Results for 'silhouettes'

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  1. Silhouettes are Shadows.Jonathan Westphal - 2011 - Acta Analytica 26 (2):187-197.
    Sorensen’s celebrated problem about the eclipse of Near and Far is given a solution in which what is seen is Far, silhouetted. Near cannot be seen, as it is in the shadow of Far. A silhouette is a shadow. The so–called Yale Puzzle is a linguistic confusion.
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    Silhouettes: A Reply from the Dark Side. [REVIEW]Roy Sorensen - 2011 - Acta Analytica 26 (2):199-211.
    This is a reply to Casey O'Callaghan and Jonathan Westphal’s comments on Seeing Dark Things: The Philosophy of Shadows. Both attempt to soften the blow to intuition that comes from the most controversial thesis of the book: we see the backs of back-lit objects. Each characterizes the viewing of silhouettes as a kind of marginal seeing that only discloses shapes, sizes and location. In response, photographs are presented to show that silhouettes are typically three-dimensional and they often have (...)
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  3. On Silhouettes, Surfaces and Sorensen.Thomas Raleigh - 2018 - In Thomas Crowther & Clare Mac Cumhaill, Perceptual Ephemera. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 194-218.
    In his book “Seeing Dark Things” (2008), Roy Sorensen provides many wonderfully ingenious arguments for many surprising, counter-intuitive claims. One such claim in particular is that when we a silhouetted object – i.e. an opaque object lit entirely from behind – we literally see its back-side – i.e. we see the full expanse of the surface facing away from us that is blocking the incoming light. Sorensen himself admits that this seems a tough pill to swallow, later characterising it as (...)
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    Do silhouettes and photographs produce fundamentally different object-based correspondence effects?Robert W. Proctor, Mei-Ching Lien & Lane Thompson - 2017 - Cognition 169 (C):91-101.
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  5. On silhouettes, surfaces, and sorensen.Thomas Raleigh - 2018 - In Thomas Crowther & Clare Mac Cumhaill, Perceptual Ephemera. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  6. The silhouette of a cosmopolitan Europe: semiotic policy of globalization.T. Ramoneda - 2006 - Semiotica 159 (1-4):329-341.
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  7. The Silhouette of the State in "Democratic Vistas" - Hegelian or Whitmanian?Paschal Reeves - 1962 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 43 (3):374.
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  8. Silhouette & manipulation.F. Mattens - 2012 - In Roland Breeur & Ullrich Melle, Life, Subjectivity, and Art: Essays in honor of Rudolf Bernet. New York: Springer Science+Business Media.
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    La silhouette de l'humain: quelle place pour le naturalisme dans le monde d'aujourd'hui?Daniel Andler - 2016 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
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    Education à la Silhouette: The need for semiotically-informed curriculum consciousness.James Anthony Whitson - 2007 - Semiotica 2007 (164):235-329.
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    The Content of silhouettes.Anthony Phelan - 1998 - Paragraph 21 (2):150-168.
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    (1 other version)Bertrand Russell's Best: Silhouettes in Satire.Bertrand Russell - 1961 - London,: Routledge. Edited by Robert Edward Egner.
    First published in 1981. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Andler, Daniel. La silhouette de l’humain. Quelle place pour le naturalisme dans le monde d’aujourd’hui? Paris, Gallimard, coll. « NRF Essais », 2016, 555 p. [REVIEW]Marc-Kevin Daoust - 2016 - Philosophiques 43 (2):540-544.
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    Dissociating Simon and affordance compatibility effects: Silhouettes and photographs.Zissis Pappas - 2014 - Cognition 133 (3):716-728.
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    Mode Et Philosophie Ou le Néoplatonisme En Silhouette: 1470-1500.Anne Kraatz - 2004 - Belles Lettres.
    Cet ouvrage a pour but de déterminer qu'il existe bien un rapport entre la mode vestimentaire et la pensée d'un moment. La philosophie néoplatonicienne de la Renaissance, toute occupée à définir le beau, représente un terrain idéal pour étudier le lien entre pensée philosophique et matérialité vestimentaire.
