Results for 'techniques'

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    La philosophie des sciences de Henri Poincaré: Colloque des 22 et 23 Mai 1986, Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg.Jean G. Dhombres, Jean-Paul Pier & Société Française D'histoire des Sciences Et des Techniques - 1987 - Société Française d'Histoire des Sciences Et des Techniques.
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  2. Epistemic issues in procuring evidence about the brain: The importance of research instruments and techniques.William P. Bechtel & Robert S. Stufflebeam - 2001 - In William P. Bechtel, Pete Mandik, Jennifer Mundale & Robert S. Stufflebeam, Philosophy and the Neurosciences: A Reader. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 55--81.
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    Informal Logic: Issues and Techniques.Wayne Grennan - 1997 - Monterey, CA, USA: McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP.
    Grennan bases his evaluation of arguments on two criteria: logical adequacy and pragmatic adequacy. He asserts that the common formal logic systems, while logically sound, are not very useful for evaluating everyday inferences, which are almost all deductively invalid as stated. Turning to informal logic, he points out that while more recent informal logic and critical thinking texts are superior in that their authors recognize the need to evaluate everyday arguments inductively, they typically cover only inductive fallacies, ignoring the inductively (...)
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  4. Standing out from the crowd : vocal and sound techniques for catching peoples' attention in an Indian bus stand.Christine Guillebaud - 2017 - In Towards an anthropology of ambient sound. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Series of forms, visual techniques, and quantitative devices: ordering the world between the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.Marco Tamborini - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (4):1-20.
    In this paper, I investigate the variety and richness of the taxonomical practices between the end of the nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries. During these decades, zoologists and paleontologists came up with different quantitative practices in order to classify their data in line with the new biological principles introduced by Charles Darwin. Specifically, I will investigate Florentino Ameghino’s mathematization of mammalian dentition and the quantitative practices and visualizations of several German-speaking paleontologists at the beginning of the twentieth century. In (...)
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  6. Lesbian motherhood and mitochondrial replacement techniques: reproductive freedom and genetic kinship.Giulia Cavaliere & César Palacios-González - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (12):835-842.
    In this paper, we argue that lesbian couples who wish to have children who are genetically related to both of them should be allowed access to mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRTs). First, we provide a brief explanation of mitochondrial diseases and MRTs. We then present the reasons why MRTs are not, by nature, therapeutic. The upshot of the view that MRTs are non-therapeutic techniques is that their therapeutic potential cannot be invoked for restricting their use only to those cases (...)
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  7. Some statistical and other numerical techniques for classifying individuals.P. N. M. Macnaughton-Smith - 1965 - London,: H.M.S.O..
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    Toward an Intelligent e-Learning System Using Document Classification Techniques.Yousef Abuzir - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (4):533-547.
    The purpose of this study is to propose and develop an intelligent e-learning system based on advanced document management techniques at Al-Quds Open University. In this article, we focus on a case using e-mail contents as supplement educational materials at QOU. We describe how the interactive classification system based on concept hierarchy can simplify this task. This system provides the functions to index, classify, and retrieve a collection of e-mail messages based on user profiles. By automatically indexing e-mail messages (...)
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    Lucian's dialogues: Performance, nature, and techniques of humor.Graham Anderson - 1999 - Classical Review 49 (1):32-33.
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    Organizational Ethics Research: A Systematic Review of Methods and Analytical Techniques.Michael S. McLeod, G. Tyge Payne & Robert E. Evert - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (3):429-443.
    Ethics are of interest to business scholars because they influence decisions, behaviors, and outcomes. While scholars have increasingly shown interest in business ethics as a research topic, there are a mounting number of studies that examine ethical issues at the organizational level of analysis. This manuscript reports the results of a systematic review of empirical research on organizational ethics published in a broad sample of business journals over a 33-year period. A total of 184 articles are analyzed to reveal gaps (...)
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  11. A psychologically based taxonomy of magicians’ forcing techniques: How magicians influence our choices, and how to use this to study psychological mechanisms.Alice Pailhès, Ronald A. Rensink & Gustav Kuhn - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 86 (C):103038.
    “Pick a card, any card. This has to be a completely free choice.” the magician tells you. But is it really? Although we like to think that we are using our free will to make our decisions, research in psychology has shown that many of our behaviours are automatic and unconsciously influenced by external stimuli (Ariely, 2008; Bargh & Chartrand, 1999; Newell & Shanks, 2014; Nisbett & Wilson, 1977), and that we are often oblivious to the cognitive mechanisms that underpin (...)
