Results for 'supervenience on stimuli'

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  1. Sorites without vagueness I: Classificatory sorites.Ehtibar N. Dzhafarov & Damir D. Dzhafarov - 2010 - Theoria 76 (1):4-24.
    An abstract mathematical theory is presented for a common variety of soritical arguments, treated here in terms of responses of a system, say, a biological organism, a gadget, or a set of normative linguistic rules, to stimuli. Any characteristic of the system's responses which supervenes on stimuli is called a stimulus effect upon the system. Classificatory sorites is about the identity of or difference between the effects of stimuli that differ 'only microscopically'. We formulate the classificatory sorites (...)
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  2. Sorites without vagueness II: Comparative sorites.Ehtibar N. Dzhafarov & Damir D. Dzhafarov - 2010 - Theoria 76 (1):25-53.
    We develop a mathematical theory for comparative sorites, considered in terms of a system mapping pairs of stimuli into a binary response characteristic whose values supervene on stimulus pairs and are interpretable as the complementary relations 'are the same' and 'are not the same' (overall or in some respect). Comparative sorites is about hypothetical sequences of stimuli in which every two successive elements are mapped into the relation 'are the same', while the pair comprised of the first and (...)
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  3. Representation, similarity, and the chorus of prototypes.Shimon Edelman - 1995 - Minds and Machines 5 (1):45-68.
    It is proposed to conceive of representation as an emergent phenomenon that is supervenient on patterns of activity of coarsely tuned and highly redundant feature detectors. The computational underpinnings of the outlined concept of representation are (1) the properties of collections of overlapping graded receptive fields, as in the biological perceptual systems that exhibit hyperacuity-level performance, and (2) the sufficiency of a set of proximal distances between stimulus representations for the recovery of the corresponding distal contrasts between stimuli, as (...)
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    Supervenience (on Steroids) and the Mind.Dale Jacquette - 2010 - In Roberto Poli (ed.), Causality and Motivation. De Gruyter. pp. 65-74.
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  5. Is the mental supervenient on the physical?Harry A. Lewis - 1985 - In Bruce Vermazen & Merrill B. Hintikka (eds.), Essays on Davidson: actions and events. New York: Oxford University Press.
  6. Is truth supervenient on being?Julian Dodd - 2002 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 102 (1):69–85.
    This paper asks whether we should accept a weakened version of the truthmaker principle: namely, the claim that truth supervenes on being, in which 'being' is understood as whether things are. I consider a number of positive answers to this question, including the following: that the truthmaker principle is a requirement of any plausible explanation of truth; that the principle must be accepted, if we are to do justice to the Wittgensteinian insight that the world is the totality of facts, (...)
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  7. Collective Obligations: Their Existence, Their Explanatory Power, and Their Supervenience on the Obligations of Individuals.Bill Wringe - 2016 - European Journal of Philosophy 24 (2):472-497.
    In this paper I discuss a number of different relationships between two kinds of obligation: those which have individuals as their subject, and those which have groups of individuals as their subject. I use the name collective obligations to refer to obligations of the second sort. I argue that there are collective obligations, in this sense; that such obligations can give rise to and explain obligations which fall on individuals; that because of these facts collective obligations are not simply reducible (...)
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  8. Supervenience and anomalous monism: Blackburn on Davidson.Nick Zangwill - 1993 - Philosophical Studies 71 (1):59-79.
    In his paper "Supervenience Revisisted", Simon Blackburn redeployed his novel modal argument against moral realism as an argument against Donald Davidson's position of 'anomalous monism' in the philosophy of mind (Blackburn 1985).' I shall assess this redeployment. In the first part of this paper, I shall lay out Blackburn's argument. In the second and longer part I shall examine Davidson's denial of psychophysical laws in the light of this argument.
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    On the Epigenesis of the Aesthetic Mind. The Sense of Beauty from Survival to Supervenience.Fabrizio Desideri - 2013 - Rivista di Estetica 54:63-82.
    What is the origin and meaning of our aesthetic sense? Is it genetically encoded or is it culturally inherited? The aim of the essay is to answer to such issues by defining the emergent and meta-functional character of the aesthetic attitude. First, I propose to include the faculty of desire in the free play of the cognitive faculties at the center of Kant’s Critique of Judgment. The following step is given by a brief analysis of Darwin’s controversial remarks on the (...)
