Results for 'umanned systems'

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  1.  14
    Sistema e libertà. Razionalità e improvvisazione tra filosofia, arte e pratiche umane. Introduzione.Alessandro Bertinetto, Marco Ivaldo & Alessandro Sbordoni - 2015 - Itinera 10.
    Why "System and Freedom"? Why "Rationality and Improvisation"? These are the two questions that are at the origin of the conference "System and freedom. Rationality and improvisation between philosophy, art and human practices". The conference, held on 28-31 January 2015 in the premises of the University of Turin and organized by the Center for Philosophical-religious Studies Luigi Pareyson, thanks to funding from the Piedmont Region, and with the sponsorship of the Interuniversity Center of Morphology Francesco Moiso, had a large audience (...)
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    The Limit of Metatheory and the Interpretation of Hegel’s System.James Kreines - 2017 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 1 (xlvi):39-61.
    Hegel aims to defend a system of philosophy. So interpreters should consider what is required to interpret this specifically as a system. Once we are clear about this, I argue, we can see what would be involved in reading Hegel’s philosophy as a kind of metatheory. This allows discerning the strongest way of developing a reading of Hegel’s philosophy as a metatheory. But it also brings out reasons to avoid even the strongest version of that approach, or reasons to read (...)
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  3. Risks and Robots – some ethical issues.Peter Olsthoorn & Lambèr Royakkers - 2011 - Archive International Society for Military Ethics, 2011.
    While in many countries the use of unmanned systems is still in its infancy, other countries, most notably the US and Israel, are much ahead. Most of the systems in operation today are unarmed and are mainly used for reconnaissance and clearing improvised explosive devices. But over the last years the deployment of armed military robots is also on the increase, especially in the air. This might make unethical behavior less likely to happen, seeing that unmanned systems (...)
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    It’s a Boy.Elizabeth Armstrong - 2017 - Voices in Bioethics 3.
    On September 27, 2016 people across the world looked down at their buzzing phones to see the AP Alert: “Baby born with DNA from 3 people, first from new technique.” It was an announcement met with confusion by many, but one that polarized the scientific community almost instantly. Some celebrated the birth as an advancement that could help women with a family history of mitochondrial diseases prevent the transmission of the disease to future generations; others held it unethical, citing medical (...)
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    Формування ринку землі в україні - реалії і перспективи розвитку.Anatolii Danylenko, Tetiana Sokolska & Olena Shust - 2017 - Схід 6 (152):10-16.
    In the research investigated the present state, conditions and possibilities on introduction the free circulation of agricultural land in Ukraine, highlighted the main problems of its development, analyzed experience of sale and lease of agricultural land in European countries. It is demonstrated the survey results of shareholders and agricultural producers in the two districts - Bila Tserkva, Kyiv region and Uman, Cherkassy region. The model of the agricultural land market should meet not only economic efficiency and expediency, but also contribute (...)
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    A discourse on Forestry science.Laurent Umans - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (4):26-40.
    Forestry science is firmly based on the ideas of rationalization, emancipation, and progress as embedded in the Modernity Project. Its emergence in the late Seventeenth century is primarily a rationalization of timber production, although to some extend attention is given to other functions of the forest. As an applied science, forestry was preoccupied with bio-technical and economic research. The development in forestry science during the last four decades is described as a broadening of this narrow rationalization concept. Social and ecological (...)
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  7. Buenos (con)vivires en Ecuador y Bolivia.Hernández Umaña, Bernardo Alfredo & Carmen Duce Díaz (eds.) - 2020 - Valladolid, España: Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid.
    Esta obra analiza las maneras en que las diferentes nociones inspiradas en el Sumak Kawsay (Buen Vivir) / Suma Qamaña (Vivir Bien) se han desarrollado en dos ámbitos específicos, el político-institucional y el académico, tanto en la República del Ecuador como en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia. Con este aporte se busca dar cuenta de otras formas de conocer y de reproducir el conocimiento entre dos lugares, a partir de comprensiones concretas y diversas, con el propósito de que los saberes (...)
