Results for 'short-termism'

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  1. The Role of Short-Termism and Uncertainty Avoidance in Organizational Inaction on Climate Change: A Multi-Level Framework.Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee, Timo Busch, Jonatan Pinkse & Natalie Slawinski - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (2):253-282.
    Despite increasing pressure to deal with climate change, firms have been slow to respond with effective action. This article presents a multi-level framework for a better understanding of why many firms are failing to reduce their absolute greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change. The concepts of short-termism and uncertainty avoidance from research in psychology, sociology, and organization theory can explain the phenomenon of organizational inaction on climate change. Antecedents related to short-termism and uncertainty avoidance (...)
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    Managerial Short-Termism and Corporate Social Performance: The Moderating Role of External Monitoring.Stephen J. Smulowitz, Didier Cossin & Hongze Lu - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (4):759-778.
    While commentators have long decried managerial short-termism, the deleterious effects of managerial short-termism on corporate social performance (CSP), and how to ameliorate those negative effects, remain underexplored. Specifically, due to the difficulty of unobtrusively measuring what is fundamentally a cognition in managers, empirical evidence at the organizational level of managerial short-termism’s effect on CSP is relatively sparse. Here, we measure managerial short-termism by content analyzing firms’ publicly filed annual reports (10-Ks). Using a (...)
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    Global Climate Governance, Short-Termism, and the Vulnerability of Future Generations.Simon Caney - 2022 - Ethics and International Affairs 36 (2):137-155.
    : Many societies are now having to live with the impacts of climate change and are being confronted with heat waves, wildfires, droughts, and rising sea levels. Without radical action, future generations will inherit an even more degraded planet. This raises the question: How can political institutions be reformed to promote justice for future generations and to leave them an ecologically sustainable world? In this essay, I address a particular version of this question; namely: How can supra–state institutions and transnational (...)
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    Experiences of Embedding Long-Term Thinking in an Environment of Short-Termism and Sub-par Business Performance: Investing in Intangibles for Sustainable Growth.Kosheek Sewchurran, Johan Dekker & Jennifer McDonogh - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (4):997-1041.
    This paper presents a case study of the South African operation of a logistics company, operating in a context of short-termism and under-performance. Frustration with managing in this context, and concern that this environment might erode the customer value proposition, prompted an exploration of the question: “How can the business prioritise its investment in intangibles to support sustainable growth in an environment of short-termism and sub-par business performance?” The study followed an inductive grounded theory approach and (...)
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    Playing the Long Game: How to Save the West From Short-Termism.Laurie Fitzjohn-Sykes - 2015 - Imprint Academic.
    We obsess about what our politicians are doing, but ignore that our companies are no longer investing, instead they are focusing on next quarter's profits in order to justify ever higher executive compensation. This is in turn accelerating the West’s economic decline versus the East. While the short-term focus of business is becoming widely acknowledged, we are not doing enough to reverse this. Looking at the less known history of companies shows us the choices we can no longer afford (...)
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    Damaging the Future: The Health Rights of Children and the Issue of Short-Termism; Issues Facing Australian Bioethicists.Sally Dalton-Brown - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (3):440-446.
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  7. Securing Political Accountability to Future Generations with Retrospective Accountability.Tyler M. John - 2025 - In Jacob Barrett, Hilary Greaves & David Thorstad, Essays on Longtermism: Present Action for the Distant Future. Oxford University Press.
    Political short-termism costs the global economy hundreds of billions to trillions of dollars annually, and leads to many millions of deaths from disasters and suboptimal spending. In this paper, I propose a futures assembly explicitly incentivised to promote the interests of future generations as a promising strategy to ameliorate short-termism. The assembly I propose is governed by citizens randomly selected from among the populace, who are rewarded in the future to the extent that they successfully promote (...)
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  8. Intergenerational Justice and Institutions for the Long Term.Inigo Gonzalez-Ricoy - 2024 - In Klaus Goetz, The Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics. Oxford University Press USA.
    Institutions to address short-termism in public policymaking and to more suitably discharge our duties toward future generations have elicited much recent normative research, which this chapter surveys. It focuses on two prominent institutions: insulating devices, which seek to mitigate short-termist electoral pressures by transferring authority away to independent bodies, and constraining devices, which seek to bind elected officials to intergenerationally fair rules from which deviation is costly. The chapter first discusses sufficientarian, egalitarian, and prioritarian theories of our (...)
