Results for 'Ε Ηοwald'

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  1.  87
    Dealing With Disagreement: Distinguishing Two Types of Epistemic Peers.Benjamin Elliott Wald - 2009 - Spontaneous Generations 3 (1):113-122.
    Epistemologists have recently debated how we should respond to apparent cases of rational disagreement. Is it possible for two people to disagree and have both people still be rational? Those involved in this debate make use of the idea of epistemic peers. Two people are epistemic peers if they share the same knowledge of a given topic and have similar epistemic virtues. My paper argues that we have different kinds of epistemic peers; close peers who think similarly to ourselves, and (...)
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    Deleuze und Foucault. Ein Dialog.Jonas Oßwald - 2024 - Frankfurt a. M./New York: Campus.
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  3. Moralische Verbindlichkeit und menschliches Richtigsein. Zur Rehabilitierung der Tugend.Berthold Wald - 1997 - Theologie Und Philosophie 72:553-564.
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    Reasons and Action Explanation.Benjamin Wald & Sergio Tenenbaum - 2018 - In Daniel Star, The Oxford Handbook of Reasons and Normativity. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    The problem of deviant causation has been a serious obstacle for causal theories of action. We suggest that attending to the problem of deviant causation reveals two related problems for causal theories. First, it threatens the reductive ambitions of causal theories of intentional action. Second, it suggests that such a theory fails to account for how the agent herself is guided by her reasons. Focusing on the second of these, we argue that the problem of guidance turns out to be (...)
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  5. Transparency and Reasons for Belief.Benjamin Wald - 2015 - Logos and Episteme 6 (4):475-494.
    Belief has a special connection to truth, a connection not shared by mental states like imagination. One way of capturing this connection is by the claim that belief aims at truth. Normativists argue that we should understand this claim as a normative claim about belief – beliefs ought to be true. A second important connection between belief and truth is revealed by the transparency of belief, i.e. the fact that, when I deliberate about what to believe, I can settle this (...)
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    ‘Rescaling’ alternative food systems: from food security to food sovereignty.Navé Wald & Douglas P. Hill - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (1):203-213.
    In this paper, we critically interrogate the benefits of an interdisciplinary and theoretically diverse dialogue between ‘local food’ and ‘alternative food networks’ and outline how this dialogue might be enriched by a closer engagement with discourses of food sovereignty and the politics of scale. In arguing for a shift towards a greater emphasis on food sovereignty, we contend that contemporary discourses of food security are inadequate for the ongoing task of ensuring a just and sustainable economy of food. Further, rather (...)
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  7. Structure, Structural, Structuralism.Henri Wald & Nicolas Slater - 1969 - Diogenes 17 (66):15-24.
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    Willensfreiheit und Hirnforschung: das Freiheitsmodell des epistemischen Libertarismus.Bettina Walde - 2006 - Paderborn: Mentis.
  9.  20
    Faux Amis, Vrais Amis? Amis.Jonas Oßwald - 2021 - Foucault Studies 31 (1):200-230.
    Recent commentaries on the relation between Deleuze and Foucault often operate with an implicit idea of compatibility or consistency that postulates systematic harmony as the decisive criterion for the affinity between them. Accordingly, the predominant question is whether Deleuze and Foucault are “true” friends philosophically and politically. Although the assessments differ, they share a likewise implicit notion of the friend as familiar that excludes any form of ambivalence in amicable relations and consequently cannot fully account for the dynamics and variability (...)
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  10. Weder zur Furcht noch zur Hoffnung besteht Grund.Jonas Oßwald - 2018 - Lointain 2:25-36.
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    Klugheit. Grundbegriff des Praktischen bei Aristoteles [Prudence.The Basic Concept of the Practical in Aristotle].Berthold Wald - 2016 - Studia Gilsoniana 5 (4):689–707.
    The article begins by recalling the most important understandings associated with the term prudence in the history of philosophy.Then it introduces the Aristotelian concept of prudence linked to practical truth—prudence seen in contrast to wisdom and knowledge of manufacturing. The article discusses various forms of rational knowledge associated with the right will, and proves the need of linking prudence to all the other ethical virtues based on moral principles. It emphasizes the problem of how to relate general principles to specific (...)
