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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "VBN"

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  1. Poetic destroyers. Vico, Emerson and the aesthetic dimension of experiencing.Tateo Luca - 2017 - Culture and Psychology 23 (3):337-355.
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  2. The development of a weighting method for use in life cycle assessments of amine based post-combustion carbon capture and storage in the Arctic region.Johnsen Fredrik Moltu - unknown
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  3. Forskning i nordisk religionsundervisning.Buchardt Mette & Osbeck Christina - unknown
    The theme of this special issue is the epistemological conditions and significant features for doing research in religious education in the Nordic region. Historical and institutional conditions make up an important part of the background for understanding. The articles in this issue which are introduced here try to grasp and explore the conditions for scholarly knowledge production concerning the teaching of religion in the states in question: Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark.
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  4. Religionsundervisning i velfærdsstats-Danmark:Et historisk og institutionelt perspektiv på en epistemologisk diskussion.Buchardt Mette - unknown
    The article deals with forms of knowledge and types of research interests in scholarly work on Religious Education at the primary and lower secondary levels in Denmark throughout the heyday of the welfare state from the 1960s and up until the 2000s, when the welfare state model not least with regard to education was in transition. The point of departure is the work and oeuvre of K.E. Bugge, for many years – and remaining until now – the last professor of (...)
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  5. Experiencing a painting: An interdiscplinary discussion regarding epistemology and experiencing.Kim Malmbak Møller - unknown
    This article discusses how the relationship between the perceiving and the perceived can be outlined in a current philosophical and neuroscientifical understanding. The ambition is to highlight the potential relations between two processes; consciousness and interpretation particularly regarding the experience of art as invoking an immediate feeling. The article takes a philosophical standpoint inspired by Edmund Husserl’s epistemological discussions regarding intentionality and tries to combine it with art as invoking a feeling. In other words, the article tries to answer how (...)
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  6. Learning and Cognition - The interplay between the Subject and the Group:Understanding the processes of problem-based learning.Møller Kim Malmbak & Fast Alf Michael - unknown
    The purpose of this article is to discuss the relationship between learning, epistemology and intersubjectivity in the context of problem-based learning and project-oriented work at a university level. It aims to show how the collaboration of students in a group over a longer period of time can put emphasis on the knowledge - practice discussion, and thereby on some of the values required to progress in science as a field and to develop knowledge. This article focuses on how to describe (...)
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  7. Conceptual and Metaphysical Origins and Relevance of Temporal Logic.David Jakobsen & Peter Øhrstrøm - unknown
    Logic has sometimes been seen as an alternative to metaphysics and to speculation. In this paper it is argued that a different story should be told when it comes to temporal logic and tense-logic in particular. A. N. Prior’s first formulation of tense logic was mainly established in order to qualify the discussion of certain metaphysical and conceptual problems. Although temporal logic has now been developed in various abstract and rather technical ways, it may still serve as a great help (...)
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  8. Drone Age Cinema:Action Film and Sensory Assault.Steen Ledet Christiansen - unknown
    At a time when technological advances are transforming cultures and supporting new automated military operations, action films engage the senses and, in doing so, allow viewers to embody combat roles. This book argues that through film the viewer adapts to an ecology of fear, one that reflects global panic at the near-constant threat of conflict and violence. Often overwhelming in its audiovisual assault, action cinema attempts to overpower our bodies with its own through force and intensity. In this book, Steen (...)
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  9. Criticizing Erroneous Abstractions:the Case of Culturalism.Frederik Stjernfelt - unknown
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  10. Dicisigns and Habits: Implicit Propositions and Habit-Taking in Peirce’s Pragmatism.Frederik Stjernfelt - 2016 - In Myrdene Anderson & Donna West (eds.), Consensus on Peirce’s Concept of Habit: Before and Beyond Consciousness. Springer Verlag.
