Results for 'termination of pregnancy'

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  1.  31
    Selective Termination of Pregnancy and Women's Reproductive Autonomy.Christine Overall - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (3):6-11.
    The “demand” for selective termination of pregnancy is a socially constructed response to prior medical interventions in women's reproductive processes, themselves dependent on cultural views of infertility.
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    Medical termination of pregnancy bill.Vera Houghton - 1961 - The Eugenics Review 53 (2):93.
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  3. Termination of Pregnancy and Perinatal Palliative Care in the Case of Fetal Anomaly: Why Is There so Much Incoherence?Antoine Payot - 2015 - In Annie Janvier & Eduard Verhagen (eds.), Ethical Dilemmas for Critically Ill Babies. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
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    (1 other version)Termination of pregnancy due to Thalassemia major, Hemophilia, and Down's Syndrome: the views of Iranian physicians.Mehran Karimi, Mohammadmehdi Bonyadi, Mohhamad Reza Galehdari & Soheila Zareifar - 2008 - BMC Medical Ethics 9 (1):19-.
    BackgroundGenetic disorders due to kindred marriages are common medical conditions in Iran; however, the legal aspects of abortion remain controversial. This study was undertaken to determine physicians' opinions regarding the termination of pregnancy for three genetic diseases: thalassemia major, hemophilia, and Down's syndrome.MethodsA questionnaire was administered to selected physicians by stratified random sampling to determine the following: age, gender, knowledge about prenatal diagnosis of diseases in high risk pregnancies, agreement with abortion, recommended gestational age for abortion, and, if (...)
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    Potential Termination of Pregnancy in a Non-Consenting Minor.John Unsworth-Webb - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (4):428-437.
    The pregnancy of a 12-year-old girl provides the basis for a consideration of approaches to a dilemma brought about by conflicting expectations. Here, medical opinion is to reject action implied by the lack of Gillick competence and by a ‘parental responsibility’ claim adopted by the girl’s mother. Construction of the dilemma and the subsequent process, which sought resolution, illustrates that the Gillick ruling, and other guidelines intended to be helpful, can prove to be less so.
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    Prenatally diagnosed foetal malformations and termination of pregnancy: The case of lebanon.Thalia Arawi & Anwar Nassar - 2010 - Developing World Bioethics 11 (1):40-47.
    Termination of pregnancy (TOP) is offered in many countries, for foetuses prenatally diagnosed with congenital malformations that are deemed incompatible with life or that are associated with a high morbidity. In Lebanon, a middle income country where religion plays a focal role, the law prohibits any form of TOP unless it is the only means to save the mother's life. It is the contention of the authors of this article that even if the foetus is a person, if (...)
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    Unpacking the legality of termination of pregnancy based on ‘social grounds’ under South African law.M. Khan - 2023 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 16 (2):55.
    The topic of abortion was in the limelight again in Dobbs v Jackson, where the US Supreme Court overturned the decision of Roe v Wade, ‘which guaranteed women and pregnant people a constitutional right to abortion’. While not bound by the judgment, this gives us an opportunity to reflect on the current law in South Africa which regulates the termination of pregnancy. The primary piece of legislation which governs abortion is the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy (...)
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  8. Termination of Pregnancy After NonInvasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT): Ethical Considerations.Tom Shakespeare & Richard Hull - 2018 - Journal of Practical Ethics 6 (2):32-54.
    This article explores the Nuffield Council on Bioethics’ recent report about non-invasive prenatal testing. Given that such testing is likely to become the norm, it is important to question whether there should be some ethical parameters regarding its use. The article engages with the viewpoints of Jeff McMahan, Julian Savulescu, Stephen Wilkinson and other commentators on prenatal ethics. The authors argue that there are a variety of moral considerations that legitimately play a significant role with regard to (prospective) parental decision-making (...)
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    Genetic counseling and termination of pregnancy in hungary.Zoltan Papp - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (3):323-333.
    The practice of prenatal diagnosis has brought with it the utilization of pregnancy termination as a preventive approach. In this paper the genetic/teratologic, fetal and maternal indications for termination of pregnancy used in Hungary are described, as well as the legal requirements and the proposed mode of termination at the different stages of gestation. The author is the director of the largest prenatal genetic counseling service in Hungary. Keywords: elective abortion, medico-legal aspects, prenatal diagnosis, genetic (...)