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    Greek Tragic Women on Shakespearean Stages by Tanya Pollard.Deborah Uman - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 112 (1):743-744.
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  9. Parāśara Gītā kā tattva vivecana: mūla evaṃ Hindī anuvāda sahita.Raghunātha Prasāda Tivāṛī Umaṅga - 2008 - Jayapura: R̥cā Prakāśana.
    Study of Parāśaragītā, portion of Śāntiparva of Mahābhārata; includes Sanskrit text with Hindi translation.
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  10. Holism, organicism and the risk of biochauvinism.Charles T. Wolfe - 2014 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 43 (1-3):39-57.
    In this essay I seek to critically evaluate some forms of holism and organicism in biological thought, as a more deflationary echo to Gilbert and Sarkar's reflection on the need for an 'umbrella' concept to convey the new vitality of holistic concepts in biology (Gilbert and Sarkar 2000). Given that some recent discussions in theoretical biology call for an organism concept (from Moreno and Mossio’s work on organization to Kirschner et al.’s research paper in Cell, 2000, building on chemistry to (...)
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    Patologizzare la normalità: l'incapacità della psichiatria di individuare i falsi positivi nelle diagnosi dei disturbi mentali.Jerome C. Wakefield - 2010 - Psicoterapia E Scienze Umane 44 (3):295-314.
    In psychiatry's transformation from an asylum-based to a community-oriented profession, false positive diagnoses became a major challenge to the validity of the diagnostic system. The shift to descriptive, symptom-based operationalized diagnostic criteria of DSM-III further exacerbated this difficulty because of the contextually based nature of the distinction between normal distress and mental disorder. Through selected examples, the degree of success with which DSM-III and DSM-IV have attended to the challenge of avoiding false positive diagnoses is examined. Conceptual analysis of selected (...)
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    The liberating philosophy of Ignacio Ellacuría: historical reality, humanism, and praxis.Martínez Vásquez, Luis Arturo, Randall Carrera Umaña, Díaz Cepeda & Luis Rubén (eds.) - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This collection explores the core concepts of Ignacio Ellacuría's liberating philosophy; his critique of ideologies and continuity with critical theory; his philosophical anthropology and humanism; and the implications that praxis has for philosophical thought.
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    Sul problema della Sezione" Oggetività" nella Scienza della Logica di Hegel.Paolo Livieri - 2007 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 36 (1):157-186.
    There is a place in the Hegelian system where the notion of Objectivity is explicitly articulated. One entire section in the Science of Logic is entitled ‘Objectivity’, almost suggesting that that would be the appropriate place to unveil the question of the notion of objective thought. However, precisely that section, its content and its presence have always represented a problematic knot in the Hegelian logical system. The problem is two-fold: on the one hand, the categories of this section (Mechanism, Chemism (...)
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  14. (1 other version)«Monade dominante» come «monade attuatrice». Sostanze viventi e ontologia delle relazioni In G.W. Leibniz.A. Nunziante - 2005 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 34 (3-4):3-20.
    In the following paper I would like to try to expound on a concept quite important in the philosophy of Leibniz – that of the “Monas Dominans”. In particular, I would like to approach this subject in the first place by means of considerations of a “historical-genetic” nature, while in the second part of my work I propose to put forward some possible interpretations of it. In both cases I will try to compare my ideas with those of recent studies (...)
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  15. Distorsioni temporali e continuità dell'esperienza percettiva. Aspetti fisiologici e considerazioni fenomenologiche.Selene Mezzalira - 2018 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 47 (1-2):213-241.
    At the neuronal level, the visual experience is continually interrupted by moments of blindness due to the saccades, the rapid ocular movements that accompany the dynamic exploration of the visual scene. Unlike what happens during ocular stasis, in which the salient information about the surrounding space is collected and processed in the visual system, the saccadic movements are instead associated with an inhibition mechanism, through which the conscious processing of the stimuli is systematically interrupted. How is it possible that the (...)
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    George Khushf.Christianity as an Alternative Healing System - 1997 - Bioethics Yearbook: Volume 5-Theological Developments in Bioethics: 1992-1994 5:123.
