niche construction, the extended phenotype, and related ones, whose meaning is conveyed at (...)
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    The Pathosome: A Dynamic Three‐Dimensional View of Disease–Environment Interaction.Peter Lenart, Martin Scheringer & Julie Bienertova-Vasku - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (6):1900014.
    Most contemporary models of disease development consider the interaction between genotype and environment as static. The authors argue that because time is a key factor in genotype–environment interaction, this approach oversimplifies the pathology analysis and may lead to wrong conclusions. In reviewing the field, the authors suggest that the history of genotype–environment interactions plays an important role in the development of diseases and that this history may be analyzed using the phenotype as a proxy. Furthermore, a theoretical (...)
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    Is Liberalism Environment-Friendly?Avner de-Shalit - 1995 - Social Theory and Practice 21 (2):287-314.
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    Anger in a Perilous Environment: María Lugones.Mariana Alessandri - 2024 - The Pluralist 19 (1):23-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Anger in a Perilous Environment:María LugonesMariana Alessandriin a hundred years, maybe our commonsense beliefs about anger will come from a distinguished line of Women of Color like Audre Lorde, bell hooks, and María Lugones, who make a case for listening to our anger instead of stifling it. But our ideas about anger still come from ancient Greek and Roman philosophers. Their stories about how anger works and why (...)
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    Images of the environment in corporate America.Erling Skorpen - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (9):687 - 697.
    Three nature images influence the environmental policies of major American corporations. Successively they are images of the (1) unfouled nest, (2) protected habitat, and (3) uncontaminated environment. Each contains unexpected surprises for its corporation, however. Polaroid, for example, does not foul its company precincts, but is now a Superfund Potentially Responsible Party for its deposited wastes in its home and neighboring states. This anomaly thus extends its unfouled-nest image to its dumpsites and beyond, but also implodes upon its workplace. (...)
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    Philosophy of the Environment.Timothy D. J. Chappell & Sophie Grace Chappell - 2020 - Edinburgh University Press.
    The essays in this welcome collection put environmental thinking into the broader context of philosophical thought.
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    Justice, Property and the Environment: Social and Legal Perspectives.Tim Hayward (ed.) - 2020 - Routledge.
    First published in 1997, this book discusses the interplaying factors environmental issues have on justice and property and other social problems. Endeavouring create a discourse on what sustainability means in implementation, each of the contributors to this book approaches this via different theoretical viewpoints.
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  35. robot is going to operate in is completely understood and the actions it is going to take in the environment to achieve its goals are also completely understood. The problem is that this kind of design does not allow for encountering unknown obstacles and doing something different to get around them.Adaptable Robots - 2002 - In James Moor & Terrell Ward Bynum, Cyberphilosophy: the intersection of philosophy and computing. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 78.
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    The Evolution of Non-Market Strategies in a Changing Regulatory Environment.Mika Skippari & Päivi Holmlund - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:412-415.
    In the earlier literature the importance of public policies and regulatory changes to firm performance and competitive position has been well established (e.g., Bonardi, 2004). However, little research has been done on the dynamics of this relationship. In this paper, we examine how and why regulatory changes can affect on the evolution of market and nonmarket strategies of a firm. We use a longitudinal case study on Finnish retail industry to illustrate the interactions between regulatory change, strategic responses and firm (...)
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    Traditional and Complementary Medicines: Are They Ethical for Humans, Animals and the Environment?Kate Chatfield - 2018 - Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This book provides a systematic analysis of the ethical implications of traditional and complementary medicine, focusing on pragmatic solutions. The author uses a bioethical methodology called the “Ethical Matrix,” to consider the impact of T&CM use for animals and the environment as well as for humans. A systematic search of the literature reveals that most published ethical concerns are related to the safety of T&CM use for humans. However, application of the Ethical Matrix demonstrates that the ethical implications for (...)
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  38. Psychology and the environment: Reply to Chomsky.Tyler Burge - 2003 - In Martin Hahn & Björn T. Ramberg, Reflections and Replies: Essays on the Philosophy of Tyler Burge. MIT Press. pp. 451-471.
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    Living Together: People, Animals, Environment—A Personal Historical Perspective.Leo K. Bustad - 1988 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 31 (2):171.
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    Fluoride, the environment, and human health.Geoffrey E. Smith - 1985 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 29 (4):560-572.
  41. Children's Attitudes to the Natural Environment.Theo Gerritsen - 1991 - Science Education 1.
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  42. A Christian attitude to the environment.V. Green - 1991 - The Australasian Catholic Record 68:43-55.
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    Searching in an unfamiliar environment: a phenomenologically informed experiment.Madeleine Alcock, Jan M. Wiener & Doug Hardman - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-21.
    Wayfinding is generally understood as the process of purposefully navigating to distant and non-visible destinations. Within this broad framework, uninformed searching entails finding one’s way to a target destination, in an unfamiliar environment, with no knowledge of its location. Although a variety of search strategies have been previously reported, this research was largely conducted in the laboratory or virtual environments using simplistic and often non-realistic situations, raising questions about its ecological validity. In this study, we explored how extant findings (...)
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    A Model for Partnering with Not-for-Profits to Develop Socially Responsible Businesses in a Global Environment.Kathleen Wilburn - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S1):111-120.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly important in the global environment. Businesses that want to be socially responsible, but do not have the resources of multinational corporations, can partner with non-governmental (NGO), not-for-profit (NFP), and religious organizations to access information about the culture, customs, and needs of the people in areas where they wish to do business. Without such information, CSR projects can have unintended consequences that are not beneficial for the community. Suggesting that local farmers sell corn to (...)
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    Analysis of adaptation and environment.Ian Horswill - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 73 (1-2):1-30.
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    Critical notice: Aesthetics and environment.Allen Carlson - 2006 - British Journal of Aesthetics 46 (4):416-427.
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    Scientizing the ‘environment’: Solly Zuckerman and the idea of the School of Environmental Sciences.Elliot Honeybun-Arnolda - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Science 57 (1):99-112.
    In 1960 Sir Solly Zuckerman proposed the idea of an interdisciplinary department of ‘environmental sciences’ (ENV) for the newly established University of East Anglia (UEA). Prior to this point, the concept of ‘environmental sciences’ was little known: since then, departments and degree courses have rapidly proliferated through universities and colleges around the globe. This paper draws on archival research to explore the conditions and contexts that led to the proposal of a new and interdisciplinary grouping of sciences by Zuckerman. It (...)
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    Spatial Color Efficacy in Perceived Luxury and Preference to Stay: An Eye-Tracking Study of Retail Interior Environment.Ji Young Cho & Joori Suh - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Heredity and Environment.A. H. Halsey - 1978 - British Journal of Educational Studies 26 (2):190-191.
  50. Clarifying the imperative of integration and interdisciplinarity in environment and sustainability.S. Dovers - forthcoming - Journal of Research Practice.
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