Results for 'social inclusion and exclusion'

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  1.  1
    Causal factors of inclusion and exclusion in institutional processes of social development.Н. С Розов - 2024 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 21 (3):34-44.
    By inclusion and exclusion here we mean the phenomena of inclusion of a certain category of persons into a certain community as “insiders” and, accordingly, exclusion as transformation of “insiders” into “outsiders” and even into “enemies”. The institutional nature of these processes means that they are not one-time and situational phenomena, but deep shifts with long-term consequences, entailing changes in the rules of interaction and attitudes of their participants. In the course of their development, different societies (...)
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  2. Social inclusion and exclusion : the Sinti and Roma minority in the European Union.Horst Friedrich Rolly - 2020 - In Murzban Jal & Jyoti Bawane, Theory and Praxis: Reflections on the Colonization of Knowledge. New York: Routledge India.
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    Inclusive and Exclusive Social Preferences: A Deweyan Framework to Explain Governance Heterogeneity.Silvia Sacchetti - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (3):473-485.
    This paper wishes to problematize the foundations of production governance and offer an analytical perspective on the interrelation between agents’ preferences, strategic choice, and the public sphere . The value is in the idea of preferences being social in nature and in the application both to the internal stakeholders of the organisation and its impacts on people outside. Using the concept of ‘strategic failure’ we suggest that social preferences reflected in deliberative social praxis can reduce false beliefs (...)
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    Problematizing global educational governance of oecd Pisa: Student achievement, categorization, and social inclusion and exclusion.Jonghun Kim - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (14):1483-1492.
    This study problematizes the global educational governance of OECD PISA and its statistical data as a governing technology in contemporary discourses of education reforms. The study examines princi...
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    Reassessing social inclusion and digital divides.Saheer Al-Jaghoub & Chris Westrup - 2009 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 7 (2/3):146-158.
    PurposeDigital and social inclusion are becoming more talked about as approaches to what has been discussed as the digital divide. But what is digital or social inclusion? The purpose of this paper is to explore the notion of social exclusion as a variety of, sometimes conflicting, social programmes which embody ideas of what society should be. Becoming more aware of this variety of approach can give insights into programmes addressing the digital divide and (...)
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    Welfare to Work: Myth and Fact, Social Inclusion and Labour Exclusion.Amir Paz-Fuchs - 2008 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 28 (4):797-817.
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    Social inclusion/exclusion as matters of social (in)justice: a call for nursing action.Sharon M. Yanicki, Kaysi E. Kushner & Linda Reutter - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (2):121-133.
    Social inclusion/exclusion involves just/unjust social relations and social structures enabling or constraining opportunities for participation and health. In this paper, social inclusion/exclusion is explored as a dialectic. Three discourses – discourses on recognition, capabilities, and equality and citizenship – are identified within Canadian literature. Each discourse highlights a different view of the injustices leading to social exclusion and the conditions supporting inclusion and social justice. An Integrated Framework for (...)
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  8. Transcending the Debate between Inclusive and Exclusive Legal Positivists.Phillips Hall - unknown
    According to the standard positivist picture of law, each legal system contains a master rule that specifies criteria of legality for primary rules.1 A central debate in legal philosophy during the past twenty-five years has concerned the content of the master rule. Exclusive positivists insist that the master rule can only make reference to social facts or sources: “pedigree” criteria.2 As Ronald Dworkin emphasizes, however, some rulings can’t be justified exclusively by reference to pedigreed legal norms.3 Judges sometimes exercise.
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    Inclusiveness and exclusion: trust networks at the origins of European cities. [REVIEW]Wim Blockmans - 2010 - Theory and Society 39 (3-4):315-326.
    In Western Europe, cities grew fast between 1000 and 1300. This article looks at how the migrants moving to these emerging cities melded into communities and defended their collective rights in violent and hostile environments. It discusses a number of trust networks that were developed to meet the successive collective needs of particular social layers in rapidly changing urban societies. When a trust network became well-established and too large to allow face-to-face relations among all its members, institutions were created (...)
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    The Ordinary and Extraordinary: Producing Migrant Inclusion and Exclusion in US Sanctuary Movements.Serin D. Houston & Charlotte Morse - 2017 - Studies in Social Justice 11 (1):27-47.
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    Inclusion or Exclusion? Local Ownership and Security Sector Reform.Timothy Donais - 2009 - Studies in Social Justice 3 (1):117-131.
