Results for 'self‐governing schools'

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  1.  29
    A 'Third Way' Towards Self-Governing Schools?: New Labour and Opting Out.Lesley Anderson - 2001 - British Journal of Educational Studies 49 (1):56-70.
    This paper takes as its starting point the special provision made for grant maintained schools through the 1998 School Standards and Framework Act and suggests that the compromise it represented may be considered as an example of New Labour's Third Way in politics. The latter is discussed in terms of general and educational policies with specific regard to the characteristics of self-governing schools.
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    Liberalism, Radicalism, and Self-Governing Schools.Ronald Swartz - 1978 - Educational Studies 9 (1):11-23.
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    Performance Government: Activating and regulating the self-governing capacities of teachers and school leaders.Peter C. O’Brien - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (8):833-847.
    This article analyses ‘performance government’ as an emergent form of rule in advanced liberal democracies. It discloses how teachers and school leaders in Australia are being governed by the practices of performance government which centre on the recently established Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) and are given direction by two major strategies implicit within the exercise of this form of power: activation and regulation. Through an ‘analytics of government’ of these practices, the article unravels the new configurations (...)
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    Public Entrepreneurship, Citizenship, and Self-Governance.Paul Dragos Aligica - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book Paul Dragos Aligica revisits the theory of political self-governance in the context of recent developments in behavioral economics and political philosophy that have challenged the foundations of this theory. Building on the work of the 'Bloomington School' created by Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom and Public Choice political economy co-founder Vincent Ostrom, Aligica presents a fresh conceptualization of the key processes at the core of democratic-liberal governance systems involving civic competence and public entrepreneurship. The result is not only (...)
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    Political Theories of Modern Government : Its Role and Reform.Peter Self - 2009 - Routledge.
    This reissued work, originally published in 1985, is a uniquely broad and original survey of theories and beliefs about the growth, behaviour, performance and reform of the governments of modern Western democracies. After analysing the external pressures which have shaped modern governments, the author examines four different schools of political thought which seek to explain the behaviour and performance of governments, and which offer different remedies for the pluralism, corporatism and bureaucracy. To examine and test these general theories, the (...)
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    Burnout Among Primary Government School Teachers: The Mediating Role of Work– Family Conflict.Arjun Chakravorty & Pankaj Singh - 2021 - Journal of Human Values 27 (2):126-140.
    Although the impact of job demands and work–family conflict (WFC) on burnout has been extensively discussed and analysed in the past literature, the role of WFC as a generative mechanism has been neglected. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the mediating effects of WFC between job demands and burnout. The studied sample consisted of 713 Indian primary school government teachers who completed a self-report questionnaire assessing job demands, WFC and burnout. The results confirmed that WFC partially mediates (...)
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    School Education as Social and Economic Governance: Responsibilising communities through industry-school engagement.Cushla Kapitzke & H. A. Y. Stephen - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (10):1103-1118.
    This article examines shifts in educational and social governance taking place in Queensland, Australia, through Education Queensland's Industry School Engagement Strategy and Gateway Schools program. This significant educational initiative is set within the context of Queensland's social investment agenda first articulated in its education policy framework, Queensland State Education-2010. The article traces the historic extension of this overarching governmental strategy through establishment of the Gateway Schools concept, brokering state-wide industry-school partnerships with key global players in the Queensland economy. (...)
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    School Education as Social and Economic Governance: Responsibilising communities through industry‐school engagement.Cushla Kapitzke & Stephen Hay - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (10):1103-1118.
    This article examines shifts in educational and social governance taking place in Queensland, Australia, through Education Queensland's Industry School Engagement Strategy and Gateway Schools program. This significant educational initiative is set within the context of Queensland's social investment agenda first articulated in its education policy framework, Queensland State Education‐2010. The article traces the historic extension of this overarching governmental strategy through establishment of the Gateway Schools concept, brokering state‐wide industry‐school partnerships with key global players in the Queensland economy. (...)
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    Practical Ethics: Being Lectures and Papers on Natural Religion, Self-government, Natural Jurisprudence, and the Law of Nations.Thomas Reid - 1990
    As the originator of the Scottish school of "common sense" philosophy and the foremost contemporary critic of David Hume's moral skepticism, Thomas Reid (1710-1796) played a hitherto unknown role in applying the tradition of natural law to morality and politics. When Reid succeeded Adam Smith as professor of moral philosophy in Glasgow in 1764, he taught a course covering pneumatology (theory of mind), practical ethics, and politics. In presenting for the first time the philosopher's manuscript lectures and papers on practical (...)