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    The future-oriented franchise: Instituting temporal electoral circles.Andre Santos Campos - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (4):499-521.
    In representative democracies, the absence of responsiveness by elected officials to the interests of the represented often generates problems of legitimacy, accountability and effectiveness. However, responsiveness also tends to narrow the time horizons of democratic decision-making and promote short-termism. This paper advances the notion that responsiveness to interests involving distant time horizons is possible by reconfiguring the franchise in a time-sensitive and future-oriented way. It is divided into two parts. The first pinpoints a few inconsistencies in the available (...)
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  10. Democratic Representation, Environmental Justice, and Future People.Matthias Fritsch - 2023 - In Sally Lamalle & Peter Stoett, Representations and Rights of the Environment. cambridge UP. pp. 310-333.
    In the context of current environmental crises, which threaten to seriously harm living conditions for future generations, liberal-capitalist democracies have been accused of inherent short-termism, that is, of favouring the currently living at the expense of mid- to long-term sustainability. I will review some of the reasons for this short-termism as well as proposals as to how best to represent future people in today’s democratic decision-making. I will then present some ideas of my own as to (...)
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  11. Institutions for Future Generations.Iñigo González-Ricoy & Axel Gosseries (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, Royaume-Uni: Oxford University Press.
    In times of climate change and public debt, a concern for intergenerational justice should lead us to have a closer look at theories of intergenerational justice. It should also press us to provide institutional design proposals to change the decision-making world that surrounds us. This book provides an exhaustive overview of the most important institutional proposals as well as a systematic and theoretical discussion of their respective features and advantages. It focuses on institutional proposals aimed at taking the interests of (...)
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    Being and Not Being: End Times of Posthumanism and the Future Undoing of Philosophy.Richard Iveson - 2023 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In an era of short-termism that has produced disastrous long-term consequences for the planet, this book returns the concept of time to a philosophical reflection on pressing concerns facing us today. The book proposes a critique of scientific determinism that demands an urgent rethinking of causality and proposes a new ethical paradigm.
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  13. Political Institutions for the Future: A Five-Fold Package.Simon Caney (ed.) - forthcoming - Oxford University Press.
    Governments are often so focused on short-term gains that they ignore the long term, thus creating extra unnecessary burdens on their citizens, and violating their responsibilities to future generations. What can be done about this? In this paper I propose a package of reforms to the ways in which policies are made by legislatures, and in which those policies are scrutinised, implemented and evaluated. The overarching aim is to enhance the accountability of the decision-making process in ways that take (...)
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    Virtue and Risk Culture in Finance.Anthony Asher & Tracy Wilcox - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (1):223-236.
    This article considers financial risk management practice using a virtue ethics lens, in response to ongoing critiques of risk management from within business ethics. Risk management should be seen as embedded within a complex system of cultures, organizations and regulations that are underpinned by a quantitatively reductive or ‘mechanistic’ economic paradigm, where dominant logics of self-interest, profit maximization and short-termism prevail. Building on recent work applying virtue ethics in finance, an alternative to the values, normative expectations and priorities (...)
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  15. The rise of sci-washing.Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Although naive analysts may hint at some unexpected benefits due to Boris Johnson's inconsistency and short-termism, which may contribute to his changing minds and supporting some shiny science projects, this is highly uncertain. Even if that slim chance becomes real, that kind of benefit is not desirable.
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    When the Generational Overlap Is the Challenge Rather Than the Solution. On Some Problematic Versions of Transgenerational Justice.Ferdinando G. Menga - 2023 - The Monist 106 (2):194-208.
    While in the realm of scholarly debate on intergenerational justice the mechanism of a transgenerational intertwinement has been often adopted as a chief conceptual device in view of overcoming ethical short-termism and legitimizing duties towards future generations, this paper aims at showing that there are good reasons for considering the opposite outcome. Drawing on three paradigmatic examples taken from three mainstream approaches in the debate—Rawls’s contractualism, Gauthier’s contractarianism, and indirect reciprocity—I will show how the grammar of presentism is (...)
