Results for ' “Kantian interpretation”'

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  1.  30
    A Kantian Interpretation of the Infinite Manifoldness of Evil Incentives in Real Human Life.Chao Lu - 2021 - International Philosophical Quarterly 61 (2):207-225.
    Kant defined moral evil as reversing the order between self-love and morality. For many critics, however, his egoistically-orientated notion of self-love fails to make sense of the infinitely manifold incentives of evil under the human condition. Against this criticism, my article will re-interpret Kantian self-love and empirical self-conception from both the transcendental and empirical level, thus offering a transcendental grounding for the empirical manifestations of evil. In this way I will argue that we can explain rather sufficiently the infinite manifoldness (...)
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    A Kantian Interpretation of Demonstrative Reference.Wing-Chun Wong - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 11:199-204.
    According to Kant, we refer to what is out there in the world by performing a demonstrative act, like pointing at an object with a finger. A Kantian mode of demonstrative reference is characterized by the existence of a real, 2-placed affective relation between an intuiting subject and the referent. Parsons suggests that Kantian intuition is both singular and immediate, and immediacy demands an object of intuition to be present, a condition clearly satisfied by objects within our immediate perceptual field. (...)
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  3. A Kantian Interpretation of Niels Bohr's Early Correspondence Principle: 1917-1924.Roberto Angeloni - 2017 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 10 (1):8-24.
    In the present paper I aim to discuss the philosophical foundations of the early correspondence principle, by comparing the conceptual structure underlying the first correspondence principle with the procedure of analogy that Immanuel Kant introduced in the Critique of Judgment from 1790. On such a comparison, I will seek to demonstrate the consistency of the conceptual ratio according to which the correspondence principle is to the classical "concepts" of space and time, as these a priori forms of intuition, in Kant, (...)
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    A Kantian Interpretation of Reflective Equilibrium. 정태창 - 2019 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 125:129-157.
    롤스의 반성적 평형은 도덕철학 및 정치철학의 영역에서 현재까지 가장 유력한 정당화의 방법론으로 간주되어왔지만, 다른 한편으로 그것이 직관주의 혹은 상대주의에 불과하다는 비판, 수렴가능성에 대한 비판, 정합성이 갖는 정당화의 힘에 대한 비판, 공허함에 대한 비판 등등이 지속적으로 제기되면서 정당화 방법론으로서 진지하게 고려되기 어렵다는 상반된 평가를 받고 있다. 본 논문은 이러한 상황을 타개하기 위해 칸트의 윤리형이상학 정초의 논의를 실마리로 삼아서 롤스의 공정으로서의 정의에서 반성적 평형이 이해되는 방식을 보다 충실하게 재구성하고자 시도한다. 이러한 재구성은 반성적 평형이 모든 유관한 요소들을 흡수해버리는 공허한 방법론으로 전락하는 것을 막으면서도 (...)
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  5. Against the Post-Kantian Interpretation of Hegel: A Study in Proto-Marxist Metaphysics.Michael Morris - 2018 - In Micheal J. Thompson (ed.), Hegel’s Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Politics. Routledge. pp. Ch.7.
    This chapter emphasizes four crucial differences that serve to distinguish the proto-Marxist interpretation from the standard post-Kantian framework. The first and foundational difference involves the existence of final causality or internal purposiveness in nature. The now-standard post-Kantian interpretation of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel presupposes Sellars's core distinction between the realm of "empirical description" and the "space of reasons", a distinction that necessarily presupposes the absence of final causality in nature. The proto-Marxist framework approaches Hegel as the first modern philosopher to (...)
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  6.  40
    (1 other version)A Kantian interpretation of the special theory of relativity.Edward G. Ballard - 1960 - Kant Studien 52 (1-4):401-410.
  7.  66
    The Kantian interpretation.Oliver A. Johnson - 1974 - Ethics 85 (1):58-66.
  8. Hegelian vs. Kantian interpretations of pyrrhonism: Revolution or reaction?Michael N. Forster - manuscript
    This paper concerns a surprisingly sharp disagreement about the nature of ancient Pyrrhonism which first emerges clearly in Kant and Hegel, but which continues in contemporary interpretations. The paper begins by explaining the character of this disagreement, then attempts to adjudicate it in the light of the ancient texts.
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    Understanding and Imagination. A Kantian Interpretation of Hegel's “Inverted World”.Vlad Bilevsky - 2022 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 14 (2):157-162.