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  11. Cross-disciplinary course in research ethics and science studies for Ph.D.-students.Claus Emmeche & Tom Børsen Hansen - unknown
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  12. Melancholy and unresolved endings:Norskov, Kierkegaard and television crime dramas.Kim Toft Hansen - unknown
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  13. The Future of Qualitative Research in Psychology—A Students’ Perspective.Thomas Terkildsen & Sofie Petersen - unknown
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  14. The Concept of Time:A Philosophical and Logical Perspective.Peter Øhrstrøm - unknown
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  15. Religionsundervisningens epistemologi:Eksempler fra Danmark, Finland, Norge og Sverige.Mette Buchardt & Christina Osbeck - unknown
    Symposium abstract, authored by organizers: Christina Osbeck & Mette Buchardt Presenters: Mette Buchardt, Oddrun Marie Hovde Bråten, Christina Osbeck, Geir Skeie, Martin Ubani Respondent: Bernd Krupka Chair:Karin Sporre Related to the conference subtheme: Borders between research methods General subject didactics in the Nordic countries has developed in relation to teacher education and the need to bring questions about teaching and learning closer to specific subject-content areas. The discussions started at slightly different times in the different countries, for instance in the (...)
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  16. How interests and values evolve :A developmental teleology of research encounters.Nikita Kharlamov, Aleksandra Kaszowska & Roger Bibace - unknown
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  17. Part II: The Epistemological Basis of Engineering:Introduction.Anders Buch & Stig Andur Petersen - unknown
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  18. The Epistemological Basis of Engineering.Anders Buch & Stig Andur Petersen - unknown
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  19. The Roles of Sketching in Design:Mapping the tension between functions in design sketching.Peter Vistisen - unknown
    This paper examines how the role of sketching in design process has been disseminated previously through a review of prior perspectives into the field. We identify that the studies of design sketching has been dominated by two perspectives: studies into what is known as ‘visual thinking’, which examines the designers reflective conversation with the sketch, and a second perspective on sketching as way of ‘visual communication’ with others in the design process. We raise the question of whether it is reasonable (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Experimental improvisation practise and notation. Addenda 2000-:Pdf edition.Carl Bergstrøm-Nielsen - unknown
    Addenda til Experimental improvisation practise and notation.
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  21. Desire/Drive.Henrik Jøker Bjerre - unknown
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  22. Giambattista Vico and the principles of cultural psychology: A programmatic retrospective.Luca Tateo - 2015 - History of the Human Sciences 28 (1):44-65.
    The Italian philosopher Giambattista Vico developed a theoretical framework for the study of human sciences that exerted a strong influence on psychology and other human sciences. He backed the unity of the knowledge about human mind and culture, including history, linguistics, philosophy, philology, epistemology, psychology, and for the first time proposed a method for their study that he ambitiously called ‘new science’. The article presents an overview of Vico’s thought and discusses some of the main axioms of his theoretical system. (...)
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  23. Design and the question of aesthetics.Carsten Friberg - unknown
    In the article an approach to aesthetics is suggested with the focus on the education of the designer rather than on the outcome of the design. Design is taken to be an interpretative intervention into a social context which requires a sensibility for the context. The forming of this sensibility is the goal of an aesthetic education. Through discussions of different approaches to aesthetics like Grant Kester’s dialogical aesthetics and Kant’s critique of the faculty of judgement, it is emphasized how (...)
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  24. Pragmatic Software Innovation.Ivan Aaen & Rikke Hagensby Jensen - unknown
    We understand software innovation as concerned with introducing innovation into the development of _software intensive systems_, i.e. systems in which software development and/or integration are dominant considerations. Innovation is key in almost any strategy for competitiveness in existing markets, for creating new markets, or for curbing rising public expenses, and software intensive systems are core elements in most such strategies. Software innovation therefore is vital for about every sector of the economy. Changes in software technologies over the last decades have (...)
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  25. Økonomi som en videnskab om bevidstheden og interaktion.Michael Fast, Frederik Hertel & Woodrow Clark - unknown
    In understanding economics and the organisation of economics, the questions are what constituteeconomics and the thinking behind economics today? In short what is the field of economics? And in what ways can we connect to and understand this field of study? Of course, the answer to this depends upon the perspective chosen, in which one sees and thinks of economics from a particular philosophical and even political position and perspective. If one takes the perspective on economics from a qualitative paradigm (...)