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    Superior termination of pregnancy committees – are we doing the right thing?Asaf Toker - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (5):263-264.
  11. The Termination of Pregnancy.Rex Gardner - 1979 - In Charles Gordon Scorer & Antony John Wing (eds.), Decision making in medicine: the practice of its ethics. London: E. Arnold. pp. 64.
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    Is the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act Guilty of Disability Discrimination?S. Hall - 2013 - South African Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):36-46.
    South Africa’s Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1996 implicitly expresses the attitude that the prenatal detection of foetal abnormality justifies selective abortion, even at a stage when abortion is in general morally prohibited. It will be argued that this attitude is logically incompatible with a simultaneous commitment to non-discrimination against persons with disabilities, in that the Act makes allowance for the subjection of beings that are considered to be morally significant, but that exhibit disabling characteristics, to (...)
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    Between Professional Duty and Ethical Confusion: midwives and selective termination of pregnancy.Eva Cignacco - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (2):179-191.
    This qualitative study describes midwives’ experiences in relation to termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormalities, and their corresponding professional and ethical position. Thirteen midwives working in a university clinic were interviewed about their problems in this respect. The information gathered was evaluated by using qualitative content analysis. The study focused on the emotional experience of the midwives, their professional position, and ethical conflict. In this situation, midwives are faced with a conflict between the woman’s right to self-determination on (...)
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  14. Termination of Pregnancy, Ethics, and Decisional Capacity.Susan Hatters Friedman, Jacqueline Landess, Nina Ross & Aimee Kaempf - 2025 - In William Connor Darby & Robert Weinstock (eds.), Forensic neuropsychiatric ethics: balancing competing duties in and out of court. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
  15.  23
    Case Studies: Selective Termination of Pregnancy.Angela R. Holder & Mary Sue Henifin - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (1):21.
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    Complexity of consenting for medical termination of pregnancy: prospective and longitudinal study in Paris.Georges Abi Tayeh, Jean-Marie Jouannic, Fersan Mansour, Assaad Kesrouani & Elie Attieh - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):33.
    We analyzed the patients’ perception of prenatal diagnosis of fetal cardiac pathology, and the reasons for choosing to continue with pregnancy despite being eligible to receive a medical termination of pregnancy. We also identified the challenges, the motives interfering in decision-making, and the consequences of the decisions on pregnancy, child and mother. This descriptive, prospective and longitudinal study was conducted in France, amongst pregnant women who wished to continue their pregnancy despite an unfavorable medical advice. (...)
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    Controversies and considerations regarding the termination of pregnancy for Foetal Anomalies in Islam.Abdulrahman Al-Matary & Jaffar Ali - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):10.
    Approximately one-fourth of all the inhabitants on earth are Muslims. Due to unprecedented migration, physicians are often confronted with cultures other than their own that adhere to different paradigms.
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    Negotiating the therapeutic gap: Prenatal diagnostics and termination of pregnancy in Sri lanka. [REVIEW]Bob Simpson - 2007 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 4 (3):207-215.
    In Sri Lanka, termination of pregnancy, other than in extreme circumstances, is strictly illegal. Among the public and large sections of the medical community there is widespread support for some degree of liberalization of the law, particularly where this relates to serious genetic conditions which can be identified prenatally. Tension emerges out of a publicly maintained conservatism on issues of abortion on the one hand and a growing disconnection from unregulated practices of termination in the private sector (...)
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  19.  62
    Is current practice around late termination of pregnancy eugenic and discriminatory? Maternal interests and abortion.Julian Savulescu - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (3):165-171.
    The attitudes of Australian practitioners working in clinical genetics and obstetrical ultrasound were surveyed on whether termination of pregnancy (TOP) should be available for conditions ranging from mild to severe fetal abnormality and for non-medical reasons.These were compared for terminations at 13 weeks and 24 weeks. It was found that some practitioners would not facilitate TOP at 24 weeks even for lethal or major abnormalities, fewer practitioners support TOP at 24 weeks compared with 13 weeks for any condition, (...)
