Results for 'Elsayed Badr'

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  1.  17
    From Linear Programming Approach to Metaheuristic Approach: Scaling Techniques.Elsayed Badr, Mustafa Abdul Salam, Sultan Almotairi & Hagar Ahmed - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    The objective of this work is to propose ten efficient scaling techniques for the Wisconsin Diagnosis Breast Cancer dataset using the support vector machine. These scaling techniques are efficient for the linear programming approach. SVM with proposed scaling techniques was applied on the WDBC dataset. The scaling techniques are, namely, arithmetic mean, de Buchet for three cases p = 1,2, and ∞, equilibration, geometric mean, IBM MPSX, and Lp-norm for three cases p = 1,2, and ∞. The experimental results show (...)
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    Reexamining the Expected Effect of Available Resources and Firm Size on Firm Environmental Orientation: An Empirical Study of UK Firms.Khaled Elsayed - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 65 (3):297-308.
    An emergent body of literature examined why some firms apply some environmental initiatives while other firms do not take responsibility for their natural environment? Thus, firm environmental orientation (responsiveness and performance) are linked in the literature to several variables. Unfortunately, the relationship between firm environmental orientation and either available resources or firm size showed mixed results and inconclusive evidence. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to show empirically how available resources and firm size can explain differences in firm environmental (...)
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  3. al-Rasāʼil al-Ṣūfīyah li-Shihāb al-Dīn al-Suhrawardī shahīd al-ishrāq: Risālah fī ḥālat al-ṭufūlah.ʻĀdil Maḥmūd Badr - 2006 - al-Lādhiqīyah: Dār al-Ḥiwār. Edited by Yaḥyá ibn Ḥabash Suhrawardī.
  4.  32
    (1 other version)Assessment of the ethical review process in sudan.Dya Eldin M. Elsayed & Nancy E. Kass - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (3):143–148.
    ABSTRACT The ethical review process is an important component of contemporary health research worldwide. Sudan started an ethical review process rather late in comparison with other countries. In this study, we evaluate the structure and functions of existing ethics review committees. We also explore the knowledge and attitudes of Sudanese researchers toward the ethical review process and their experience with existing ethics review committees. There are four ethics review committees in the country; these committees have no institutional regulations to govern (...)
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  5. al-Kawn al-aḥdab.ʻAbd al-Raḥīm Badr - 1962
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    Los dilemas bioéticos de la legalización de la ‘ayuda activa a morir’ en Francia.Maroun Badr - 2024 - Medicina y Ética 35 (4):1055-1097.
    La eutanasia y el suicidio asistido están prohibidos por la legislación francesa. La Convención Ciudadana sobre el Final de la Vida, creada en diciembre de 2022, se encargó de evaluar el marco de la asistencia al final de la vida. Su informe final muestra que la mayoría de los miembros de la Convención están a favor de una evolución de la ley hacia la “ayuda activa a morir”. Esta conclusión constituye la base de un proyecto de ley que se estudiará (...)
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    The current situation of health research and ethics in sudan.Dya Eldin M. Elsayed - 2004 - Developing World Bioethics 4 (2):154–159.
    At the beginning of the twentieth century, health research in the Sudan developed primarily as a function of the colonial British adm.
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  8. al-Tajribah al-nūrānīyah ʻinda al-imām al-Ghazzālī: min al-ʼanā al-manṭiqīyah ilá al-ʼanā al-mutaʻālīyah: qirāʼah naqdīyah muqāranah lil-buʻd al-ʻaqlī fī al-Munqidh.ʻĀdil Maḥmūd Badr - 2006 - al-Lādhiqīyah: Dār al-Ḥiwār.
  9.  17
    La discontinuidad embrionaria y la unidad de la persona en el pensamiento de santo Tomás de Aquino. Algunos impactos en la bioética actual.Maroun Badr - 2023 - Medicina y Ética 34 (2):350-382.