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    The adaptive professional: Teachers, school leaders and ethical-governmental practices of (self-) formation.Peter C. O’Brien - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (3):229-243.
    This article analyses the relations that teachers and school leaders establish with themselves and with others—especially those who would seek to govern them—through the professional and personal–professional activities that increasingly accompany pedagogical and administrative practice today. Specifically, the article seeks to analyse the conditions under which such ‘ethical-governmental’ relations have become possible and to clarify the lines of power, truth and ethics that are in play within them. In this way, it is argued, their intelligibility may be recovered; their contingencies (...)
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  11.  23
    Teacher Evaluation of a Self-Directed Career Guidance Intervention for South African Secondary School Learners Amidst Severe COVID-19 Restrictions.Izanette van Schalkwyk, Chantel Streicher, Anthony V. Naidoo, Stephan Rabie, Michelle Jäckel-Visser & Francois van den Berg - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The South African government’s COVID-19 pandemic risk mitigation strategies significantly limited social contact, which necessitated a novel approach to existing face-to-face career guidance practices. The Grade 9 Career Guidance Project, originally developed as a group-based career development intervention, required radical adaptation into a self-directed, manualized format to offer career guidance to Grade 9 learners from low-income communities amid a global pandemic. The adaptation and continuation of the project was deemed essential as secondary school learners in low-income communities have limited career (...)
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    Accountability and School Inspection: In Defence of Audited Self-Review.Andrew Davis & John White - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 35 (4):667-681.
    Accountability involves not only schools answering to society, but parents and governments doing the same. In particular, governments should answer for the appropriateness of the educational aims they seek to promote. Making schools accountable to society through examination results is fundamentally flawed. Teachers must be able to account for how the specifics of their job relate to wider educational and social aims. The best approach to holding schools to account through external inspection is that of ‘audited self (...)
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  13. Democratic education: Aligning curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and school governance.Gilbert Burgh - 2003 - In Philip Cam (ed.), Philosophy, democracy and education. pp. 101–120.
    Matthew Lipman claims that the community of inquiry is an exemplar of democracy in action. To many proponents the community of inquiry is considered invaluable for achieving desirable social and political ends through education for democracy. But what sort of democracy should we be educating for? In this paper I outline three models of democracy: the liberal model, which emphasises rights and duties, and draws upon pre-political assumptions about freedom; communitarianism, which focuses on identity and participation in the creation of (...)
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    Plotinus on Self: The Philosophy of the 'We'.Pauliina Remes - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Plotinus, the founder of the Neoplatonic school of philosophy, conceptualises two different notions of self : the corporeal and the rational. Personality and imperfection mark the former, while goodness and a striving for understanding mark the latter. In this text, Dr Remes grounds the two selfhoods in deep-seated Platonic ontological commitments, following their manifestations, interrelations and sometimes uneasy coexistence in philosophical psychology, emotional therapy and ethics. Plotinus' interest lies in what it means for a human being to be a temporal (...)
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    Teamwork in israeli arab-bedouin school-based management.Omar Mizel - 2009 - British Journal of Educational Studies 57 (3):305-327.
    Throughout the western world a leading example of the educational reforms that have been implemented in the late twentieth and twenty-first century is School-Based Management (SBM), a system designed to improve educational outcome through staff teamwork and self-governance. This research set out to examine the efficacy of teamwork in ten SBM-designated Arab-Bedouin elementary schools in Israel. Two explicit issues were examined: (1) What impact did SBM have on the development of teamwork among the schools' staff? (2) Does the (...)
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    Schooling, Community of Philosophical Inquiry and a New Sensibility.David K. Kennedy - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-21.
    This paper seeks to reconstruct the role of schooling in a moment of accelerated social, political, economic, geo-political, climatic, indeed planetary crisis. It identifies the school as a potentially prefigurative institution, an evolutionary social frontier, capable of nurturing the democratic social character, a form of sensibility apart from which authentic political democracy is not possible. As theorized by Herbert Marcuse and Richard Hart and Antonio Negri, the “new sensibility” or “multitude” is characterized by greater psychological freedom, individuality, social creativity and (...)
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    Order as Resilience-Governance of Sameness and Diversity.Trine Flockhart - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (2):140-151.