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  20.  18
    Conscientious objection as structural violence in the voluntary termination of pregnancy in Chile.Adela Montero, Mirliana Ramirez-Pereira, Paz Robledo, Lidia Casas, Lieta Vivaldi & Daniela Gonzalez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionAfter three decades of the absolute prohibition of abortion, Chile enacted Law 21,030, which decriminalizes voluntary pregnancy termination when the person is at vital risk, when the embryo or fetus suffers from a congenital or genetic lethal pathology, and in pregnancy due to rape. The law incorporates conscientious objection as a broad right at the individual and institutional levels.ObjectivesThe aim of the study was to explore the exercise of conscientious objection in public health institutions, describing and analyzing (...)
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  21.  25
    The first survey of attitudes of medical students in Ireland towards termination of pregnancy.James M. Fitzgerald, Katherine E. Krause, Darya Yermak, Suzanne Dunne, Ailish Hannigan, Walter Cullen, David Meagher, Deirdre McGrath, Paul Finucane, Calvin Coffey & Colum Dunne - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (10):710-713.
    Background Since the UK Abortion Act (1967), women have travelled from Ireland to the UK for legal abortion. In 2011 >4000 women did so. Knowledge and attitudes of medical students towards abortion have been published, however, this is the first such report from Ireland. Objective To investigate medical students’ attitudes towards abortion in Ireland. Methods All medical students at the University of Limerick, and physicians who graduated from the university within the previous 12 months, were invited via email to complete (...)
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    Terminating the pregnancy of a brain-dead mother: Does a fetus have a right to life? The law in South Africa.David Jan McQuoid-Mason - 2014 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 7 (2):44.
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    Does genetics prove that a zygote is a human? Theoretical argumentative analysis of the argumentation of the genetic criterion in Declaration on Termination of Pregnancy.Piotr Sękowski - 2022 - Analiza I Egzystencja 60:65-93.
    W Deklaracji o przerywaniu ciąży z 1974, Kościół Katolicki argumentuje, że zygota jest człowiekiem ponieważ posiada ludzki genotyp. Artykuł przedstawia logiczną analizę tej argumentacji. Pokazuje, że argumentacja ta jest w dużym stopniu wadliwa. Tomizm pełni tu funkcję uprawo-mocnienia. Entymematyczne założenia tomistyczne są niezbędne, by w ogóle możliwe było przejście od przesłanek do wniosku. Okazuje się ponadto, że argumentacja ta zakłada tomistyczną interpretację pojęć biologicznych, która jest niezgodna ze współczesną wiedzą biologiczną. Twierdzenie zawarte w Deklaracji nie zostało więc skutecznie uargumentowane na (...)
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    Does withdrawing treatment from a pregnant persistent vegetative state patient resulting in her death constitute a termination of pregnancy?David Jan McQuoid-Mason - 2015 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 8 (1):8.
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    Can the consent provisions in the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act, which do not require children to be assisted by a parent or guardian, be used for live births by caesarian section in emergency situations?David Jan McQuoid-Mason - 2018 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 11 (1):43.
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    The New Abortion Law in Belgium Leads to a Virtually Full Right to the Termination of Pregnancy in the First 12 Weeks.Patrick Garré - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophy 9 (4):246.
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    Would you terminate a pregnancy affected by sickle cell disease?: Analysis of views of patients in Cameroon.Ambroise Wonkam, Jantina de Vries, Charmaine Royal, Raj Ramesar & I. I. I. Fru Angwafo - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (9):615-620.
    Sickle cell disease is a debilitating illness that affects quality of life and life expectancy for patients. In Cameroon, it is now possible to opt for termination of an affected pregnancy where the fetus is found to be affected by SCD. Our earlier studies found that, contrary to the views of Cameroonian physicians, a majority of parents with their children suffering from SCD would choose to abort if the fetuses were found to be affected. What have not yet (...)
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    Consequences of the Constitutional Tribunal’s Ruling of October 22, 2020. On the Citizens’ Bill on Safe Termination of Pregnancy and Other Reproductive Rights. [REVIEW]Dariusz Kużelewski, Marta Michalczuk-Wlizło & Elżbieta Kużelewska - 2022 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 67 (1):105-125.
    The ruling of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal of October 22, 2020 introduced a near-complete ban on abortion in Poland, as it removed from the law the embryopathological condition that allowed abortion when the fetus had an incurable, severe disease. The ruling raises a number of questions regarding the recognition of international protection of human rights, the equal protection status of human rights, and the principle of trust in the state. The Tribunal’s ruling resulted in massive public protests in Poland, the (...)
