Results for ' Bonapartism'

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  1.  50
    George Henry Lewes, George Eliot, and Vico.Felicia Bonaparte - 1984 - New Vico Studies 2:93-102.
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    George Eliot and Community. [REVIEW]Felicia Bonaparte - 1985 - New Vico Studies 3:226-231.
  3. Essais de psychanalyse appliquée.Sigmund Freud, Mmes Marty & Mmes Bonaparte - 1936 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 43 (1):3-4.
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    Bonaparte's plans to invade England in 1801: The fortunes of Pierre Forfait.Margaret Bradley - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (5):453-475.
    This paper is based on manuscripts found in the Archives du service historique de la marine, Vincennes, France. Pierre-Alexandre-Laurent Forfait visited England in 1790 with his colleague Daniel Lescallier , and was much impressed by England's superior naval organization. He was persuaded that the only way to defeat the old enemy was by invasion, and for several years he tried to convince Bonaparte of the necessity for action. Forfait dedicated himself to the planning and organization of an invasion fleet which (...)
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    Constantin Frantz and the intellectual history of Bonapartism and Caesarism: a reassessment.Iain McDaniel - 2018 - Intellectual History Review 28 (2):317-338.
    The conservative German publicist and political theorist, Constantin Frantz (1817–1891), occupies an ambiguous place in German intellectual history. Some, such as Friedrich Meinecke, located him within the rich intellectual tradition of German federalism, highlighting his hostility to the idea of the “nation-state” and the traditions of nationalism, Realpolitik and militarism. Others, by contrast, have situated him within a long genealogy of German fascism, identifying his remarkable 1852 work, Louis Napoleon, as a kind of precursor or antecedent of twentieth-century fascist ideology. (...)
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  6. Eighteenth brumaire of Louis Bonaparte.Karl Marx - unknown
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  7. Bonaparte at the barricades.S. Friedmann - 1992 - Theoria 79 (1).
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    Thalheimer, Bonapartism and Fascism.F. Adler - 1979 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1979 (40):95-108.
    It is not at all surprising that August Thalheimer's 1930 essay on fascism should have been so enthusiastically rediscovered, reprinted and widely discussed in left-wing European circles during the 1960's. Informed debate on fascism had reached a major theoretical impasse: factually, more was known than ever before, or, at any rate, enough to dismiss as “empirically inadequate” virtually all of the better known traditional interpretations; yet, conceptually, no new theoretical nets had been cast that might have better accounted for the (...)
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    Bonaparte, gouverneur d'Égypte. François Charles-Roux.George Sarton - 1937 - Isis 26 (2):465-470.
  10.  13
    With Bonaparte in EgyptL'Egypte, une aventure savante: Avec Bonaparte, Kleber, Menou . Yves LaissusL'expedition d'Egypte, une enterprise des Lumieres, 1798-1801. Patrice BretCracking Codes: The Rosetta Stone and Decipherment. Richard Parkinson, W. Diffie, M. Fischer, R. S. Simpson. [REVIEW]Dora B. Weiner - 2000 - Isis 91 (4):755-757.
  11. Ideología brumarista y Napoleón Bonaparte.José Manuel Fernández Cepedal - 1994 - El Basilisco 17:37-44.
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    Antolini's foro Bonaparte in Milan.Carroll William Westfall - 1969 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 32 (1):366-385.
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    Scientific education versus military training: The influence of Napoleon Bonaparte on the Ecole Polytechnique.Margaret Bradley - 1975 - Annals of Science 32 (5):415-449.
    The influence of Napoleon Bonaparte on the Ecole Polytechnique has long been a matter for debate. In this article, the extent of this influence is illustrated, together with resistance within the school itself to Napoleon's attempts to bend it to his own will and use it for purposes of military adventure. Manuscript material, including Napoleon's own private plans for the reorganization of the school, is reproduced to throw light on his intentions and his own attitudes to education.
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    Hegemony, Crisis and Bonapartism in Italy, Spain and France.Francesco Maria Scanni & Francesco Compolongo - 2020 - Theoria 67 (163):52-81.
    The 2008 crisis and economic transformations fuelled significant political phenomena, such as a deep distrust of politics, electoral volatility and the decline of bipolarity and/or bipartisanship in the face of growing outsider party affirmation. In this context, the dialectical model of the Gramscian ‘social totality’ provides an analytical tool capable of analysing those ‘transition’ phases characterised by a fracturing ‘dominant historical bloc’, in itself a precursor to an organic crisis of traditional political parties’ separation of social classes.