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    Anomalism, supervenience, and Davidson on content-individuation.Mark Rowlands - 1990 - Philosophia 20 (3):295-310.
    Supervenience is compatible with anomalism: biconditional laws are ruled out by the disjunctive base, and the wideness of mental states rules out one-way psychophysical laws, as there's no single property in the base.
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  11. Humean Supervenience Debugged.David Lewis - 1994 - Mind 103 (412):473--490.
    Tn this paper I explore and to an extent defend HS. The main philosophical challenges to HS come from philosophical views that say that nomic concepts-laws, chance, and causation-denote features of the world that fail to supervene on non-nomic features. Lewis rejects these views and has labored mightily to construct HS accounts of nomic concepts. His account of laws is fundamental to his program, since his accounts of the other nomic notions rely on it. Recently, a number of philosophers have (...)
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    On the metaphysical utility of claims of global supervenience.Andrew Melnyk - 1997 - Philosophical Studies 87 (3):277-308.
    In this paper I pour a little cold water on claims of global supervenience, not by arguing that they are false, and not by arguing that they possess no philosophical utility whatsoever, but by building a case for the following conditional conclusion: if you expect claims of global supervenience to play a certain role in a certain metaphysical project, then you will be disappointed, since they cannot play such a role. The metaphysical project is to give an illuminating (...)
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    A defense of the supervenience requirement on physicalism.Torin Alter - 2021 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 10 (4):264-274.
    The supervenience requirement on physicalism says roughly that if physicalism is true then mental properties supervene on fundamental physical properties. After explaining the basis of the requirement, I defend it against objections presented by Lei Zhong (“Physicalism without supervenience,” Philosophical Studies 178 (5), 2021: 1529–44), Barbara Gail Montero (“Must physicalism imply supervenience of the mental on the physical?” Journal of Philosophy 110, 2013: 93–110), and Montero and Christopher Devlin Brown (“Making room for a this-worldly physicalism,” Topoi 37 (...)
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    Consciousness, Supervenience, and Identity: Marras and Kim on the Efficacy of Conscious Experience.Liam P. Dempsey - 2012 - Dialogue 51 (3):373-395.
    In this paper, I argue that while supervenience accounts of mental causation in general have difficulty avoiding epiphenomenalism, the situation is particularly bad in the case of conscious experiences since the function-realizer relation, arguably present in the case of intentional properties, does not obtain, and thus, the metaphysical link between supervenient and subvenient properties is absent. I contend, however, that the identification of experiential types with their neural correlates dispels the spectre epiphenomenalism, squares nicely both with the phenomenology of (...)
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  15. Yet another paper on the supervenience argument against coincident entities.Theodore Sider - 2008 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 77 (3):613-624.
    Statues and lumps of clay are said by some to coincide - to be numerically distinct despite being made up of the same parts. They are said to be numerically distinct because they differ modally. Coincident objects would be non-modally indiscernible, and thus appear to violate the supervenience of modal properties on nonmodal properties. But coincidence and supervenience are in fact consistent if the most fundamental modal features are not properties, but are rather relations that are symmetric as (...)
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  16. Good old supervenience: Mental causation on the cheap.Nick Zangwill - 1996 - Synthese 106 (1):67-101.
    I defend the view that strong psychophysical superveniences is necessary and sufficient to explain the causal efficacy of mental properties. I employ factual and counterfactual conditionals as defeasible criteria of causal efficacy. And I also deal with certain problems arising from disjunctive and conjunctive properties.
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    On what does the issue of supervenience and psychophysical dependence depend?Giovanna Hendel - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (2):329-348.
    RÉSUMÉ: Prenant comme point de départ un article récent de Neil Campbell, j'examine la question de savoir si la survenance psychophysique peut assurer la dépendance psychophysique. Mes thèses principales sont que contrairement à ce que croit Campbell, il n'est pas clair que Kim ait montré de manière convaincante que les formulations de la survenance psychophysique en termes de propriétés soient inadéquates pour expliquer la dépendance psychophysique; la pertinence des difficultés soulevées par Kim tient surtout à la conception que l'on se (...)
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  18. On metaphysics’ independence from truthmaking. Or, Why Humean Supervenience is Compatible with the Growing Block Universe.Aldo Filomeno - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (4):1467-1480.
