Results for 'tensión constitutiva'

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  1.  23
    Presente y futuro de la bioética en España: de la normalización al horizonte global.María José Guerra - 2002 - Isegoría 27:181-192.
    La normalización de la bioética en España, a pesar de sus tensiones constitutivas, puede ser considerada un hecho. Nos encontramos con un ámbito interdisciplinar y controvertido que podemos analizar inspirándonos en el concepto de “campo” propuesto por Bourdieu. No obstante, nos preguntamos al hilo de los modos de esta normalización si no es necesario replantear la agenda de la bioética en un marco global. La prioridad de la justicia junto a su articulación a través de las perspectivas ecosociales y feministas (...)
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  2. Tiempo y escansión. Contribución sobre el significado rítmico de la duración entre Husserl y Bachelard.Carlo Serra - 2018 - Boletín de Estética 14 (45):42-76. Translated by Facundo Bey.
    English Title: Time and scansion: rythmical meaning of Duration between Husserl and Bachelard. -/- Abstract: Inside phenomenological search, present time and instant live inside a troubled dialectic: for Husserl present runs, widening out past and future, in the same moment, like the Heraclitean bowstring which stretches between two dimensions. Gaston Bachelard, on the contrary, is the thinker of Discreteness, where temporal continuum is linked to the reciprocal differentiating of instants in the duration. So, the conceptions of time inside these philosophers (...)
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    La performativididad del pacto social: la «invención teórica de Rousseau» según Étienne Balibar.Francisca Gómez Germain - 2023 - Isegoría 68:e08.
    Quizá no sea desacertado destacar que cuando Étienne Balibar afirma que el sujeto-ciudadano rousseauniano constituye una «figura propiamente revolucionaria», no está simplemente mencionándolo desde una perspectiva teórico-política, pues está haciendo ver que la dualidad que comporta supone una figura revolucionaria en un sentido lingüístico y especulativo. En este artículo, nuestro propósito no es otro que analizar el triple alcance de la «invención teórica de Rousseau». Que las significaciones conceptuales no puedan ser simples o unívocas, es lo que en buena medida (...)
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    Las violencias entre estudiantes desde el punto de vista de sus actores: Una narrativa de la sociabilidad juvenil.Marina Tomasini, A. Domínguez & Heliana Peralta - 2013 - Aposta 58:2-43.
    Este artículo trata sobre las violencias entre estudiantes y las aborda como constitutivas de la conformación de un entramado de vinculación juvenil en la escuela media; allí donde se juegan cotidianamente procesos identitarios que implican la tensión entre identificación y diferenciación, a través de la re-constitución de taxonomías sociales. Dentro de la tradición de investigación cualitativa nos centramos en la perspectiva narrativa de análisis, en base a la cual construimos un esquema analítico que fue aplicado a micro relatos de (...)
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    La estructura cultural de la contrarrevolución burguesa y los límites de las transiciones democráticas en el cono sur de América Latina.Yamandú Acosta - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (12):9-31.
    Se desarrollan analíticamente cuatro proposiciones: I) La tensión democracia-autoritarismo es constitutiva de la identidad de las democracias latinoamericanas, II) La novedad del nuevo autoritarismo reside en su articulación como proyecto total que lo singulariza como totalitarismo que se l..
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    Egología, generatividad y la complementación biológica de la fenomenología trascendental de Husserl.Cristián Mauricio Martínez Bravo - 2024 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 9:251-274.
    En el presente artículo, señalaremos que la determinación husserliana de lo vivo incluye tanto momentos genéticos como generativos, los cuales funcionan en paralelo y que no pueden ser ignorados. A partir del análisis de las propuestas de Steinbock y de Walton sobre la tensión que existe entre el método generativo y el genético, mostraremos que la determinación del mundo humano contiene elementos biológicos que son indispensables de considerar y que, por lo tanto, la generatividad debe incluirlo. De este modo, (...)