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  12. No Thinking Without Words in Man Within His Life-World. Contributions to Phenomenology by Scholars from East-Central Europe.Henri Wald - 1989 - Analecta Husserliana 27:507-521.
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  13. On the evolving strategy of international monetary cooperation.Haskell P. Wald - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
  14.  30
    ¿Primado de la certeza? Sobre la pérdida de realidad en el realismo "moderno".Berthold Wald - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (161):339-359.
    En este breve comentario discuto algunos aspectos de la interpretación de la epistemología de Davidson que sugiere Willian Duica en su reciente libro. Luego de una presentación somera del libro me centro en tres asuntos centrales de la interpretación de Duica. En primer lugar, argumento que su lectura de la crítica de Davidson al dualismo esquema/contenido es muy restrictiva y deja abierta la posibilidad de un realismo directo empirista. En segundo lugar, argumento que en su lectura el propio Duica se (...)
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    Althusser et nous: vingt conversations avec Alain Badiou, Etienne Balibar, Olivier Bloch, Régis Debray, Yves Duroux, Maurice Godelier, Dominique Lecourt, Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Pierre Macherey, Jacques-Alain Miller, Jean-Claude Milner, Antonio Negri, Jacques Rancière, François Regnault, Philippe Sollers, Emmanuel Terray, André Tosel, André Tubeuf, Yves Vargas.Aliocha Wald Lasowski - 2016 - Paris: PUF. Edited by Alain Badiou.
    Philosophe et penseur du politique, intellectuel marxiste et militant communiste, enseignant, directeur de collection... : à travers le rayonnement de son oeuvre et de sa personne, Louis Althusser a renouvelé la théorie politique et la philosophie de l'histoire, de Machiavel à Marx. Parmi ses contemporains, Michel Foucault exhorte : " Ouvrez les livres d'Althusser! ", Jacques Derrida évoque " la force rayonnante et provocante de sa pensée ", Gilles Deleuze salue l'" Althusser's Band ", et pour Roland Barthes, " le (...)
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  16.  43
    On Rachel Rubin's Jewish Gangsters of Modern Literature, Caren Irr's The Suburb of Dissent: Cultural Politics in the United States and Canada During the 1930s, Cary Nelson's Revolutionary Memory: Recovering the Poetry of the American Left ..Alan Wald - 2003 - Historical Materialism 11 (4):395-404.
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  17.  13
    Echoes of a New Politics: Deleuze’s Nietzsche and the Political.Jonas Oßwald - 2022 - In Andrea Rehberg & Ashley Woodward, Nietzsche and the Politics of Difference. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 145-162.
    As Deleuze says in his essay "Nomadic Thought", it is Nietzsche's movement of uncoding which announces a "new politics". Nietzsche marks the beginning of a counter-culture in the effort "to get something through which is not encodable". In this way, Nietzsche establishes a different kind of philosophical discourse, a "counter-philosophy", inasmuch as its utterances are directed against philosophy conceived as the bureaucracy of pure reason. This chapter attempts to establish an untimely echo of Deleuze's essay, which aims at an actualised (...)
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  18.  48
    Current Emotion Research in Economics.Klaus Wälde & Agnes Moors - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (3):271-278.
    Positive and negative feelings were central to the development of economics, especially in utility theory in classical economics. While neoclassical utility theory ignored feelings, behavioral economics more recently reintroduced feelings in utility theory. Beyond feelings, economic theorists use full-fledged specific emotions to explain behavior that otherwise could not be understood or they study emotions out of interest for the emotion itself. While some analyses display a strong overlap between psychological thinking and economic modelling, in most cases there is still a (...)
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    COVID-19 era healthcare ethics education: Cultivating educational and moral resilience.Hedy S. Wald & Settimio Monteverde - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):58-65.