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  17. Longtermist Institutional Reform.Tyler John & William MacAskill - 2021 - In Natalie Cargill & Tyler M. John, The Long View: Essays on Policy, Philanthropy, and the Long-term Future. London: FIRST.
    In all probability, future generations will outnumber us by thousands or millions to one. In the aggregate, their interests therefore matter enormously, and anything we can do to steer the future of civilization onto a better trajectory is of tremendous moral importance. This is the guiding thought that defines the philosophy of longtermism. Political science tells us that the practices of most governments are at stark odds with longtermism. But the problems of political short-termism are neither necessary nor (...)
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  18.  22
    Institutional investors as stewards of the corporation: Exploring the challenges to the monitoring hypothesis.Mila R. Ivanova - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (2):175-188.
    The study explores the challenges UK-based institutional investors face when trying to monitor investee companies and influence their social, environmental, and governance practices. Consistent with previous research, I find that misalignment of interests within the investment chain and dispersed ownership are factors which inhibit investor activism. However, other underexplored challenges include lack of investee company transparency and investor experience in activism, as well as low client demand for engagement and internal conflicts of interest. The results contribute to the literature on (...)
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    A dialogue between East and West: looking to a human revolution.Ricardo Díez-Hochleitner - 2008 - New York: I.B. Tauris. Edited by Daisaku Ikeda.
    How far do cultures affect the future of the planet? Can the debate on the environment and global warming be influenced by the cultures of East and West understanding each other better? In this consistently provocative dialogue, two of the most influential thinkers of recent times propose that only a 'human revolution' - a shift in the hearts and minds of individuals - can stimulate a revolution in humanity's relationship with the planet. Such a planetary revolution first requires a transformation (...)
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  20. Governing corporations with ‘strangers’: Earning membership through investor stewardship.Donald Nordberg - 2024 - Philosophy of Management 23 (1):85-107.
    Despite decades of theorising and empirical research, the problems of corporate governance seem intractable, particularly the relationships between investors and companies. The thought experiment in this paper asks us to look at the problem through a fresh lens. It draws on the quaint British legal custom of calling shareholders “members”, and then uses the political philosopher Michael Walzer’s idea of membership in states, clubs, neighbourhoods, and families to draw lessons for the corporate world. This paper suggests that seeing how Walzer (...)
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    Kant and the New Enlightenment: On the Balance between Duty and Utilitarian Ends.Andrey S. Zilber - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (2):40-67.
    The relation between Kant’s philosophy and the “philosophy of balance” as it is described in the report Come on! Capitalism, Short-termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet, delivered to the Club of Rome in 2018, requires some analysis. The authors of the report consider Kant to be a philosopher of European Enlightenment which laid the foundations of the modern world, but also proved to be the source of global problems. The report characterises the philosophy of the Enlightenment (...)
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    Immanuel Kant and the “New Enlightenment”. International Conference Report.Arina Startseva & Aleksandr O. Sabanov - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (1):132-145.
    The review surveys the main ideas discussed at the international scientific conference “Immanuel Kant and the ‘New Enlightenment’” hosted by the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (IKBFU) in Kaliningrad on 20-22 April 2022. It was organised by IKBFU’s research unit Academia Kantiana with the support of the Petersburg Dialogue Forum. Speakers analysed the theses of the Report to the Club of Rome, Come on! Capitalism, Short-termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet (2018), whose authors, Ernst Ulrich von (...)
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    Die Demokratie und ihre Defekte: Analysen und Reformvorschläge.Tom Mannewitz (ed.) - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Dieses Buch versucht die Leerstelle bei der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit den Defekten der Demokratie zu füllen. Zwar blüht die Demokratieforschung, doch die systemimmanenten Defekte der Demokratie genießen eine vergleichsweise geringe (wenngleich wachsende) wissenschaftliche Aufmerksamkeit. Zu diesen Problemen zählen etwa ihr „short-termism“ und die „Unbeständigkeit der Zahl“, die Neigung zur „Tyrannei der Mehrheit“ und Kompetenzmängel beim Demos wie beim Führungspersonal. Die Autoren dieses Bandes – renommierte Experten auf dem Gebiet der Demokratieforschung – greifen je einen Defekt heraus, beleuchten ihn (...)