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  26. The Meaning of Life - On cactus finches, evolution and chaos.Peter Kamp Busk - unknown
    This book presents exciting new knowledge in an easy and straightforward manner. The theory of evolution is put in a surprising perspective, which explains the meaning of life from a biological point of view. Examples from biology and from everyday life are used to give an account for how all living beings are genetically coded to have offspring that makes disorder and mess in the world. The meaning of life is chaos. In the second half of the book it is (...)
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  27. Hermeneutics of Ambiance.Carsten Friberg - unknown
    I wish to introduce interpretation into the debate on ambiance/atmosphere. Atmosphere is about becoming aware of sensorial and bodily components of our perception. These components cause a multiplicity of sensorial impressions and we respond to them differently according to our different backgrounds. When we share an atmosphere or ambiance we do it through sensorial elements, but what we share and how we do it relate to an interpretation of these sensorial elements – which in return affect the interpretation.
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  28. Psykologi som moralvidenskab:Perspektiver på normativitet.Svend Brinkmann - unknown
    What does morality have to do with psychology in a value-neutral, postmodern world? According to a provocative new book, everything. Taking exception with current ideas in the mainstream as straying from the discipline’s ethical foundations, Psychology as a Moral Science argues that psychological phenomena are inherently moral, and that psychology, as prescriptive and interventive practice, reflects specific moral principles. The book cites normative moral standards, as far back as Aristotle, that give human thoughts, feelings, and actions meaning, and posits psychology (...)
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  29. Displaying Qualitative Data.Helene Pristed Nielsen - unknown
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  30. Research as an act of learning:exploring student backgrounds through dialogue with research participants.Diana Stentoft - unknown
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  31. Ontologies in a project by Jørn Utzon:the flow of becoming.Lars Botin Jørgensen - unknown
    The paper has an overall theoretical and philosophical view on the actual topic: the architecture of Jørn Utzon, whereas Utzon himself often has stated that theories and hermeneutic approaches does not interest him at all. It is the aim of this paper to inscribe Jørn Utzon in a theoretical tradition where nature and the real is in the core of everything and furthermore to throw a light on the paradoxical non-modern and non-Cartesian aspect of the architectural practice of Jørn Utzon.
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  32. Art technologies as possible propulsars in technological innovation.Lars Botin Jørgensen - unknown
    Art and technology has, as the German philosopher Martin Heidegger points out, the same etymological root. A thorough investigation of the relationship between art and technology will show how this same root has manifested itself in different times and spaces bringing results of the most variegated kind. This discussion, of general character, constitutes the initial part of this paper. Then it briefly looks into the final terms of the papertitle and try to relate to the diffuse and discussed technological innovation. (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Experimental improvisation practise and notation. Addenda 2002-:Pdf edition.Carl Bergstrøm-Nielsen - unknown
    Addenda til Experimental improvisation practise and notation.
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  34. The Philosophy of Turning Points:A Case of De-Internationalization.Romeo V. Turcan - unknown
    This paper introduces and discusses the concept of turning points from the ontological, epistemological, and methodological perspectives, applying it to the de-internationalization phenomenon to exemplify its deployment. As a concept that adds to the variance and complexity of the international business and management field, the turning point is seen as a valuable unit of analysis within the research field. It is expected that this paper will encourage a dynamic scholarly conversation about the concept of turning point and how it can (...)
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  35. Empiricist Interventions:Strategy and Tactics on the Ontopolitical Battlefield.Anders Kristian Munk & Sebastian Abrahamsson - unknown
    Recent papers by prominent scholars in science and technology studies have crystallized a fundamental disagreement about the scope and purpose of intervention in actor-network theory or what we here choose to bracket as empirical philosophy. While the precept of agnostic description is taken as a given, the desired eff ects of such descriptions are highly debated: Is the goal to interfere with the singularity of the real through the enactment of multiple and possibly conflicting ontologies? Or is it to craft (...)