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    Would you terminate a pregnancy affected by sickle cell disease? Analysis of views of patients in Cameroon.Ambroise Wonkam, Jantina de Vries, Charmaine D. Royal, Raj Ramesar & Fru F. Angwafo - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (9):615-620.
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  30. Terminating pregnancy after prenatal diagnosis—with a little help of professional ethics?Dagmar Schmitz - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (7):399-402.
    Termination of pregnancy after a certain gestational age and following prenatal diagnosis, in many nations seem to be granted with a special status to the extent that they by law have to be discussed within a predominantly medical context and have physicians as third parties involved in the decision-making process (‘indication-based’ approach). The existing legal frameworks for indication-based approaches, however, do frequently fail to provide clear guidance for the involved physicians. Critics, therefore, asked for professional ethics and professional (...)
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    On prenatal diagnosis and the decision to continue or terminate a pregnancy in France: a clinical ethics study of unknown moral territories.Marie Gaille - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (3):381-391.
    This article presents a part of the results of an empirical study conducted at a Parisian hospital between 2011 and 2014. It aimed at understanding the women and couples’ motivations to terminate or not a pregnancy once a prenatal diagnosis has revealed a genetically related disease in the embryo or fetus. The article first presents the social and legal context of the study, the methodology used and the pathologies that were encountered. Then, it examines the results of the interviews (...)
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    Responsibly counselling women about the clinical management of pregnancies complicated by severe fetal anomalies.Frank Chervenak & Laurence B. McCullough - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (7):397-398.
    Heuser, Eller and Byrne provide important descriptive ethics data about how physicians counsel women on the clinical management of pregnancies complicated by severe fetal anomalies. The authors present an account of what such counselling ought to be based on, the ethical concept of the fetus as a patient and the professional responsibility model of obstetric ethics. When there is certainty about the diagnosis and either a very high probability of either death as the outcome of the anomaly or survival with (...)
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    Doctor’s Conscience Clause and Pregnancy Termination. The Case of Poland.Marta Michalczuk-Wlizło - 2024 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 69 (1):639-660.
    The obligation to make women’s rights to health services a reality rests with the state authorities. However, in Poland, women wishing to carry out a legal termination of pregnancy are often confronted with institutional abuse on the part of health care providers who deny women the possibility of carrying out the procedure because gynaecologists invoke the institution of the conscience clause. The aim of this article is to show the mutual normative complexity of the research problem, i.e. the (...)
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    Parental Refusal to Terminate Pregnancy in face of a Strongly Negative Prognosis of Neonatal Viability.Caroline Lafaye - 2009 - Ethical Perspectives 16 (4):485-508.
    During the last few years, several maternity departments in Paris hospitals have registered an increasing number of parental refusals to terminate pregnancies on the basis of foetal abnormality. These refusals have provoked disagreement and tension between parents and medical staff within the departments in question. The present contribution will endeavour to advance a number of ethical arguments and an analysis of these moral dilemmas with a view to justifying the need to fully account for the moral preferences of the parents (...)
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    Parental Refusal to Terminate Pregnancy in face of a Strongly Negative Prognosis of Neonatal Viability.Caroline Guibet Lafaye - 2009 - Ethical Perspectives 16 (4):485-508.
    During the last few years, several maternity departments in Paris hospitals have registered an increasing number of parental refusals to terminate pregnancies on the basis of foetal abnormality. These refusals have provoked disagreement and tension between parents and medical staff within the departments in question. The present contribution will endeavour to advance a number of ethical arguments and an analysis of these moral dilemmas with a view to justifying the need to fully account for the moral preferences of the parents (...)
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    Force Majeure : Justification for Active Termination of Life in the Case of Severely Handicapped Newborns after Forgoing Treatment.H. J. J. Leenen & Chris Ciesielski-Carlucci - 1993 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2 (3):271.
    The health of newborns has always been subject to the natural lottery. When in the past a severely disabled baby was born, nature provided the “solution,” and the child did not survive. Medical technology has brought about a change; fetuses who would have died during pregnancy or newborns who once would have had little chance to survive are now kept alive. Although these technological advances do benefit many children, the dark side is that more severely handicapped babies are surviving.When (...)