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    Human frontiers: the future of big ideas in an age of small thinking.Michael Bhaskar - 2021 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Why has the flow of big, world-changing ideas slowed down? A provocative look at what happens next at the frontiers of human knowledge. The history of humanity is the history of big ideas that expand our frontiers—from the wheel to space flight, cave painting to the massively multiplayer game, monotheistic religion to quantum theory. And yet for the past few decades, apart from a rush of new gadgets and the explosion of digital technology, world-changing ideas have been harder to come (...)
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    Carbon Offsetting and Justice: A Kantian Response.Zachary Vereb - 2022 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 25 (3):253-257.
    ABSTRACT In ‘Should I offset or should I do more good?’, H. Orri Stefansson defends an argument that calls into question the belief that we can discharge our duties to prevent harm by carbon offsetting. Stefansson suggests that other actions, such as donations, should be preferred. This paper questions aspects of that analysis by evaluating the normative assumptions underlying it. It does so from a broadly Kantian perspective. I begin by highlighting assumptions that could benefit from elaboration and defense. These (...)
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    Reclaiming the “Cultural Mandate”: The Idea of Sustainable Development in the Kantian Perspective.Vadim A. Chaly - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (2):68-94.
    In the Club of Rome report Come on! Capitalism, Short-Termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet (2018) Kant, along with other “old” Enlighteners, is presented as the father of a world-view which led to the destabilisation of the environment in which humanity exists. The authors of the report argue that the “old Enlightenment” with its individualism, faith in the market and a consumerist attitude to nature should be scrapped. I maintain that this assessment of Kant’s philosophy is (...)
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    Perceptions of ethics in IS: how age can affect awareness.Sara Helen Wilford & Kutoma Jacqueline Wakunuma - 2014 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 12 (4):270-283.
    Purpose – This aim of this paper was to highlight the awareness of ethical issues across the group of information systems professionals from a range of geographical regions. Design/methodology/approach – An initial survey was conducted that informed in-depth interviews with 26 IS professionals from across the globe. The study identified that around 70 per cent of the sample were over 50 years old. This provided an opportunity to consider age-related differences in perception regarding ethical awareness of both current and emerging (...)
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    Ф`ючерсна освіта як відповідь на виклики миротворення та діджіталізаціі.Максим Лепський - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії:89-92.
    У наших тезах розглянемо ф’ючерсну освіту, як навчання майбутньому, грамотності відносно майбутнього, з позиції розв’язання основних протиріч майбутнього, що викликані такими суттєвими процесами як війна та миротворення, з одного боку, та діджіталізацією світу, всіх сфер життєдіяльності людей, щонайменше у розвинутих та тих, що розвиваються країнах, з іншого боку. Сучасна зміна геополітичного ландшафту світу та міжнародної системи безпеки визначена не лише втратою двохполярності світу як протистояння соціалістичної та капіталістичної систем, невдалої спроби зробити однополярний світ, а й формування багатьох регіональних напружень у (...)
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    Re-Imagining Capitalism: Building a Responsible Long-Term Model.Dominic Barton, Dezsö Horváth & Matthias Kipping (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Capitalism has been an unprecedented engine of wealth creation for many centuries, leading to sustained productivity gains and long-term growth and lifting an increasing proportion of humanity out of poverty. But its effects, and hence its future, have come increasingly under question: Is capitalism still improving wealth and well-being for the many? Or, is long-term value creation being sacrificed to the pressures of short-termism, with potentially far-reaching consequences for society, the natural environment, prosperity, and global order? Building on (...)
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    Why Democrats Should Be Committed to Future Generations.Matthias Fritsch - 2023 - Dialogue 62 (3):459-474.
    In response to the claim that democracies are inherently short-termist, this article argues for a new way to understand them as being committed to future generations. If taking turns among rulers and ruled is a normative idea inherent to the concept of democracy, then such turn-taking commits democrats to a fair turn with future generations.
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    Morals, Markets and Sustainable Investments: A Qualitative Study of ‘Champions’.Alan Lewis & Carmen Juravle - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (3):483-494.