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    La frontera disciplinar entre Bielefeld y Cambridge. Estratigrafía temporal y contextualismo lingüístico como espacio de investigación.Leonardo Garcia Jaramillo - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
    Dejando de lado puntos de tensión y desencuentro, el campo de investigación integrado por la Historia conceptual de Koselleck y el contextualismo lingüístico, sobre todo de Skinner, se ha explorado de manera fructífera en investigaciones que demuestran el potencial metodológico que sugiere su abordaje ecléctico. Propio de la lexicografía académica ha sido el intento de reconstruir “definiciones quintaesenciadas” que intentan afinar con total precisión el significado de cada concepto para extirpar su ambigüedad constitutiva. La mutabilidad y, por tanto, (...)
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  8. Teorìas constitutivas.Dela de la Autoridad - 2008 - Ludus Vitalis 16 (29).
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  9. Camadas constitutivas da Personalidade.Erich Rothacker & António José Brandào - 1948 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 4 (1):94-95.
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  10. Coimplicación constitutiva entre la hermenéutica y una ética comunitarista.Pablo Lazo Briones - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 35 (107):107-138.
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  11. Truth’s dialectical role: from friction to tension.Lionel Shapiro - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (6):1860-1880.
    This paper contrasts two versions of a pragmatist critique of deflationism about truth. According to the critique, understanding the practice of factual discourse requires understanding a role played in that practice by speakers’ use of the concept of truth. Huw Price takes this role to lie in the expression of attitudes of approval and disapproval toward other speakers’ assertions. Proceeding from Robert Brandom’s analysis of assertion, I defend an alternative account of truth’s role in terms of the acknowledgement and disacknowledgement (...)
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  12.  14
    ¿Las reglas constitutivas pueden crear una práctica?Guiseppe Lorini - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica 34:139-148.
    El autor investiga el papel desarrollado por las reglas constitutivas en la construcción de la realidad social. En particular, niega que, por ejemplo, las reglas constitutivas del ajedrez sean condición suficiente de la práctica llamada juego del ajedrez. Para crear una nueva práctica, se necesita también la existencia de la gramática de esa práctica, o sea el sentido mismo de la práctica (por ejemplo: el sentido de juego). Es la gramática de una práctica (y no las reglas constitutivas) la que (...)
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    Tensions in Corporate Sustainability: Towards an Integrative Framework.Tobias Hahn, Jonatan Pinkse, Lutz Preuss & Frank Figge - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):297-316.
    This paper proposes a systematic framework for the analysis of tensions in corporate sustainability. The framework is based on the emerging integrative view on corporate sustainability, which stresses the need for a simultaneous integration of economic, environmental and social dimensions without, a priori, emphasising one over any other. The integrative view presupposes that firms need to accept tensions in corporate sustainability and pursue different sustainability aspects simultaneously even if they seem to contradict each other. The framework proposed in this paper (...)
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  14.  28
    Republicanism and global institutions: Three desiderata in tension.Miriam Ronzoni - 2017 - Social Philosophy and Policy 34 (1):186-208.
    Abstract:Recently, republicans have been increasingly arguing that the ideal of nondomination can ground both a more plausible account of global justice and better insights for global institutional design than liberal egalitarianism does. What kind of global institutions, however, does nondomination require? The essay argues that a global institutional blueprint based on the republican ideal of nondomination is a multifaceted endeavor. Republican institutions should aim to fulfill three different desiderata: 1) avoiding excessive concentration of power; 2) bringing informal asymmetrical power under (...)
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    An electron microscope study of stainless steel deformed in fatigue and simple tension.P. B. Hirsch, P. G. Partridge & R. L. Segall - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (42):721-729.
  16.  23
    Dislocation arrangements in aluminium deformed in tension or by fatigue.R. L. Segall & P. G. Partridge - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (44):912-919.
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    Hopes, Tensions and Complexity: Indian Students' Reflections on the Relationship of Values to Management Education and Future Career Options.Fran Siememsma - 1999 - Journal of Human Values 5 (1):53-63.
    This case study was undertaken to explore the way in which postgraduate management students relate their personal values to their current education and future career aspirations. The research primarily focused on the perceptions of students taking an elective offered by the Management Centre for Human Values at the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (IIMC). Students' attitudes toward western postgraduate manage ment programme were elicited using interviews and group discussions. Part A of the paper had presented the aiverse range of attitudes (...)