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  16. Friedrich Nietzsche: Eine moral-philosophische Silhouette.G. Simmel - 1896 - Philosophical Review 5:434.
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    African-American males prefer a larger female body silhouette than do whites.Ellen F. Rosen, Adolph Brown, Jennifer Braden, Herman W. Dorsett, Dawna N. Franklin, Ronald A. Garlington, Valerie E. Kent, Tonya T. Lewis & Linda C. Petty - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (6):599-601.
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    Generalization of an operant response to photographs and drawings/silhouettes of a three-dimensional object at various orientations.Ernest A. Lumsden - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (5):405-407.
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    Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Méditations personnelles sur la philosophie élémentaire. Présenté, traduit et annoté par Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel. Traduction en collaboration avec Anne Gabier** Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Rapport clair comme le jour adressé au grand public sur le caractère propre de la philosophie nouvelle (1801). Recension de l'Enésidème. Sur la stimulation et l'accroissement du pur intérêt pour la vérité. La silhouette générale de la Doctrine de la Science. Introduction, traduction et notes par .. [REVIEW]Olivier Depré - 2000 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 98 (3):621-624.
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    Better safe than sorry: Simplistic fear-relevant stimuli capture attention.Sarah J. Forbes, Helena M. Purkis & Ottmar V. Lipp - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (5):794-804.
    It has been consistently demonstrated that fear-relevant images capture attention preferentially over fear-irrelevant images. Current theory suggests that this faster processing could be mediated by an evolved module that allows certain stimulus features to attract attention automatically, prior to the detailed processing of the image. The present research investigated whether simplified images of fear-relevant stimuli would produce interference with target detection in a visual search task. In Experiment 1, silhouettes and degraded silhouettes of fear-relevant animals produced more interference (...)
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    Démocrite: grains de poussière dans un rayon de soleil.Jean Salem - 1996 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    Grains de poussiere dans un rayon de soleil... poesie du discontinu que la lumiere de l'entendement met a jour, verite du mobile et du minuscule: l'atomisme de Democrite porte, assurement, a rever. A l'aide des nombreux temoignages et fragments reunis par Diels et Luria, J. Salem a souhaite retrouver l'unite d'inspiration qui dut presider a cette oeuvre encyclopedique. Il est tout a fait possible de distinguer l'immense silhouette de Democrite dans maints textes de l'Antiquite: aussi est-il fort tentant de reconstituer (...)
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    Kinemorphic cursives: Self-imaging and the non-mimetic source of photoimaging.Christophe Wall-Romana - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (1):35-59.
    The motive for late eighteenth-century proto-technics of photography and cinema was never quite mimetic representation: it was generating autonomous impressions of natural phenomena within the tradition ofNaturphilosophie. The article analyses a series of connections between ‘natural hieroglyphs’ (von Lichtenberg), Jacques-Alexandre-César Charles’s ‘megascope’, Wedgwood’s pre-photography, Lavater’s silhouettes and antecedents of Marey’s ‘graphic method’. The goal is to document precursor ideas, devices, setups and frameworks of photoimaging medias to show that the genealogy of photography and cinema intersected through many polymath transverses (...)
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  23. Body Aesthetics.Sherri Irvin (ed.) - 2016 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    The body is a rich object for aesthetic inquiry. We aesthetically assess both our own bodies and those of others, and our felt bodily experiences have aesthetic qualities. The body features centrally in aesthetic experiences of visual art, theatre, dance and sports. It is also deeply intertwined with one's identity and sense of self. Artistic and media representations shape how we see and engage with bodies, with consequences both personal and political. This volume contains sixteen original essays by contributors in (...)
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    Stimulus Parameters Underlying Sound‐Symbolic Mapping of Auditory Pseudowords to Visual Shapes.Simon Lacey, Yaseen Jamal, Sara M. List, K. Sathian & Lynne C. Nygaard - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (9):e12883.