    One of the problems with the problem of world order is that what makes for order within societies is often precisely what makes for disorderly relations between them. I argue in this short essay that many of the problems with the problem of world order arise from assumptions that are widely shared within a discipline where the language of power and interest dominates and where a view of states as “like units” permeates. With more emphasis on values and visions of (...)
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  18.  29
    Autonomy and Schooling.Eamonn Callan - 1989 - British Journal of Educational Studies 37 (3):297-299.
  19.  7
    From Socrates to Summerhill and beyond: towards a philosophy of education for personal responsibility.Ronald M. Swartz - 2016 - Charlotte, NC: Iap, Information Age Publishing.
    A volume in Landscapes of Education. In From Socrates to Summerhill and Beyond: Towards a Philosophy of Education for Personal Responsibility, Ronald Swartz offers an evolving development of fallible, liberal democratic, self-governing educational philosophies. He suggests that educators can benefit from having dialogues about questions such as these: 1). Are there some authorities that can be consistently relied upon to tell school members what they should do and learn while they are in school? 2.) How should the imagination of social (...)
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    Mess is more: Radical democracy and self-realisation in late-modern societies.Norbert Ebert - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 151 (1):82-95.
    The following discussion highlights the sociological relevance of Maria Márkus’s work for the Budapest School’s concept of ‘radical democracy’. A brief historical sketch exhibits how the concept has emerged. It is in particular the ‘messy’ social conditions for equal and free forms of self-realisation in civil society that underpin radical democracy which are central in Maria Márkus’s critique of the neoliberal state, identity formation and a gendered achievement principle. Her approach, I argue, can be advanced as a prism for the (...)
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    Pupil mobility in schools and implications for raising achievement.Feyisa Demie, Kirstin Lewis & Anne Taplin - 2005 - Educational Studies 31 (2):131-147.
    This paper examines the causes of pupil mobility and good practice in schools to address mobility issues. Pupil mobility is defined as ?a child joining or leaving school at a point other than the normal age at which children start or finish their education at that school?. The first part draws upon evidence of a survey, which explores the views of headteachers on the nature and causes of pupil mobility in schools and the priority they give to addressing (...)
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    The Roots of the Global Financial Crisis Are in Our Business Schools.Robert A. Giacalone & Donald T. Wargo - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 6:147-168.
    In discussing the $1 trillion bailout of the U.S. Financial Institutions, virtually every Member of Congress and almost every government official—including Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and President Obama—has blamed the crisis on the “greed and irresponsibility of Wall Street”. Almost all of the financial executives involved in the crisis, from CEOs to middle managers, are products of our business schools. Additionally, there is a high correlation between the recentunethical behavior of a number of multinational corporations and the number of (...)
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  23.  16
    The Phenomenon of Man in Contemporary Russian Philosophy: The Summary of the International Scientific Conference “Moscow Anthropological School: New Ideas in Philosophy”.Ксения Николаевна Холоднова - 2023 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 66 (2):117-132.
    On March 25, 2023, the Faculty of Philosophy at Lomonov Moscow State University hosted the “Moscow Anthropological School: New Ideas in Philosophy” International Scientific Conference. The event was held in honor of Professor Fyodor Ivanovich Girenok’s jubilee. The conference welcomed speakers from Russia, Belarus, France, and the United Kingdom, along with attendees from various universities, cultural, government, and business institutions both within Russia and internationally. The conference delved into the fundamental issues of philosophical anthropology, highlighted contemporary strategies for understanding humanity, (...)
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    Impact of perception reduction of employment opportunities on employment pressure of college students under COVID-19 epidemic–joint moderating effects of employment policy support and job-searching self-efficacy.Shiyuan Yang, Jinxiu Yang, Longhua Yue, Jingfei Xu, Xingyu Liu, Wei Li, Hao Cheng & Guorong He - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Based on the stress interaction theory, this research constructed a model to study the joint moderating effects of the perception reduction of employment opportunities under the COVID-19 epidemic on the employment pressure of college students. With two moderating variables introduced, employment policy support and job-searching self-efficacy, this research studied the mechanism and boundary conditions of perception reduction of employment opportunities on employment pressure of college students from both individual and environmental aspects. The study found that during the epidemic if college (...)