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    To what extent did the British Labour Party emulate the marketing strategies, ideology and policy formation techniques of the United States Democrats during the 1990s and early Twenty-First century?Daniel Frosh - 2010 - Polis (Misc) 3:1.
  13. Technische Zukunftsperspektiven.(Perspectives d'avenir techniques).F. Roehle - 1982 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 16 (39):22-69.
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  14. [The estimation of birth rates of the black Coloured and Asian populations of South Africa on the basis of certain techniques].J. L. Van Tonder - 1978 - Humanitas 4 (3):303-306.
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    The Foundations of Economic Policy: Values and Techniques.Brendan Jones (ed.) - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    Recent developments in public economics have largely been in the direction of reaffirming the limits of the market and of establishing new ones. The possible existence of fundamental non-convexities, imperfect and asymmetric information, incentive compatibility, imperfect competition, strategic complementarity, and scale economies led to the conclusion that a large set of market failures exist; such situations also imply government failure. Acocella, considers this complicated picture and provides a discussion of the different approaches to establishing social 'rankings' of the possible situations (...)
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  16. Folteren met schone handen? Over het verraderlijke karakter van enhanced interrogation techniques.Sebastiaan Garvelink - 2009 - Filosofie En Praktijk 30 (2):18.
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  17. Our bodies are connected : using somatic techniques in group psychotherapy to process trauma and increase resilience.Vivian Gold & Jane van Loon - 2012 - In Irene N. H. Harwood, Walter Stone & Malcolm Pines, Self experiences in group, revisited: affective attachments, intersubjective regulations, and human understanding. New York, NY: Routledge.
  18. Owning Genetic information and Gene enhancement techniques: Why privacy and property rights may undermine social control of the human genome.Adam D. Moore - 2000 - Bioethics 14 (2):97–119.
    In this article I argue that the proper subjects of intangible property claims include medical records, genetic profiles, and gene enhancement techniques. Coupled with a right to privacy these intangible property rights allow individuals a zone of control that will, in most cases, justifiably exclude governmental or societal invasions into private domains. I argue that the threshold for overriding privacy rights and intangible property rights is higher, in relation to genetic enhancement techniques and sensitive personal information, than is (...)
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    Laser Lights and Designer Drugs: New Techniques for Descending Levels of Mechanisms “in a Single Bound”?John Bickle - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1241-1256.
    Optogenetics and DREADDs (Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs) are important research tools in recent neurobiology. These tools allow unprecedented control over activity in specifically targeted neurons in behaving animals. Two approaches in philosophy of neuroscience, mechanism and ruthless reductionism, provide explicit accounts of experiments and results using tools like these, but each offers a different picture about how levels of mechanisms relate. I argue here that the ruthless reductionist’s direct mind‐to‐cellular/molecular activities linkages “in a single bound” better fits (...)
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    The Foundations of Economic Policy: Values and Techniques.Nicola Acocella - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    Recent developments in public economics have largely been in the direction of reaffirming the limits of the market and of establishing new ones. The possible existence of fundamental non-convexities, imperfect and asymmetric information, incentive compatibility, imperfect competition, strategic complementarity, and scale economies led to the conclusion that a large set of market failures exist; such situations also imply government failure. Acocella, considers this complicated picture and provides a discussion of the different approaches to establishing social 'rankings' of the possible situations (...)
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  21. ST Aspects méthodologiques et historiques de l'évolution des sciences techniques.A. Pawlak & T. Wojewodzki - 1986 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 22 (1).
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    From Linear Programming Approach to Metaheuristic Approach: Scaling Techniques.Elsayed Badr, Mustafa Abdul Salam, Sultan Almotairi & Hagar Ahmed - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    The objective of this work is to propose ten efficient scaling techniques for the Wisconsin Diagnosis Breast Cancer dataset using the support vector machine. These scaling techniques are efficient for the linear programming approach. SVM with proposed scaling techniques was applied on the WDBC dataset. The scaling techniques are, namely, arithmetic mean, de Buchet for three cases p = 1,2, and ∞, equilibration, geometric mean, IBM MPSX, and Lp-norm for three cases p = 1,2, and ∞. (...)