    This paper explores the dynamics of security sector reform (SSR), a term used to refer to efforts made to reform the security structures of states emerging from conflict or authoritarianism. While "local ownership" is increasingly viewed as a necessary element of any sustainable SSR strategy, there remains a significant gap between international policy and practice in this area. In practice, the SSR agenda continues to be driven largely by international actors, with minimal input, let alone ownership, on the part of (...)
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    Michelle Bastian completed her Ph. D. in philosophy at the University of New South Wales. She is currently a Chancellor's Fellow at the Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh. Her work focuses on the use of time in social practises of inclusion and exclusion[REVIEW]Helen Beebee - 2013 - In Katrina Hutchison & Fiona Jenkins, Women in Philosophy: What Needs to Change? New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 261.
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    Standards of Music Education and the Easily Administered Child/Citizen: The Alchemy of Pedagogy and Social Inclusion/Exclusion.Thomas S. Popkewitz & Ruth Gustafson - 2002 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 10 (2):80-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Standards of Music Education and the Easily Administered Child/Citizen: The Alchemy of Pedagogy and Social Inclusion/Exclusion Thomas S. Popkewitz and Ruth Gustafson University of Wisconsin-Madison Educational standards are forsome a corrective device to promote the twin goals of excellence and equity by making explicit the performance outcomes ofschooling. For others, performance standards do not do what they say and install the wrong goals for teaching. But (...)
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  14. Social Justice and Inclusion: Transwomen in Female Sport.Miroslav Imbrisevic - forthcoming - In Transwomen in Sport.
    There are two conceptions of ‘inclusion’ in play in this debate. 1. The traditional conception in sport: How does sport provide inclusion/exclusion? Through eligibility criteria. 2. The social justice conception: trans people must be included in all social endeavours/institutions, one of these being sport. In the latter ‘inclusion’ facilitates affirmation and validation of their gender identity. The question is: should sport take on this ‘social justice’ task?
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    The Field of Law, Gender and Sexuality: Inclusions and Exclusions. [REVIEW]Sameena Dalwai - 2009 - Feminist Legal Studies 17 (3):319-323.
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    Forms of differential social inclusion.Jonathan Wolff - 2017 - Social Philosophy and Policy 34 (1):164-185.
    :Advocates of social equality need to develop an account of the society they favor. I have argued elsewhere that social equality should be conceived negatively: in terms of opposition to asymmetric and alienating relations such as hierarchy, domination and social exclusion, rather than in terms of a positive model of equality. This essay looks in detail at social exclusion, or rather “differential social inclusion,” and especially at the mechanisms that create exclusion (...)
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    The Impact of Option Popularity, Social Inclusion/Exclusion, and Self-affirmation on Consumers’ Propensity to Choose Green Hotels.Yixing Lisa Gao & Anna S. Mattila - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (3):575-585.
    Previous research on consumers’ willingness to choose a green hotel has yielded mixed results, with some studies indicating a positive relationship with the hotel’s CSR initiatives, while others suggesting that there is no booking advantage for hotels going green. The present research seeks to understand the social nature of green hotel booking decisions and proposes a conceptual framework elucidating three primary factors that underlie consumers’ propensity to choose a green hotel. The study findings indicate that, importantly, a consumer’s (...) relationship situation with other consumers, self-affirmation, and the option popularity jointly influence consumers’ willingness to choose a green hotel. The authors adopt a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial experimental design to test the proposed hypotheses. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed. (shrink)
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    Moral Reasoning in a Multicultural Society: Moral Inclusion and Moral Exclusion.Stefano Passini - 2010 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 40 (4):435-451.
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    Speaking for and about a spouse with dementia: A matter of inclusion or exclusion?Ali Reza Majlesi, Anna Ekström & Elin Nilsson - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (6):770-791.
    This study analyses sequences where people with dementia are positioned as third parties in stories about their own lives. Previous research emphasises how people with dementia are frequently excluded from social encounters, and how others tend to speak for or about them in their co-presence. Drawing on conversation analytic methods when analysing 15 video recorded interviews with Swedish couples living with dementia, we argue that telling stories in which a spouse with dementia is positioned as a third party in (...)
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    The Politics of Exclusion and Inclusive Recognition: Unveiling Social and Epistemic Injustice.Ovett Nwosimiri - 2024 - Philosophia Africana 23 (1):29-42.