    In this article, I discuss an interpretation of Hegel's concept of the “Inverted World”, which is present in the final part of the chapter on Force and Understanding in the Phenomenology of Spirit. Other than my own reading of the chapter, I also summarize the three most important interpretations of the verkehrte Welt from the last century: those of Jean Hyppolite, Hans-Georg Gadamer and Joseph Flay. I have chosen these three due to the typology of interpretation within them: the first (...)
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    A Kantian Interpretation of Kelsen’s Basic Norm.Mario García Berger - 2020 - Ratio Juris 33 (1):35-48.
    This paper proposes a reading of Kelsen’s basic norm based on Kant’s regulative ideas. I begin by exposing Kant’s conception of the principles of reason. Then I criticize an interpretation of the basic norm along the same lines made by Stanley Paulson. Thirdly I analyze two theses from Hermann Cohen that influenced Kelsen greatly and reinforce my stance on the basic norm. Lastly, I explain how the Kelsenian tenet that the basic norm is the transcendental grounding of the normativity of (...)
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  11.  37
    Autonomy, interest, and the Kantian interpretation.Bernard H. Baumrin - 1977 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 2 (1):280-282.
  12.  10
    Sacrifice and Value: A Kantian Interpretation.Sidney Axinn - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    We create value for ourselves by making sacrifices. In Sacrifice and Value, Sidney Axinn presents the role of sacrifice in the work of many figures in the history of Philosophy. A novel feature is the attention given to Kant's use of sacrifice, and the way this changes the usual view of the Categorical Imperative, and Kant's concept of value.
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  13.  63
    The Kantian Interpretation of Justice as Fairness.Thomas Pogge - 1981 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 35 (1):47 - 65.
  14.  67
    A defense of the Kantian interpretation.Stephen L. Darwall - 1976 - Ethics 86 (2):164-170.
  15.  62
    Identity versus determinism: Émile Meyerson׳s neo-Kantian interpretation of the quantum theory.M. Anthony Mills - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 47:33-49.
    Despite the praise his writing garnered during his lifetime, e.g., from readers such as Einstein and de Broglie, Émile Meyerson has been largely forgotten. The rich tradition of French épistémologie has recently been taken up in some Anglo-American scholarship, but Meyerson—who popularized the term épistémologie through his historical method of analyzing science, and criticized positivism long before Quine and Kuhn—remains overlooked. If Meyerson is remembered at all, it is as a historian of classical science. This paper attempts to rectify both (...)
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  16.  24
    On the Kantian interpretation of Rawls' theory.H. E. Mason - 1976 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 1 (1):47-55.
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    Humanity and Universalizability: A Kantian Interpretation of the Foundations of Human Rights.Margit Ruffing, Guido A. De Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra & Valerio Rohden - 2008 - In Margit Ruffing, Guido A. De Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra & Valerio Rohden (eds.), Law and Peace in Kant's Philosophy/Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants: Proceedings of the 10th International Kant Congress/Akten des X. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Walter de Gruyter.
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    An Interpretation of Rawls’ “Kantian Interpretation.Vadim Chaly - 2015 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1:142-155.
    Calling Kant a liberal philosopher requires important qualifications. Much like his theoretical philosophy, his political transcendentalism was and remains a great enterprise of navigating between the extremes of liberalism and conservatism, of balancing the “empirical” and the “pure” in human society, as well as in human mind. Of all the attempts to enlist Kant among the classics of liberalism, John Rawls’ is the most impressive and thorough. However, it is hardly a success. The reason for this lies in a profound (...)
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    Innate Ideas and Transformational Grammar: A Kantian Interpretation.G. Benjamin Oliver - 1974 - In Gerhard Funke (ed.), Akten des 4. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses: Mainz, 6.–10. April 1974, Teil 2: Sektionen 1,2. De Gruyter. pp. 849-855.
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    Marx's Concept of Truth: A Kantian Interpretation.David B. Myers - 1977 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):315 - 326.
    It would be misleading to make any reference to Marx's “theory” of truth-for nowhere in the corpus of Marx's writings will one find an essay dealing with truth in a thematic way. Marx's scattered remarks on truth occur within the context of discussions of social questions. What one can pull together on the topic of truth amounts at most to the sketch of a concept which applies to social knowledge and not knowledge in general. My aim will be to reconstruct (...)
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  21.  60
    On trying too hard: A Kantian interpretation of misguided moral striving.Mavis Biss - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (6):966-976.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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  22.  35
    The Ontological Proof in Thomistic and Kantian Interpretation.Jerome Toner - 1953 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 3:157-159.