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  17. Intenzionalità e azione nel mondo delle emozioni: Damasio e i suoi critici: rilevanza filosofica di un dialogo scientifico.Selene Mezzalira - 2011 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 40 (1):153-199.
    The aim of this paper is to introduce the debate on some relevant philosophical problems raised by Damasio‟s works. I will start with some critiques against Damasio‟s approach, such as his falling back into cartesianism or into some form of mentalism, his failing to consider the results of psychiatry and neurodynamics, the «mereological fallacy» of his representationalism. I will discuss other issues such as the interpretation of emotional processes, the problem of separation between feelings and emotions, the marginal role of (...)
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  18.  35
    Against Musical ἀτεχνία: Papyrus Hibeh I 13 and the Debate on τέχνη in Classical Greece.Francesco PelosiCorresponding authorScuola Normale Superiore – Classe di Scienze Umane Pisa & Toscana ItalyEmail: - forthcoming - Apeiron.
    Objective Apeiron was founded in 1966 and has developed into one of the oldest and most distinguished journals dedicated to the study of ancient philosophy, ancient science, and, in particular, of problems that concern both fields. Apeiron is committed to publishing high-quality research papers in these areas of ancient Greco-Roman intellectual history; it also welcomes submission of articles dealing with the reception of ancient philosophical and scientific ideas in the later western tradition. The journal appears quarterly. Articles are peer-reviewed on (...)
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    Pensieri oggettivi.Christoph Halbig - 2007 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 36 (1):33-60.
    Moving from a critical discussion of some background assumptions of the Hegel-Renaissance within Anglo-American philosophy, this paper focuses on some crucial points of Hegel’s theory of objective thought and on their relation to Hegel’s philosophical project. Focusing on Hegel’s theory of objective thought is essential to define the position of the Hegelian philosophy within the debate between idealism and realism. That theory determines the Concept as the system of epistemic categories and, at the same time, as the system of ontological (...)
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  20. Śrilaghuprakaraṇasaṅgrahaḥ. Śāntisūri & Umaṅgavijaya Gaṇi (eds.) - 1925 - Mumbaī: Śā. Na. Karamacanda.
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  21. Darwinism and Developmental Systems.Paul E. Griffiths & Russell D. Gray - 2001 - In Susan Oyama, Paul Griffiths & Russell D. Gray (eds.), Cycles of Contingency: Developmental Systems and Evolution. MIT Press. pp. 195-218.
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    The findings of infinite and structure of consciousness.Michela Bordignon - 2008 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 37 (1):141-167.
    The article analyzes the meaning of infinite judgment within absolute knowing and tries to explain the role that this judgment plays within the last moment of the phenomenological path. The infinite judgment in question states: “the being of the ego is a thing”. The analysis starts with the conception of infinite judgment in pre-Kantian and Kantian logic, that has certainly influenced the way in which Hegel conceived of this logical structure. In order to shed light on the Hegelian conception of (...)
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    International Systems, Polarity, Cybertechnology, and Stability.Felix Huesken - 2012 - Synesis: A Journal of Science, Technology, Ethics, and Policy 3 (1):G40 - G51.
  24. Recommender systems and their ethical challenges.Silvia Milano, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2020 - AI and Society (4):957-967.
    This article presents the first, systematic analysis of the ethical challenges posed by recommender systems through a literature review. The article identifies six areas of concern, and maps them onto a proposed taxonomy of different kinds of ethical impact. The analysis uncovers a gap in the literature: currently user-centred approaches do not consider the interests of a variety of other stakeholders—as opposed to just the receivers of a recommendation—in assessing the ethical impacts of a recommender system.
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  25. Confinement systems of ewe and Lamb management.J. M. Lewis & Dixon Springs Agricultural Center - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif..
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  26. From Management Systems to Corporate Social Responsibility.Gerard I. J. M. Zwetsloot - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (2-3):201-208.