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    Work hardening and deformation sub-structure in iron single crystals deformed in tension at 298°k.A. S. Keh - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 12 (115):9-30.
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    (1 other version)Outline for an Externalist Psychiatry (3): Social Etiology and the Tension Between Constraints and the Possibilities of Construction.Giulio Ongaro - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (3):301-314.
    Any progress in shaping up an externalist psychiatry, so previous discussion suggested, must begin from questions about the ontology of social causation. So far, research and theory have adhered to a naturalistic approach to the social causes of illness, concentrating mostly on the ‘social determinants of mental health’ (inequality, discrimination, housing insecurity, etc.). The paper starts with an assessment of ‘social determinants’ through the lens of epidemiology and critical psychiatry. It illustrates existing practical and political approaches that fight these constraints (...)
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  20.  10
    Tensions and convergences. Technological and aesthetic transformations of society.Heil Reinhard, Stippak Marcus, Unger Alexander, Ziegler Marc & Andreas Kaminski - 2007 - Bielefeld: Transcript, Transaction Publishers (USA).
    This book presents results of an international conference which addressed the interaction of aesthetical and technological dimensions within the formation of contemporary society. The contributions discuss the production of time and space, self and nature, individual and society in the image of technology. They focus on the productive tensions and convergences between aesthetic and technological concepts when implemented in everyday life. The volume contains - among others - texts about technologies of visualisation, the aesthetics of warfare and the design of (...)
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  21.  67
    History and philosophy of science after the practice-turn: From inherent tension to local integration.Max Dresow - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 82:57-65.
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    Physician-investigator/patient-subject: Exploring the logic and the tension.Larry R. Churchill - 1980 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 5 (3):215-224.
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  23. ¿Existe tensión entre la democracia y el nacionalismo?Manuel Toscano Méndez - 2009 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (961):74-77.
    ¿Existe tensión entre la democracia y el nacionalismo? Quizá deberíamos empezar por hacernos la pregunta. Los críticos del nacionalismo, desde luego, han puesto especial énfasis en la existencia de esa tensión, denunciando que el nacionalismo es incompatible con la democracia. Y la historia parece ofrecerles un amplio respaldo, pues no pocos de los peores acontecimientos del siglo pasado, de las dos guerras mundiales a la violencia interétnica en la antigua Yugoslavia, han dado una pésima reputación al nacionalismo, asociándolo (...)
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    (1 other version)Dialectical Tension Between Gloomy and Rosy Prospects of Behavioral Genetics.Awais Aftab - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (4):451-454.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dialectical Tension Between Gloomy and Rosy Prospects of Behavioral GeneticsAwais Aftab, MD (bio)Turkheimer and Greer’s article “Spit for Science and the Limits of Applied Psychiatric Genetics” (2024) offers a devastating critique of the state of psychiatric genetics, using Spit for Science (S4S) as a case study. I have read the paper many times in the process of writing this commentary, and each time I am left inarticulate. Nonetheless, I (...)
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    Comentário ao artigo “La différence phénoménologique selon Barbaras et Marion (Projet, méthode et ligne de tension)”.Rodrigo Alvarenga - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (3):137-142.
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    The dilemma of intellectual property rights for pharmaceuticals: The tension between ensuring access of the poor to medicines and committing to international agreements.Jillian Clare Cohen & Patricia Illingworth - 2003 - Developing World Bioethics 3 (1):27–48.
    In this paper, we provide an overview of how the outcomes of the Uruguay Round affected the application of pharmaceutical intellectual property rights globally. Second, we explain how specific pharmaceutical policy tools can help developing states mitigate the worst effects of the TRIPS Agreement. Third, we put forward solutions that could be implemented by the World Bank to help overcome the divide between creating private incentives for research and development of innovative medicines and ensuring access of the poor to medicine. (...)