    El embrión humano en la legislación no tiene un estatus definido. En lo referente a su condición en los debates éticos, no se ha logrado un consenso entre la pluralidad de contiendas de las distintas corrientes bioéticas. Lo cierto es que, en la mayoría de las legislaciones y para eludir los debates éticos, los argumentos se basan sobre todo en datos científicos. Como resultado, la ética se limita al aspecto científico, aunque es importante recordar que la bioética no solo se (...)
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    Mafhūm al-ḥudūth al-dahrī fī mītāfīzīqā al-wujūd.ʻĀdil Maḥmūd Badr - 2021 - al-Lādhiqīyah, Sūrīyah: Dār al-Ḥiwār lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  11. (1 other version)Ādāb al-ʻishrah wa-dhikr al-ṣuḥbah wa-al-ukhuwwah.Badr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Ghazzī - 1968 - Dimashq: Majmaʻ al-Lughah al-ʻArabīyah.
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    Controle de la chaine de biosynthese de la threonine cheze. Coli.Badr Raïs & Jean-Pierre Mazat - 1995 - Acta Biotheoretica 43 (1-2):143-153.
    This paper deals with the application of the metabolic control theory, especially the measurement of control coefficients, to the threonine pathway inE. coli. The control coefficient of a step on a metabolic flux quantitatively assesses the flux response to the step variations. This concept is particularly relevant both in pathological situations (decrease in the activity of an enzymatic step in the metabolism) and in biotechnologies, where, on the contrary steps are amplified.Measurement of the control coefficients of the steps of a (...)
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    Dyadic Coping in Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer and Their Spouses.Hoda Badr, Krista Herbert, Mark D. Bonnen, Joshua A. Asper & Timothy Wagner - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Learning and transfer of working memory gating policies.Apoorva Bhandari & David Badre - 2018 - Cognition 172 (C):89-100.
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  15. Defining an Ontology of Cognitive Control Requires Attention to Component Interactions.David Badre - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (2):217-221.
    Cognitive control is not only componential, but those components may interact in complicated ways in the service of cognitive control tasks. This complexity poses a challenge for developing an ontological description, because the mapping may not be direct between our task descriptions and true component differences reflected in indicators. To illustrate this point, I discuss two examples: (a) the relationship between adaptive gating and working memory and (b) the recent evidence for a control hierarchy. From these examples, I argue that (...)
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  16.  21
    A Hermenêutica Em Santo Agostinho: Pensamento e Legado.Eid Badr & Samuel Hebron - 2024 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 9 (2).
    O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi investigar a contribuição de Santo Agostinho para o desenvolvimento da Hermenêutica Jurídica, com a compreensão da influência de sobra obra no pensamento jurídico contemporâneo. Desde aspectos biográficos, foram explorados os principais conceitos do pensamento de Santo Agostinho, a partir do diálogo que esses conceitos realizam com a contemporaneidade e com a hermenêutica moderna. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir do método hipotético-dedutivo, a partir da formulação de hipóteses gerais que permitem a obtenção de respostas potencialmente (...)
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  17. Ishkālīyat al-wujūd al-dhihnī fī al-falsafah al-Islāmīyah: Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī namūdhajan.ʻĀdil Maḥmūd Badr - 2006 - Dimashq: Dār al-Ḥiwār.
  18.  24
    Técnicas de reproducción asistida para todas las mujeres e igualdad. ¿Cuestión de derecho o de justicia? Análisis del contexto francés.Maroun Badr - 2022 - Medicina y Ética 33 (4):1083-1128.
    La nueva ley de bioética en Francia, propuesta en 2019 y aprobada por la Asamblea Nacional el 29 de junio de 2021, introduce en su artículo primero, relativo a las Tecnologías de Reproducción Artificial (ART por sus siglas en inglés), modificaciones al artículo L. 2141-2 y L. 2141-3 de la ley número 2011-814 de 7 de julio de 2011 relativa a la bioética. Abre así el camino a “cualquier pareja formada por un hombre o una mujer o por dos mujeres (...)
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    How cognitive theory guides neuroscience.Michael J. Frank & David Badre - 2015 - Cognition 135 (C):14-20.
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  20. Finding parallels in fronto-striatal organization.Theresa M. Desrochers & David Badre - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (8):407.