    Sound symbolism refers to non‐arbitrary mappings between the sounds of words and their meanings and is often studied by pairing auditory pseudowords such as “maluma” and “takete” with rounded and pointed visual shapes, respectively. However, it is unclear what auditory properties of pseudowords contribute to their perception as rounded or pointed. Here, we compared perceptual ratings of the roundedness/pointedness of large sets of pseudowords and shapes to their acoustic and visual properties using a novel application of representational similarity analysis (RSA). (...)
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    Hiroshima’s Bag Lady: Increasing the Parameters of the Real.Luciana Nunes Nacif - 2023 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 13 (1):117-123.
    What is considered ugly, grotesque or unpleasant by the fashion world? The first collection presented by Rei Kawakubo in Paris was classified as offensive to Western aesthetic standards, for it questioned the French ideal of beauty and elegance. Through silhouettes covered in frayed, perforated and monochromatic fabrics, Kawakubo disrupted the established notion of the beautiful body, stripping it of the clichés of femininity, explicit sexuality and glamour. Under the lens of Vilém Flusser’s philosophy, the Japanese fashion designer created the (...)
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    Associations of Body Dissatisfaction With Lifestyle Behaviors and Socio-Demographic Factors Among Saudi Females Attending Fitness Centers.Nada M. Albawardi, Abeer A. AlTamimi, Mezna A. AlMarzooqi, Lama Alrasheed & Hazzaa M. Al-Hazzaa - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectiveTo examine body image perception and the associations of body dissatisfaction with socio-demographic and lifestyle factors among Saudi women attending fitness centers in Riyadh.MethodsSaudi females aged 16 years and older were recruited from 12 randomly selected fitness centers in Riyadh, using stratified clustered sampling technique. Height and weight were measured to calculate actual body mass index. A previously validated instrument was used to collect socio-demographic and lifestyle variables including physical activity, sedentary behaviors, sleep and dietary habits. Stunkard Figure Rating Scale (...)
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    L'historien et les fantômes: lectures (autour) de l'oeuvre d'Alain Boureau.Alain Boureau, Béatrice Delaurenti, Blaise Dufal & Piroska Nagy (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    L'oeuvre d'Alain Boureau, multiple et dense, se deploie sur les quarante dernieres annees en abordant de nombreux domaines de l'histoire du Moyen Age et du christianisme latin. Elle suit les peregrinations personnelles et professionnelles d'un chercheur a travers un monde peuple de silhouettes incertaines : figures de l'hagiographie, faux-semblants de l'Etat moderne, anges, demons, cadavres et somnambules, vagues individus scolastiques qui eux-memes parlent de creatures etranges. Autant de fantomes d'un passe persistant qu'il a suivis avec tenacite tout au long (...)
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    Modeling and Simulation of Athlete’s Error Motion Recognition Based on Computer Vision.Luo Dai - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    Computer vision is widely used in manufacturing, sports, medical diagnosis, and other fields. In this article, a multifeature fusion error action expression method based on silhouette and optical flow information is proposed to overcome the shortcomings in the effectiveness of a single error action expression method based on the fusion of features for human body error action recognition. We analyse and discuss the human error action recognition method based on the idea of template matching to analyse the key issues that (...)
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    Exploratory techniques to analyse Ecuador's tourism industry.Anita Herrera, Ángel Arroyo, Alfredo Jiménez & Álvaro Herrero - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (6):1018-1035.
    The analysis of the operation of tourism companies will provide valid information for the design of policies to reactivate the tourism industry, which has been strongly affected during the pandemic generated by COVID-19. The objective of this paper is to use soft computing techniques to analyse tourism companies in Ecuador. First of all, dimensionality reduction methods are applied: principal component analysis, isometric feature mapping and locally linear embedding, on data of tourism enterprises in Ecuador for the year 2015. In addition, (...)
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    La Σκιά (Hbr. 10,1) e la verità dei colori.Paolo Liverani - 2020 - Augustinianum 60 (2):523-542.
