Results for 'Toby Heys'

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  1.  16
    Sound Pressure: How Speaker Systems Influence, Manipulate and Torture.Toby Heys - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Sound Pressure reveals how speaker systems mounted in public, employment, military and entertainment environments have played a pivotal role in the way that humans have been physiologically and psychologically organised and disciplined throughout the past century.
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    Anaesthetics of Existence: Essays on Experience at the Edge.Cressida J. Heyes - 2020 - Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
    “Experience” is a thoroughly political category, a social and historical product not authored by any individual. At the same time, “the personal is political,” and one's own lived experience is an important epistemic resource. In _Anaesthetics of Existence_ Cressida J. Heyes reconciles these two positions, drawing on examples of things that happen to us but are nonetheless excluded from experience. If for Foucault an “aesthetics of existence” was a project of making one's life a work of art, Heyes's “anaesthetics of (...)
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    Toby Handfield Leaves Nothing To Chance.Toby Handfield - 2012 - The Philosophers' Magazine 59 (59):125-126.
  4. Self-Transformations: Foucault, Ethics, and Normalized Bodies.Cressida J. Heyes - 2007 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    The subject of normalization and its relationship to sex/gender is a major one in feminist theory; Heyes' book is unique in her masterful use of Foucault; its clarity, and its sophisticated mix of the theoretical and the anecdotal. It will appeal to feminist philosophers and theorists.
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    Heyes’s Introduction to Anaesthetics of Existence: Essays on Experience on the Edge.Cressida J. Heyes - 2023 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 9 (2).
    In this short introduction to my monograph Anaesthetics of Existence, I explain the origin of the book in a mishearing of Foucault’s phrase “an aesthetics of existence” and outline the book’s method (a melding of genealogy and phenomenology) and its subject: the politics of experience, and especially how to think about undergoings that either are excluded from experience or happen at its edges. The book contains a chapter on Foucault and this new method; one on sexual violence against unconscious victims; (...)
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  6. Genealogical Explanations of Chance and Morals.Toby Handfield - 2016 - In Uri D. Leibowitz & Neil Sinclair (eds.), Explanation in Ethics and Mathematics: Debunking and Dispensability. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    Objective chance and morality are rarely discussed together. In this paper, I argue that there is a surprising similarity in the epistemic standing of our beliefs about both objective chance and objective morality. The key similarity is that both of these sorts of belief are undermined -- in a limited, but important way -- by plausible genealogical accounts of the concepts that feature in these beliefs. The paper presents a brief account of Richard Joyce's evolutionary hypothesis of the genealogy of (...)
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    Fixed Points for Consequence Relations.Toby Meadows - unknown
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  8. Précis of Cognitive Gadgets: The Cultural Evolution of Thinking.Cecilia Heyes - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42:1-57.
    Cognitive gadgets are distinctively human cognitive mechanisms – such as imitation, mind reading, and language – that have been shaped by cultural rather than genetic evolution. New gadgets emerge, not by genetic mutation, but by innovations in cognitive development; they are specialised cognitive mechanisms built by general cognitive mechanisms using information from the sociocultural environment. Innovations are passed on to subsequent generations, not by DNA replication, but through social learning: People with new cognitive mechanisms pass them on to others through (...)
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  9. Causal decision theory’s predetermination problem.Toby Charles Penhallurick Solomon - 2021 - Synthese 198 (6):5623-5654.
    It has often been noted that there is some tension between engaging in decision-making and believing that one’s choices might be predetermined. The possibility that our choices are predetermined forces us to consider, in our decisions, act-state pairs which are inconsistent, and hence to which we cannot assign sensible utilities. But the reasoning which justifies two-boxing in Newcomb’s problem also justifies associating a non-zero causal probability with these inconsistent act-state pairs. Put together these undefined utilities and non-zero probabilities entail that (...)
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    Robert Nichols in Conversation with Kelly Aguirre, Phil Henderson, Cressida J. Heyes, Alana Lentin, and Corey Snelgrove.Robert Nichols, Phil Henderson, Cressida J. Heyes, Kelly Aguirre, Alana Lentin & Corey Snelgrove - 2021 - Journal of World Philosophies 6 (2):181-222.
    Kelly Aguirre, Phil Henderson, Cressida J. Heyes, Alana Lentin, and Corey Snelgrove engage with different aspects of Robert Nichols’ Theft is Property! Dispossession and Critical Theory. Henderson focuses on possible spaces for maneuver, agency, contradiction, or failure in subject formation available to individuals and communities interpellated through diremptive processes. Heyes homes in on the ritual of antiwill called “consent” that systematically conceals the operation of power. Aguirre foregrounds tensions in projects of critical theory scholarship that aim for dialogue and solidarity (...)