    The subject of personhood has received substantial discussion in contemporary African philosophy where communitarianism happens to be the dominant approach. In his new book Menkiti’s Moral Man, Oritsegbubemi Anthony Oyowe enters this discussion as a repentant critic of Ifeanyi Menkiti’s version of communitarianism, the plausibility of which he attempts to defend with compelling arguments and interpretations. In this book, especially in chapter 4, Oyowe addresses the subject of women’s social recognition and inclusion in the African community. In view (...)
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    Inclusive and Safe Environment for LGBTI+ in Lithuanian Universities? Reflecting Realities and Challenges.Milda Ališauskienė, Gintarė Pocė & Artūras Tereškinas - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (2).
    This paper discusses the results of the international applied research project ‘UniDiversity – Universities Towards Diversity’ that examined what discriminatory attitudes, beliefs and behaviours based on sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics (SOGISC) exist in the Lithuanian, Greek and Italian academic environment. Specifically, this paper analyses how LGBTI+ individuals conceive of different forms of discrimination in the Lithuanian academic environment. The paper fills the knowledge gap in terms of intolerance and discrimination against LGBTI+ individuals at Lithuanian higher education institutions (...)
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    Knowing Your Place and Minding Your Own Business: On Perverse Psychological Solutions to the Imagined Problem of Social Exclusion.Christopher Scanlon & John Adlam - 2013 - Ethics and Social Welfare 7 (2):170-183.
    We draw on ancient Greek philosophy and contemporary psychosocial theorists to analyse the ethical implications of social policies implemented through the welfare state with the espoused objective of achieving social inclusion. We argue that many such policies establish a boundary between domains of inclusion and exclusion that perversely maintains the very problem such policies are designed to solve. They then also provide ?rationalisations? for social exclusion which imply that such states can be explained?that (...)
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    Vicky, Cristina and Social Exclusion in Barcelona: A Tale of Two Cities.Farid Samir Benavides-Vanegas - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (3):579-595.
    Barcelona has become one of the most touristic cities in the world, with more than 18 million visitors per year, coming to a city with only 1.7 million inhabitants. The model of tourism is depredatory, destroying old neighborhoods and pushing Catalans out of the city. At the same time, people from the Global South come to the city, but in more precarious conditions. They find a city that does not welcome them and that puts them in the worst conditions. I (...)
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    Gender Equality, Inclusivity and Corporate Governance in India.N. Balasubramanian - 2013 - Journal of Human Values 19 (1):15-28.
    Equity, equality and inclusivity have been themes of abiding interest to philosophers, politicians, social reformers and activists alike. In the modern Indian context of political and social reformation spearheaded by Gandhi during the first half of the twentieth century, the imperatives of mainstreaming women in public and private spheres of activity was a theme that engaged many scholars and statesmen and attracted his serious concern. Not giving women their due share of responsibility and authority was to him as (...)
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  25. Social Accountability and Corporate Greenwashing.William S. Laufer - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (3):253 - 261.
    Critics of SRI have said little about the integrity of corporate representations resulting in screening inclusion or exclusion. This is surprising given social and environmental accounting research that finds corporate posturing and deception in the absence of external verification, and a parallel body of literature describing corporate "greenwashing" and other forms of corporate disinformation. In this paper I argue that the problems and challenges of ensuring fair and accurate corporate social reporting mirror those accompanying corporate compliance (...)
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    Splitting difference: Psychoanalysis, hatred and exclusion.Simon Clarke - 1999 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 29 (1):21–35.
    In this paper I will argue that the inclusion of certain aspects of psychoanalytic theory into sociological analysis can be particularly enlightening in specific areas of social research where traditional theory and practice have failed to explain phenomena satisfactorily. This is arguably the case in the explanation of hatred and exclusion, where powerful affective forces fuel racist discourse and support structures of discimination. This is not presented as an antithesis or critique of contemporary sociological methodologies, rather as (...)
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    Ethics, e-Inclusion and Ageing.Emilio Mordini, David Wright, Paul de Hert, Eugenio Mantovani, Kush R. Wadhwa, Jesper Thestrup & Guido Van Steendam - 2009 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 3 (1).
    Ethical questions about information and communications technologies have been debated since World War II. Western democracies have had more than 50 years of experience in addressing and organising the ethical, social and legal aspects of scientific and technological developments. However, this expertise, tradition and experience are not enough to manage the most urgent ethical and social issues and contemporary challenges involving ICT. A systematic and institutional organisation of social values in the context of modern ICT tools is (...)