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    They Who Burned Themselves for Peace: Quaker and Buddhist Self-Immolators during the Vietnam War.Sallie B. King - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):127-150.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 127-150 [Access article in PDF] They Who Burned Themselves for Peace: Quaker and Buddhist Self-Immolators during the Vietnam War Sallie B. KingJames Madison UniversityNhat Chi Mai was a lay disciple of Thich Nhat Hanh and member of the Order of Interbeing, an Engaged Buddhist order founded by Nhat Hanh. On May 16, 1967, Vesak, the celebration of the birth of the Buddha, she burned herself (...)
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    The right to dissent and its implications for schooling.Sarah M. Stitzlein - 2012 - Educational Theory 62 (1):41-58.
    In this article Sarah Stitzlein highlights an educational right that has been largely unacknowledged in the past but has recently gained significance given renewed citizen participation in displays of public outcry on our streets and in our town halls. Dissent is typically conceived of as a negative right—a liberty that guarantees that the government will not interfere with one's public self-expression. Stitzlein argues that, insofar as the legitimacy of the state depends on obtaining the consent of the governed, the state (...)
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  27.  85
    Just patriotism?Stephen Macedo - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (4):413-423.
    Patriotism is subject to searing moral criticism, but is it necessarily a vice? The article offers a conditional defense of patriotism. It acknowledges that even at its best, patriotism is a dangerous virtue and prone to abuse. Nevertheless, we ought to acknowledge the truth that a just patriotism is possible, and we should seek to specify and bring about its conditions. Just as it is permissible to form deep attachments to imperfect others, so, too, it is not always wrong to (...)
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  28.  97
    On self-governance over time.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (9):901-912.
    ABSTRACT In Planning, Time, and Self-Governanace, Bratman argues that the notion of self-governance plays an important role in grounding the rational principles such as means-ends coherence in the synchronic case, and principles of stability and coherence through time in the case of self-governance over time. In this paper, I grant Bratman’s claim for the synchronic case, however I argue that it is not clear that one can extend the reasoning to the diachronic case. More specifically, I raise a number of (...)
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    Teaching to the Test.Chad William Timm - 2013 - In Kevin S. Decker (ed.), Ender's Game and Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 41–52.
    To successfully transform Ender Wiggin from a bright six‐year‐old child into the most effective military strategist and space commander the world had ever known, teachers at the Battle School needed to teach him to discipline himself to think and behave like a soldier. In Ender's Game the International Fleet's Battle School subjected children to a rigorous and grueling educational program. This put the Battle School's administrators and teachers in an incredibly powerful position: they had the unilateral power to determine what (...)
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    Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to a Global Legal Community (review).Paul Hendrickson - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (4):343-346.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to a Global Legal CommunityPaul HendricksonThe University of South Carolina. Hauke Brunkhorst. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2005. Pp. xxv + 262. $42.50, hardcover.Public appeals to solidarity have been pervasive throughout the storied history of political dissent and democratic politics. From the French Revolution and the European revolutions of 1848 to decolonization, Polish Solidarność, and the antiglobalization movement, solidarity has been invoked as a means of (...)
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    A Critique of Some Anglo-American Models of Collective Moral Agency in Business.David Ardagh - 2013 - Philosophy of Management 12 (3):5-25.
    The paper completes a trilogy of papers, under the title: “A Quasi-Personal Alternative to Some Anglo-American Pluralist Models of Organisations: Towards an Analysis of Corporate Self-Governance for Virtuous Organisations”. The first two papers of the three are published in Philosophy of Management, Volumes 10,3 and 11,2. This last paper argues that three dominant Anglo-American organisational theories which see themselves as “business ethics-friendly,” are less so than they seem. It will be argued they present obstacles to collective corporate moral agency. They (...)
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  32.  14
    Основні вектори розробки та реалізації освітньої політики в контексті реформи децентралізації в україні.Д. І Дзвінчук - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 72:125-136.
    The article deals with the peculiarities of the development and implementation of educational policy in the context of the decentralization reform in Ukraine. The main purpose of the article is to identify the main directions and difficulties of the development and implementation of educational policy in the context of the decentralization reform in Ukraine. The objectives of the article are to summarize the data of the problem under study and to distinguish the specifics of educational changes. The methodological basis for (...)
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    Local self-government bodies in the process of municipal reform: trends and patterns of development.М. Р Зазулина - 2024 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 21 (3):88-105.
    The article is devoted to the study of the development patterns of the local government system in the Russian Federation. The submission to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the draft Federal Law «On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the unified system of public authority» in December 2021 means the preparation of a new stage of municipal reform and makes it relevant to study long-term changes in the institutional organization of local self-government. The (...)