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    Marx's Doctoral Thesis on Two Greek Atomists and the Post-Kantian Interpretations.Peter Fenves - 1986 - Journal of the History of Ideas 47 (3):433-452.
  24.  39
    A new critique of Mou Zongsan’s Kantian interpretation of Mengzi’s ethics.Xiangnong Hu - 2023 - Asian Philosophy 33 (2):94-109.
    The New Confucian philosopher Mou Zongsan once compared the ethics of Mengzi to that of Kant, claiming that Mengzi’s ethics shares the same fundamental features with Kant’s and can therefore be better understood through a Kantian lens. This paper aims to argue against Mou by elaborating on two important but hitherto insufficiently addressed differences between Kant’s and Mengzi’s ethics. First, the paper shows that, as opposed to what Mou suggests, passages 6A1 to 6A3 of the Mengzi demonstrate Mengzi’s adoption of (...)
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  25. Interpreting Kant correctly: On the Kant of the neo-Kantians.Manfred Kühn - 2009 - In Rudolf A. Makkreel & Sebastian Luft (eds.), Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy. Indiana University Press.
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  26.  14
    The Kantian subject: new interpretative essays.Fernando M. F. Silva & Luigi Caranti (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book presents a critical reconsideration of the Kantian cognitive and practical subject. Special attention is devoted to highlight the complex relation between subjectivity as it is presented in the three critiques and the way in which it is construed in other writings, in particular the Anthropology. While for Kant our cognitive apparatus and the structure of our will are common to all humans, the anthropological subject reveals degrees of variation, depending on a myriad of external circumstances that pose a (...)
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  27. Fichte: Kantian or Spinozian? Three Interpretations of the Absolute I.Alexandre Guilherme - 2010 - South African Journal of Philosophy 29 (1):1-16.
    Fichte is the first great Post-Kantian Idealist and his debt to Spinozism has been acknowledged by virtually all of his commentators. However, the extent of Spinoza’s influence on Fichte has not been spelled out in much detail. In response to this I propose to do two things. Firstly, I propose to provide a typology of interpretations of Fichte’s Absolute I, as some commentators seem to get entangled in these different interpretations, which can be very confusing to their readership. Secondly, I (...)
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  28. Kantian Ethics and Aristotelian Emotions: A Constructive Interpretation.Montserrat Bordes Solanas - 2004 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 23 (1):57.
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    Interpretations of Kantian Idealism.Kenneth Rogerson - 2004 - Southwest Philosophy Review 20 (1):91-98.
  30.  43
    Kantian Moral Motivation: An Affectivist Interpretation.Vivek Kumar Radhakrishnan - 2020 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 37 (2):225-241.
    Kant’s theory of moral action faces a serious difficulty concerning motivation: how do commands of pure practical reason solely move human agents to perform moral actions? In his response, Kant claims that human agents perform moral actions out of a feeling of respect for the moral law. However, attempts to accommodate a feeling of respect into Kant’s rigorously rationalist ethical theory have led to two diverging strands of interpretation in the secondary literature: intellectualism and affectivism. Against this context, this paper (...)
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    Explanation and Justification. An Interpretation of Quine’s Naturalistic Epistemology from the Kantian Antecedent.Sandro Daniel Paredes Díaz - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 20:291-309.
    The aim of this article is to interpret the naturalist epistemological project of W. Quine from a problematic nucleus that we can identify in I. Kant, especially in the Critique of Pure Reason, which is expressed in the categories of explanation-justification, experimental psychology and transcendental philosophy. The hypothesis of our work is that the naturalization of epistemology in a psychology by Quine is possible due to a dissolution of the limits of the concepts of explanation and justification, which have in (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Kantian Neuroscience and Radical Interpretation.Jim Hopkins - forthcoming - In Festschfrift. not yet determined.
    This is an unedited version of a paper written in 2012 accepted for publication in a forthcoming Festschrift for Mark Platts. In it I argue that the Helmholtz/Bayes tradition of free energy neuroscience begun by Geoffrey Hinton and his colleagues, and now being carried forward by Karl Friston and his, can be seen as a fulfilment of the Quine/Davidson program of radical interpretation, and also of Quine’s conception of a naturalized epistemology. -/- This program, in turn, is rooted in Helmholtz’s (...)