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    The Surplus of the Machine: Trope and History in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte.Matthew W. Bost & Matthew S. May - 2016 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 49 (1):1-25.
    This article stages a new encounter between rhetoric and the philosophy of Karl Marx. We argue that the configuration of two major tropes in Marx’s 1852 pamphlet The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte renders explicit the operative but implicit logics of Marxian historical materialism. Our reading therefore makes available a novel and untimely dimension of Marx’s conceptual labor where we least expect to find it: in a text that has been largely, but not exclusively, understood as a history of counterrevolution (...)
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  16.  14
    Imperialny splendor – Hegel a Napoleon Bonaparte.Małgorzata Kwietniewska - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 17:207-220.
    This article focuses on strong links between G.W.F. Hegel and Napoleon Bonaparte. This dependency occurs in three areas. Firstly, there is the area of historical events, which constitutes a common background for both of these figures living in a time of incessant war. Secondly, there is the area of ideas; a careful analysis of selected works by Hegel shows that he fully accepted and assimilated the socio-political choices of the French Emperor. Finally, there is the area of direct actions, as (...)
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    Aristocratic Radicalism as a Species of Bonapartism: Preliminary Elements.Don Dombowsky - 2014 - In Manuel Knoll & Barry Stocker (eds.), Nietzsche as Political Philosopher. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 195-210.
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    The Future of an Allusion: Poïesis in Karl Marx’s The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte.Dermot Ryan - 2012 - Substance 41 (3):127-146.
    But of all diversions, the theater is undoubtedly the most entertaining. Here we may see others act even when we cannot act to any great purpose ourselves. Skepticism about the possibility of autonomous action accounts in part for romanticism’s many theatrical failures—misfires precisely because they stage failures to act. Uncertain whether the playing out of the revolution in France underscored the capacity of people to act independently or confirmed their status as mere instruments of heteronymous forces, the romantic dramas of (...)
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  19. A Stage in the Development of Hegel's Theory of the Modern State. The 1802 Excerpts on Bonaparte and Fox.Norbert Waszek - 1985 - Hegel-Studien 20:163-172.
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    Rome et la Judée. By Michel S. Ginsburg. Pp. 190. Jacques Povolozky, 13, Rue Bonaparte, Paris, 1928.Edwyn Bevan - 1929 - The Classical Review 43 (05):204-.
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    Art in an age of Bonapartism, a social history of modern art.Ralphaël Antoine Gimenez - 1993 - History of European Ideas 17 (5):691-693.
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    Quid sibi in dialogo cui Cratylus inscribitur proposuerit Plato. By C. Cucuel. Lutetiae Parisiorum. Ernest Leroux edidit viâ dictâ Bonaparte, 28. 1886. 3 fr. 50. [REVIEW]D. H. R. - 1888 - The Classical Review 2 (07):205-206.
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    The Emperor of Nature: Charles-Lucien Bonaparte and His World by Patricia Tyson Stroud. [REVIEW]Mark Barrow Jr - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):194-195.
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    Jean-Luc chappey, la société Des observateurs de l'homme : Des anthropologues au temps de Bonaparte. Bibliothèque d'histoire révolutionnaire, 5. Paris: Société Des étuDes robespierristes, 2002. Pp. 573. Isbn 2-908327-45-7. 46.00. [REVIEW]Pietro Corsi - 2005 - British Journal for the History of Science 38 (2):228-230.
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    Monge, le savant ami de Napoléon Bonaparte, 1746-1818 by Paul V. Aubry. [REVIEW]George Sarton - 1956 - Isis 47:81-84.
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    A Family of Political Concepts.Melvin Richter - 2005 - European Journal of Political Theory 4 (3):221-248.
    It has been argued recently that tyranny is a persisting phenomenon very much alive today, a greater danger than newer forms of misrule such as totalitarianism. One argument is based on human nature being such that the temptation to abuse political power in the form of tyranny remains a possibility in all societies. Another defines tyranny as a spiritual disorder of the soul and polity. Both date the 19th century as the time when tyranny dropped out of the western political (...)
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    Nietzsches Katharsis. Tragödientheorie und Anthropologie der Macht.Christian J. Emden - 2018 - Nietzsche Studien 47 (1):1-48.