    This paper aims to support the claim that analytic metaphysics should be more cautious regarding the constraints that truthmaking considerations impose on metaphysical theories. To this end, I reply to Briggs and Forbes (2017), whoargue that certain truthmaking commitments are incurred by a Humean metaphysics and by the Growing-Block theory. First, I argue that Humean Supervenience does not need to endorse a standard version of truthmaker maximalism. This undermines Briggs and Forbes’s conclusion that Humean Supervenience and the Growing-Block (...)
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    Note on Supervenience and Definability.Lloyd Humberstone - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (2):243-252.
    The idea of a property's being supervenient on a class of properties is familiar from much philosophical literature. We give this idea a linguistic turn by converting it into the idea of a predicate symbol's being supervenient on a set of predicate symbols relative to a (first order) theory. What this means is that according to the theory, any individuals differing in respect to whether the given predicate applies to them also differ in respect to the application of at least (...)
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    On the Distinction Between Cause-Cause Exclusion and Cause-Supervenience Exclusion.Jens Harbecke - 2013 - Philosophical Papers 42 (2):209-238.
    This paper is concerned with the connection between the causal exclusion argument and the supervenience argument and, in particular, with two exclusion principles that figure prominently in these arguments. Our aim is, first, to reconstruct the dialectics of the two arguments by formalizing them and by relating them to an anti-physicalist argument by Scott Sturgeon. In a second step, we assess the conclusiveness of the two arguments. We demonstrate that the conclusion of both the causal exclusion argument and the (...)
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  21. Reality and Humean Supervenience: Essays on the Philosophy of David Lewis.Gerhard Preyer & Frank Siebelt (eds.) - 2001 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Reality and Humean Supervenience confronts the reader with central aspects in the philosophy of David Lewis, whose work in ontology, metaphysics, logic, probability, philosophy of mind, and language articulates a unique and systematic foundation for modern physicalism.
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    Studies on the physiology of sleep changes in irritability to auditory stimuli during sleep.F. J. Mullin, N. Kleitman & N. R. Cooperman - 1937 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 21 (1):88.
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    Dale on supervenience: Remarks on Hare on supervenience.Horacio Spector - 1987 - Mind 96 (January):93-94.
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    Swinburne on the Euthyphro Dilemma. Can Supervenience Save Him?Simin Rahimi - 2008 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 13 (1):17-29.
    Modern philosophers normally either reject the „divine command theory” of ethics and argue that moral duties are independent of any commands, or make it dependent on God's commands but like Robert Adams modify their theory and identify moral duties in terms of the commands of a loving God. Adams regards this theory as metaphysically necessary. That is, if it is true, it is true in all possible worlds. But Swinburne's position is unprecedented insofar as he regards moral truths as analytically (...)
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    Moral supervenience and distinctness: comments on Dreier.Joshua Gert - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (6):1409-1416.
    Jamie Dreier has argued that the supervenience of the moral on the non-moral requires explanation, and that attempts by the non-naturalist to provide it, or to sidestep the issue, have so far failed. These comments on Dreier first examine the notion of distinctness at work in the idea that non-natural properties are distinct from natural ones, pointing out that distinctness cannot be understood in modal terms if supervenience is to be respected. It then suggests that Dreier’s implicit commitment (...)
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  26. Supervenient causation and program explanation: a note on the difference.Paul Coppock - 1999 - Analysis 59 (4):346-354.
  27. Focusing on the positive: Age differences in memory for positive, negative, and neutral stimuli.S. T. Charles, M. Mather & L. L. Carstensen - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 85:163-178.
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    Supervenience: New Essays.Elias E. Savellos & Ümit D. Yalçin (eds.) - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Supervenience is one of the 'hot discoveries' of analytic philosophy, and this collection of essays on the topic represents an examination of it and its application to major areas of philosophy. The interest in supervenience has much to do with the flexibility of the concept. To say that x supervenes on y indicates a degree of dependence without committing one to the view that x can be reduced to y. Thus supervenience is a relationship that has the (...)
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  29. On Lewis's objective chance: "Humean supervenience debugged".Carl Hoefer - 1997 - Mind 106 (422):321-334.
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    On the Generalization of Habituation: How Discrete Biological Systems Respond to Repetitive Stimuli.Mattia Bonzanni, Nicolas Rouleau, Michael Levin & David Lee Kaplan - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (7):1900028.