    At the start of the 21st century, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) seems to have great potential for innovating business practices with a positive impact on People, Planet and Profit. In this article the differences between the management systems approach of the nineties, and Corporate Social Responsibility are analysed.An analysis is structured around three business principles that are relevant for CSR and management systems: (1) doing things right the first time, (2) doing the right things, and (3) continuous improvement (...)
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  27. Dynamical systems hypothesis in cognitive science.Robert F. Port - 2002 - In Lynn Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Macmillan.
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  28. The Systems of The Hellenistic Age: A History of Ancient Philosophy, vol. 3.G. REALE - 1985
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  29. Recommender systems for literature selection: A competition of decision making and memory models.L. Van Maanen & J. N. Marewski - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
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  30.  9
    Political systems in multi-racial societies.Kenneth A. Heard - 1961 - Johannesburg,: South African Institute of Race Relations.
  31. Brain systems involved in attention and disattention (hypnotic analgesia) to pain.H. J. Crawford - 1994 - In Karl H. Pribram (ed.), Origins: Brain and Self Organization. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 661--679.
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  32. On systems of rhetoric+ reprinted from'philosophy and rhetoric'vol 1, issue 3, pg 131-44, 1968.D. Ehninger - forthcoming - Philosophy and Rhetoric.
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    Ethics at the Intersection of Technology and Dementia Care: The Case of WanderGuard.Jessica Ginsberg Rogers Jason Lesandrini WellStar Health System - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):157-159.
    Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2025, Page 157-159.
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  34. Intuizionismo etico.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1996 - In Virgilio Melchiorre, Guido Boffi, Eugenio Garin, Adriano Bausola, Enrico Berti, Francesca Castellani, Sergio Cremaschi, Carla Danani, Roberto Diodato, Sergio Galvan, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Giuseppe Grampa, Michele Lenoci, Roberto Maiocchi, Michele Marsonet, Emanuela Mora, Carlo Penco, Roberto Radice, Giovanni Reale, Andrea Salanti, Piero Stefani, Valerio Verra & Paolo Volonté (eds.), Enciclopedia della Filosofia e delle Scienze Umane. Virgilio Melchiorre (ed.). Novara: De Agostini. pp. 467.
    A short reconstruction of the story of eighteenth-century ethical rationalism followed bu the nineteenth century controversy between utilitarianism and the 'intuitive system' reaching Sidgwick, Moore and David Ross.
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    Logical Dynamics and Dynamical Systems.Rasmus Kraemmer Rendsvig - unknown
    This thesis is on information dynamics modeled using *dynamic epistemic logic*. It takes the simple perspective of identifying models with maps, which under a suitable topology may be analyzed as *topological dynamical systems*. It is composed of an introduction and six papers. The introduction situates DEL in the field of formal epistemology, exemplifies its use and summarizes the main contributions of the papers.Paper I models the information dynamics of the *bystander effect* from social psychology. It shows how augmenting the (...)
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  36.  16
    Sound Pressure: How Speaker Systems Influence, Manipulate and Torture.Toby Heys - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Sound Pressure reveals how speaker systems mounted in public, employment, military and entertainment environments have played a pivotal role in the way that humans have been physiologically and psychologically organised and disciplined throughout the past century.
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    From Biology to Sociopolitics: Conceptual Continuity in Complex Systems.Heinz Herrmann - 1998 - Yale University Press.
    This text explores how we understand living and other complex systems. The conventional basis of understanding rests on abstract general theories, but this book proposes conceptual continuity as a new means of comparing systems of divergent complexity and resolving problems in complex systems.
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    Boltzmannian Equilibrium in Stochastic Systems.Charlotte Werndl & Roman Frigg - unknown
    Equilibrium is a central concept of statistical mechanics. In previous work we introduced the notions of a Boltzmannian alpha-epsilon-equilibrium and a Boltzmannian gamma-epsilon-equilibrium. This was done in a deterministic context. We now consider systems with a stochastic micro-dynamics and transfer these notions from the deterministic to the stochastic context. We then prove stochastic equivalents of the Dominance Theorem and the Prevalence Theorem. This establishes that also in stochastic systems equilibrium macro-regions are large in requisite sense.