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    Interpretations of Kantian Disjunctive Judgment in Propositional Logic.Marcel Quarfood - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 307-320.
  34. Kantian Coordinates of the Interpretation of Myths in Paul Ricouer.Raúl Kerbs - 2007 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 36 (1).
    This paper attempts to present the intellectual structure within which Paul Ricoeur has conceived the possibility of a philosophical interpretation of myth. I propose that Ricoeur's hermeneutics has been able to integrate and harmonize structural analysis, phenomenological description, and ontological-existential analysis of the myth through a group of epistemological and ontological coordinates from the two first Critiques and from Kant's philosophy of religion.
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    Do Not Take Confucians as Kantians: Comments on Liu Qingping’s Interpretation of Confucian Teachings.Peimin Ni - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (1):45-49.
    LIU Qingping’s criticism of Confucian teachings of filial piety, though valuable in stimulating critical attitude toward classic Confucianism, is largely based on misinterpreting Confucians as Kantians. The article tries to show that, unlike the Kantian rule-oriented ethic that provides universal ethical principles, Confucianism focuses on the process of person-making, and the teachings of classic Confucianism are more like gongfu instructions than moral principles. Looking from the gongfu perspective, Liu’s criticism becomes misdirected, if not irrelevant.
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    Universality Without Normativity: Interpreting the Demand of Kantian Judgements of Taste.R. Kathleen Harbin - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (4):589-612.
    RÉSUMÉKant affirme que nous exigeons l'accord des autres quand nous rendons des jugements de goût. Je soutiens que cette affirmation fait partie d'une explication de la façon dont la phénoménologie des jugements esthétiques familiers appuie son affirmation selon laquelle les jugements de goût sont universels. La théorie esthétique de Kant n'est plausible que si nous rejetons l'affirmation répandue selon laquelle cette exigence est normative. Je propose une lecture non normative des jugements de goût kantiens basée sur une étude des textes, (...)
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  37. Adorno's Kantian Epistemology Interpretation and Defence.Brian Patrick O'connor & Brian O'Connor - 1995 - Dissertation,
    This is a study of the epistemological theory of Theodor Adorno.
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    A Kantian view of Suits’ Utopia: ‘a kingdom of autotelically-motivated game players’.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 44 (1):138-151.
    In this paper, I engage the debate on Suits’ theory of games by providing a Kantian view of Utopia. I argue that although the Kantian aspects of Suits’ approach are often overlooked in comparison to its Socratic-Platonic aspects, Kant’s ideas play a fundamental role in Suits’ proposal. In particular, Kant’s concept of ‘regulative idea’ is the basis of Suits’ Utopia. I regard Utopia as Suits’ regulative idea on game playing. In doing so, I take Utopia to play a double role (...)
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  39.  8
    An Essay in Kantian Ethics: A New Interpretation and Justification of the Categorical Imperative.Christian Friedrich Reinhold Illies - 1995
  40. A Kantian Republican Conception of Justice as Nondomination.Rainer Forst - 2013 - In Andreas Niederberger & Philipp Schink (eds.), Republican democracy: liberty, law and politics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    This chapter explores the relationship between republican democracy and justice by comparing Philip Pettit's notion of neo-republicanism with that of Immanuel Kant. It begins by describing a republican, political conception of justice as nondomination and explaining why the discourse of republicanism and that of theories of justice often remain at odds with one another. It then considers the basis of a republican conception of justice as nondomination and locates it within the principle of justification, along with Pettit's idea of autonomy (...)
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    Arendt’s Hermeneuticl Interpretation of Kantian Reflective Judgment.Sanem Yazicioglu - 2010 - Philosophy Today 54 (4):321-332.
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  42. Cognizing the vital principle of the organism by interpreting the four Aristotelian causes in a Kantian perspective.Christoph J. Hueck - forthcoming - Synthese.
    This article outlines an epistemological perspective to understand the organism as a temporally changing whole. To analyze the mental faculties involved, the organism’s development and persisting existence is differentiated into four interdependent aspects: descent, future existence, persistent species, and environmentally adapted physical appearance. It is outlined that these aspects are recognized by comparative memory, concept-guided anticipation, conceptual thinking, and sensory perception, respectively. Furthermore, it is pointed out that these aspects correspond to the famous four Aristotelian “causes” or principles of explanation. (...)
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    Transcendental interpretation: An alternative approach to psychological inquiry.Jeff Sugarman - 1994 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 15 (1):16-40.