    Habituation, a form of non‐associative learning, isno longer studied exclusively within the fields of psychology and neuroscience. Indeed, the same stimulus–response pattern is observed at the molecular, cellular, and organismal scales and is not dependent upon the presence of neurons. Hence, a more inclusive theory is required to accommodate aneural forms of habituation. Here an abstraction of the habituation process that does not rely upon particular biological pathways or substrates is presented. Instead, five generalizable elements that define the habituation process (...)
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    Chemical supervenience.Micah Newman - 2007 - Foundations of Chemistry 10 (1):49-62.
    This paper surveys some ways in which the chemical realm can be described and outlined in terms of the concept of supervenience. The particular contours of general chemical theory provide a ready basis for interpretation of determination, covariance, and nonreduction—the characteristic metaphysical facets of the supervenience relation—in mutual terms. Building on this, the extent to which chemically characterized properties and entities can be described in terms of a supervenience-scaffolded structure represents a particularly vivid application that philosophers in (...)
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    On the source and scope of priming effects of masked stimuli on endogenous shifts of spatial attention.Simon Palmer & Uwe Mattler - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):528-544.
    Unconscious stimuli can influence participants’ motor behavior as well as more complex mental processes. Previous cue-priming experiments demonstrated that masked cues can modulate endogenous shifts of spatial attention as measured by choice reaction time tasks. Here, we applied a signal detection task with masked luminance targets to determine the source and the scope of effects of masked stimuli. Target-detection performance was modulated by prime-cue congruency, indicating that prime-cue congruency modulates signal enhancement at early levels of target processing. These (...)
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    Age-related differences on temporal source memory by using dynamic stimuli: the effects of POV and emotional valence.Adolfo Di Crosta, Pasquale La Malva, Irene Ceccato, Giulia Prete, Nicola Mammarella, Alberto Di Domenico & Rocco Palumbo - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (7):1114-1121.
    Previous studies have highlighted that temporal source memory can be influenced by factors such as the individual’s age and the emotional valence of the event to be remembered. In this study, we investigated how the different points of view (POVs) from which an event is presented could interact with the relationship between age-related differences and emotional valence on temporal source memory. One hundred and forty-one younger adults (aged 18–30) and 90 older adults (aged 65–74) were presented with a series of (...)
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  34. Supervenience: its Logic and its Inferential Role in Classical Genetics.Bert Leuridan - 2007 - Logique Et Analyse 198:147-171.
    Supervenience is mostly conceived of as a purely philosophical concept. Nevertheless, I will argue, it played an important and very fruitful inferential role in classical genetics. Gregor Mendel assumed that phenotypic traits supervene on underlying factors, and this assumption allowed him to successfully predict and explain the phenotypical regularities he had experimentally discovered. Therefore it is interesting to explicate how we reason about supervenience relations. I will tackle the following two questions. Firstly, can a reliable method (a logic) (...)
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    On peripheral and central processes in vision: Inferences from an information-processing analysis of masking with patterned stimuli.M. T. Turvey - 1973 - Psychological Review 80 (1):1-52.
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    On the Supervenience of Spirit: Bulletin of the Santayana Society.Angus Kerr-Lawson - 2006 - Overheard in Seville 24 (24):28-34.
  37. Various Concepts of “Supervenience” and Their Relations:A Comment on Kim’s Theory of Supervenience.Xiaoping Chen - 2011 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 6 (2):316-333.
    Supervenience was first used by Donald Davidson to describe the dependent and independent relationships between the mental and the physical. Jaegwon Kim presented a more precise definition, distinguishing between three types of supervenience: weak, strong and global. Kim further proved that strong and global supervenience are equivalent. However, three years later, Kim argued that strong supervenience is stronger than global supervenience, while weak supervenience and global supervenience are independent of each other. This paper (...)
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    The effects of emotional stimuli on target detection: Indirect and direct resource costs.Ulrike Ossowski, Sanna Malinen & William S. Helton - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1649-1658.
    The present study was designed to explore the performance costs of negative emotional stimuli in a vigilance task. Forty participants performed a vigilance task in two conditions: one with task-irrelevant negative-arousing pictures and one with task-irrelevant neutral pictures. In addition to performance, we measured subjective state and frontal cerebral activity with near infrared spectroscopy. Overall performance in the negative picture condition was lower than in the neutral picture condition and the negative picture condition had elevated levels of energetic arousal, (...)