  21.  38
    Balibar and the Citizen Subject.Warren Montag & Hanan Elsayed (eds.) - 2017 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Explores the core of Balibars work since 1980This collection explores Balibars rethinking of the connections between subjection and subjectivity by tracing the genealogies of these concepts in their discursive history. The 12 essays provide an overview of Balibars work after his collaboration with Althusser. They explain and expand his framework; in particular, by restoring Arabic and Islamic thought to the conversation on the citizen subject. The collection includes two previously untranslated essays by Balibar himself on Carl Schmitt and Thomas Hobbes. (...)
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    Introduction: Balibar and the Citizen Subject.Warren Montag & Hanan Elsayed - 2017 - In Warren Montag & Hanan Elsayed, Balibar and the Citizen Subject. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 1-34.
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  23. Mechanisms of conflict resolution in prefrontal cortex.John Jonides, David Badre, Clayton Curtis, Sharon L. Thompson-Schill & Edward E. Smith - 2002 - In Donald T. Stuss & Robert T. Knight, Principles of Frontal Lobe Function. Oxford University Press.
  24.  30
    Wadad Makdisi Cortas, A World I Loved. [REVIEW]Elsayed M. Omran - 2011 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 21 (1):106-109.
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  25. Marāyā wa-mudhakkirāt murāhiq sābiq.Badr ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz - 2000 - [Kuwait]: B. ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz.
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    Modeling the spread of Rubella disease using the concept of with local derivative with fractional parameter.Abdon Atangana & Badr Saad T. Alkahtani - 2016 - Complexity 21 (6):442-451.
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    Reflections on Workplace Compassion and Job Performance.Ghadeer Mohamed Badr ElDin Aboul-Ela - 2017 - Journal of Human Values 23 (3):234-243.
    Workplace compassion is one of the cornerstone remedies to employees’ suffering. Compassionate acts will directly affect the job performance of employees. This research study looks at the analysing relationship between workplace compassion and job performance, namely, task performance and contextual performance. Workplace compassion, task performance and contextual performance were explored from a previous literature perspective and were tested and analysed statistically. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed among teachers and co-teachers employed in international nurseries in Cairo and Giza governorates located in Egypt. (...)
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    Barriers to Nurse-Patient Communication at Primary Health Centers in Almadina Munawara City, Saudi Arabia.Naif Alkhaibari, Badr Soliman Alharbi, Ziyad Abdullah Alhejaili, Ahmed Saad Ahejaili, Turki Naffaa Alrehaili, Ali Hassan Alkhaibari & Hammad Sulaiman Awud Alshammari - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:944-954.
    Background: Nurse-patient communication is a unique clinical skill in the healthcare professions that promotes good quality care and patient outcomes. This communication can be disrupted by many barriers that impact the therapeutic relationship and deliver of care. Purpose: The study aims to identify the barriers affecting nurse-patient communication at primary health centers in Almadina Munawara City, Saudi Arabia. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed among 212 nurses and 214 patients utilizing a self-reporting questionnaire. A version of the same file was (...)
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    La autoridad política y el biopoder. Enfoque personalista de los temas comunes entre el Compendio de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia (núm. 377-427) y la Constitución francesa. [REVIEW]Maroun Badr - 2024 - Medicina y Ética 35 (2):429-483.
    La dimensión jurídica de la bioética, denominada bioderecho, ocupa un lugar importante en los debates sobre este tema. Para que sean reconocidas, las distintas legislaciones francesas sobre bioética requieren una autoridad política competente: la autoridad civil, cuyo vértice es la Constitución francesa (CF), como acto jurídico y ley fundamental que establece la organización y el funcionamiento del Estado. Sin embargo, en el ámbito en el que tocamos a la persona humana, a los valores y a los principios fundamentales, la autoridad (...)
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  30.  33
    The effect of institutional investor type on the relationship between CEO duality and financial performance.Hayam Wahba & Khaled Elsayed - 2014 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 9 (3):221.
