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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "INRIA a CCSD electronic archive server"
This set has the following status: partial.
- Photoemission en regime pico et nanoseconde a partir de photocathodes a reseau de pointes au silicium.M. Laguna - unknowndetails
- Observation of identical bands in superdeformed nuclei with the cranked Hartree-Fock method.B. Q. Chen, P. H. Heenen, P. Bonche, M. S. Weiss & H. Flocard - unknowndetails
- Is Communication Separable From Information?Philippe Dumas, Eric Boutin, Daphné Duvernay & Gabriel Gallezot - unknowndetails
- Logic and Pragmatism.Claudia Arrighi, Paola Cantu, Mauro de Zan & Patrick Suppes - unknowndetails
- Cultural Exchanges between Jews and Christians in the Palaeologan Period.Marie-Hélène Congourdeau - 2012 - In R. Bonfil, O. Irshai, G. G. Stroumsa & R. Talgam (eds.), Jews in Byzantium. Dialectics of Minority and Majority Cultures.details
- Revelation Between Orality and Writing in Early Imperial China: The Epistemology of the Taiping jing.Grégoire Espesset - unknowndetails
- The artifactualization of reference and "substances" on the Web.Alexandre Monnin - unknowndetails
- Practical Insights for Developing Rigorous Conceptual Knowledge for and from Practice.Marie-José Avenier & Aura Parmentier Cajaiba - unknowndetails
- Economic Development and Income Distribution: Schumpeter and the Institutionalist Heritage.Richard Arena & Alain Raybaut - 2012 - In Neri Salvadori, Christian Gehrke, Ian Steedman & Richard Sturn (eds.), Classical Political Economy and Modern Theory: Essays in Honour of Heinz Kurz.details
- Defining disease beyond conceptual analysis.Maël Lemoine - unknowndetails
- Innovative educational philosophy and successful practices.Nicolas Go - unknowndetails
- Order, process and morphology: Sraffa and Wittgenstein.Richard Arena - 2015 - Cambridge Journal of Economics 39 (4).details
- From Plato to Winckelmann: Shelley's Philosophy of Art.Fabien Desset - unknowndetails
- Connecting Interactive Arts and Virtual Reality with Enaction.Pierre De Loor, Kristen Manac'H., Charlie Windelschmidt, Frédéric Devillers, Pierre Chevaillier & Jacques Tisseau - 2014 - Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting 11 (4).details
- The philosopher shepherd.Nicolas Go - unknowndetails
- Ancient Psychopathology: Sources, Historiography and Perspectives.Gwenaëlle Le Person - 2010 - Gesnerus 67 (1).details
- Winckelmann's Contribution to P.B. Shelley's Philosophy of Art.Fabien Desset - unknowndetails
- Web and Philosophy, Why and What For?Alexandre Monnin, Harry Halpin & Leslie Carr - unknowndetails
- 'A Five-trunked, Four-tusked Elephant is Running in the Sky’: How Free is Imagination according to Utpaladeva and Abhinavagupta?Isabelle Ratié - 2010 - Asiatische Studien/Études Asiatiques 64 (2):341-385.details
- The Dreamer and the Yogin – on the Relationship between Buddhist and Śaiva Idealisms.Isabelle Ratié - 2010 - Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 73 (3):437-478.details
- Dharmakīrti against the pudgala.Isabelle Ratié & Vincent Eltschinger - unknowndetails
- On Reason and Scripture in the Pratyabhijñā.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- Utpaladeva’s Proof of God: on the Purpose of the Īśvarasiddhi.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- Some hitherto unknown fragments of Utpaladeva’s Vivṛti (I): on the Buddhist controversy over the existence of other conscious streams.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- The effects of marriage on couples' allocation of time: some evidence from a sample of German couples.Nicolas Moreau & A. Rahmen El Lagha - unknowndetails
- Tags and Folksonomies as Artifacts of Meaning.Alexandre Monnin - unknowndetails
- Immersion and Intervention : convergence in Art and Science research.Hervé Regnauld & Clinton Alan - unknowndetails
- Parallel worlds? French and anglophone perspectives on health geography.Anne-Cécile Hoyez, Damian Collins & Sébastien Fleuret - unknowndetails
- Neuroimaging Research: From Null-Hypothesis Falsification to Out-of-sample Generalization.Danilo Bzdok, Gaël Varoquaux & Bertrand Thirion - unknowndetails