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  36. Seismic Design Guidelines For Port Structures.H. F. Burcharth, Alberto Bernal, Rafael Blazquez, Stephen E. Dickenson, John Ferritto, W. D. Liam Finn, Susumu Iai, Koji Ichii, Nason J. McCullough, Piet W. H. Meeuwissen, Constantine D. Memos, M. J. N. Priestley, Francesco Silvestri, Armando L. Simonelli, R. Scott Steedman & Takahiro Sugano - unknown
    In order to mitigate hazards and losses due to earthquakes, seismic design methodologies have been developed and implemented in design practice in many regions since the early twentieth century, often in the form of codes and standards. Most of these methodologies are based on a force-balance approach, in which structures are designed to resist a prescribed level of seismic force specified as a fraction of gravity. These methodologies have contributed to the acceptable seismic performance of port structures, particularly when the (...)
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  37. Techno-Anthropology for Design.Lars Rune Christensen - unknown
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  38. From Cool Cash to Coded Chaos.Betina Wolfgang Rennison - unknown
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  39. Teaching and Learning Culture.Mads Jakob Kirkebæk, Xiangyun Du & Annie Aarup Jensen - unknown
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  40. Plant-wide Control for Better De-oiling of Produced Water in Offshore Oil & Gas Production.Zhenyu Yang, Jens Peter Stigkær & Bo Løhndorf - unknown
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  41. Classical Syllogisms in Logic Teaching.Peter Øhrstrøm, Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen, Steinar Thorvaldsen & Thomas Ploug - unknown
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  42. Art Therapy. Prevention Against the Development of Depression.Vibeke Skov - unknown
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  43. Accountings of Selecting Sperm on the (ethical) border.Stine Willum Adrian - unknown
  44. Teaching and Learning Culture, Negotiating the Context.Mads Jakob Kirkebæk, Xiangyun Du & Annie Aarup Jensen - unknown
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  45. The Hayek-Sraffa controversy in 1932:a philosophy of science perspective.Christian Ydesen - unknown
    Analysing the intense controversy between Hayek and Sraffa in 1932, this article throws light on whether their arguments were logically consistent and which philosophy of science axioms concerning knowledge, society and human beings their arguments were based upon. The purpose is to use the controversy as an example for clarifying the elemental preconditions of the economic science in order to validly reach the core of the economic theories and thus throw light on their historical and ideological conditions, range and validity (...)
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  46. Time and Free Choice.Peter Øhrstrøm - unknown
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  47. Inspiring Reflections.Mammo Muchie - unknown
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  48. Land Grab, Human Rights and Ethical Concerns about Biofuels.Kristian Høyer Toft - unknown
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  49. Improving Healthcare through Lean Management.Anders Paarup Nielsen & Kasper Edwards - unknown
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  50. Creative Social Research.Ananta Kumar Giri - unknown
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  51. A step beyond mathematics.Ole Ravn Christensen - unknown
  52. Minds and Computers.Peter Øhrstrøm - unknown
  53. Dynamic Boiler Performance.Kim Sørensen - unknown
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  54. Beyond the Constraints of Reality.Kim Toft Hansen - unknown
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  55. Building Grounded Theory in Entrepreneurship Research.Markus Mäkelä & Romeo V. Turcan - unknown
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  56. The Self and the Identity of Experience.Jan Brødslev Olsen - unknown
    Speaking of ‘experience’ in terms of identity raises the question about the nature of experience. What does the word ‘experience’ really mean? What is the core meaning of experience? It may sound simple but considering the question more deeply exposes that the question can be answered in many different ways. The word ‘Identity’ is from Latin, and the meaning is ‘the same as’. So speaking of the ‘Identity of Experience’ means to consider and investigate different areas of ‘the-same-as’. This paper (...)