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  39. Hare on supervenience: Remarks on R.m. Hare's Supervenience.A. J. Dale - 1985 - Mind 94 (October):599-600.
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    The Alleged Supervenience of Everything on Microphysics.Crawford L. Elder - 2011 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):87-95.
    Here is a view at least much like Lewis’s “Humean supervenience,” and in any case highly influential—in that some endorse it, and many more worry that it is true. All truths about the world are fixed by the pattern of instantiation, by individual points in space-time, of the “perfectly natural properties” posited by end-of-inquiry physics. In part, this view denies independent variability: the world could not have been different from how it actually is, in the ways depicted by common (...)
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  41. More on Global Supervenience.Oron Shagrir - 1999 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59 (3):691-701.
    Jaegwon Kim contends that global supervenience is consistent with non-materialistic cases. Paull and Sider, Horgan, as well as Kim, attempt to defend it from these charges. It is shown here that their defense is only partially successful. Their defense meets one challenge to global supervenience---the hydrogen-atom case---but fails to meet other, ‘local’, cases. It is suggested that the other challenges can be met if global supervenience is combined with weak supervenience. The combination of global and weak (...)
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  42.  19
    On ignoring irrelevant dimensions of common familiar stimuli.Ila Parasnis & Ralph Norman Haber - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 18 (1):15-18.
  43. Humean Supervenience.Brian Weatherson - 2015 - In Barry Loewer & Jonathan Schaffer (eds.), A companion to David Lewis. Chichester, West Sussex ;: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 99–115.
    Humean supervenience is the conjunction of three theses: Truth supervenes on being, Anti‐haecceitism, and Spatiotemporalism. The first clause is a core part of Lewis's metaphysics. The second clause is related to Lewis's counterpart theory. The third clause says there are no fundamental relations beyond the spatiotemporal, or fundamental properties of extended objects. Supervenience is classified into strong modal Humean supervenience, local modal Humean supervenience and familiar modal Humean supervenience which states that: for any two "worlds (...)
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  44. Supervenience and dependence.Philipp Keller - unknown
    Supervenience”, though a philosophers’ notion, has a venerable history. It was used by Leibniz to say that relations are nothing over and above the intrinsic properties of their relata, by Sidgwick to say that moral characteristics covary with non-moral ones, by Moore to say that the former are grounded in the latter, by Hare to say that they stand in some relation of strict implication and by Davidson to say that “mental characteristics are in some sense dependent, or supervenient, (...)
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    On the Utility of Global Supervenience.Manuel Pérez Otero - 1998 - Critica 30 (90):3-21.
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    Effects of appetitive discriminative stimuli on avoidance behavior.Neal E. Grossen, David J. Kostansek & Robert C. Bolles - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (2):340.
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    Reality and Humean Supervenience: Some Reflections on David Lewis Philosophy.Gerhard Preyer & Frank Siebelt - 2001 - In Gerhard Preyer & Frank Siebelt (eds.), Reality and Humean Supervenience: Essays on the Philosophy of David Lewis. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 1.
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    Global supervenience and belief.Kutschera Franz - 1994 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 23:103-110.
    Global supervenience of beliefs about physical states of affairs on such states has strongly counter-intuitive consequences about what beliefs we can nomologically hold. Tfcs is an argument against a global supervenience of all mental properties on physical 0 n es, and, since that is implied by strong supervenience, also against that as the preferred materialist thesis.
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  49. Reality and Humean Supervenience: Essays on the Philosophy of David Lewis.Terence E. Horgan - 2001 - Lanham: Rowman &Amp; Littlefield.
    Reality and Humean Supervenience confronts the reader with central aspects in the philosophy of David Lewis, whose work in ontology, metaphysics, logic, probability, philosophy of mind, and language articulates a unique and systematic foundation for modern physicalism.
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  50. On the relevance of supervenience theses to physicalism.Warren Shrader - 2008 - Acta Analytica 23 (3):257-271.
    This paper is an investigation into the nature of physicalism as well as to the possibility of formulating physicalism as a supervenience thesis. First, I review the motivation for finding a supervenience thesis that characterizes physicalism. Second, I briefly survey the types of supervenience theses that have been proposed as necessary (or, in some cases, as necessary and sufficient) for physicalism. Third, I analyze the recent supervenience thesis proposed by Frank Jackson and expounded upon by Gene (...)
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