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    The Humean pragmatic turn and the case for revisionary best systems accounts.Toby Friend - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (1):1-26.
    Lewis’s original Best Systems Account of laws was not motivated much by pragmatics. But recent commentary on his general approach to laws has taken a ‘pragmatic turn’. This was initiated by Hall’s defence against the charge of ‘ratbag idealism’ which maintained that best systems accounts should be admired rather than criticised for the inherent pragmatism behind their choice of desiderata for what counts as ‘best’. Emboldened by Hall’s pragmatic turn, recent commentators have proposed the addition of pragmatically motivated desiderata to (...)
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  12.  78
    Epistemology, Ethics, and Progress in Precision Medicine.Spencer Phillips Hey & Brianna Barsanti-Innes - 2016 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 59 (3):293-310.
    One of the central goals of precision medicine is to dissolve the long-standing tension between the population-level data provided by traditional randomized controlled trials and the physician’s need to prescribe therapies for their individual patient. The RCT can tell the physician that therapy A is, on average, more effective than therapy B for a population of patients, P, but this does not tell her whether A is more effective for the particular patient, p1, in front of her. However, by leveraging (...)
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  13.  52
    An Investigation of Real Versus Perceived CSP in S&P-500 Firms.Catherine Liston-Heyes & Gwen Ceton - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (2):283-296.
    Firms are spending billions annually in the name of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Whilst markets are increasingly willing to reward good and responsible firms, they lack the instruments to measure corporate social performance (CSP). To convince investors and other stakeholders, firms invest heavily in building a reputation for good corporate behaviour. This article argues that reputations for CSP are often unrepresentative of true CSP and investigates how differences in 'perceived' and 'actual' – as measured by the Fortune and KLD databases, (...)
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  14.  34
    Why High Drug Pricing Is A Problem for Research Ethics.Spencer Phillips Hey - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (1):29-35.
    The high price of drugs is receiving due consideration from ethicists, policymakers, and legislators. However, much of this attention has focused on the difference between the cost of drug development and company profits and the possible laws and regulations that could limit a drug’s price once it reaches market. By contrast, little attention has been paid to the ethical implications of high drug prices for the research subjects whose bodies were essential to the drug’s development. Indeed, the future price of (...)
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  15. Armstrong and the modal inversion of dispositions.Toby Handfield - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (220):452–461.
    D. M. Armstrong has objected that the Dispositionalist theory of laws and properties is modally inverted, for it entails that properties are constituted by relations to non-actual possibilia. I contend that, if this objection succeeds against Dispositionalism, then Armstrong's nomic necessitation relation is also modally inverted. This shows that at least one of Armstrong's reasons for preferring a nomic necessitation theory is specious.
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  16.  42
    What Can Imitation Do for Cooperation?Cecilia Heyes - 2013 - In Kim Sterelny, Richard Joyce, Brett Calcott & Ben Fraser (eds.), Cooperation and its Evolution. MIT Press. pp. 313.
  17. A philosophical guide to chance.Toby Handfield - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    It is a commonplace that scientific inquiry makes extensive use of probabilities, many of which seem to be objective chances, describing features of reality that are independent of our minds. Such chances appear to have a number of paradoxical or puzzling features: they appear to be mind-independent facts, but they are intimately connected with rational psychology; they display a temporal asymmetry, but they are supposed to be grounded in physical laws that are time-symmetric; and chances are used to explain and (...)
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  18.  44
    Physiology in American Women's Colleges: The Rise and Decline of a Female Subculture.Toby Appel - 1994 - Isis 85 (1):26-56.
    This essay has examined a women's subculture within a broader discipline. In the Victorian era physiology, understood in its then-dominant meaning as hygiene, en- tered the women's colleges and was likely also to have been found in modified form in other types of colleges. Toward the turn of the century physiology began to be redefined as a male-oriented experimental biomedical science. Physiology in the five women's colleges under discussion was transformed in light of that new meaning, but in such a (...)
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  19. Cognisance of consciousness in the study of animal knowledge.Cecilia M. Heyes - 1987 - In Werner Callebaut & R. Pinxten (eds.), Evolutionary Epistemology: A Multiparadigm Program. Reidel.