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  34. Self-governance and cooperation.Liam Murphy - 2001 - Philosophical Review 110 (4):609-611.
    Self-Governance and Cooperation offers solutions to two fundamental problems in moral philosophy, one concerning the nature and requirements of morality and the other the nature and requirements of practical reason. Robert Myers’s achievement is not just that his solutions are original and plausible, but that his arguments acknowledge and demonstrate the need to approach the problems as an inseparable pair. Philosophical tradition tells us that questions about the content of morality cannot be answered in isolation from questions about its rational (...)
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  35. Democratic Public Discourse in the Coming Autarchic Communities.Gheorghe-Ilie Farte - 2010 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 2 (2):386-409.
    The main purpose of this article is to tackle the problem of living together – as dignified human beings – in a certain territory in the field of social philosophy, on the theoretical grounding ensured by some remarkable exponents of the Austrian School − and by means of the praxeologic method. Because political tools diminish the human nature not only of those who use them, but also of those who undergo their effects, people can live a life worthy of a (...)
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    Local self-government in the Russian Federation: the trajectory of conceptual development.М. Р Зазулина - 2023 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 21 (2):58-70.
    The article is devoted to the changes in the conceptual understanding of the institution of local self-government that has been taking place in the last three decades. The submission to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the Draft Federal Law «On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the unified system of public authority», which took place at the end of 2021, allows analyzing the trajectory of the development of the institute of local self-government in (...)
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  37. “Upbuilding Examples” for Adults Close to Children.Stein M. Wivestad - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (5):515-532.
    Both in formal situations (as school teachers, football trainers, etc.) and in many, often unpredictable informal situations (both inside and outside institutions)—adults come close to children. Whether we intend it or not, we continually give them examples of what it is to live as a human being, and thereby we have a pedagogical responsibility. I sketch what it could mean to let ourselves “be built up”, in a Kierkegaardian sense, on the foundation of unconditional love, presupposing that this love is (...)
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  38. Outsourcing self‐government.Mikhail Valdman - 2010 - Ethics 120 (4):761-790.
    I argue against the view that there is intrinsic value in making one's own decisions about the direction and shape of one's life.
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    Evoluční etika Franse de Waala a její filozofické reflexe.Filip Jaroš & Adéla Šrůtková - 2017 - Filosofie Dnes 9 (1):52-70.
    Článek představuje teorii původu lidské morálky od Franse de Waala a zhodnocuje přínos filozofických komentářů od Christine M. Korsgaardové a Mary Midgleyové z hlediska oboru evoluční etiky. Základní struktura de Waalova přístupu je v souladu se sentimentalistickou teorií morálky, která určuje soucítění jako bazální morální cit. V interpretaci vlivné neodarwinistické genocentrické školy dále hraje zásadní roli altruismus. Stoupenci tohoto směru (R. Dawkins, G. C. Williams) nicméně obhajují rozdělení krutého světa přírody a etického světa lidské kultury; distinkce byla Fransem de Waalem (...)
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    Your Post has Been Removed: Tech Giants and Freedom of Speech.Frederik Stjernfelt & Anne Mette Lauritzen - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access monograph argues established democratic norms for freedom of expression should be implemented on the internet. Moderating policies of tech companies as Facebook, Twitter and Google have resulted in posts being removed on an industrial scale. While this moderation is often encouraged by governments - on the pretext that terrorism, bullying, pornography, “hate speech” and “fake news” will slowly disappear from the internet - it enables tech companies to censure our society. It is the social media companies who (...)
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    A Self-governing Society 20 Years After: Democracy And The Third Sector In Poland.Jacek Kurczewski & Joanna Kurczewska - 2001 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 68.
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    Equality, Self-Government, and Disenfranchising Kids: A Reply to Yaffe.Michael Cholbi - 2020 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 2020 (2):281-297.
    Gideon Yaffe has recently argued that children should be subject to lower standards of criminal liability because, unlike adults, they ought to be disenfranchised. Because of their disenfranchisement, they lack the legal reasons enfranchised adults have to comply with the law. Here I critically consider Yaffe’s argument for such disenfranchisement, which holds that disenfranchisement balances children’s interest in self-government with adults’ interest in having an equal say over lawmaking. I argue that Yaffe does not succeed in showing that these two (...)
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    Self-governance and cooperation.R. Young - 2001 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 79 (2):300 – 301.