    Sustainable investment, which integrates social, environmental and ethical issues, has grown from a niche market of individual ethical investors to embrace institutional investors resulting in £764 billion in assets under management in the UK alone [Eurosif, 2008: ‘European SRI Study 2008’ ]. Explaining this growth is complex, involving shifts in personal and collective values, reactions to corporate scandals, scientific and media pronouncements about climate change, Government initiatives, responses from financial markets and the influence of SI innovators in The City of (...)
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  32. Empowering Future People by Empowering the Young?Tyler M. John - 2023 - In Greg Bognar & Axel Gosseries, Ageing Without Ageism: Conceptual Puzzles and Policy Proposals. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter starts from the claim that the state is plagued with problems of political short-termism: excessive priority given to near-term benefits at the expense of benefits further in thefuture. One possible mechanism to reduce short-termism involves apportioning greater relative political influence to the young, since younger citizens generally have greater additional life expectancy than older citizens and thus it looks reasonable to expect that they have preferences that are extended further into the future. But the (...)
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    Climate Change and Democracy.Matthias Fritsch - 2023 - In Gianfranco Pellegrino & Marcello Di Paola, Handbook of the Philosophy of Climate Change. Springer. pp. 1001-1026.
    This chapter offers an overview of the serious challenges with which democracies must contend in the face of increasing climate destabilization and menacing environmental breakdown. After a brief introduction, the second section will discuss various accounts of what democracyDemocracy is or should be, from liberal and republican to deliberative and radical, and briefly indicate which difficulties these accounts face. The third section diagnoses democracy’s climate-related weaknesses. As a global and long-term intergenerational problem that is connected to deeply entrenched economic fossil (...)
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    The Narrative of Our Home: Ecology, Philosophy and the Power of Places.Stoyan Stavru - 2023 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 32 (4):355-372.
    The article compares Pope Francis's encyclical “LAUDATO SI” (2015) and the report by the Club of Rome, “”ome On!: Capitalism, Short-termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet” (2018), in how they harness the narrative potential of the concept of home. Both with overtly religious and entirely secular arguments, the narrative of our common home is presented as a possible alternative to the prevailing narrative of growth today. The metaphor of home possesses not only conceptual but also generative (...)
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    Does Traditional Debt Financing Hurt the Environment? Evidence from Toxic Releases.Xiaoyi Lyu, Chenyu Shan & Dragon Yongjun Tang - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-29.
    The sources of financing for a firm can influence its environmental ethics. This study shows that traditional debt financing is associated with more pollution. Specifically, after issuing debt, firms tend to increase not only their total pollution level but also their pollution intensity. The debt‒pollution link cannot be fully explained by the production effect. This effect is more pronounced when the firm borrows for short-term purposes, has managerial short-termism, or has more risk-taking behavior. The environmental awareness of (...)
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    Leaving a Legacy for my Children: The One-Child Policy Reform and Engagement in CSR Among Family Firms in China.Douglas Cumming, Jun Hu & Huiying Wu - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (3):611-632.
    The reform of China’s one-child policy allows families to have more children and thus may affect anticipation of intergenerational succession of family businesses and drive family firms to improve their corporate social responsibility (CSR). Using a difference-in-differences design, we find that the reform positively affects the CSR of family firms. We also find that the positive impact is more pronounced for family firms whose owners have fewer children, have no son, and have not yet surpassed reproductive age (older than 50), (...)
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  37. Restoring trustworthiness in the financial system: Norms, behaviour and governance.Aisling Crean, Natalie Gold, David Vines & Annie Williamson - 2018 - Journal of the British Academy 6 (S1):131-155.
    Abstract: We examine how trustworthy behaviour can be achieved in the financial sector. The task is to ensure that firms are motivated to pursue long-term interests of customers rather than pursuing short-term profits. Firms’ self-interested pursuit of reputation, combined with regulation, is often not sufficient to ensure that this happens. We argue that trustworthy behaviour requires that at least some actors show a concern for the wellbeing of clients, or a respect for imposed standards, and that the behaviour of (...)
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  38. The Philosophical Underpinnings of Western HRM Theory.Yuan Li - 2012 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 7 (2):317-346.