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    AI ageism: a critical roadmap for studying age discrimination and exclusion in digitalized societies.Justyna Stypinska - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):665-677.
    In the last few years, we have witnessed a surge in scholarly interest and scientific evidence of how algorithms can produce discriminatory outcomes, especially with regard to gender and race. However, the analysis of fairness and bias in AI, important for the debate of AI for social good, has paid insufficient attention to the category of age and older people. Ageing populations have been largely neglected during the turn to digitality and AI. In this article, the concept of AI (...)
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  29. Gender Identity and Exclusion: A Reply to Jenkins.Matthew Salett Andler - 2017 - Ethics 127 (4):883-895.
    A theory of gender ought to be compatible with trans-inclusive definitions of gender identity terms, such as ‘woman’ and ‘man’. Appealing to this principle of trans-inclusion, Katharine Jenkins argues that we ought to endorse a dual social position and identity theory of gender. Here, I argue that Jenkins’s dual theory of gender fails to be trans-inclusive for the following reasons: it cannot generate a definition of ‘woman’ that extends to include all trans women, and it understands transgender gender (...)
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    Facing social exclusion: a facial EMG examination of the reaffiliative function of smiling.Joseph C. Brandenburg, Daniel N. Albohn, Michael J. Bernstein, Jose A. Soto, Ursula Hess & Reginald B. Adams - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (4):741-749.
    Social exclusion influences how expressions are perceived and the tendency of the perceiver to mimic them. However, less is known about social exclusion’s effect on one’s own facial expressions. The aim of the present study was to identify the effects of social exclusion on Duchenne smiling behaviour, defined as activity of both zygomaticus major and the orbicularis oculi muscles. Utilising a within-subject’s design, participants took part in the Cyberball Task in which they were both (...)
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    Social Domination and Epistemic Marginalisation: towards Methodology of the Oppressed.Venkatesh Vaditya - 2018 - Social Epistemology 32 (4):272-285.
    Marginalisation is both a structural and an epistemic issue. The struggle against exclusion and marginalisation should take place within larger social structures. Moreover, we should address the legitimacy offered, through the knowledge production process itself, for exclusion and marginalisation. Knowledge production regarding the oppressed should document their lives, experiences and concerns. It must take place with an appropriate methodological struggle informed by alternative epistemologies. While creating alternative epistemologies, it is important to challenge the value-neutrality claim of mainstream (...)
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  32. Inclusive Education and Social Transformation.Jeffrey Centeno - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (1).
    This article introduces and discusses the philosophy of inclusion as a fundamental condition of social transformation mediated by inclusive education. Inclusion in opposition to exclusion or marginalization certainly provokes fresh thinking about our ways of being and of relating to one another. Inclusive principles highlight the social dimensions of learning and living together that reciprocally define the future of a pluralistic society. With social transformation as the end in view, education is hereby described as (...)
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    Discourses of Exclusion: Suppression, Silencing, and Inclusion.Katarzyna Więckowska, Anna Maria Kola & Michał Bomastyk - 2024 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 15 (3).
    The article provides an introduction to the anthology devoted to studying theories and practices of discourses of exclusion. Framing the discussion by references to Kimberlé Crenshaw’s notion of intersectionality and Michel Foucault’s conceptualization of the relations between discourse and power, the essay stresses the multiple forms of exclusion and entangled power differentials that determine a person’s identity and social status and argues for the need to employ an interdisciplinary perspective. The overview of the issues analyzed in the (...)
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    Are socially exclusive values embedded in the avatar creation interfaces of MMORPGs?Tyler Pace, Aaron Houssian & Victoria McArthur - 2009 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 7 (2/3):192-210.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to show how both the presentation and limitation of visual choices in massively multiplayer online role‐playing games (MMORPG) avatar creation interfaces tends to exclude or favor different real life social groups.Design/methodology/approachA novel method combining both quantitative and critical analysis of the syntagmatic‐paradigmatic structure of MMORPG avatar creation interfaces is used to inform the findings of this study.FindingsThis study concludes that as cultural interfaces, current fantasy themed MMORPGs remediate socially exclusive values both from fantasy (...)