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  27.  74
    The Rise of Modern Philosophy: The Tension Between the New and Traditional Philosophies From Machiavelli to Leibniz.Tom Sorell (ed.) - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    `Modern' philosophy in the West is said to have begun with Bacon and Descartes. Their methodological and metaphysical writings, in conjunction with the discoveries that marked the seventeenth-century scientific revolution, are supposed to have interred both Aristotelian and scholastic science and the philosophy that supported it. But did the new or `modern' philosophy effect a complete break with what preceded it? Were Bacon and Descartes untainted by scholastic influences? The theme of this book is that the new and traditional philosophies (...)
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    Epoché and institution: the fundamental tension in Jan Patočka’s phenomenology.Darian Meacham & Francesco Tava - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 73 (3):309-326.
    This article examines the relation between two key, but seemingly opposed concepts in Jan Patočka’s thought: epoché and the concrete institutional polis. In doing so it attempts to elucidate the inextricable relation between phenomenology and politics in the work of the Czech philosopher, and illustrate more broadly the possibilities for approaching the political from a phenomenological perspective. The article provides a phenomenological interpretation of “care for the soul” as closely linked to Patočka’s reformulation of the core phenomenological notion of epoché. (...)
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  29. Tension Between Embodied Structures and the Pursuit of Change: Exploring the Metaphysical Underpinnings of Olga Tokarczuk’s Flights.Konrad Werner - 2023 - Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction.
    Olga Tokarczuk’s masterpiece Flights highlights one of the most profound metaphysical, moral and religious conundrums – a tension, but also an intimate bond, between stability and structuredness, on the one hand, and the power of change, movement and transgression on the other. The paper is devoted to unveiling what I dub the paradox of embodied agency. In simple terms, structuredness makes the known world organized and predictable; yet, at the same time, these very structures are vehicles of change, movement, sometimes (...)
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  30. Teorías constitutivas de la autoridad de la primera persona: Wright y Heal.Martín Francisco Fricke - 2008 - Ludus Vitalis 16 (29):73-91.
    Someone who believes “I believe it will rain” can easily be mistaken about the rain. But it does not seem likely, and might even be impossible, that he is wrong about the fact that he believes that it is going to rain. How can we account for this authority about our own beliefs – the phenomenon known as first person authority? In this paper I examine a type of theory proposed, in distinct forms, by Crispin Wright and Jane Heal for (...)
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    Tension between perceived collocation and actual geographic distribution in project teams.Renate Fruchter, Petra Bosch-Sijtsema & Virpi Ruohomäki - 2010 - AI and Society 25 (2):183-192.
    This paper describes an exploratory comparative study of knowledge workers and their challenges in high tech global project teams. More specifically we focus on the tension between perceived collocation and actual geographical distributed project work as a function of: (1) the demand to distribute and shift attention in multi-teaming, (2) virtuality i.e. number of virtual teams participants engage in, (3) the continuous adjustment and re-adjustment to new places they perform their activity, and (4) the collaboration technologies they use. We present (...)
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  32.  25
    Tensión en el sistema de metáforas epistemológicas de la cultura contemporánea.Antonio García-Olivares - 1997 - Arbor 158 (621):25-45.
    En este trabajo tratamos de analizar de una manera unificada, a medio camino entre un análisis filosófico y otro sociológico, varias de las líneas de evolución del pensamiento contemporáneo que en general suelen ser analizadas como autónomas. En particular, la articulación social de los sistemas de metáforas epistemológicas denominados racionalista y romántico, respectivamente, resulta clave a la hora de entender la tensión, no sólo ética como Charles Taylor se ha encargado de demostrar, sino también epistemológica de la cultura occidental (...)
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    Tensions Regarding Epistemic Concepts.Joseph Margolis - 2009 - Human Affairs 19 (2):169-181.
    Tensions Regarding Epistemic Concepts The paper argues that there is no logic of scientific discovery, but there is an inference-like pattern that we can model as a "logic," retrospectively, once a discovery has been successfully made. While accepting a kind of epistemological pluralism and opportunism, the claim will be advocated that a convergent and reasonably wide-ranging normative "logic" might be constructed, one that might even work reasonably well in selected applications and might (therefore) also lead us to make congruent judgments (...)
