Results for 'Kornelia Boczkowska'

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  1.  24
    The Outlaw Machine, the Monstrous Outsider and Motorcycle Fetishists: Challenging Rebellion, Mobility and Masculinity in Kenneth Anger’s Scorpio Rising and Steven Spielberg’s Duel.Kornelia Boczkowska - 2019 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 9 (9):81-99.
    The paper analyzes the ways in which Kenneth Anger’s Scorpio Rising (1963) and Steven Spielberg’s Duel (1971) draw on and challenge selected road movie conventions by adhering to the genre’s traditional reliance on cultural critique revolving around the themes of rebellion, transgression and roguery. In particular, the films seem to confront the classic road movie format through their adoption of nomadic narrative structure and engagement in a mockery of subversion where the focus on social critique is intertwined with a deep (...)
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    The impact of American and Russian cosmism on the representation of space exploration in 20th century American and Soviet space art.Kornelia Boczkowska - 2016 - Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza.
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    Effects of achievement contexts on the meaning structure of emotion words.Kornelia Gentsch, Kristina Loderer, Cristina Soriano, Johnny R. J. Fontaine, Michael Eid, Reinhard Pekrun & Klaus R. Scherer - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (2):379-388.
    Little is known about the impact of context on the meaning of emotion words. In the present study, we used a semantic profiling instrument to investigate features representing five emotion components of 11 emotion words in situational contexts involving success or failure. We compared these to the data from an earlier study in which participants evaluated the typicality of features out of context. Profile analyses identified features for which typicality changed as a function of context for all emotion words, except (...)
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    ‘Living in translation’: A conversation with Eva Hoffman.Kornelia Slavova & Ann Phoenix - 2011 - European Journal of Women's Studies 18 (4):339-345.
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    Intimacy and the Transformation of the Public Sphere.Kornelia Hahn - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (7-8):41-56.
    Intimacy and the public sphere have typically been conceptualized dichotomously both in scholarly and popular accounts. Problematizing this approach, I argue that considering ‘intimacy’ and ‘public’ solely as dichotomous entities unduly limits the scope of research on intimacy. In making this case, I interpret classic social theory from the works of Simmel and Habermas. Both accounts of transformations in modernity describe the emergence of a sphere of intimacy as a corollary of these transformations, i.e. not as clearly opposed to but (...)
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  6. The life of the archive: a story.Kornelia Cepok - 2018 - In Tina Bruce, Peter Elfer, Sacha Powell & Louie Werth, The Routledge international handbook of Froebel and early childhood practice: re-articulating research and policy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  7. Types of Semantic Relations between Noun Groups in Binominative Sentences.Kornelia Ilieva - 1992 - In Maksim Stamenov, Current advances in semantic theory. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 73--487.
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  8. [no title].Kornelia Kressirer - unknown
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    Die Qualität des Sittlichen: die neuscholastische Moraltheorie Viktor Cathreins in der Spannung von Natur und Norm.Kornelia Siedlaczek - 1997 - Frankfurt am Main: J. Knecht.
  10.  10
    List of referees July 2013–July 2014.Kornelia Slavova & Barbara Einhorn - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (4):452-453.
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    Programy społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu jako element strategii przedsiębiorstwa.Kornelia Bem - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (1):171-179.
    During the last several years we have witnessed heightened interest in the issue of CSR, which has been frequently raised at numerous conferences. In addition, a growing number of enterprises have become increasingly aware of the relevance of socially responsible actions and begun including them in the conducted business activity. CSR is gradually becoming an integral part of the company strategy. It is best demonstrated in companies with a large share of foreign capital, where Polish subsidiaries adopt patterns from the (...)
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  12.  46
    Alltagsverstand und Hegemonie. Aufgaben eines politischen Feminismus.Kornelia Hauser - 1995 - Die Philosophin 6 (11):50-62.
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    Unlearning Patriarchy: Personal Development in Marge Piercy's Fly Away Home.Kornelia Hauser - 1992 - Feminist Review 42 (1):33-42.
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    Die Professionalisierung der Seelsorge am Beispiel der evangelischen Krankenhausseelsorge – eine soziologische Perspektive.Kornelia Sammet & Tomas Steffens - 2005 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 13 (1):61-80.
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    List of referees 2011.Kornelia Slavova & Ann Phoenix - 2011 - European Journal of Women's Studies 18 (4):461-462.
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    The new Europe: ‘A sweet and salty paradise’?Kornelia Slavova & Barbara Einhorn - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (4):323-329.
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    Context Matters: Promises and Concerns Regarding Nanotechnologies for Water and Food Applications.Haico te Kulve, Kornelia Konrad, Carla Alvial Palavicino & Bart Walhout - 2013 - NanoEthics 7 (1):17-27.
    Expectations in the form of promises and concerns contribute to the sense-making and valuation of emerging nanotechnologies. They add up to what we call ‘de facto assessments’ of novel socio-technical options. We explore how de facto assessments of nanotechnologies differ in the application domains of water and food by examining promises and concerns, and their relations in scientific discourse. We suggest that domain characteristics such as prior experiences with emerging technologies, specific discursive repertoires and user-producer relationships, play a key role (...)