- Can one prove that objects exist outside of consciousness? The Pratyabhijñā’s criticism of inferential externalism.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- Utpaladeva and Abhinavagupta on the Freedom of Consciousness.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- On the distinction between epistemic and metaphysical idealisms : a Śaiva perspective on Buddhist arguments in the nirākāra/sākāra debate.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- Pāramārthika or apāramārthika? On the ontological status of separation according to Abhinavagupta.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- A Śaiva interpretation of satkāryavāda : on the Transformation of Sāṃkhya Causality in the Pratyabhijñā System.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- In Search of Utpaladeva’s lost Īśvarapratyabhijñāvivṛti: an account of the latest discoveries.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- Research in ESP teaching and learning in French higher education: developing the construct of ESP didactics.Cédric Sarré & Shona Whyte - unknowndetails
- The Future of Data Analysis in the Neurosciences.Danilo Bzdok & B. T. Thomas Yeo - unknowndetails
- The Decentralization of Knowledge.Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin - unknowndetails
- Around Abhinavagupta: aspects of the intellectual history of Kashmir from the ninth to the eleventh century.Isabelle Ratié & Eli Franco (eds.) - 2016 - Berlin: LIT.details
- Some Hitherto Unknown Fragments of Utpaladeva’s Vivṛti (III): On Memory and Error.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- Additional Fragments of Utpaladeva's Vivr̥ti.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- Self, No-Self, and Salvation. Dharmakīrti’s Critique of the Notions of Self and Person.Vincent Eltschinger & Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- Qualitative research revisited: epistemology of a comprehensive approach.Léo Paul Dana & Hervé Dumez - 2015 - International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 26 (2).details
- Hapoc 2013.Maarten Bullynck & Jean-Baptiste Joinet - unknowndetails
- Inference in the age of big data: Future perspectives on neuroscience.Danilo Bzdok & B. Yeo - unknowndetails
- Philosophy and Evolution: Minding the Gap Between Evolutionary Patterns and Tree-Like Patterns.Eric Bapteste, Frederic Bouchard & Richard M. Burian - 2012 - In M. Anisimova (ed.), Evolutionary Genomics. Methods in Molecular Biology.details
- Classical Statistics and Statistical Learning in Imaging Neuroscience.Danilo Bzdok - unknowndetails
- An Indian debate on optical reflections and its metaphysical implications: Śaiva nondualism and the mirror of consciousness.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- On the so-called Śabdadhātusamīkṣā: a lost philosophical work ascribed to Bhartṛhari.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- Reading Utpaladeva’s Vivṛti on Īśvarapratyabhijñākārikā 2.1.4: On the Cause of Temporality.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- Utpaladeva’s Vivṛti on the Pratyabhijñā Treatise: the Chapter on the Power of Action.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- “Applying Mathematics to Economics According to Cournot and Walras.” (European Journal of the History of Economic Thought.Ludovic Ragni - unknowndetails
- Hey Buddy, Can You Give Me 37 s of Your Time? Extension of the Pique Technique to a Non-monetary Solicitation and Test of Justification for Compliance.Nicolas Guéguen, Sébastien Meineri, Alexandre Pascual, Fabien Girandola & Fabien Silone - unknowndetails
- Crisis: Meeting the Other and the Philosophy of Dialogue.Marta Gibinska - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)A world beyond consciousness? On the Indian controversy over the existence of external objects.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- For an Indian Philology of Margins : the Case of Kashmirian Sanskrit Manuscripts.Isabelle Ratié - unknowndetails
- Temporality and Emergences in Education.Nicolas Go - 2012 - KronoScope 12 (2).details
- Time and its categories in Classical Greek: Language and thought.Richard Faure, Emmanuel Golfin & Elsa Grasso - unknowndetails
- How to Assess and Categorize Teachers’ Views of Science? Two Methodological Issues.Manuel Bächtold, David Cross & Valérie Munier - unknowndetails
- PRELIB : A new digital tool for apprehending Breton literary networks?Nelly Blanchard, Jean-Baptiste Pressac & Mannaïg Thomas - unknowndetails
- International Community and Rights of humanity": Myth and Achievements.Anne Millet-Devalle - unknowndetails
- Area of protection in S-LCA: human well-being or societal quality.Yazdan Soltanpour, Iuri Peri & Leila Temri - unknowndetails