    The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has had profound effects on global health, healthcare, and public health policy. It has also impacted education. Within undergraduate healthcare education of doctors, nurses, and allied professions, rapid shifts to distance learning and pedagogic content creation within new realities, demands of healthcare practice settings, shortened curricula, and/or earlier graduation have also challenged ethics teaching in terms of curriculum allotments or content specification. We propose expanding the notion of resilience to the field of ethics education under the (...)
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    Confesiuni.Henri Wald - 1998 - București: Editura Hasefer. Edited by Alexandru Singer.
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  21. Normalize and Control: Philosophy in Neoliberalism.Jonas Oßwald - 2024 - Pli 35:17-45.
    Academic philosophy has undergone a homogenization since the Second World War that can be understood as a discursive colonization through analytic philosophy. This colonization directly results in the othering of non-analytic discourses as continental philosophy as well as the normalization of the discipline according to the analytic model. While analytic philosophy serves as the model for this continuing normalization, it is also itself the product of a normalization that occurred in the US during McCarthyism, resulting in the adaptation of mainstream (...)
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  22.  41
    Commentary: The unreasonable reasonableness test for fourth amendment searches.Patricia M. Wald - 1985 - Criminal Justice Ethics 4 (1):2-90.
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    Intelligent Design—Fundamentalismus oder unbequeme Herausforderung? [Intelligent Design—Fundamentalism or Uncomfortable Challenge?].Berthold Wald - 2017 - Studia Gilsoniana 6 (2):287–321.
    Order and change in nature have been for a long time understood in philosophy and theology as founded in divine reason. In the neo-Darwinist theory of evolution, their explanation is reduced to material change without reason. Molecular biologists like M. Behe and W. Demski argue that any reductionist explanation of living beings must be wrong. The evolution of irreducible complex structures is impossible on the basis of random variation and natural selection alone, and must be the result of intelligent design. (...)
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    Pagini de teorie și istorie a lingvisticii.Lucia Wald - 1998 - [Bucharest]: Editura All.
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    Insights into Professional Identity Formation in Medicine: Memoirs and Poetry.Hedy S. Wald - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (3):377-384.
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    Building artificial cells and protocell models: Experimental approaches with lipid vesicles.Peter Walde - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (4):296-303.
    Lipid vesicles are often used as compartment structures for preparing cell‐like systems and models of protocells, the hypothetical precursor structures of the first cells at the origin of life. Although the various artificially made vesicle systems are already remarkably complex, they are still very different from and much simpler than any known living cell. Nevertheless, the preparation and study of the structure and the dynamics of functionalized vesicle systems may contribute to a better understanding of biological cells, in particular of (...)
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  27.  13
    Die Entdeckung der Eifersucht im antiken Rom.Christine Walde - 2020 - Psyche 74 (9-10):660-686.
    Der Beitrag spürt der Entdeckung dessen, was man heute »Eifersucht« nennt, im antiken Rom in der Zeit des Kaisers Augustus nach. Die Autorin erläutert zunächst einige linguistische, sozioökonomische und gesellschaftliche Voraussetzungen, um dann in einem close reading von Gedichten der Elegiker Properz und Ovid Bedingungen und Umstände der Eifersucht in der Metropole Rom zu diskutieren. Diese philologische Auseinandersetzung bereitet psychologischen Überlegungen den Boden.
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    Vulnerability as the Inability of Researchers to Act in the Best Interest of a Subject.Ari M. Vander Walde - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):65-66.
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    Discors Concordia.Melanie Wald - 2008 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 53 (2):123-159.
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  30.  48
    Geach on atomicity and singular propositions.J. David Wald - 1979 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20 (2):285-294.
  31.  43
    A New Defense of the Motive of Duty Thesis.Benjamin Wald - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (5):1163-1179.
    According to the Motive of Duty Thesis, a necessary condition for an action to have moral worth is that it be motivated at least in part by a normative assessment of the action. However, this thesis has been subject to two powerful objections. It has been accused of over-intellectualizing moral agency, and of giving the wrong verdict when it comes to people who hold false moral theories that convince them that their actions are in fact morally wrong. I argue that (...)