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    Do deviations from shareholder democracy harm sustainability An empirical analysis of multiple voting shares in Europe.Marco Fasan, Elise Soerger Zaro, Cláudio Soerger Zaro, Cesare Schiavon & Ernesto-Marco Bagarotto - 2023 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 17 (2):111.
    This paper builds on previous literature on corporate governance and sustainability by studying the relation between the adoption of multiple voting shares (MVS) and environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. More specifically, it hypothesises that controlled companies with MVS have lower sustainability performance than controlled companies without MVS because of different shareholders incentives. We rely on a proprietary dataset that includes 1,940 firm-year observations from 11 European countries, between 2016 and 2018 and we conduct multivariate analyses. To account for endogeneity (...)
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    Time for politics: How a conceptual history of forests can help us politicize the long term.Julia Nordblad - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (1):164-182.
    In a recent scholarly debate, the Anthropocene concept has been criticized for diverting attention from the political aspects of contemporary environmental crises, not least by way of the long timescales it implies. This article therefore takes on the matter of long-termism as an historical and political phenomenon, by applying a conceptual historical perspective. Examples are drawn from historical studies of forest politics. It is argued that conceptions of the long term, as in all concepts in political language, are historical (...)
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    Peirce's Theory of Signs.T. L. Short - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, T. L. Short corrects widespread misconceptions of Peirce's theory of signs and demonstrates its relevance to contemporary analytic philosophy of language, mind and science. Peirce's theory of mind, naturalistic but nonreductive, bears on debates of Fodor and Millikan, among others. His theory of inquiry avoids foundationalism and subjectivism, while his account of reference anticipated views of Kripke and Putnam. Peirce's realism falls between 'internal' and 'metaphysical' realism and is more satisfactory than either. His pragmatism is not (...)
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  42. Arthur James Balfour as Philosopher and Thinker, Passages Selected by W.M. Short.Arthur James Balfour & Wilfrid M. Short - 1912
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    Charles Peirce and Modern Science.T. L. Short - 2022 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, T. L. Short places the notorious difficulties of Peirce's important writings in a more productive light, arguing that he wrote philosophy as a scientist, by framing conjectures intended to be refined or superseded in the inquiries they initiate. He argues also that Peirce held that the methods and metaphysics of modern science are amended as inquiry progresses, making metaphysics a branch of empirical knowledge. Additionally, Short shows that Peirce's scientific work expanded empiricism on empirical grounds, (...)
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    9 The Development of Peirce's Theory of Signs.T. L. Short - 2004 - In Cheryl Misak, The Cambridge companion to Peirce. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 214.
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    Prejudice, power and racism: Some reflections on the anti-racist critique of multi-cultural education.Geoffrey Short - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 25 (1):5–16.
    Geoffrey Short; Prejudice, Power and Racism: some reflections on the anti-racist critique of multi-cultural education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volum.
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    Semeiosis and Intentionality.T. L. Short - 1981 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 17 (3):197 - 223.
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    On an obligatory nothing situating the political in post-metaphysical community.Jonathan Short - 2013 - Angelaki 18 (3):139-154.
    This essay contends that while Nancy and Esposito have strikingly similar concepts of the place of the political in post-metaphysical community, their respective articulations of these concepts noticeably diverge. Because of his commitment to excavating the political project of immunity as central to the Western political tradition in and through the category of the legal person, Esposito announces community as impolitical, as the interruptive spacing, and thus alternating displacement, of the political conceived as the site of emancipatory agency. In contrast, (...)
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    Interpreting Peirce's Interpretant: A Response To Lalor, Liszka, and Meyers.T. L. Short - 1996 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 32 (4):488 - 541.
  49. Did Peirce Have a Cosmology?T. L. Short - 2010 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 46 (4):521-543.
    W. B. Gallie's words about Peirce's cosmology—"the black sheep or white elephant of his philosophical progeny" (1952, p. 216)—have often been quoted, usually as a preface to giving a better account of the animal. That he attributed the view to 'contemporary philosophers' and did not assert it himself has usually been ignored. True, Gallie did argue that the "cosmology is a failure, and an inevitable failure" (p. 236), but he also said that Peirce himself "recognized … that his work in (...)
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    Teleology in Nature.T. L. Short - 1983 - American Philosophical Quarterly 20 (4):311 - 320.
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