Results for ' Cynics in literature'

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  1.  23
    The puritan and the cynic: moralists and theorists in French and American letters.Jefferson Humphries - 1987 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Why do Americans, and so often, American writers, profess moral sentiments and yet write so little in the traditionally "moralistic" genres of maxim and fable? What is the relation between "moral" concerns and literary theory? Can any sort of morality survive the supposed nihilism of deconstruction? Jefferson Humphries undertakes a discussion of questions like these through a comparative reading of the ways in which moral issues surface in French and American literature. Humphries takes issue with the "amoral" view of (...)
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    The Beginnings of the Anarchist Concept of Freedom in the Teaching of the Greek Cynics and Chinese Philosophical Daoists.Žilvinas Vareikis - 2021 - Dialogue and Universalism 31 (1):255-270.
    This paper links the beginnings of anarchism to the works of some ancient Greek Cynic philosophers. Its reflections are also visible in the Chinese Daoist civilizational paradigm, so comparatively relevant ideas developed by the Greek Cynics are analysed in relation to the Chinese Daoists ideas. Basing on the surviving works by the representatives of the above-mentioned schools or only fragments of these works, the author of the paper draws attention to the aspects of social behaviour and social activities of (...)
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  3. Deepfakes, Intellectual Cynics, and the Cultivation of Digital Sensibility.Taylor Matthews - 2022 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 92:67-85.
    In recent years, a number of philosophers have turned their attention to developments in Artificial Intelligence, and in particular to deepfakes. A deepfake is a portmanteau of ‘deep learning' and ‘fake', and for the most part they are videos which depict people doing and saying things they never did. As a result, much of the emerging literature on deepfakes has turned on questions of trust, harms, and information-sharing. In this paper, I add to the emerging concerns around deepfakes by (...)
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    Sophists, Socratics and Cynics.David Rankin - 1983 - Routledge.
    The Sophists, the Socratics and the Cynics had one important characteristic in common: they mainly used spoken natural language as their instrument of investigation, and they were more concerned to discover human nature in its various practical manifestations than the facts of the physical world. The Sophists are too often remembered merely as the opponents of Socrates and Plato. Rankin discusses what social needs prompted the development of their theories and provided a market for their teaching. Five prominent Sophists (...)
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    (1 other version)In Defense of Sentimentality.Robert C. Solomon - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):304-323.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Robert C. Solomon IN DEFENSE OF SENTIMENTALITY "A sentimentalist is simply one who desires to have the luxury of an emotion without paying for it." —Oscar Wilde, De Profundis. 66TA That's Wrong with Sentimentality?"1 That tide of Mark JefV V ferson's 1983 Mindessay already indicates a great deal notonly about the gist of his article but about a century-old prejudice that has been devastating to ethics and literature (...)
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  6. Conditional Goods and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: How Literature (as a Whole) Could Matter Again.Joshua Landy - 2013 - Substance 42 (2):48-60.
    This essay argues that literature is neither an intrinsic good (like oxygen) nor a constructed good (like a teddy-bear) but instead a conditional good, like a blueprint. It has immense potential value, but that potential can be actualized only if readers do a certain kind of work; and readers are likely to do that work only if, as a culture, we retain an understanding of what novels and poems both need from us and can give us. This means we (...)
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    Love in Women in Love: A Phenomenological Analysis.M. C. Dillon - 1978 - Philosophy and Literature 2 (2):190-208.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:M. C. Dillon LOVE IN WOMEN IN LOVE: A PHENOMENOLOGICAL ANALYSIS Despite his sexism, his turgid prose, and his antiquated social conscience, Lawrence is on every bookshelf. This is not merely because of the vicarious erotic entertainment to be found in the saga of John Thomas and Lady Jane, but because Lawrence remains a major guru of romance. We take him seriously, look to him for guidance, measure ourselves (...)
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    Romantics at War: Glory and Guilt in the Age of Terrorism.George P. Fletcher - 2002 - Princeton University Press.
    America is at war with terrorism. Terrorists must be brought to justice.We hear these phrases together so often that we rarely pause to reflect on the dramatic differences between the demands of war and the demands of justice, differences so deep that the pursuit of one often comes at the expense of the other. In this book, one of the country's most important legal thinkers brings much-needed clarity to the still unfolding debates about how to pursue war and justice in (...)
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  9.  18
    The Pitfalls of the Ethical Continuum and its Application to Medical Aid in Dying.Shimon Glick - 2021 - Voices in Bioethics 7.
    Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash INTRODUCTION Religion has long provided guidance that has led to standards reflected in some aspects of medical practices and traditions. The recent bioethical literature addresses numerous new problems posed by advancing medical technology and demonstrates an erosion of standards rooted in religion and long widely accepted as almost axiomatic. In the deep soul-searching that pervades the publications on bioethics, several disturbing and dangerous trends neglect some basic lessons of philosophy, logic, and history. The (...)
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    Ethical-cultural Maps of Classical Greek Philosophy: the Contradiction between Nature and Civilization in Ancient Cynicism.Vytis Valatka & Vaida Asakavičiūtė - 2019 - Cultura 16 (1):39-53.
    This article restores the peculiar ethical-cultural cartography from the philosophical fragments of Ancient Greek Cynicism. Namely, the fragments of Anthistenes, Diogenes of Sinope, Crates, Dio Chrysostom as well as of the ancient historians of philosophy are mainly analyzed and interpreted. The methods of comparative analysis as well of rational resto-ration are applied in this article. The authors of the article concentrate on the main characteristics of the above mentioned cartography, that is, the contradiction between maps of nature and civili-zation. The (...)
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  11.  12
    Die Kyniker in der modernen Forschung: Aufsätze mit Einführung und Bibliographie.Margarethe Billerbeck (ed.) - 1991 - Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
    Die Protestbewegungen und gesellschaftlichen Umwälzungen unserer Zeit haben dazu beigetragen, das Interesse an den antiken Kynikern und ihrer Lehre von der Umwertung aller Werte neu zu wecken. Geprägt durch Diogenes von Sinope und Krates von Theben, seinen markantesten Vertretern, war der Kynismus zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil der griechischrömanischen Popularphilosophie geworden. Zweck dieses Sammelbandes ist es, durch Wiederabdruck wegweisender Beiträge zu Persönlichkeiten, Aspekten und einzelnen Begriffen dieser geistigen Bewegung sowie durch eine kritische Einleitung und eine ausführliche Bibliographie einen Überblick über 150 (...)
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    The Outlaw Machine, the Monstrous Outsider and Motorcycle Fetishists: Challenging Rebellion, Mobility and Masculinity in Kenneth Anger’s Scorpio Rising and Steven Spielberg’s Duel.Kornelia Boczkowska - 2019 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 9 (9):81-99.
    The paper analyzes the ways in which Kenneth Anger’s Scorpio Rising (1963) and Steven Spielberg’s Duel (1971) draw on and challenge selected road movie conventions by adhering to the genre’s traditional reliance on cultural critique revolving around the themes of rebellion, transgression and roguery. In particular, the films seem to confront the classic road movie format through their adoption of nomadic narrative structure and engagement in a mockery of subversion where the focus on social critique is intertwined with a deep (...)
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  13.  6
    The Mission of Greece: Some Greek Views of Life in the Roman World.Sir Richard Winn Livingstone - 1928 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood.
    Introduction.--Epicurus.--The cynics.--The stoics: Epictetus.--The stoics: Marcus Aurelius.--A philosophic missionary: Dion Chrysostom.--Plutarch.--A popular preacher: Maximus Tyrius.--A theosophist: Apollonius of Tyana.--The sophists: Polemon and Herodes Atticus.--A prince of neurotics: Aelius Aristodes.--Lucian.--Epilogue.
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    Antisthenes of Athens: texts, translations, and commentary.Susan Prince - 2015 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Edited by Antisthenes.
    Antisthenes was famous in antiquity for his studies of Homer's poems, his affiliation with Gorgias and the sophistic movement, his pure Attic writing style, and his inspiration of Diogenes of Sinope, who founded the Cynic philosophical movement. Antisthenes stands at two of the greatest turning points in ancient intellectual history: from pre-Socraticism to Socraticism, and from classical Athens to the Hellenistic period. Antisthenes' works form the path to a better understanding of the intellectual culture of Athens that shaped Plato and (...)
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  15.  52
    The Meaning(s) of Situationism.Michelle Ciurria - 2015 - Teaching Ethics 15 (1):137-150.
    This paper is about the meaning of situationism. Philosophers have drawn various conclusions about situationism, some more favourable than others. Moreover, there is a difference between public reception of situationism, which has been very enthusiastic, and scholarly reception, which has been more cynical. In this paper, I outline what I take to be four key implications of situationism, based on careful scrutiny of the literature. Some situationist accounts, it turns out, are inconsistent with others, or incongruous with the logic (...)