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  18.  19
    The mystery remains: breadth of attention in Flanker and Navon tasks unaffected by affective states induced by an appraisal manipulation.Martin Kolnes, Kornelia Gentsch, Henk van Steenbergen & Andero Uusberg - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (5):836-854.
    Affective effects on breadth of attention have been related to aspects of different components of affective states such as the arousal and valence of affective experience and the motivational intensity of action tendency. As none of these explanations fully aligns with existing evidence, we hypothesised that affective effects on breadth of attention may arise from the appraisal component of affective states. Based on this reconceptualisation, we tested the effects of conduciveness and power appraisals on two measures of breadth of attention. (...)
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  19.  29
    Are concepts of achievement-related emotions universal across cultures? A semantic profiling approach.Kristina Loderer, Kornelia Gentsch, Melissa C. Duffy, Mingjing Zhu, Xiyao Xie, Jason A. Chavarría, Elisabeth Vogl, Cristina Soriano, Klaus R. Scherer & Reinhard Pekrun - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (7):1480-1488.
    Verifying that conceptualisations of emotions are consistent across languages and cultures is a critical precondition for meaningful cross-cultural research on emotional experience. For achievement...
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    The Family Enclosure in the Bulgarian Context: From Herodotus to the End of the Twentieth Century.Rossica Panova & Kornelia Merdjanska - 1995 - European Journal of Women's Studies 2 (1):21-32.
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    Living in translation: Voicing and inscribing women’s lives and practices.Ann Phoenix & Kornelia Slavova - 2011 - European Journal of Women's Studies 18 (4):331-337.
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    Book review: Translation: Theory and Practice in Dialogue. [REVIEW]Kornelia Slavova - 2011 - European Journal of Women's Studies 18 (4):453-457.
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  23. Sensors and sensing practices: shaping farming system strategies toward agricultural sustainability.Lenn Gorissen, Kornelia Konrad & Esther Turnhout - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-19.
    While sustainability in farming is increasingly recognised, practical implementation faces obstacles, including knowledge gaps that hinder farmers’ effective adaptation. Agricultural sensors have emerged as tools to assist farmers in offering real-time monitoring capabilities, which can provide information to support decision-making towards sustainable crop production. However, critical analyses point out that innovation in agricultural equipment predominantly focuses on optimising the dominant intensification model, while sensors might also facilitate biodiversity-based strategies toward agricultural sustainability, which aim to replace chemical inputs through intensified ecological (...)
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    The affective tone of narration and posttraumatic growth in organ transplant recipients.Wojciech Laskowski, Rafał Kieszek, Jolanta Gozdowska, Marta Boczkowska, Mateusz Zatorski & Mariusz Zięba - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (3):376-383.
    The aim of the study was to verify the hypothesis that positive affective tone of narratives is connected to the experience of posttraumatic growth among transplant patients. Kidney transplant patients and liver transplant patients participated in the study. In the first stage, about 10 weeks after transplant, the participants told two stories about important, freely chosen events from their lives. During the second meeting 10-12 months later we measured posttraumatic growth. Results indicated that the affective tone of narratives about past (...)
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  25.  40
    Technology Assessment of Socio-Technical Futures—A Discussion Paper.Andreas Lösch, Knud Böhle, Christopher Coenen, Paulina Dobroc, Reinhard Heil, Armin Grunwald, Dirk Scheer, Christoph Schneider, Arianna Ferrari, Dirk Hommrich, Martin Sand, Stefan C. Aykut, Sascha Dickel, Daniela Fuchs, Karen Kastenhofer, Helge Torgersen, Bruno Gransche, Alexandra Hausstein, Kornelia Konrad, Alfred Nordmann, Petra Schaper-Rinkel, Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer & Alexander Wentland - 2019 - In Andreas Lösch, Armin Grunwald, Martin Meister & Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer, Socio-Technical Futures Shaping the Present: Empirical Examples and Analytical Challenges. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 285-308.
    Problem: Visions of technology, future scenarios, guiding visions represent imaginations of future states of affairs that play a functional role in processes of technological research, development and innovation—e.g. as a means to create attention, communication, coordination, or for the strategic exertion of influence. Since a couple of years there is a growing attention for such imaginations of futures in politics, the economy, research and the civil society. This trend concerns technology assessment as an observer of these processes and a consultant (...)
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  26.  10
    Kornelia Kressirer, Das Greisenalter in der griechischen Antike. Untersuchung der Vasenbilder und Schriftquellen der archaischen und klassischen Zeit, Hamburg 2016 , 912 S., ISBN 978-3-8300-8944-5 , € 149,80Das Greisenalter in der griechischen Antike. Untersuchung der Vasenbilder und Schriftquellen der archaischen und klassischen Zeit. [REVIEW]Hartwin Brandt - 2016 - Klio 101 (2):703-705.
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