    In the Epistle to the Hebrews the terms σκιά and εἰκών are opposed, and most commentators have focused on the latter term, interpreting it as a Platonic allusion. If we consider in more detail the meanings of σκιά and σκιαγραφία, another interpretation appears more likely. Σκιαγραφία means “shading”, “silhouette” or “outline”, and finally “sketch” or – even better – “preliminary drawing”, “underdrawing”or “sinopia”. The last meaning is well attested in the sources at least since the late second or early third (...)
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    Touched by Fashion: On Feeling What we Wear.Laura T. Di Summa - 2025 - British Journal of Aesthetics 65 (1):81-96.
    Fashion is immediately associated with looks. Its popularity and its most consumerist sides thrive in our current culture of image, further highlighting the connection between fashion and an aesthetic that is quintessentially visual. While it is impossible to deny such a connection, this paper explores the relationship between fashion and touch and fashion and “feel”, two terms that, albeit related, deserve independent consideration. I will begin by emphasizing the importance of seeing fashion in relation to a performative understanding of identity, (...)
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    The Phenotype/Genotype Distinction and the Disappearance of the Body.Gabriel Gudding - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (3):525-545.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Phenotype/Genotype Distinction and the Disappearance of the BodyGabriel GuddingThe discipline of genetics has long been a rhetorical and heuristic locus for social and political issues. As such, the science has influenced culture through the avenues of law, medicine, warfare, social work, and even, since 1972 in California, the education of kindergarten students. It has affected how we view the body, morality, romance, biography, and agency—not to mention procreation (...)
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    Kierkegaard and the refusal of transcendence.Steven Shakespeare - 2015 - New York, New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Kierkegaard and the limit of analogy -- Distinctions : marks of the paradox -- The paradox is not one: transfiguring transcendence -- Monstrance : articulating the paradox -- Silhouettes : figuring the immanent paradox -- Satan's angel : the interruption of the demonic -- Kierkegaard, Spinoza and the intellectual love of God -- Conclusion : theology for creatures.
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    The Cost of Competence: Why Inequality Causes Depression, Eating Disorders, and Illness in Women.Brett Silverstein & Deborah Perlick - 1985 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Since the advent of the women's movement, women have made unprecedented gains in almost every field, from politics to the professions. Paradoxically, doctors and mental health professionals have also seen a staggering increase in the numbers of young women suffering from an epidemic of depression, eating disorders, and other physical and psychological problems. In The Cost of Competence, authors Brett Silverstein and Deborah Perlick argue that rather than simply labeling individual women as, say, anorexic or depressed, it is time to (...)
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    Rêver l’Europe. L’Europe – l’arche de Noé de l’avenir? Derrida, l’Europe et l’Hospitalité.Fernanda Bernardo - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78 (4):1473-1508.
    At his last conference in France, on 8 June 2004, in Strasbourg, under the title “Le souverain bien – ou l’Europe en mal de souveraineté”, Jacques Derrida (1930-2004), always very concerned about Europe and about the future of Europe, dared to admit that he dreamed, without the slightest Eurocentrism or identitarianism, of “a Europe whose universal hospitality and new laws of hospitality or the right of asylum would make it the Noah’s Ark of the 21st century” – since the Bible (...)
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    Interoception and Empathy Impact Perspective Taking.Lukas Heydrich, Francesco Walker, Larissa Blättler, Bruno Herbelin, Olaf Blanke & Jane Elizabeth Aspell - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Adopting the perspective of another person is an important aspect of social cognition and has been shown to depend on multisensory signals from one’s own body. Recent work suggests that interoceptive signals not only contribute to own-body perception and self-consciousness, but also to empathy. Here we investigated if social cognition – in particular adopting the perspective of another person – can be altered by a systematic manipulation of interoceptive cues and further, if this effect depends on empathic ability. The own-body (...)