    Nietzsche’s Catharsis: The Theory of Tragedy and the Anthropology of Power. Nietzsche’s conception of catharsis undercuts the Aristotelian tradition by emphasizing that catharsis does not aim at a purification of the passions but at a cleansing of human judgment from moral sentiment. As such, Nietzsche develops a naturalistic counter-model to eighteenth-century theories of pity. By bringing together ancient Greece and the experience of modernity, this counter-model shifts the concept of catharsis into the realm of the political and enriches the theory (...)
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    Le cas Napoléon.Danilo Bilate - 2021 - Nietzsche Studien 50 (1):121-140.
    Napoleon Bonaparte is a veritable “case” for Nietzsche: he does not reduce Napoleon to a single image, but he rather builds up an ambiguous image of Napoleon for years without trying to define a final result. This ongoing construction is due to Nietzsche’s deep admiration for Napoleon that, however great it may be, does not avoid a certain distancing. Defined as the synthesis of Unmensch and Übermensch, Nietzsche regards Napoleon as an extraordinary human being because of his immorality when he (...)
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    History and Repetition.Seiji M. Lippit (ed.) - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    Kojin Karatani wrote the essays in _History and Repetition_ during a time of radical historical change, triggered by the collapse of the Cold War and the death of the Showa emperor in 1989. Reading Karl Marx in an original way, Karatani developed a theory of history based on the repetitive cycle of crises attending the expansion and transformation of capital. His work led to a rigorous analysis of political, economic, and literary forms of representation that recast historical events as a (...)
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    Demobilized democracy: Plebiscitarianism as political theology.Ian Zuckerman - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    Drawing from Marx’s 18 th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte and the work of Carl Schmitt, this article proposes a framework that critically diagnoses the plebiscitary, executive-centered conception of democratic representation as a species of political theology. I reconstruct Marx’s comments on plebiscitarianism in The 18 th Brumaire through his earlier critique of political theology in ‘On the Jewish Question’, in order to contrast two modes of representation. The first, ‘ theological’ representation, is a symbolic incarnation of the unity of the (...)
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  31. Diversity in the freethinker's movement.Rudi Anders - 2015 - Australian Humanist, The 119:19.
    Anders, Rudi The articles in AH I like best are the ones with which I disagree to a greater or lesser degree, because they force me to re-think and clarify my position. One such article was by John Perkins, titled 'Let's admit that Islam is a problem'. Although the article is very well-written, and I admire John's fact-finding regarding Islam, I think he misses the elephant in the room. Namely, Christian Europe and North America killed far more people than Islam (...)
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    Estética de lo siniestro en la obra de Goya.Jorge Andrés Machado Blandón - 2021 - Escritos 29 (63):287-306.
    This article presented the concept of the sinister in the aesthetic work of the Spanish painter Francisco de Goya, who used his painting for a historical expressionism to capture the resistance and the Spanish impetus for independence from the French regime under the command of Napoleon Bonaparte. The analysis is based on a bibliographic and pictographic review on ductility of two categories: Goya and the representation of the sinister and the symbolic of painting in Iberian romanticism. It is intended to (...)
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    Correspondance 1800–1802.Cecil P. Courtney (ed.) - 2006 - De Gruyter.
    This fourth volume of the Correspondance générale contains 368 letters written during the period of the Consulat when, as a member of the Tribunat until January 1802, Constant acquired a reputation as a brilliant orator and outspoken opponent of Bonaparte. It was also a period when he produced a number of manuscripts on politics and religion on which he would base works published between 1814 and 1830. The correspondence also contains letters of compelling human interest to and from Julie Talma (...)
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  34. Adjudicating Between Competing Social Descriptions: The Critical, Empirical and Narrative Dimensions.Nancy Fraser - 1980 - Dissertation, City University of New York
    An important consideration which runs through the adjudication process in each dimension is that of insight vs. blindness. Whether it is a question of deciding if one description is a persuasive critique of another, or which of two rivals is more adequate empirically, or which is a more plausible and convincing narrative, one is always involved in assessing how far and how much each of the accounts permits us to see. The centrality of this notion certifies the inescapably hermeneutical character (...)
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    Painter into Painting: On Courbet's "After Dinner at Ornans" and "Stonebreakers".Michael Fried - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 8 (4):619-649.