    Book Information Self-Governance and Cooperation. By Robert H. Myers. Oxford University Press. Oxford. 1999. Pp. vi + 179. Hardback, £30.00.
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    Self-Governance & Cooperation.Ishtiyaque Haji - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 66 (2):498-501.
    In chapter 2, Myers introduces the conception of morality as a cooperative undertaking to promote the overall good on terms fair to everyone involved. Fair promotion of the overall good, he argues, requires impartial beneficence to be restrained by prerogatives and restrictions. The rationale for prerogatives turns, ultimately, on the premise that promoting the overall good fairly must account for the fact that we inevitably have values other than our concern for impartial beneficence. It would be unfair, because too demanding, (...)
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    Democratic self-government and the algocratic shortcut: the democratic harms in algorithmic governance of society.Nardine Alnemr - 2024 - Contemporary Political Theory 23 (2):205-227.
    Algorithms are used to calculate and govern varying aspects of public life for efficient use of the vast data available about citizens. Assuming that algorithms are neutral and efficient in data-based decision making, algorithms are used in areas such as criminal justice and welfare. This has ramifications on the ideal of democratic self-government as algorithmic decisions are made without democratic deliberation, scrutiny or justification. In the book _Democracy without Shortcuts_, Cristina Lafont argued against “shortcutting” democratic self-government. Lafont’s critique of shortcuts (...)
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  46. Intention, practical rationality, and self‐governance.Michael Bratman - 2009 - Ethics 119 (3):411-443.
    Explores the difficult problems that arise from efforts to understand the characteristic norms of practical rationality involved in planning agency. It is noted that "cognitivists" tend to view these rationality norms as norms of theoretical rationality while others see the notion that these rationality norms have a distinctive normative force as a "myth." The focus is on finding a middle path that emphasizes links between practical reason, planning structures, & the metaphysics of self-governance. The reason planning agents conform to norms (...)
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  47. Dyskusja redakcyjna. Polityka senioralna w Polsce.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2018 - Studia Z Polityki Publicznej 4:97--143.
    Poniższa dyskusja odbyła siȩ we wrześniu 2018 w Szkole Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie. Skupiła zarówno badaczy problematyki polityki senioralnej, ekspertów, analityków. Dyskusjȩ moderował i zaplanował Andrzej Klimczuk, zwi¸a}zany z SGH, natomiast zaproszenie do dyskusji przyjȩli: Barbara Szatur-Jaworska, polityk społeczny i gerontolog z Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Paweł Kubicki, ekonomista, SGH, Marek Niezabitowski, socjolog z Politechniki Śl¸a}skiej, Ryszard Majer, polityk społeczny, Agnieszka Cieśla, architektka i urbanistka, Politechnika Warszawska, Marzena Rudnicka, fundatorka oraz prezeska Krajowego Instytutu Gospodarki Senioralnej. Paneliści podczas dyskusji analizowali nastȩpuj¸a}ce zagadnienia: I. (...)
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    Rethinking Subjectification: On the Limits of Biesta's Educational Theory.Andrew Thompson - 2024 - Educational Theory 74 (3):371-388.
    In this article, Andrew Thompson explores the tension between Gert Biesta's concept of educational purpose and education's historical function. For Biesta, the purpose of education consists of three overlapping spheres: qualification, socialization, and subjectification. While scholars have devoted a great deal of attention to Biesta's notion of subjectification, there is not enough consideration of his treatment of socialization and its limits on human freedom. Here, Thompson examines the historical role of socialization as it relates to the cultivation of self-reflecting and (...)
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    Nomad self-governance and disaffected power versus semiological state apparatus of capture: The case of Roma Pentecostalism.Cerasela Voiculescu - 2017 - Critical Research on Religion 5 (2):188-208.
    Inspired by Deleuze and Guattari, the article discusses Roma Pentecostalism as nomad self-governance or self-ministry and political affirmation, in a dialectical conversation with stable apparatuses of power such as state and transnational polities advancing a neoliberal program of social integration as semiological apparatus of capture. The latter is upheld by expert social sciences as royal sciences, which translate alternative forms of self-governance into the conceptual apparatus of the state and transnational polities. On the other hand, Pentecostal self-ministry works as disaffected (...)
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  50. Self-governance solutions to social dilemmas : a polycentric approach.Vlad Tarko - 2024 - In David Thunder & Pablo Paniagua Prieto (eds.), Polycentric governance and the good society: a normative and philosophical investigation. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington.
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