  20.  4
    Interoceptive impairments do not lie at the heart of autism or alexithymia.Toby Nicholson, David M. Williams, Catherine Grainger, Julia F. Christensen, Beatriz Calvo-Merino & Sebastian B. Gaigg - unknown
    Quattrocki and Friston (2014) argued that abnormalities in interoception—the process of representing one’s internal physiological states—could lie at the heart of autism, because of the critical role interoception plays in the ontogeny of social-affective processes. This proposal drew criticism from proponents of the alexithymia hypothesis, who argue that social-affective and underlying interoceptive impairments are not a feature of autism per se, but of alexithymia (a condition characterized by difficulties describing and identifying one’s own emotions), which commonly co-occurs with autism. Despite (...)
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  21.  21
    Research ethics for emerging trial designs: does equipoise need to adapt?Spencer Phillips Hey, Charles Weijer, Monica Taljaard & Aaron S. Kesselheim - 2018 - Bmj 360.
    Key messages The research environment has changed since clinical equipoise was first proposed 30 years ago New trial designs—such as umbrella and basket trials, adaptive platform trials, and cluster randomised trials—raise new ethical challenges for evaluating the state of scientific uncertainty and communicating about risks with patients and participants Clinical equipoise needs to evolve We propose the design of specific guidelines to provide ethics committees and trialists with instructions for how to evaluate equipoise in the context of new designs and (...)
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    How to Be Humean about Idealization Laws.Toby Friend - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (1):150-170.
    If one has Humean inclinations, what account should one provide for idealization laws? I introduce the currently most popular Humean approach to laws of nature, the best systems account, along with some basic requirements for how to be Humean. I then show why idealization laws are unlikely to be accommodated within this account of laws. Finally, I offer an alternative approach that takes idealization laws to be meta-laws, placing requirements on the theorems of the best system.
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    Studies in History of Biology. Volume 2William Coleman Camille Limoges.Toby Appel - 1980 - Isis 71 (1):164-165.
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    Evidence and casuistry. Commentary on Tonelli (2006), Integrating evidence into clinical practice: an alternative to evidence-based approaches. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12, 248-256.Toby Lipman - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (3):269-272.
  25.  37
    Psychics, aliens, or experience? Using the Anomalistic Belief Scale to examine the relationship between type of belief and probabilistic reasoning.Toby Prike, Michelle M. Arnold & Paul Williamson - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 53:151-164.
  26.  18
    Intervening on time derivatives.Toby Friend - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 89:74-83.
  27.  55
    Is morality a gadget? Nature, nurture and culture in moral development.Cecilia Heyes - 2019 - Synthese 198 (5):4391-4414.
    Research on ‘moral learning’ examines the roles of domain-general processes, such as Bayesian inference and reinforcement learning, in the development of moral beliefs and values. Alert to the power of these processes, and equipped with both the analytic resources of philosophy and the empirical methods of psychology, ‘moral learners’ are ideally placed to discover the contributions of nature, nurture and culture to moral development. However, I argue that to achieve these objectives research on moral learning needs to overcome nativist bias, (...)
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  28. Computation in Non-Classical Foundations?Toby Meadows & Zach Weber - 2016 - Philosophers' Imprint 16.
    The Church-Turing Thesis is widely regarded as true, because of evidence that there is only one genuine notion of computation. By contrast, there are nowadays many different formal logics, and different corresponding foundational frameworks. Which ones can deliver a theory of computability? This question sets up a difficult challenge: the meanings of basic mathematical terms are not stable across frameworks. While it is easy to compare what different frameworks say, it is not so easy to compare what they mean. We (...)
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    Imitation and culture: What gives?Cecilia Heyes - 2021 - Mind and Language 38 (1):42-63.
    What is the relationship between imitation and culture? This article charts how definitions of imitation have changed in the last century, distinguishes three senses of “culture” used by contemporary evolutionists (Culture1–Culture3), and summarises current disagreement about the relationship between imitation and culture. The disagreement arises from ambiguities in the distinction between imitation and emulation, and confusion between two explanatory projects—the anthropocentric project and the cultural selection project. I argue that imitation gives cultural evolution an inheritance mechanism for communicative and gestural (...)
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  30. Foucault Goes to Weight Watchers.Cressida J. Heyes - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (2):126-149.
    This article argues that commercial weight-loss organizations appropriate and debase the askeses—practices of care of the self—that Michel Foucault theorized, increasing members’ capacities at the same time as they encourage participation in ever-tightening webs of power. Weight Watchers, for example, claims to promote self-knowledge, cultivate new capacities and pleasures, foster self-care in face of gendered exploitation, and encourage wisdom and flexibility. The hupomnemata of these organizations thus use asketic language to conceal their implication in normalization.