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  37. Love as a Problem of Knowledge in Kierkegaard's Either/Or and Plato's Symposium.Ulrika Carlsson - 2010 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 53 (1):41-67.
    At the end of the essay “Silhouettes” in Either/Or , Kierkegaard writes, “only the person who has been bitten by snakes knows what one who has been bitten by snakes must suffer.” I interpret this as an allusion to Alcibiades' speech in Plato's Symposium. Kierkegaard invites the reader to compare Socrates to Don Giovanni, and Alcibiades to the seduced women. Socrates' philosophical method, in this light, is a deceptive seduction: just as Don Giovanni's seduction leads his conquests to unhappy (...)
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  38. Looking With Fresh Eyes Across Time and Space: Europe from a Confucian Perspective.Kee Il Choi - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (190):22-32.
    The most valuable finding of my first sightseeing trip was that medieval Europe was the seat of Christendom and that Christianity defines the West. I was amazed to see that Europe reveals so much of its past. I had not had such an experience in the United States, where I had lived as a student and then as a professor of economics.As I glimpsed the West, I found myself rediscovering Confucian civilization and how much I am still Confucian, although I (...)
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    Herbert Butterfield and the ethics of historiography.Michael Bentley - 2005 - History and Theory 44 (1):55–71.
    At the center of this important writer’s thought lies a paradox in his constant implicating of ethical norms in historical writing while simultaneously deriding all forms of moral judgment in history. This article investigates the relationship between Butterfield’s ethics and his religion in order to suggest ways of resolving the paradox. It focuses on his unconventional style of Augustinianism and the levels of historical analysis involved in what he called “technical history,” on the one hand, and his own search for (...)
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    Only stimulus energy affects the detectability of visual forms and objects.Muriel Boucart & Claude Bonnet - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (5):415-417.
    A detection task was performed using different pictographic representations of objects in order to test the hypothesis that high-level information (familiarity) may influence detection thresholds. The stimuli were five versions of forms: outline drawings of objects, silhouettes, and three fragmented versions of forms derived from the outlines. The stimuli varied on two parameters: their nameability (easily nameable, hardly nameable, and not nameable) as assessed by a naming task, and their energy content as assessed by a two-dimensional fast-Fourier transform. The (...)
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    Comment marchent les philosophes.Roger-Pol Droit - 2016 - Paris: Paulsen.
    " Montre-moi comment tu marches, je te dirai comment tu penses!... " II suffit de déambuler avec les philosophes en compagnie de Roger-Pol Droit — de la Grèce antique à nos jours, de Copenhague au Tibet —, pour comprendre à quel point marcher debout définit notre humanité. Et pour saisir comment marcher, parler et penser ne forment qu'un seul et même mouvement : être sur le point de tomber, se rattraper et recommencer sans fin. Aristote arpentant le gymmase du Lycée (...)
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    Nationalizing history and the challenge of discordant temporalities1.Harry Harootunian - 2010 - History and Theory 49 (3):435-446.
    Christopher Hill's National History and the World of Nations reminds us of the conjunctural moment of an emerging world market in the latter half of the nineteenth century and the promise it offered for vitalizing a “world history” yet to be written. More importantly, it supplies the silhouette of a radically different interpretive approach, formed by the force of a centrifugal perspective that—through its concentration on how France, the United States, and Japan were simultaneously motivated to construct representations of self-identity (...)
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    The Library of Alexandria: Past and Future.Jean Bingen & Azza Karrarah - 1988 - Diogenes 36 (141):38-55.
    Papyrus rolls, hundreds of thousands of rolls, carefully stacked in niches or in precious containers, also men, learned librarians or their erudite hosts, men who read books in order to write others, hardly paying heed to the vile rumblings of Alexandria, the unruly city, dreaming rather of tomorrow's lesson with the crown prince, their pupil, or even admiring from afar, protected by the shade of a portico, the silhouette of some queen, Cleopatra or Arsinoe or a Berenice counting her locks… (...)