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    Wielding the rod of punishment – war and violence in the political science of Kautilya.Torkel Brekke - 2004 - Journal of Military Ethics 3 (1):40-52.
    This article presents Kautilya, the most important thinker in the tradition of statecraft in India. Kautilya has influenced ideas of war and violence in much of South- and Southeast Asia and he is of great importance for a comparative understanding of the ethics of war. The violence inflicted by the king on internal and external enemies is pivotal for the maintenance of an ordered society, according to Kautilya. Prudence and treason are hallmarks of Kautilya's world. The article shows that this (...)
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  17.  12
    The Victorians and the Visual Imagination.Kate Flint & Reader in Victorian and Modern English Literature and Fellow Kate Flint - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    Richly illustrated study drawing on art, literature and science to explore Victorian attitudes towards sight.
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    Das Bild des Kynikers Diogenes in griechischen, syrischen und arabischen Texten.Oliver Overwien - 2011 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 155 (1):92-124.
    Several ancient texts treat Diogenes’ life, or at least central aspects of it. The present article gives a survey of some of the most important passages dealing with the question for which purposes Diogenes was used in these texts: In the Sale of Diogenes and in Epistle 7 he serves as a Cynic role model. Cercidas venerates him in a funeral poem as a celestial dog, and Dion of Prusa uses him for a political statement. Furthermore, for Maximos of Tyre (...)
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  19.  5
    Selbstreferenz in Literatur und Wissenschaft: Kronauer, Grünbein, Maturana, Luhmann.Florian Lippert - 2013 - München: Wilhelm Fink.
    Relationalität und Selbstdiskursivierung in den lebens -- und Sozialwissenschaften -- Selbstreflexion und Relationalität in der literatur.
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    The Cynics in Translation.A. A. Long - 1980 - The Classical Review 30 (01):53-.
  21.  10
    Diogene e la città: il cinismo antico e le sue riemergenze.Ugo Cornia - 2021 - Bologna: Bononia University Press.
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    Surprise in literature.Sarah Wood - 1996 - Angelaki 1 (1):58 – 68.
    (1996). Surprise in literature. Angelaki: Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 58-68.
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  23.  9
    Thinking in literature: on the fascination and power of aesthetic ideas.Günter Blamberger - 2021 - Paderborn: Brill / Wilhelm Fink. Edited by Joel Golb.
    M'illumino/d'immenso - I'm lit/with immensity is Geoffrey Brock's translation of Giuseppe Ungaretti's poem Mattina. In the poem's minimalism, Ungaretti points to the maximal: the richness of poetry's expressive possibilities and the power of thinking in literature. This book addresses the fascination of readers to transcend the boundaries of their own in fiction, and literature's capacity, according to Kant, even to evoke, with the help of the development of aesthetic ideas, representations that exceed what is empirically and conceptually graspable (...)
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  24.  7
    The dramaturgy of listening.Artur Tomas Grygierczyk - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (6):1267-1290.
    The literature on listening and daily discourse often describes an overly romanticized conception of listening, meaning what it should be in its ideal form. However, at most, this ideal is realized through the ‘masks’ that listeners ‘carry’ during their performance of listening. The ideal version that is being projected through the performance of listening is not cognruent with what actually happens behind the mask and performance. Individuals do not have the cognitive capacities to realize this unrealistic and unattainable ideal, (...)
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  25.  24
    Either/Or: A Fragment of Life.Soren Kierkegaard - 1992 - Penguin Classics.
    In Either/Or, using the voices of two characters—the aesthetic young man of part one, called simply "A," and the ethical Judge Vilhelm of the second section—Kierkegaard reflects upon the search for a meaningful existence, contemplating subjects as diverse as Mozart, drama, boredom, and, in the famous Seducer's Diary, the cynical seduction and ultimate rejection of a young, beautiful woman. A masterpiece of duality, Either/Or is a brilliant exploration of the conflict between the aesthetic and the ethical - both meditating ironically (...)
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  26.  8
    Philosophie in Literatur.Christiane Schildknecht & Dieter Teichert (eds.) - 1996 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  27.  22
    The Treatise of the Three Impostors and the Problem of Enlightenment: A New Translation of the Traité des trois Imposteurs (review).Jan W. Wojcik - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (2):368-370.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Treatise of the Three Impostors and the Problem of Enlightenment: A New Translation of the Traité des trois Imposteurs by Abraham AndersonJan W. WojcikAbraham Anderson. The Treatise of the Three Impostors and the Problem of Enlightenment: A New Translation of the Traité des trois Imposteurs. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1997. Pp. xiv + 165. Cloth, $52.50. Paper, $21.95.This work results from a seminar, organized by (...)