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    Functional Mechanisms of Health Behavior Change Techniques: A Conceptual Review.Maren M. Michaelsen & Tobias Esch - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundHealth behavior change is among the top recommendations for improving health of patients with lifestyle-related chronic diseases. An array of behavior change techniques have been developed to support behavior change initiation and maintenance. These BCTs often show limited success when they are not informed by theory, leading to a mismatch between the intention of the BCT and patients’ needs or expectations. Previous studies have identified a number of resources which patients may require to initiate and maintain health behavior change. (...)
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    Des modes de subjectivation aux techniques de soi: Foucault et les identités de notre temps.Michaud Yves - 2000 - Cités 2:11-40.
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  25. Meta-Argumentation Modelling I: Methodology and Techniques.Guido Boella, Dov M. Gabbay, Leendert van der Torre & Serena Villata - 2009 - Studia Logica 93 (2-3):297 - 355.
    In this paper, we introduce the methodology and techniques of metaargumentation to model argumentation. The methodology of meta-argumentation instantiates Dung's abstract argumentation theory with an extended argumentation theory, and is thus based on a combination of the methodology of instantiating abstract arguments, and the methodology of extending Dung's basic argumentation frameworks with other relations among abstract arguments. The technique of meta-argumentation applies Dung's theory of abstract argumentation to itself, by instantiating Dung's abstract arguments with meta-arguments using a technique called (...)
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  26. Les modes d'existence des techniques du social.Lise Demailly - 2000 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 108:103-124.
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    Academic Dishonesty or Academic Integrity? Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) Techniques to Investigate Positive Integrity in Academic Integrity Research.Thomas Lancaster - 2021 - Journal of Academic Ethics 19 (3):363-383.
    Is academic integrity research presented from a positive integrity standpoint? This paper uses Natural Language Processing techniques to explore a data set of 8,507 academic integrity papers published between 1904 and 2019.Two main techniques are used to linguistically examine paper titles: bigram analysis and sentiment analysis. The analysis sees the three main bigrams used in paper titles as being “academic integrity”, “academic dishonesty” and “plagiarism detection”. When only highly cited papers are considered, negative integrity bigrams dominate positive integrity (...)
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  28. The use of environmental isotope techniques in arid zone hydrology.W. M. Edmunds - forthcoming - A Critical Review. In Technical Documents in Hydrology, Pp. L-75. Unesco.
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    L'épreuve de l'image: techniques et compétences des corps.Christophe Kihm - 2013 - Montrouge: Bayard.
    Plusieurs épreuves peuvent être engagées avec l’image, depuis les "devinettes" du Sphinx auxquelles répond brillamment Oedipe jusqu’à la panique télévisuelle que déclenche l’entrée en eau d’Éric Moussambani aux jeux Olympiques de Sydney. Chacune des épreuves prises en compte dans cet ouvrage implique la mise en relation de l’image et du corps. Cet ouvrage se propose de mener une enquête pour tenter de comprendre comment, pour faire-image, un corps doit s’insérer dans une nouvelle configuration du sensible, à partir d’un choix d’objets (...)
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  30. Measurement of cone density in the human retina by undersampling techniques.A. M. Pons, A. Lorente, J. Malo & J. M. Artigas - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 112-112.
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    Development and validation of the epistemological processing model: a new approach to understanding anxiety and therapeutic techniques.Guan Wang - unknown
    Research Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
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    Reliable Debiasing Techniques in Legal Contexts? : Weak Signals from a darker Corner of the Social Science Universe.Frank Zenker & Christian Dahlman - 2016 - Studies in Logic and Argumentation 59:173-196.
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    Philosophical Analysis: An Introduction to Its Language and Techniques.Samuel Gorovitz & Ron G. Williams - 1979 - New York,: Random House. Edited by Ron G. Williams.
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  34. Freinet et la production de l'homme réel par les "techniques peıdagogiques".Renaud Hétier - 2012 - In Alain Trouvé & Michel Soëtard, Méthode et philosophie: la descendance éducative de l'Émile: Condorcet, Kant, Pestalozzi, Fichte, Herbart, Dilthey, Dewey, Freinet. Paris: L'Harmattan.
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    The bush that never burnt (narrative techniques in exodus 3 and 6).Jonathan Magonet - 1975 - Heythrop Journal 16 (3):304–311.