    In the pages that follow I looked closely at two major paintings by Gustave Courbet : the After Dinner at Ornans, perhaps begun in the small town of the title but certainly completed in Paris during the winter of 1848-49; and the Stonebreakers, painted wholly in Ornans just under a year later. The After Dinner and the Stonebreakers are the first in a series of large multifigure compositions--others are the Burial at Ornans and the Peasants of Flagey Returning from the (...)
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    The Anthem companion to Alexis de Tocqueville.Daniel Gordon (ed.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Anthem Press.
    Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) was born into an aristocratic family with strong political connections. He served as a representative in the French Chamber of Deputies starting in 1839 and was briefly Minister of Foreign of Affairs in 1849. As an author, he attained instant fame after publishing the first part of Democracy in America in 1835 (the second part appeared in 1840). In 1838, he was elected to the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences and, in 1841, to the even (...)
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    Marx et la tradition.Florian Gulli - 2015 - Philosophique 18.
    Marx ne discute jamais explicitement le concept de « tradition ». Et lorsqu'il le mobilise, il ne fait pas référence aux auteurs l'ayant thématisé. La tradition semble désigner pour lui la continuation du passé au présent, réel­lement ou dans l'imagination des individus. On retiendra deux séries de textes. D'abord, les premières pages du 18 brumaire de Louis Bonaparte ; ensuite, les articles consacrés à la domination britannique de l'Inde dans la New York Daily Tribune, ainsi que la première...
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    Knowledge as Exploration and Conquest.Judith Schlanger & Thomas Epstein - 1992 - Diogenes 40 (160):59-73.
    The existence of a partnership between knowledge and armies - and, connected with it, between knowledge and wars, conquests, and the entire apparatus of empires - has been affirmed since the time of Xenophon. The troops clear a path that the scholars follow, and an increase of knowledge is a side effect of the incursion. The great linguistic discoveries of the eighteenth century - that is, the Zend and Sanskrit languages - would have been impossible without the expansion of the (...)
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    Freud under the Acropolis: The challenging journey of psychoanalysis in 20th-century Greece (1915–1995).Danae Karydaki - 2018 - History of the Human Sciences 31 (4):13-37.
    Psychoanalysis was introduced to Greece in 1915 by the progressive educator Manolis Triantafyllidis and was further elaborated by Marie Bonaparte, Freud’s friend and member of the Greek royal family, and her psychoanalytic group in the aftermath of the Second World War. However, the accumulated traumas of the Nazi occupation (1941–1944), the Greek Civil War (1946–1949), the post-Civil-War tension between the Left and the Right, the military junta (1967–1974) and the social and political conditions of post-war Greece led this project and (...)
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    Boussingault versus ville: The social, political and scientific aspects of their disputes.F. W. J. McCosh - 1975 - Annals of Science 32 (5):475-490.
    SummaryA feature of mid-nineteenth century scientific debates in France on the subject of plant nutrition was the rivalry, at times acrimonious, between Jean Baptiste Boussingault and Georges Ville. It started in 1848 when Ville was demonstrator to Boussingault, who held one of the two chairs of agriculture at the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers. A study of their disputes serves to illustrate their mutual incompatibility, exacerbated by the patronage extended to Ville by his step-brother, Louis Napoléon Bonaparte, afterwards Napoléon III. (...)
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    Conrad and History.Richard Niland - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    This book analyses the relationship between Conrad's work and three major subjects: the philosophy of history, nationalism, and Conrad's interest in French Romanticism and Napoleon Bonaparte. As well as discussing more well-known works, Niland re-evaluates the long-neglected late novels The Rover and Suspense.
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    Die Praktische Philosophie Schellings und die gegenwärtige Rechtsphilosophie.Hans-Martin Pawlowski, Stefan Smid & Rainer Specht (eds.) - 1989 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
    Inhalt: Vorwort von H.-M. Pawlowski / S. Smid / R. Specht - H.-M. Pawlowski: Probleme der Rechtsbegrundung im Staat der Glaubensfreiheit - V. Gerhardt: Selbstandigkeit und Selbstbestimmung. Freiheit bei Kant und Schelling - H. Folkers: Die durch Freiheit gebaute Stadt Gottes - W. E. Ehrhardt: Mythologie und Offenbarung der Freiheit - W. Bartuschat: Uber Spinozismus und menschliche Freiheit beim fruhen Schelling - C. Cesa: Schellings Kritik des Naturrechts - H. J. Sandkuhler: F. W. J. Schelling - Philosophie als Seinsgeschichte und (...)