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    Die Bestimmung der ratio legis bei Thomas von Aquin und Duns Scotus.Berthold Wald - 1991 - In Albert Zimmermann & Andreas Speer, Mensch und Natur im Mittelalter, 2. Halbbd. De Gruyter. pp. 662-681.
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    Genitrix virtutum: zum Wandel des aristotelischen Begriffs praktischer Vernunft.Berthold Wald - 1986 - Münster: Lit.
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    Implementation of a simple age‐based strategy in the prevention of cardiovascular disease: the Polypill approach.David S. Wald & Nicholas J. Wald - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (3):612-615.
  35.  49
    On orbits, of prompt and low computably enumerable sets.Kevin Wald - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (2):649-678.
    This paper concerns automorphisms of the computably enumerable sets. We prove two results relating semilow sets and prompt degrees via automorphisms, one of which is complementary to a recent result of Downey and Harrington. We also show that the property of effective simplicity is not invariant under automorphism, and that in fact every promptly simple set is automorphic to an effectively simple set. A major technique used in these proofs is a modification of the Harrington-Soare version of the method of (...)
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    The origins and the worth of theism.Albert W. Wald - 1974 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5 (1):45 - 60.
  37. Correlations and causality in quantum field theory.Robert M. Wald - 1986 - In Roger Penrose & C. J. Isham, Quantum concepts in space and time. New York ;: Oxford University Press. pp. 293--301.
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  38. Punishment of war crimes by international tribunals.Patricia M. Wald - 2002 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 69 (4):1125-1140.
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  39. Aristoteles, Boethius und der Begriff der Person im Mittelalter.Berthold Wald - 1996 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 39:161-179.
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  40. Beyond cardboard lawyers in legal ethics.Eli Wald & Russell G. Pearce - 2012 - Legal Ethics 15 (1):147.
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    Decision and destiny: The future of life on earth.George Wald - 1970 - Zygon 5 (2):159-171.
  42. El sentido del actuar y el concepto de persona de Martin Lutero.Berthold Wald - 2010 - Espíritu 59 (139).
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  43. Pieper, Josef 90th birthday.B. Wald - 1995 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 102 (1):113-118.
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  44. Participación y personalidad.Berthold Wald - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico 36 (75-76):247-272.
    In contemporary philosophy there has been a widespread reaction against the cartesian subjective-individualist conception of a person being normative to any understanding of human personality. Looking back to early greek tragedy we find another model such as the objective-participant conception which also dominates the political philosophy of Plato and Aristotle.
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    Participación y ser persona.Berthold Wald - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico 36 (75-76):247-269.
    In contemporary philosophy there has been a widespread reaction against the cartesian subjective-individualist conception of a person being normative to any understanding of human personality. Looking back to early greek tragedy we find another model such as the objective-participant conception which also dominates the political philosophy of Plato and Aristotle.
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    Robert Johnson og hans tid - Hva er blues?Elijah Wald - 2013 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 31 (1-2):279-300.
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  47. Valor para la realidad–Valor para la persona. Reafirmación cristiana como crítica de la cultura en la obra temprana de Josef Pieper.Berthold Wald - 2004 - Sapientia 59 (216):559-581.
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    The fool and the ontological status of st Anselm's argument.Albert W. Wald - 1974 - Heythrop Journal 15 (4):406–422.
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    The role of time in the interpretation of the wave function of the universe.Robert M. Wald - 1991 - In Abhay Ashtekar & John Stachel, Conceptual Problems of Quantum Gravity. Birkhauser. pp. 1--211.
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  50.  72
    Willensfreiheit. Libertarisch, kompatibilistisch – oder beides?Bettina Walde - 2009 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 57 (1):133-140.
    In Willensfreiheit Geert Keil seeks a better explanation of freedom of the will by investigating the connections between free will and determinism vs. indeterminism. Keil thinks that there is no freedom of the will without declaring determinism untrue. So, on the one hand freedom of the will seems to require indeterminism, but on the other hand, freely willed choices and decisions must be different from pure chance. The key, Keil thinks, is global indeterminism without local indeterminism — I doubt this.
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