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  28. Philosophy in Literature Metaphysical Darkness and Ethical Light /Konstantin Kolenda. --. --.Konstantin Kolenda - 1982 - Barnes & Noble, Books, 1982.
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    Philosophy in Literature.Juliam Lenhart Ross - 1949 - [Syracuse]: Syracuse Univ. Press in cooperation with Allegheny College.
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  30.  10
    Scale in Literature and Culture.Michael Tavel Clarke & David Wittenberg (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This collection emphasizes a cross-disciplinary approach to the problem of scale, with essays ranging in subject matter from literature to film, architecture, the plastic arts, philosophy, and scientific and political writing. Its contributors consider a variety of issues provoked by the sudden and pressing shifts in scale brought on by globalization and the era of the Anthropocene, including: the difficulties of defining the concept of scale; the challenges that shifts in scale pose to knowledge formation; the role of scale (...)
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  31. Empathy in Literature.Eileen John - 2017 - In Heidi Lene Maibom, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Empathy. Routledge. pp. 306-16.
  32.  13
    The Revolution of Moral Consciousness: Nietzsche in Russian Literature, 1890-1914.Edith W. Clowes - 1988 - Northern Illinois University Press.
    No other thinker so engaged the Russian cultural imagination of the early twentieth century as did Friedrich Nietzche. The Revolution of Moral Consciousness shows how Nietzschean thought influenced the brilliant resurgence of literary life that started in the 1890s and continued for four decades. Through an analysis of the Russian encounter with Nietzsche, Edith Clowes defines the shift in ethical and aesthetic vision that motivated Russia's unprecedented artistic renascence and at the same time led its followers to the brink of (...)
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  33.  15
    Exploring Worldviews in Literature: From William Wordsworth to Edward Albee.Laura Inez Deavenport Barge - 2009 - Abilene Christian University Press.
    Numinous spaces in British literature from William Wordsworth to Samuel Beckett -- Jesus figures in American literature from Ralph Waldo Emerson to Edward Albee -- Using Bakhtin's definitions to discover ethical voices in Solzhenitsyn and Tolstoy -- René Girard's categories of scapegoats in literature of the American South -- Hopkins's metaphysics of nature as sacred disclosure -- The book of job as mirrored in Hopkins's metaphysics -- Beckett's mythos of the absence of God.
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    The Poetry of Life in Literature.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 2000 - Springer Verlag.
    Poetry of life in literature and through literature, and the vast territory in between - as vast as human life itself - where they interact and influence each other, is the nerve of human existence. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are profoundly dissatisfied with the stark reality of life's swift progress onward, and the enigmatic and irretrievable meaning of the past. And so we dramatise our existence, probing deeply for a lyrical and heartfelt yet (...)
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  35.  5
    A Companion to Alexander Literature in the Middle Ages.David Zuwiyya (ed.) - 2011 - Brill.
    Drawing on decades of research on Alexander literature from all over the world, this book is bound to become a medievalist's best companion. It studies Alexander romances from the East and the West in literary form and content.
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    Religionskritik in Literatur und Philosophie nach der Aufklärung.Carsten Jakobi, Bernhard Spies & Andrea Jäger (eds.) - 2007 - Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag.
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    Oxymorons of Anxiety: Or the Influence of Baba Ram Dass on Harold Bloom.Richard Klein - 2012 - Diacritics 40 (4):6-22.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Oxymorons of AnxietyOr the Influence of Baba Ram Dass on Harold BloomRichard Klein (bio)A REVIEW OF Harold Bloom. The Anxiety of Influence (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973).In 1974, when I initially submitted this article to diacritics, it was rejected, despite my being a member of the editorial board. I had previously agreed that the piece should first be sent to Harold Bloom for his reaction; he was not (...)
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  38. Basic resources in bioethics: 1996-1999.National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (1):81-102.
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    Philosophy in literature.Charles Edward Gauss - 1949 - [Syracuse]: Syracuse Univ. Press in cooperation with Allegheny College.
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  40. Heroism In Literature.Ibrahim Taha - 2002 - American Journal of Semiotics 18 (1-4):107-126.