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    The Metaphysics of the Tragic.Irina N. Protasenko - 2015 - GSTF Journal of General Philosophy 1 (2):1-7.
    The author analyzes the concept of “the tragic” in socio-philosophical aspect. The tragic is conceived not only as a property of the individual, but also as a property of social consciousness. The methodology of study rests on the necessity of studying the problem at the level of society as a whole, at the level of an ordinary person and at the level of a leader. The state of society during conditions of system crisis is analyzed with the use of the (...)
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    The decline of the German mandarins.Richard Wolin - 2013 - Modern Intellectual History 10 (1):245-257.
    The term “intellectual” is a French coinage that dates to the years preceding the Dreyfus affair. Nevertheless, the concept has a distinguished pedigree that can be traced back to Voltaire's heroic interventions under the ancien régime —most notably, the Calas affair—as well as Victor Hugo's vehement protests against Louis Bonaparte's petty caesarism. The first intellectuals were, as a rule, littérateurs . They were interlopers who relied on the renown they had accrued in their field of expertise to hazard moral pronouncements (...)
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  45. Female sexual arousal: Genital anatomy and orgasm in intercourse.Kim Wallen & Elisabeth A. Lloyd - 2011 - Hormones and Behavior 59:780-792.
    In men and women sexual arousal culminates in orgasm, with female orgasm solely from sexual intercourse often regarded as a unique feature of human sexuality. However, orgasm from sexual intercourse occurs more reliably in men than in women, likely reflecting the different types of physical stimulation men and women require for orgasm. In men, orgasms are under strong selective pressure as orgasms are coupled with ejaculation and thus contribute to male reproductive success. By contrast, women's orgasms in intercourse are highly (...)
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    Nietzsche and Napoleon: The Dionysian Conspiracy.Don Dombowsky - 2014 - University of Wales Press.
    This book offers an analysis of Nietzsche as a political philosopher in the context of the political movements of his era. Don Dombowsky examines Nietzsche’s political thought, known as aristocratic radicalism, in light of the ideology associated with Napoleon I and Napoleon III known as Bonapartism. Dombowsky argues that Nietzsche’s aristocratic radicalism is indistinguishable from Bonapartism and that Nietzsche is a delegate of the Napoleonic cult of personality.
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    Gramsci’s political thought and the contemporary crisis of politics.Loris Caruso - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 136 (1):140-160.
    In the context of the worsening economic crisis analogies tend to be drawn between the economic and political crisis in Europe of the 1920s and 1930s and the current situation. Now as then, it is argued, there is the risk that a systemic economic crisis and the crisis of representative politics will in turn lead to authoritarian outcomes. Rarer, however, is the idea that the current political and economic crisis may lead to a “progressive” outcome. This article examines both options (...)
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    The Reality of Representation: Between Marx and Balzac.Sandy Petrey - 1988 - Critical Inquiry 14 (3):448-468.
    The starting point for my reading of the exchanges between Marx and Balzac is the repetition in The Eighteenth Brumaire of a striking image employed in Colonel Chabert to represent the force of ideology as experienced by a man forcibly set outside the conventions it endorses. Balzac first: “The social and judicial world weighted on his breast like a nightmare.”3 Marx’s appropriation occurs in a much-quoted meditation on the past as impediment to the future.Men make their own history, but they (...)
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    The Purloined Poe: Lacan, Derrida, and Psychoanalytic Reading.John P. Muller & William J. Richardson - 1988 - Johns Hopkins University Press.
    In 1956 Jacques Lacan proposed as interpretation of Edgar Allan Poe's "Purloined Letter" that at once challenged literary theorists and revealed a radically new conception of psychoanalysis. Lacan's far-reaching claims about language and truth provoked a vigorous critique by Jacques Derrida, whose essay in turn has spawned further responses from Barbara Johnson, Jane Gallop, Irene Harvey, Norman Holland, and others. The Purloined Poe brings Poe's story together with these readings to provide, in the words of the editors, "a structured exercuse (...)
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    The Political Life of Black Motherhood.Jennifer C. Nash - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (3):699.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 44, no. 3. © 2018 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 699 Jennifer C. Nash The Political Life of Black Motherhood In 1976, Adrienne Rich wrote, “We know more about the air we breathe, the seas we travel, than about the nature and meaning of motherhood.”1 In the four decades since the publication of Rich’s now-canonical Of Woman Born, Andrea O’Reilly has argued for the advent of “maternal theory” (...)
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