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    If You Care About a Rule, Why Weaken Its Enforcement Dimension? On a Tension in the War Convention.Susanne Burri - 2022 - Law and Philosophy 41 (6):671-690.
    In _War by Agreement_ (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2019), Yitzhak Benbaji and Daniel Statman argue that the ‘war convention’ – i.e. the international laws and conventions that are widely accepted to govern the use of force between sovereign states – represents a morally binding contract. On their understanding, the war convention replaces a pre-contractual morality governed by principles that so-called reductive individualists have identified and argued for over the past twenty years. This paper argues that if we (...)
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    Tensions and challenges in the use of the biographical method.Alejandro Capriati - 2017 - Cinta de Moebio 60:316-327.
    Resumen: En el artículo identifico tensiones y desafíos en el uso del método biográfico en la investigación social. A partir de su utilización en estudios sobre sobre desigualdades, vulnerabilidades y soportes en jóvenes, examino aspectos teóricos, técnicos y epistemológicos. Los modos de vincular el relato y su contexto sitúan una tensión que va más allá de método biográfico y remiten a un problema central de las ciencias sociales: la tensión individuo sociedad o la relación entre lo micro y (...)
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  36.  15
    Can the University Escape From the Labyrinth of Technology? Part 2: Intellectual Map-Making and the Tension Between Breadth and Depth.Willem H. Vanderburg - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (3):178-188.
    This second part continues the search for ways of overcoming the three limitations of the current intellectual and professional division of labor and its knowledge infrastructure, which were shown to be at the root of the present economic, social and environmental crises. A complementary knowledge strategy is proposed to counterbalance the trade of breadth for depth, based on the creation of intellectual maps. One such map is described for engineering, showing how through the process of industrialization people change technology and (...)
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  37.  33
    From Gratification to Justice. The Tension between Anthropology and Pure Practical Reason in Kant’s Conception(s) of the Highest Good.Thomas Wyrwich - 2011 - Kant Yearbook 3 (1):91-106.
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    Las actuaciones constitutivas de la conciencia en la concepción del tiempo.Reinhard Lauth - 1974 - Anuario Filosófico 7 (1):226-258.
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    Conditions of Science: The Three-Way Tension of Freedom, Accountability and Utility.Torsten Wilholt & Hans Glimell - 2011 - In M. Carrier & A. Nordmann, Science in the Context of Application. Springer. pp. 351--370.
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    Quantification in Experimental Psychology and Pragmatic Epistemology: Tension Between the Scientific Imperative and the Social Imperative.Hervé Guyon & Camille Nôus - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Our position is critical of the dominant method in psychology, and critical of the social use of psychological models. We assert that the scientific approach in psychology must break with modernist claim, but without sinking into post-modernist relativism. We consider that the epistemology associated with experimental psychology should be a specific epistemology associated with the particular objects studied. By calling on pragmatism and realism, psychology can find the resources to use quantitative studies as an action deployed within a complex, interactive (...)
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    The calculation of shear stress and shear strain for double glide in tension and compression.D. K. Bowen & J. W. Christian - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 12 (116):369-378.
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    Experiments on the deformation of niobium single crystals. I. Stress versus strain curves and slip systems in compression and tension.G. Taylor & J. W. Christian - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 15 (137):873-892.
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    Tension conceptual entre "aplicacion" y ''lingüisticidad" en la hermeneutica filosofica de H.G Gadamer.Pepi Patrón - 1989 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 1 (1):109-130.
    Al modo como Gadamer desarrolla la "tensión" existente entre método y verdad, este artículo pretende desarrollar la tensión entre dos conceptos centrales de la hermenéutica gadameriana: 'aplicación' y 'lingüisticidad'(Sprachlichkeil). La naturaleza práctica, siempre particular y situada, de la comprensión es confrontada con la consideración del lenguaje como medio universal del comprender, en tanto instaura un 'acuerdo previo', un 'diálogo efectivo', en toda comunidad lingüística. Sin embargo, la asimetría entre estos dos conceptos hace difícil la comprehensión de la contradicción (...)