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  57. Architectural Intention as the Mediator of Lean Housing Construction.Marie Frier, Poul Henning Kirkegaard & Anna Marie Fisker - unknown
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  58. Automated Hydraulic System Design and Power Management in Mobile Applications.Henrik Clemmensen Pedersen - unknown
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  59. PBL as a Tool for Staff Development in the Educational Transformation towards PBL.Xiangyun Du, Anette Kolmos & Palle Qvist - unknown
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  60. Prolegomena of a logic of culture.Jörg Zeller - unknown
  61. Podcast - Interview med Anna Sfard.Thomas Ryberg & Anna Sfard - unknown
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  62. Thinking the World.Ben Dorfman - unknown
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  63. The Design Philosophy for a Vertical Breakwater.J. K. Vrijling, H. F. Burcharth, H. G. Voortman & John Dalsgaard Sørensen - unknown
    A consistent risk-based design philosophy for vertical breakwaters is proposed. The design philosophy consists of a two-step approach. The first step is the definition of the main function of the breakwater, which leads to a definition of failure. The second step is the choice of the acceptable safety level. This may be done on the basis of comparison to existing codes, or by applying economic optimisation. Both methods are introduced in the paper.
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  64. The Problem of Evil.Feiwel Kupferberg - unknown
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  65. The CPK Spoken Language Recognition System.J. Olsen - unknown
  66. A Resource Construction of the Firm:a Philosophy of the Firm.Lennart Nørreklit - unknown
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  67. Variable-Structure Direct Torque Control – A Class of Fast and Robust Controllers for Induction Machine Drives.Christian Lascu, Ion Boldea & Frede Blaabjerg - unknown
  68. Graphic Notation as a Tool in Describing and Analyzing Music Therapy Improvisations.Carl Bergstrøm-Nielsen - unknown
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  69. Afrikology, Philosophy and Wholeness.Mammo Muchie - unknown
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  70. A Discussion of Students Understanding, Learning and Application of Theory of Science within Humanities and Social Science.Merete Wiberg - unknown
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  71. Bringing fiber to the home to rural areas in Denmark.Jens Myrup Pedersen & M. Tahir Riaz - unknown
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  72. Structural Optimization with Reliability Constraints.John Dalsgaard Sørensen & Palle Thoft-Christensen - unknown
  73. Teaching Concurrency: Theory in Practice.Luca Aceto, Anna Ingolfsdottir, Kim Guldstrand Larsen & Jiri Srba - unknown
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  74. Educating Engineers for Sustainable Development.Christina Grann Myrdal & Jette Egelund Holgaard - unknown
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  75. Bridging worlds.Jeremy Rose & Saifullah Hassan Memon - unknown
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  76. Locally Situated Digital Representation of Indigenous Knowledge.Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Kasper Løvborg Jensen & Kasper Rodil - unknown
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  77. Recent Advances in Optimal Design of Structures from a Reliability Point of View.Palle Thoft-Christensen & John Dalsgaard Sørensen - unknown
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  78. Mathematics education and the dignity of being.Paola Valero, Gloria García, Francisco Camelo, Gabriel Mancera & Julio Romero - unknown
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  79. Gender and diversity in a problem and project based learning environment.Xiang-Yun Du - 2011 - Ålborg: River Publishers.
    Problem and Project Based Learning (PBL) has been used as an educational philosophy and methodology in the construction of a student centered and contextualized learning environment. PBL is also regarded as an effective method in producing engineering graduates who can not only meet the needs of professional competences but are also prepared for new challenges in the globalized and technological context. However, can PBL be a solution to the challenge of a general lack of university students studying engineering and technology (...)
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  80. Knowing the unknowable.Kim Toft Hansen - unknown
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  81. Book Review. Afrikology, Philosophy and Wholeness:An Epistemology. [REVIEW]Mammo Muchie - unknown
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  82. Using mixed methods in music therapy health care research.Lars Ole Bonde - unknown
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  83. Designing for an inclusive school of informatics for blind students.Ronald Vargas Brenes - unknown
  84. Arthur Conan Doyle's Quest Journey to The Land of Mist.Jørgen Riber Christensen - unknown
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  85. Qualitative Economics.Michael Fast & Woodrow Clark - unknown
  86. Adding production value through application of value based scheduling.Søren Munch Lindhard & Søren Wandahl - unknown
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  87. A.N. Prior's Ideas on Tensed Ontology.David Jakobsen, Henrik Schärfe & Peter Øhrstrøm - unknown
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