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    A Comparison of Autometrics and Penalization Techniques under Various Error Distributions: Evidence from Monte Carlo Simulation.Faridoon Khan, Amena Urooj, Kalim Ullah, Badr Alnssyan & Zahra Almaspoor - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    This work compares Autometrics with dual penalization techniques such as minimax concave penalty and smoothly clipped absolute deviation under asymmetric error distributions such as exponential, gamma, and Frechet with varying sample sizes as well as predictors. Comprehensive simulations, based on a wide variety of scenarios, reveal that the methods considered show improved performance for increased sample size. In the case of low multicollinearity, these methods show good performance in terms of potency, but in gauge, shrinkage methods collapse, and higher gauge (...)
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  32.  24
    Teaching in Uncertain Times: Expanding the Scope of Extraneous Cognitive Load in the Cognitive Load Theory.Tracey A. H. Taylor, Suzan Kamel-ElSayed, James F. Grogan, Inaya Hajj Hussein, Sarah Lerchenfeldt & Changiz Mohiyeddini - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic caused an unprecedented and highly threatening, constrained, and confusing social and educational environment, we decided to expand the traditional focus of the extraneous load in Cognitive Load Theory acknowledging the psychological environment in which learning occurs. We therefore adapted and implemented principles of the CLT to reduce extraneous load for our students by facilitating their educational activities. Given previous empirical support for the principles of CLT, it was expected that the adoption of these principles might enable our (...)
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  33.  42
    Working memory gating mechanisms explain developmental change in rule-guided behavior.Kerstin Unger, Laura Ackerman, Christopher H. Chatham, Dima Amso & David Badre - 2016 - Cognition 155 (C):8-22.
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  34.  21
    AIRank: Author Impact Ranking through Positions in Collaboration Networks.Jun Zhang, Yan Hu, Zhaolong Ning, Amr Tolba, Elsayed Elashkar & Feng Xia - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
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    Working memory updating and the development of rule-guided behavior.Dima Amso, Sara Haas, Lauren McShane & David Badre - 2014 - Cognition 133 (1):201-210.
  36.  16
    Battling for Consumer's Positive Purchase Intention: A Comparative Study Between Two Psychological Techniques to Achieve Success and Sustainability for Digital Entrepreneurships.Dandan Dong, Haider Ali Malik, Yaoping Liu, Elsayed Elsherbini Elashkar, Alaa Mohamd Shoukry & J. A. Khader - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This research focuses on students' online purchase intentions in Pakistan toward different products available for sale on numerous e-business websites. This study's main objective is to determine which methodology is better to enhance customer online purchase intention. It also aims to discover how to improve perceived benefits and lower perceived risks associated with any available online product and entrepreneurship. AMOS 24 has been used to deal with the mediation in study design with bootstrap methodology. The study was conducted on 250 (...)
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    Medical errors across specialties: A systematic review and meta-analysis of global incidence and contributing factors.Mohamed S. Hemeda, Heba Youssef Sayed, Amany A. Mostafa, Almaza Ali Salem, Ibrahim Arafa Reyad Arafa, Hesham Hafez Abdelkhalek Mosa, Mohamed Hafez Mohamed Younes, Samar S. Ahmed, Yasser M. Saqr, Amir Bastawisy, Hytham Abdalla, Yahia Mohammed Ahmed Dawood, Mahmoud Ibrahim Elawamry, Gaber Eid, Mohamed Mohamed Aly Ibrahim, Emadeldeen Ali, Abd Elaziz Shokry Abd Elaziz, Aldosoky Abd Elaziz Alsaid, Ahmed A. Elhagary, Nashwa Ahmed, Amr Abu Elfadle, Badr Fayed, Mona Ibrahim Elyamany, Waleed Ahmed Mahmoud, Hanaa M. Abdrabeh, Alaa Ramadan, Abdel Rahman Z. Abdel Rahman, Hatem Ali Ahmed Abdelmottaleb, Mohamed Anwar Mohamed, Mohamed Mahmoud Hussein Hassanein, Mohammed Makloph, Mohamed Abouzid & Emad Ahmed Abdelmooty - 2025 - Médecine et Droit 2025 (190):14-36.