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  35.  19
    Does Social Exclusion Improve Detection of Real and Fake Smiles? A Replication Study.Simon Schindler & Martin Trede - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research on social exclusion suggests an increased attention of excluded persons to subtle social cues. In one study (N= 32), published inPsychological Science,Bernstein et al. (2008)provided evidence for this idea by showing that participants in the social exclusion condition were better in correctly categorizing a target person’s smile as real or fake. Although highly cited, this finding has never been directly replicated. The present study aimed to fill that gap. 201 participants (79.1% female) were randomly (...)
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  36.  17
    School and Teacher Factors That Promote Adolescents’ Bystander Responses to Social Exclusion.Kelly Lynn Mulvey, Seçil Gönültaş, Greysi Irdam, Ryan G. Carlson, Christine DiStefano & Matthew J. Irvin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:581089.
    Schools may be one important context where adolescents learn and shape the behaviors necessary for promoting global inclusivity in adulthood. Given the importance of bystanders in halting bullying and peer aggression, the focus of this study is on both moral judgments regarding one type of bullying, social exclusion, and factors that are associated with bystander intervention. The study includes 896 adolescents, who were 6th (N= 450,Mage= 11.73), and 9th (N= 446,Mage= 14.82) graders, approximately evenly divided by gender. Participants (...)
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    Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Gene Val158Met Polymorphism Moderates the Effect of Social Exclusion and Inclusion on Aggression in Men: Findings From a Mixed Experimental Design.Meiping Wang, Pian Chen, Hang Li, Andrew Haddon Kemp & Wenxin Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Accumulating research has identified the interactive effects of catechol-O-methyltransferase gene Val158Met polymorphism and environmental factors on aggression. However, available evidence was mainly based upon correlational design, which yields mixed findings concerning who are more affected by environmental conditions and has been challenged for the low power of analyses on gene–environment interaction. Drawing on a mixed design, we scrutinized how COMT Val158Met polymorphism impacts on aggression, assessed by hostility, aggressive motivation, and aggressive behavior, under different social conditions in a sample (...)
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  38. Niklas Luhmann's systems theoretical redescription of the inclusion/exclusion debate.Antoon Braeckman - 2006 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (1):65-88.
    Relying on Niklas Luhmann's systems theoretical redescription of modern society, this article aims at questioning the basic theoretical notions of the ongoing inclusion/exclusion debate. The most remarkable aspect of Luhmann's reassessment of the inclusion/exclusion relationship within functionally differentiated societies is that individuals are basically situated within the exclusion domain of society, and thus cannot but partially be included within society's function systems and organizations. This reassessment not only allows Luhmann to raise fundamental questions with respect (...)
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    Inclusion, Eligibility and Forfeiture.Miroslav Imbrisevic - 2024 - Analítica 4 (October):127-138.
    One of the buzzwords of today is ‘inclusion’. But the idea that everyone should be ‘included’ is a mistake, thoughtlessly reproduced by many. This holds in the private sphere, as well as in the institutional settings of the public sphere. There is very little conceptual analysis of the term, although there is plenty of literature on ‘social inclusion’ and the political vision of including the marginalized. My aim is to show that there are constraints on inclusion (...)
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    The social, cosmopolitanism and beyond.Michael Schillmeier - 2009 - History of the Human Sciences 22 (2):87-109.
    First, this article will outline the metaphysics of `the social' that implicitly and explicitly connects the work of classical and contemporary cosmopolitan sociologists as different as Durkheim, Weber, Beck and Luhmann. In a second step, I will show that the cosmopolitan outlook of classical sociology is driven by exclusive differences. In understanding human affairs, both classical sociology and contemporary cosmopolitan sociology reflect a very modernist outlook of epistemological, conceptual, methodological and disciplinary rigour that separates the cultural sphere from the (...)
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    Children at risk of social exclusion in the early childhood and pre-school education system.Dejana Bouillet, Monika Pažur & Sandra Antulić Majcen - 2024 - Metodicki Ogledi 31 (1):65-91.
    High quality pedagogical practise is one of the most important mechanisms to support families and children at risk of social exclusion (RSE) in the early childhood and pre-school education system (ECEC). This paper describes and presents the results of the evaluation of the model for the prevention of adverse developmental outcomes of children with RSE achieved through quality pedagogical practise. The contribution of using the model to children's social inclusion was determined using a quasi-experimental quantitative method. (...)
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    Digital Inclusion: International Policy and Research.Simeon Yates & Elinor Carmi (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    This collection presents policy and research that addresses digital inequalities, access, and skills, from multiple international perspectives. With a special focus on the impact of the COVID-19, the collection is based on the 2021 Digital Inclusion, Policy and Research Conference, with chapters from both academia and civic organizations. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed citizens’ relationship with digital technologies for the foreseeable future. Many people’s main channels of communication were transferred to digital services, platforms, and apps. Everything ‘went online’: our (...)