    The semiotic model that disregards the normative context represented by the protagonist examines how we can distinguish the three conceptions of heroism, namely hero, semi-hero, and anti-hero. What are the methodological criteria whereby we can follow the protagonist in the text from beginning to end? To answer them, this article tries to present a model made up of five stages/criteria which constitute a semiotic model by means of which the connection to heroism can be determined. These are: (1) motivation, (2) (...)
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    Renegotiating ethics in literature, philosophy, and theory.Jane Adamson, Richard Freadman & David Parker (eds.) - 1998 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Is it possible for postmodernism to offer viable, coherent accounts of ethics? Or are our social and intellectual worlds too fragmented for any broad consensus about the moral life? These issues have emerged as some of the most contentious in literary and philosophical studies. In Renegotiating Ethics in Literature, Philosophy, and Theory a distinguished international gathering of philosophers and literary scholars address the reconceptualisations involved in this 'turn towards ethics'. An important feature of this has been a renewed interest (...)
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  42.  44
    The Greek Praise of Poverty: The Origins of Ancient Cynicism.William D. Desmond - 2006 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    "Rich in new and stimulating ideas, and based on the breadth of reading and depth of knowledge which its wide-ranging subject matter requires, _The Greek Praise of Poverty_ argues impressively and cogently for a relocation of Cynic philosophy into the mainstream of Greek ideas on material prosperity, work, happiness, and power." —_A. Thomas Cole, Professor Emeritus of Classics, Yale University _ "This clear, well-written book offers scholars and students an accessible account of the philosophy of Cynicism, particularly with regard to (...)
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  43.  15
    Post-capitalist subjectivity in literature and anti-psychiatry: reconceptualizing the self beyond capitalism.Hans Arthur Skott-Myhre - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Through the examination of anti-psychiatric theory and literary texts, this timely and thought-provoking volume explores the possibilities of liberating our habitual patterns of perception and consciousness beyond the confines of a capitalist era. In Post-Capitalist Subjectivity in Literature and Anti-Psychiatry, Skott-Myhre asks the question, how might we be different if we didn't live in a capitalist society? By drawing on Marxist and post-Marxist theory, and conducting nuanced analysis of the professional writings of anti-psychiatrists including Basaglia and Laing, and the (...)
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    Adventures in Literature. By J. C. Wordsworth, M.A. Pp. 293. London: Heath Cranton, Ltd., 1929. 12s. 6d.M. M. Gillies - 1929 - The Classical Review 43 (05):200-.
  45. Studies in Literature and History.Alfred Comyn Lyall & John O. Miller - 1915 - John Murray.
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    Orality and Literature. On the Genealogy of Modern Culture in Friedrich Nietzsche's Basel Lectures.Carlotta Santini - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (3):49-67.
    The lectures on classical philology that Friedrich Nietzsche delivered in Basel between 1869 and 1879 constitute an extraordinarily promising new field of study that has opened up in recent years to Nietzsche scholars. In this article I intend to offer a novel reconstruction of Greek culture as it emerges from Nietzsche's Lectures on the History of Greek Literature. In a pioneering manner with respect to his time, Nietzsche identifies the dimension of orality, of the spoken word, as the salient (...)
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    Interaction Between the East and Andalusia in the Context of Hadith Methodology Literature.Zülal Kılıç - 2025 - Kocaeli İLahiyat Dergisi 8 (2):145-173.
    In addition to the transmission of the science of hadith from the Eastern Islamic world to the west, particularly to Andalusia, a rich literature also developed in Andalusia. Therefore, the development of the science of hadith and hadith methodology in the Andalusian region and the impact of scholars from that region on these sciences is an important issue that deserves attention. This article examines how the intellectual atmosphere of Andalusia was enriched by the hadith works that came from the (...)
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  48. Cynics.Eric Brown - 2013 - In Frisbee Sheffield & James Warren, The Routledge Companion to Ancient Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 399-408.
    This overview attempts to explain how we can come to an account of Cynicism and what that account should look like. My account suggests that Cynics are identified by living like Diogenes of Sinope, and that Diogenes' way of life is characterized by distinctive twists on three Socratic commitments. The three Socratic commitments are that success in life depends on excellence of the soul; that this excellence and success are a special achievement, requiring hard work; and that this work (...)
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    Augustine in Hiberno-Latin Literature.Joseph F. Kelly - 1977 - Augustinian Studies 8:139-149.
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    The Nature of Beauty in Art and Literature... Translation and Preface by Roger Fry.Charles Mauron & Roger Fry - 1927 - L. & Virginia Woolf.
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