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  31. Moral Trade.Toby Ord - 2015 - Ethics 126 (1):118-138.
    If people have different resources, tastes, or needs, they may be able to exchange goods or services such that they each feel they have been made better off. This is trade. If people have different moral views, then there is another type of trade that is possible: they can exchange goods or services such that both parties feel that the world is a better place or that their moral obligations are better satisfied. We can call this moral trade. I introduce (...)
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    The path to contentless experience in meditation: An evidence synthesis based on expert texts.Toby J. Woods, Jennifer M. Windt & Olivia Carter - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (4):865-902.
    In contentless experience (sometimes termed _pure consciousness_) there is an absence of mental content such as thought, perception, and mental imagery. The path to contentless experience in meditation can be taken to comprise the meditation technique, and the experiences (“interim-states”) on the way to the contentless “goal-state/s”. Shamatha, Transcendental, and Stillness Meditation are each said to access contentless experience, but the path to that experience in each practice is not yet well understood from a scientific perspective. We have employed evidence (...)
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  33. Reflections on self-recognition in primates.Cecilia M. Heyes - 1994 - Animal Behaviour 47:909-19.
  34.  26
    Selection Theory and Social Construction: The Evolutionary Naturalistic Epistemology of Donald T. Campbell.Cecilia Heyes & David L. Hull (eds.) - 2001 - State University of New York Press.
    Top scholars examine the work of Donald T. Campbell, one of the first to emphasize the social structure of science.
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    Reflections on teaching health care ethics on the web.Toby L. Schonfeld - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (3):481-494.
    As web instruction becomes more and more prevalent at universities across the country, instructors of ethics are being encouraged to develop online courses to meet the needs of a diverse array of students. Web instruction is often viewed as a cost-saving technique, where large numbers of students can be reached by distance education in an effort to conserve classroom and instructor resources. In practice, however, the reverse is often true: online courses require more of faculty time and effort than do (...)
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  36.  46
    Relative Interpretation Between Logics.Toby Meadows - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (8):3203-3220.
    Interpretation is commonly used in mathematical logic to compare different theories and identify cases where two theories are for almost all intents and purposes the same. Similar techniques are used in the comparison between alternative logics although the links between these approaches are not transparent. This paper generalizes theoretical comparison techniques to the case of logical comparison using an extremely general approach to semantics that provides a very generous playing field upon which to make our comparisons. In particular, we aim (...)
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    Qualitative Differences between Two Methods of Ethics Education: Focus Group Results.Toby Schonfeld, Kristina Johnson, Ethan Seville, Colleen Suratt & Jennifer Goedken - 2015 - Ethics and Social Welfare 9 (3):240-254.
  38.  43
    Testing cognitive gadgets.Cecilia Heyes - 2019 - Mind and Language 34 (4):551-559.
    Cognitive Gadgets is a book about the cultural evolution of distinctively human cognitive mechanisms. Responding to commentators with different and broader interests, I argue that intelligent design has been more important in the formation of grist (technologies, practices and ideas) than of mills (cognitive mechanisms), and that embracing genetic accommodation would leave research on the origins of human cognition empirically unconstrained. I also underline the need to assess empirical methods; query the value of theories that merely accommodate existing data; and (...)
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  39. Intra-Group Epistemic Injustice.Abraham Tobi - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (6):798-809.
    When an agent suffers in their capacity as a knower, they are a victim of epistemic injustice. Varieties of epistemic injustices have been theorised. A salient feature across these theories is that perpetrators and victims of epistemic injustice belong to different social groups. In this paper, I argue for a form of epistemic injustice that could occur between members of the same social group. This is a form of epistemic injustice where the knower is first a victim of historical and (...)
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    Dependencies in evidential reports: The case for informational advantages.Toby D. Pilditch, Ulrike Hahn, Norman Fenton & David Lagnado - 2020 - Cognition 204 (C):104343.
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    “You Don't Know Me, But …”: Access to Patient Data and Subject Recruitment in Human Subjects Research.Toby Schonfeld, Joseph S. Brown, N. Jean Amoura & Bruce Gordon - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (11):31-38.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 11, Page 31-38, November 2011.