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    Does professional orientation predict ethical sensitivities? Attitudes of paediatric and obstetric specialists toward fetuses, pregnant women and pregnancy termination.Stephen D. Brown, Karen Donelan, Yolanda Martins, Sadath A. Sayeed, Christine Mitchell, Terry L. Buchmiller, Kelly Burmeister & Jeffrey L. Ecker - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (2):117-122.
    Background To determine whether fetal care paediatric and maternal–fetal medicine specialists harbour differing attitudes about pregnancy termination for congenital fetal conditions, their perceived responsibilities to pregnant women and fetuses, and the fetus as a patient and whether self-perceived primary responsibilities to fetuses and women and views about the fetus as a patient are associated with attitudes about clinical care.Methods Mail survey of 434 MFM and FCP specialists .Results MFMs were more likely than FCPs to disagree with these statements (...)
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    Ectogestation ethics: The implications of artificially extending gestation for viability, newborn resuscitation and abortion.Lydia Di Stefano, Catherine Mills, Andrew Watkins & Dominic Wilkinson - 2019 - Bioethics 34 (4):371-384.
    Recent animal research suggests that it may soon be possible to support the human fetus in an artificial uterine environment for part of a pregnancy. A technique of extending gestation in this way (“ectogestation”) could be offered to parents of extremely premature infants (EPIs) to improve outcomes for their child. The use of artificial uteruses for ectogestation could generate ethical questions because of the technology’s potential impact on the point of “viability”—loosely defined as the stage of pregnancy beyond (...)
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    The Case of the Missing Hand: Gender, Disability, and Bodily Norms in Selective Termination.Catherine Mills - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (1):82-96.
    The practice of terminating a pregnancy following the diagnosis of a fetal abnormality raises questions about notions of bodily normality and the ways these shape ethical decision-making. This is particularly the case with terminations done on the basis of ostensibly minor morphological anomalies, such as cleft lip and isolated malformations of the limbs or digits. In this paper, I examine a recent case of selective termination after a morphology ultrasound scan revealed the fetus to be missing a hand (...)
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    The pregnancy rescue case versus typical abortion.Alex R. Gillham - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (9):803-810.
    Hendricks' pregnancy rescue case (PRC) tries to show that abortion is typically morally wrong. I argue here that there are at least two morally relevant differences between the abortion in PRC and the typical abortion so that the latter isn't morally wrong even if the former is morally wrong. I develop five modifications to PRC to show that these two differences are morally important. First, in PRC we don't know whether the person gives informed consent to the abortion, nor (...)
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    Relational Power, Legitimation, and Pregnancy Discrimination.Vincent J. Roscigno & Reginald A. Byron - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (3):435-462.
    Pregnancy-based employment discrimination has long been a topic of interest for gender inequality scholars and civil rights agencies. Prior work suggests that employer stereotypes and financial interests leave pregnant women vulnerable to being fired. We still know little, however, about women’s interpretations of their terminations and how employers justify such decisions in the face of arguably protective laws. This article provides much needed, in-depth analyses of such dynamics and a relational account of pregnancy-based employment discrimination claims. Elaborating on (...)
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    Why People with Cognitive Disabilities are Justified in Feeling Disquieted by Prenatal Testing and Selective Termination.Chris Kaposy - 2020 - In Adam Cureton & David Wasserman (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Disability. Oxford University Press. pp. 692-708.
    People with cognitive disabilities and their advocates often express uneasiness about prenatal testing and the selective termination of pregnancies because the fetus has a cognitively disabling condition. There are high rates of abortion in such circumstances, and new forms of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) have been introduced to improve the detection of genetic conditions. This chapter argues that the feeling of disquiet about prenatal testing and selective termination is justified. Philosophers working in the field of bioethics often offer (...)
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    Effective Communication Following Pregnancy Loss: A Study in England.Louise Austin, Jeannette Littlemore, Sheelagh Mcguinness, Sarah Turner, Danielle Fuller & Karolina Kuberska - 2021 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 30 (1):175-187.
    Each year in the UK there are approximately 250,000 miscarriages, 3,000 stillbirths and 3,000 terminations following a diagnosis of fetal-abnormality. This paper draws from original empirical research into the experience of pregnancy loss and the accompanying decisionmaking processes. A key finding is that there is considerable variation across England in the range of options that are offered for disposal of pregnancy remains and the ways in which information around disposal are communicated. This analysis seeks to outline the key (...)