    Presents the transcendental interpretation approach to psychological inquiry based on the use of the Kantian transcendental argument, which relies on the criterion of consistency. Kant's purpose in employing this argument was as a means for justifying particular knowledge claims. Use of this approach is illustrated by examining the intersubjective and moral conditions necessary for the practice of selfhood. It is argued that phenomena of interest to psychological study differ fundamentally from those of natural science, rendering some of the methods applied (...)
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    Heideggerian Ethics and Kantian Ethics: Diverging Interpretations in Contemporary French Debate.Luca Serafini - 2017 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 48 (4):319-335.
    The purpose of this paper is to show how the interaction between Kantian ethics and some aspects of Heideggerian philosophy can lead to the model of a subject in immediate relationship with others and with his or her community. The positions of Jean-Luc Nancy and Jacques Derrida on this question are presented in contrast with those of Alain Renaut and Emmanuel Lévinas to elucidate their differing ways of interpreting the relationship between Kant and Heidegger with regard to ethics, apriorism, and (...)
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  45. A Kantian moral duty for the soon-to-be demented to commit suicide.Dennis R. Cooley - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (6):37 – 44.
    It has been argued that, on Kantian grounds, pedophiles, rapists and murderers are morally obligated to take their own lives prior to committing a violent action that will end their moral agency. That is, to avoid destroying the agent's moral life by performing a morally suicidal action, the agent, while he still is a moral agent, should end his body's life. Although the cases of dementia and the morally reprehensible are vastly different, this Kantian interpretation might be useful in the (...)
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    The Kantian Capacity for Moral Self-Control: Abstraction at Two Levels.Marijana Vujoševiċ - 2020 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 102 (1):102-130.
    As a rule, the Kantian capacity for self-control is interpreted as a kind of tool for compelling ourselves to act on the basis of the maxims we have adopted. To the extent that we merely acknowledge its role in following already-adopted maxims, however, we fail to capture the distinctive aspect of moral self-control identified by Kant. In this paper, I propose a fuller account of the Kantian capacity for moral self-control; I do so mainly by analyzing this capacity as our (...)
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    Neo-Kantian Question on Method, the Problem of Form and the Meaning of Variability in Gustav Shpet and Ernst Cassirer’s Philosophy.Nikolai B. Afanasov - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (3):81-103.
    The Kantian legacy has had a key impact on the landscape of theoretical philosophy in the first half of the twentieth century. Philosophers both in Germany and in Russia saw Immanuel Kant’s ideas as seminal for their philosophical research. The main schools of that era were formed in discussions of the problems and the solutions which were proposed by Kant. The methodological legacy of the critical philosophy effectively became the main benchmark of the thinking of a whole generation of intellectuals. (...)
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    Why Kantian Symbols Cannot Be Kantian Metaphors.Stefan Forrester - 2012 - Southwest Philosophy Review 28 (2):107-127.
    There is some limited contemporary scholarship on the theory of metaphor Kant appears to provide in his Critique of Judgment. The dominant interpretations that have emerged of Kant’s somewhat nascent account of metaphors are what I refer to as the symbolist view, which states that Kantian symbols should be viewed as Kantian metaphors, and the aesthetic idea view, which holds that Kant defi ned metaphors as aesthetic ideas . In this essay, I claim that the symbolist view of Kantian metaphors (...)
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  49. Lo statuto fenomenologico dell'io penso. Michel Henry interprete delle riflessioni kantiane sull'anima contenute nella prima Critica.Ezio Gamba - 2013 - Annuario Filosofico 29:276-300.
    This paper is about Michel Henry’s interpretation of the topic of the soul in Kant’s thought. Two aspects of this topic will be particularly examined: Kant’s criticism of the concept of the soul as a substance and the I think as the consciousness that every representation of mine is a representation for me. Henry thinks that the insertion of this consciousness in Kant’s thought is a necessary incoherence that shows the impossibility to reduce appearing to representation. At the end it (...)
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    A Kantian Reading of the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā: The Philosophical basis And advantages.Justin P. Holder - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (4):951-972.
    The depth and diversity of scholarship on both Nāgārjuna and Kant is so staggering that any work invoking both risks losing itself in a sea of competing currents. I hope that the present offering is modest enough to stay afloat, but incisive enough to present interested readers with a thought-provoking case. Rather than a comparison between Kant and Nāgārjuna, my goal is to present an interpretation of Nāgārjuna that is lent systematic support by Kantian presumptions. Specifically, I am proposing a (...)
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