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    Mechanical properties of bulk single crystalline nanoporous gold investigated by millimetre-scale tension and compression testing.Nicolas J. Briot, Tobias Kennerknecht, Christoph Eberl & T. John Balk - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (8):847-866.
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  45. Erzsébet Rózsa, "De Antígona a la mujer correcta. La imagen de la mujer según Hegel en la tensión entre la Fenomenología del espíritu y la Filosofía del derecho de 1820".Erzsébet Rózsa, Fernanda Medina & Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2022 - Antítesis - Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Hegelianos 3 (3):7–24.
    Author: Erzsébet Rózsa. Translated by Fernanda Medina and Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano. La mujer correcta es la protagonista en el pensamiento maduro de Hegel. A decir verdad, ella nunca lo atrajo tanto como Antígona. Con todo, lo cierto es que él rebajó a Antígona: vulneró la singularidad de la grandeza del carácter de Antígona en la Fenomenología, mezcló su imagen de Antígona con rasgos modernos burgueses, y transfirió con ello algunas características de su singularidad a la imagen de la mujer en (...)
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    Tensional Landscapes: The Dynamics of Boundaries and Placements.Sven Arntzen, Ethel Hazard, Wolfgang Luutz, Michael J. Monahan, Shannon M. Mussett, Herbert G. Reid, John M. Rose, John Ryks, John A. Scott & Dennis E. Skocz (eds.) - 2003 - Lexington Books.
    The contributors to this volume address global, regional, and local landscapes, cosmopolitan and indigenous cultures, and human and more-than-human ecology as they work to reveal place-specific tensional dynamics. This unusual book, which covers a wide-ranging array of topics, coheres into a work that will be a valuable reference for scholars of geography and the philosophy of place.
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    Tensional Landscapes: The Dynamics of Boundaries and Placements.Gary Backhaus & John Murungi (eds.) - 2003 - Lexington Books.
    The contributors to this volume address global, regional, and local landscapes, cosmopolitan and indigenous cultures, and human and more-than-human ecology as they work to reveal place-specific tensional dynamics. This unusual book, which covers a wide-ranging array of topics, coheres into a work that will be a valuable reference for scholars of geography and the philosophy of place.
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    Tensions in the Paradigm of Environmental EconomicsAn Analysis Inspired by Dooyeweerd’s Philosophy.Ad van Geesbergen, Johan Graafland & Jan Hoogland - 2020 - Philosophia Reformata 85 (1):66-88.
    This article critically analyzes the environmental economics paradigm of David Pearce and Robert Kerry Turner. Our analysis is inspired by the philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd, in particular his transcendental criticism and theory of modalities. We describe how Pearce and Turner theorize the concept of sustainable development. On the basis of this description we identify immanent tensions in their approach and analyze to what extent these tensions are caused by implicit normative presuppositions in the key concepts used by Pearce and Turner. (...)
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    (1 other version)Normative Tensions of Contemporary Feminism.Pauline Johnson - 1985 - Thesis Eleven 101 (1):44-52.
    The following discussion explores dimensions of feminism’s ongoing efforts to negotiate split normative claims. It attempts to push through a stalled debate within contemporary feminism by describing it as a mis-recognition of feminism’s double-sided normativity. It suggests that an ‘either/or’ construction of what feminism is about obscures the contribution that each can make to a clarification of the limitations and concealed entailments of the other. This investigation into the normative tensions within contemporary feminism will be illuminated in the second part (...)
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  50. Islamic Philosophy of Education and Western Islamic Schools: points of tension.Michael Merry - 2006 - In Farideh Salili & Rumjahn Hoousain, Religion in Multicultural Education. IAP. pp. 41-70.
    In this chapter, I elaborate an idealized type of Islamic philosophy of education and epistemology. Next, I examine the crisis that Islamic schools face in Western societies. This will occur on two fronts: (1) an analysis of the relationship (if any) between the philosophy of education, the aspirations of school administration, and the actual character and practice of Islamic schools; and (2) an analysis concerning the meaning of an Islamic curriculum. To the first issue, I argue that there exists a (...)
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