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    Mechanisms of Conflict Resolution in Prefrontal Cortex.John Jonides, Clayton Curtis, Sharon L. Thompson-Schill, David Badre & Edward E. Smith - 2002 - In Donald T. Stuss & Robert T. Knight, Principles of Frontal Lobe Function. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter discusses the psychological process of selectively attending to one source of information to the exclusion of others. In a meta-analysis, it reviews different tasks used to study selective attention, under the construct of conflict resolution, as assessed with functional imaging techniques. Both the anterior cingulate cortex and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex are involved in some aspect of conflict resolution, which is likely related to different mechanisms. The theme of heterogeneity of function is reflected in these results.
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    Impact of Hospital Administrators on Infection Control Strategies for Emerging Infectious Diseases: A Clinical Perspective.Abdulaziz Mobarak, Nabil Salah Alahmadi, Salman Helal Alsehli, Ali Aeid Alsehli, Abdullah Ali Alsehli, Sahar Najdi, Mohammed Fazi Mohammed Almutairi, Roqayah Ibrahim Bellou, Zaki Maqbool Al-Oufi, Abdullah Awwadhah Almutiri, Abdulmajeed Muidh Almutairi, Taher Muidh Owaidh Almutairi, Badr Ahmed Shaqroon, Ahmed Eiadh Alruethy & Waleed Fagir Bakhsh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:425-448.
    Thereby, EIDs pose huge threats to health care infrastructures everywhere due to unprepared infrastructures and poor immunity levels of population. It discusses how key role players, the hospital administrator, would play a big role in managing EID infections as well as strategies related to infection control. Such vital factors include resource allocation, implementation of policies, training, and building a culture for safety as well as working under an interdisciplinary approach. COVID-19 pandemics are best used as case studies both where successes (...)
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    (1 other version)The neuroscience of goal-directed behavior.B. Satpute Ajay, N. Ochsner Kevin & David Badre - 2012 - In Henk Aarts & Andrew J. Elliot, Goal-directed behavior. New York, NY: Psychology Press.
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    Parallel temporal dynamics in hierarchical cognitive control.Carolyn Ranti, Christopher H. Chatham & David Badre - 2015 - Cognition 142 (C):205-229.
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  42. Majmūʻ al-bayān li-ḥusn makārim al-akhlāq ʻalá marr al-zamān.Mubārak ibn Saʻīd ibn Badr ibn Muḥammad al-Shakīlī Ghāfirī - 2013 - ʻUmān: Wizārat al-Turāth wa-al-Thaqāfah. Edited by Hilāl ibn Maḥmūd ibn ʻĀmir Buraydī.
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    A Comprehensive Review Examination Study of Zoonotic Bacterial Infections: Anthrax and Brucellosis, Epidemiology, Surveillance, Clinical Manifestations, Prevention and Control Strategies.Eman Fahad Alsehli, Yousra Khudran Alzahrani, Manal Ali Alsharif, Fares Hussain Fares Alsharif, Bandar Saleem Saeed Alsaedi, Majed Mohammed Alharbi, Ibrahim Ghalib Mohammed Alharbi, Mamdouh Mathhan Alrashidi, Eman Mohsen Nahhas, Nemat Nourullah Enaam Aldeen, Majed Badr Al-Mutairi, Omar Hamed Alsalemi, Najla Qabl Ayed Almutairi, Abdulnasser Ayed Alrashedi & Abdulla Matar Alsehli - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:107-133.
    The two significant zoonotic bacterial infections that have remained a concern due to the complex dynamics involved in transmission and global prevalence are anthrax and brucellosis. The present paper attempts to address some of the most important zoonotic pathogens, highlighting their epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention strategies. Anthrax is largely transmitted through direct contact with the infected animals or their products resulting in cutaneous, inhalational, and gastrointestinal forms, all with specific clinical outcomes and approaches for treatment. Similarly, the (...)