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    Object Retrieval Using the Quad-Tree Decomposition.Slimane Larabi & Saliha Aouat - 2014 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 23 (1):33-47.
    We propose in this article an indexing and retrieval approach applied on outline shapes. Models of objects are stored in a database using the textual descriptors of their silhouettes. We extract from the textual description a set of efficient similarity measures to index the silhouettes. The extracted features are the geometric quasi-invariants that vary slightly with the small change in the viewpoint. We use a textual description and quasi-invariant features to minimize the storage space and to achieve an (...)
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    Il est cinq heures, le cours est terminé: Bergson, itinéraire.Michel Laval - 2023 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    Il est cinq heures, le cours est terminé? sont les dernières paroles prêtées à Henri Bergson sur son lit de mort début janvier 1941 à Paris.00Avec Bergson disparaissait ± le dernier grand nom de l'intelligence européenne? (Paul Valéry). Né au milieu du siècle précédent, Bergson avait suivi un itinéraire à nul autre pareil qui le conduisit des salles obscures d'une pension israélite à Paris où ses parents l'avaient abandonné enfant, aux cimes éblouissantes de l'École normale supérieure, de l'agrégation de philosophie, (...)
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    Playing Ludomotor Activities in Lleida During the Spanish Civil War: An Ethnomotor Approach.Enric Ormo-Ribes, Pere Lavega-Burgués, Rosa Rodríguez-Arregi, Rafael Luchoro-Parrilla, Aaron Rillo-Albert & Miguel Pic - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The traditional ludomotor activities (LA) are recognized by UNESCO as an intangible piece of cultural heritage. The ethnomotricity analyzes LA in its sociocultural context, taking into account the proprieties of rules or motor conditions (internal logic) and the link with local culture (external logic). The aim of this research was to identify and reveal the distinctive ethnomotor features of LA in order to understand the adaptations that occurred in the social scenario of the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) in Lleida. The (...)
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    Consistency and Variation in Reasoning About Physical Assembly.William P. McCarthy, David Kirsh & Judith E. Fan - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (12):e13397.
    The ability to reason about how things were made is a pervasive aspect of how humans make sense of physical objects. Such reasoning is useful for a range of everyday tasks, from assembling a piece of furniture to making a sandwich and knitting a sweater. What enables people to reason in this way even about novel objects, and how do people draw upon prior experience with an object to continually refine their understanding of how to create it? To explore these (...)
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  48. Love Among the Post-Socratics.Ulrika Carlsson - 2013 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2013 (1).
    Victor Eremita proposes that the reader understand parts I and II of Either/Or as parties in a dialogue; most readers in fact view II as a devastating reply to I. I suggest that part I be read as a reaction or follow-up to Kierkegaard’s dissertation. Much of part I presents reflective characters who are aware of their freedom but reluctant or unable to adopt the ethical life. The modern Antigone and the Silhouettes are sisters of Alcibiades—failed students of Socrates. (...)
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    I Want What She’s Having.Ryan C. Anderson & Michele K. Surbey - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (3):342-358.
    A variety of non-human females do not select male partners independently. Instead they favor males having previous associations with other females, a phenomenon known as mate copying. This paper investigates whether humans also exhibit mate copying and whether consistent positive information about a man’s mate value, and a woman’s age and self-perceived mate value (SPMV), influence her tendency to copy the mate choices of others. Female university students (N = 123) rated the desirability of photographed men pictured alone or with (...)
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    Conceptual distortions of hand structure are robust to changes in stimulus information.Klaudia B. Ambroziak, Luigi Tamè & Matthew R. Longo - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 61:107-116.
    Hands are commonly held up as an exemplar of well-known, familiar objects. However, conceptual knowledge of the hand has been found to show highly stereotyped distortions. Specifically, people judge their knuckles as farther forward in the hand than they actually are. The cause of this distal bias remains unclear. In Experiment 1, we tested whether both visual and tactile information contribute to the distortion. Participants judged the location of their knuckles by pointing to the location on their palm directly opposite (...)
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