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  42.  33
    Knowing Ourselves Together: The Cultural Origins of Metacognition.Cecilia Heyes, Dan Bang, Nicholas Shea, Christopher D. Frith & Stephen M. Fleming - 2020 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 24 (5):349-362.
    Metacognition – the ability to represent, monitor and control ongoing cognitive processes – helps us perform many tasks, both when acting alone and when working with others. While metacognition is adaptive, and found in other animals, we should not assume that all human forms of metacognition are gene-based adaptations. Instead, some forms may have a social origin, including the discrimination, interpretation, and broadcasting of metacognitive representations. There is evidence that each of these abilities depends on cultural learning and therefore that (...)
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  43.  55
    Philosophy and Gender.Cressida J. Heyes (ed.) - 2011 - New York: Routledge.
    How are ‘philosophy’ and ‘gender’ implicated? Throughout history, philosophers—mostly men, though with more women among their number than is sometimes supposed—have often sought to specify and justify the proper roles of women and men, and to explore the political consequences of sexual difference. The last forty years, however, have seen a dramatic explosion of critical thinking about how philosophy is a gendered discipline; there has also been an abundance of philosophical work that uses gender as a central analytic category. In (...)
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  44. Can Two Wrongs Make a Right?Toby Williamson - 2004 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 11 (2):159-163.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Can Two Wrongs Make a Right?Toby Williamson (bio)"Service users, carers, and professionals disagree about the nature of mental disorder in startling new revelation!" On first appearances Fulford and Colombo's use of linguistic-analytic and empirical methods to demonstrate this point may not seem as if it is telling those in the mental health world anything that they do not already know. The bipolar/dialectical axis (choose your preferred term depending (...)
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    Beast machines? Questions of animal consciousness.Cecilia Heyes - 2008 - In Lawrence Weiskrantz & Martin Davies (eds.), Frontiers of consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 259--274.
  46.  40
    Structural Equations and Analysis of Dispositions.Toby Friend - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 10.
    I develop a new schema for analysis of dispositions in terms of structural equations. This schema provides the means to respond to a host of problems that have been posed for other proposals, including the problem of masks, alters, mimickers, tricks, conjunctive multi-track dispositions and dispositional degrees. In the development of this new schema, I will employ structural modelling techniques to highlight features of the problem cases, thereby revealing the utility of these techniques to ongoing discussion.
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    Assay Sensitivity and the Epistemic Contexts of Clinical Trials.Spencer Phillips Hey & Charles Weijer - 2013 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 56 (1):1-17.
    In February 2010, the World Medical Association hosted an international symposium on the ethics of placebo controls in clinical trials (WMA 2010). Despite years of debate, ethicists, clinical trialists, and policy makers remain divided over the ethical acceptability of using placebos in research when a proven, effective treatment is available. The protracted nature of this problem is due, at least in part, to a perceived conflict between the opposing demands placed on clinical research by science and ethics. A good, scientifically (...)
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  48. The perils of protection: vulnerability and women in clinical research.Toby Schonfeld - 2013 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 34 (3):189-206.
    Subpart B of 45 Code of Federal Regulations Part 46 (CFR) identifies the criteria according to which research involving pregnant women, human fetuses, and neonates can be conducted ethically in the United States. As such, pregnant women and fetuses fall into a category requiring “additional protections,” often referred to as “vulnerable populations.” The CFR does not define vulnerability, but merely gives examples of vulnerable groups by pointing to different categories of potential research subjects needing additional protections. In this paper, I (...)
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  49. The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity.Toby Ord - 2020 - London: Bloomsbury.
    Humanity stands at a precipice. -/- Our species could survive for millions of generations — enough time to end disease, poverty, and injustice; to reach new heights of flourishing. But this vast future is at risk. With the advent of nuclear weapons, humanity entered a new age, gaining the power to destroy ourselves, without the wisdom to ensure we won’t. Since then, these dangers have only multiplied, from climate change to engineered pandemics and unaligned artificial intelligence. If we do not (...)
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    Mundane data: The routines, contingencies and accomplishments of digital living.Christine Heyes La Bond, Deborah Lupton, Shanti Sumartojo & Sarah Pink - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (1).
    This article develops and mobilises the concept of ‘mundane data’ as an analytical entry point for understanding Big Data. We call for in-depth investigation of the human experiences, routines, improvisations and accomplishments which implicate digital data in the flow of the everyday. We demonstrate the value of this approach through a discussion of our ethnographic research with self-tracking cycling commuters. We argue that such investigations are crucial in informing our understandings of how digital data become meaningful in mundane contexts of (...)
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