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    Enhancing Health Wellbeing of Chronic Patient Through Digital Health; A Systematic Review of Best Nursing Practices and Lessons Learned.Amnah Salem Saad Alghamdi, Laila Wanis Alshammari, Ali Gasem Jahlan, Fatimah Saleem Salem Alamrani, Maram Ali Badr Alsaedi, Abdullah Mohammed Albishi, Rokeya Saleem Salem Alamrani, Ghada Alanazi, Juhayyir Abdullah Almutairi & Saad Suwaylih Omar Almalki - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1108-1127.
    Background: Context: Digital health interventions have become essential instruments in contemporary medicine, providing viable means of improving patient outcomes and healthcare provision. The goal of this study is to examine the impact, difficulties, and potential future directions of digital health interventions across a range of healthcare situations by synthesizing results from 12 carefully chosen studies. Aim: This study's objective is to thoroughly examine and summarize the body of research on digital health interventions, with an emphasis on acceptance and utilization as (...)
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    O6-Methylguanine- DNA Methyltransferase Gene Promotor Methylation in Malignant Gliomas.Hoda Abdallah, Amgad Yousry, Azza Abdel-Aziz, Eman Mohammed & Fouad Badr - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Maralyn Blachowicz, Lloyd J. Miller, Ezri Atzmon, Brian J. Spittle, Fred C. Rankine, Abdelhady Elsayed Abdu, Stafford Kay, Edward B. Goellner, Jerome F. Megna, Ronald Mark & Robert S. Griffin - 1981 - Educational Studies 12 (1):85-98.
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  47. al-Badr al-ʻillāh fī kashf ghawāmiḍ al-Maqūlāt.ʻUmar Ibn al-Qarahʹdāghī - 1935 - In Maḥmūd al-Imām Manṣūrī, ʻAlī Qiziljī, ʻUmar Ibn al-Qarahʹdāghī, Gelenbevî İsmail Efendi & ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Pinjwīnī, Majmūʻah mushtamilah ʻalá al-ātī bayānuh (al-awwal-- al-Badr al-ʻillāh fī kashf ghawāmiḍ al-Maqūlāt) wa-huwa sharḥ al-Shaykh ʻUmar al-mashhūr bi-Ibn al-QarahʹDāghī ʻalá risālat al-Maqūlāt li-Mullā ʻAlī al-Qiziljī ; wa-talīhi manhuww. [Cairo]: Maṭbaʻat al-Saʻādah.
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    Blood and Tears in the Mirror of Memory: Palestinian Trauma in Liana Badr's The Eye of the Mirror.Marie–Luise Kohlke - 2007 - Feminist Review 85 (1):40-58.
    Liana Badr's The Eye of the Mirror explores the historical trauma of the 1975–6 siege of the Palestinian refugee camp Tal el–Zaatar in Beirut and the massacre of thousands of its inhabitants by Christian militias. Analogous to Holocaust writing, Badr's fictionalized history, grounded in actual survivor testimonies, enacts a complex politics of cultural memory, but does so from a specifically female perspective. Collapsing the personal and political, private and public, inside and outside through figured violations of bodies and (...)
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    The References to the Battle of Badr in the Makkī Surahs in Tafsīr Al-Muqātil.Nurdane Güler - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1143-1162.
    The Tafsīr al-Muqātil (d. 150/767) is the oldest available complete commentary text. In this respect, it has been a focus of attention. In this tafsīr, the references to the Battle of Badr in the explanation of some Makkī surahs are remarkably numerous. Badr was the first war that the Prophet made with the polytheists of Makkah, and it took place in the second year of the migration to Madīna (A. H. 2). The polytheists were far superior to the (...)
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    A Study on Naḳīḍa Poems in The Period of The Prophet: Example of Ḍirār b. al-Khattāb and Ka'b b. Mālik in the Battle of Badr.Mehmet Yilmaz - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):640-660.
    The subject of this study is the naḳīḍa (opposing) type of poetry competitions between the Meccan poet Ḍirār b. al-Khaṭṭāb (d. 12/633) and the Muslim poet Kaʿb b. Mālik (d. 50/670) from Medina during the Battle of Badr, when the Muslims and the polytheists confronted for the first time. The problem is the questioning of the approaches reflected in the naḳīḍa poems, which were used as a means of propaganda and psychological superiority by the Muslims and polytheists during the (...)
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