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    Rationalizing Medical Work: Decision-Support Techniques and Medical Practices. Marc Berg.J. Matthews - 1997 - Isis 88 (4):737-738.
  37. X-Ray Microanalysis in Biology: Experimental Techniques and Applications.D. C. Sigee, A. J. Morgan, A. T. Sumner, A. Warley & T. A. Hall - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (2):149.
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    Erratum to: The Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility: Techniques of Neutralization, Stakeholder Management and Political CSR.Gary Fooks, Anna Gilmore, Jeff Collin, Chris Holden & Kelley Lee - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (2):367-367.
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  39. Brain waves, transcendental fields and techniques of thought.William E. Connolly - 1999 - Radical Philosophy 94:19-28.
  40. Rationalizing Medical Work: Decision-Support Techniques and Medical Practices.R. Maulitz - 2000 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 13 (1):112-113.
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    Traditional Sicilian culture, from its language to cooking, from its working techniques to ritual celebrations, is the result of a stratification of elements attributable to each of the diverse ethnic stocks which in turn dominated this great island, located in the centre of the Mediterranean. Phoenicians, Ancient Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Islamic Berbers, Normans, Swabians, French.Sergio Bonanzinga - 2011 - In Godfrey Baldacchino, Island songs: a global repertoire. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. pp. 187.
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  42. Cognitive jnds-implications for scaling techniques using semantic judgments.R. Roskehofstrand & K. R. Paap - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):331-331.
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    Making blood ‘Melanesian’: Fieldwork and isolating techniques in genetic epidemiology.Alexandra Widmer - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 47:118-129.
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    A Dual Route Model for Regulating Emotions: Comparing Models, Techniques and Biological Mechanisms.Alessandro Grecucci, Irene Messina, Letizia Amodeo, Gaia Lapomarda, Cristiano Crescentini, Harold Dadomo, Marta Panzeri, Anthony Theuninck & Jon Frederickson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Analysis of meteorological conditions in Spain by means of clustering techniques.Ángel Arroyo, Álvaro Herrero, Verónica Tricio & Emilio Corchado - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 24:76-89.
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    (1 other version)African studies through language-based techniques.Ndubuisi Osuagwu - 2018 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 7 (1):101-124.
    In this article, we argue that language-based techniques have the capacity to generate original ideas and thus account for progress in any discipline. We claim that language-based techniques used by some African scholars such as hermeneutics and related ones such as transliteration are creatively inadequate to inspire progress because they do not lead to the creation of new concepts and original ideas in African thought. We claim also that the technique of intellectual decolonisation with its foremost expression in (...)
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  47. A pragmatic alliance between critical realism and simple non-parametric statistical techniques.John H. Finch & Robert McMaster - 2003 - In Paul Downward, Applied Economics and the Critical Realist Critique. New York: Routledge. pp. 129--150.
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    Histoire generale des techniques. Tome I. Les origines de la civilisation technique. Maurice Daumas.Lynn White Jr - 1964 - Isis 55 (2):228-230.
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    Investigating Neuroendocrine Regulation in Physiological Processes: Advancements in Techniques, Challenges and Future Direction for Human Health.Abdullah Mohammed Alsehli & Abdulwahed Atiah Almutairi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:2580-2598.
    Neuroendocrine regulation plays a pivotal role in orchestrating various physiological processes in organisms. The neuroendocrine system is a complex, multifaceted process that acts as a resource distributor in the body, monitoring and regulating a variety of physiological functions like metabolism, reproduction, stress response, and immunity by using complicated signaling pathways and sophisticated feedback mechanisms that use hormones, neurotransmitters, and neural circuits. This study aims to investigate the intricate mechanisms by which neuroendocrine signals modulate physiological functions. Adjuvant neuroendocrine strategies such as (...)
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    Internal Audit: Is the ‘Third Line of Defense’ Effective as a Form of Governance? An Exploratory Study of the Impression Management Techniques Chief Audit Executives Use in Their Annual Accountability to the Audit Committee.Mélanie Roussy & Michelle Rodrigue - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (3):853-869.
    Our exploratory study considers whether the internal audit function is an efficient “third line of defense” for risk management and control as proposed by The Institute of Internal Auditors. To that end, we interview chief audit executives and experienced internal auditors to examine whether CAEs manage the impressions of audit committee members in the annual accountability process. We also provide an illustration of impression management techniques through a documentary case that explores a unique and exclusive dataset consisting of the (...)
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