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  44. Torture Born: Representing Pregnancy and Abortion in Contemporary Survival-Horror.Steve Jones - 2015 - Sexuality and Culture 19 (3):426-443.
    In proportion to the increased emphasis placed on abortion in partisan political debate since the early 2000s, there has been a noticeable upsurge in cultural representations of abortion. This article charts ways in which that increase manifests in contemporary survival-horror. This article contends that numerous contemporary survival-horror films foreground pregnancy. These representations of pregnancy reify the pressures that moralistic, partisan political campaigning places on individuals who consider terminating a pregnancy. These films contribute to public discourse by engaging (...)
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    Ethical considerations in the treatment of chronic psychosis in a periviable pregnancy.Michelle T. Nguyen, Eric Rafla-Yuan, Emily Boyd, Laurence B. Mccullough, Frank A. Chervenak & Emily C. Dossett - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (1):113-119.
    Background: Treatment of psychotic disorders in pregnancy is often ethically and clinically challenging, especially when psychotic symptoms impair decision-making capacity. There are several competing ethical obligations to consider: the ethical obligation to maternal autonomy, the maternal and fetal beneficence-based obligations to treat peripartum psychosis, and the fetal beneficence-based obligation to minimize teratogenic exposure. Objective: This article outlines an ethical framework for clinical decision-making for the management of chronic psychosis in pregnancy, with an emphasis on special considerations in the (...)
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    Continuing the pregnancy when the unborn child has a life-limiting condition.Kevin McGovern - 2012 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 17 (3):5.
    McGovern, Kevin When an unborn child is diagnosed with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition, many people now believe that the best solution is to immediately terminate the pregnancy. This article explores the option of continuing the pregnancy with the support of perinatal palliative care. Many parents have found this alternative fits better with their values, and better honours both their unborn child and their situation as the loving parents of this child. The article also explores the information and (...)
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    The Substance View and Cases of Complicated Multifetal Pregnancy.Prabhpal Singh - forthcoming - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry:1-8.
    I consider cases of multifetal pregnancy in which one fetus with a fatal birth defect poses a risk to the survival of another healthy fetus to show that the substance view anti-abortion position leads to a contradiction. In cases of complicated multifetal pregnancy, if intervention by selective abortion to terminate the defective fetus is not performed, both fetuses will die due to the conditions created by the defective fetus’s fatal birth defect. Because abortion is wrong on the anti-abortion (...)
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    ‘Is it better not to know certain things?’: views of women who have undergone non-invasive prenatal testing on its possible future applications.Hilary Bowman-Smart, Julian Savulescu, Cara Mand, Christopher Gyngell, Mark D. Pertile, Sharon Lewis & Martin B. Delatycki - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (4):231-238.
    Non-invasive prenatal testing is at the forefront of prenatal screening. Current uses for NIPT include fetal sex determination and screening for chromosomal disorders such as trisomy 21. However, NIPT may be expanded to many different future applications. There are a potential host of ethical concerns around the expanding use of NIPT, as examined by the recent Nuffield Council report on the topic. It is important to examine what NIPT might be used for before these possibilities become consumer reality. There is (...)
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    When is the Promotion of Prenatal Testing for Selective Abortion Wrong?Javiera Perez Gomez - 2020 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 30 (1):71-109.
    Medical professionals routinely offer prenatal genetic testing services to their expecting patients. In theory, this testing helps expecting parents better prepare for the birth of their child: e.g., if the child will have a disability. In practice, however, such testing often leads to the termination of pregnancies that would produce a child who has a disability. Some bioethicists believe that in light of our society’s history of poor treatment of people who have disabilities, when expecting parents use prenatal testing (...)
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    ‘A Hope Raised and then Defeated’? the Continuing Harms of Irish Abortion Law.Fiona de Londras - 2020 - Feminist Review 124 (1):33-50.
    Irish legislative engagement with abortion law reform has never been framed by recognition of the rights of pregnant women, girls and other people. Rather, where it has taken place at all, it has always been foetocentric and punitive, exceptionalising abortion and conceptualising law as a means of discouraging it. In important ways, the post-repeal landscape has failed to break decisively with this orientation. While in 2018 there was certainly more discussion of women’s entitlement not to be exiled from the country (...)
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