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  43. Constructing reality and its alternatives: An inclusion/exclusion model of assimilation and contrast effects in social judgment.Norbert Schwarz & Herbert Bless - 1992 - In Leonard L. Martin & Abraham Tesser, The Construction of Social Judgments. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 217--245.
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    Exclusion by inclusion? On difficulties with regard to an effective ethical assessment of patenting in the field of agricultural bio-technology.Christoph Baumgartner - 2006 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 19 (6):521-539.
    In order to take ethical considerations of patenting biological material into account, the so-called “ordre public or morality clause” was implemented as Article 6 in the EC directive on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions, 98/44/EC. At first glance, this seems to provide a significant advantage to the European patent system with respect to ethics. The thesis of this paper argues that the ordre public or morality clause does not provide sufficient protection against ethically problematic uses of the patent system (...)
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  45. Inclusion and Exclusion in Natural Language.Thomas F. Icard - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (4):705-725.
    We present a formal system for reasoning about inclusion and exclusion in natural language, following work by MacCartney and Manning. In particular, we show that an extension of the Monotonicity Calculus, augmented by six new type markings, is sufficient to derive novel inferences beyond monotonicity reasoning, and moreover gives rise to an interesting logic of its own. We prove soundness of the resulting calculus and discuss further logical and linguistic issues, including a new connection to the classes of (...)
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    Toward Exclusion through Inclusion: Engendering Reputation with Gender-Inclusive Facilities at Colleges and Universities in the United States, 2001-2013.Alexander K. Davis - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (3):321-347.
    Ample sociological evidence demonstrates that binary gender ideologies are an intractable part of formal organizations and that transgender issues tend to be marginalized by a wide range of social institutions. Yet, in the last 15 years, more than 200 colleges and universities have attempted to ameliorate such realities by adopting gender-inclusive facilities in which students of any gender can share residential and restroom spaces. What cultural logics motivate these transformations? How can their emergence be reconciled with the difficulty of (...)
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    Inclusion in the City: Selection, Schooling and Community.Patricia Potts (ed.) - 2003 - Routledge.
    _Inclusion in the City_ explores inclusion and exclusion in the context of policy and practice in one English city - Birmingham. Here, a commitment to redressing the inequalities experienced by many learners has been inhibited by difficulty in securing agreement to a definite policy for inclusion and, consequently, in sustaining initiatives for strengthening participation in community comprehensive education. Grounded in an understanding of inclusion as a political and moral project, the book presents a range of perspectives (...)
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    Social Exclusion Down-Regulates Pain Empathy at the Late Stage of Empathic Responses: Electrophysiological Evidence.Min Fan, Jing Jie, Pinchao Luo, Yu Pang, Danna Xu, Gaowen Yu, Shaochen Zhao, Wei Chen & Xifu Zheng - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Social exclusion has a significant impact on cognition, emotion, and behavior. Some behavioral studies investigated how social exclusion affects pain empathy. Conclusions were inconsistent, and there is a lack of clarity in identifying which component of pain empathy is more likely to be affected. To investigate these issues, we used a Cyberball task to manipulate feelings of social exclusion. Two groups participated in the same pain empathy task while we recorded event-related potentials when participants (...)
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    Exclusion from the social contract.Paul Weirich - 2011 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 10 (2):148-169.
    Does rational bargaining yield a social contract that is efficient and so inclusive? A core allocation, that is, an allocation that gives each coalition at least as much as it can get on its own, is efficient. However, some coalitional games lack a core allocation, so rationality does not require one in those games. Does rationality therefore permit exclusion from the social contract? I replace realization of a core allocation with another type of equilibrium achievable in every (...)
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  50.  25
    Habermas on Social Labor and Communicative Action.Marie Fleming - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 42:71-76.
    In contemporary philosophy and social theory, Harbermas's theory of communicative action stands indisputably for a modernity enlightened about itself and its potential. Yet, however much he professes his commitment to universalist ideals of inclusiveness and equality, his influential theory is also marked by disquieting statements on matters of gender. I argue that the problem of gender in Habermas's theory can be traced to his attempt to rework the Marxian tradition of historical materialism. I do so by discussing Habermas's proposal (...)
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