- Governing by models: Exploring the technopolitics of the (in)visilibities of land.Allison Loconto & Raoni Rajão - unknowndetails
- A review of socio-economic metabolism representations and their links to action: Cases in agri-food studies. [REVIEW]Andréa Wiktor Gabriel, Sophie Madelrieux & Philippe Lescoat - unknowndetails
- Opinions that matter The hybridization of opinion and reputation measurement in social media listening software.Baptiste Kotras - unknowndetails
- Questions to Danielle Macbeth on Frege's Logical Notation and Related Topics.Fabrice Pataut - unknowndetails
- Music(s) and world.Damien Ehrhardt & Séverine Robitaille - 2020 - Hermès, La Revue- Cognition, Communication, Politique 86 (1).details
- How the diversity of human concepts of nature affects conservation of biodiversity.Frédéric Ducarme, Fabrice Flipo & Denis Couvet - 2021 - Conservation Biology 35 (3):1019-1028.details
- Using Pop-Culture to Engage Students in the Classroom.Nicolas Dietrich, Mélanie Jimenez, Manuel Souto, Aaron Harrison, Christophe Coudret & Éric Olmos - unknowndetails
- Digital Eternities.Fanny Georges, Virginie Julliard & Gill Gladstone - 2018 - In Alberto Romele & Enrico Terrone (eds.), Towards a Philosophy of Digital Media. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 143-163.details
- The politics of Levinas’ phenomenology.Hugo Letiche & Jean-Luc Moriceau - unknowndetails
- Russel and logical empiricism.Christopher Pincock & Eric Fayet - unknowndetails
- Is a unified theory of sexual offenses conceivable? About Criminalizing Sex: A Unified Liberal Theory.Régis Schlagdenhauffen - unknowndetails
- Mathematical inference to the best explanation : reconciling a priority and revisability.Marina Imocrante & Eric Fayet - unknowndetails
- Phase transitions and infinite limits.Vincent Ardourel & Eric Fayet - unknowndetails
- Which universal phenomena are emergent?Christopher Pincock & Eric Fayet - unknowndetails
- The Implementation of Ethical Decision Procedures in Autonomous Systems : the Case of the Autonomous Vehicle.Katherine Evans - 2021 - Dissertation, Sorbonne Universitédetails
- Keynes’s methodology and the analysis of economic agent behavior in a complex world.Richard Arena & Eric Nasica - 2021 - Revue d'Economie Politique 131 (3).details
- The Epistemic Revolution Induced by Microbiome Studies: An Interdisciplinary View.Eric Bapteste, Philippe Gerard, Catherine Larose, Manuel Blouin, Fabrice Not, Liliane Campos, Géraldine Aïdan, M. André Selosse, M. Sarah Adénis, Frédéric Bouchard, Sébastien Dutreuil, Eduardo Corel, Chloé Vigliotti, Philippe Huneman, F. Joseph Lapointe & Philippe Lopez - 2021 - Biology 10.details
- The plantness of the plant : how to address crop ontology in organic agriculture?Sylvie Pouteau - unknowndetails
- Animation du workshop “Philosophy and organic agriculture”, Culture & Education Forum.Sylvie Pouteau - unknowndetails
- Intervention dans la table ronde “Cross views on organic to inspire tomorrow”.Sylvie Pouteau - unknowndetails
- Crop welfare : how to mitigate the animal-machine footprint on agriculture?Sylvie Pouteau - unknowndetails
- The social role of the virtue of integrity : an Aristotelian perspective.Philippe Jacquinot - unknowndetails
- Faith in science: What can we learn from Michael Polanyi?Agnès Festré & Stein Østbye - unknowndetails
- Natural Selection beyond Life? A Workshop Report.Sylvain Charlat, André Ariew, Pierrick Bourrat, María Ferreira Ruiz, Thomas Heams, Philippe Huneman, Sandeep Krishna, Michael Lachmann, Nicolas Lartillot, Louis Le Sergeant D'Hendecourt, Christophe Malaterre, Philippe Nghe, Etienne Rajon, Olivier Rivoire, Matteo Smerlak & Zorana Zeravcic - 2021 - Life 11 (10):1051.details
- A new conceptual framework for environmental decision based on fractal philosophy.I. Herghiligiu, M. L. Lupu, Christian Robledo & Abdessamad Kobi - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Interpretation, Logic and Philosophy: Jean Nicod’s Geometry in the Sensible World.Sébastien Gandon - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-30.details
- Where do ‘ontologies’ come from? Seeking for the missing link.Aurélien Bénel - unknowndetails
- Commenter et philosopher à la Renaissance.Laurence Boulègue - unknowndetails
- Meeting you for the first time: Descriptive categories of an intersubjective experience.Magali Ollagnier-Beldame & Christophe Coupé - 2019 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (4).details
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