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    Systems of logic based on ordinals..Alan Turing - 1939 - London,: Printed by C.F. Hodgson & son.
  40.  15
    Addressing Modernity: Social Systems Theory and U.S. Cultures.Hannes Bergthaller & Carsten Schinko (eds.) - 2011 - Brill Rodopi.
    Niklas Luhmann's theory of social systems is one of the most ambitious attempts to create a coherent account of global modernity. Primarily interested in the fundamental structures of modern society, however, Luhmann himself paid relatively little attention to regional variations. The aim of this book is to seek out modernity in one particular location: The United States of America. Gathering essays from a group of cultural and literary scholars, sociologists, and philosophers, Addressing Modernity reassesses the claims of American exceptionalism (...)
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  41. Belief systems and the perception of reality : an introduction.Bastiaan T. Rutjens & Mark J. Brandt - 2018 - In Bastiaan T. Rutjens & Mark J. Brandt (eds.), Belief systems and the perception of reality. New York: Taylor & Francis.
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    Natural Systems New York.Stanley S. Salthe - 1992 - In G. van der Vijve (ed.), New Perspectives on Cybernetics. pp. 220--49.
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    Truth in Complex Adaptive Systems models should be based on proof by constructive verification.David Shipworth - unknown
    It is argued that the truth status of emergent properties of complex adaptive systems models should be based on an epistemology of proof by constructive verification and therefore on the ontological axioms of a non-realist logical system such as constructivism or intuitionism. ‘Emergent’ properties of complex adaptive systems models create particular epistemological and ontological challenges. These challenges bear directly on current debates in the philosophy of mathematics and in theoretical computer science. CAS research, with its emphasis on computer (...)
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  44. Environmental values in value systems.E. Smolkova - 2003 - Filozofia 58 (7):471-483.
    Recently the problematic of values and value orientations became one of the most frequently addressed. Social changes are directly and also indirectly related to va_lues and the latter seem to be directly implied by the cultural and social changes connected with changing value orientations and thus also the changing norms. The changes concern the target values, as well as particular ones and make both the affirmation of existing values system and the rise of the system social changes possible. These can (...)
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  45.  18
    Models of deterministic systems.Arthur W. Burks - unknown
    The definition of “model of a system” in terms of a homomorphism of the states of the system is evaluated and an alternative definition in terms of sequence generators is proposed. Sequence generators are finite graphs whose points represent complete states of a system. Sequence generators include finite automata and other information processing systems as special cases. It is shown how to define models in terms of a projection operator which applies to any sequence generator which has an output (...)
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    The systems view of life: a unifying vision.Fritjof Capra - 2014 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Edited by P. L. Luisi.
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    Operations research and systems engineering.Charles D. Flagle - 1960 - Baltimore,: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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    Disciplinary baptisms: A comparison of the naming stories of genetics, molecular biology, genomics and systems biology.Alexander Powell, Maureen A. O'Malley, Staffan Mueller-Wille, Jane Calvert & John Dupré - 2007 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 29 (1):5-32.
    Understanding how scientific activities use naming stories to achieve disciplinary status is important not only for insight into the past, but for evaluating current claims that new disciplines are emerging. In order to gain a historical understanding of how new disciplines develop in relation to these baptismal narratives, we compare two recently formed disciplines, systems biology and genomics, with two earlier related life sciences, genetics and molecular biology. These four disciplines span the twentieth century, a period in which the (...)
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  49. Representations: From neural systems to cognitive systems.William Bechtel - 2001 - In William P. Bechtel, Pete Mandik, Jennifer Mundale & Robert S. Stufflebeam (eds.), Philosophy and the Neurosciences: A Reader. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
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    Existence, Knowing, and Philosophical Systems.David L. Harbert - 1982 - Upa.
    Proposes an original existential-phenomenological theory of knowledge, philosophical systems, and theory of the world. The theory is developed through a critical analysis of the epistemology and metaphysics of C.I. Lewis, and is built around the idea of interpersonal understanding and poetic language.
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